There will be a metallurgist day of the year. Traditions and events

  Metallurgist Day in 2019, what date in our country falls every year on the third Sunday of July. That is, this is exactly the kind of holiday that does not have its official date, but has its own official day. For most professional holidays, it is the days that are set so that each year the celebration itself falls on a weekend.

If you look at the modern calendar for 2019, you can see that the third Sunday of July falls on the 21st. It turns out that in Russia this year Metallurgist Day will be celebrated on July 21. This date is, as already clear, rolling. We suggest in this material to delve into the history of the formation of the holiday, to talk about whom and how to congratulate today.

Often people who live in large cities of the European part of our country may not even realize how developed the metallurgical industry is in other regions, how much profit it brings to the country and, of course, how many jobs it creates.

  • The importance of industry and profession
  • Excerpts from history

From the history of the formation of the holiday

  Metallurgist Day in 2019, the date in which Russia celebrates coincides with how this event is celebrated in other countries when it was part of the USSR. So, for example, on the territory of modern Ukraine, the official holiday date as the third July Sunday has been preserved, although everything is going on, let us recall once again, from the time of the Soviet Union. Many people remember, someone heard, and someone even saw in old Soviet films how important the development of the steel industry was for the country. At the festive table will be relevant.

  As for the holiday, it was established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In 1980, a document was published in which many Soviet holidays, including professional holidays, found their new permanent place. Metallurgist Day was no exception.

What is metallurgical art? From ore, by melting and processing metals, steel is obtained. It must be said that the technology itself is very ancient and its discovery gave mankind a new round of development. We can safely say that metallurgy began its life as an activity in those distant centuries, even before our era, when mankind possessed the smelting of copper.

Today we are talking about the Day of Metallurgist in 2019, what date in Ukraine or Russia is the third July Sunday, that is, the 21st day of this year. Modern metallurgy is a combination of technological processes, as well as industries. In addition to the extraction of metal ores, which has already been mentioned, one can safely attribute here enrichment, extraction, refining

Also, modern metallurgy is the production of products based on metal powders, the processing of metals by pressure, as well as thermochemical and thermal, chemical treatment, in order to give certain metals their specified properties.

The main industry of this type is ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. It is these products that are used in engineering and construction, even in agriculture. Since atomic energy is actively developing in modern society, metallurgists have begun to produce radioactive metals as well.

The importance of industry and profession

  So, Metallurgist Day in 2019, of which date is July 21, this industry is still basic in domestic industry, as it was once in the days of the USSR. For decades, the USSR, and then the Russian Federation, has been a leader in this direction. The industrial power of the country is constantly being strengthened, and it is the metallurgists - those people whose forces ensure the growth of the economy of our country.

The metallurgical industry of the Russian Federation is constantly moving forward and such a movement is possible due to hundreds of thousands of specialists who every day devotedly, professionally and enthusiastically give themselves to their beloved business. Metallurgists are the creators of the foundations for other sectors of the economy of our country. Their work is extremely important for many other industry areas to also develop actively, bring profit, and create new, highly paid jobs for the population.

It is also worth noting that this day has ceased to be a purely professional date for a long time. Because, the event is celebrated by entire cities and even people who have little idea about the industry itself, are happy to pay tribute to the conquerors of metal, the grandeur, and the beauty of their work. It has already been noted that metallurgy directly affects the development of other industrial sectors in our country.

It should also be noted that social programs are being introduced in the life of regions in which it is metallurgical enterprises that take an important part, they contribute to the implementation of national projects, and all this is reported in the media. So, there is nothing surprising in the fact that metallurgy today is treated by society with special honor and attention. choose for the holiday.

Excerpts from history

  If we consider the development of this industry in our country, for the first time, the date of the beginning of the 19th century comes up seriously here. Of course, at that time factories and plants were old and had nothing to do with modernity, but they began to open in Siberia and the Urals.

The most widely celebrated holiday is in those cities of our country where large metallurgical enterprises operate. Because it is precisely these enterprises — their construction and the hiring of workers — that have given life to many modern cities. In particular, so far this applies specifically to the territories of Siberia, as well as the Urals. Metallurgist’s Day, which falls on July 21 in 2019, is a celebration of the whole city. In honor of the professional day, awards and titles “Honored Metallurgist of the Russian Federation” are awarded at the highest level.

