Is Valeria pregnant? Valeria is pregnant with Prigozhin: true or not. summer Valeria is pregnant


About a month ago, rumors began to circulate on the network that the singer Valeria was pregnant. If this is really true, then this child will become the first joint baby with producer Prigozhin. I would like to note that both Valeria and Prigozhin already have children from their first marriage.

However, this is not the singer's first pregnancy from Joseph Prigogine. Several years ago Valeria was already pregnant, but she could not bear the child.

Singer Valeria is pregnant 2017: istria of love

Valeria and Joseph have been together for 13 years. And although they had known each other for a long time, the communication of the future spouses somehow did not work out. Valeria's marriage to Joseph is already the third in a row. And as it turned out - the happiest. They don't even get jealous, since they are both happily married. However, not everything in their life is as smooth as it might seem at first glance.

When Joseph Prigogine came to the "Secret for a Million" program with Lera Kudryavtseva, some details from their lives were revealed. The man said that until the moment he met Valeria, such a thing as love at first sight simply did not exist for him. However, Valeria, like a hurricane, burst into his life, and became its meaning. The most difficult moment for the spouses is the fact that they cannot have a joint child. Valeria sincerely admitted that the rumors that roam the Internet that she had already carried a child from Joseph under her heart, but then lost him, is far from fiction.

Joseph Prigogine said that the couple had even already chosen a name for the future baby, they planned to name their little son - Yegor. For some reason, the happy future parents were sure that they would have a boy. But this happiness was not destined to come true. Prigogine recalls that the moment when Valeria was pregnant with him was the most special period in their relationship, but fate decreed otherwise, and the fetus stopped developing. Someone even said that the singer managed to register for pregnancy and decided to give birth on her own, abandoning surrogacy.

Singer Valeria is pregnant 2017: rumors, rumors again

The singer's Instagram spawned a second wave of pregnancy rumors. Valeria publishes such photos that either hide the belly behind bulky clothes, or in which it is not visible at all from this angle. That is why users considered such secrecy a sign of pregnancy. Since then, thousands of questions have been addressed to her on this sensitive topic. But to date, none of the spouses has made any official statement on this matter. Not so long ago, a married couple visited the "Smak" program and, as it turned out, Valery still has that gourmet in life. It is very difficult for a performer to please with gifts. Prigogine said that his wife does not like diamonds. She likes antique books, which Prigozhin has to get over and over again. In this regard, it is also easier for the producer, for him to be happy he only needs his wife to be there.

It was rumored that the couple tried and have a child earlier, but because of their strong employment, they were in no hurry, apparently, something had changed in the life of the spouses, and they decided to replenish their already huge family.

The day before, journalists managed to see Valery and Joseph entering one of the capital's clinics. Probably the purpose of the visit was to register for pregnancy. Despite the fact that the singer is already almost 50, she could decide to give birth herself, without using the services of a surrogate mother, which are now popular among show business stars. The press has already heard information that the producer announced a future replenishment in their family, however, there is no official confirmation of this yet.

Music taught the pop diva to achieve her goals and never give up. Valeria said that she had set herself difficult, but real goals and will achieve them. She is sure that she has many more songs to sing and that the stage has come in her career when it is necessary to sum up the results.

Fans rushed to wish Valeria more rest and noted that lack of sleep did not affect her beauty in any way. “You must have a rest! Take care of yourself!" "Lera! Everyone would be so cool to look at a lack of sleep "" For such a "rest" you look very good "" Valeria, what if you work a little less and rest a little more? Why do you need such a race? "

Valeria and Prigogine are expecting a child interesting facts. Fresh information.

The news could not be ignored by the singer's fans and immediately received wide publicity. As it became known from the reports of some journalists, the gestation period is still short and is only two months.

With the help of her page on the popular social network Instagram, the singer encourages her fans to show sincerity and often thank the people around them. She asked them how often they say thank you to someone. The artist is convinced that everyone needs care and support. Especially often it is worth showing these feelings in relation to your family and friends.

The singer's possible pregnancy is also evidenced by the fact that she has suspended new concerts. Earlier, Joseph stated that if his wife is ready to have another child, then a certain pause should come in her creative career. Despite this, the tour of their country has not yet been canceled.

The slender legs of the singer Valeria and her irrepressible energy provide her with hundreds of thousands of views on Instagram. And she never ceases to delight her fans with bright unusual photos and a sunny smile. New pictures of the singer and innermost thoughts appeared on the network, which incredibly inspired thousands of subscribers to accomplishments in their own lives.

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In 2014, the couple announced that they were already preparing for the birth of a child - Valeria was able to get pregnant without any special planning. But for a two-month period, the singer suffered a miscarriage. Joseph Prigogine then said that this was due to a viral disease that the artist suffered "on her feet."

From the very morning, fans of the famous singer have been wondering if the same thing happened in her life that she decided to interrupt her concert activity for a whole year. Of course, the first assumption was the artist's pregnancy. Everyone knows that Valeria and her husband have long dreamed of joining an already large family. But before the fans had time to rejoice for the couple, Joseph dotted all the i's.

