Promotions for traffic in kindergarten reflectors. Consultation for parents on traffic rules in kindergarten DOU “Reflective elements on children's clothes. physical education instructor

Pedestrians are the most unprotected category of road users. Last year alone, 72 thousand pedestrian rides were made in the country, which makes up more than a third of the total number of accidents. Morning hours are rather twilight, in the evening hours it is completely dark and at this time parents and children go to kindergarten and return home. Therefore, parents should take care of additional safety measures.

In those countries where the use of retro-reflective elements on children's clothing is mandatory, child injuries on the roads decreased by 6-8 times. This is a very important achievement, because the flicker is not just a shiny icon that makes a pedestrian noticeable. It forms a certain psychology that encourages a person to be careful.

After all, even the color of clothes affects safety. It is very important for a pedestrian to be “visible”. And not all parents understand this, choosing "practical" dark tones. But this makes the pedestrian almost imperceptible, especially in cloudy weather, at dusk. And most of the pedestrian rides occur precisely because of the poor visibility of the walking people. This happens especially often on poorly lit streets of cities, suburbs, outside settlements. There are often cases when, due to the actions of such an invisible pedestrian, vehicle collisions or collisions occur at various obstacles.

Many manufacturers of children's clothing care not only about the beauty and convenience of their products, but also about the safety of a young pedestrian, usingreflective elements: patterns on jackets, insertion strips, etc. When choosing, you should give preference to just such models.

In the absence of special clothing, it is necessary to purchase other forms of reflective elements that can be placed on bags, a jacket or other items. The same safety features should be equipped with sleds, strollers, bicycles.

The use of retroreflectors (reflectors, flickers, etc.) by pedestrians more than 6.5 times reduces the risk of a vehicle hitting a pedestrian in the dark. When driving with low beams, the driver notices a pedestrian with a retroreflective element from a distance of 130–140 meters, when without it - at best, from a distance of 25–40 meters. When driving with high beams, he will notice a pedestrian at a distance of up to 400 meters.

In our kindergarten, in order to prevent injuries on the road and preventive work, a long-term plan for working with children was developed for each age.

In accordance with the plan, the following content of the work was implemented, which involved the introduction of the following forms of interaction with children and parents.

    Conversation with children - “We need a reflector, we can be seen here, we can be seen there!”

    GCD in the educational field “Social and communicative development” - “Become noticeable on the road, and your legs will be more whole!”

    Consultation for parents “Buy flickers for children, parents, let the drivers see them on the road!”

    Meeting with the traffic police inspector.

    Excursion to the roadway.

    Competition of family drawings on the theme "Road safety - our common cause."

    Memo “Be noticeable! Do not play hide and seek with drivers! ”

    Production of booklets - appeals to parents “The brighter, the safer”

    Family contest "Our family is the most noticeable."

    Holidays, entertainment and team teams: "Become noticeable on the road", "Green Light", etc.

I would like to note that work with parents on the prevention of road safety and the use of reflective elements is carried out purposefully and systematically. Brochures, booklets are developed and distributed by the senior educator and teachers of the preschool educational institution, information stands for parents are updated and supplemented.

The purpose of these events is to create an integrated system of work for the prevention of childhood road traffic injuries among the younger generation.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the Sobinsky district kindergarten No. 15 "Sun" of a general developing type with priority implementation of activities in the physical area of \u200b\u200bdevelopment of children

Work completed:

Kraynova Natalya Alexandrovna,

senior educator.

Karpova Elena Alexandrovna,

physical education instructor

Description MBDOU number 15 "Sun" Lakinsk

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the Sobinsky district kindergarten No. 15 "Sun" of a general developing type with priority implementation of activities in the physical area of \u200b\u200bdevelopment of children.

At present, there are 4 groups in the DOW:

1st junior, middle, senior and group with children staying around the clock.

Kindergarten is attended by 89 children. 3 educators, a physical education instructor, a speech therapist teacher, and a music director work at MBDOU.

MBDOU has experience in participating in the All-Russian campaigns "Safe Road", "Good Sign", and also annually participates in the contest "Green Light". Over the past year, there has been no accident with the participation of pupils, there is a Road Safety Certificate and a scheme for the safe movement of children "Home - Kindergarten - Home".

Type of project:   creative and informational.

The participants:  children of the older group, physical education instructor, senior educator, speech therapist teacher, parents.

Objective of the project:

To fix the basic rules for safe behavior when moving in the dark;

Enrich children's knowledge of the purpose of retroreflective elements;

To strengthen the skills of wearing reflective elements, the rules of location on clothes, school backpacks of graduates;

To increase the responsibility of parents for the safety of children in the dark.

