Makeup of the Snow Queen. How to embody the image of the Snow Queen for a photo shoot? How to make a snow queen hairstyle for a girl

Not a single New Year is complete without an image of icy refinement, cold elegance, which embodies the makeup of the Snow Queen. We all were once little girls who believed in miracles and loved to listen to fairy tales. For many girls, the Snow Queen became the ideal of eternal beauty, cold grandeur. Such a character caused a lot of conflicting feelings. But at heart, almost all the fair sex women dream of being like her, such a fabulous embodiment of ideal femininity and cold sophistication. Not for nothing nowadays, boutiques, beauty salons, fur shops and even clubs are named after this character.

Creating a memorable image is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. But whatever one may say, you still have to try, because such an image obliges you to a lot. You must be the embodiment of perfection. Your costume, makeup, gait should radiate confidence and a certain mystery.

But how to make the right makeup for the Snow Queen, what cosmetics to use, how to combine the texture and structure of cosmetics and what type of appearance is this make-up most suitable for?

The main principle of success in creating a complete image is a thorough approach to each element and stage of their appearance. You need to think through everything from hairstyles and makeup to clothing. In such a case, it is important not to miss a single detail. A negligent attitude to yourself and negligence in small things can make an icy, gloomy impostor out of a triumphal snow beauty.

It is worth noting that the image of the Snow Queen, the makeup of ice flowers harmoniously "lies" on a fair-haired and blue-eyed girl with a cold skin tone. But burning brunettes with a warm skin tone will have to make every effort to make cold notes “play” with the right colors.

Makeup Foundation

The main element of the image of the Snow Queen is the skin. The success or failure of the whole appearance depends on the quality of the skin's preparedness. Initially, it is necessary to mask all irregularities, redness, age spots, enlarged pores, redness and bring the skin in perfect condition. Before applying corrective products, the skin needs to be cleaned and moisturized, for this you can use a cleansing toner or milk for your skin type, and then apply a moisturizing face cream or serum. As a result, the skin should be clean and fair without any visible flaws.

  • green corrector hides redness;
  • yellow - dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • blue removes pigmentation.

Creating the image of the snow queen is many times easier than it might seem at first. But this does not mean that it will be enough to wave a brush a couple of times. Nevertheless, some efforts will have to be made. To correctly move towards the goal, you need to clearly understand in what sequence it is worth applying cosmetics. Let’s try to describe in stages how to create a queen’s makeup.

Before you start applying cosmetics, be sure to think about the image you want to get, all its smallest details and nuances. If some elements turn out to be sudden and inappropriate, the image of the great queen will instantly turn into the image of a tasteless damsel.

If you listen to the opinion of society, the image of the queen is ideal for owners of cold skin tones and blond hair. But this does not mean that dark-haired young ladies should not experiment with a majestic image. The main thing is to choose the right colors and shades.

In the makeup of the queen, as in other make-up options, the skin plays a paramount role. It should be clean and smooth, healthy and radiant. This means that you need to carefully mask all kinds of redness, pimples, age spots and other skin defects. On top of the foundation, makeup artists are advised to apply loose powder. Visually, it will make the skin tone more even, and also give the effect of translucency. Do not forget that the foundation should be light enough, because the skin of the queens has always been distinguished by a noticeable pallor.

Eyes and lips can be painted in different ways. Some options for such makeup suggest creating a snowy, icy coating on the lips and eyes. Other options allow you to immediately make two bright accents: highlight the eyes with “arrows”, and the lips with bright, preferably scarlet, lipstick. A classic approach is possible, of course, when only one makeup element is made noticeable.

  • In no case do not save time by preparing the skin for applying makeup. If possible, make a scrub and mask in advance. If you can’t do these procedures, at least wipe the skin with a tonic and apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream. Do not neglect the foundation for makeup, it performs several important functions at once: firstly, it helps maintain skin tone for a long time, and secondly, it additionally protects the skin from external factors.
  • When choosing a shade of foundation, give preference to those that are a tone lighter or identical in color to the skin. Remember the aristocratic pallor. But! Do not try to whiten your face excessively, you risk creating the image of Pierrot instead of the desired queen.
  • Optionally, cheekbones can be distinguished by blush, but they should be of a light cold tone. In principle, blush can be abandoned.
  • On the eyelids it is worth applying pearlescent shades of a cold shade. It is best to combine several shades. But, as we said earlier, dispensing with shadows is also quite realistic: in this case, the eyes need to be highlighted with eyeliner.
  • Eyelashes should be long and thick. To do this, mascara is applied in several layers, each is allowed to dry well. It is permissible and appropriate to use false or extended eyelashes in the makeup of the queen.
  • Eyebrows must be put in order. Remove excess hair. Comb them and highlight with an eyebrow pencil repeating the shade of the hair.
  • Lips can be covered with either bright lipstick or moisturizing balm.