Valeria became a guest of the Secret for a Million program. On the air, the 49-year-old singer was extremely frank and tried to answer all questions from the lead Lera Kudryavtseva. In the first part of the show, Valeria spoke about her personal life. The artist remembered her first husband, the composer Leonid Yaroshevsky, as well as her second wife, producer Alexander Shulgin, who raised his hand to her.

The news that Valeria is preparing to become a mother again received a wide response. Many journalists report that the pop star is in her second month. Regardless of her age, the performer is inclined towards natural childbirth, not wanting to use the services of a surrogate mother.

The pregnancy of singer Valeria is threatened with miscarriage. Everything that is known at the moment.

It was these people who helped her become the woman she became. Also, the artist said words of gratitude to the envious, as they help to temper the character and strive forward.

Meanwhile, on the page of Joseph Prigozhin, the first congratulations from fans with future replenishment appeared. Familiar families and admirers of Valeria's creativity sincerely congratulate the couple and wish everything to go well.

Now, in many photos on Valeria's personal Instagram, it is quite difficult to see her figure - she is hidden by voluminous clothes or the singer poses so that her belly is not visible. It is too read as a sign of her pregnancy.

“Good luck to young parents ...”, “The main thing is to give birth to a healthy one”, “I read, they did not succeed for a long time. And they didn’t want IVF in principle ”,“ Well done woman, God forbid to bear it ”,“ Children are good, great! If health allows it, then it is possible, why not, ”the Runet audience comments.

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Valeria is expecting a baby news. Latest news.

Valeria invited her fans to her concert in Moscow, which will take place on April 20 and 21, 2018. It will be a sensational show, the spectacular blonde intrigued the subscribers.

Such thoughts of users of social networks were prompted by the comments of Joseph Prigogine: in recent interviews with the press, Valeria's husband began to mention quite often that they dream of a child and continue to move towards their goal. The audience is sure: the artist is already in the early stages of pregnancy.

Video of Valeria's birth. Latest news.

After Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin decided to give birth to twins, they inspired many couples with their act: in the summer, Joseph Prigogine confessed that he dreamed that Valeria would give birth to his son.

And finally, his dream came true: as it became known a little earlier, the woman is in position. Happy future dad is already accepting congratulations.

It was rumored that the couple had tried to have a child before, but because of their strong employment, they were in no hurry, apparently, something had changed in the life of the spouses, and they decided to replenish their already huge family.

In one of the major online publications, a message appeared about the pregnancy of the singer Valeria. In addition, other information appeared - a married couple, Valeria and her husband, producer Joseph Prigogine, were noticed among the visitors of the Moscow perinatal center.

Now, on many photos in the best Instagram, it is quite difficult to see her figure - she hides the bulk of her clothes or the singer poses so that the animal is not visible. This is also considered as a sign of her pregnancy.

Several years ago, the Wall was actually carried under the heart of the child. The news about the pregnancy was unexpected for us. But the artwork was soon completely immersed in the state of the new motherhood and was reading a sea of \u200b\u200bmagazines about pregnancy.

Music naychula pop-duvy to achieve the set goals and never go down. Valeriya said that she had set before herself complex, but realistic goals and that she would be able to achieve it. She is sure that she will have to sing many more songs, and in her career, she has entered the stage when it is necessary to stimulate it.

The slender legs of the singer of the Balleruu and her meager energy provide her with hundreds of thousands of views on Instagram. And she does not cease to please her admirers with bright unusual photos and a sunny smile. New pictures of the singer and secret thoughts appeared in the network, which incredibly inspired thousands of subscribers to accomplishments in their own life.

Fans of her work began to think about pregnant Valeria after the singer began to give concerts less often, and in one of her interviews she said that she would like to give Joseph Prigogine a baby.

Joseph Prigogine, in turn, without denying or confirming the rumors about the pregnancy of his wife, emphasized many times that if he and Valeria had a baby, they would have to postpone some period of creative plans.

Apparently, the blonde has already registered for pregnancy. So, on the eve, journalists noticed Valeria and Joseph at the entrance to one of the Moscow clinics. And although she is almost fifty, the artist still decided to give birth on her own, refusing the services of a surrogate mother.

According to some reports, the producer has already told the press that soon there will be a replenishment in their family. However, until now this information has not been confirmed.

After Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin decided to give birth to twins, they inspired many couples with their act: in the summer, Joseph Prigogine confessed that he dreamed that Valeria would give birth to his son. And finally, his dream came true: as it became known a little earlier, the woman is in position. Happy future dad is already accepting congratulations.

It was rumored that the couple had tried to have a child before, but because of their strong employment, they were in no hurry, apparently, something had changed in the life of the spouses, and they decided to replenish their already huge family.

Singer Valeria is pregnant 2017: this will be the first joint child of the couple

Valeria decided to refuse the services of a surrogate mother and give birth on her own. Recently, the producer and the singer were seen at the entrance to one of the capital's clinics, where Valeria was registered for pregnancy. Meanwhile, Joseph Prigozhin himself told reporters about the replenishment in the star family.

