What day is the red slide. Red Hill - a holiday. What else is customary to do on Krasnaya Gorka

The holiday, rooted in the pagan past, the Red Hill and to this day is honored by the Slavic peoples, as a bright day of the final arrival of spring. And people, like all living things, wanting to create a couple and continue their race, also sought to find for themselves that person with whom you can create a family. All the boys and girls, whose age allowed them to search for a mate, went out to Krasnaya Gorka and staged public festivities. Such an ancient holiday has overgrown with a large number of special traditions that still exist today.

Red Hill celebration date in 2017

After the baptism of Rus, the pagan Red Hill was timed to Easter, calling it Antipasa, meaning "instead." Celebrate it on the 1st Sunday after Easter, in 2017 Red Hill is celebrated on April 23. Otherwise, the Orthodox Church calls this holiday Fomin’s resurrection, in honor of St. Thomas, who did not believe that the Savior was resurrected. And on the eighth day after the resurrection, Jesus appeared before Thomas the unbeliever.

Tradition of celebration

Our Slavic ancestors put a special meaning into the name of the holiday. “Red” means beautiful, which is a direct reference to the spring that is gaining strength. But why did the slide turn red? Because on a hill, heat came first. On such slides cleaned and sun-dried, festivities dedicated to the sun god Yarila took place.

Antipasa or Fomino Sunday- this is the day when everything was turned to the sun. The main attribute of the holiday was a chicken egg, which, like that, was painted, boiled in onion feathers or ash. Such eggs were allowed to roll from small slides. Whose egg does not break, happiness awaits him next year.

Folk rites

Young people went to the celebration of Red Hill dressed up, in their best clothes. Failure to come to the holiday meant to doom yourself to a failed marriage. A girl called Leda began the celebration. She started round dances and songs, and she was echoed by all the boys and girls who wanted to find a couple this year.

Those who have already found their soul mate went to visit those who got married last year to receive blessings and advice. The future couple was treated to scrambled eggs (round as the sun) and special bread, also baked in the shape of a circle.

Wedding on Red Hill 2017

After Lent, Red Hill is the first day that weddings are allowed and. The registry office employees have a very hard time during this period: if Krasnaya Gorka doesn’t fall in May (getting married in May, then it’s a matter of all life), then on this day they have to paint a huge number of couples. Newlyweds are a very superstitious people, and a wedding on Krasnaya Gorka promises a strong and reliable union of two loving hearts for life.

Also see: what date, calendar.

What date is celebrated Red Hill? The date of this holiday is directly related to Easter. Rather, this is the second holiday Sunday after Easter itself. It turns out that the Orthodox Christians celebrated the Resurrection of Christ on April 16 this year, which means that Red Hill will be on April 23. What is this holiday and what does it mean, we will tell in this article.

There are many folk and church traditions on this day, but the most common and important from time immemorial is that it was considered the best day of the year to get married. It was said that the couple who are married in will be happy and will never divorce. For example, Russian tsars were always married on that day.

About the holiday and its date

As mentioned above, the exact date of the Red Hill depends on the exact date of the Great Easter in a particular year. This spring holiday is always celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter, and it is the beginning of another holiday week, which is called Fomina Week.

On this day, young people gathered in the open air to enjoy spring, dance, sing songs and just have fun. It is from here that the name of the day “Red Hill” came from, because Slavic youth gathered on the hills that were already warmed by the red sun.

This day was extremely popular for a wedding. A large number of weddings are played in the church that day, so it’s best to book an appointment in advance. Despite the fact that today the Red Hill is spoken exclusively in a church context, the holiday has its pagan roots.

About the pagan roots of the holiday

Red Hill in 2017, what date the Orthodox have on April 23. This holiday has pagan roots and, like many other days, it simply harmoniously merged into a series of Christian holidays. In Russia, a holiday was celebrated, as a rule, at the end of April or at the very beginning of May: when it became warm on the street. Festivities were held: baked loaves, called for spring, rolled colored eggs from the slides. After this Sunday, already on Tuesday, will be.

