Ancient omens for the trinity. Folk omens for the trinity. Taboo on any hard work

Since ancient times, the Slavic peoples have celebrated Green Christmastide in June. So they celebrated the renewal of nature and life. Spring was coming to an end, and summer came into its own. So that the spring frosts did not return and everything went on as usual, it was necessary to carry out a ceremony of symbolic liberation from spring. Subsequently, the Christian holiday of the Trinity was superimposed on the ancient holiday of Semik and on the mermaid week.

In this thread:

Nevertheless, all signs on the Trinity are more connected with pagan ideas about the world. Moreover, ancient customs associated with paganism penetrated even into church life. For example, for many centuries, on the Day of the Holy Trinity, churches have been decorated with fresh greenery of forests and meadows.

Christian basis of the holiday

The determination of the date of the holiday indicates Holy Easter. It is celebrated on the 50th day after the Bright Resurrection of Christ. The celebration is dedicated to the Lord's appearance to the 12 apostles. After the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, they waited for his promise to be fulfilled and they would witness the descent of the Holy Spirit. This miracle happened on the 50th day. Flames descended to them, and the voice of the Holy Spirit announced that God is triune. God the Father is the Divine Mind, and God the Son is the Word of God, and God the Spirit is the Holy Spirit. But all these manifestations are one and indivisible.

After that, each apostle received a special gift: to heal the weak, predict the future, and preach sermons in different languages. This was the basis for their ability to disperse around the world, carrying the word of God, spreading Christianity. They had to do a lot on their earthly path. Therefore, Pentecost is considered the time of the founding of Christianity as a faith and a church.

Celebrating the anniversary of this event, the Orthodox attend a church service, read prayers, remember the Gospel story, thank the Lord for the fact that he was able to protect them through the sacrament of baptism. This is where Christian traditions end. All other rituals and folk signs on the Trinity are taken from paganism.

The order of the celebration of the Trinity

Even before the holiday came, the hostesses had to put things in order in the house. Cleanliness, absence of garbage, rubbish is a guarantee of receiving grace from the celebration of the Holy Trinity. It was necessary to clean up not only the house and the yard itself, but also the space around it. Then houses were decorated with bouquets of flowers, herbs and tree branches, which were endowed with the ability to drive out negativity. The standard solution is birch and mountain ash, sometimes maple and oak were added.

On parental Saturday (on the eve of Pentecost) or directly on Pentecost, in the morning they went to the cemetery and commemorated deceased relatives. The Orthodox Church does not recommend visiting the cemetery directly on Pentecost, because Trinity is a holiday of life. However, the ancient Semik began to be greeted precisely with the commemoration of the dead. It was even believed that those who did not go to the Semik cemetery to see their relatives would be taken away by the spirits of their ancestors ahead of time.

The men also had their own business. Before the holiday, they chose a beautiful young birch tree, cut it down, brought it into the yard and stuck it into the ground. After the church service, everyone prepared lunch and dinner. With the onset of evening, they went to the general festivities. The order of evening entertainment varied depending on the area.

In some regions, they poured into the common square, where they had fun, danced around the decorated ritual tree, and after that they carried it and let it down the river. Such rites led to prosperity. In other places, a banquet was organized in the forest, and the ritual birch tree was carried away to the field, sacrificing it to the new harvest. Bonfires were an obligatory element of the holiday, which were kindled to protect themselves from water spirits. After all, signs with the coming Trinity were associated with the awakening of mermaids and mermaids.

The next day, Monday, the Day of the Holy Spirit began with its own signs and customs.

Trinity Saturday traditions

The Saturday immediately before Pentecost is intended to visit the graves of relatives who have passed away. It is called the Universal Parental Saturday. On this day, all departed Christians are commemorated, even if they committed suicide.

On Trinity Saturday, visiting the graves of relatives, they decorated them with greenery. Folk traditions said that the souls of the dead on this day are freed and released into the world, so you can communicate with them. Beliefs asserted that souls inhabit the birds, so they brought grain to the graves in order to feed the souls of their ancestors before the holiday. Directly at the cemetery, they ate food, remembering the dead.