Video lesson "Makeup of the Snow Queen"

Creating the image of the snow queen is easier than it seems at first glance. But, of course, you still have to work hard. This article will tell you about how to make the snow queen's makeup step by step, what cosmetics are needed for this, and to whom such an image suits most.

How to create an image of the snow queen

First of all, carefully think over every element of your appearance - from clothes to hairstyles, without losing anything. The slightest negligence, thoughtlessness or sloppiness can turn you from a majestic snow queen into a frostbitten vagrant. It is also worth noting that the image of the snow queen is most often associated with girls with fair skin and hair. Although the dark-haired beauties can also try this image on themselves if they correctly select the colors that suit them.

One of the most important elements of the image of the snow queen is the skin. Take care to carefully mask all the imperfections - enlarged pores, pimples, redness, irritation - all this has no place on the face. The skin should be fair, clean. It is advisable to use a translucent friable powder on top of the tone. This will help create the effect of thin and radiant, translucent skin. All colors used in makeup should be light, shining, cool shades. The eyes and lips of the snow queen can be decorated with cosmetics that mimic snow or frost.

How to apply makeup in the style of the snow queen?

  1. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the skin: cleanse and moisturize well. You can use a makeup base suitable for you or a regular moisturizer.
  2. Then we apply a foundation on the face and carefully blend it. It is best to use a special brush for the tonal foundation for this purpose. Apply tone on massage lines without stretching the skin. Next, we use a corrective agent in problem areas (its color is selected depending on the purpose: green masks redness, yellow - dark circles under the eyes, lilac - yellowness of the skin, white - freckles).
  3. To fix the tone and ensure the skin is dull and translucent, apply transparent light-scattering loose powder to the entire face. This is best done with a puff or a soft large brush.
  4. If desired, you can use very light, cold tones of blush, but this is not necessary. If you nevertheless decide to use them - emphasize only the protruding parts of the cheekbones with blush, you should not apply a lot of blush.
  5. On the eyelids we apply pearlescent or matte shades of cold shades (turquoise, blue, bluish). It is best to use several shades of shadows - the lightest is applied to the inner corner of the eye, and the darkest - to the outer corner, shading to the temples. You can use white or light gray eyeliner, artificial frost, rhinestones.
  6. A white or silver pencil should also be applied to the inside of the lower eyelid. This is done in order to whiten the lower eyelid, make the eye larger and avoid the effect of “rabbit” eyes (after all, in contrast to light cold shadows, the inner part of the eyelid may appear red, inflamed).
  7. We apply black mascara on the eyelashes, let it dry for a couple of minutes, repeat the application. After that, apply another layer of mascara to the ends of the eyelashes, but now white. This will create a snowy eyelash effect. It is necessary to use only white mascara, applying it in 2-3 layers. As an option, you can add false eyelashes of an unusual shape or color (blue, blue, silver).
  8. We comb the eyebrows, emphasize their shape with a light eyebrow pencil. If desired, you can add “frost” (using white carcass) or artificial snow.
  9. We form the contour of the lips with a suitable color contour pencil, and apply a light lipstick. You can use several shades of lipstick, superimposing them on top of one another so that you get the effect of "ombre". For example, in the center of the lips the darkest color, and towards the outer border of the lips it gradually brightens. Or vice versa.

As you can see, becoming a sovereign of the ice is not so difficult. All you need is suitable cosmetics, minimal makeup knowledge, desire and a little patience.

For the New Year holidays you need to prepare in advance, having decided on the image and choice of attire. Using the makeup of the Snow Queen, you can look at the holiday simply unique.

Basic makeup principles

To meet the New Year holidays in a bright and stylish way, you can transform into the Snow Queen. Makeup in this case should ideally combine with outfits and take into account the subject as much as possible. A feature of this character is that there is the opportunity to translate creative decisions.

It is worth considering that the Snow Queen is an ideal of beauty, even if it is cold and unnatural. That is why when creating the image, you need to thoroughly clean the skin and mask all the flaws. Silver, gray and blue shades should definitely prevail, however, some bright contrasting tones can be added, as this will make the image more vivid and stylish.

You can complement the image with subtle and small details, as the lines in the makeup will more accurately convey the cold winter beauty. It is worth considering that the makeup of the Snow Queen is very difficult for people with dark skin, as this image is ideal for a fair-skinned girl.

