Assessment of the child's body weight by height. Child's Height and Weight Calculator - Can You Reassure Constantly Doubting Parents? How to weigh a child correctly, how to determine the weight, body weight of a child

The calculator of the ratio of weight and height of a child allows you to identify health problems in time and, if possible, eliminate them. During the analysis, you will find out if your child is really underweight or overweight, whether he is growing and developing correctly. You can also use the calculator to find out the child's body mass index (BMI) from birth to 18 years old. Fill in all the fields of the form and click "CALCULATE"

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What is the importance of the ratio of height and weight of a child

In the development of a child, indicators such as weight and height are of great importance for analysis. And although we are all different and each child is individual, there are boundaries of a number of indicators, going beyond which indicates improper development. Using our child's height and weight calculator, as well as the ratio of these indicators - body mass index, you will understand exactly how your baby is developing.

The calculator contains only official data and recommendations, which are adhered to by experts from WHO. The indicators are calculated quite accurately, for example, by setting the age to the nearest day and kilograms with grams, you can get an exact answer to the question of whether the child is developing correctly.

What does the indicator of growth (body length) mean?

One of the most important indicators of a baby's development is its growth. Please note that height is not the same as body length. Its (body length) is measured in very young children up to 2 years old in a prone position. But height is measured while standing.

The growth of a child is the most important indicator of his physical development. Pediatricians recommend measuring it monthly.

During the first half of the year, the baby grows 2.5-3 cm per month, and by the year this figure can already increase by 22-26 cm from the moment of birth.

Note! The difference between body length and height may be about 1 cm, which may affect the assessment result. If a height is entered for a child under two years old, for the accuracy of the calculation, it is automatically converted to length by the calculator and vice versa.

What are the growth estimates according to our calculator:

When receiving estimates "very short" and "short", consultation and examination by specialists is necessary. Usually, such assessments are noted in premature babies, or in the presence of developmental delays.

In turn, too tall ("very high" rating) may also indicate the presence of an endocrine disease. But it can also be hereditary, especially if at least one of the baby's parents is tall. But for complete confidence it is still worth getting advice from a specialist.

What does the child's weight indicator mean?

The weight indicator for a certain age is relevant only in conjunction with the growth indicator - this is the only way to judge the correct development of the child. By itself, indicative weight does not provide an accurate estimate. However, pay attention to the ratings "Low weight" and "Extremely high weight" - after all, there are certain limits of the norm for each age.

What are the weight estimates according to our calculator:

What does body mass index mean?

You cannot judge a child's development based on height or weight alone. These two indicators are directly related to each other. It happens that a child has a short stature due to short parents, but at the same time a harmonious physique, therefore, he has no problems in development. For an accurate assessment, an analysis of two indicators is required - both height and weight, and their ratio is called the Body Mass Index (BMI), which allows you to assess the possible deviation in weight or height of the child.

BMI norms for each age are different, the more children's indicators differ from adults. Therefore, when calculating on a calculator, it is necessary to indicate all the data - both height, weight, and age of the child.

What are the BMI estimates according to our calculator:

What determines the growth and weight norms of the child

Of course, the development of each child is individual, children can be delicious chubby or thin reeds, but nevertheless, the World Health Organization did not in vain come up with and approved some norms of height and weight. Moreover, the ratio of these indicators can tell about the correct and harmonious physical development of the child.

Most often, the parameters of the growth and weight of the baby depend on the following factors:

  • What kind of feeding was (is) the child - breastfeeding or artificial;
  • The amount of food consumed at the moment;
  • Congenital or hereditary diseases (for example, problems with the heart, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid);
  • Child gender;
  • Physical activity of the child.

In the first months of life, the little man is actively gaining body weight and increasing his height. These two parameters can increase disproportionately, but if the deviations are insignificant in comparison with the parameters from the WHO, while the child is not worried about anything, he is active and eats well, then there is no need to worry. In addition, we must not forget about heredity, because if at least one of the parents is tall or overweight, then the child has every chance of becoming a "butuz".

But serious deviations from the norms of weight and height should be discussed with a doctor. The reasons can be both temporary difficulties (for example, a cold), and more serious disorders (endocrine diseases, congenital defects).

What are the norms for weight and height according to WHO

The harmonious development of the baby is determined not only by the indicators of height or weight, but most likely by their ratio. So. generally accepted norms for a newborn are weight indicators from 2400 g to 4300 (the first value is the minimum for a girl, the second is the maximum for a boy).