Orthodox traditions prohibit such behavior. They call these folk customs a manifestation of unbelief. Church. He believes that prayers should be read at the cemetery, and linking the commemoration of the dead with food at the cemetery, with the use of alcohol is one of the variants of Satanism.

But everyone agrees on one thing: on Trinity Saturday you need to clean up the graves, take out the accumulated garbage. It is allowed to decorate burial sites with artificial flowers, this demonstrates the joy of resurrection and eternal life. Ancient beliefs make their own rules: you need to sweep the graves on parental Saturday with brooms from fresh birch brooms.

Holiday traditions

The antiquity of the Semitsk holiday, which formed the basis of Green Christmastide, became the basis of beliefs that gave rise to rituals and numerous signs that have a connection with the Trinity. The main signs are as follows:

  • For prosperity, you need to decorate the house with birch branches, field herbs for the holiday.
  • The rain that has begun is a sign of prosperity and a rich harvest. To fill your life with grace, you need to go out into the rain and wet your hair.
  • All work is left for another time, the Trinity is a time of joy, so you cannot work. Therefore, it is forbidden to do anything around the house.
  • You can also not swim in the water, even if these days of June are exhausting with their heat. Signs directly related to the Trinity call this time the period of awakening of mermaids, which can tickle and bring to death. You can swim only on the Spirits day, when the Trinity passes, and all protective rituals will be performed.
  • Trinity is the optimal time to send matchmakers. Signs on the Trinity are advised to get married, and to get married on the Pokrov, so that the life together is long and happy.

Customs for girls

Unmarried girls had their own customs, suggesting how to spend the holiday.

  • For the girls, preparations for the holiday began in advance: they wove wreaths of wildflowers, prepared sweets for a common feast.
  • Participation in round dances and ritual chants helped open the way for summer.
  • Curling a birch is the most popular divination among girls who aspired to get married.
  • Other fortune-telling was also carried out: wreaths were thrown in the water and watched.
  • Wreath-giving rituals were popular among girls who have a boyfriend. It was believed that who could give a man a wreath secretly from everyone would tie himself to him forever. Guys kept such gifts from girls in a secret place, because they believed that they were protecting them from evil.

Traditions of a festive feast

On a holiday, a dinner table was laid for kind guests. Envious people and everyone who was unfriendly were not invited. The table was covered with a green tablecloth. Pastries could be served as a treat. Everything baked had a sacred meaning, so the housewives tried to diversify the biscuits, gingerbreads, pies, so that the year was rich and satisfying. To make the treats truly filled with the magic of the day, the women recited prayers before work.

Treats should be varied and abundant. Signs on Trinity were advised to put fruits, dishes from meat, fish, vegetables on the table. The main element was considered eggs, without which the Trinity is impossible. After all, this product has always symbolized a new life among the Slavs. The customs of setting a rich table were diligently followed.

After all, abundance on the table of superstition was associated with abundance in the family throughout the year. Be sure to serve dishes from the first herbs and berries, for example, from dandelion leaves, young nettle, honeysuckle. They made omelets with herbs, prepared intoxicating drinks. The main dish was a ritual loaf, symbolizing the sun.

Features of the Spirit of the Day

Popular signs about the Holy Trinity are not limited to this day alone, although the holiday itself lasts exactly one day. But his energy goes on throughout the holy week, where the 51st day after Easter is the most significant.

Spirits day in Orthodoxy is dedicated to the veneration of the Holy Spirit. But this time, folk customs were interpreted in their own way long before the advent of Christianity. It was believed that not only mermaids and mermaids awaken on Semik, but also all evil spirits that feel at ease, therefore travels wherever they please. Numerous rituals are associated with this day. The most common are listed below:

  • The rituals of listening to the earth on the Spirits Day gave hope for comprehending the secrets of the world.
  • The priests, together with the parishioners, went into the forests, where they sprinkled birch. For this they used holy water. On the Spirits Day, sprinkling of wells was carried out.
  • Women hung children's and women's clothes on the trees so that the awakened mermaids and their children had something to dress in. These customs had to be observed, the only way to appease the spirits of the forest and water.

In the evening, a symbolic funeral was held for Kostroma, the ancient Slavic goddess, who became the first Mavka. Only the most beautiful girl could be cast for the role of Kostroma. She was dressed in white, laid on boards and carried to the river. There they acted out a scene of awakening, and then everyone swam and had fun together. Such folk rituals on the Spirits Day attracted a good harvest, protected from the rampant water scum.