Project Objectives:

1. To form knowledge about the behavior on the road, about the rules of movement in the dark.

2. To consolidate basic knowledge of the rules of the road.

3. Develop the ability of children to orient on the street in the dark.

4. Enrich vocabulary (reflector, flicker).

5. Develop respect for drivers and other pedestrians.

6. To organize cooperation with families of pupils.

7. Attract parents to participate in the project.

The tasks of the project are solved in all types of direct educational activities, games, work, in everyday life.

Project Stages


goal: identify the main areas of work.

Tasks : prepare the material and technical base, study the similar experience of other preschool educational institutions, develop a plan for the implementation of the project.

Organizational and practical.

Intl: to test the content of work on the prevention and prevention of children's road traffic injuries.


Develop a desire to learn more about road safety;

To teach children to use such an affordable safety tool as the use of retroreflectors (flickers).


Goal: generalization of the experience gained.

Tasks:   to increase the competence and responsibility of teachers and parents in the field of prevention of road traffic injuries for children, the development of interaction with parents - participation in the joint campaign “Light up the passage”.


A large number of pedestrians die on the road as a result of traffic accidents.

Our children are the smallest road users, but despite this, they must know a lot and understand the dangers on the road. In our kindergarten, systematic work is underway to form a culture of behavior on the road of preschool children.

The majority of fatal accidents for pedestrians occur in the dark. Our kindergarten is located in such a way that all the exits from the Kindergarten have access directly to the carriageway, the Kindergarten itself is located 50 meters from the federal highway M-7, which 40% of parents and pupils cross every day on the morning of the Kindergarten and from DOW. Currently, in connection with the repair of the federal highway near the preschool educational institution, an extremely unfavorable situation has arisen for crossing the highway. Therefore, the need arose to enrich children's knowledge of safe movement in the streets of the city and to increase the competence and responsibility of teachers and parents in the prevention of child traffic injuries.

Reflective clothing elements (flickers) will help pedestrians to be “visible” to drivers. The purpose of wearing such reflectors must be explained to parents who consider this superfluous and unnecessary.

A flicker is a reflector that can save a pedestrian on the road. Providing visibility in low light conditions, a retro-reflector becomes almost the only way to identify yourself on the roadway. This problem is especially acute on poorly lit or completely unlit roads.

Unfortunately, many of our parents are not concerned about the safety of their and their children. According to the results of a survey conducted by educators at the beginning of the project, almost all parents know about reflective elements (flickers), but 90% of the respondents (50 parents) did not have reflective elements with them.


Work with children


Conversation with children on the topic: “Reflector - why do you need us?

(Appendix No. 1)

(NOD to familiarize with the surrounding "Light in the dark"

(Experimenting with retro-reflective elements)

(Appendix No. 2)

Karpova E.A.

Promotion “Gift for kids” - the guys from the senior group give the kids flickers made by themselves

Watching the cartoon Flickers

Physical education instructor, educator

Karpova E.A.

Speech development “Flickers and child safety on the road ».

Learning Poems about Retro-Reflectors

Excursion to the roadway, intersection and traffic light.

Kraynova N.A., teacher - speech therapist

Learning the song “Traffic Light” and the dance “Traffic Lights”

DEFILE contest "Become more visible on the road."

(Demonstration of reflectors on clothing.)

Appendix No. 3

Musical guide. Kryuchkova S. S.

Physical Instructor Karpova E.A., educator

The action together with parents and residents of the microdistrict

"Light up on the transition"

Appendix No. 4

The teacher of art. tutor Kraynova N. A.

Work with teachers


Round table “How to raise the rules of safe behavior for parents and children at pedestrian crossings.

Art. educator

Kraynova N.A., educators

Pedagogical workshop “Production of booklets for parents on the acquisition of reflective elements.

Physical Culture Instructor Karpova E.V.

Art. educator

Literature review on the topic "DDTT"

Art. educator

Kraynova N.A.

Work with parents


Express - parental survey “What are flickers and why are they needed?”


Conversations with parents about the need and effectiveness of using reflective devices, elements by pupils. Parents of the preschool educational institution were recommended to familiarize themselves with the information on the SDA website project

In a week


Distribution of the booklet “Flickers for children, buy the parents, let the drivers see them on the road!”

Physical Culture Instructor Karpova E. A.

Consultation "On the prevention of childhood road traffic injuries" and on propaganda on the use of children and parents in conditions of insufficient visibility of reflective devices. "

(Appendix No. 3)

Presentation by N. Dementyeva, Head of Design Department, Nicostyle LLC (Clothing for children and adolescents) “Using flickers on clothing for the winter season 2016 - 2017.

