The main sections of the educational work of the Rainbow program. Rainbow Preschool Education Program

The Rainbow program recommended the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, has been tested in various regions of the country. Currently revised, taking into account the proposals of teachers practitioners. The program is aimed at education, education and development of children from 2 to 7 years. It gives the age characteristics of the child, the tasks of working with children and ways to solve them are identified, the main directions are indicated interactions DOU with parents.

Rainbow programcontains seven sections: visual activity, mathematics, speech development, design, music, movement surrounding the world.

The structure of the program reflects the patterns of the emergence and formation of the child's most important mental neoplasms in the psyche: from 2 to 4 years - targeted activities, from 4 to 5 - the transition of the child's consciousness outside the surrounding reality, from 5 to 7 years - the arbitrary of mental processes, develop imagination, creation.

The program "Rainbow" is conceived and implemented:

  • as complex, i.e. covered all the main parties to the development of children in preschool age;
  • mass, i.e. intended for use in all regions of Russia in urban and rural kindergartens;
  • personal-oriented system of education, education and development of children, based on the classical approaches and the main achievements of modern Russian pedagogical and psychological science.

Pedagogical work within the framework of the program is based on theoretical positions on the leading role of activities in mental Development Child and the formation of his personality. A significant moment in pedagogical work is to create motivation in children. The authors offer to use three of it: game, communicating and personal interest.

The authors called the Rainbow program, figuratively comparing with a real rainbow seven of the most important species The activities of children and classes, in the course of which the child's education and development occurs: physical education; the game; Fine activity I. manual labor; constructing; An occupation of musical and plastic art; Speech development and familiarization with the outside world; mathematics.

So, for example, the sections "Child and the world around him", "Learning native and foreign languages»Denotected in blue. Their goal is to help learn to communicate with adults and peers, it is clear to those who surrounding their thoughts, be able to listen and understand others, to enter into a conversation, to support him, express their judgments, form the simplest conclusions. With blue, everything is associated with both the air and surrounds the child in everyday life and nature, which allows him to establish connections between alive and inanimate, to know himself.

One of the provisions on which the program is based is a personality is a system based on a person to the world around the world, other people, to himself. The program has set up the tasks of forming a careful and respectful attitude towards the world's arms and the field of human labor, environmental attitude towards nature, developed and proposed effective technologies for creating in a group of quiet and friendly relationships.

The authors pursue the goal - to form such qualities of personality, as a pupil, independence, purposefulness, the ability to put the task and to achieve its decisions, etc., which allow the child without losing interest in the teachings, fully master knowledge not only at school, and constantly. In this regard, the solution of educational and educational tasks is primarily aimed at the upbringing and general mental development of the child. At the same time, the formation of knowledge, skills and skills is considered not as an end in itself, but as one of the means of developing a child.

The following tasks are put in front of the educators:

  • create a child the opportunity to happily and meaning these years;
  • ensure the protection and strengthening of its health (physical and mental);
  • promote comprehensive and timely mental development;
  • form an active and careful respectful attitude towards the environment;
  • to attach to the main spheres of human culture (work, knowledge, art, morality, etc.).

Section of the Rainbow Programs World of Nature."It is the component of the cognitive development of children, within which they all together receive information, develop cognitive processes, form attitudes towards the environment. IN metal Material The programs are provided for a significant number of classes about plants, animals, planet Earth and the structure of the solar system. Children give knowledge from the field of geography, information about exotic phenomena (about the nature of Africa, dinosaurs, etc.), on the basis of seasonal observations, "portraits" of each month, children acquaint themselves with the history of the creation of watches, calendars, globa.

Children learn to contemplate nature, emotionally respond to her condition, but it is important and comprehended to see what it means. The program includes attractive in cognitive facts about peace and nature, but they cannot provide for children understanding nature, directly to the surrounding child, to develop a value attitude towards it. Could not contribute to this and frequent use of the verbal method - the story of the educator, explanations instead of observations.

In the process of educational educational work The foundations of cognitive, careful, creative attitude towards peace, respectful, concerned attitude towards the culture of other peoples are laid with children; Emotional responsiveness is formed to the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality.

Structural and meaningful characteristics

The Raduga program offers to divide the work on environmental education into two sections: "Living nature" and "non-resident nature". In class, children receive knowledge about plants and animals as the kingdoms: the kingdom of plants and the kingdom of animals. The kingdom of plants in turn is divided into wild and cultural plants.