There is a connection between the Spirit of the day and the image of a dove, symbolizing the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the image of this bird can be used to decorate houses on the Holy Trinity.

The ancient essence of signs with the Trinity of the people lies in the belief in the name day of the earth on the 51st day after Easter. Since people believed that the earth happened to be born on this very day, the following was prohibited: you cannot sew, you cannot knit and embroider, you cannot work in the field and in the garden. It is forbidden to do anything about the household, but the most serious prohibitions apply specifically to work related to the land. To do at least something with the earth is to offend it. It was also forbidden to do the following: jump. Run, jump, so as not to disturb the ground.


For girls, signs associated with the Trinity have always been important. Each from early childhood knew what fortune-telling about fate and her betrothed is. What are the rituals for improving life.

  • The ceremony of curling a birch tree should attract love and a happy marriage into life.
  • The birch branches under the pillow will evoke a dream about the betrothed.
  • Cutting a twig will show the fate of even a married woman. You can look at its shape: smooth - to a smooth life, bumpy - to excitement and anxiety.
  • You can guess by chamomile. Almost everyone knows about him. But not everyone knows that this is fortune-telling associated with the Trinity holidays.

Trinity is the main church holiday, in 2018 it falls on May 27. The traditions of the holiday are deeply rooted; the ancestors performed various rituals.

It was believed that the sowing was over, before the upcoming work, you can rest for several days.

  • Trinity traditions
  • Divination for love
  • Russian week
  • Health rituals
  • Wealth rituals

Trinity traditions

Before the holiday, housewives should put things in order in the house, visit the graves of dead people, bring treats to the cemetery. In addition, it is necessary to prepare various delicacies, bake a festive loaf.

Before the holiday, the house needs to be decorated with fresh herbs. Birch branches are considered a symbol of the Trinity.

The holiday is celebrated on a grand scale, the house should be full of guests. In the villages, there are mass festivities; many people prefer to go out into the countryside. Bonfires were believed to help get rid of evil spirits.

Divination for love

The Trinity is shrouded in rituals, fortune-telling. Young girls could find out about their soul mate. They made wreaths from fresh branches and let them down the river.

1. If the wreath sailed to the shore, then it is too early to think about marriage.
2. The wreath sank - you need to prepare for the test.
3. If you swam with the flow - soon there will be a meeting with your loved one.
4. The wreath floated against the stream - changes will take place in life. Good luck will accompany you in any endeavors.

After the fortune-telling, the girl should go home, and not talk to anyone for several hours. There is another sign of love. The girl should stay alone at home, open the window and whisper a conspiracy. After that, you need to stay in silence and put your thoughts in order.

Note! Getting married to Trinity is a good sign. A happy future awaits the young couple.

Russian week

During the period when the spring period changes to summer, the peasants celebrated the Rusal week. Swimming is prohibited during this time. It was believed that mermaids emerge from the river and take people into the underwater world.

Health rituals

The ancestors took care of their health, on holidays they performed certain rituals. There are also many traditions associated with the Trinity. It was believed that a walk in the rain would help gain strength and get rid of negative energy. It is useful for health to walk barefoot in the dew in the morning. If there is a lot of it - a good sign. This means that the whole year will be successful.

On a holiday, herbs have healing powers. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a herbal collection, dry it, and then use it to make tea.

Important! Herbal decoctions prepared for Trinity help strengthen the immune system and cope with diseases.

Another unusual health sign is the distribution of alms. This should be done on Monday, after the holiday. First, you should go to the temple, read a prayer, then distribute small change to those in need. This will help protect yourself from trouble.

Wealth rituals

There are many traditions associated with the fresh flower wreath. To live in abundance, you need to sanctify the holiday symbol, bring home with holy water. A wreath should be sprayed clockwise in the corners of the house, put coins in the corner and pronounce a conspiracy. As soon as the wreath dries, it must be removed to a secluded place and stored for a year.

Another sign that promises good luck is a rainbow in the sky. If you get caught in the rain, the year will be favorable.

