Application road safety. Workshop on the manufacture of paper and junk material “Rules of the road. Fire Safety Crafts

Master class for making a game model "City Street"

  Norkina Oksana Sergeevna
  The teacher MADOU kindergarten No. 21 "Dewdrop" of a combined type of the urban district of the city of Kumertau of the Republic of Bashkortostan
  The master class is designed for educators, but can be useful for parents.
Appointment:  training in game modeling, the formation of safe behavior on the roadway.
Purpose:  making a model for game modeling in work with children of preschool age.
  - acquaint children with the rules of the road, the purpose and signals of traffic lights, with road signs, expand knowledge about the rules of safe behavior of children on the street;
  - activate children on independent activities in the corner of traffic rules,
  The game layout can be used to develop fine motor skills, visual perception, social orientation, orientation in space.

Stage I - the basis for the layoutTo make the basics of the game model “City Street” we need: 2 pieces from the MDF panel (I have 53 cm each), a piano hinge, screws and nuts for fastening.

  With a drill, drill holes in the MDF panels in the selected places, fasten the piano hinge with screws and nuts.

  So that our layout stands at an angle of 90 degrees and does not fall back, on one side we fasten the corner stop (I have this part of the mount from the old curtain), paint the bottom of our layout with black paint.

  Now we will arrange the upper vertical part of the layout. For its design, we take 2 pictures with the image of houses (I arranged these for myself).

   We print out the pictures in a double copy, we laminate, if there is no laminator, then you can simply paste it with tape. The picture becomes brighter and easier to care for the layout - to wipe the dust for example.
  We stick one copy of our laminated pictures, joining the layout, that's what we should get.

Now we will give volume to the card. To do this, from the second copies we cut the buildings at our discretion, and paste them onto pre-prepared blanks from the ceiling tiles - single background and double foreground, in my work I used the glue for the ceiling tile “Master”

  We cut buildings with an office knife

  We paste (I use the same “Master”) on the layout, “depth” appeared on our street.

  We proceed to the design of the roadway. We take construction tape, highlight the pedestrian crossing, the dividing strip, that is, what we will paint over with white, we close the rest.

  In work I use ordinary spray paints in a spray can, are sold in any hardware store, dry quickly, are convenient to use. Selected all the lines in white - remove the tape. The carriageway and the transition are ready.

Stage II - Paper machines.  Now prints patterns of paper machines, on the Internet, there are a lot of them, for example, take these.

The image is reduced. Click to see the original.

We print the printed templates (1 sheet of laminated film, 2 sheets of templates with cars), we fold the sheets with the white sides inward. Laminate so that the cars become more rigid, bright and there is an opportunity to wipe them. When the sheet is laminated, we cut it along the contour and we get 2 sheets laminated on the color side, the second side remains not laminated (paper) - the paper sticks together better, and the laminated cars shine. Here is a laminated sheet with templates cut from 3 sides.

  We cut out the patterns of cars, glue them together.

Stage III - road signs.  Now we turn to the manufacture of road signs.
  Materials: sheets of ordinary office paper, white, it took me 2 pieces, a ceiling tile (better to wash), a stationery knife, toothpicks, glue master, a mosaic of 3 colors (red, yellow, green), a laminated sheet with blanks of signs, I used one.

The image is reduced. Click to see the original.

We cut and paste 1 copy onto the tile, cut with a clerical knife along the contour, paste 2 copies on the other hand (if you wish, you can not paste the second part of the sign. We make a stand for our signs. Birch a sheet of white paper and cut 4-5 mm strips along the long side For one sign, you need 5 strips .. Take one strip and wind it onto a toothpick to form a tight “roll” - this is the top of the stand. Glue 4 stripes into a long strip, twist it into a “roll.” Put a small one on top of a large roll, We dip the edge of the toothpick in glue, pierce our “rolls”, pierce the workpiece with a traffic sign with the other edge of the toothpick. All of our sign is ready.

  To make the traffic light more voluminous, add a small mosaic of the corresponding colors to the lights, puncture the hole with an awl, insert the mosaic.

  Our fleet

  Our signs

  Thank you all for your attention!

Unfortunately, children quite often become participants in various accidents. And all this happens because many of them do not know the basic rules. It is easy to learn the rules of the road on the roads and streets of the city. In this case, the child should be helped by parents and school workers. In educational institutions, quite often there are lessons in traffic rules. And these lessons end with the fact that children make various crafts on them. Therefore, in this article we decided to give you crafts on the topic of traffic rules for children. Children’s crafts can easily make these crafts with their own hands if they look at the photo.

What crafts to make on the topic: Rules of the road

Traffic light - a simple hack. Several variants.

The simplest version of the craft is a traffic light. Indeed, even a child who attends kindergarten can make such a craft. In the process of creating such a product, do not forget to remind the child of what the colors of the traffic light mean.