Wild plants - those who live, grow and develop without effort from human, and cultural - those in the growth, development and life of which a person takes an active part. The authors recommend when familiarizing children with plants to take into account the specifics of the edge, the terrain where children live. For example, you should acquaint those who live on the sea coast; When classifying indoor plants, start with those that are in a group, kindergarten, etc. Claims are held to expand in children of ideas about the world of plants through entertaining stories (historical facts, "color language", plants listed for the Red Book). With children it is recommended to conduct a system of classes in familiarization with plants.

Topics of classes: "The Kingdom of Plants", "Cultural Plants", "Wild Plants", "Amazing and Fine".

The kingdom of animals The authors are divided into classes and species, but according to their relationships with a person, i.e. on wild and domestic animals. Children are given knowledge that the pet includes species living next to a person not one thousand years (cows, sheep, pigs, goats), and wild animals - those who cannot live with a man. They themselves care about themselves, live according to their laws.

Thus, the child is summarized to understand the special role and place of a person in nature:

  • man is not the owner of nature, but only its part;
  • must be reckoned with all living on Earth;
  • must be rational to use the gifts and wealth of nature.

Topics of classes: "The Kingdom of Animals", "Pets", "Wild Animals", "Amazing Animals".

In a senior preschool age, children only accumulate informative baggage containing knowledge and information about inanimate nature. The authors propose to transfer concrete facts and information through large educational topics: "Atmospheric phenomena" - the origin of clouds, clouds, rain, lightning; "Diversity of Nature" - stories about different climatic zones; "Seasons" - generalizing conversations about winter, spring, summer, autumn; "Solar System" - Cognitive stories about the planets and other celestial bodies, the dependence of the onset of the day, night, evening and morning on the position of the Earth towards the Sun; "Amazing in stone" - Cognitive stories about different stones, their origin, roles in the life of people at different times.

The Rainbow program orients teachers for implementation labor activitybut not in class and in everyday life. The authors recommend growing cultural plants in the group (from seeds and bulbs), even allowed to children who are expressing explicit interest and love for housekeeping, bring their flowers to the group (provided that the children will be careful).

The authors consider conversations for informative topics of one of the forms of obtaining information, they recommend building them in such a way that the teacher's issues help to organize the presentations to specify and expand them. As a result, the child must realize, understand the various patterns of our world, get new information (conversation about fruit, "My favorite day of the week, year," "animals we know", etc.).

Rainbow provides a significant number of classes about plants, animals, the structure of the solar system. Preschoolers receive a lot of knowledge, but not enough environmental. It is assumed to be frequent use of the verbal method: the story of the educator, an explanation instead of observation, there is no experimental job at all, there is little attention to work in nature. Children are all given in the finished form, i.e. All the information they draw from the story of the teacher. This program is designed mainly to receive ready-made knowledge, and not on the practical activity of children.

In the program "Raduga" in the arsenal of the pedagogical leadership, the cognitive activity of children includes analysis, a discussion of problem situations, but there is no specifically experimental work.

Object-developing environment

Educational and Methodical Provision

The program has a set of methodological support for each age group for teachers, children, parents. Edited by MA Vasilyeva, V.V. Herb, TS Mosquito.

Zebzeeva V.A. Development of elementary natural-scientific ideas and environmental cultures of children: a review of preschool education programs. - M.: Sphere, 2009.

Rainbow program

"Raduga" is the only Russian comprehensive state program for pre-school educational institutions, which has passed a complete experimental verification in 10 regions of Russia for 6 years and an independent examination of the Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. According to the results of the expertise, "Rainbow" was recommended for mass implementation. In the "Raduga" for the first time, the tasks of not only the timely and full mental development of each child, but also his emotional well-being.

"Raduga" - a comprehensive program of education, education and development of preschoolers, which employs kindergartens of Russia. The program provides comprehensive child development, its the most important components are game I. physical development, forming habits for healthy image Life, providing mental comfort for each child.

The program is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation. For all major types of activities, preschoolers provide for kits for children of various age groups and recommendations for educators.

For this program, sets of benefits for preschoolers for all types of activities and guidelines for educators have been created.