Trinity is a sacred holiday celebrated by all Christians. It is shrouded in many beliefs and customs that have come down to us from our ancestors. Many of them are still very popular, helping to change fate.

Trinity: signs, traditions and customs, what not to do

In 2019, the very important Orthodox holiday of Trinity was celebrated on May 27. The corresponding services were held in all Orthodox churches yesterday, but for now it will be appropriate to once again recall the history of this holiday.

The most important Orthodox holiday, Trinity, is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter Sunday. This entails its displacement from day to year. The second name of the holiday is the following definition - Pentecost. The holiday is long-standing, so we can safely speak of a rich history.

Church holidays are a special category of events. If ordinary people are simpler, for them it is another reason to get together, see friends and sit, having laid the table, then church events, like the Trinity, its signs, traditions and customs, show a deep, spiritual meaning of what is happening. It is interesting that the holiday has pagan roots, which in a bizarre way intertwined with the canons of Christianity.

Trinity 2019: the history of the holiday

Plunging into a long history, you can pay attention to such an important aspect as the fact that on this day the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. Jesus Christ promised his disciples that after death he would send them the Holy Spirit, with the help of which they would learn to carry the good news to the world. It was on the fiftieth day after the resurrection of the Savior that the flames of the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. After that, the apostles were able to speak in different languages, and went to preach around the world and carry the word of God.

They are carefully preparing for the feast of the Holy Trinity. Many traditions have survived to this day. In particular, housewives try to clean up the house by decorating the rooms with fresh herbs and flowers.

On this day, the whole family gathers at the table. As for the festive table, it should be simple. So, meat, salads, potatoes, ordinary soup will be appropriate. It is customary to visit Trinity, as well as organize mass festivities on the street. At one time, young people danced in round dances, entertained themselves with the help of ditties and songs.

A notable feature of the Trinity is the fact that this day is associated with matchmaking. The fact is that before a guy had the right to approach any girl he liked and invite her to become a wife. If the girl answered with consent, then matchmakers were immediately sent.

The girls on Trinity asked the Almighty to send them a good spouse. But the girls' mothers dried a piece of the holiday cake, which was then brought to the wedding for the young. This was considered a moment that would bring good luck and happiness to a married couple for years to come.

Trinity: signs, traditions and customs

On the day of the Holy Trinity, it is customary to decorate their homes with grass, flowers, green branches of trees: maple, willow, linden. The forbidden tree of our ancestors was aspen, sometimes willow. The branches were attached to the windows, to the gates, and it was customary to cover the floor with herbs: lust, mint, calamus, or, as the people call it, Tatar potion.

It was believed that these days plants have a special protective power, therefore they protected families from all troubles, helped the sick to recover.

Trinity: what not to do

It is believed that there is no need to appoint a wedding on Trinity - supposedly such a family does not expect anything good. Sewing, baking and working in the garden, like on other major Christian holidays, is not allowed on Trinity.

The Trinity coincides with the end of hard work and preparation for the harvest. Those people who do not rest on this day, according to legends, are waiting for misfortune: those who plow, livestock will fall, those who sow, the hail will beat the crops. Those who spin wool will have their sheep lost.

Spirits Day is the day after Trinity, when it is forbidden to work on the earth, but you can look for treasure in it. Allegedly, the earth on this day will definitely give a good person something valuable.

The people believed that mythical creatures - Mavkas and mermaids - come to Trinity, therefore it is undesirable to go alone to the forest or to the field, the Rosregister portal informs. Also, you cannot drive livestock into the forest. And you can't swim on Trinity, otherwise, according to ancient beliefs, mermaids will be pulled to the bottom.

What must be done on Trinity

  • collect herbs: it is believed that it is on the Trinity that all the healing power is collected in them;
  • decorate the house with branches of maple, birch, oak and rowan. But in no case should you take a willow. From flowers, it is worth giving preference to chamomiles and cornflowers, from herbs - calamus (cleans the house of negativity), love, mint, fern and wormwood (protect from evil and give strength, health and energy to overcome life obstacles). You cannot throw these branches into the trash, otherwise all good will leave the house. After a week they just need to be burned at the stake;
  • go to church services. Our ancestors, when they came to church, were sure to take with them the grass that was used in decoration, it became known w. Such a herb was considered a family talisman against many troubles;
  • to remember the dead not by their own death: suicides and those who are missing. To do this, they go to the cemetery and distribute alms;
  • put only festive dishes on the table. If the hostess baked bread or a pie, then she hid a piece of it and tried to keep it until the time when her daughter was getting married. Our ancestors believed: in this way, daughters can be guaranteed a successful marriage, and the husband will not drink;
  • fortune telling. Unmarried girls put into the water the wreaths that were woven with their own hands. If the wreaths came together, then it was worth waiting for the matchmakers. In addition, dreams on a festive night were considered prophetic.

