Amateur performances for the day of defenders of the fatherland. Concert program dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day. "Dedicated to the Defenders of the Motherland"

Scenario of the concert "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Date: 22.02.2019

Venue: structural unit No. 2

Time: 11.30 am

Participants: college students

Spectators: college students 1 - 3 course, teachers.

At the entrance of the studio. council distributes postcards to male teachers and staff

Screen: splash 1 "Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!"

Fanfare # 1

leading: Good afternoon, dear teachers!

leading: Good afternoon, dear students!

leading: We are delighted to welcome everyone to this room.

Leading : Today, one of the main public holidays - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This day is traditionally considered professional holiday military personnel. However, this is not quite true.

Leading: After all, the real name of the holiday is Defender of the Fatherland Day. And such is every man in our country, regardless of his profession and age. Is it possible to imagine our life without real men - kind, wise and courageous.

leading: Alexey Volkov, Director of the Bor Provincial College, is invited to the stage for a welcoming speech

Fanfare # 2

(Words by A.P. Volkov)

Screen saver # 2

Reader 1 : No matter how great the homeland is,
remember where you were born and grew up,
how the native river flowed, meandering
past gentle, quiet birches.

Reader 2 : We are loyal people of the state of the people,
Our will is firm and our step is firm.
We are a Russian title - this is worthy,
And we are always proud of this in life!

Reader 3: You gave birth to me Russia.
You gave birth to me for life.
And I swear to you Fatherland.
Always ready to serve you.

Reader 4: I am ready to serve you for your happiness.
I am ready to serve you as a son.
So that you do not know bad weather.
And every day was happy.

Screen saver 1

Leading: February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Each of us in the family has worn, is wearing or is preparing to wear shoulder straps. Celebrating this holiday and being proud of it, we express our respect to the heroes of the country, the defenders of our Motherland at all times.

leading : after graduation, our guys will go to fulfill their military duty in the ranks of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and in the future will become real defenders of the Fatherland.

Song of the Embakhtov "Youth in boots"

(On the screen, a video clip of the Russian army)

On the screen, a photo of male workers in the words of the leader

Leading: Bor Provincial College is proud of its male team, because it brought together real men, experienced teachers and masters of their craft.

Leading: We are glad that the image of the protector is associated with every man who works in our college. Many of them have completed military service and faithfully serve the common cause, protecting and enhancing their professional achievements, passing on their professional experience to our students.

Lead 1

Let there be new achievements
Victories, true friends,
And the course is on achievements!
Happy February 23rd!

Always be proud of your work
And surround your loved ones with care
Strive to reach your goal
And be the first to do what you love!

Lead 2

We always want to be on top
And winning in everything is easy, impromptu!
At every latitude and longitude -
Only new plans! New horizons!

Sounds # 3 Bravo "Love, Girls"
(Bazurina Anastasia with the song "Love, Girls")

On-screen video "_______"

Leading: Three girls under the window Dreaming in the evening ...

Screen saver # 3

1st Maid: Hurry to get married, I'm tired of girls straight!
2nd Maid: Only for just anyone I would not go out!
3rd Maid: I'd go for a businessman, Like a stone wall! Mom used to love the son-in-law, But where can I get this?
1st Maid: Well, I certainly would have Married a sailor! And while he was swimming in the sea, I would have lived without grief!
2nd Maid: There are no sailors today, It's just a rarity! That would be to marry the military - Strong, extraordinary! I would be happy With a guy strong as a rock.
3rd Maid: We were dreaming, girls ... All the guys were crushing, They would lie on the couch, but only play tanks!
Leading: Oh, these young people, All of you are unbearable to get married! Let me get into the conversation? I know where the guys are! Not one, not two, not three ...
Girls (in chorus): Where is it ?! Speak !!!
Leading (points to the men sitting in the hall): Look here: There are guys anywhere! Not warriors - so what? Everyone is handsome and handsome! One person per sister ...
1st Maid (runs up to one of the men): Chur, I'll take this!
2nd Maid (runs up to another): I liked this one!
Zya Devitsa (to the third): This one smiled at me!

Leading exit:
1 host: Hello dear friends and distinguished guests!

