Very short toasts for February 23 to men. Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23). You can use one of these short and funny toasts

A rare feast is complete without toast. It would seem that there is nothing easier than to invite those present to drink "for all the good things", but this is a banal phrase. It is better that the delivered toast cheer up and be remembered by those present.

A speech that is too long can tire listeners. The article lists short and funny toasts for different occasions: birthday, wedding, anniversary, February 23 and March 8.

The holiday, which we celebrate on February 23, has changed its name more than once throughout its history. Now it is called Defender of the Fatherland Day. But not only the military and those who once served in the military are congratulated on this date. As a rule, all men without exception receive the famous “socks and shaving foam” on February 23.

How to congratulate men on this holiday at the feast?

“On this day, February 23, I want to wish men war. So that women's eyes shoot at them, sweet lips captivate, tender women's hands win! Happy holiday, dear defenders!

“On this day, I want to drink to the most stylish men! For the men who dress in the military registration and enlistment office!

There are reasons to raise a glass today

For nobility, courage and honor!

Today we all drink to you, men!

For what you were, you will be and are!”

“The most important thing for a soldier is the head. He sleeps on it, he eats in it, and he can even drink with it! Let's raise a glass to your multifunctional heads!

“Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you never have to stand up for him! May the sky above you be peaceful and bright!”

birthday is main holiday in the life of any person, and no matter how old, everyone wants to hear about himself good words and best wishes.

Toasts at a feast in honor of a man should be cheerful and provocative, for example:

“When you were little, everyone wanted you to grow up big. Today I want to wish you to continue to grow above yourself and move only up!”

“Probably there is no need to tell the audience how good you are. I drink to make you even better!”

“On your birthday, I want to wish you only troubles and misfortunes, how many drops will remain at the bottom of my glass! I drink for you to the bottom!”

"One a wise man said that people often mourn for what they have lost, but do not grieve because life is passing by. I want to raise a glass so that every day of your life is lived with benefit!

“I wish you the expected amenities and pleasant surprises in life!”

“I propose to raise a glass for the hero of the occasion! Indeed, thanks to him, such wonderful people as you and I have gathered at this table today!

It is believed that women love with their ears, and on their birthday every woman wants to hear not only good wishes but also compliments.

And since girls like to talk more than listen, the toast should be short and succinct, for example:

“When a girl asked her chosen one why he loves her, he replied: “Smart ones are drawn to smart ones, beautiful ones to beautiful ones, but I’m to you!” If the hero of the occasion asks why everyone is drawn to her, I will answer: she is smart and beautiful, and I want to wish her to always remain so!

“They say that women are like candy: you never know what filling you will get. Let's drink to our dear birthday girl and her wonderful filling!

“It is believed that a woman has five ages. First she is a baby, then a girl, a girl, then she becomes a beautiful woman, and then a goddess. But looking at our birthday girl, we can say that she is a goddess not by age, but by definition!

“They say about women that they have no rules, but only a mood, and what kind of mood, such are the rules. I want to wish the hero of the occasion that her rule is always a good mood!

“On this day, I want to wish you impudence! Have the audacity to be happy, beautiful, healthy and successful! Happy birthday!"

Cool toasts for March 8

Is there such a holiday that our brave men are afraid of? Of course there is, it's International Women's Day. The strong sex needs not only to choose good gift for your other half, but also to congratulate her beautifully and in an original way.

When the present has already been presented and words of love have been spoken, it's time for a feast.

Here, toasts for March 8 will come in handy, cool and short:

“Outside the window, spring is raging, and the birds are chirping, we will clap a glass for our lovely women!”

“Why do women like to “reset” their age so much? They just throw out useless days and years lived without love. So let's drink to the fact that our beautiful women live every moment with benefit!

"Lovely women! This world becomes much better when it lights up with your smiles, and dims with your tears. On this day, I want to wish that in your life there is always a reason for joy, and tears appear only from happiness!

“Send the angel and the devil to roam the world. And then one day the angel fell in love with the devil, and the devil fell in love with the good fairy, and they played weddings on the same day. A year later, the devil turned into an angel, and the angel into a devil. Let's drink to our women who are able to turn any devil into an angel!

“When God created a woman, he looked at her, sighed and said: “Come on, make up!”. So let's drink to our women, who are good and without any embellishment!

Comic congratulations on the wedding

Despite the words of the classic, who argued that a good thing would not be called a marriage, the wedding day is considered one of the main holidays in life, it should be remembered. How to congratulate the bride or groom?

You can take one of these short and funny toasts into service:

“Dear newlyweds! I want to wish that your family has a lot of happiness, and that your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren have enough of it!”