Prohibitions, signs of the Trinity

Weddings are not desirable for the Trinity, this is a well-known bad omen. You can only choose a bride, conduct a matchmaking or accept matchmakers, start preparations. I wonder how the omen works. Playing a wedding is bad, but planning a wedding is good.

Job. People missed the day of Trinity, arranged a day off. They did not sow, they did not dig the ground. Any field or garden work is prohibited. Women are not allowed to cook or sew. By the way, it was forbidden to swim under Trinity (in ponds, rivers), because it was mermaid time. Children were especially watched.

In the morning, healers collected the fallen dew, it was considered healing. The girls were advised to wash with her more often, so beauty and youth will be preserved.

Trinity days should be spent calmly, avoiding quarrels, scandals, aggression

They used to guess a lot before, choosing a special time. Full Moon, New Moon or Eclipse. Trinity was also considered a good moment. They used different methods, not necessarily maps. For example, girls in the evenings gathered at the nearest river or pond, then one by one made wreaths. If the wreath immediately sank - to failure, if on the contrary, it swam - a good sign.

At the same time, we watched the wreath move, making a bet on a betrothed. Here she is swimming normally, calmly, which means the hostess will spend a calm, blessed year. If he hastened to drown, perhaps the mistress will face losses.

The wreath has unraveled - alas, this is a sign of parting.

The wreath hastened to swim away - the groom will either come from afar or go far away.

The wreath remained, stuck near the coast - alas, the matchmakers are not in a hurry yet.

Yes, most often it was the betrothed who wondered. We used mirrors, water, flowers. Unmarried people were looking for clues about the face, character, origin of the future groom. Married people often wondered about welfare, children.

What herbs to bless in the church on Trinity?

With the advent of Christianity on Trinity, people came to church for a prayer service with a bunch of wild flowers and herbs. They believed that holy water enhances their healing and protective properties. Therefore, the consecrated herbs were not thrown away, but preserved. Basically, on Trinity they collected wormwood, lovage, calamus, tansy, thyme, mint and lemon balm.

Common wormwood (Chernobyl)

It was advised to fumigate the dwelling with the smoke of dry wormwood before the housewarming, and then they attached a bunch of grass over the front door at the threshold in order to "prevent the passage" of the dark forces into the house. "Bitter grass" was credited with the ability to protect against mermaids, which were very active during Trinity week.

It was believed that a traveler who hides a wormwood leaf in his shoe can walk many miles without being tired, and if you look at the flame of a bonfire lit in honor of the summer solstice through a bunch of wormwood, this will provide good vision for the whole year.

In folk medicine, the wormwood root was used as a sedative, and the leaves as an analgesic and regulating the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and the menstrual cycle.

Calamus swamp

Calamus stalks were scattered across the floor in all rooms. It was believed that it attracts good spirits to the house, cleans housing and strengthens the health of the inhabitants. They believed that calamus brings good luck, wealth, peace of mind and reliably protects from misfortunes only those who have no evil in their souls, otherwise the plant does not show its magical power.

Calamus tinctures were made to rinse the mouth, and a piece of dried root was advised to keep in the mouth near the inflamed gums, as a disinfectant. Also, we washed our heads with a decoction of marigold flowers, calamus root and burdock so that the hair would not fall out.


Lovage ("love root", "happy herb") protected from any witchcraft, evil eye, damage or evil spirits. The lovage root was added to the bathing water. It was believed that water with it can cleanse not only the body, but also the soul, and can also attract love. Girls washed their hair with a decoction of lovage, and mothers put lovage in their daughters' bed: so that the girl "chose her happiness, not someone else's, and so that it would stay with her forever."