Physical Culture Instructor Karpova E. A.

art. tutor Kraynova N. A.

Folder folder for parents “Become more visible on the road”

12.12 - 16.12.16

Senior tutor Kraynova N. A.

Promotion together with parents

"Light up on the transition"

Physical Culture Instructor Karpova E. A.

Teacher - speech therapist Kraynova N.A.

Project Summary:

Children and parents actively participated in the project “Become more visible on the road”.

As a result of an express survey of parents at the beginning of the project, it was revealed that out of 50 respondents:

9% (5 people) of respondents wear flickers themselves.

20% (10 people) said that their child is wearing.

6% (3 people) reported that “the whole family wears”.

90% (45 people) - do not wear flickers.

4% (2 people) do not know what it is.

During the “Light at the Crossing” campaign, leaflets were distributed to residents and parents, in which they urged adults to use flickers in order to improve road safety in the dark and winter.

As a result of the action, all parents of the senior group acquired flickers for themselves, children and the whole family (50 parents out of 50), the number of parents using reflective elements in their clothes in other DOW groups increased.

Appendix No. 1

Conversation with children on the topic: "Flickers save lives"

The teacher holds a flicker in his hands and asks the children:

What it is?

What is it for? Children say that this is a reflective strip, they also call it a flicker or a sticker, they are different. They are needed in order to be noticeable in the dark.

What are flickers? (Keychain, pendant, sticker, badge, sewn strip, bracelet)

(Reflective elements can be small trinkets, badges or chevrons covered with light-reflecting material. They work on the principle of road signs: a special material is glued to the trinket that returns light to the source).

What color do flickers need to choose? Why? (White and yellow)

Children see different types of flickers in illustrations.

Appendix No. 2

GCD "Light up in the dark"in the senior group of DOW

goal. To enrich knowledge about reflective elements, to fix the rules of safe behavior on the road in the dark.


1. Educational:

· Create conditions for the positive socialization of children:

· Foster responsibility for compliance with traffic rules.

· Develop the ability to work in the group , taking into account the opinion of the partner;

2. Educational.

  • To develop dialogical and monologic speech;
  • To consolidate the ability to act in accordance with the proposed algorithm, to determine the algorithm of one’s own activity.
  • Continue introducing the concept of “flicker”;

· Activate and enrich the children's dictionary with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic of the lesson.

Progress :

Educator Activities

Activities of pupils

Expected results

Teacher examines road signs photographed by him with children

Consider pictures of signs glowing in the dark, put forward an assumption why the signs glow

To provoke a positive attitude towards the acquisition of new knowledge, to increase interest in the properties of light

A conversation about parts of the day.

Children answer the questions:

What time is it now?

What time do you come to kindergarten?

What time are you going home?

What difficulties do you experience when you go in the dark?

What do you think can help us become more visible

on the road?

Diagnosis of previous knowledge

Mystery of the flicker riddle.

"Visible in the dark, keep me healthy"

Guessing riddles. Children consider the proposed pictures and choose the right one - answer the question

Children develop the ability to quickly select the desired image, developing thinking, listening skills

The teacher offers the children to stand in a circle and stretch the flickers forward, the flashlight beam hits the reflecting strips

Children examine flickers

Children conclude that if light hits them, they glow

Fiz. a minute

We have an icon like this
   Flicker is called ( Get up_)

But the icon is not simple,
   Reflective. ( Lean forward, arms to the sides)

The bright light of distant headlights
   It will reflect at the same time ( Hands on the belt, walking on the spot)And thus on the road ,
   Will make us more visible.
(Slam the syllables)

Attach it to the clothes
   You don't forget him ) He will help you (Hands on waist, walking in place)

Perform an exercise.

The teacher offers the children to light up in the dark. He says that these are not simple stripes; they glow in the dark only when light hits them.

A group of objects that can emit light is called. Experiment with reflective stripes. They make a conclusion about what they saw and approach the fact that you can make luminous elements for your clothes

Children conclude what the flicker is for.

The teacher gives children shiny squares of paper. Suggests to make a flicker. How to make a circle out of a square?

Children crop corners.

Circles, eyes, mouth are cut out, glued onto a circle, circle with felt-tip pen, eyes, mouth

perform application.

Children of the senior group give "Fireflies" to children of the younger groups.

Children use Svetlyachkov on the way to and from DOW and when organizing role-playing games.

Appendix No. 3

DEFILE contest "Become more visible on the road."