“Dear bride and groom! Now your family is still young and looks like a rough diamond. I want to wish you wisdom and patience so that you can turn it into a delightful sparkling diamond!

“What is the difference between fairy tales and were? In fairy tales, you can marry a frog and get a princess. But in real life, it's often the other way around. Today I want to wish our newlyweds that their life is like a fairy tale!”

“Here you are bound by marriage! I want to wish you to carry these "chains" through all the years life together, and so that at your golden wedding we see: sincere smiles, not a twitching eye, a clear mind, not a mental disorder, the beauty of the body and soul, not fatigue! For your happy life!"

“Dear bride and groom! I want to wish you family life like in a cartoon. So that you have as much fun as Tom and Jerry, so that you have the same adventures as the Wolf and the Hare in “Well, you wait!”, And love and understanding reigned in the family, like Masha and the Bear!

Funny toasts for the anniversary of 50 years

A half-century anniversary is a serious milestone in a person's life, by this age it can already be called accomplished. But there are still many years ahead, which everyone wants to live brightly and fruitfully.

A universal wish that is suitable for both a man and a woman can be called such a toast:

“Who said that 50 years is a long time? Today you turned only twice 25, and this is doubly young! And so I want to wish that everything good in your life doubles: there is twice as much love, happiness, fun and energy! For the hero (culprit) of the celebration and his (her) second youth!

You can congratulate a man on his fiftieth birthday with such a toast:

“There is a belief: 100 devils are born with a person, and every year one of them disappears, and an angel appears instead. And so, today you are 50, which means that there are only 50 devils left, and at the same time, the same number of angels appeared! I propose to drink for the fact that today the dark and light forces are equal in you!”

On the anniversary of a woman of 50 years, such a congratulation is suitable:

“In the first 10 years of life, a woman learns to be nice, in the second - beautiful, and in her third decade she becomes smart. The fourth decade brings with it experience and success, and by the age of 50 all qualities are intertwined together, and a woman appears to us in all her glory! I propose to drink for our birthday girl - sweet, beautiful, smart and successful!”

Funny toasts for a fun company of adults

When only adults are present at the feast, you can add a little "pepper" to your toasts. It is not necessary to make jokes "below the belt", it is important to show a sense of humor.

You can make the audience laugh with such toasts:

“I raise a glass to the honest, the humble, the beautiful and the most the best people! Few of us are left…”

“Everyone knows that alcohol is our enemy! But who said that we are afraid of enemies? We are not afraid of them, we destroy them, to the bottom, friends!”

“I propose to raise glasses to the younger generation, which chooses Pepsi! Thanks to them, we will get more vodka!”

“One girl came to the river bank, where a goat was nibbling grass. She took off all her clothes, and the goat continued to pluck the grass, entered the water, bathed and left, and he continued his occupation, not paying attention to anything. I propose to drink so that there are no goats among us!

“Love is different. Student, when there is with someone, there is something, but nowhere. Lonely, when there is where, there is something, but not with anyone. Sick, when there is where, there is with whom, but nothing. And, finally, philosophical, when there is where, with whom, there is something, but why? I propose a drink so that each of us finds the kind of love that he deserves!

Armed with ingenuity and a sense of humor, you can slightly modify the above toasts and make your speech bright and incendiary.

We raise our glasses
We congratulate all men!
We drink for what they are to us
In this life so needed!
May they live happily ever after
Let them get a lot of money
And spend them on us -
We drink to it many times!

The woman keeps the hearth, and the man protects it. And even though not all men wear military uniforms, each of them cares about the safety of his home and family. Let's raise our glasses to the defenders of the Fatherland, through whose efforts peace reigns in our homes and the hearth burns!

You are a real warrior, I know!
You were able to conquer me
Without a gun, saber and horse!
I congratulate you today
My general, my love!

It is believed that a woman supports the world on her shoulders, but this is not so! If not for men, then this world would not exist at all. If it weren’t for men, we wouldn’t be able to sleep peacefully now, we would be afraid for our homes and loved ones. Let's drink to our defenders, to the men who care and protect us. Since February 23, our dear and beloved defenders!

Colleagues, let's
We'll drink to you dear ones.
There are many different holidays
But this one is special among them.
We dedicate words to men,
We talk about their valor
From their heart we wish you happiness,
And we drink on this day only for them!

My toast to Defender of the Fatherland Day!
For men for dear
Brave, kind and kind!

There was a family, and they had one only son. A mother woke up one morning, went up to her son, handed him shaving foam and said "Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, son." And the son answered her, "Why are you mom? Maybe I'll do it again."
So let's drink to the fact that the defenders of the fatherland are not only strong, but also educated.

From a husband and an officer rank
Consists of a real man.
We drink to you, our skillful one,
Beautiful, joyful, brave!