Host 2: We are glad to greet you on this holiday - February 23!
There is such a day on the calendar
It is marked with the date in red.
A wonderful holiday in February
Warrior day. Russian soldier

1 presenter: This holiday in different years had different names... Today we call February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Host 2: This day is a tribute to all generations of the heroic Russian army.

1 presenter: The whole country today congratulates the warriors of the defenders and honors the memory of the heroes of past years.

Host 2: This is truly a man's day!
Today, all representatives of the stronger sex, from boys to gray-haired veterans, hear the words of congratulations and receive gifts.

1 presenter: on stage for a festive greeting

2 presenter: And on behalf of all the women present in the hall, we join in the congratulations, and we dedicate today's festive concert to our courageous, valiant, so different and so dear men. Joining congratulations ...

Concert number

1 host: Meet the dance group

Concert number:

1 presenter: We wish men a peaceful sky so that you use your determination, strength, mind in peaceful conditions.

Concert number:

Leading 2: May you always be successful in business, your beloved women are waiting at home. What else do you need to be happy? The warmth of simple human relationships, reliable rear in the form of a family and a successful career.
1 presenter: joins the congratulations ...

Concert number

1 lead: Dear men accept a musical gift from today's smallest artists festive concert meet with applause…. with the song: "Butterfly"

Concert number

2 presenter: rushing to the stage with musical gifts….

Concert number:
Concert number:

1 presenter: on this holiday, Lyudmila Chernetskaya gives you a cheerful mood

Concert number:

Concert number: "I'll Become a Star" -
2 presenter: Ah. I also dreamed of becoming a star all my life. And here I am on stage as the host of the holiday concert. I'm so happy…

1 presenter: I am also very glad that your dream has come true. And just by the way, I remembered one winged expression every man in his soul is a boy and every boy dreams of becoming a warrior

2 presenter: but which of the boy's warrior, let him first grow up to mature and protect the fatherland

1 presenter: I think that you need to prepare to serve the fatherland from childhood.
This celebration of military valor
What protects us from troubles
Let me tell you boys
How we love you.

2 presenter: We greet boys and young men, schoolchildren - future defenders of the Fatherland, the time will come and they will join the ranks of the valiant warriors.
Now we invite (distinguished guests) to the stage ________________________________________________________________________________________

Presentation, congratulation "Day of the conscript"

1 presenter: defend your home boldly
At enemies, drawing a sword,

1 presenter: On this day we congratulate
The male half of humanity
We dedicate poems and songs
To their defenders of the fatherland.

2 presenter: Dear men - you are our support in life,
And behind a strong man's shoulder.
No adversity is terrible
We don't care about failure.
The next musical gift for you. Meet

Concert number:

1 presenter: Do not try to fight feelings,
Let love and passion boil in you!
You always remain men
After all, this is your strength, your power.

Concert number:

2 host: unfortunately our holiday concert is coming to

1 presenter: and on behalf of all the women sitting in this hall, we want to congratulate you once again, dear men

Leading 2: Happy Army holiday!

1 presenter: From the holidays of the warriors,

2 presenter: Happy brothers holiday,
Fathers and husbands
By their aspirations
Worthy of glory
1 presenter: The world is saved on the planet of people.

2 presenter: our men are the best for a reason
defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated only in one country in the world and her name is Russia
Concert number:

The curtain is closing

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"Municipal Budget Educational institution

Secondary school in Novoaleksandrovka village,

Alexandrovo-Gaysky district, Saratov region "



Lyubov Sergeevna

Alexandrov-Gai, 2012

Russian army at all times

Lead 1 Good afternoon, dear viewers! We are very pleased to welcome you to our hall. On the calendar, February has already counted out its half. This month is always associated with Defender of the Fatherland Day. At this time, we somehow have a special attitude towards men, more often we remember soldiers, we want to do something good for them. And it is no coincidence that we have gathered today. And we gathered to congratulate our dear men on the holiday.

Lead 2Knowledge Day in the army today,

There is no stronger her in the world.

Hello defenders of the people

School men

All: Our greetings.

Leading1 We are all gathered in the hall!

Rejoice people and be merry!

We begin our holiday,

At a festive hour for all of us

It is dedicated birthday,

I know, I know, without a doubt

Our native army,

I think that young

The melody "Get up, huge country" sounds (music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach)

Lead 2On guard of the country, on guard of the Fatherland,

So that there are no barriers to peace and happiness.