In folk medicine, decoctions, infusions and teas of lovage were used as a diuretic, cardiac, expectorant, cleansing and analgesic agent. And its fresh leaves, slightly crumpled, were applied to the forehead to relieve headaches of any origin.


Tansy was also considered a herbal amulet. They believed that if you carry her leaves with you, then every "love spell will have a lapel." Nowadays, tansy leaves and flowers are often used as a remedy for moths.

In folk medicine, tansy is used for fever, as an antihelminthic agent, for gastrointestinal diseases, gout, rheumatism, liver and gallbladder diseases. And medications from tansy increase the secretion of bile, tone up the muscles of the digestive system, increase blood pressure, normalize heart rhythms, and also have wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects.

Thyme (creeping thyme)

The Slavs respectfully called thyme "female grass" ("Mother of God") and believed that a bunch of thyme in the house could help a woman attract her husband, give birth and raise a child, and keep peace in the family. The grass could be sewn into a pillow (it was believed that it was able to relieve nightmares) or carried with you as a talisman, in the form of an incense or sewn into clothes. To ward off an unpleasant person from the house, they poured powder of dried grass into his shoes. In villages, the smoke of dry grass of thyme was used to fumigate cattle, protecting it from damage or the evil eye.

They believed that a sprig of thyme would endow a man who carries it with him with courage, courage, perseverance, bravery and will bring success in all endeavors. In ancient Rome, soldiers bathed in water infused with thyme to gain strength, courage and energy ("thymus "- means" strong "," courageous ").

The aroma of thyme and tea from it soothes and banishes insomnia. In folk medicine, thyme was used as an expectorant, diaphoretic, sedative and pain reliever. Thyme lotions disinfected wounds and soothed pain. Aromatic thyme baths were considered curative for diseases caused by impaired metabolism. It was added to medicinal infusions that cured alcoholism, kidney disease, stomach pain, intestinal pain, and joint pain.

Peppermint and lemon balm (lemon mint)

Fragrant mint was credited with the properties of scaring away evil spirits, cleaning the house and protecting it from enemies. Even in ancient times, they noticed that the aroma of a plant is able to restore mental balance and dispel the blues. Perhaps this is because the aroma of mint and the teas from its leaves stimulate mental activity. Therefore, in ancient Rome, it was recommended to walk in wreaths of mint to the classes of ancient philosophers, and tables were rubbed with plant leaves before receiving guests, believing that its aroma contributes to a lively table conversation and cheers up.

Our ancestors used the aroma of fresh crushed mint leaves as a remedy for drowsiness, and dried mint leaves were sewn into a pillow to normalize sleep.

Mint and lemon balm teas have a calming effect on nervous and heart diseases, regulate the function of the gastrointestinal tract, can restore tone to the body in case of loss of strength, soothe a toothache and refresh the oral cavity. Compresses made from warm lemon balm leaves can heal skin inflammations, and if you chew mint leaves with honey, they will eliminate the smell of alcohol.

Similar materials

From various chronicles, diaries and legends, it is known how the ancients looked at the world around them. They inspired nature, believing in different mermaids, water and goblin, that somewhere in the depths of the forest there is a hut with a witch inside, and houses are guarded by brownies. Studying the Trinity or Pentecost, its signs and customs, what cannot be done, it is easy to notice echoes of that pagan past.

Paganism. The time of the annual end of the large-scale preparation for the future harvest of the current crop. At the same time it is a time of activity for mermaids, goblin and other “mythical animals”. People rejoiced, decorated their houses, walked for several days, but remembered the prohibitions. Summer was a wonderful, warm time even then, when the days are endless, the nights are warm, everything around is growing, blooming and enjoying life.

The peasants received a short respite, the young men looked for the only one among the girls they knew who would become a bride, and the girls got time for various fortune-telling, looking for signs of fate. The time was considered special, when the dew is healing, it can prolong your youth with it, if you wash, the reservoirs are dangerous - mermaids rise there.

Christianity. Trinity as a separate, independent holiday was once approved by the Church, marking an important event for Christianity. When the Savior Ascended (40 full days after Easter), another 10 days passed. Then on the assembled apostles suddenly descended a Light Spirit, about which Christ spoke earlier, even before the Crucifixion.