Software Content:

1. Expand knowledge children on the rules of the road and safe  behavior on city streets, about reflectors.

2. To focus the attention of teachers and parents on the need to wear reflective elements on children's clothing to increase safety in the dark during the autumn and winter.

3. To foster a sense of collectivism, the ability to enjoy their success and the success of comrades.


We talked a lot about  reflectors, and today we will hold a competition for the best flicker.

Stargazer came to visit us  with their stars.

Astrologer. Hello guys! I came to you not by chance, see how my stars shine! They are very clearly visible. My brightest stars flew in with me to show how they sparkle in the dark

Stars dance.

Logo rhythmic exercise.

The star lighter in a spacious and light black cloak is important to enter the stage.

No profession needed

There is no serious matter -

The star lighter is akimbo and bully nose.

Every night i'm in heaven

I light the stars!

A star lighter takes a shiny star from his pocket and proudly hooks it to his cloak.

Not one, not two, not three -

The star lighter whirls so that the cloak flutters and scatters shiny confetti stars.

Millions of them, look!

The star lighter takes off his cloak and turns it in front of the audience on the other side, strewn with stars.

And answer my question:

Who am I? Star Lighter!

Before the words “starlight”, you can pause, allowing the audience to guess the mask themselves.


We decided without fail

Reflectors introduce.

Our modern design

You driver notice

AND children in such clothes

On the skip the road!

Demonstration of clothes with flickers.

Scene "Good advice

I child

Classmate Ruslana

In the morning I met by the road.

On her sleeve

I noticed the icon.

- "What kind of fashion is this?"

I asked her.

And she quickly explained everything to me.

II child

My badge is small though

Reflects light from headlights

So that the driver sees

Walking in the dark.

There will be less accident.

Life icon will save you and me

Pin it and you on the jacket.


Appendix No. 4

The action together with parents "Light up on the transition"

Goal.Attracting public attention to the problem of child traffic injuries. The use of reflective clothing elements in order to improve road safety in the dark and winter,

- to consolidate the rules of road safety with children;

Continue to learn to observe the rules of safe behavior on the street and when crossing the roadway;

To form independence and responsibility in the actions of the child on the road;

Develop mindfulness, observation, memory;

To develop communication skills, the ability to freely conduct dialogue on a given topic;

To foster a street culture;

  1. Organizing time.

Preschoolers of the older group gather in the kindergarten with parents and teachers.

Promotion Leader. Dear parents, children, today we are holding an action “Light up on the transition!”

The purpose of the action: to draw the attention of city residents to the responsible observance of the Rules of the road, to the use of reflective clothing elements in order to ensure road safety at night and in winter

An approximate dialogue of the protesters with parents and residents of the neighborhood.

-   Good evening. Today, the pupils of kindergarten No. 15 "The Sun" are holding an action "Light up at the transition."

And we suggest you become a participant in the action, please answer a few questions:

How often do you have to cross the road (highway) in the dark?

Do you use reflective elements on clothes when crossing the road?

Do you know what a flicker is?

Does your child have a flicker?

Do you find it appropriate to use flickers on clothing?

Do you know that a law has been passed on the mandatory use of retro-reflective elements in the dark?

What punishment is provided by the law of the Russian Federation?

Do you have difficulty purchasing a flicker?

Do you know where to buy a flicker?

Please take a booklet on the meaning of reflective elements and

The guys of our DOW give you a flicker made by yourself. Today you became more noticeable on the road».

Parents and children with flickers. Parents are holding the poster, "Make it more visible on the road."

The scenario of the action in the kindergarten "Morning"

"Light up in the dark."


prevention of childhood road traffic injuries;

education of law-abiding road users;


consolidation of knowledge of the Rules of the road and the skills necessary

children, to ensure their own safety on the road;

creation of conditions for the formation in children of an active life position and a high level of self-awareness;

involvement of children in the activities of UID units;

prevention of offenses involving children;

raising public awareness of health and

children's lives.


promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the popularization of the activities of units of young traffic inspectors.

Hello guys! We met to talk on a very important topic - the rules of conduct on the road. Your kindergarten is located next to the driveway. There is heavy traffic on such a road. In order not to get into trouble, you need to know the rules of the road

Now, we’ll conduct the “Light Up” Campaign, which is held in order to prevent injuries to children in the evening on the roads, to build knowledge, skills and practical skills of safe pedestrian behavior.



We are a detachment of UID


- We study traffic rules and explain to the guys

- What is a transition

- Know what a pedestrian needs

- We call on the knowledge of all

- never lose heart

Children should know

Road rules

You buddy trust them

You will be safe and sound.