The main objectives of the program:

ensuring the child the opportunity to joyfully and mean pre-school years;

ensuring the protection and strengthening of its health (both physical and mental);

comprehensive and timely mental development;

formation of active and careful respect for the world environment;

advisions to the main spheres of human culture (work, knowledge, art, morality).

red color- Physical culture: In the classroom, habits for protecting their health, cleanness, accuracy, order, cultural - hygienic skills and elements of self-control during movements, are developed, the skills of proper behavior in situations that threaten lives and health and warnings are developed;

orange Color - Game: The game is considered to be the leading work of work, it allows you to provide psychological comfort, create an atmosphere of emotional heat. Protection, relieve excess torganosis and neurotic children. It allows you to make a sense of sympathy and interest in the partner by the game;

yellow - Fine activity and manual work: - Training of visual activities and artistic work occurs through the acquaintance of children with samples of folk and decorative and applied arts (works of Khokhloma, Gzheli, dymkovo toy and etc.). Children are taught to draw pencils and paints, modeling on the basis of acquaintance with folk plastics;

green color - design: makes it possible to develop imagination, fantasy and mentally raise the baby; Children learn to build from building materials, develop constructive prerequisites, attach to the process of creativity in design;

blue color - classes with musical and plastic art: allow you to develop aesthetic experiences, form interest in music, develop musically - sensory abilities of the child, the ability to move into tact, spatial coordination;

blue colour - Classes for the development of speech and familiarization with others: Training with native and foreign languages \u200b\u200boccur through familiarization with works folk creativity, artistic literature;

purple color - Mathematics: Math training takes place in the atmosphere of benevolence, supporting a child, even if he made a mistake, the desire to express his opinion; Children not only learn mathematics, but master training skills: determine the task, searches, evaluate the results.

A comprehensive program of upbringing, education and development of children of preschool age "Rainbow", created by the author's team of the laboratory of the Institute of General Education under the direction of Professor T.N. Doronova, turned more than 10 years.

The authors managed to create a pedagogical system that allows the educator to feel free and creative man And configures attentive attitude towards each growing baby. For the first time, the task of creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort in kindergarten for children, conditions for joyful and meaningful living in the kindergarten childhood, for the first time, a system of personally oriented education and development of children was proposed for the first time.

A program focused on universal, humanistic values, provides for filling operation with certain content, taking into account regional peculiarities. First of all, this concerns physical development, health of preschoolers, as well as their admission to national culture.

The work of the teacher consists of three equal components:

implementing the common tasks of mental development supplied in the program,

implementation of the regional component of education and education.

the goals of a specific educational institution and the interests of each child of the group and his parents.

The task of training children for school training is solved in the program comprehensively.

It includes:

development of communicative skills

development of self-service skills,

familiarity with the basics of life safety,

the development of children's speech, the ability to arbitrarily control the processes of attention and memorization, the ability to manage their behavior in accordance with the rules adopted, as well as special training implemented in the formation of elementary mathematical representations and development began logical thinking Children, initial acquaintance with letters, speech development and cognitive development.

The work process is not reduced to classes and is carried out in different forms Depending on the age of children. Methods of conducting classes for different types of activity are constructed in such a way that the software task can be implemented on various material, Variable teacher depending on both in accordance with the desires and interests of specific children. The program of work in the preschool institution introduced an idea that children have their inalienable rights. The task of the teacher is to comply with the rights of each child by all other children and adults.

All of the foregoing allowed the program "Rainbow" to get widespread in preschool institutions, it was appreciated by both parents and educators.

Socially occurring social changes in recent years influenced the development and improvement of the education system. In preschool education, the tendency to introduce variable programs in the practical activity of pre-school institutions is clearly trained. And although most of the most famous and common programs are comprehensive, however, we can note that the tasks and conditions speech Development They are not presented evenly.

Consider to what extent in modern programs For pre-school educational institutions, the basic requirements and criteria for the level of speech development of children of senior preschool age are reflected. To this end, the content of the most common programs was analyzed, and especially the tasks of the speech development of children in the preparatory school group, the basic requirements of children's speech by graduation in kindergarten.

The basic program for the development of the child - the preschooler "origins." The purpose of this program is a versatile, full development of the child, the formation of universal qualities, including creative abilities, to a level corresponding to the age capabilities and requirements of modern society.

The program is focused on achieving the standard of education. The basis of the concept of psychological age as a stage, stage children's Developmentcharacterized by its structure and dynamics.