Our dear men, as well as boys, youths and grandfathers, we sincerely congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day and want to raise a glass for you. And we want to wish you in our toast, may your courage and nobility never run out, and you will always be real knights!

Let you friends not serve in the army!
But we know that you are like soldiers,
Pick up machine guns and protect
In difficult times, the country and the Motherland!
For you!

Man is the steel of the spring
The engine singing in the sky
A single formidable step of the squad,
Eagle scream in the mountains.
A man is a clot of pepper
A firm hand
AND loving women heart:
So let's drink to the man on February 23!

The great A. Suvorov said: "Ego, most often generated by an instant impulse, never controlled my actions, and I forgot myself when it came to the benefit of the fatherland." Let's raise a glass to our Fatherland!

My toast for February 23!
Today we are gathered at the table,
Let's! For the Motherland, for love!
We'll drink and then we'll pour!

Let's raise a glass on this holiday for the most tender on earth,
For those creatures without which I can not imagine life.
I drink for kind eyes, for the tenderness of an affectionate hand,
For the fact that you exist in the world: for you, in short, men!

Today, our dear ones, we drink for very strong spirits,
For those who are always there in life
And in the rain, and in the cold, and in devastation.
For those who are in the solar waves, they always carry us in their arms.
For those in Hard time always reach out to us.
For those who give compliments and always worship us.
For those who love their wives, for them in a blizzard and snow flies.
Kohl, one must be gentle, and if necessary, then strong.
Well, that's it, we'll raise our glasses to you, our men, you.

I raise a glass for February 23!
I want to proclaim friends!
On the day of a real man!
Everyone's eyes are on fire!

February 23 is a special date. This holiday has changed many names. But, without a doubt, this is a celebration of men. Their strength and reliability, their courage and fortitude. Not just a male, but a male destiny. For our defenders, may their skies always be peaceful.

We raise our glasses!
And Happy Defender's Day we say!
For the real valiant and correct
For our warriors men!

Pour me something stronger, because today we drink to the health of real men - strong, strong and courageous defenders of the Motherland. And I wish you love pure and transparent, like water, happiness, intoxicating like wine, and strong health, like alcohol. Let the degree of your life go up, like the drinks I have listed. Since February 23!

Gloomy and lethargic, we all sit tired.
Isn't it time for one, our brave warriors!
Let's raise a toast to the military and February 23!

February 23 is a holiday for all men. It doesn't matter if they served in the military or not. The important thing is that if trouble happens, they will stand up for the defense of the Motherland. So let's raise our glasses on this significant day for those who can be called the strong half of humanity!

Our men, we drink for you:
For your wisdom, strength, courage,
That every day and every hour
You work so well!

For a man's day, for your happiness,
For joy, kindness, success.
Congratulations on the 23rd,
You are the best at work!

The glasses are filled
So it's time
Let's drink together
For a man!

For your winter holiday
For strength, goodness,
Well, for that
So that everyone is lucky in business!

Colleagues, today we congratulate you,
We wish you good health
So that you are always rich,
And never be sad!

Colleagues, we congratulate you,
From February 23,
We drink for strength and goodness,
To make everything easy!

For things to go uphill
Never be sad
Don't get sick and don't get bored
Never lose heart!

Our dear male colleagues, on this Defender of the Fatherland Day, I would like to wish you all that you have such a woman who, even if the whole world takes up arms against you, will quietly stand behind you and silently give you cartridges!

Dear colleagues I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! Today is February 23, and I wish you 23 hours a day to be happy, in love, satisfied, peaceful, joyful and content with everything you have. And let another hour be spent on euphoria, such when you forget about everything in general!

Colleagues, I drink for you today,
I wish you joy, goodness,
I wish you good health
Since February 23!

I wish that dreams come true
Salaries are high and warm,
To forget insults
Live in abundance for all of you always!

I want to congratulate our male colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish respect and reverence at work, tenderness, affection and love at home, so that you are always and everywhere surrounded by attention and care, because you are our defenders, and let those around you remember and appreciate it!

Dear men, colleagues, on behalf of the entire women's team, we congratulate you on February 23! We wish to be a strong wall and a reliable rear, so that the wives love, and we are proud of you! And we raise our glasses to you!

Our dear men today, February 23, I would like not only to congratulate you and wish you success, happiness and health, but also to thank you for the support that you provide us throughout the working week again and again. For you dear men!

Let's drink today for you brave men - our office team. Congratulations to the defenders of the fatherland on February 23, we wish you not to be afraid of dangers, not to give up without victory, to continue to rescue us with masculine strength and ingenuity.