In the first week of life, the baby loses weight by about 7% of its initial weight (adaptation to the external environment occurs), so parents should not worry, as this is a normal physiological process.

In general, in the first 6 months of life, the baby should gain monthly from 650 to 800 g of weight, as there is an active growth and strengthening of the body.

Well, after 6 months and up to a year, the baby gains 350-600 g per month.

How to calculate the norm of weight and height of a child - formula

To calculate the optimal weight for a child from birth to 6 months, use the formula:

m + 800 * N, where m is the weight of the child at the time of birth (kg), N is the number of months during the calculation period.

After six months, the formula for calculating the norm of weight changes:

m + 800 * 6 + 400 * (N-6), where m is the weight of the child at the moment of birth (kg), (800 * 6) is the weight that the child should ideally have acquired in the first six months, N is the number of months after six months.

The height and weight of children are rapidly changing values \u200b\u200bthat are a very important indicator of a child's overall development. Sometimes it seems to parents that their child is growing by leaps and bounds: the recently purchased jacket has already become cramped, the new shoes are already too small, and the toddler itself has stretched out and has become very large. But sooner or later, any parents ask themselves questions - what height and weight should a child have at his age? What parameters are considered normal?

To answer such questions, the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed tables of height and weight norms for children from birth to 17 years. These standards are suitable for assessing the development of a child of any nationality and do not depend on social status and place of residence.

It is worth noting that, according to the WHO, breastfed babies gain weight more slowly than their bottle-fed peers. However, the table takes into account averages, therefore it is applicable for all types of feeding.

The growth rate of a child depends on his age. As you know, the child begins to grow in the womb and at birth his height is 46-55 cm.In the first year of life, the child grows very quickly - on average by about 25 cm.Then the growth rate decreases, and becomes stable in the initial school years. grows by 5-7 cm per year. In adolescence, in some years, a sharp jump in the growth of the child is possible (by 10-15 cm per year), which is normal and is associated with the period of puberty.

Weight norms are usually proportional to height. The child is actively gaining weight in the first year of life, then the body weight gain slows down significantly and becomes stable up to 17-18 years old, depending on the individual characteristics of development.

Growth and weight norms for children under 1 year old

According to the WHO, in the table of height and weight, a normal range is allocated for both boys and girls. Indicators "low" and "high" are a signal for parents to consult a doctor. If the real height or weight deviates significantly from the norm, this may be the result of a systemic disease or an improper lifestyle - you must immediately consult a doctor and examine the child.

1. Table of normal growth for boys under 1 year old (in centimeters)

Age (months) Low Norm Tall
0 48,0-53,5 >53,5
1 51,2-56,5 >56,5
2 53,8-59,4 >59,4
3 56,5-62,0 >62,0
4 58,7-64,5 >64,5
5 61,1-67,0 >67,0
6 63,0-69,0 >69,0
7 65,1-71,1 >71,1
8 66,8-73,1 >73,1
9 68,2-75,1 >75,1
10 69,1-76,9 >76,9
11 71,3-78,0 >78,0
1 year 72,3-79,7 >79,7

2. Table of normal weight for boys under 1 year old (in kilograms)

Age (months) Low Norm Tall
0 2,9-3,9 >3,9
1 3,6-5,1 >5,1
2 4,2-6,0 >6,0
3 4,9-7,0 >7,0
4 5,5-7,6 >7,6
5 6,1-8,3 >8,3
6 6,6-9,0 >9,0
7 7,1-9,5 >9,5
8 7,5-10,0 >10,0
9 7,9-10,5 >10,5
10 8,3-10,9 >10,9
11 8,6-11,2 >11,2
1 year 8,9-11,6 >11,6

3. Table of the growth rate of girls under 1 year old (in centimeters)

Months Low Norm Tall
0 47,5-53,1 >53,1
1 50,3-56,1 >56,1
2 53,3-59,3 >59,3
3 56,2-61,8 >61,8
4 58,4-64,0 >64,0
5 60,8-66,0 >66,0
6 62,5-68,8 >68,8
7 64,1-70,4 >70,4
8 66,0-72,5 >72,5
9 67,5-74,1 >74,1
10 69,0-75,3 >75,3
11 70,1-76,5 >76,5
1 year 71,4-78,0 >78,0