A new approach to literacy learning in senior preschool age is based on the unity of reading, letters and accounts as "communal skills"; use of all activities available to children, to form their prerequisites; Organizations of the new community of children -Groups of peers. Section Social development Includes subsection "Speech and Speech Communication", where the characteristic of age capabilities, development objectives, maintenance and conditions has been highlighted pedagogical workwhere development indicators are identified: By 7 years, the child must correctly utter all the sounds of the native language, master the speaking speech, to show interest in the stories, in statements to use different parts of speech, to show a critical attitude to speech. In the section "Cognitive development", the subsection "Gramota" is distinguished, which consists of the characteristics of age-related opportunities, development tasks. It is determined that by 7 years, the child should be read smoothly and clearly, in syllables and whole words, write words in a notebook, know the rules of "Libi", "Cha-sch", "Chu-Shu", know all the letters of the alphabet.

In a variable program of development and education in kindergarten "Childhood", special sections dedicated to the tasks and content of the development of children's speech and familiarization with fiction: "develop the speech of children", "child and book". These sections contain for each group the characteristic of traditionally released tasks: the development of connected speech, dictionary, grammatical system, education of sound culture of speech. The program is distinguished by the fact that the end of the sections are offered criteria for assessing the level of speech development. This is especially important in the senior preschool age when it is necessary to determine the level of formation of knowledge and skills in front of the school. It is especially important that the program is clearly highlighted (in the form of individual gears) and speech skills in different activities are presented.

At the end of the senior preschool age, the section "Soon to school" was allocated, where the main indicators of the child's development before admission to school are available. The main directions in the development of the speech of children of senior preschool age:

development of speech creativity, speech expressiveness;

development of individual abilities for speech activities;

preparing for reading, reading.

A high level of speech development at the end of the kindergarten is considered to be a fusion reading of short texts, mastering all means of sound analysis of words, determining the basic qualitative characteristics of sounds in the Word.

The program "Gifted child" is a variant of the Development Program is intended for educational work with the children of the sixth and seventh years of life with a high level of mental development. It has significantly deepened content of familiarization with fiction in the section "Development of speech and familiarization with fiction."

In the preparatory for school, the Group work is conducted in three areas: 1) familiarization of children with fiction, familiarity with different parties of reality. The proposed literature is located on the complication of the content. One of the main lines of work is the development of emotional responsiveness to the works of children's literature; 2) the development of funds of literary - speech activities: familiarization of children with speech expressiveness; Mastering lexical and grammatical culture, the development of a connected and expressive speech.

Particular attention is paid to the announcement of the presentation without support for the subject. 3) Development of mental abilities on the material of familiarization with child artistic literature - tasks for the development of thinking and imagination of children.

"Program for the development of the speech of children of preschool age in kindergarten." Prepared on the basis of perennial studies conducted in the laboratory for the development of the Institute of Pre-school education under the direction of F.A. Sokhina and O.S. Ushakova. It reveals theoretical foundations and directions of work on the development of speech skills and children's skills. The program is based on a comprehensive approach to speech development in classes, the relationship of various speech tasks with the leading role in the development of connected speech. Special emphasis is placed on the formation of ideas about the structure of a coherent statement, about the methods of communication between individual phrases and its parts. The content of the tasks is presented by age groups. This material is preceded by the characteristic of the speech development of children.

In connection with the change in the priorities of modern pre-school education, a significant reflecting of the content of the previous "program of education and training in kindergarten" was required. It is no secret that the number of pre-school educational institutions continuing to work on this program is quite large. Preschool workersForced to reckon with the realities of the new time, independently contribute to the established document of the task and content from other programs created on other conceptual foundations.

To achieve the goals of the program, paramount importance are:

* Caring for health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of every child;

* creation in the atmosphere groups of humane and friendly attitudes towards all pupils, which will make them grow by sociable, kind, inquisitive, initiative, seeking independence and creativity;

* Maximum use of a variety of types of childhood activities; their integration in order to improve the effectiveness of the educational process;

* Creativity (creative organization) of the process of education and training;

* variability of the use of educational material, which allows to develop creativity in accordance with the interests and inclination of each child;

* Respectful attitude to the results of children's creativity;

* ensuring the development of the child in the process of upbringing and learning;

* Coordination of approaches to raising children in a pre-family and family. Ensuring the participation of the family in the life of a kindergarten groups and preschool institution generally;

* Compliance with continuity in the work of kindergarten and elementary school, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of the education of the child of preschool age.

(T.N. Doronova, V.V. Herbova, so-called. Grisik, etc.)

In 1989, by order of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, the Rainbow program is being developed. The author's team was headed by a candidate of pedagogical sciences T.N. Doronov. Currently, the program consists of five sections and is designed to educate and teach children from two to seven years.