The basis of the crafts will be - album sheet. It must be painted black. Even on the sheet, you can draw a rectangle and color it accordingly. Cut out circles from colored paper and stick them to your traffic light.

A traffic light can be made out of the box.

In addition, to create a traffic light, you can use old CD-ROMs. A good traffic light that expresses its emotions can clearly explain the rules of behavior at a traffic light.

It looks very interesting traffic light, which has the head of a policeman. Attach handles and legs to the traffic light.

An old bottle is a great option for making crafts. You simply paint it in the base color, draw circles of traffic light on it. Do not forget to attach the legs to the bottle. Cut out the pens from paper and insert the main attributes of the policeman into them.

Applications on the subject of traffic rules.

The following simple crafts are applications. Preschool kids will also cope with this task. Applications can be made of colored paper and cardboard.

More applications can be made of plasticine. In the beginning, put a pattern on thick paper, after which it should be decorated with plasticine.

Another picture of plasticine. It looks very unusual and bright.

Paper figures.

The fake traffic rules for children should be interesting. From paper, you can make a variety of crafts on this topic. And they will all be interesting in their own way.

Sophisticated applications.

It is worth saying that crafts about the rules of the road for children can be not only simple. And if the children take advantage of the help of their parents, then they will be able to make more complex applications with them that will clearly explain the rules of behavior on the roads.


As you can see, doing crafts on the topic of traffic rules is very simple. In this case, the child fantasizes and remembers important rules that will later help him maintain his health and life.

  Marina Shchevelkova
  "Traffic Laws". Application class in senior group

Application class in senior group« Traffic rulesand I"


Continue to teach children how to make a composition of colored paper;

To consolidate the ability to cut out of paper;

To fix the skills of working with scissors, glue;

Develop attention and creativity.

Class progress

Today we will talk about traffic regulations. You ride with moms and dads on the bus, go to kindergarten, to shops and you often have to go the road. You are participants traffic, which means they should know traffic Laws.

Guys how cross the road correctly?

Children: At the traffic light.

And if there is no traffic light nearby?

Children: We pass the road  on the crosswalk.

The tutor demonstrates a traffic light layout.

Educator: Guys, what do you think the traffic light is for?

Children: (children's answers)

Educator: Well done! Correctlytraffic light helps regulate traffic and


Educator: How many signals does a traffic light have?

Children: (children's answers)

Educator: What color are they?

Children: Red, yellow, green

Well done boys. Now we will execute applique"Car at the traffic light."

As part of the thematic week on traffic rules was held applique"Car at the traffic light". With children, a preliminary job: looking at illustrations, conversations, reading thin. literature movable  and didactic games ( "Red, Yellow, Green" "Traffic light", learning songs, poems, solving riddles.

With the onset of autumn, the first classes begin in kindergartens. First of all, kids are introduced to the rules of behavior on the road and fire safety. Of course, such lessons are held in a fun and interesting way, so that the kids better remember new information. Well, all that is left for parents is to pick up scissors, papers and other attributes of creativity and craft crafts on the topics “SDA” and “OBZh”.

Come up with crafts on the topic of fire safety for kindergarten is quite simple. Any natural materials are suitable for them - dry leaves, twigs, small cones, etc. They will make nice main figures. You can also link or stitch the character. As a rule, a traffic light or a traffic cop is chosen for this role.

If you suddenly happen to go to the sea in the summer - do not be too lazy and collect a few pebbles and shells. And in the summer cottage - plant small-sized pumpkins - in the future they can also be used for crafts.

You can make an application using plain paper, plasticine or salt dough. Crafts from cereals or pasta will look good (usually they are painted with paints). A variety of boxes, as well as sequins, beads, beads, will also be used. And you can just limit to posters on this topic.

Crafts on the topic of traffic rules

Two plots are selected for DIY crafts on the topic of traffic rules for kindergarten:

The first tells how to not act if a fire started,

The second describes actions during a fire.

An excellent solution would be to create a visual picture of the rules for observing traffic rules. Of course, this option is more complicated, it takes more time, but it turns out incredibly presentable and instructive. For example, you can draw a road with a zebra on the box cover and, according to the rules, arrange toys (cars, men, trees, traffic lights).

You can also make a board for the child on which he could build a real road for himself. You will need:

Big box (you can just take the lid off the packaging),

Children's toy cars, details from cubes, plastic trees,


White sheet of paper,

Markers or paint.

We glue the box inside with paper. We draw on it a couple of winding roads, a crossroads and ennoble the "territory". Be sure to put road signs and traffic lights on the box. If you have a printer, you can do these attributes yourself. Or just buy a set of traffic in a children's store. As for the infrastructure - shops, houses and stops, they are easily glued from thick cardboard, which can be painted in any color if desired. Plasticine can be used as an additional material.