4. Table of the norm of the weight of girls under 1 year old (in kilograms)

Months Low Norm Tall
0 2,8-3,9 >3,9
1 3,6-4,7 >4,7
2 4,2-5,5 >5,5
3 4,8-6,3 >6,3
4 5,4-7,0 >7,0
5 5,9-7,7 >7,7
6 6,3-8,3 >8,3
7 6,8-8,9 >8,9
8 7,2-9,3 >9,3
9 7,5-9,7 >9,7
10 7,9-10,1 >10,1
11 8,3-10,5 >10,5
1 year 8,5-10,8 >10,8

Growth and weight norms for children aged 1-7 years

5. Table of the growth rate of boys from 1 year to 7 years (in centimeters)

Age Low Norm Tall
1 year 3 months 75,9-83,0 >83,0
1.5 years 78,4-85,9 >85,9
1 year 9 months 80,3-88,3 >88,3
2 years 83,0-90,8 >90,8
2 years 3 months 84,9-93,9 >93,9
2.5 years 87,0-95,5 >95,5
2 years 9 months 88,8-98,1 >98,1
3 years 90,0-102,0 >102,0
3.5 years 92,6-105,0 >105,0
4 years 95,5-108,0 >108,0
4.5 years 98,3-111,0 >111,0
5 years 101,5-114,5 >114,5
5.5 years 104,7-118,0 >118,0
6 years 107,7-121,1 >121,1
6.5 years 110,8-124,6 >124,6
7 years 113,6-128,0 >128,0

6. Table of normal weight of boys from 1 year to 7 years (in kilograms)

Age Low Norm Tall
1 year 3 months 9,6-12,4 >12,4
1.5 years 10,2-13,0 >13,0
1 year 9 months 10,6-13,6 >13,6
2 years 11,0-14,2 >14,2
2 years 3 months 11,5-14,8 >14,8
2.5 years 11,9-15,4 >15,4
2 years 9 months 12,3-16,0 >16,0
3 years 12,8-16,9 >16,9
3.5 years 13,5-17,9 >17,9
4 years 14,2-19,4 >19,4
4.5 years 14,9-20,3 >20,3
5 years 15,7-21,7 >21,7
5.5 years 16,6-23,2 >23,2
6 years 17,5-24,7 >24,7
6.5 years 18,6-26,3 >26,3
7 years 19,5-28,0 >28,0

7. Table of the growth rate of girls from 1 year to 7 years (in centimeters)

Age Low Normal Tall
1 year 3 months 74,5-81,5 >81,5
1.5 years 77,1-84,5 >84,5
1 year 9 months 79,5-87,5 >87,5
2 years 81,7-90,1 >90,1
2 years 3 months 83,5-92,4 >92,4
2.5 years 85,7-95,0 >95,0
2 years 9 months 87,6-97,0 >97,0
3 years 90,8-100,7 >100,7
3.5 years 93,5-103,5 >103,5
4 years 96,1-106,9 >106,9
4.5 years 99,3-110,5 >110,5
5 years 102,5-113,6 >113,6
5.5 years 105,2-117,0 >117,0
6 years 108,0-120,6 >120,6
6.5 years 110,5-124,2 >124,2
7 years 113,6-128,0 >128,0

8. Table of normal weight for girls from 1 to 7 years old (in kilograms)

Age Low Normal Tall
1 year 3 months 9,2-11,5 >11,5
1.5 years 9,8-12,2 >12,2
1 year 9 months 10,3-12,8 >12,8
2 years 10,8-13,5 >13,5
2 years 3 months 11,2-14,2 >14,2
2.5 years 11,6-14,8 >14,8
2 years 9 months 12,1-15,4 >15,4
3 years 12,5-16,5 >16,5
3.5 years 13,4-17,7 >17,7
4 years 14,0-18,9 >18,9
4.5 years 14,8-20,3 >20,3
5 years 15,7-21,6 >21,6
5.5 years 16,6-23,1 >23,1
6 years 17,4-24,8 >24,8
6.5 years 18,3-26,5 >26,5
7 years 19,4-28,3 >28,3

Normal growth and weight in children from 8 to 17 years old

9. Table of normal growth for boys 8-17 years old (in centimeters)

Age Low Normal Tall
8 years 119,0-134,5 >134,5
9 years 124,7-140,3 >140,3
10 years 129,4-146,7 >146,7
11 years 134,5-152,9 >152,9
12 years old 140,0-159,5 >159,5
13 years old 145,7-166,0 >166,0
14 years old 152,3-172,0 >172,0
15 years 158,6-177,6 >177,6
16 years 163,2-182,0 >182,0
17 years 166,6-186,0 >186,0