The goal of the program is to develop such qualities of personality, as a pupil, independence, purposefulness, the ability to put the task and achieve its solution.

The formation of knowledge, skills and skills is considered not as an end in itself, but as one of the means of education and psychological development Child.

Common tasks are put forward before the educators:

- Create a child the opportunity to joyfully and meaning these years;

- to ensure the protection and strengthening of its health (both physical and mental);

- to promote comprehensive and timely mental development;

- form an active and careful-respect for the environment;

- to attach to the main spheres of human culture (work, knowledge, art, morality, etc.).

The program is based on the idea that every year of the child's life is decisive for the formation of certain mental neoplasms. The effectiveness of the educational process depends on how concrete pedagogical work is focused on the formation of these neoplasms: goal-making, focusing of childhood activities (in the younger preschool); Outputs beyond reality and interest in the iconic system (in the middle preschool age); Arbitration of mental processes (in senior preschool).

The pedagogical work provided for in the program is based on theoretical positions on the leading role of the child's mental development and the formation of his personality. Creating special conditions opens up ample opportunities for independent actions of children, stimulates the production of new goals, allows you to look for your solutions.

Those changes in the activities of children, which can be achieved at the age of 4-5 years, are a natural consequence and continuation of fundamental changes in the activities of the child, which are formed at the age of two and three years. It was then that children appear the ability to go. This means that before the start of actions, the child already knows what he wants to get on their completion, in other words, he has some kind of presentation, some image of the future result.

The next step in the formation of goal-setting is the ability based on the new goals arising from the resulting result. The system of goals can be unfolded for a long time. This means that more general plans are recorded by the child weeks and find their implementation. The ability to independently deploy a system of arising from each other is an important condition for independent and creative activity.

A significant moment in pedagogical work is to create a motivation that encourages children to master the fact that an adult would like to form in them. At the same time, such techniques are needed that would ensure the emergence of the desired motivation in most children. The author's team allocates three types of motivation, with which you can encourage children to seek the new things that adults will be transferred to them. In the "manual", their specific description is given in relation to different sections of work.

- physical culture (the most important subject; red);

- game (based on the basis of the program; orange color);

- Fine activities and manual labor (based on acquaintance with folk decorative art; yellow color);

- design (development of imagination; green);

- classes with musical and plastic art (the formation of aesthetic experiences; blue color);

- speech development classes and familiarization with the outside world (blue color);

- Mathematics (purple color).

Tech teachers who want to work under the Rainbow program, the authors urge first of all to understand what is a child of this age, Love him for individuality. The developed scientific and methodological system of pedagogical creativity of the Rainbow program is quite laborious, requires a high culture of the organization of labor. Therefore B. methodical recommendations For each age group, approximate planning of pedagogical work per year is given, the content of the work during the day is revealed: the list and duration of individual elements of the day mode, as well as their methodical content, purpose and means.

The program is attached by a teaching and methodological complex that helps educators in its implementation.

Examination in 2 options

Rainbow program.. 3

Program Childhood.. 4

Program Development. 7

Program 2100. nine

Rainbow program

The authors of the Program note that the success of training in mathematics classes largely depends on the presence of interest in them. Cognitive interest in mathematics is a selective, positive, emotionally painted attitude of a child to mathematics, manifested in preference to this type of activity to others, in the desire to receive more knowledge of mathematics, use them in independent activity.

The program "Rainbow" on the content of the teaching of children mathematics differs from traditional large volume of knowledge, especially in the older preschool age, where it is proposed to study with children some of the material included in the program of primary and even average steps school learning mathematics.

A characteristic feature of the Rainbow program is its methodological support (guidelines for educators), which distinguishes it from the "Program of Education and Training in kindergarten", the imperative character of which is traced on each of its page. The program "Rainbow" not only defines the tasks of working with children, but also the main ways to implement them.

Merit of the authors of the Rainbow program, we consider; a) the establishment of the atmosphere of psychological comfort and the emotional well-being of the child; b) providing him with the right to choose from the form of independent activities: c) the organization of training in the DOU in the context of the formation of the identity of the child; d) focusing the attention of the teacher to the formation of trust relationships with children in the process of joint activities with them.

Program Childhood

In the program "Childhood", the central place in the development of elementary mathematical ideas in children of senior and preparatory Group It occupies an initial mathematical development that includes the ability to observe and compare, compare, analyze, perform the simplest arithmetic action.