Congratulations on this holiday to metallurgists, that is, people who have a specialty in the field of metallurgy, and they can work in a variety of industrial industries. But metallurgy plays the most important role in mechanical engineering, it is impossible to imagine this industry without steel, and steel still needs to be created. Nevertheless, even enterprises of heavy and light industry could not function without metallurgists.

Metal smelting is an important element in a complex chain of industrial works, regardless of their type. This profession is necessary for every person’s daily life, because even in everyday life people use objects made of metal. It is definitely impossible to call the profession of a metallurgist easy, because every day these people deal with danger - with red-hot metals. But on a professional holiday, everyone comes together to have fun, have fun and congratulate each other on such an important day for every metallurgist and for the country as a whole. In honor of the holiday you can cook

Key Events City Day and Metallurgist Day in Magnitogorskwill be held on July 14 and 15! It will all start on July 14 at the Metallurg Arena where veterans will be honored. Then, on the 15th, also in the “Metallurg Arena” and in the adjacent territory, a city-wide holiday, City Day (87 years old) and Metallurgist Day, will be held.

A more detailed action plan for City Day 2016:

Initially, the festival of the 15th clean begins on the square behind the new ice at 18.00. First, children's playgrounds will be organized, plus a competition of drawings on asphalt. Until late in the evening, collectives of the city’s culture centers and the MMK will work on the stage. It is expected that the holiday can last up to 2 hours.

In the Metallurg Arena itself, the event will begin at 21.00. During the event, awards will be presented to the best employees of MMK and its subsidiaries. There will also be a theatrical performance dedicated to the year of cinematography in Russia. The program will end with the performance of professional artists. This time in   Magnitogorsk on the City Day will come to speak the famous group "VIA Gra".

Also in Magnitogorsk this day will be Andrei Derzhavin and Timur Rodriguez!

The culmination of the event will be a grand salute at 23:40 (although it is usually delayed), after which an open-air disco will begin!

  Area of \u200b\u200bUKRC “Arena-Metallurg”

17.00-23.50 Shopping malls, souvenir shops

18.00-19.00 Entertainment programs for children and their parents

19.00-19.55 Concert of creative teams of the city and DKM them. S. Ordzhonikidze

20.00-20.25 Live broadcast on the screen of the official part of the holiday from the Arena-Metallurg UKRC

20.25-21.00 Concert of creative teams of DCM named after S. Ordzhonikidze

21.00-22.30 Concert of Russian pop artists Andrei Derzhavin and Timur Rodriguez

Everyone who is in some way connected with the metallurgical industry celebrates their professional holiday - Metallurgist Day. The metallurgical industry takes pride of place in industry and production of the state.


As objects found during excavations show, people knew how to extract and process ore many millennia ago. The historical names of the centuries - bronze and iron, once again prove the importance of metals in human life.

Although processing has been carried out since ancient times, the official holiday was approved relatively recently - in 1957. The authorities saw what a significant contribution the metallurgists made during the restoration of the state after the Second World War. In 1980 and 1988, as a sign of respect for the profession, authorities duplicated decrees to celebrate Metallurgist Day.

Today, the holiday is celebrated by everyone who works in the field of mining and processing of non-ferrous and ferrous metals. The celebration unites many professions: miners, bricklayers, steelworkers, casters and others.

Metallurgy at all times brought a significant contribution to the country's budget. The metallurgical profession has been and remains in demand and well paid. Many experts show their skills and prove that their profession is part of art.


Gala festivities take place on Metallurgist Day. Metallurgists hold parades, have fun, celebrate their holiday on a grand scale. Directors speak at ceremonial meetings and concerts, congratulate specialists, present prizes, valuable gifts, certificates. Particularly distinguished metallurgists, whose experience is at least 10 years old, are awarded the order and awarded the title of “Honored Metallurgist of the Russian Federation”.

Workers in the metallurgical industry attend concerts on their day, participate in sports and other events that are organized by the organizers together with the authorities of cities and towns.

For the settlements where large metallurgical plants are located, this holiday becomes a holiday for everyone, since almost every family has a worker who works in the metallurgical field.

On this day, exhibitions of steelmakers and blacksmiths are held, master classes on the manufacture of various forged figures are held. Of particular interest are students and schoolchildren whose dream is to become overlords of iron.

Without exaggeration, metallurgy is one of the most important sectors of the Russian economy. The following figures speak of its significance for the state: it occupies 17% of the total production volume, taxes cover 14% of the budget, foreign exchange earnings account for more than 16% of foreign sales, consume 14% of energy resources, occupy 25% of rail transportation, and produce 95% of all structural materials. Also, 12% of the total industrial industry personnel are involved in enterprises, which is almost 1.5 million people. Therefore, in recognition of the professional activity of workers invaluable to the country, Metallurgist Day 2018 is celebrated.