10. Table of normal weight for boys 8-17 years old (in kilograms)

Age Low Norm Tall
8 years 21,5-31,4 >31,4
9 years 23,5-35,1 >35,1
10 years 25,6-39,7 >39,7
11 years 28,0-44,9 >44,9
12 years old 30,7-50,6 >50,6
13 years old 33,8-56,8 >56,8
14 years old 38,0-63,4 >63,4
15 years 43,0-70,0 >70,0
16 years 48,3-76,5 >76,5
17 years 54,6-80,1 >80,1

11. Table of normal height for girls 8-17 years old (in centimeters)

Age Low Normal Tall
8 years 119,3-134,3 >134,3
9 years 124,8-140,5 >140,5
10 years 130,5-146,7 >146,7
11 years 136,2-153,2 >153,2
12 years old 142,2-159,2 >159,2
13 years old 148,3-163,7 >163,7
14 years old 152,6-167,2 >167,2
15 years 154,4-169,2 >169,2
16 years 155,2-170,2 >170,2
17 years 155,8-170,4 >170,4

12. Table of normal weight for girls 8-17 years old (in kilograms)

Age Low Normal Tall
8 years 21,4-32,1 >32,1
9 years 23,4-36,3 >36,3
10 years 25,0-39,8 >39,8
11 years 27,8-44,6 >44,6
12 years old 31,8-51,8 >51,8
13 years old 38,7-59,0 >59,0
14 years old 43,8-64,0 >64,0
15 years 46,8-66,5 >66,5
16 years 48,4-67,6 >67,6
17 years 49,2-68,0 >68,0

Fetal weight by weeks of pregnancy is a very important diagnostic indicator, which is assessed using ultrasound. Lack or excess weight indicates the development of a pathological process.

Normal intrauterine development is determined by many indicators. One of these parameters is the weight of the child. Fetal weight by weeks of pregnancy with deviations up or down indicates insufficient nutrition or the formation of hypoxia.

What determines the weight of the fetus during pregnancy?

The baby's weight depends on the functioning of the placenta and the supplied nutrients with oxygen. Starting from the second trimester, the fetus grows to 80 grams. At a later date, the seven-day intake reaches 200 grams, but before labor, the pace slows down significantly, due to the death of the placenta.

The indicator also depends on the following factors:

  • unbalanced nutrition of the mother;
  • stressful situations during gestation;
  • chronic diseases;
  • toxicosis;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • genetic predisposition.
The weight of the baby, during intrauterine development, also depends on gender. Boys are born larger than girls.

Fetal weight norm by week of pregnancy

In the first seven days after conception, the fertilized egg begins to divide, forming the placenta and fetus. Up to 7 weeks, all vital organs are laid and formed. Outlines of a person appear - legs, arms, head, heart muscle. The baby can be measured already at the 5th week.

From the second trimester, the intensive growth of the baby begins. The rate of increase is about 80 g / week. Further, the weight of the fetus grows even more rapidly, reaching up to 300 g / week. During a 9-month period of intrauterine development, the uterus increases 500 times.

Doctors, when assessing the parameters for ultrasound, are guided by the general indicators of sizes and circumferences. The main component is the positive dynamics of the intrauterine formation of the baby and its full development.

The approximate weight of a baby at 30 weeks is up to 1.4 kg. Any minor deviation can be perceived as a pathology or a normal condition, depending on the individual parameters of the expectant mother and the baby himself. By the beginning of labor, the baby reaches at least 3 kg 100 gr.

Fetal weight table by week of pregnancy

The estimated weight of the early fetus is calculated using ultrasound. At a later stage, the doctor, thanks to measurements of the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterus, can calculate this indicator.

The norms for the weight of the child by weeks of pregnancy are calculated, presented in the table:

Weeks Length,cm Weight, gr
11 week 4,1 7
12 week 5,4 14
13 week 7,4 23
14 week 8,7 43
15 week 10,1 70
16 week 11,5 100
17 week 13 140
18 week 14,2 190
19 week 15,3 240
20 week 25,8 300
21 week 26,7 360
22 week 27,8 430
23 week 28,9 500
24 week 30 600
25 week 34,6 670
26 week 35,6 760
27 week 36,6 875
28 week 37,6 1000
Week 29 38,6 1150
30 week 39,9 1320
31 weeks 41,1 1500
32 week 42,4 1700
33 week 43,8 1900
34 week 45 2150
35 week 46,2 2380
Week 36 47,4 2500
37 week 48,6 2800
38 week 49,8 3000
39 week 50,7 3300
40 week 51,2 3400

Calculate baby weight during pregnancy by weeks - calculator

The most informative method for calculating during pregnancy is ultrasound. The technician measures the length of the hip, the size and circumference of the head, and the diameter of the chest. After that, he gets the ratio, which is checked against the table of norms.