Familiarization of children with the outside world begins with the study of properties and signs of objects. The development of such properties and relationships of objects, like color, shape, size, spatial location - allows the preschooler to freely navigate in different activities. In this regard, the following are solved tasks Mathematical development of children:

· Develop the emotional responsiveness of children through games with mathematical content.

· Form a system of mathematical knowledge, skills and skills in accordance with psychological features Children of each age group.

· To form techniques of logical thinking (comparison, generalizations, classification).

· Develop the independence of knowledge, encourage the manifestation of a creative initiative.

· Develop small motor and visually - motor coordination.

At the preschool age, the child's leading activity is a game. In this regard, given the age-related features of children, all types of classes are held in the form of a game or with the content of a gaming situation using a character (toy). Gaming methods and techniques help successfully implement first taskSince the game has a positive effect on the formation of the emotional sphere of the preschooler. For example, the following game plots are interesting for younger preschoolers: "A trip to the forest to a protein", "Magic chest", "Visiting an old man-lady", "Three Bear", "Teremok". For children of senior preschool age, plots are becoming more complex: "Space journey", "at the toy factory", "the kingdom of mathematics". Other characters come to visit the guys: Pinocchio, Dunno, Ole Luka, The Snow Queen and etc.

Creating a game situation, it is necessary to attract the attention of children, to hold it; Improve interest in the lesson to the material studied. For solutions second and third tasksdidactic games whose use as educational material allows you to teach children to compare items, compare them, allocate general, to produce the simplest classification, as well as solve other educational tasks in gaming form. Especially children like classes using Dienesh blocks, chopsticks of a cueiser, educational games: "Leug out the pattern", "Unicub", "Cubes for all", "Tangram", "Dobi", "Magic Circle", various puzzles, labyrinths. When choosing didactic material, games, benefits for occupations are necessary to take into account the features of the ambiguing development of children, which helps to carry out the necessary correction for positive promotion in the development of each child. Classes are held according to subgroups, in the amount of 10 - 12 people.

Each lesson I build according to the following principle: each previous and subsequent has common elements - material, methods of action, results. It is brought together in time or simultaneously exercises for the assimilation of interrelated and convergent methods (overlays - applications, the relationship is greater - less, above - below, wider - already). Formed submissions and developed actions are used in a variety of activities, for example: to offer children to take a certain amount of nuts and treat protein, or determine the number of circles on the card, find the same number of items in the group room.

One of the main techniques for the formation of elementary mathematical ideas is questions to children. In the younger and middle preschool age - is it reproductive - mnemic (how much? What is the name of this figure? What is the difference between the square from the triangle?). At older, the reproductive and informative questions are set (what should be done so that the circles become five?). Problem-search questions (what do you think?) Apply to children of any age. It takes into account the volume of the material who owns the child, thereby implementing individual approach To each preschooler. All these issues activate perception, memory, thinking, the speech of children, ensure the understanding and assimilation of the material.

Special attention is paid to development in children of independence, resourcefulness, intelligence. These contribute to the developing games and tasks for the formation of skills to compare, summarize, analyze, make logical conclusions. In games and tasks, the development of the problem of its filing is attracted to the development of the logical thinking of children.

In accordance with the program, it is necessary to form in children the ability to navigate in space, elementary to represent the spatial accommodation of items in relation to themselves, for example: "Defined where the house is located - at the very end of the track coming from the child, ahead or behind, right or left." etc.

With children who weakly assimilate material, it is carried out individually work in the afternoon.

For the development of elementary mathematical ideas in the group there is a large selection of didactic and educational games: "part and integer", "fractions", "magic squares", "Lotto - sketch", "geometric mosaic", "model interval models", etc.

Program Development

Most adults interested in the development of their child are trying to help him make the first steps in mathematics.

Without experts in the field of pre-school education, they seek immediately teach a child to count and solve problems.

But do you need to start?

In mathematics, the main thing is to teach to think, logically reasoning, to find mathematical relationships and interdependencies for direct perception, etc.

That is why, according to the authors of the program, it is necessary to start not from the account, but from an understanding of mathematical relations: more, less, equally. This is the so-called daughter learning period, when a junior preschooler who is not familiar with numbers, comprehensies already quantitative relationships, comparing items in size (length, width, height), comparing two groups of items first directly, and then indirectly, using visual models, Allowing to give the child not only specific, but also summarized knowledge.