The traditional festive dish on Krasnaya Gorka was scrambled eggs, while other dishes were always prepared in a round shape. They symbolized the shape of the Sun, which gives all living things on our planet the opportunity to grow and develop. The girls wove flax into the braids, and popular belief said that if a guy does not go for a walk on this day, then he will have a wife with a caulk. If the girl does not go out for walks, then she will have to live alone until old age. They said that meeting a couple on Krasnaya Gorka prophesies their wedding in the future.

Christian traditions

Many pagan traditions of this day underwent changes and merged into the Christian traditions of Red Hill today. This first Sunday after Easter and long Lent removes the ban on weddings. That is, you can again marry and there are so many people who want to that day, as a rule, that the church simply does not have time to serve everyone.

If the couple was lucky to get married precisely on the Red Hill, then, according to signs, this promises a happy marriage both on earth and in heaven. Since the week begins Fimin, then in the church calendar this day is marked exactly as "Fomin's Day."

About the wedding on Krasnaya Gorka

The most auspicious day of the year to enter into a church marriage is precisely Red Hill Day. Folk traditions say that marriage on this day will never lead to divorce. On the day of the Red Hill, other rituals related to the wedding were performed, but not wedding. For example, those who wanted to marry families went to visit each other.

Newlyweds who married less than a year ago invited relatives and friends to Krasnaya Gorka to treat them with Easter cakes and painted eggs, and other dishes traditional for this festive period.

Interesting!   To get married and get pregnant faster, on the day of Krasnaya Gorka the girl should be the first to feed a pregnant cow early in the morning early.

As you can see, this holiday has always been loved by the people and only positive, good signs are associated with it. Many of them relate to weddings, but even if you don’t have any wedding events and troubles that day, Fomin’s day needs to be fun, beautiful and joyful. On this day, all living things awaken, and this day symbolizes birth, love. In honor of the holiday you can cook.

Red Hill in 2017, what date the Orthodox will have - April 23. Calculating the date yourself is simple and easy, because Red Hill or Fomin's Day is the second Sunday after Easter. From this day, the ban on weddings in the temple is lifted and an active wedding time begins.

Our people have holidays, the essence of which few people know thoroughly, but even without it, such days enjoy universal love and reverence. One of them, of course, is Krasnaya Gorka. Celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter, this day has a difficult history in which pagan and Orthodox beliefs intertwine.

So, if you are interested in learning about the Krasnaya Gorka holiday (we will answer right away that the exact date for celebrating this day is April 23, 2017), as well as everything related to it, read on.

Pagan origins

In ancient Russia, this holiday marked the arrival of spring. On this day they honored Yaril, the god of the sun, when honest people gathered for noisy celebrations with songs, dances, comic games and quite serious contests. Dressed smartly, in the best clothes. Girls decorated themselves with ribbons, beads, trying to look more beautiful than everyone. The guys did not lag behind them. Of the girls, Lada was chosen, who was considered the manager of the festivities. She started songs, round dances, started games.

On this holiday in all the houses, the “suns" were considered an obligatory attribute - round, possibly shiny objects, symbolizing the sun. The main product from which the holiday dishes were prepared were eggs. They made eggs, baked in ash, simply cooked, baked pies with egg filling, again observing an important condition - that these dishes were round "sunny" in shape.

The main motive of all the songs was the invocation of spring.

Wedding on Red Hill - together forever

On this holiday, it was customary to send matchmakers and play weddings, for the first time after a long Lent. It was believed that the family created on this holiday will be strong, friendly, indestructible forever. Like everything that came to us from house building, this approach had a purely economic background. Replenishment of the family by one more person meant yet another working hand, with the help of which it was possible to significantly increase the volume of work performed.

Sitting at home that day and not going out in search of your soulmate was considered a bad sign. For boys, this meant an ugly pockmarked wife, but for girls it was told that they should remain lonely.

The wedding on the first Sunday after Easter gathered an unprecedented number of people wishing to get married. Therefore, church ministers could not reach all the newlyweds, where the belief came from - they were lucky to get married on this holiday - you will not part forever.

