New Year's toasts in verse and prose. Toasts at a corporate party in the New Year New Year's toasts in the year of the rooster are short

Toasts have become an integral part of any friendly or formal feast. And the New Year holidays of 2017 will also not pass without cheerful congratulatory toasts, which are sometimes not so easy to come up with. To learn how to pronounce New Year's toasts correctly, we bring to your attention a brief educational program on history and etiquette New Year's toasts(see cool ones).

Short toasts to the New 2017 Year of the Rooster in prose

The history of toast

Now it is difficult to establish where the tradition of making various toasts, including cool and funny ones, came from. However, this custom has deep roots, which can be discussed for hours. For example, some historians argue that this custom dates back to very ancient times, when people often made sacrifices as a gift to their gods. After this action, people often arranged feasts. A goblet of drink turned to the sky could be accompanied either by gratitude for some event in life, or a request for something that was needed at the moment.

Another version of the appearance of toasts says that once people, having gathered at some public meeting, chose a speaker who made a speech. He was presented with a goblet with a small piece of toasted bread (toast), which was dipped in the contents of the goblet (usually wine) as a sign of the friendly unity of all those gathered. There is an analogue of such an event in Russian culture, and here it is expressed in the treat of "bread and salt."

No matter how this custom appeared, during its life it acquired a mass of subtleties. The masters of this ritual will tell you that it is not so easy to say a toast, but it requires aerobatics wedding toasts and New Year's (see New Year's Eve 2017).

What are toasts?

First of all, they are long, similar to real speeches, and there are very short ones, they are called health resorts - “For health!”, In addition, toasts can be in verse or prose. Which toast you should choose depends solely on the people around you. If you are in a group of unfamiliar faces, then avoid long, and most importantly, toasts of a personal nature. When, as for a company of loved ones, you can pick up or come up with a New Year's toast that is more relaxed, cheerful and comic.

Funny and cool New Year's toasts 2017 in verse

How to pronounce toasts for the New Year 2017

1. New Year's toasts it is customary to pronounce with wine, champagne, beer or whiskey, but with a cocktail to pronounce new year wishes is considered bad form, even in honor of the New Year (see what on New Year's Eve 2017).

2. The owner of the house should pronounce the first New Year's toast. If the toast is addressed to a specific person, then this person is obliged in the next toast to thank the speaker with warm words in return.

3. For those who do not drink alcohol, etiquette provides for a certain rule that allows you to fill glasses with plain water and clink glasses with it. But as a rule, to say in front of everyone that for some reason you don’t drink and move away from the general feast, even in honor of the upcoming New Year 2017, is considered bad form.

A pleasant feast for the New Year with relatives, friends or work colleagues is in no way complete without toasting. They help support fun festive atmosphere, set some excitement and help the uncommunicative present to participate in the general bustle of the festival. That is why for a home dinner, and for a friendly gathering, and for a business corporate party, you should choose good toast for the New Year 2017. They will help you set the right rhythm and maintain it until the end of the feast. Toasts should be selected based on the tastes and preferences of the guests, their age. The older generation will love the old toast. Fans of minimalism (and therefore, bosses and colleagues) will like short toasts. But cool and funny toasts perfect for the festive table for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster at home or with good friends.

Cool toasts for a corporate party for the New Year 2017 of the Rooster

Many people think that gatherings with colleagues at corporate parties dedicated to the New Year are always boring. Cool and funny toasts will help fix even the quietest party in the office. Therefore, the usual corporate party with sour faces should be excluded. It is already worth holding an original and fun get-together in the office in the upcoming New 2017 Year of the Rooster. It is necessary with special diligence and attention to select original toasts: they should not be vulgar or rude. Such toasts can be released in the presence of close friends, but in no case should they be pronounced at corporate parties.

Each version of the considered toasts should be evaluated not only by the head of the department or a simple messenger, but also by other colleagues. After all, cool toasts at a New Year's corporate party should sound solemn or provocative, support general fun, but should not concern any specific people. Such speeches can cause embarrassment for one of those present: such situations at corporate parties should be avoided.

I want each of us to acquire not the best, but our own in the new year. Because the best can not always become one's own, but one's own is always the best. Take care of your loved ones! Happy New Year!

There is an ancient Japanese proverb that says that happiness comes only to that house where there is fun and laughter does not stop. I want to raise this glass in honor of the upcoming New Year and wish all those present that in the new year there will always be laughter and happiness in your homes!