4 student: We have an icon like this, Flicker is called,

But the icon is not simple, Light is reflected in it.

1 student:   Attach it to your clothes. Everyone can quickly.

Don’t forget him: He will help along the way.

2 student: Everyone should remember around,

Who is a good friend on the road.

4 student: Flicker, no doubt,


If you are raised, polite,

Observe traffic rules.

Then believe that this emoticon (point to chest )

Secure the way for you!

If you set off, ( SLIDE 20)

Do not forget about safety!

Light up in the dark

Help yourself and me!

You are a cheerful, bright emoticon( SLIDE 22)

Attach to clothes.

And at night

You will be seen along the way .

The simple rule is

Follow you friends!

Road safety

It should be at night too!

Musical scene “Drivers, pedestrians, inspectors”

to music 2 FLASHMOP - cutting)

On one side of the stage, under the first music, two people leave the car

tough guy with dark glasses.

On the other hand, two girls in headphones come out in dark clothes.

The car knocks them down.

Girls under the 2nd music begin to curse with guys in the car.

Under the 3rd music 2 inspectors come out.

Under the 4th music inspectors give out flickers to girls and guys.

4 girls come out in Russian folk costumes with Red

kerchiefs on their heads and with Yellow and Green kerchiefs in their hands.

Sing (on the motive of the song "Digi-Don")

Every day on the road

We are going out

Waiting for people to work, a bunch of important things.

A funny smiley

It will help us along the way,

Good road -

This is our goal!


Child   il parent

If in a hurry,

Follow our simple tip firmly:

No misfortune

On the roadway

If a good smiley reflects light

Auto in response!

All: We, the young generation - For safe traffic!


2 student: NEED A RESCUE Flicker TO PUT ON!

3 student: We need a reflector

4 student: We can be seen here, we can be seen there! ”



7 student: Listen to adult wise advice!

8 student: Flicker on the jacket - no tragedy!


10 student: AND FEET WILL BE WHOLE! ”



“It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!”

Goal:to fix the rules of the road, behavior in transport.

Game progress:

The teacher asks questions, if the children agree, then they answer in unison:

“It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!”, And if they don’t agree, they are silent.

How many of you when in a hurry

Is he running before transport?

Which of you is going forward

Only where is the transition?(it's me, it's me ...)

Who knows that red light

Does this mean there is no move?(it's me, it's me ...)

Who flies forward so soon

What does not see the traffic light?

Who knows that the light is green

Does that mean the path is open?(it's me, it's me ...)

Who, say, from the tram

Running out onto the road?

How many of you going home

Holds the path along the pavement?(it's me, it's me ...)

Which of you on the tram close

Is giving place to adults?(it's me, it's me ...).

DASHA D . 5.Smiles are different with us, ( SLIDE 24)

Shine brightjust class!

You are visible on the road

Do not hear the laughter of trouble!

TANYA   6.Emoticon -this is cool,

Bones   7. Smiley –bunsafe ,

ALYONA   8.Emoticon -i see ,

MASHA   9.Emoticon -it is stylish!

(Dance with emoticons (on handbags, briefcases, shoes, clothes, a hat, on a hand, etc.– 30 seconds)№ 4

TANYA   10. The world is so beautiful, rainbow colors.

Everyone needs to be happyto take care.

At the end, preschoolers are given memos.

Analytical information about the action

"Light up in the dark" for students of d.s. "Morning".

Purpose: to focus the attention of preschoolers on the need to wear reflective elements (flickers),

Promote a positive emotional mood in children.

The script of the holiday included poems, songs, dances, games, a demo model with flickers.

At the beginning of the event, children's attention was drawn to the need for the purchase of reflectors. A sketch was given to their attention.

The guys from the squad of the UID "Traffic Light" presented their program for the promotion of traffic rules.

Throughout the holiday, the children were active. They showed independence and creative interest. We played games, guessed riddles.

At the end of the holiday, children were shown clothes and accessories using reflective elements.

The kindergarten pupils were given the memo “Flicker is my safety”.

In order to reduce the number of accidents involving children-pedestrians and to popularize the use of retro-reflective elements by young pedestrians, awareness-raising campaigns “Light up, become more visible on the road!” Are regularly held.

A retroreflector on clothes is today a real way to protect a child from injury on an unlit road. The principle of its operation is based on the fact that light, falling on a ribbed surface from special plastic, is concentrated and reflected in the form of a narrow beam. When the headlights of the car “catch” even a small retroreflector, the driver from afar sees a bright light point. Therefore, the chances that a pedestrian or cyclist will be noticed increase many times over.