Using visual models different types (model of two groups of chips located on the principle of mutually unequivocal conformity, children's scores from two bones lines, a model in the form of intersecting circles or ovals, a model of "logical tree", etc.) will help the child subsequently get a full-fledged understanding of the number about the neighboring Numbers, about the transition from one number to another, about a numerical series, about the composition of numbers from 3 to 10, it will make it easier to comprehend and solving arithmetic tasks.

This path of the mathematical development of the child, on the one hand, will give the opportunity to make the presentation of children generalized (use them to solve a wide range of tasks), on the other, to teach the signs of signs essential for each cognitive task, to perform the necessary mental actions, i.e. Develop their mental abilities.

Program 2100.

This program is aimed at developing logical and mathematical ideas and skill skills. The acquaintance of children with new materials is carried out on the basis of an active approach, comprehended by independent analysis, comparisons, identifying essential features. Development of variable and figurative thinking, creative abilities of children. At the same time, a special role is given to non-standard didactic means.

For the guys of preschool age, the game has exceptional meaning: a game for them - study, the game for them is a work, a game for them is a serious form of education. The game for preschoolers is a way to know the surrounding world. The game will be a means of upbringing if it is included in a holistic pedagogical process. The playing game, organizing the life of children in the game, the educator affects all parties to the development of the child's personality: to feelings, consciousness, to the will and on behavior in general.

However, if for the pupil purpose - in the game itself, then for an adult organizing the game, there is another goal - the development of children, the assimilation of certain knowledge, the formation of skills, the development of certain personality qualities. In this, by the way, one of the main contradictions of the game as a means of education: on the one hand - the absence of a goal in the game, and on the other - the game is a means of targeted personality formation. It is most manifested in the so-called didactic gamesoh.

The nature of the permission of this contradiction and determines the educational value of the game: if achieving didactic goal Will be implemented in the game as an activity concluding a goal in itself, the educational value will be the most significant. If the didactic task is solved in play actions, the purpose of which and for their participants is this didactic problem, the educational value of the game will be minimal.
The game is valuable only when it contributes to a better understanding of the mathematical essence of the question, clarifying and forming mathematical knowledge of students. Didactic games and gaming exercises stimulate communication, because in the process of these games, the relationship between children, child and parent, child and teacher are beginning to wear more relaxed and emotional character.

1. These are countable sticks - with their help familiarize a child with forms. Children build and convert simple and complex figures by conditions. Puzzles are offered to children in a certain sequence: make two equal triangles of 5 sticks. Create two equal squares of 7 sticks. Create 2 squares and 2 triangles of 9 sticks. Next, the nature of the tasks on the formation of figures is complicated. For example: in a figure consisting of 9 squares, remove 4 sticks to remain 5 squares.

2. Coding, schematization and modeling of the simplest mathematical simplest mathematical objects, properties. These are the games "Logic Tables", "What is too much", "Find Figure", "Symbols", "Tables". These games are taught to use the tables, signify the properties of objects using characters.

3. Mathematical content are used. They provide invaluable assistance in the development of independent thinking, skilling the correctness of the judgment, ownership of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization.)

Guessing the tasks of mathematical content - children rejoice, if they answered correctly. After all, guessing the riddles is the thought process.

But not just guess. Each mystery is also logical task, solving the child must make complex thinking operations.

4. It is proposed to play puzzle games. The essence of the game is to recreate the plane of the silhouettes of objects in the image or intent. "Tangram" - children lay out the silhouettes of animals, humans, household items. "Columbovo Egg" - birds silhouettes, independently come up with the figures of warriors, ballerinas. Pythagoras - animal silhouettes. These games are widely represented in the book "Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers" Z.A. Mikhailov, "Mathematics to school" - a library of the "Childhood" program.

5. Gay tasks jokes. Building, content, the question in these tasks is unusual. It only indirectly resemble a mathematical task. Essence of the task, i.e. The main one, thanks to which you can guess about the decision, find the answer, disguised as external conditions. For example: 1) You are yes, yes, yes, and you and you, how much are we all? (two). 2) How to form a triangle on the table with one wand? (Put it on the corner of the table) .3) How many ends of the stick? Two sticks? Two and a half? (six)

6 . Watching games in mathematics activate the attention of children, fix the surveyed skills and skills. For example, in the game, "hide and seek" is called a chain of numbers, missing several of them. The task of children, name the missed numbers. In this game, the child easily absorbs a numerical series, develops attention.