Dear friends! Today we are gathered to celebrate the upcoming holiday! Let's raise our glasses to next year our life has developed into a perfect puzzle: happiness, health, well-being and love. Happy New Year!

Original toasts for a family festive dinner for the New Year 2017 Rooster A

A family gala dinner on December 31 is usually divided into two parts: seeing off the old year with all its problems and celebrating the New Year, which should bring prosperity, happiness and good luck to the family. Therefore, toasts for the two parts of the celebration must be selected appropriately. When seeing off the old year, one can recall both the achievements of each family member and the difficulties that arose along the way. But toasts for the New Year 2017 should be chosen cool and short. They will help in a good mood to meet the upcoming holiday and forget about adversity.

You can pick up toasts that wish everyone present in the New Year 2017 health and love. Or you can pronounce generalized texts congratulating the family on a new stage in life. It is desirable that the toasts for the New Year of the Rooster be as positive and kind as possible, praising the coming year and its symbol.

Snow is what makes believe in winter fairy tale. It would seem such a trifle, but you can spend a long time at the window watching him falling from the sky. So let's drink to have more fairy tales in our lives. Let's take a look around, there are so many beautiful things. Let's try to find the magic in the little things!

Everything should be different in the new year. And I want the new year to come and fulfill everything that we lacked so much in the previous ones.

I drink for a wonderful New Year, May it bring us joy, May it give magic, We have been waiting for it for a long time! I drink for happiness, for prosperity, For health and good, For everything to be in order, We had enough strength for everything!

Funny toasts for friendly gatherings for the New Year 2017

Celebrating the New Year with friends is one of the most the best options spending pre-holiday time. Not only long-term acquaintances can come together, but also entire families with children. This way of celebrating the New Year will certainly cause favor. Fire Rooster and will be well appreciated.

You can choose beautiful and even funny toasts for the New Year for the celebration. They will help to cheer up both adults and children. If the celebration is held in a very narrow circle friends, then festive speeches should be selected based on the characteristics of communication among themselves. It can be both funny and comic toasts. Let's select original texts“with peppercorns”, if all those present normally relate to such toasts or are used to communicating in this way. "Sharp" short toasts will not cause misunderstandings and will help maintain excellent festive mood for all those present.

They say that our life is so short that we should not waste it on resentment. Let's have a drink next New Year, we had little reason to be offended. And may all worries and grievances remain in the old year and never remind of themselves!

On the magical New Year's festivities, even the most daring requests to the generous Santa Claus can be fulfilled. For example, one young man ordered more “chicks and grandmothers” for himself, and so far he cannot get out of a remote village. Let's drink for the accuracy of the wording in our requests to Santa Claus!

Nowadays, there is a fashion for Santa Claus to replace Santa Claus. And I want to wish this year gifts from Santa Claus. Santa Claus is a short man with glasses riding on deer, and Santa Claus is always with the Snow Maiden and with a suspiciously red nose. So let's have a drink so that next year we will deal not with deer, but with a pleasant and cheerful company!

Simple and short toasts for the business celebration of the New Year 2017

The business celebration of the New Year 2017 can be held in a narrow circle of colleagues. This may be a meeting of partners or exclusively heads of departments and management. Such corporate parties are usually held not in the office, but in a restaurant. Therefore, you need to choose short toasts for the New Year 2017 for such an occasion. Speeches should be restrained, kind and unpretentious. Cool toasts can be pronounced to congratulate all the guests present, wishes them to reach incredible heights in the New Year, to achieve their goals.

An important difference between a business celebration and a regular corporate party can be considered a “solid” atmosphere, in which the behavior of guests should be appropriate. Therefore, it is recommended to use short funny toasts for the New Year, which are simple and understandable, with some rigor. From the proposed options, you can find attractive short toasts that allow you to cheer up all those gathered at the corporate party and celebrate the New Year in a circle with pleasure. business partners and colleagues.

“Happy New Year, new happiness” - it is customary to congratulate each other. But, let happiness be not new, as long as it is stable with us. Let's drink to the goodness of Fate to all of us, this New Year.

Dear friends, let's drink to the fact that next year there will be more and more moments for the holidays. And sadness and sadness simply would not have a place in our lives, because happiness and love will always be with us. Happy new year friends with new happiness!

New Year is new life. This is a holy chance to start life from scratch and no longer repeat old mistakes, but laugh, remembering them in the coming year. So I can safely say that the New Year is like a bird of happiness, carries away all the most negative things on its wings and fills us with the life-giving power of love and warmth, partly changes us in better side and inspires humanity. So let's drink to this bird and ask her for happiness. Happy New Year!