Defenders of the Fatherland! Men and grandfathers! For your courage, courage "thank you" we will say! Who served in the army, and someone fought ... The other - for something important and gave his life ... So be men always, in everything, everywhere! And we will help you with this, we will fight back trouble!

Man - proudly sounds, Man - around the head. Sometimes a man is angry, But the power is in his words!

He is the defender of the Fatherland, He can do anything, and he will win everything. A man is smart and strong, He worships a woman!

Thank you men for being a reliable back! For being always ready to solve any of our questions!

Bow to the earth, to you, all who served, For courage and honor in the ranks, For the fact that they protected their homeland without sparing their lives,

For the fact that you are not deviationists, Not cowards and not scoundrels, But real, dear, fighters of the Russian Army. We congratulate you, friends, Defenders of the Fatherland!

Let there be enough strength for everything! We wish you the best, so that every day gives Joy with happiness in half!

Let there be order, Joy and comfort in the house! And of course, let prosperity await you, men!

Precious colleagues! There is a reason for the holiday, I congratulate you on the 23rd, worthy men!

You are always in great shape, just pleasing to the eye! We remember your date - we made a holiday for you!

We will lay a luxurious table, We will pour glasses to the brim. Our warriors, heroes, We drink for you today!

Although the clouds often go gloomily, Over our native Motherland, There is nothing to fear for the people, If there is a combat defender,

On the experience he stands reliably - He will not doze off, he will not fall asleep, With full armament, He is waiting for the enemies of the country to fight back.

Today we congratulate you, Defenders of the Fatherland, We wish peace to you, relatives, And happiness to infinity.

May on this bright Day of the Defender of the Fatherland, All adversity and troubles bypass you. May God grant you and humanity today, Health, happiness, a peaceful sky above your head!

Congratulations on a wonderful holiday for men! Let the children laugh on this bright day. We wish you great health, happiness and love, All the best to you, cheers, cheers, cheers!

Congratulations on February 23 Friendly male team! Let in your life, without hiding, Happiness will come, positive.

Let your paths be easy, High salary, easy work, So that you want to go forward, Accomplish and create, give us care.

We wish to be necessary and unusual, To be strong, courageous, irreplaceable, We wish to be healthy, energetic, Family and loved ones are very loved.

Let the environment be pleasant, Let the heart stop with languor, Let the mood be chic, The feeling of happiness does not leave.

We thank you on the holiday for your work and your attitude. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank the men. With sincere, deep respect.

We celebrate this day with joy! A beautiful day - a holiday for all men. We wish you a peaceful sky above your head And live to the age of senile gray hair!

So that you always protect us. Our affection, tenderness and peace! We love you sincerely, so that we know, And we will always love you with all our heart!

Since February 23, we are in a hurry to congratulate you not in vain! And on the day of the defender of the country We wish you not to know the war! We also wish from the bottom of our hearts - Beautiful, long, bright life! And ladies always like it, Even in advanced years!

February 23 Day was not invented in vain! Why is there only one day for men on the calendar? I wish that your fate was not harsh at all, And may you never hear “no” in response to feelings!

This day is for the strong and relatives, the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland and Women. Day of loved ones, very dear. They can do it all - nothing less!

Bear hardships on your shoulders, Protect from troubles, insults, betrayal. A woman is an unquenchable hearth, And a man is stone walls.

Fearless spirit, incredible courage: all this is about men of the word, Today I congratulate all of them on February 23! After all, there is no limit to their courage, nothing will break their morality,

The country is always under their protection, February brought us a holiday again! We sincerely wish men that they are joyful, that their eyes shine from the fulfillment of a dream.

After all, being a defender is not easy, there must be willpower, But we know for sure that men served in the army for good reason!

Dad, congratulations, Happy Men's Day. In my youth, I know, I served in the army. So, too, a warrior, Though not a commander. Worthy of a holiday, Protected the whole world. For me, you are the main one, You will not let me fall. I am a glorious homeland, a small part!!!

On a special day in the year on February 23, I congratulate the stronger sex, Without which it is impossible: To do crazy things, To fall in love, to give birth to children .... The world is boring without men, sir! And I want to wish the Force, always be yourself, keeping the fortitude of the spirit, And patience, adopting the motive of female logic!

Defender of the Fatherland Day - This is a holiday for the soul! In it, we hasten to congratulate as soon as possible We all the defenders of the country. Rather, we wish them a wonderful life and health. Today we strongly congratulate Men with a joyful feast!

My defender is a hero by nature, Neither cold nor snow is terrible with him! Perfect in any weather He will protect, shelter from troubles.

I love you, do you hear, my dear! Congratulations, kiss you! Oh, how strong, beautiful you are, And you know that I am only yours!