Stands in full view of all mankind

The Russian soldier imbued with glory!

Lead 1 At the word “soldier”, everyone has an image of a fighter, almost a hero, a brave and fit young man before his eyes.

Lead 2Recognition of the people -

What could be more beautiful!

Worthy of this

I don’t know the awards.

And dear to everyone -

Private and marshal -

High rank - Russian soldier!

Lead 1The song "Along the valleys and over the hills" is played (lyrics by P. Parfenov)

Lead 2Our soldiers are border guards, paratroopers, signalmen, tankers. All of them do one thing - they stand guard over the Fatherland. They write poems and sing songs about them. Our concert continues

The song of B. Okudzhava "Oh, the war, what have you, mean, have done ..."

Lead 1 The world is peace, "We do not need war" - how often we say these words. Yes, we all need peace, we need our children and grandchildren to grow up, so that our sons can serve in the army in peace, so that our men work and not fight.

Lead 2I know there are big cities

Where brisk life is spinning

But wherever we are, we always give

Preference for the native village.

Wherever we are with you, wherever we go, we always remember our Motherland, both small and large. And at least for a while we return to our home.

The song of V. Basner and M. Matusovsky "Where does the Motherland begin ..."

Lead 1 Defender of the Fatherland Day is a popular holiday. Women always want to admire the defenders, and February 23rd gives them a great reason to do so. And how men are proud of themselves on this day! And that is true: they have both daring and stamina, fortitude ... We have something to celebrate - so many glorious victories behind us!

Lead 2: Did you know that this holiday was first called the Day of the Red Army, then the Day of the Soviet Army and the Navy, and finally, the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland.

Lead 1: Yes, this is a holiday of male valor, because if anything - for the Fatherland, everyone will stand up as a mountain. Therefore, give words of admiration to men, inspire them, and then they will really feel like real knights, and next to such men, women will become beautiful ladies

The song "Katyusha", music by M. Blanter, lyrics by M. Isakovsky

Lead 2: Dear viewers, we all love our homeland. This feeling is not temporary. It either burns with a bright and strong fire, then smolders with a small flame, but it always lives in the human soul.

Lead 1 We live with you at a difficult time. But no matter what, let's live, let's cherish our lives. Enjoy the bright sun, summer rain, spring drops and even a friend's smile. Let's be friends with each other. And to paraphrase the famous saying “Beauty will save the world” it seems to me that the world will be saved by our kindness. let good friend with a friend - in the family, at work, at school. And then we will succeed!

Thanks for your attention!

The song "Solar Circle" (music by A. Ostrovsky, lyrics by L. Oshanin) is played.

performed by studentsGrade 7


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Song order

1. "A soldier is walking through the city" Garbuzova Daria

2. "Three Tankmen" Torlopova Natalia and Semukhina Marina

3. "One hundred days before the order" - Pervina Svetlana

4. "Katyusha" - Yana Lebedeva and Alena Zelenkova

5. "On a visit" Tkachuk N.N. and Garbuzova Alyona

6. "White cap" - a group of school students.

7. "Cranes" LM Opletina

8. "Ivushki" - vocal group

9. "Hope" - N. Beloglazova

10. "Officers" - L. M. Opletina

11. "My joy lives" Tkachuk N.N.

12. "Song of Love" - \u200b\u200bBeloglazova N.А.

13. "Poppies" - Ivanova L.Ya.

14. "Junior Lieutenant" - Maria Prishchepova

15. "The birch gave me earrings" - Tkachuk N.N.

16. "Solar circle"

SCENARIO of the festive concert dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day "Heroes for All Seasons"

  • The date of the event is February 22, 2017.
  • Location - entertainment Center "Don"
  • The beginning is 14-00.
  • At the festive event, among the invited: participants of the Great Patriotic War, participants in local hostilities, liquidators of man-made disasters, heads of enterprises and organizations, representatives of law enforcement agencies and public organizations, city and district leaders
  • Before the start of the event, thematic works are played in the recording.
  • The stage is festively decorated.
  • The lights go out in the hall. Continuous fanfare heralds the start of the event.
  • The emblem of the Defender of the Fatherland Day and the name of the concert are displayed on the screen.
  • The words of the announcer are heard in the recording.

ANNOUNCER: Russia is a holy land, sovereign

Your defenders are countless

Your soldiers will pave the way

Having courage, dignity and honor!