Short and funny toasts for dinner with relatives for the New Year 2017

Meeting of relatives festive table before the New Year is an event that many have been waiting for for many years. For a family dinner, both people living in the same city or neighboring regions, and those who live very far from their relatives can gather. For such cases, it is recommended to use old toasts dedicated to the New Year. They are sure to please the older generation and delight them.

You can use other cool short toasts, which indicate the love of the congratulator to all the guests. Such family gatherings are desirable for the New Year 2017. It is they who will help to chat with loved ones on abstract topics, to celebrate the New Year in an upbeat positive mood. And the selected short toasts, in turn, will help to create and support it.

Everyone knows about the tradition of making wishes in new year's eve. Someone writes it on a piece of paper, burns it and drinks the ashes with champagne, someone embroiders it on the hem of the outfit. Everyone wants to be happy. Let's raise our glasses so that in the New Year we do not have to make wishes, for we will have everything we need for happiness.

Soon New Year. I would like to wish that all the problems and hardships remained in the past year, and new emotions, beginnings, and victories were present in everyone's life in the New Year!

New Year is knocking on the house

What awaits us in it?

Light, love, warmth, dream,

Happiness, peace and beauty.

And luck and success

And family, and children's laughter.

We raise a glass

In the new year, because it has come.

And we wish everyone now

Always be happy

So that our courage does not fade away.

Well, the New Year is already knocking on the window. Let's meet him with dignity, so that everything is calm in our life. And we will see off the old one and we will not remember the bad. Happy New Year, a year of joy, good luck and new things!

Short toasts for the New Year 2017 can be both discreet and funny or cool. They will help create the right festive atmosphere, wish everyone present health, happiness and success in the coming New Year 2017. You can use new and old toasts both for a home dinner with relatives, and for friendly gatherings or corporate parties, business events. Original short toasts will help to beautifully meet the symbol of the New Year 2017 - the Fire Rooster. It is he who will bring positive changes in the life of everyone in the next 12 months. Therefore, toasts dedicated to the New Year should be beautiful, interesting and just funny.

New Year is one of the most long-awaited and loved by many celebrations. As a child, New Year's holidays are perceived as a magical act, with gifts under the Christmas tree from Santa Claus and cheerful matinees in kindergarten or school. For adults and "wise" life experience, the end of the year is more likely to be associated with the completion of the work begun and the hope that the coming year will be successful and fruitful. However, despite the age, in the soul of each of us "lives" a childish feeling of expectation of a miracle - on New Year's Eve one really wants to believe in a fairy tale! Yes, ahead of new year holidays at enterprises and organizations arrange funny corporate parties- with songs, dances and competitions. Today, Masquerade Ball, Hollywood or Hello from the 60s themed parties are extremely popular. Be that as it may, any New Year's corporate party involves a feast with many delicious dishes and drinks. And where there are drinks, there are toasts! After all, an appropriately pronounced toast gives the festive banquet a unique "zest" of fun and warmth, which contributes to good mood and spiritual “unity” of all those present. What to prepare toasts for the New Year 2017? We have made a selection of the coolest toasts for the New Year of the Rooster - such short funny "parables" will perfectly fit into the scenario of the New Year's corporate party, and are also suitable for a friendly party or a home feast with the family. Of course, the main character of most toasts will be the Red Fire Rooster, the symbol of 2017. With the help of such funny congratulatory "speeches" you can defuse the atmosphere of tension that sometimes arises between unfamiliar people. Having learned a few cool toasts, raise a glass of sparkling champagne to happiness, good luck and health in the New Year of the Rooster 2017 - no doubt, the rest of the participants of the event will support you and, in turn, will “shine” with oratory.

Cool toasts for a corporate party for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster

It is known that we spend most of our time at work, and many employees and colleagues have long become friends and even friends. Therefore, on the eve of the New Year 2017, I want to get together, have fun and get away from the "endless" working days. In many companies, the management meets the “wishes of the workers” and in the last days of December holds a New Year's corporate party. As a rule, for this purpose, a banquet hall of a restaurant or cafe is rented in advance, they make up a holiday script and think over entertainment. Having gathered at a generously laid table, cool toasts are used - for the New Year 2017, these can be short congratulations-parting words to colleagues with wishes in a comic form of all the best. What should be a good toast? Sincere, short, with meaning and not beyond the bounds of decency. For the New Year of the Rooster 2017, we have collected some cool short toasts - you just have to learn their words on the eve of the festive corporate party. Each member entertainment event can prepare his toast for the New Year 2017, and then pronounce it at the common table.