  • On this day, girls and guys who were looking for their fate, went on a visit to a young family created at the beginning of the year. There, singles were necessarily treated with krashanka.
  • The bride at the end of the wedding feast took the ribbon out of the braid and wrapped her braids around the unmarried girls, wishing them a quick marriage.
  • The groom caught scattered guys and girls scattered in front of him. Those whom he caught first could hope for an early marriage.
  • At the wedding in the church was attended by a disguised sorcerer, who performed special rites for prosperity and happiness in the house of young people. So, in every corner of the hut, he drew a cross with his finger, and put a special vessel under the matrimonial bed, filled with herbal gathering and spells for happiness.

Beliefs and signs - we attract luck

The people believed that simple rituals would help ensure wealth in the family, protect against evil, and fortune telling would tell what the next year would be, whether happiness and harmony between spouses were destined to be.

  • If you want to lure wealth, wash yourself with water, which before that washed the icons. Moreover, a prerequisite for such an action was to keep it secret, otherwise the whole ritual would lose its strength.
  • Good luck and happiness were caught that day with the help of a coin thrown into a well, river, lake, or pond.
  • Health was given by earnest prayers to the Lord. The people believed that the praises and requests offered to God on this day reach the Almighty faster, because on this day all relatives are helped to convey their words to them.
  • In some regions of Russia, people went to the cemetery to remember the deceased relatives and friends. This custom turned out to be quite resistant to the test of time, as they continue to do so in many areas of our country.
  • From a natural or hand-made hillock, eggs were rolled that were especially beautiful for this day, preferably in red. An egg that rolled without cracks was considered a sign of good luck and luck for the next year. Spouses also checked themselves, rolling 2 eggs side by side, if they rolled side by side - they will live peacefully and in harmony, if not, then quarrels and quarrels will be frequent.

Orthodox traditions on Krasnaya Gorka in 2017

In Orthodoxy, this day is called Fomin Sunday in honor of Thomas the unbeliever, who doubted that the Lord was resurrected. The Almighty appeared to the doubting Thomas precisely on this day, which gave the name to this holiday, and the next week is then called Fomina.

In the church on Krasnaya Gorka, as well as many centuries ago, special services will be held, as well as prosphora with a crumb pulled out from the middle. Such a prosphora is called an “antidor”. She is taken with crossed hands, and the right one should be on top and such a gift is eaten right there in the church.

No matter how hard the official church tries to eradicate the pagan roots of this holiday among the people, it still cannot be done to the end. Too strong ancestral beliefs, as if genetically embedded in us. Therefore, this holiday remains a unique combination of paganism and Christianity, concentrating in itself the belief in a better, new, hope for happiness, prosperity, spiritual harmony with God, the world and oneself.

Having learned what date the date of the Red Hill celebration falls, it will now be easier and more interesting to prepare for this day. You will be able to put a deeper spiritual meaning into it, look into yourself, and once again restore order in your heart, throwing out all insults from it, leaving only a place for love and faith.

Red Hill is more a national holiday than a church holiday. However, this event is tied to Easter and is celebrated a week after it.

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

Our ancestors on this day celebrated the arrival of spring in its full strength and beauty. According to tradition, young people met the morning dawn on the day of the holiday. The greeting began with a song, and then in the spring they left treats baked by the caring hands of the hostesses. They baked a magnificent round loaf and painted eggs.

Without the support of higher powers, those who are engaged in a charitable deed will never remain. Try yourself in embroidering icons. The holy face embroidered with your own hands will become a real decoration of your room, and the work that you spent on embroidery will be appreciated by the church. It was not for nothing that in ancient times wives embroidered icons when they sent husbands to exploits: such an icon was considered the best talisman. You can purchase the kit and everything you need for embroidery right now if you click on this link.

Also, this day was considered the best for the birth of a new love, so our ancestors often resorted to all kinds of fortune-telling about love and fate, fascinated loved ones and tried on this day to choose the most “red”, that is, beautiful, outfit.

Young that day hosted noisy festivities, where they watched their grooms and brides. According to popular belief, it was precisely today that the unmarried had to find their soul mate so that the future spouse would not be unattractive and near. In punishment, those who did not come to the celebration came up with offensive nicknames.

