Ex-lover of Victoria Boni billionaire Alex Smerfit showed the perfect body. Victoria Bonya: who became her new husband (photo) What is known about the new wife of Victoria Boni

Victoria Bonya shared pictures from a family vacation on the microblog. It is noteworthy that, together with the celebrity, it was not her new mysterious groom at all captured on them, but the old one. Victoria spends her vacation in Ireland with her daughter Angelina-Letizia and ex-lover Alex Smerfit.

Victoria Bonya and Alex Smurfit // Photo: Instagram

"Greetings from Cold Ireland" - victoria turned to followers.

As far as the press knows, Victoria, Alex Smerfit and Angelina are staying at a five-star hotel in Dublin. The city for family vacation, most likely, was chosen by Alex. As you know, he was born in Ireland, but now he prefers to live in countries with a milder climate - France or Monaco.

Victoria Bonya actively shares with subscribers pictures of unusually beautiful landscapes from Ireland, as well as videos with her daughter. Alex, in turn, boasts that he went fishing with Angelina and managed to return home with a great catch.

“First catch. I can't wait for it to be on our plates "- written by Alex Smerfit.

Not so long ago, Victoria Bonya admitted that she was in love. She calls her chosen one husband and categorically refuses to disclose his name. Many fans do not believe in the celebrity's stories about the new young man, while others still cherish hopes that Victoria Bonya will reunite with Alex Smerfit. According to the latter, the cozy atmosphere of a five-star hotel and a family weekend will be able to work a miracle and make ex-lovers remember their feelings.

February 15, 2017 7:47 am

“Alex and I decided to part ways ... Our parting is not driven by any quarrels, or treason, or family problems. We remain close people to each other, as our beautiful daughter connects us - our common happiness ... "- said Victoria Bonya.

37-year-old Victoria Bonya recently announced that she has not been with her daughter's father Alex Smerfit for six months. She was not married to him, but can still claim part of his property (I will tell you what it can claim in the next post). The secular lioness, in her address to the public, stated that the decision to leave is not associated with any quarrels, or with treason, or with family problems.

The woman announced this after the father of her four-year-old daughter was photographed in a club hugging another woman. By the way, she is also a Russian woman - a model from Rostov-on-Don, Ekaterina Aleshkina.


Otar Kushanashvili, a journalist, a broad specialist, did not fail to voice his version of what caused the separation of Boni and Smurfit:

"BONYA. I remember the rule of life for authentic boys:" Do not stand in the way of high feelings ", but this rule applies to the feelings of HIGH. I even told Anya Sedokova that all our more or less famous people have a confusion with priorities, that translated from Georgian into Russian means: wanting to eat a fish ... further in the text. Believe the dock: a family is only at first a privilege, and only then a duty. Very soon the accents shift. I can't see, but I have my eyesight they are excellent with hearing, and I do not hear ANYONE who has the desire and strength to fulfill this sacred duty. Everyone wants to be famous and rich, all egos, all demiurges, there is no organic dichotomy in our collective farm. But this is: "We we will remain the best friends "and so on, feed this syllogism to Jolie. Because friendship is also work, and" I have a busy schedule ", don't blame my grandmother, friends - to the museum, the covers cry for me" .

I translate - the reason for the separation of the couple Kushanashvili sees in the fact that Victoria Bonya paid little attention to her family.

And how beautiful it all began! Bonya at the party meets Alex Smerfit, who flew to Moscow for work. He is the owner of a chain of hotels and pastry shops around the world, the heir to an Irish multimillionaire (his father owns the largest cardboard company in Europe).

She has been making a living herself since the age of 16: a former waitress, a participant in the Dom-2 television project, a TV presenter. Alex began to court, she pretended that she was not interested in the guy ...

A few months later, the businessman moved the girl to his place in Monaco. In 2012, the couple had a daughter. But ... Victoria was never married, although the wedding was discussed all the time. Was it possible to save the relationship or what happened more than natural? Psychologist Alexandra Miller dealt with this difficult issue.

When asked directly why he didn't marry Vika, Alex referred to being busy: "We are engaged and will get married in a couple of years."


Psychologist: - Victoria miscalculated when she agreed to live with Alex in a civil marriage. People are unsure of their choice if they don't register a relationship. The attitude to the status of a common-law wife is appropriate - today one, tomorrow another ... Women who value themselves and their time do not agree to cohabitation. In a formal family, it is easier to experience a crisis in a relationship. And Victoria would feel much more confident and happier in the status of a legal wife.