Now every year, the church gathers all the closest parishioners, special services are held, in which the priests, through prayers, ask to bestow the grace of the Holy Spirit on those gathered, and at the same time wish a good, rich harvest. Also, priests should consecrate the nearest wells, reservoirs, protecting the people from the mermaids hiding there.

Signs, customs

An interesting case, because omens are usually considered human superstition. Everything here is quite reasonable and has practical application.

Decorate houses, places of work with branches, flowers. any, but preferably birch. Just pick the branches carefully so as not to injure or kill the tree. A couple of them are enough. Supplement the branches with field grass, flowers. these are symbols of a sunny summer, a rich harvest.

The rain is the best and will receive the Trinity. He often walks as if waiting for Pentecost. This is a sign of purification of nature, blessings received by people. If it rains, it’s good, which means that the year will surely pass bright and happy.

From customs: hostesses always carefully prepare for the upcoming Trinity. They clean the house, then bake everything from the planned menu in advance. Guests should be treated in a noble way, showing all the wonders of the available culinary skills.

On Trinity, remember the dead. These are famous days for remembrance. Pray, take the candles. Remember especially everyone who died unexpectedly, prematurely.

Weaving wreaths is more of a “female” custom. Through the wreaths, the girls tried to protect their loved ones, to tell fortunes what their beloved would be like, to find out the future.

Searching for a bride is a well-known custom. The young men look closely, get to know each other, if their intentions are serious, they go to woo, ask for a hand. Girls are waiting for matchmakers.

Visiting acquaintances - people spend a holiday cheerfully. These are parties, walking among acquaintances, friends, street gatherings.

What not to do

Wedding. Yes, you can get married or ask for hands, you can get ready, introduce your parents, only without the wedding itself. Otherwise, a good new family is clearly not waiting.

Oven. Why housewives try to catch everything in advance. You can cook, just the oven - no.

Sew. Neither embroider nor sewing, generally it is impossible. Even buttons or a torn pocket. Wait it out.

Field work. Also no gardening work. Break. Moreover, three days, because Trinity has three days.

Work - it is undesirable to work at all, this is the time of the desired rest. It is believed that the plowman, who decides to work, ignoring the Trinity, the crops will die, the spinner - his sheep will get lost, the baker - double bad luck, because you cannot bake at all. By the way, no homework, you can only cook. Why housewives try to clean up in advance.

Swimming - especially in bodies of water, rivers or lakes. The mermaids were believed to be taken away. Although, the ban has a perfectly reasonable explanation. On June 4, it is still cold, plus it is extremely difficult to keep track of children during partying.

Folk signs on Trinity and Spirits day are very revered by believers. As you know, on this day the universal apostolic Church was formed. What traditions exist on this great holiday and what they are connected with, we learn from popular sources.

It is customary to combine the Holy Trinity and the Spirits of the day into one great holiday - Pentecost. Trinity falls on the fiftieth day after Easter. It's always Sunday. And on Monday comes the Day of the Holy Spirit. These great festivals have pagan roots. With the adoption of Christianity, a certain symbiosis of pagan and Orthodox traditions, signs and beliefs took place.

The days of Pentecost fall in June, the very beginning of summer. Name days of the earth are one of the main traditions of these days. According to the legend, the Holy Spirit descended from heaven to fertilize the earth so that it would give people a great harvest. Our ancestors took care of the pregnant land and did not disturb her these days. It was not customary to plow a field, plant a vegetable garden, even collect herbs, tearing them up from the ground by the roots was considered a bad omen.

Trinity Saturday is the day of remembrance of the dead. On Saturday, they baked pies, cleaned the dwelling, decorated the holy icons with birch branches. They believed that it was on the branches of a curly birch that their deceased relatives sat and watched the life of the living, rejoiced at the abundance of the table and the decoration of the house.

The main symbol of the holiday is the white birch. The floors of Orthodox churches are strewn with freshly cut grass, icons with flowers and birch branches. Everything is fragrant in holy places, reminding of rebirth, renewal and a good beginning. Herbs these days had a special magical meaning.