On examination, the doctor is able to calculate the baby's body weight using a special formula that takes into account the height of the bottom of the uterus, the circumference of the abdomen and the thickness of the woman's bone. The method is applied in the third trimester. In case of significant deviations, a specific diet and drug therapy is prescribed.

For the full development of the baby, both an overabundance and reduced indicators are equally dangerous. It is worth adhering to reasonable dietary standards and not neglecting walks in the fresh air, and the calculator for the weight and height of the child during pregnancy will help to calculate the acceptable limits.

At birth, each child is checked for parameters, while measuring his height and weight, including determining the norm using the WHO centile tables, or calculators similar to what is presented below (from birth to 12 years). For every mother, these are long-awaited numbers, and she will remember them all her life.

Traditionally, after the birth of a child, he is weighed, because such a parameter as weight is extremely important

The weight of the child is very important, because it is the main one in determining the vital activity of the baby. That is why newborns are weighed every morning in the maternity hospital. In this regard, a very urgent question arises - what is the absolutely normal indicator of mass in a newborn?

Having gathered all the information together and making a generalized report, we can say that the normal weight of a child is in the range between 2.5 kilograms and ends up weighing about 4.5 kilograms. However, there is a certain barrier, reaching which we can confidently say that the baby's weight is good.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky talks about how tall and weight a child should have

Factors affecting the weight of the child

Some excess weight of the baby is not so terrible as the lack of weight (hypotrophy), because this may indicate alarming symptoms. In the first case, the doctor will simply advise you to change the feeding regimen, and in the second, you need to understand the reasons.

Child hypotrophy is a significant cause for concern

As you know, heredity is of great importance. If one of the parents had a lot of weight, then their children, as a rule, will also differ in these indicators. But if the parents are small in stature and weight, then their child will not exceed the minimum size.

It also happens that in the first month, the child gains weight poorly. It is for such cases that experts have established the norms that the child is simply obliged to dial. This question is very important, because if the baby's body weight has increased by less than 500 grams, then this is a very bad sign and an urgent need to intervene in this aggravated situation. Otherwise, the baby's health will be at risk.

Remember the circumstances that have a negative impact on weight loss (malnutrition):

Malnutrition or poor quality food... If a child consumes little food in his diet, then he does not receive the necessary calories and naturally his weight will not grow from anything. Take a very close look at the baby's throats and if the mother is applying it to the breast correctly. If you refuse to breastfeed, you need to make sure once again whether the formula is supplied to the child in the right amount. Check the proportions and read the instructions carefully.

A prerequisite for good digestibility of food is its quality and compliance with the child's age. must be natural.

Baby's nutrition should be of high quality, food should be easily digested

If the baby's nutrition is of high quality, but the substances are poorly absorbed, then this may indicate the following diseases (but not necessarily):

  • pancreatitis
  • celiac disease
  • cystic fibrosis
  • allergies to certain foods
  • low intestinal absorption capacity

Basically, these diseases are determined at the first screening of the newborn, and the doctor can prescribe treatment from an early age.

Mom and baby stress... This is often the case in families where mothers have little help, and a depressing atmosphere prevails in the family. The child immediately feels a lack of attention, he often begins to cry and worry. This condition also leads to weight loss.

Toxic factors... Unfavorable ecology, polluted water, taking certain medications are possible factors that can lead to a deterioration in the child's health, and as a consequence of weight loss.

Also smoking nursing mother... Perhaps this is one of the most common reasons for underweight newborns from the toxic category.

It is impossible to highlight any sign or cause of underweight. It is necessary to comprehensively and objectively evaluate all the factors, and only then come to a well-founded conclusion in order to correct everything later.

Determination of the norm of weight - calculator

This calculator will help you determine the norm, weight and height range in accordance with his age (from newborn to 12 years). It can also predict weight and height if you fill in the additional appropriate fields.