Let's drink to the men, ladies! Today is your day guys! We wish you not to look for reasons, To not give your wife a salary, We wish you to be kind to your wife, And, of course, happiness and health, And we will roll one more time, For you to warm us with love

Worthy men! Loving you, we congratulate you on February 23. We want you to be able to overcome all the difficulties on the path of life. May the angel and good luck keep you, The right solution to the problem comes, May the sky be clear and blue. We won't let you hurt you either!

I write a letter, how old-fashioned it is, And romantic impulses are a whim, Let others think whatever they want, They do not understand, for them love is a mirage.

And I write in the lines of congratulations I will send you to the army, my love, you serve You are my protector, you are worthy of admiration, After all, they serve in the army only strong men!

How hard it is to be a man ... Substitute all your shoulders: To please everyone, to decide for everyone, Well, and then - to answer for everything. I congratulate you, friends And raise a toast to your health! After all, being a man is an honor, Dignity and understanding!

He is the only one in February - A wonderful holiday for men. And we hasten vying to congratulate you on such a date! May fate be kind, And the ladies only say "yes" And so that you never hear a refusal!

Congratulations on February 23! On the holiday of courage and duty, I sincerely wish: Peace, tranquility, prosperity in the house, mood, happiness, Joy reigning in it, always return! Understanding and harmony, desires for fulfillment, And dreams ... so that they come true on time, for sure, without a doubt!

For those with whom it is not scary, for those with whom it is calm, For those with whom it is gratifying both night and day, We congratulate you, serve with dignity, We will celebrate the holiday and pour a drink.

And the toast will rush after the toast and the song, And the evening will come, it will be dark, And my dear is near, I am more interested in him, It is very reliable and very warm with him!

The twenty-third of February ... Let the whole earth be covered with snow, But we have a beginning: On the main holiday of all men, We wish you well, A bunch of gold and silver, A lot of happiness and good luck, Only tasks to be solved, Do not lose face in the labors - To be a man to the end !

It's still a week until spring, The city is covered with snow, But you really are Dry, clear and warm: All worries and misfortunes Gone away, not angering you; Be healthy, lucky, happy! February twenty third

On behalf of the beautiful half of humanity, today we congratulate all men on the main day of the Defenders of the Fatherland! And, of course, we wish them: Always live in conscience and honor, Do not judge people by the word of flattery, Protect relatives and friends, And find love and not lose it!

Defending the Fatherland is not a duty, Defending the Fatherland is a vocation, Those men who will be good, For them, honor service is not a punishment!

Close to them in spirit is the hero, Stately, noble, most just, That fire and ice and dust will pass For the sake of the spacious and beloved Motherland!

There is no "Man's Day" in the world calendar - But we have a wonderful Holiday in February in our country. Life without men - what is it for? It is empty, sad, unnecessary, And therefore we will light the fire of candles together. Everything is for you! Laid table, Perfumes, hairstyles and diets! And we, of course, are the weaker sex - But who will fry your meatballs? And who will love you so - Poets will die of envy!

I congratulate my grandfather on this day. For a long time no longer young - He is a hero to me. He was not a hero in battles - He was quite a kid. But he worked in the fields, He stood behind the machine. And let him be handed Only commemorative medals - Boys like him, Also defended the country. And that's why I'm proud of my grandfather! And I keep close to him: I need him.

Fathers and brothers, boys, you are all the defenders of the country. You all tried on pea jackets, Both lieutenants and soldiers. Happy Defender's Day to you! The country needs you warriors. We congratulate everyone today And wish you a peaceful sky.

Our protector and dearest man, We congratulate you on February 23! Today is an important reason to tell you that we love you!

Let only victories await you, Good luck and luck will become fellow travelers. And in life you follow the right path, And happiness will be the main reward!

We drink so that the land does not become empty, Because of wars, both large and local, So that women in the villages do not cry, In cities, both large and small. So that the children of their fathers do not wait, Girls do not lose their betrothed, So that men's strong hands Do not play with weapons out of boredom. So that bread, houses and children grow up in the country - That's what is most important in this world!

Congratulations, congratulations on February 23! And with all our hearts we wish you to conquer all the seas! Let the victory proudly fly! And success leads in business! Let sadness not dare to break, It will be in your hands!

Daddy is a protector, daddy is a hero! I'm not scared dad, only with you! And it's not scary for mom, mom is in love, She loves dad, because she is a wife!

Dad was in the Navy, went to sea, And then he came - I appeared! He protects us, loves us very much, We will congratulate him and more from you!

On the Day of All Defenders of the Motherland We congratulate our soldiers, We wish them in sorrow and joy Do not let down fellow soldiers.

Male friendship is not the sound of idle talk, The fate of the military is the share of soldiers, And in silence, and in the fetters of silence, You keep your machine gun at the ready!