Round dances drove to Krasnaya Gorka, presented gifts to each other, lit large bonfires. Girls and women performed a special rite that day, which drove away evil spirits from villages and settlements. This ritual was as follows: six women gathered outside the outskirts, three of them accompanied the icon of the Mother of God, three went out with a plow. They were joined by the remaining women without shawls and with loose hair. They put a couple of planks on the plow, sat on them and went around with her the whole village in a circle, praising God and urging him to help expel evil spirits that harmed people, animals and crops.

On this day, Orthodox Christians often go to the cemetery to honor the memory of their ancestors and carry out minor repairs and cleaning of the graves.

Folk traditions and pagan rites are closely intertwined with the Orthodox Christian world, so it is becoming increasingly difficult to determine the line separating two such different religions. We wish you a bright holiday, love and prosperity.   Live in joy and do not forget to press the buttons and

When the Red Hill in 2017, what date

People are so tired of the long winter and cold that they do not get tired of inviting spring and meeting it several times. And the last meeting of the warm season is the Red Hill holiday. It is believed that after this the street begins to get hotter and hotter, and precipitation in the form of snow is definitely not worth the wait. Although, of course, there are exceptions.
This day combines ancient pagan traditions with Christian, so many people celebrate it. This holiday does not have a specific date, it is part of the transition group, so people who want to celebrate it are interested when the Red Hill in 2017, what date?

Red Hill Celebration Date

Since Red Hill is a rolling holiday, its date must be constantly calculated. Of course, in some sources you can find information about when this holiday is celebrated for decades to come. But there is an easier way to find out when Red Hill will be. It must be remembered that Red Hill is always celebrated the next Sunday after Easter.
  In 2017, the Great will be April 16th. And that means Red Hill will be celebrated on April 23 . This holiday has a few more names. Since it is of pagan origin, it is called Antipasa. And for the Orthodox, this is Fomino Sunday. According to the Bible, on this day Jesus Christ appeared to Thomas, who did not believe in the resurrection of God's son.
Features and traditions of the holiday
  Previously, this day was accompanied by mass festivities, round dances and songs. The holiday symbolized not only the final arrival of spring and warmth, but also a meeting of representatives of both sexes, as the beginning of a new life.

  Girls and boys gathered together and went to have fun on some highlands, that is, on hillocks where there was no snow anymore. It is believed that the name of the holiday was given by one folk fun. People that day rolled down the hills, and when the game was over, everyone noticed that the mound turned red. According to another version, “red hill” means “beautiful hill”, that is, people liked that it was no longer snowing on it, but the ground, and sometimes even the first grass.
  Also, from ancient times on this day, they always tried to celebrate weddings. People believed that if you marry or marry on Krasnaya Gorka, such a marriage would not break up, and only death could separate the spouses. In addition to the Red Hill, various rites were performed.
Folk rites
Since all the people at that time were engaged in agricultural work, everyone dreamed that there was a good harvest. For this, a very interesting ceremony was performed: all representatives of the weaker sex harnessed to the plow and walked around their settlement in this way. It turned out a deep furrow, it had to be closed so that the village was in a circle. It was believed that everything inside this circle will bear good fruit and grow well. Also, people believed that they were protected, which means they won’t be ill and suffer.
  And to be happy, people rolled eggs that remained from Easter from the hills. If krashenka rolled smoothly and did not crash along the road, then a person will not suffer during the year, but will only be happy. These eggs were then eaten.
  There is also a rite for the fulfillment of desire. A person has to make something up, and then go to the well and throw a coin into the water. And in order to have wealth in the family, you need to put a container of clean water in front of the icon. Each member of the family should come up and wash. If there are children in the house, then the oldest in the family should wash them.

  And on Krasnaya Gorka, people always visited the graves of deceased relatives and prayed near the graves. People believed that you need to pray for the repose, and then you can ask for something, and the deceased will help to quickly deliver the request and fulfill it.
  The most important thing on this day is not to sit at home. Spring needs to be met on the street. Our ancestors believed that if a girl or a young man does not go out, then for a long time he will be lonely. Therefore, everyone went out and got acquainted, and then after this new couples appeared.
  Of course, no one guarantees that all these rituals will come true. But then these traditions always have a positive orientation, and, as you know, thoughts are material. Therefore, it is quite possible to note Red Hill as it should, because the rules of this holiday are quite simple.