For example, if the car’s dipped beam is turned on, then the driver will see a regular pedestrian from a distance of 25-40 meters. And the use of a retroreflector increases this figure to 130-240 meters!

A small pendant on a cord or an icon on a pin is fixed on clothes, stickers on a bicycle, scooter, backpack, bag. At first glance, the retroreflector looks like a toy. But its use, according to experts on road safety, reduces child injuries on the road six and a half times! The retroreflector is not afraid of moisture or frost - you can wear it in any weather.

Types of reflective elements

Retroreflective element - a product that is not an item of clothing and used as an aid to ensure the visibility of a person.

Suspended retroreflector (suspension) - a product suspended on clothing or part of the body, which, if necessary, can be easily suspended and removed.

Removable retroreflector (badge) - a product temporarily attached to clothing or worn on any part of the body and removed without the aid of tools.

Non-removable retroreflective product (stickers) - a product intended to be permanently fixed.

Flexible retroreflective product (bracelet) - a product that can be wound on the rod in any direction without visible deformation.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe retroreflective element should be at least 15 - 50 square centimeters.

How to wear?

Reflective elements must be attached to outerwear, backpacks, bags, bicycles, rollers or prams in such a way that when crossing or moving along the carriageway, the headlights of cars get on them. It is recommended that the retroreflectors be fixed on both sides of the object so that the retroreflector remains visible in all directions to those approaching. Now about the requirements for retroreflectors: in traffic rules there are no such requirements. Neither by color, nor by shape, nor by size, nor by location. The main thing is that retroreflective elements are present and visible to drivers.

Dear parents (legal representatives)!

Please be advised that from July 01, 2015 changes in the rules of the road regarding the use of retroreflective elements.

draw your attention to on the need to purchase retroreflective devices (flickers) for children.
The use of retroreflective devices (flickers) is one of the measures to make a pedestrian noticeable in the dark. It can be either clothing items or specially made chevrons, stickers, badges, bracelets and pendants.

  IMPORTANT! Item 4.1.   traffic rules: "When crossing the road and driving along the roadsides or the edge of the carriageway at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility, pedestrians are advised, and pedestrians must carry objects with retroreflective elements and ensure the visibility of these objects by vehicle drivers outside settlements." In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, a fine of 500 rubles is provided for violation of this paragraph

Retroreflective elements on children's clothes.

Pedestrians are the most unprotected category of road users. Last year alone, 72 thousand pedestrian rides were made in the country, which makes up more than a third of the total number of accidents. Every thirteenth victim in an accident is still a child. Therefore, parents should take care of additional safety measures. In those countries where the use of retroreflective on children's clothing is mandatory, child injuries on the roads have decreased by 6-8 times. This is a very important achievement, the flicker is not just a shiny icon that makes a pedestrian noticeable. It forms a certain psychology that encourages a person to be careful. After all, even the color of clothes affects safety. It is very important for a pedestrian to be (prominent). And not all parents understand this when choosing (practical) dark tones. But this makes the pedestrian almost imperceptible, especially in cloudy weather, at dusk. And most of the collisions of vehicles with pedestrians occur precisely because of the actions of such an invisible pedestrian, collisions of vehicles or collisions with various obstacles occur. The use of retroreflectors (reflectors) by pedestrians more than 6.5 times reduces the risk of a vehicle hitting a pedestrian in the dark. When driving with low beams, the driver notices a pedestrian with a retroreflective element from a distance of 130 - 140 meters, when without it - at best, from a distance of 25 - 40 meters. When driving with high beams, he will notice a pedestrian at a distance of 400 meters

Dear Parents! Let us secure the most precious thing in our life - our future, our children!

Many manufacturers of children's clothing care not only about the beauty and convenience of their products, but also about the safety of a young pedestrian using reflective elements: patterns on jackets, insertion strips, etc. When choosing, give preference to exactly the same models. In the absence of special clothing, it is necessary to purchase other forms of reflective elements that can be placed on bags, a jacket or other items. The same safety features should be equipped with sleds, strollers, bicycles. The shapes of the retro-reflective elements are different. Signs and pendants are convenient in that they are easy to move from one clothing to another. Self-adhesive stickers can be used on any surface (artificial leather, metal parts of bicycles, strollers, etc.), thermally activated are applied to the fabric using an iron. There are special reflective bracelets. Teach yourself and your children to use affordable safety equipment.