Alex's father was not against the fact that his son settled with a Russian beauty on the Cote d'Azur. But he was always categorically against the official marriage of Alex with the "simpleton" Victoria.

Psychologist: - In families of the level of the multimillionaire Smurfit, it is customary to agree on the union of children when the heirs were just born in order to combine capital. Alex went against the wishes of his parents, but he was given the opportunity to play with the family and live with whoever he chose. Most likely, the father periodically dripped onto his son's brain. And that also played a role.

From time to time, provocative photos of Boni and her former at Dom-2 Stepan Menshchikov appeared on the Internet.

Psychologist: - If Alex was turned against Victoria, such shots only added fuel to the fire.

Victoria is 37 years old. She is 5 years older than Alex! Before meeting Bonya, Alex was a womanizer. Vika claimed that she was able to change her man.

Psychologist: - Men don't change! In general, people rarely change. Perhaps Victoria has the feminine skill of keeping a man energetically near her. Such women know how to make their chosen one get the highest pleasure in bed and in life only with them. Then the business skyrockets, and the feeling of happiness does not pass. A man in this state does not need other women. But when such a powerful adversary as a billionaire father comes up against her, interests clash and the emotional environment becomes complex.

Victoria gave birth to a daughter, Alex has always shown tender feelings for the girl.

Psychologist: - Children do not hold men. Alex can communicate with her daughter without living with Victoria.

Victoria Bonya announced the separation from her common-law husband after her ex was photographed with another woman. Does her silence speak of hope for reconciliation?

Psychologist: - Perhaps she was hoping for a truce with Alex, after all, they have a child. This is a strong argument for reconciliation. As, however, and for the formalization of relations.


Does the sad ending of the relationship between Boni and Smurfit mean that the story of Cinderella and the Prince in reality is impossible?

Fortunately, this is not the case. Suffice it to recall another famous Russian woman - Natalia Vodianova. Like Victoria Bonya, she is a girl from the provinces. But Natasha has always worked - she built a successful career as a model, earned capital and the opportunity to actively engage in charity work. Neither the former official husband - British aristocrat, nor current civil- the French businessman did not make her stay at home. At the same time, the model managed to become a mother five times!

Although Victoria Bonya believes that “you need to punch the road in life yourself,” she melted into life in Monaco. The ex-participant of "House-2" said that she refuses to shoot, as she can afford it thanks to Alex.

She recently launched a clothing line with a well-known brand and has a lot of ads on her Instagram.

Apparently, after parting with Victoria, Alex began to give her less money. Although Bonya continues a luxurious life abroad.

Already without a millionaire husband.

And now Bonya has registered on a dating site.

“Very soon I am flying to America. I can't wait, to be honest, I have few friends there, but recently my friend told me about an application where you can search for people by location. This is a very useful thing, especially for those who travel a lot like me. I am for new acquaintances! " - wrote Victoria.

teleprogramma.pro, hochu.yua

December 14, 2017

The father of daughter Victoria Boni is a public person, but he rarely publishes his photos on social networks. However, the other day, Alex Smurfit shared a picture in which he poses in some shorts. Netizens were amazed at the athletic physique of the 32-year-old businessman.

For five years she met with Alex Smerfit and spent a lot of time with him in Monaco, but in February of this year she announced that they broke up. Even the appearance of Angelina's daughter Letitia did not save their relationship. Only recently did the TV presenter tell why she is. It turned out that a year after the birth of her daughter, she told her lover that they are very different people and if it were not for the child, she would have left him. Now Bonya continues to communicate with him and maintains a warm relationship.

Alex himself prefers not to talk about his personal life. However, there are often rumors that he has found a new lover. The 32-year-old businessman rarely publishes his photos on the Web, but recently he made an exception. He shared a very spicy shot in which he only poses in hot pink shorts and a hat. Standing against the backdrop of mountains and palm trees, Smurfit showed a toned athletic body. His publication received almost seven thousand likes in a day. Fans admired the athletic physique of the billionaire: "What a handsome", "Gorgeous man", "Tarzan", "Man-rock".

Meanwhile, Victoria has repeatedly hinted to fans that. She does not disclose the name of her chosen one, but her fans believe that this is 29-year-old Marouane Fellaini, a Belgian footballer of Moroccan descent. In an interview, Bonya said that she had not yet had such a relationship. She admitted that her new lover completely captured her heart.