Champagne glasses clinking. Is it possible in this wonderful time not to congratulate everyone on the New Year, not to wish happiness and goodness? May everything be great in your life. I hope that we will work with such a friendly and cheerful team for a long time to come.

I wish that with the advent of the new 2017, the innovations that he is waiting for will appear in the life of every person. For some it's a car or an apartment, for someone it's new meetings and love. Let only friends and beloved colleagues remain old.

The Year of the Rooster is knocking on our homes. I hope it brings joy and good luck to everyone. At least that's what I sincerely wish for everyone. So that money would be higher than the roof, so that mice would not be found in the house, so that health would flow over the edge. I have only one planned word left to say, “pour it up.”

A collection of short funny toasts for the New Year 2017 - sincere funny wishes to family and friends

The New Year is traditionally celebrated in the circle of relatives and friends, at a generously set table and to the sounds of holiday concert on TV. Indeed, such an idyllic picture of family gatherings for Olivier against the backdrop of the New Year's Blue Light resonates in the hearts of many people. In such a cozy atmosphere, short funny toasts will be appropriate, conveying the unique atmosphere of the New 2017 Year of the Rooster - best solution will pre-pick the original cheerful toast and "speak" with him at the festive table. And since the symbol of 2017 is the Red Rooster, this bright vocal bird can be mentioned in the toast. Let the feathered patron of the coming year give you his favor - raise a glass in his honor, supplementing this "popular" gesture with a short funny toast from our collection. Such sincere toasts for the New Year 2017 with wishes of good and happiness will surely be appreciated by your family and friends.

As a child, I realized that Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are amazing characters who do not get sick, do not age, do not suffer from depression. And they, despite all the defaults, inflation and economic crises, always have money for a bag of gifts. Therefore, instead of a tricky New Year's toast, I will say briefly and corny - so that we live like this! For health, youth of the soul and financial stability.

Year of the Red Rooster
Not a flaw on the table
Olivier and fur coat
It will be a fruitful year!
We fill the glasses
To become even richer
In pockets to rustle
The houses flourished!

New Year is a holiday of contrasts. While it is cold, frost, snow outside, in the house - warmth, comfort, a bright Christmas tree, a festive table and the love of relatives. So let's drink to the fact that the house is always warm and comfortable, even if there are hurricanes and severe frosts outside.

Funny New Year's toasts-2017 for a corporate party and for a friendly party - in verse and prose

The festive event in honor of the New Year is distinguished by a special atmosphere of carelessness and fun. Indeed, at a corporate party or a friendly party in honor of the New Year 2017, all participants are brought together not only by a generously set table with delicious dishes and drinks, but also by a unique sense of magic. In the company of colleagues or close friends, you can wonderfully celebrate the imminent New Year of the Rooster - it is clear that everyone will celebrate it on December 31 with relatives and friends. In the meantime, you can enjoy the conversation and raise a glass with the wishes of all the best in the New 2017. For a corporate party or a party of close friends, funny New Year's toasts in verse and prose will be appropriate, which will be equally well received by all those present at the table. With the help of such a cool short toast for the New Year of the Rooster, a cheerful mood is guaranteed - it is only important to beautifully “serve” the words, choosing the right intonation and time. Of course, in the absence of toastmaster skills, you will have to practice a little. However, the efforts will not be in vain - your speech will be met with loud applause!

There is an ancient Japanese proverb that says that happiness comes only to that house where there is fun and laughter does not stop. I want to raise this glass in honor of the upcoming New Year and wish all those present that in the new year there will always be laughter and happiness in your homes!

The time has come to let go of the Monkey, which helped us so much all year, led to a brighter future ... And what do I see? Replenishment in our farm! It's a Rooster! Well, the fact that he is Fiery is such a breed! Happy New Year 2017! Smile more often, and not just like that, I wish that in the coming year you always have a reason for this!

I raise a glass to the New Year
May he bring good luck to the house,
Let him give joy, kindness.
I want to wish everyone happiness!

Let him give everyone magic
May everything always be fine
May miracles be everywhere.
That's what I'll drink tonight!