Today is the holiday of all men. Accept congratulations! We women have a hundred reasons to love you with pleasure! After all, you, without thinking, stand up for our defense, Bold, brave, like lions. And honor is yours!

Today men are celebrating And they have reasons for that: They protect us from troubles, Protect us from thunderstorms and storms. As a triumph of male courage, Let the flags proudly fly in the sky! And on the day of the defender of the country, we all must congratulate them!

Day of Defenders of Russia, Day of sons, grandfathers, fathers, Fought and served, And trained fighters.

The age of the Russian man − This is a difficult fate. Well now look for reasons And beautiful words!

We wish you health, We wish you love, So that our sons could have a better share.

For the sky to be peaceful, For the word "honor" to be, Well, of course, the century is long. You have the rest!

The real defender is only the one Who never surrenders to trouble, Is not afraid of enemies and adversity, The faithful heart in whom boldly beats.

Our defender of the Fatherland again, Without succumbing to difficulties, Water, pipes and fire will pass, Risking himself for the sake of life.

Our glorious men, you are the anchor of victory! Your scars and wrinkles, Adorn you not in vain! We sincerely congratulate you on February 23! Happiness, we wish peace! Live, keeping warm in the soul! We wish you success, Without sadness and worries, More joy and laughter, May you always be lucky in fate

Happy Defenders of the Fatherland Day, Happy strong-willed men. How proudly we are, and cheerfully, We talk about it.

We wish you to be lucky, Protector for you. Music sounds today, And the country is celebrating!

Congratulations to all men, Happy February holiday! We want to wish you all good luck, To achieve everything, and to know that in the life of your achievements Love is more important, without a doubt, And let women be with you Gentle in love, skillful with pies!

Defenders of the fatherland, happy holiday friends. Mutual love for the motherland, we have only one! Good intentions in the soul, and valor in the hearts. To sail through life, on sails filled with luck.

Run, but only to joy. Fly, but for the soul! And on this day, defenders, we are full of pride. Great country, great people. And to protect her, you are obliged, not someone!

For you, men, it was not an easy task to be Defenders for us, which means, We congratulate you all on the 23rd, We wish you all earthly joys! Let every moment sparkle with bright light, And life will give a lot of luck-gifts. We wish you to live with fun, interesting, To discover everything in the world that is unknown, To find our own paths and life goals, And to do everything that we did not have time to do before. Let the house shine with joy, love, Well, fate will bestow success!

To you, real men, We wish great strength ... So that with this strength you defend Peace and tranquility! We will be happy and doubly calm, When such guys are next to us ... So be happy and you are twice as happy, Our dear knights.

As the defenders of the fatherland are congratulated by the male sex, Although a lot of firewood has been broken with such a concept. Once upon a time, under this word CIS everything was understood In the vast Motherland, the soldiers were sent.

Now along and across the borders appeared, And, into small pieces, that Fatherland fell apart, Many small states were formed from it, And, now, they have already been called Fatherlands.

Since February 23, service guys, Undoubtedly, you deserve congratulations! Future defenders of the fatherland and present, you are the country of our great heritage.

We wish you strength and patience, To earn a lot of money, not to know troubles, Good luck in your endeavors and luck, We want to wish our defenders!

In all ages, Russian men, With their heroism in wars, won, All - officers, grooms, pages, For the honor of Russia - gave their lives. And the Russian spirit has not weakened in you, We see in you the heroes of the past, glorious, You will do many necessary things For lovely women and for the whole state !!!

Sergeant of my desires, Minesweeper of my soul. I sincerely wish you to find happiness in life.

May the sky be clear Always above your head. So that troubles and bad weather Passed by all side.

You are my honor and valor, Support forever. May Your guiding star shine brightly in the sky.

We congratulate all men! And we wish them love. Let them be hot in heart And in their souls the fire burns. Blossom, please our eyes. And soar over fate like a bird. But don't burn the feathers. Bestow happiness on all women, Carrying smiles and enthusiasm. You are our pride and love! You are our passion and weakness! Without you, the world would be lonely And there would be no fairy tales in it. Let the sun shine over the earth And let the warrior not be. And strength, our glorious hero, Will only be for the good!

We do not know grief, troubles and horrors of war. After all, at the turn of the century, you only carried loyalty to the Fatherland, Skillfully protecting from enemies.

We will always be proud of you For many years. Finding reliability and support In the fearless knights, Bringing us peace.

We praise those who did not cry From their pain, But did not hide their tears On the graves of friends, Those who were a man Not in words, Did not celebrate a coward, Sitting in the bushes, Those best Sons of mankind, Those who are on guard of the Fatherland!