Dear Parents! Teach your child the habit of following the rules of the road. Take care that your child “lights up” on the road. Make sure that the child’s clothing has reflective elements that make it very noticeable on the road. Remember - in the dark clothes of a small pedestrian, the driver simply cannot be seen, which means there is a danger of collision.


This is not the first year that an unusual action has been held in our school. As part of the action “Light up! Become more visible on the road! ” among students in grades 1-5 there is a competition for original design of portfolios and outerwear reflective elements .

And this year, children happily joined in the work of decorating their school backpacks and jackets. Everyone wanted to become the brightest and most noticeable, because according to the terms of the competition, not only the brightest class was distinguished, but also the brightest student. The guys tested the principle of reflectors at home and at school. Class 1 student Zakharov Timofey, together with his dad, made home-made retro-reflectors from special fabric, cardboard and pins. He brought ready-made reflectors made by himself to the classroom and presented to his classmates. At the classroom hours, teachers held discussions on traffic rules and the use of retro-reflectors. The results of the action were reflected in the school wall-paper “Light Up!”. You can’t hide the presence or absence of reflectors from a strict camera lens. Judge for yourself! Was your child lit up or not ?!

A school action quickly captured our small village. And now we are observing how the local grandmothers also go decorated with reflectors: “Thanks to the grandchildren for the care!”

And in fact, it doesn’t matter who won the action, it is important that our children are safe!

We express our gratitude to the parents who took part in this action! Thanks!



  1. Scenario performance of the propaganda team "Light up!".

The UID team enters the scene:

The motto today is: "Light up,"

And that means manifest!

Attach a flicker to your clothes,

This is your bodyguard!

Pedestrians on the road would be in danger

But they have a safety flicker on their clothes.

Burns brightly in the dark, says to all cars:

“You, the driver, do not rush, you see a sign - stop.

Before continuing the journey, do not forget about the pedestrian! "

Flickers are different: yellow, white, red,

And they are all very important,

Security is maintained by citizens!

If you have a light reflector,

You look fashionable wherever you are.

Badges and stickers, pendants, bracelets

They will save your life in any part of the world.

Let's play athe game "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends! "

We will ask you questions. And you listen carefully. If you agree, then answer in chorus: “It's me, it's me, it's all my friends! ", And if you do not agree - be silent. Clear? Then let's start.

1) Which of you, when in a hurry, runs before transport?

2) How many of you go forward only where the transition is? (it's me, it's me.)

3) Who knows that red light means that there is no progress? (it's me, it's me.)

4) Who flies forward so soon that he does not see a traffic light?

5) Who knows that the light is green, does that mean the path is open? (it's me, it's me.)

6) Who, tell me, does a tram run out of the tram?

7) Who near the roadway fun drove the ball?

8) Which of you in the close tram gave way to the old woman? (it's me, it's me.)

FIXY runs in.

F:   - Oh, oh, oh guys! Guys!

UID:   Hello, what happened to you, do not rush, tell us.

F: - I was crossing the road, when suddenly a car came out of nowhere! I almost hit!

UID:   How so? Maybe you didn’t cross the road at the crosswalk?

F:   No, I followed the rules of the road and I cross the road only on a zebra. But it was very dark outside and the driver noticed me at the last minute. I was very scared and my friend Migal Migalychu Traffic Lights that's what he told me. let's get a look

Watching a cartoon.

F: Absolutely everyone needs flickers - both adults and children. It is winter. People walk the streets very early, when it is still completely dark on the street, and in the evening it quickly gets dark and pedestrians are almost invisible on the road. Most accidents occur in the dark.

Guys, tell your parents about such fireflies, retroreflective elements! In the dark, they reflect the headlights and glow brightly. Such a light makes a pedestrian more noticeable. luminous badges, bracelets, pendants, stickers(shows).

F:   Where can they be attached?

UID:   On strollers, sledges, bicycles, on clothes, on bags and backpacks. They should be visible from all sides.

F:   - So here's the thing, I need the same fireflies on my clothes!

Dress up Fixika.

Tape, badges, stickers, bandage.

F:   Wow, how great! What am I beautiful, stylish and fashionable now, really guys?

I even composed a poem:

What glitters there and plays,

Like sparks of fire?

That flickers shine

On my clothes.

UID: 1. Yes, you will now shine brightly in the headlights and the driver will notice you from afar.

2. But only you yourself do not yawn on the road, be careful and follow the rules of the road!

F:   I’ll now wear a flicker everywhere. I want to follow all-all traffic rules.

Now let's dance (Fixiks song)


We caution you:

Follow the traffic rules on the roads!

Put on bandages, reflectors, stickers,

So that our parents don’t worry about us,

Safer to live

We will wear flickers.

