Original short toasts for a wedding. Bitterly! - Toasts for the wedding. Short wedding toasts for newlyweds: words, text

Everyone knows that not a single wedding celebration takes place without a fun, noisy and long feast. Each guest is supposed to raise a glass to the health of the newlyweds and say congratulations. But words made up on the fly are not always successful. But you really want the wedding toast to be cool, funny and memorable for the newlyweds. Svadbaholik.ru advises preparing your own congratulatory speech in advance. Our selection of cool wedding toasts will help you with this.

Wedding toasts about sages and wisdom

They say that only a wise man is able to admit a mistake, only a strong man can ask for forgiveness, and only a loving one can forgive. May you always have enough love, strength and wisdom.

A philosophy professor asks students at a lecture:
- Who always gives in when they realize they are wrong?
- Sage. - Students answer.
- And who gives in even knowing that they are definitely right?
They answer him:
- Married.
And this is a long-known wisdom that our dear groom should not forget about!

The sages say that the more expensive and more often a husband buys gifts for his wife, the more valuable she becomes to him. We would like to wish the bride to become a real jewel for the groom.

Fun and at the same time educational toasts are popular at weddings. This is a great way to congratulate the newlyweds in an original way.

Wedding toasts to the bride

Let's drink to the bride. Let her be like a faithful alarm clock for her young husband and not allow him to fall asleep.

One day my wife had to go on a business trip. In the house she left many different notes for her husband: on the sugar bowl “I love you”, on the computer “Pay for the Internet”, in the closet “Where are you going to go without me in a white shirt?” So here is my toast to the wise wives who know how to predict everything.

Let's raise a glass to the bride and arithmetic. After all, in married life she will need to master arithmetic operations: dividing the marital bed and multiplying gender, adding beauty and subtracting age.

The proverb says that a wife is a man's main wealth. Next to a good wife, happiness is multiplied, and grief is halved. I want to drink so that the bride can bring this proverb to life.

Cool wedding toasts for the bride are perfect not only for her friends, but also for the groom's friends. Raising a glass to the newlywed, you can praise not only her, but also the excellent taste of her husband.

Wedding toasts to the groom

One guy asked a friend:
- Do you quarrel with your wife?
- No. - The friend answered. - When my wife starts yelling at me, I immediately say “shut up” and remain silent.
Let's drink to the dedication of husbands who know how to not only control themselves, but also surrender to the hands of their beloved wives.

One gangster had a dream to commit a grand bank robbery and leave his mother-in-law's fingerprints there! Only a bad son-in-law can have such thoughts about his mother-in-law. I propose to drink to the groom, who will become a good son-in-law for a wonderful mother-in-law.

They say that a persistent husband always gets what his wife wants. I raise a glass to ensure that the aspirations of our dear groom always coincide with the desires of the bride, and there is an opportunity to make them come true.

Original short wishes for newlyweds

Dear bride and groom, never forget - one drop of understanding can replace a liter of valerian.

Let everything in your family life be in its place: the keys to the Mercedes in your husband’s pocket, mink coat on his wife's shoulders, and dirty socks in the laundry basket.

Let yours married life It will be like good champagne, bright, sparkling, so that you always want more and never have a headache.

We wish you an amazing and magnificent love that can forgive men's stupidities, understand women's logic and cope with children's pranks.

I suggest raising a glass to heaviness and lightness. May your pockets always be heavy with money, and may your soul be light and joyful with love.

Let your life be like a fairy tale in which you will be the king and queen. And not any evil spell Let them not become an obstacle on your path.

Short and funny toasts will help you congratulate the newlyweds at the wedding in a fun way, show humor and wit, without dragging out your speech. After all, the main thing in a congratulation is the content, not the number of words spoken.

Cool wedding toasts

You all know that our country is struggling with four serious problems from year to year. These problems are winter, spring, summer and autumn. I would like to wish our newlyweds that in their long and happy family life there will be no other problems except the change of seasons.

Let's drink to the proof! After all, this wonderful couple is real proof of the existence of bright and pure love. Guys, always remain as in love and faithful to each other.

I believe that coincidences are completely non-random. And our newlyweds met because fate pushed them towards each other. Let's drink to the young! May fate continue to be favorable to them.

They say that a man invented kissing because he couldn’t find another reason to shut a woman’s mouth. And we wish the newlyweds to kiss as often as possible and for absolutely no reason! Bitterly!