We congratulate the rocket man on Defender of the Fatherland Day! You are both a shield and a sword to all of us - You know how to save the world: Everything is covered by the locator, You can sleep peacefully, so we. You keep the borders of the country: You won't miss even a mouse! Many garrisons have been passed, On the shoulder straps of the stars - like milestones ... Our Motherland loves you, Well, we are the strongest of all!

Defender of the Fatherland Day today, Happy country celebrates! important holiday and a little modest, There is no better joyful day in the world!

Very important, well-dressed men, Everyone is proud of you, as always! We love you, our heroes, strongly, And the running years do not age you!

We congratulate you, sailor, on a bright day - the Day of the Defender of the Motherland! Your service is sometimes not easy, Many miles have been covered in the oceans! Let under the keel - always seven feet, Let the watch - to calluses and sweat, May trouble pass by the side! We believe in your strength and fleet!

To all men from the bottom of our hearts, Congratulations on this Day! Let there be an open door, In your heart, with a passionate fire!

May courage and strength remain, In your complex character traits, And the tenderness of communication with your beloved, And the sweetest romance in words!

Happy Defender's Day, I'm a grandfather, today I congratulate you, Let your head be already gray, I'm dear from my heart, I wish you be healthy, survive me!

You have to live much longer All people, If you could survive World War II Swim and wade through ...

I love your stories People's hearts live in them That from a German infection bullet Didn't see a happy ending!

No reason to be sad I drink today for you! For the holiday of courage and honor! And for all the living guys!

We congratulate our brave, caring, skillful men on Defender of the Fatherland Day with joy, We wish them to always be strong and strong, And also protect our peace, and never recognize any losses.

Enjoy a rich life, And only bathe in the luxury of care, Swim and sink in love and warmth, Continue with confidence on your path chosen by fate.

May your life be bright and serene! Grow up as a defender of the Fatherland, son! On this February snowy day, we wish you to go through many roads in life! We wish you to grow up as a man And defend the honor of Russia in the ranks, We wish you to be strong, boy, And that you love and honor your Motherland!

We were destined to meet In a glorious hour under a brave march: Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, Our dear man! Let fights and fights - less often, and the World under the sky - without end: Win only our tender And hot hearts! And if you go into battle for Mother Russia, Know that we, shoulder to shoulder, will go with you!

I sincerely want to congratulate all the men who protect us, beautiful, from trouble. Let there be no reason to be nervous. And let the head gray hair does not know.

We wish you Happy Defender's Day! May all good things happen in life! More friends and great love! Well, with work, let everything work out.

Dear men! Happy February 23 Today we congratulate the women's team. And we wish that there were always friends, And we will give everything else. We promise!

We wish you lots of money and good luck. And at work - many successes. Of course, sentiments to boot. Football, so you can watch without interference.

February, twenty-third - the country congratulates today its beautiful sons, May many victories await ahead, Awards, and successes, and memorable days!…

To become a man - it is not enough for them to be born, To iron - it is not enough to be ore. You must be melted down, broken, And, like ore, sacrifice yourself. February 23 is not a red day of the calendar, Not red, know, not a day off, Not red, no, it's golden. And the holiday, we know, is great! Congratulations to men Heard from all sides, Let there be no sounds of shooting, There will be only peaceful ringing!

As the regiments of the Red Army gathered, so Narva was taken away from the enemies, And Pskov was also taken from the German troops, freed the Russians from the shackles. In honor of these two glorious events, they decided to celebrate the holiday, called it Defender of the Fatherland Day, in order to preserve all this in history!

We congratulate all who serve, and those who served theirs earlier, you carried the banner of valor and glory and were not afraid of anything in general! You know who you defended, because behind your shoulders is your homeland, family, behind your shoulders, beyond the mountains, it’s not scary, and you all from February 23!

On the day of the defender of the fatherland, we congratulate our men. Gifts joyfully presenting, We thank you for everything.

We wish you as much courage as possible, After all, you are still the support for us But do not know only laziness. Let the conscience be, like a crystal, pure!

Defender of the Fatherland Day - A holiday of true men, What could protect humanity, Without looking for special reasons.

We want to congratulate you And, of course, wish you to become as bold and stronger as possible And every day only to grow up!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, we congratulate you, we wish you strength, patience, admiration for us, we bow to you and expect obedience, we respect and love you, no doubt!

May there be enough wisdom to understand all of us, May there be enough strength for you in the most difficult hour, May the Fatherland never fall into trouble forever, May the man be strong, he is a man!

We congratulate everyone on Defender of the Fatherland Day, We sincerely wish to be strong and strong, Always live only under the peaceful sky, Truly be very happy.