The calculation is carried out:

  • according to centile tables developed by the World Health Organization
  • matching the weight to the height of the child

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that all children are different, therefore, the dynamics of weight gain / height for your particular child may differ from the average standards.

Child's weight and height ratio

Whoever is more comfortable using the tables can use the centile tables developed by the WHO.

Table of height and weight norms for girls under one year old

Table of height and weight norms for boys under one year old

Calorie method.

Volumetric method.

Shkarin's formula


Because according to the doctor's prescription, the daily dose is 2 tablets, and 50 tablets are prescribed, then the course of treatment is: 50: 2 \u003d 25 (days).

Answer: 25 days.

Application of mathematics to pediatrics.

Calculation of the amount of milk by volumetric and caloric methods.

The amount of milk a child needs per day is calculated as follows:

For children of the first 7-8 days of life, use the Finkelstein formula

70 * p (with weight less than 3200g)

80 * n (with a weight of more than 3200g), where n is the day of the child's life.

The volume of each feed is calculated by dividing the figure obtained by the number of feedings. By 8-10 days, the child sucks out an average of 500 ml of milk per day.

An approximate calculation of the amount of milk per day for each month of the first year of life is made according to three formulas (you can use one or take the average result).

Shkarin's formula is based on the fact that a child aged 2 months (8 weeks) should receive 800 ml of milk per day. If he is younger, then 50 ml less for each week of life, missing up to 8 weeks ; so a child of 5 weeks of age should receive 800-50 * 3 \u003d 650ml. If he is older than 2 months, then he should receive 50 ml more for each month after 2 months of age. For example: at 3 months 800 + 50 * 1 \u003d 850ml.

The volumetric method takes into account not only the age, but also the weight of the child.

The most accurate is the high-calorie method. Knowing the child's body weight, age and energy value of human milk (1 liter of human milk contains 2928.8 kJ or 700 kcal), you can determine the required amount of milk per day.

4th quarter from 9 to 12 months 100-90 kcal / kg

The total amount of milk received by a child per day should not exceed 1 liter.

The daily calorie content of the child's diet after 1 year is calculated by the formula 1000 + 100 * n , where n is the number of years, 1000 is the daily caloric intake of a one-year-old child.

The body weight of a healthy full-term newborn baby is on average 3400-3500g for boys, 3200-3400g for girls. But there may be minor fluctuations both in the direction of decrease and in the direction of increasing body weight in infants. In the first days after birth, the weight of the child decreases by about 150-200 g. This drop in body weight, as a rule, is natural and is not considered pathological, but is called physiological loss of body weight. Weight loss continues for 3-4 days, then an increase begins ... Roughly calculate the child's body weight in the first 6 months according to the formula: M \u003d Mp + 800 * n, where Mp is the child's body weight at birth in grams, n is the number of months of life.

The body weight of a child over 6 months old can be calculated using the formula:

M \u003d Mp + 800 * 6 + 400 * (n-6), where Мр is the child's body weight at birth in grams, n is the number of months of the child's life.

The increase in body weight of a child for each month of the first year of life can be calculated using the table:


M \u003d 10 + 2 * n, where 10 is the average weight of a child at 1 year, 2 is the annual weight gain, n is the age of the child.

The body weight of a child after 10 years can be calculated using the formula:

M \u003d 30 + 4 * (n-10),where 30 is the average weight of a child at 10 years old, 4 is the annual weight gain, n is the child's age.

For a correct assessment of the physical development of a child, along with weight, it is necessary to take into account the length of the child's body, i.e. comparison of these values \u200b\u200bgives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe peculiarities of the child's physical development. The body length of a full-term baby is on average 50 cm (50.2 cm for girls and 50.7 cm for boys). During 1 days of life, the length of the child decreases slightly, because the deformity of the skull, resulting from the act of childbirth, is leveled. Body length increases intensively during infancy. For the 1st year of life, the body length increases by 25 cm (1 ½ times).

The growth for each month of the first year of life is:

In the 1st quarter (0-3 months) 3 cm for each month,

In the 2nd quarter (3-6 months), 2.5 cm for each month,

In the 3rd quarter (6-9 months), 1.5 cm for each month,

In the 4th quarter (9-12 months) 1.0 cm for each month.

The growth of a child after the first year of life can be calculated using the formula:

X \u003d 75 + 6 * p,where 75 is the average height of a child at 1 year, 6 is the average annual increase, n is the age of the child.