  The importance of the metallurgical profession in Russia

In terms of their contribution to the economic development of the state, workers in metallurgical enterprises are leaders among all industrial sectors except energy. This profession is one of the most difficult, so the main representatives of the industry are men. In fact, the metallurgical profession is a generalized concept covering more than 60 specializations. Each of them constitutes a separate link in a long production chain. You can not underestimate the work of people who spend their strength and health around the clock for the good of their homeland. Therefore, they require special respect and respect from the government and citizens.

In general, in the Russian Federation there are more than 28 thousand metallurgical organizations, which employ one and a half million people. According to statistics, 1 worker in this industry provides 25 jobs in adjacent production areas. And if we take into account all enterprises that are directly or indirectly associated with metal products, then we can safely say the figure is 100%. Thanks to this sector and its employees, the economy and the country as a whole are developing, which occupies a leading position in the world export arena.

  What date is Metallurgist Day in 2018: a brief digression into the past

To understand when and why this date is celebrated, you need to look into the Soviet history of the metallurgical industry, which is famous for the great achievements of metallurgists. For simplicity, the data are tabulated:

Share of world production of pig iron / steel for 1988: 23/22% (1 place)
Production of metallurgical complex products from 1928 to 1990:
  • steel - 500 million tons
  • pig iron - 322 million tons
  • iron ore - more than 1 billion tons
Production of metallurgical complex products from 1992 to 2009:
  • steel - 690 million tons
  • pig iron - 565 million tons
  • rolled products / pipes - 690 million tons
Rating of Russia in the world in steel production: 5th place
Rating of Russia in the world in ferrous metallurgy: 3rd place
Rating of Russia in the world for the production of col. metals: 2nd place

In 1957, in honor of the heroic merits of metallurgical workers in raising the economic power of the USSR, the Presidium of the Supreme Council adopted a resolution on the establishment of Metallurgist Day with an annual celebration on the third Sunday of July. In 1988, the Supreme Council twice confirmed the date of the celebration. In 2018, professional day falls on July 29th. In some localities, metallurgical and mining enterprises are city-forming, so the holiday is combined with the City Day.

  Traditions and events

In modern times, Metallurgist Day is celebrated with special scope in the settlements where the main enterprises of this industry operate: Lipetsk, Cherepovets, Taganrog, Chelyabinsk, Novokuznetsk, Monchegorsk, Sayanogorsk and others. In some of them, celebrations are held for a whole week. During this time, solemn laying on of flowers to the thematic monuments, as well as parades and concerts in the squares take place.

Specially for this date, the president introduced the honorary title “Honored Metallurgist of the Russian Federation”. Such awards are presented at the state level in Moscow during the annual industry competition "Enterprise of the mining and metallurgical complex of high social efficiency."

Metallurgist Day is a professional holiday for specialists in the metallurgical industry. Among them are workers of pipe rolling, metal-processing plants, supplying enterprises. The holiday is considered to be their teachers, students, graduates of educational institutions, whose profile is the processing and production of metal products. A memorable date is celebrated by their relatives, friends, acquaintances, close people.

In Russia, Metallurgist Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of July. In 2019, the holiday falls on July 21 and is held at the official level 62 times.

The purpose of the holiday is to honor the work of metallurgists and to show the importance of the metallurgical industry in the country's economy.

Festivities are held for festivities, concerts, exhibitions. The first persons of the country congratulate metallurgists on their professional holiday. Distinguished employees are awarded with diplomas, diplomas, and honorary degrees.

history of the holiday

The event originates in Soviet times. The event was first established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 28, 1957 and confirmed by the same body by repeated decrees of October 1, 1980 and November 1, 1988. The tradition of honoring has been preserved in the Russian Federation and countries of the former USSR.

Holiday traditions

With the support of the city authorities, local government, festivities are held. Cultural institutions host exhibitions. Concerts of creative groups are organized on the squares, popular performers are invited. Warm words to the audience are heard from the stage. Television and radio stations broadcast programs dedicated to the profession and the history of the industry.

The culprits of the celebration gather at the festive tables. Greetings, wishes of health and success in work are pronounced, toasts end with the clink of glasses. Relatives, friends, acquaintances and close people of industry employees take part in the events.