It was customary to collect them for spirits every day, carefully, without disturbing the earth's cover, to dry and use all year round. It was obligatory to visit the church and pray for the souls of the dead. This could be done both on Saturday and Monday. On these days, people rushed to the cemetery, laid tables there with homemade food and pastries. This was considered a good sign. And in the church it was customary to distribute generous alms so that the next year would please with its abundance and prosperity.

On Spirits Day, women celebrated the name day of the earth by arranging picnics. On the plowed field, the girls buried pieces of food in order to thank the land for the future harvest. The priests of local churches illuminated the fields and meadows, making a procession around them.

The Holy Trinity was also called green Christmastide. All household chores were done on Saturday, Sunday was a time of fun, joy and laughter. Young people rushed to the birch groves. There they spread a blanket, laid out a loaf, weaved wreaths and danced in circles. It was in round dances that young guys chose their brides.

Happy signs at Pentecost

They believed that in Rusalnik (another name for the Trinity) all evil spirits emerge from the water and the forest and the spirits of nature are activated: goblin, mermaids, water. To prevent them from hiding in the wells of houses, they were illuminated, and tables with various dishes were laid at the gates. This stopped the otherworldly force and prevented it from entering the house.

Walking barefoot through the morning dew was considered a good sign. It gave strength and attracted love. Girls, to enhance the effect, hung pigeons carved from wood on the icons at this time.

Unmarried beauties wove wreaths from birch branches and flowers and let them into the pond. A quick marriage awaited the one whose wreath floated away faster than anyone else and was hidden from view. If the wreath sank - expect obstacles and obstacles on the way to happiness.

Birch branches braided in the groves, making a wish on the eve of green Christmastide. If on the Holy Trinity it was discovered that the branches had wilted, the wish this year will not come true. And if the foliage is not fallen and smells fresh, expect pleasant changes.

Midwives and experienced healers were busy collecting magical herbs for the treatment of various ailments and ailments, as well as for the manufacture of amulets and amulets of good luck. Herbal medicines kept in themselves a kind and strong energy that could change the life of someone who believes in it.

To feed and warm the beggar on this day is to ward off various troubles and attack from the family. The more generous the charity, the more various benefits are foreseen for relatives and friends. Therefore, the ancestors tried to be generous and magnanimous.

Mothers of unmarried daughters and unmarried sons always kept the tablecloth after a delicious and nourishing dinner on Trinity. They carefully put it in a chest to attract rich grooms or hard-working brides to the house.

Smelling clothes helped to distract evil spirits from oneself and bring a happy fate closer. Wormwood, garlic, onions were in great demand for this ritual. Mothers, dreaming of the health and well-being of their children, hung children's clothes on the branches in the hope that heaven would take away the trouble and illness from their child.

Do's and Don'ts on Trinity and Spirits Day

  • many legends indicated that it was not accepted to work for the Holy Trinity. Even easy and pleasant chores were considered a bad sign. So the girls on that day put off washing, cleaning, sewing and embroidery;
  • men were forbidden to plow, harrow and disturb the earth in every possible way. This threatened a lean year and hunger. Even driving in pegs for a garter of bushes foreshadowed trouble;
  • revenge with a broom on this holy holiday means to let discord and sorrow into the family;
  • to run quickly on this day - in the future to escape from a happy fate and embark on the path of despondency and hopelessness;
  • wedding ceremonies were not held on this day. People believed that this would bring troubles and problems to the young family;
  • girls and boys did not look at their reflection in the water. This could take true love away from the man, and this threatened the girl to lose her external attractiveness;
  • walking in the woods, swimming in a river or lake was considered dangerous, especially for young guys. On this holiday, nature honored mermaids, and they were the rightful mistresses of their element. They took the men into the depths of water without leaving them alive.

What else to expect from Pentecost

According to the legend, a thunderstorm and lightning on this day is a good sign. So the ancestors believed that nature drives away evil spirits, cold and winter cold and summer finally comes into its own.

If you make a birch broom for Spirits day, you can lose peace in old age. Man will be overcome by grief and misfortune. But cooking on this day was not prohibited. On the contrary, the richer the table, the faster you appease the evil spirits and they will retreat from you.

Birch branches were illuminated in the temple and kept throughout the year as a talisman. On the eve of Trinity, pancakes and scrambled eggs were prepared, symbolizing the sun and life. The youth arranged such meals before night festivities and fortune-telling.