Cool wedding toasts in verse

We wish you to burn with love,
Relax on the island of Bali,
Rich and red borscht,
And passionate relationships.

I give carrots so that problems can be dealt with deftly.
Accept onions as a gift so that there are no tears and separations.
I will give you a mug so that you respect and love each other.
Soap to keep your home always cozy and clean.
Soothers and panties for your little son, handkerchiefs and socks for your beautiful daughter.
I give you a chocolate so that you always feel sweet
And red pepper for passion.
A jar of jam so that respect reigns in the family.
Take cabbage so that your pockets are not empty.

Don't hide, husband, under your heel,
Admire your wife like a flower.
And you, wife, when you come home,
Don't become his saw.
Live together together
Another two hundred years.

Funny toasts for a wedding can be not only in prose, but also in short verses. Such a poem can be written on a postcard, but it is better to learn it by heart.

On the wedding portal site you can find many cool and funny wedding toasts that will help you congratulate your dear people on their wedding day in an original way.

If a man is persistent, he will definitely achieve what a woman wants. So let's drink to the fact that the desires of men and the desires of women coincide! For a strong and harmonious union of two hearts! Bitterly!

To live to see silver wedding, you must have the golden character of a wife and the iron endurance of a husband. Let's drink to the wonderful fusion. Gorka

Do you know how a fairy tale differs from a fairy tale? The fairy tale is when he married a snake, and she turned out to be a princess. But reality is when it’s the other way around. So let the life of our young people always be like a fairy tale!

One wise man said that wealth does not lie in the number of gold coins, but in the satisfaction with your life. Let's raise a glass of wine so that our couple will be truly rich!

May God grant you faithful spouses,
What is called a swan!
So that the soul is elastic
And united in feelings and thoughts! Bitterly!

Our groom is a real astronomer. He discovered an incredibly beautiful star, his charming bride. Let's raise our glasses so that she always has the strength to illuminate her husband's path with the light of care, devotion, and love!

Like a cup of good wine,
May your life be full!
Don't spill this cup
Drink it all to the dregs!

Any hut will become a palace,
Where the good wife reigns!
She is more precious than all riches,
More expensive than pearls and gold!
I drink, or rather, I vote with my glass
For choosing a groom - for a young woman!

Let's drink to make the tables burst with abundance and the beds burst with love.

In Greece there was a goddess Nike, who brought victory in battles. She held a palm branch in her hands, a symbol of primacy. Let's wish the bride to bring victory and good luck to her husband, like a real Greek goddess!

Congratulations to the young people!
Accept our order:
Joy, sorrow for two
Share equally!

The honeymoon is the happiest time for spouses: a time of carelessness, lightness, passion, sublimity of feelings, tender trembling of lovers. Let us wish the newlyweds that their honeymoon will last a lifetime.

The wedding danced noisily,
And there wasn't enough room for her.
We wish the young people happiness,
We congratulate them all.

One oak is an oak
One hundred oaks is a grove.
One devil is a devil
A hundred devils is a mother-in-law.
So let's drink to our mother-in-law being cheerful, cheerful, friendly, loving and appreciating her son-in-law!

The family is a kingdom where the woman is the ruler. So let us wish the bride to be a reasonable, beautiful queen, to maintain a positive attitude and a warm and cozy atmosphere in her domain.

We wish you on your life's journey
Find the right path,
Don't know the barriers, don't measure the troubles,
Love, hope and believe!

Love can be compared to a candle - its flame tends upward, which represents movement towards higher goals. It gives warmth and light. Let us wish the young people that the candle of love always warms and illuminates the path.

Let the word at the wedding be: “Bitter!”
It will sound very loud.
Loud - Bitter! To the whole Universe - Bitter!!! Let's drink to the love of the young!

The house of family happiness is built from the walls of friendship, the roof of love, and inside there is a fireplace of comfort. Let's drink so that our young people have more than enough of everything!

I’ll slightly change the words of the great classic: dear newlyweds, live so friendly that you won’t even be ashamed to give your pet chatterbox parrot to your gossipy neighbor!

As Balzac said:
“Love tolerates domestic squabbles so poorly that for lasting happiness you need to find outstanding qualities in each other.”
So let’s drink to our newlyweds finding as many of these qualities in each other as possible!