Metallurgist Day 2019 is marked by the speeches of the first persons of the Russian Federation and the heads of enterprises. They are talking about the achievements and difficulties of the economic sphere. The best specialists are awarded with diplomas, diplomas, valuable gifts. For outstanding achievements, they are awarded the honorary title “Honored Metallurgist of the Russian Federation”.

On the eve of the memorable date, new equipment and production areas are put into operation at the plants. Retired labor veterans are invited to devote most of their lives to work in this area. They share experiences and memories.

Among students of specialized educational institutions, the event is celebrated outside the city - in nature. In the open air, dishes are cooked on fire, fish are caught from ponds, and strong drinks are consumed.

Task for the day

  • Industrial metal mining is carried out from ore, which is minerals and their mixtures. The most valuable are oxide and sulfide ores. To recover metal from ore, chemical reduction reactions with carbon, active metals, and hydrogen are used. They also use direct current.
  • Ferrous metallurgy is the production of alloys, which include iron, cast iron, steel, chromium, manganese. Nonferrous metallurgy is called ore beneficiation and smelting of alloys from copper, lead, zinc, tin, nickel, aluminum, magnesium, and titanium.
  • Only 7% of titanium mined in the world is used in the engineering industry. 13% goes to paper making, 20% to plastic and 60% is used in the paint and varnish industry.
  • Over the history of mankind, about 165 thousand tons of gold were mined. Half of this quantity was produced in South Africa.
  • Russia ranks 5th in terms of production volumes of the metallurgical industry.
  • All Olympic medals are made of silver. They are covered with a thin layer of gold, which is about 1% of the weight of the coin.


“Happy Metallurgist Day. I wish your life to be a reliable, durable, strong alloy of love, good luck, happiness and prosperity. I also want to wish you tremendous strength, excellent health and superior workmanship, as well as pleasant events, joyful meetings and happy smiles in every day of life. ”

“Who by his own example proves day by day that real heroes live and prosper in our country and in our families? Of course, these are our workers in the metallurgical industry. Congratulations, creators of steel bars, pipes, ropes, cases, cast products. May the fire of love, fidelity, happiness always shine in your eyes! ”

“The metallurgist is the most difficult male profession. Today, on your professional holiday, I congratulate everyone who cooks steel and cast iron, all who are not afraid of hard work in hot vents of furnaces! Be happy and content with life even on the busiest weekdays, don’t know the worries and let your house be full of love! ”


A bar of chocolate.  A bar made of chocolate will serve as an original thematic souvenir for a sweet tooth.

Comic reward.  A medal, a cup, an order with a comic signature will serve as an excellent present for a fan of practical jokes.

Engraved souvenir.  Lighter, keychain, pocket set of tools with personalized engraving will serve as an inexpensive and stylish present.

Gift Certificate.  A gift certificate to a sporting goods store, fishing tackle or service station service station is an excellent option for a practical gift.


Two teams with the same number of participants take part in the competition. The presenter gives them a sheet of paper on which various categories are written: industry, economics, metallurgy, etc. The presenter makes a letter of the alphabet, and the participants in the allotted time should write as many words as possible, which are associated with the hidden categories. The winner is the team with the most correct answers.

Hot shop
Competition participants are blindfolded with tight bandages. Dense kitchen gloves are put on their hands. Blindly, the contestants must probe and guess the items laid out in front of them: a wrench, scissors, a bolt, a screwdriver, a caliper, etc. The participant with the most correct answers wins.

For the competition, it is necessary to prepare the props in advance: a large number of balloons and adhesive tape. Contest participants are invited to “forge” from the proposed material figures: a bicycle, a castle, a submarine, etc. The most creative and clever participant wins.

About the profession

Modern life is impossible without the use of artificial substances. They became the foundation of progress. One of the most popular materials are iron compounds. Extraction, processing of raw materials and obtaining the finished product have grown into high technology.

Industry experts are engaged in the production of products based on iron compounds, as well as provide work on the production of products and supply of raw materials. They are representatives of one of the most important sectors of the economy. The financial prosperity of other spheres of the country's life largely depends on its well-being. Metallurgists produce structures for construction, the oil and gas sector, heavy engineering and many other areas of human activity.

To become involved in the profession, it is necessary to undergo training at a higher or secondary special educational institution. Graduates receive the right to hold a position in accordance with their education. Work in workshops is classified as hazardous to health and requires strict safety measures.

This holiday in other countries

As in Russia, Metallurgist Day is held on the third Sunday in Ukraine, Belarus and other CIS countries.