A video material about military valor, a modern army and military newsreels are shown.

The presenters of the festive concert are playing against the background.

HE: Hello everyone who came to the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day. This auditorium has gathered the best representatives of the strong half of our beautiful land!

SHE: Winter is in full swing - a harsh season. This is how history ordered it, and the main feature of the holiday is that we celebrate it in February - the day of real men. The focus of this day is on courageous, strong, noble men's hearts!

HE: It's not easy to be a man in our age,

To become a leader, to be known as a wall in a circle.

Be a strong friend, be in the midst of a toast

And be loved by both the wife and the country.

SHE: In our age, it is difficult for a man,

Have wealth, but not be stingy.

To be healthy and forever youthful.

Be smart, wise, but look simple.

HE: On behalf of all the participants in the concert, we wish everyone ... good luck in implementing the main strategic tasks at work and at home!

SHE: Good health, worthy of attention and love, great success in business, interesting leisure time and great luck!

The screen shows video or photographic materials about various events, on the topic - the defense of the Fatherland.

HE: Defender of the Fatherland Day is perhaps one of the most popular holidays in Russia, because on this holiday traditional concepts revered by the people are proclaimed: courage, military glory, nobility, service to the Motherland, fatherhood. Defending the Fatherland has always been a priority duty, a sacred duty of every real man.

SHE: Defender of the Fatherland Day is also a reflection of the successes of our Army, bright victories that people have always been proud of. The victories that we did not get easily are reflected in the splendor of the medals and orders of our veterans and today's military personnel.

HE: Every mother of Russia brings up in her children from the very early age deep respect for the native land, investing in young hearts infinite pride and deepest respect for the military deeds of their people, their country, their homeland.

Thematic number of the concert program.

The children's choir of the school of arts sings the song "Where the Motherland Begins ...".

Official part

Against the background of instrumental music

SHE: Today our festive event is attended by, perhaps, the most remarkable representatives of the strong half of humanity. Among them are participants in the Great Patriotic War, participants in local hostilities and conflicts, liquidators of man-made disasters, policemen, former soldiers, officers.

HE: For all of you, the phrase "defenders of the Fatherland" sounds in a special way. Dear people in uniform on a tunic, they choose not an easy way, but the road of a soldier has always been honorable.

SHE: You, the daily defenders of your home, are united by endless loyalty to the people, heroic history and loyalty to the oath.

HE: Dear viewers, you are welcomed by the district leadership:

The presenters list the positions and names, congratulations go to the microphones to the background music.

SHE: We thank our dear leaders, sincerely

congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and invite you to take your places of honor in the auditorium.

Concert program theme number

SHE: Dear friends, wonderful people are present at our holiday, whose whole life is completely connected with serving the Fatherland, its protection.

HE: I now give the floor to the district military commissar.

Congratulatory goes to the microphone under the background music.

SHE: The homeland of the strong, she knows very well at what cost soldier's courage and valor are paid.

Our fellow countrymen, since the time of Ivan the Terrible, have fulfilled their sacred military duty with dignity and are honorably fulfilling their military duties today.

HE: Every inhabitant of our beautiful land understands that any victory is not only pride and a holiday, but the bitterness of loss. But it cannot be otherwise, otherwise it is impossible to defeat the numerous enemies who have attacked our lands for many centuries.

SHE: We dedicate our words and songs to you, defenders of the fatherland. Words and music by Oleg Gazmanov "Officers".

HE: The song "Officers" sounds for you.

During the performance of the song, photographs of fellow countrymen are shown on the screen: heroes of the Soviet Union, fallen soldiers, liquidators of man-made disasters. At the last chords of the song, representatives of the cadet class present flowers to the guests of honor.

SHE: Every man, regardless of whether he is a serviceman, has always been, is and will be the defender of his home, his family, his small homeland, his country. However, the proud title of "defender of the Fatherland" can be worn not only by men.

HE: And today, we - men, accepting congratulations, turn our gaze to the beautiful half of humanity, moreover, according to statistics in Russia, about 50 thousand women have devoted themselves to defending the Fatherland. And if we turn to the annals of the homeland, then we can name wonderful names. In the difficult times of the Patriotic War of 1812, the fair half showed their heroism, this is the cavalryman of the hussar regiment Nadezhda Durova, ...