And also never walk along the edge, Only find joy in everything, Only drown in well-being, Attract goodness with a cheerful mood.

I will not hide joy, tears or weakness, And I will share it when my soul is anxious. I will not be abandoned in confusion or joy, Any dream will be made possible.

And on the day of the Defender of the Fatherland I will say - I will be able to overcome all adversity. I treasure my man endlessly. I don't want any other happiness in my life.

Happy Fatherland Day, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! The role of protecting the motherland is great, - Serve the fatherland, not sparing yourself.

I wish you to protect your native land Do not be afraid of you because of trifles. I will heed unspeakable courage, Honored by the homeland of the chosen ones.

Today is not an easy holiday. But frankly, our male holiday. So accept congratulations Defenders of the native country.

For those for you who fought, served Russia, knew the service. And for those who are only ahead Go to military service.

We wish, as always, Patience, happiness and kindness And always a peaceful sky.

But if suddenly, again trouble And again the enemy will come here. We know that you will not let us down. The country hopes for you.

Defender of the Fatherland Day has come today, We wish all the military good and a lot of strength, May they bravely defend their native cities, And may the hand of their mother bless them! Let there be no more traitors, wars, And families will be happy and full of joy!


It's time to prepare for February 23, it's time to think about congratulations for our men. Have you ever paid attention to the fact that according to the Julian calendar, according to which Russia lived until 1918, the day of March 8 in the present chronology coincided with February 23 in the old style? Isn't it a witty joke of the Universe? Perhaps, with this coincidence, the Universe wants to remind us that men and women are two halves of one whole, even if we do not always understand each other. On this February day, all men enjoy increased attention. Relatives and relatives, friends and neighbors, boys and veterans, everyone wants to find the right words. And, of course, not without congratulations to colleagues.

These lyrical and original congratulations and toasts to men on February 23 can be pronounced like festive table, or read before the start of the working day as a congratulation to colleagues or write to greeting card dear and close.

originale congratulations to men on February 23

Cavaliers, officers,

Gentlemen, gentlemen!

No matter how the ladies ruffle,

But without you we are nowhere!

It happened, it's a holiday

Russian day of all men.

Yes, military! But also civilians

Lots of reasons.

You are near and we are calm

Under reliable protection.

Everything is fine in the house too.

Everything is debugged, nailed.

Wherever you are

At work, fishing

Let it go where you need it,

Strength, agility and ingenuity.

Your shoulders are so secure

Your hands are so skillful.

And the children are proud of you

We love and our grandchildren love it!

Cavaliers, officers,

How to live without you? We don't know!

Gentlemen, simply sirs,

We love you.


Lyrical toast for the holiday

The holidays are here, hooray!

It's time to raise your glasses.

For the sun to shine on us

So that there is a lot of health.

To happiness and flowers,

To make dreams come true

For grief to pass us by

So that life does not deceive.

All the best and a lot of luck,

Fun, good mood,

Men - patience and strength,

And women nearby loving and lovely!

Lyrical toast - congratulations on February 23

Let February rain through the window

(Or wind, snow and cold).

The holiday is all the same today:

Very important, very necessary.

It is not in vain that we have gathered here,

Let there be bad weather on the street

It will be summer anyway

There will be joy, there will be happiness!

I raise my glass

For fathers, sons and grandfathers,

May they always be in everything

Celebrate their victories!

Let's stop arguing about who is better

And gender confrontation.

Today is the holiday of the best

All sons and all fathers.

May you have enough strength for everything

Let life be generous, a cozy home.

AND gentle hugs cute...

And may you always be lucky, in everything!

Let the blood rage

Let the virgins enchant

Let life sparkle

Beats over the edge!

Let embracing hands understand!

Let everything be great! All right!

Lyrical congratulations to your beloved man

You are near, and everything is fine!

And snow, and cold wind -

Nothing! Because today

The sun shines on us.

You are near - and there is no problem:

The car is standing still

And the money was found, all the questions

decide together with you.

You are near - and the power is near:

The shoulder of a trusted friend.

You are our love and joy

You're kind of saving the circle.

You are near, and joy is near,

And all around in a warm light.

Thank you, our dear

For the fact that you are in the world.

From all the beautiful half

We wish you sincerely and tenderly:

Friends reliable, generous life,

May all be filled with hope.

Let there be joy, let there be sadness

And there will be sun, and bad weather.

And understanding and love

And devotion, and peace, and happiness!

Original congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Accept, dear with a smile,

Fantasy merry chant

Today, on this February day,

Only you we give lyre singing.

Let in our modern life

You will not meet a knight in armor,

We are proud, we love! Next to us

You are in defeat and success.

Offended, or in the heat of a dispute

Alas, that's not what we said.

You are our strong rear and support.