Short toasts for the New Year 2017 - cool table speeches with best wishes

New Year comes imperceptibly, bringing with it a crackling frost and snowdrifts, the smell of pine needles and tangerine. It would seem that until recently the wind drove dry autumn leaves, and winter was so far away ... Every day, the most beloved and fun party- New Year of the Rooster! In connection with the upcoming corporate events and holiday parties, we decided to collect the best short toasts for the New Year 2017, which will cheer you up and cause cheerful approving laughter. After all, it is so nice to listen to well-rehearsed poetic congratulations or a beautiful speech in prose, with best wishes for the New Year 2017. A cool short toast is perceived much better than a long speech, during which the listeners sit with filled glasses and patiently wait for the end of the “monologue”. Therefore, it is better to choose the phrases of the toast short and understandable, without unnecessary verbal turns - such toasts for the New Year 2017 will be better remembered and convey the full depth of your feelings and wishes.

A year goes by
Taking away sorrows
Well, let yourself go
The new year won't let us down!
The main thing is to pour during
For the New Year of wine,
For him to be happy
And drink everything to the bottom!

The ability to beautifully pronounce toasts is a real art. Therefore, for the New Year 2017, it is better to prepare some simple cool toasts in advance and how to practice their pronunciation. Of course, improvisation at a festive feast is only welcome, but not everyone is able to "immediately" come up with and beautifully "serve" a toast for the New Year. So we suggest using our options for cool short toasts - you just need to choose and learn the words for the holidays. After all, good toasts give confidence, tune in to positive and cheer up for a long time. The Year of the Rooster brings us bright positive changes, so along with toasts, you “program” listeners for future happiness and good luck. May your wishes come true in the New Year 2017!

I want to raise a glass
So that no one is bored in the New Year,
So that the holiday reigns everywhere,
Joyful snowflakes spun!

Cool toasts for the New Year 2017 are a great opportunity to truly bring people together and create a truly festive magical atmosphere. So, for a New Year's corporate party, you will find on our pages a collection of short funny toasts that your colleagues will be delighted with. At a friendly party or a family feast, funny toasts with wishes in a playful way will cheer everyone up - by the year of the Rooster, you can prepare different options in poetry and prose. So let's raise a glass to the New Year 2017!

What are toasts for the New Year 2017? These are sincere short or long, poetic or prosaic wishes in a serious or playful form. New Year's toasts are always made before another glass of heady champagne is raised. The first table speech is dedicated to the outgoing year. Let it be difficult, and sometimes unbearably difficult, but everyone will remember a couple of bright and funny moments presented by the cunning Monkey. The next toast is said before moving the glasses for the noisy and provocative New Year 2017. This time the throne of the head will be occupied by the Red Fire Rooster, it would be nice to remember him as well. In short toasts, it is customary for relatives to wish good luck, love, prosperity and peace in the family. Lonely friends can "croak" a soul mate for the Old New Year. And the best wishes for colleagues at a corporate party are success in the working field, immediate career growth and large incomes. Of course, a short cool toast is easy to write on your own before the start of the celebration, or even improvise at the festive table. But it’s better to play it safe and learn a couple of suitable toasts for the New Year in advance so as not to worry at the most crucial moment.

Fresh toasts for a feast for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster

It is difficult to name the date of origin of the first toast in the history of mankind. But even in the Roman Empire, this practice was actively used. Today, table speech, as a quality element of fun, is an important part of the culture of many peoples. It should be capacious, concise, intriguing, but at the same time understandable and uncomplicated. It is through fresh toasts for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 that people at the festive table will be able to attract the attention of guests, show their respect for them, and express themselves. Moreover, well-chosen New Year's monologues or poems will give the event more solemnity, allow you to beautifully express your thoughts and wishes, cheer you up, fill a typical feast with intelligence and unite any team. Choose the freshest toasts for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 and surprise all guests with your oratory skills.

We raise our glasses

For engineers to work

So that the wallet is tight,

Wealth day is not far away!

The Rooster will give us happiness,

Forget about bad weather

Let's drink together for good luck

And fun is for us!

In business - let full agreement.

On the personal front - a bird of happiness!

And let the handsome Cockerel

The bag will bring health!

Beloved family, I congratulate you on the New Year of the Rooster. I hope that this proud bird will reward us with love for our neighbor, the ability to defend our interests and fighting enthusiasm. I wish you cock-like confidence, chicken domesticity, chicken tenderness, impeccable harmony of forms and content, which the egg, a symbol of life, can boast of.