SHE: ... In the trenches of the First World War of 1914, the whole of Russia learned about the heroism of Antonina Paliina. The emperor awarded her the highest soldier's award - the St. George's Cross.

HE: It is impossible to forget Maria Bochkareva, who organized the first women's battalion in the annals of the Russian army, ...

SHE: ... History has captured the feat and heroism of Sister of Mercy Rimma Ivanova, who was posthumously awarded an officer's award - "Order of St. George", ...

SHE: ... We can remember our countrywoman, a hero Soviet Union, the pilot Fomicheva Claudia Lidia Yakovlevna - a participant in the Great Patriotic War and many, many others ... All of them, along with men, defended their land and their people in a hard time, and we are proud of them.

HE: There is a wonderful female collective on stage ...

Thematic number. Performance by the women's team.

  • The screen displays photographs of men of various professions in the Dankov region and the city of Dankov.
  • Leading text behind the scenes.

teacher of the Krasnoyarsk Adaptive Boarding School Shaldina Anna Viktorovna.
This development will be useful for educators-organizers, music directors, teachers in preparation for the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. The presence of a common storyline, the variability and variety of musical and choreographic numbers, the involvement of students of all grades in the festive concert is the key to a successful holiday. All of this is reflected in this scenario.
Purpose: promote the spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren through theatrical activities
Equipment: costumes of heroes, projector, musical equipment.

(the hall is festively decorated with balloons, children's drawings, solemn music sounds)
Vote: And sweetly a song in honor of the homeland is sung,
And the blood boils, and the heart beats proudly,
And with joy you listen to the sound of the words:
“I am the son of Russia! here is the land of my fathers! "

Dance "Rus" 8 cl. (for Nikolai Emelin's song "Rus")

Vote: Our Motherland is Russia!
We were born here,
There is no land more beautiful for us
And there is no love in the world!
This is your home, your family,
Your friends live here!
I owe the Motherland like a mother
You protect and protect!

Scene "Seeing off to the army" 9 cl.

(to the tune of the song "How my own mother saw me off," a conscript appears, and after him his whole family)
Vania: How my own mother accompanied me
Then all my relatives came running.

Mum: Oh, where are you my son,
Oh, where are you going?
Wouldn't you, Vanek, be a soldier.

Grandmother: There are soldiers in this army,
They can do without you, granddaughter.

Sister: Wouldn't you go there, Vanya-brother
Let's go with me to the kindergarten.
We will play tanks, eat semolina,
Shoot with a pistol, listen to the nanny.

Vania: Kolka with Petka and Sashko are already serving,
Well, tell me, father, to them: why am I worse?

Father: I served, and let our Vanek serve,
So the Motherland needs such a soldier.
Vanya will become a real man
I know, our son will become strong, dexterous.
They will teach you to do push-ups and shoot
If he tries, he will become the best fighter.

Mum: I heard - they have hazing there
I won't give it up, they will offend my son there.

Grandmother: He will freeze, ARI will get sick.
Dress up, my granddaughter, warm.
(to the music. "How my own mother saw me off" wrapped Vanya)

Grandmother: (backpack, net with cans, bagels around the neck).
Oh, the child will wither away from hunger
Here's some grub for you, my granddaughter Vanyatka.

Sister: Here are cell phones for you, brother, with a margin
Laptop and here is a bottle of kvass (bottle with pacifier)

Mum: Do not forget to take the first aid kit with you
Come back as soon as a hero.

Father: Honestly, you serve everything there by learning,
So that the family can be proud of you.

(to the tune of the song "Slavyanka", the grandmother baptizes, the mother cries, the father hugs, the sister kisses, then the recruit leaves the hall and everyone else follows him)

Vote: The last guy from the village was taken to the army,
And the girls are all mocked without him,
Everyone is bored, miserable, wailing,
They don't know where to get the suitors!

(the curtain opens, three girls are sitting by the window)

1st Maid:
Hurry to get married
Tired of girls, really!

2nd Maid: For just anyone
I wouldn't go out!

3rd Maid: What to do, how to be.
Where to get grooms!

1st maid
: Oh, I came up with it, sisters,
We will all go to the army,
We will find suitors there!

2nd maid: Precisely, the guys there are of the highest class.
There is a guy for each of us!