You know, it seems to me that it's too early to rejoice. You see, different circumstances happen in life. Therefore, I would not like to talk about this topic at all, in principle, ”he said, noting with regret that sometimes news emerges earlier than we would like. - Therefore, I would not like to celebrate ahead of time, ring the bells. Thank you for your congratulations, but for now I think it's not easy. Time is needed, you know, - summed up the producer.

Singer Valeria is pregnant 2017: Valeria has suspended future concerts, but has not yet canceled the already planned tour of Russia

I really want my baby to be born, whom I would take in my arms and nurse him. If in the next two or three years I am not naturally lucky, then perhaps I will. Because time is passing, and my desire is to pause on tour in the next two or three years and give the opportunity to become Valeria's mother again, - said Prigozhin in a recent interview.

It is known that Valeria has three children from her first marriage, producer Alexander Shulgin: daughter Anna and sons Artemy and Arseny. Joseph Prigogine also has three children from previous wives.

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Representatives of the domestic and world show business have recently increasingly delighted their fans by becoming moms and dads. So it happened with the famous singer Valeria, about whose "interesting" situation they started talking in February 2014. "Valeria is pregnant with Prigogine Joseph" - were full of headlines. Let's just say that for many, this news was more than unexpected, although this couple spoke about their desire to have a joint child more than once.

45-year-old Valeria is pregnant

From Prigogine Joseph - his legal spouse and producer. There is nothing strange in this, because Valeria has an impeccable reputation and has never been seen in any intrigues. True, in contrast to his faithful, who is periodically "caught" by the ubiquitous paparazzi in the company of young nymphets. But now we are not talking about that.

So, the whole point is that Valeria is not 30 or even 35 years old, but all 45. Of course, obstetricians-gynecologists say that late motherhood is becoming the norm, and the world is full of such examples. However, when it became known that Valeria was pregnant with Prigozhin, this caused surprise and generated just a huge number of discussions in various public platforms. There were those who were sincerely happy, and those who suspected the couple of a skillfully conducted PR move. Only Valeria and Prigozhin know how things are in reality. We can only guess and analyze the information that was provided to the public.

Pregnancy history

"Valeria is pregnant with Prigozhin" - almost all popular publications with such articles appeared in February. At first, such a conclusion was made on the basis of the singer's visit to the elite center "Lapino", where she, most likely, was registered for pregnancy. There she was "accidentally" captured by journalists' cameras. After that, Joseph Prigogine gave an official explanation in an interview and on his page on the social network.

In it, he confirmed the rumors circulating by that time that his wife was pregnant. Moreover, the term was already about 2 months. It turned out that it is true that Valeria is pregnant, unlike other stars, who are now and then attributed to an imaginary "interesting" position.

In connection with such changes in her personal life, Valeria adjusted her creative plans, some of which had to be postponed or completely canceled. However, the singer decided not to miss the tour to Surgut and gave a previously announced concert there.

The fans were not happy for long that their favorite singer would soon become a mother. Soon, the same unexpected information appeared that Valeria had lost her child. And again, the caring spouse made an explanation. He explained that his wife had suffered a miscarriage due to a viral illness. It required antibiotic treatment and hospitalization. However, Valeria suffered an illness on her feet because of her busy schedule, but this affected the course of pregnancy, which ended in the loss of the child.

The baby will still be

This is how the story that Valeria was pregnant ended. 2014 in this regard for the couple has turned out to be unsuccessful so far, at least, its beginning. The singer's husband immediately stated that they did not cancel their intention and would do everything so that they had a child. Valeria later admitted that it is really difficult to bear a baby at this age, you need to be careful and be careful in everything. And with her lifestyle, this is simply not feasible, because she has to work hard.

There should be many children

Valeria and Iosif Prigogine already have six children for two from their previous marriages. They raised all the offspring together, some of them have become completely adult and independent individuals. It is not surprising that the couple wanted to have another baby, because they have enough strength and resources to raise and educate him. Moreover, they never gave birth to a common child during their marriage.

Valeria, together with her husband, said that they would try to get pregnant again in the usual way, but if this does not happen, then they do not exclude an alternative option. Which path they will choose, the couple did not specify, probably, there will be surrogacy or IVF.

Valeria's character

There is no need to doubt that the singer will still become a mother again. Firstly, Joseph speaks so confidently about this that the fans simply will not understand them. Secondly, knowing the character of the star, it is not surprising that she will still achieve the desired result. After all, she does this almost always and in everything. By her own admission, Valeria has an "excellent pupil" complex, which instructs her to always achieve her goals, and do it in an ideal way.

Any business that she undertakes must be completed at "5". During her childhood and adolescence, the singer was an excellent student, had various hobbies. She also knitted, and in a rather complex technique. Her products were so beautiful that they were admired even by the more experienced knitters.

And Valeria adheres to this principle all her life. Today she is a demanded, popular and active singer, who, of course, has vocal abilities and her own audience. She is considered a beautiful successful woman who, after certain vicissitudes, managed to regain her happiness and even greater fame. Perhaps we will soon hear again that Valeria is pregnant. 2014, the singer can still manage to make the year of a dream come true - to find hope for motherhood.