Short toasts for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster for a small company

To create a short toast for a small company for the New Year of the Rooster 2017, it is not necessary to be a born philosopher, a great genius or a cool poet. There are a few simple tips to help you compose a beautiful tabletop speech in minutes. Basic principles:

  • The theme of the toast must certainly touch winter holidays and will be supplemented good wishes for the New Year of the Rooster 2017;
  • The toast is obliged to respect every present guest at the table;
  • The content of the monologue should be understandable to all participants of the event;
  • An optimally composed toast consists of several sentences that carry an element of intrigue to the last;

Caucasian drinking speeches are especially famous. They are often long, sparkling, with a twist and a slight sharpness. And what short toast for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster did you choose for a small company?

If there is oil at 75,

The rooster will not peck at us,

We'll live well again

And we don't care about sanctions!

We are up to our necks with all sorts of worries,

But everyone seems to be healthy.

I drink, my friends, for old year,

So that it was forty times worse than a new one!

God save us from hardships and hardships

And let me come to the noisy feast in a new thing.

I drink for the fact that exactly in a year

Raise a glass in the same environment!

The funniest toasts for young people for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

Even if you are celebrating the New Year of the Rooster 2017 in the company of close friends, you must know how to toast correctly. Firstly, wine, champagne, whiskey, cognac are chosen for table speeches. pronounce short cool wishes with a cocktail in hand - even on New Year's Eve it is considered bad form. Secondly, the right to speak first always remains with the owner of the house. Thirdly, funny toasts for young people for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 should not be addressed personally to any of the guests. An ideal table speech expresses congratulations and wishes to all those present at once. Fourthly, young people who do not drink alcohol can listen to cool toasts for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 with a glass clean water in hand. But at the same time, you should not explain to all guests the reason for abstaining from strong intoxicating drinks.

I will say without loud phrases,

I will give everyone a cheerful spirit:

Let's drink, brothers, one more time -

Let the salad rest in peace!

Tells us New Year today again

Count losses and finds.

I propose to drink for love,

Which intoxicates no worse than vodka!

To set the tables in a hurry today everywhere

And we will hasten to raise our glasses,

For the Rooster, perhaps, snow is like a miracle,

For us, it is like a cleansing of the soul.

The arrival of a fiery guest in winter,

Like a spark in the kingdom of ice:

Our hearts do not freeze with anger,

And to be warmed by light and heat.

In the year of the rooster, it is no coincidence,

I wish you luck in everything

So that in the soul - it's easy unusually,

let it be hard in the pockets.

Cool toasts for a corporate party for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster

There is an opinion that a festive feast without cool toasts for the New Year turns into a banal meal of delicious food: rather boring and does not allow to show wit and eloquence. And if the holiday is celebrated in the work team, you can’t do without cool toasts. slight stiffness in initial stage corporate party does not allow you to start a comfortable conversation. The embarrassment of the presence of superiors and executives forces one to sit silently and stare at the bright surroundings. But already after the third glass of champagne, each employee gathers courage to say a congratulatory dinner speech. A The best way do not lose face - learn a cool toast for a corporate party for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster. It should be original and not hackneyed, but be sure to be concise and understandable for all colleagues.

Dear Colleagues! Here, here the clock will strike twelve times, and we will again celebrate the new year. The past year was special for us, we managed to do a lot. We have achieved a lot and most importantly, we have become stronger and more successful! I propose to drink so that we do not live this New Year worse than a year outgoing, and exactly a year later also in the same composition summed up positive results! Happy New Year, colleagues!

Happy new year congratulations!

We wish you happiness with all your heart!

To live this year for you

Without sadness and worries.

So that you work with success,

And have fun on the holiday

And good luck in your business

And smiles on your lips.

For love to bloom like a rose

And not sluggish from the cold,

And the house is full of kids

Be happy in everything!

Many people know that in Italy there is a tradition, celebrating the new year, throwing things that have bothered you for a year right out the window. Of course, we are not in Italy, but I liked and remembered this custom so much that I would like to invite you all to throw quarrels, old grievances, envy, bad deeds, infidelity, ingratitude out of your head as unnecessary trash. If we do all this, it will turn out that only warm and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory. Let's remember it like that, and then the new year will be no worse than the last!

Short funny toasts for the Old New Year of the Fire Rooster 2017

Toasts for the Old New Year of the Rooster 2017 can be different: cheerful or serious, prosaic or poetic, long and resembling real speeches or a short health resort (“To your health!”). Which toast you choose depends solely on the surroundings and the gathered company. In the circle of strangers or little-known people at a corporate party, you can speak with poetic congratulatory speeches that do not become personal. If you are surrounded only by close friends and relatives, you should give preference to short funny toasts for the Old New Year of the Fire Rooster. If there are children in the company, it is better to miss any liberated and vulgar phrases.