3rd Maid: First of all, let's go to the fleet -
Our mighty country is a reliable stronghold.

2nd Maid: He guards the sea borders,
Reliably protects from the enemy!

1st Maid: Sailors are excellent people,
Tanned, cute!

2nd Maid: The vastness of the seas
And move any mountains!

3rd Maid: So what are we waiting for here
Hurry to the navy - maybe fate awaits us there!

(the girls leave the stage, the sound of the surf sounds, sailors appear on the ship)

Song "White capless" 1 class.

Dance "Sailors" 4 "a" class.

(music sounds, girls appear again)
1st Maid: Well, we visited the navy,
There are no sailors there today,
It's just a rarity!

2nd Maid: They should swim in the blue sea
Have fun in the open!

3rd Maid:
And they don't care about us,
They all have one answer ...

1st Maid: “Girlfriends are not needed on ships.
Discipline, work and knowledge are important here! "

2nd Maid: Well, then, I’ll tell my sisters,
We must go to the company!

3rd Maid:
There are already guys wherever,
There is for everyone without difficulty!

1st Maid: All brave and stately,
all brave, neat….

2nd Maid: And how the songs are sung!
Oh! They'll drive me crazy !!!

3rd Maid:
So why are we sitting
Let's run quickly!

(girls leave, soldiers appear)

The song "Brave Soldiers" 5 "b" class.
Song "One, two - left" grade 3.

(music sounds, girls come out)
1st maid: As always, while we were going
All the soldiers scattered!

2nd girl: As if they need us
For them, other things are important!

3rd maid: They only march and sing
The shooting standard is passed.

1st maid: No, I will tell you girls,
The soldier will not work for me!

2nd girl: I want my darling to not only sing, march.
I want my dear one to boldly drive a tank!

3rd maid: Oh, really, dear sisters,
I so dreamed of riding in a tank!

1st maid: Then let's hurry to the tankers.
Let's make your dream come true!
(leaving the stage, tankers appear)

Staging song "Three Tankers" 5 "a" class.

(music sounds, girls appear, adjust kokoshniks, sundresses)

1st maid: Tankers, tankers are good.
Ride from the heart!

2nd maid: A tank is not a Mercedes.
And progress in military technology!

3rd maid: All about tankers not a word more,
I'm not ready to go through this again!

1st maid: Moreover, they have many worries without us,
Wash your tank, adjust the machine gun.

2nd maid (dreamily)
: We would ascend up to the heavens….
Exactly, exactly, we need pilots!

3rd maid:
The pilot in the sky controls the planes easily!
And he soars like a swan, high and far!

1st maid: Knows a complex car
Observes discipline!

2nd maid: Will soar up, under the clouds,
Looks down
And the land is so far away!

3rd maid: Enough, dreaming of something
Marry, marry is a hunt!

1st maid: Hurry to the airfield.
The pilots have a second home there!

(girls leave the stage)

Dance "First of all, planes" 8-9 grades (for the song of the group Roots "First of all - planes")

1st maid: As always, we didn't have time
The pilots all flew away!

2nd maid: I had to get ready soon,
Instead of making up and dressing up!

3rd maid: Pilots all fly in the sky
And they don't notice us at all!

1st maid: Well, how should I be now,
Where can I get a guy! (starts roaring loudly)

(the host appears)
Leading: Oh, these young people
All of you are unbearable to get married!
Let me get into the conversation?
I know where the guys are!
Not one, not two, not three ...

Girls (in chorus): Where is it ?! Speak !!!

Leading ( points to those sitting in the hall):
Look here:
Here guys are anywhere!
Not warriors - so what?
Everyone is handsome and handsome!
One person per sister ...

1st maid:
Chur, I'll take this!

2nd maid: I liked this one!

3rd girl: This one smiled at me!

Girls together: All the guys are good, It's a feast for the soul!

Leading: Girls, you are almost right - today is a holiday, and this is a holiday of our wonderful men!

1st maid: We congratulate the boys
Happy National Defenders Day!
We sincerely wish you:
Be faithful to your Motherland.

2nd maid: And also on your glorious holiday
We guys ask you
So that protection and protection
You were always for us.

3rd maid:
Well, we promise you
Respect and love you.
Well, if necessary.
We can feed you!

(holiday cakes are brought in to the solemn music)