We are visible to drivers

Protected from trouble!

Dark night white day

Feel free to go with the flicker!

Who sparkles in the darkness of the night,

Together:   That accident avoids!


Remember, there is only one life

Most of all, it is important.

Security is a wish

All: And thank you for your attention!



About preventive

road safety promotions

move the light up!

In order to prevent injuries to children in the evening on the roads in the village of Medvezhye Ozyory, the formation of knowledge, skills and practical skills of safe pedestrian behavior

p r ak zy in a:

  1. To organize, from December 1 to 10, 2015, events within the framework of the road safety campaign “Light up! Become more visible on the road ”;
  2. Hold parent meetings with the invitation of the traffic police, which pay attention to ensuring safe behavior of children on the roads, the use of retroreflective elements in the clothes of pupils and students, on school bags, backpacks, and children's bags;
  3. To ensure the availability of retroreflective elements and memos (in Appendix No. 1) for their use by schoolchildren
  4. Organize classroom hours, workshops, thematic events to promote the use of retroreflective elements in clothing in order to reinforce the safe behavior of children and adolescents on the roads with the involvement of traffic police officers;
  5. Present a report on the number of students using retroreflective elements in clothes on school bags (backpacks, bags).
  6. The control over the execution of this order shall be entrusted to ...

Appendix No. 1

to order


on the use of retroreflective elements by schoolchildren

  1. Reflective tape must be sewn on the sleeves of children's outerwear, or on arm bands so that they are not closed during movement and contribute to visual perception. It is recommended to apply them in the form of horizontal and vertical stripes on the outer part of the sleeves. In addition, you can attach a retroreflective tape to the back of outerwear, the lower outer part of trousers, as well as hats, mittens, gloves, shoes and other items of clothing.
  2. Flickers (retroreflective elements in the form of stickers) can be located on clothes anywhere, and also on
    school supplies, bags, briefcases or backpacks.


about the benefits of using retroreflective elements

In the evening, when the streets and courtyards are poorly lit, drivers find a pedestrian with reflective elements from a much greater distance compared to pedestrians who do not have them: if the car is moving with low beam headlights, the driver's view increases from 25-40 meters to 130-140 meters, and if with a long - it increases to 400 meters.

According to the research, the distance from which the “designated pedestrian” becomes more visible to the driver of a passing car increases by 1.5-3 times, which gives the driver extra time to make the right decision in order to avoid a possible collision with a pedestrian on the road, therefore the risk of a vehicle hitting a pedestrian is reduced by 85%.

In addition, reflectors have the property of reflecting light in the same direction from which it falls, so the reflective element will always be visible, even in bad weather (rain, fog).



is awarded


classroom teacher ______________________

for winning the nomination


as part of the action

“Light up!” Become more visible on the road "

Director M. Tolkacheva


Dear Parents!

Dear Parents!

All classes will be photographed for flickers (reflective elements) on outerwear and briefcase.

Dear Parents!

All classes will be photographed for flickers (reflective elements) on outerwear and briefcase.

Dear Parents!

All classes will be photographed for flickers (reflective elements) on outerwear and briefcase.

Dear Parents!

All classes will be photographed for flickers (reflective elements) on outerwear and briefcase.

Dear Parents!

All classes will be photographed for flickers (reflective elements) on outerwear and briefcase.

Dear Parents!

All classes will be photographed for flickers (reflective elements) on outerwear and briefcase.

Dear Parents!

All classes will be photographed for flickers (reflective elements) on outerwear and briefcase.

Dear Parents!

All classes will be photographed for flickers (reflective elements) on outerwear and briefcase.

Dear Parents!

All classes will be photographed for flickers (reflective elements) on outerwear and briefcase.

Dear Parents!

All classes will be photographed for flickers (reflective elements) on outerwear and briefcase.

Dear Parents!

All classes will be photographed for flickers (reflective elements) on outerwear and briefcase.

Dear Parents!

All classes will be photographed for flickers (reflective elements) on outerwear and briefcase.

Dear Parents!

All classes will be photographed for flickers (reflective elements) on outerwear and briefcase.

Dear Parents!

All classes will be photographed for flickers (reflective elements) on outerwear and briefcase.

Dear Parents!

All classes will be photographed for flickers (reflective elements) on outerwear and briefcase.

Dear Parents!

All classes will be photographed for flickers (reflective elements) on outerwear and briefcase.

Dear Parents!

All classes will be photographed for flickers (reflective elements) on outerwear and briefcase.

Material prepared

social teacher Andreeva S.A.