The program "Rainbow"

"Raduga" is a comprehensive program of education, education and development of preschoolers, which employs children's gardens of Russia. The program provides comprehensive development of the child, its most important components are the game and physical development, the formation of a habit of a healthy lifestyle, ensuring mental comfort for each child.

The program is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. For all major types of activities, preschoolers provide for kits for children of various age groups and recommendations for educators.

For this program, sets of benefits for preschoolers for all types of activities and guidelines for educators have been created.

The purpose of the program - form such qualities of personality, as a pupil, independence, purposefulness, the ability to put the task and achieve its solution. The formation of knowledge, skills is considered not as an end in itself, but as one of the means of upbringing and psychological development of the child.

Before the educators are put forward common tasks:

  • W Create a child the opportunity to joyfully and meaning these years;
  • W to ensure the protection and strengthening of its health (both physical and mental);
  • W Promotion of comprehensive and timely mental development;
  • W shape active and carefully respectful attitude towards the world environment;
  • W to attach to the main spheres of human culture (work, knowledge, art, morality, etc.).

The program is based on the idea that every year of the child's life is decisive for the formation of certain mental neoplasms. The effectiveness of the educational process depends on how concrete pedagogical work is focused on the formation of these neoplasms: goal-making, focusing of childhood activities (in the younger preschool); Outputs beyond reality and interest in the iconic system (in the middle preschool age); Arbitration of mental processes (in senior preschool).

The pedagogical work provided for in the program is based on theoretical positions on the leading role of the child's mental development and the formation of his personality. Creating special conditions opens a wide field for independent actions of children, stimulates the production of new goals, allows you to search for your solutions.

Those changes in the activities of children who can be achieved at the age of 4-5 years are a natural consequence and continuation of the prociable changes in the activities of the child, which are formed at the age of two and three years. It was then that children appear the ability to go. This means that before starting actions, the child already knows what he wants to get at their end - in other words, he has some kind of presentation, some kind of future result.

The further development of goal-setting is under the appearance of chains related to each other: Build a garage for the machine of the appropriate size, to build a train from the chairs, a house from sand and so on.

Another important line of activity development is the attitude of the child to the product of such targeted actions. If at first a child is satisfied with any result, then later, on the fourth year of life, he has certain requirements for the quality of the expected result.

The next step in the formation of goal-setting is the ability based on the new goals arising from the resulting result. The system of goals can be unfolded for a long time, weeks. This means that more general plans are fixed by the child and find their implementation. The ability to independently deploy the system of arising from each other is an important condition for independent and creative activities.

A significant moment in pedagogical work is also the creation of motivation, encouraging children to master the fact that an adult would like to form in them. At the same time, such techniques that would ensure the emergence of the desired motivation in most children are necessary. The authors of the Program allocate three types of motivation, with the help of which you can encourage children willingly absorb this new thing that they will transmit adults: game motivation, motivation of communicating and motivating personal interest. In the "manual", their specific description is given in relation to different sections of work.

The authors of the program called it "Rainbow" By analogy with a seven-color rainbow, since it includes the seven most important activities of children and classes, in the process of which the child's education and development takes place:

  • - physical culture (the most important subject - red color);
  • - game (based on the program - orange color);
  • - Fine activities and manual labor (based on acquaintance with decorative folk art - yellow);
  • - Designing (development of imagination - green color);
  • - classes with musical and plastic arts (the formation of aesthetic experiences - blue);
  • - Classes for the development of speech and familiarization with the outside world ( blue colour);
  • -- mathematics ( purple).

Tech teachers who want to work under the Rainbow program, the authors call on first of all to understand what is a child of this age, to love him for individuality. The developed scientific and methodological system of pedagogical creativity of the Rainbow program is quite laborious, requires a high culture of the organization of labor. Therefore, in guidelines for each age group, approximate planning of pedagogical work per year is given, the content of work during the day is revealed: the list and duration of individual elements of the day mode, as well as their methodical content, purpose and means.

The program has developed an educational and methodological complex that helps educators to implement this program.

comprehensive Rainbow Program Preschoolers

1. Some Didactic Games of the Rainbow Program

One of the main tasks of the program is to form an active and careful attitude towards the environment.

Purpose: Formation of the environmental culture of children

When using didactic games, the following tasks are solved:

  • 1. Formation of environmental representations about animal world
  • 2. Formation of environmental representations about plants
  • 3. Formation of environmental ideas about objects and phenomena of inanimate nature
  • 4. Formation of an environmentally friendly relationship to objects of nature