Fire Safety Crafts

Original crafts on fire safety can be invented using ordinary semolina. Plus - glue and paints. This type of crafts contribute to the development of crumbs. To make a mannered picture on the topic of fire safety, you should pre-draw the contours of the drawing and lightly walk on it with glue. Then invite your baby to sprinkle the paper with grits (you can also use buckwheat or millet). Typically, such lessons in children cause bouts of wild delight. When the whole drawing is full, slowly turn the sheet over so that excess material is poured from it.

Barley or wheat groats will help to create a background (and flat images of objects). But to highlight the main details, use beans or peas.

Well, the easiest, but no less good way for a child to express his imagination is to draw a picture. Invite your child to come up with a storyline himself and bring it to life on paper. Only please, do not correct anything, and even more so - do not draw instead of children.

After all, the main task of parents should be to direct the child in the process of creativity, and not to do something for him.

We offer you the article "Fire Shield".

The base of the craft is a box from a laptop (its back), painted with paint (for surroundings).

Box for sand - packaging from tea bags. For its decor, colored paper and red varnish were used.

In the role of an ax is a children's toy, a little tinted in black (again with varnish).

Shovel - from a set of children's dishes.

Bucket - glued from colored paper.

A fire extinguisher is a container from a mosquito repellent (of course, thoroughly washed, suddenly someone will want to try pressing a spray bottle).

The fire hose is a silicone hose, and the plastic tip is borrowed from a children's fire truck.

As you can see, nothing complicated. There would be a fantasy, and the rest will follow.

Crafts Traffic Rules

As for the crafts "traffic rules" - on the network you can find many examples of a wide variety of crafts made in the form of applications, knitted figures, painted plots and ordinary posters. For example, make a training stand. To make it, you will need multi-colored caps from plastic bottles (about 30 pieces), pictures that depict road signs (in double quantity) and some situations on the topic, colored paper and felt-tip pens.

We attach road signs to a large sheet of paper, and next we cut out small holes where children will have to insert a similar sign glued to the lid. We also act with a traffic light and pictures (they are better placed under the signs). An interesting visual aid is ready!

You can even make a whole manual in pictures. To do this, simply select the appropriate poster size (to fit on A4 sheet), print and bind. Of course, you can do it better yourself, and children can help choose interesting stories. Any craft made by the child’s hands not only plays an educational role, but also helps to develop fine motor skills, and teaches perseverance and patience. It is important to encourage children to create creativity that develops imagination, teaches patience, and disciplines.

Many parents are wondering how to explain to the baby the rules of the road,

to make him interested. Just to listen to stories from life and watch pictures of relevant subjects, the kids do not really like it. Curious fidgets seek adventure. We give advice to all dads and mothers - turn familiarization with traffic rules in an exciting game, the attributes for which invite the child to do it yourself. We will tell you ideas and technologies for their implementation in this article. An article on the topic “Rules of the Road” is what we’ll talk about with you right now.

Paper application

It develops very well imagination, thinking, motor skills and such a type of needlework as application. Plain colored paper with a pencil, scissors and glue can be turned into interesting crafts on the topic of traffic rules. Performing storyline applications with the baby, discuss with him such moments as the correct passage of the street, the value of traffic signals, purpose and others. An article on the topic "Rules of the Road" in the form of an application can later become the basis of a board game. Glue the road, pedestrian crossing, sidewalk, marking on a large sheet of cardboard from colored paper. And how to perform other attributes for such a game, we will discuss further.

Cardboard figures

Crafts on the subject of “Traffic Rules” in the form of a board development game presuppose the presence of such components as traffic lights, houses, cars. You can make them from cardboard. Good material for this type of work are matchboxes, medicine boxes, or any other items. To make a building, you just need to glue paper over a rectangular box and draw windows and doors on it. A traffic light is made in the same way. Cars can be modeled from matchboxes, gluing them together, and then decorating with colored paper and drawing details (wheels, windows, headlights). Do not dispense with such a game without pedestrians. They can be small toys from the Kinder Surprise or people made from acorns and chestnuts.

Toy "Traffic Light": an article on the topic "Rules of the Road"

From a regular box of juice or kefir, you can make a traffic light with your child. Paste a box of white or gray paper over the entire area. Cut out four colored green, yellow and red circles from colored paper, and attach them to the walls of a cardboard container. Out of gray paper, make sixteen of the same parts. On each of the circles, drip a little glue in one place and glue these details over the colored ones. It turns out that all the windows of the traffic light are closed by gray circles. The meaning of such a toy is that during the game the child himself must open (raise the gray part) a particular traffic signal depending on the situation being played.

Craft on the topic "Rules of the Road" allows kids not only to gain theoretical knowledge, but also practical. Considering various situations in the form of a game, children will learn how to act in certain cases, and learn to make the right decisions. Create with your children beautiful and informative attributes for learning traffic rules.