What you need for makeup

To create the makeup of the Snow Queen, whose photo fully reflects the attractiveness of the image, you do not need any special accessories and attributes, the most important thing is to choose cosmetics of certain tones. There are many options for creating this image, but as the main cosmetic products you need to use:

  • tone cream;
  • eyeshadow  blue, silver, white with sparkles;
  • eyeliner;
  • ink.

As for the color of lipstick, it is desirable that it be as light as possible.

Skin preparation and foundation application

When creating a make-up of the Snow Queen with her own hands, her face must first be cleaned with special lotions, and then using the corrector to mask irregularities and other defects.

Then a cosmetic base is applied, the shade of which should be at least one tone lighter than the skin. A thin layer of foundation is applied on top of the base, and then a translucent powder. Makeup for the Snow Queen for the New Year is quite simple to do, the most important thing is to properly prepare the face and shape your eyes.

When creating an image, you need to use cold light and shining shades to design your eyes. You can also improvise with decor, and in this case sparkles, rhinestones as elements of hoarfrost or snow will look good on your face. Hands need to apply blush of cold shades and emphasize the sharpness of the cheekbones.

Eye makeup

New Year’s makeup “Snow Queen” requires eye allocation, as this image refers to fantasy characters. The main goal is to create an emotionless, cold, but at the same time alluring look. Using a blue eyeliner, you need to slightly increase the eye and withdraw the arrow.

It is easiest to create an image using arrows, as they themselves symbolize a certain sophistication. The arrows can be made slightly longer than in conventional makeup. Eyebrows need to be masked with shadows, since a dark color can spoil the created image. They can be given the form of snow or hoarfrost.

Cold light shadows should be applied above the eye to the very eyebrow. Dark blue shadows can be applied starting from the bottom line of the eyebrow, and then visually divide this transition with the arrow. All this should be thoroughly shaded, since the transitions between different shades should be smooth and almost imperceptible.

Festive make-up look

Snow Queen's festive make-up for Halloween should take into account the main characteristics of the image. It is perfect for blondes. Doing makeup, you need to give the skin a radiance, using special powder.

Glance must be ice. With the help of white shining shadows, you must initially identify the area under the eyebrows and the corners of the eye. The primary color should be cool blue or bright blue. If desired, you can draw arrows of blue or blue, but you need to make them as thin as possible. The inner part of the lower eyelid should be drawn with a white pencil, and the bottom arrow should be finished with blue or blue.

When creating makeup, you can add white sparkles. Twist the cilia a little, and then make up with mascara. In such makeup, mascara of blue, blue or silver color, as well as false eyelashes, will look good.

Lips should be light with shine. Make-up of the Snow Queen for a girl with her own hands is very easy to do, and for this you do not need to use a lot of makeup, but only face jewelry to give a mysterious image.

Casual makeup

Snow Queen's casual makeup looks good on girls with square or round face shapes. In this case, expressive eyes will help to slightly correct the shape of the chin, and the exact application of dark and light shadows will help align the shape. Like a holiday makeup option  the focus is on the eyes, but the shade needs to be taken without sparkles.

Make lips more tender and romantic will help not lipstick, but gloss. It’s best to color them with a transparent sheen so that they look attractive, but not at all aggressive.

It is best not to dye your eyebrows at all, however, if they are too light, you can dye them with a gray-black pencil. Eyelashes also should not be highlighted too brightly, therefore, to make the image as natural as possible, it is better to use gray mascara. Silver eyeliner can distinguish the inner corners of the eyes.

When doing makeup, you need to use light foundation and powder. And in order to emphasize the expressiveness of the cheekbones, you can use a blush of cold tones.

Main mistakes

Many people use blush when applying makeup, but this must be done very carefully so that the image does not turn out to be too contrasting and clumsy. Using powder and blush, you need to correctly select its type and color. Powder with a flickering effect is ideal.

The biggest mistake is to use an excessive amount of sparkles, as the skin begins to shine unnaturally. It is best to decorate only certain parts of the face with sparkles.

Despite the peculiarities of makeup in the style of the Snow Queen, there are certain nuances that make-up artists focus on. Experts recommend using exclusively light colors to give the image a touch of aristocracy. However, it is necessary to observe a measure so that the skin does not have a painful appearance.

Shadows need to be used as cold as possible, and if you want to create a strict image, then you can refuse them. You can compensate for their absence with eyeliner, but it should be silver or gray.

What clothes and hairstyle to combine with

If the makeup is dominated by blue or blue shades, it is desirable that the clothes are silver or gray. You can also pick up a white outfit interspersed with absolutely any cold tones.

When creating the image of the Snow Queen, it is worth remembering that she should be dressed in a dress, and the longer it is, the better. This solution allows you to create an impregnable and mysterious image. It is best to dissolve the hair and carefully align it. The head can be decorated with a crystal crown to create an imitation of ice.