Dear (name), dear (name), I wish that your family cabin will always be full of provisions and prosperity. So that the waves and reefs of difficulties pass by... And the sail is filled with luck and carries your ship to the vast latitudes of prosperity!

Dear newlyweds, I want to wish that your family hearth There has always been such a quality as harmony... So that your life is smooth, harmonious and without unnecessary changes and stress!

I wish that in your family circuit there will never be voltage drops, sudden surges in voltage... And most importantly, that the plugs will never be knocked out :)

As they say, whatever you call the boat, so it will float... So, I wish your boat to be called: “Goodness, comfort, joy, prosperity, mutual understanding and achievement of goals.” Bitterly!

(name), (name), I wish that in your family life you will be under a fountain of joy, washed by waves of prosperity and stand under a waterfall of mutual understanding and prosperity! Happy holiday!

I wish that from today in the house register on the registration page there will be not only stamps with your last names, but also stamps with the words: comfort, happiness and prosperity!

I wish that your tandem will twist all the laws of physics around your finger and you will not become twice as strong, but simply be able to move mountains on your way! Congratulations, newlyweds!

May you never encounter any potholes or pits on your way, may there never be any dangerous turns on your way, and most importantly, may only the bright green traffic light shine on your path and your desires!

I wish that the cable of your family happiness always offers its help in the most difficult situations and pulls your tandem out of the deep mud puddles of difficulties!

I would like to wish that your family spirit is always at the peak of joy, at the peak of happiness and at the peak of prosperity... But at the same time it manages to drown in mutual love and don’t ask for help :)

Get under the flow of bliss and become under its pressure as often as possible in the flow of life!

I wish that today’s start to family life will only lead you to victories, a bright future and to winning additional medals of joy!

I want to congratulate you and wish that your love never slows down, but only throws its lasso on your family tandem from year to year!

I wish that not only water flows from the tap in your kitchen, but also prosperity, joy and family comfort...

Let the warmth of the batteries in the cold winter evenings warms not only your walls, but also hearts and souls... And when you came home, you felt this invisible joy and visible comfort 😉

Congratulations and I wish that your every day, every hour, every moment is filled with sweet orange... Which poured straight from the sun onto your hearts and souls!

I wish that a powerful rope of well-being binds you tightly and constantly controls the % of joy in your apartment :)

(Name), (name), I wish you with all my heart that a warm ray of family happiness and prosperity will shine brightly through your window! And the wind of sweet moments came through the doors as often as possible life together!

I wish that on the scale of your family life, your mark will always be opposite the value “happy”!

I wish that all your forces, which you direct towards achieving your common goal, will always be synchronous and harmonious! Congratulations!

I would like to wish that the warm wind of all the blessings of life fills your sail of family life and carries it at full speed to the islands of bliss, prosperity and mutual understanding!

I ask permission to say a toast and wish that in your life the rains will be exclusively prosperity, and the hail will be only positive moments! All the best, my dears!

I wish that only notes of prosperity and joy sound in your family life, to which you would spin in a rhythmic waltz of positivity :)

May the pleasant sweetness of life accompany you in all aspects of your life! From which the aroma of happiness and prosperity multiplies in our hearts by two!

I wish that it would take exactly half as much time to conquer your mutual goals!

Congratulations and I wish that your river flows only along the banks of prosperity, happiness and joy, and then flows into the immeasurable breadth of family joy!

I wish that life presents you with warm surprises as often as possible, which stretch a wide, sparkling smile on your facial muscles! Happy holiday, my dear newlyweds!

I would like to congratulate and wish that the dazzling sparkle of the bride continues to shine with the same incredible power on any anniversary and on any day of life together!

I wish that every stage of life together will be only progress, only upward and upward! I wish you rapid development and progress in all aspects! Hooray!

The best solution for congratulating the newlyweds when there are many guests at the wedding is short toasts. Small, but containing a lot of warmth, sincerity, feelings, they are able to convey the most important thing - your mood, respect, joy for the young. The tradition of putting wedding wishes into toasts dates back many centuries.

Since ancient times, relatives have expressed their love, warm feelings, good wishes words spoken during the wedding celebration. Short wedding toasts are good in situations where there are few guests, so everyone has to make a speech several times. It is easier to remember several bright, expressive wishes than one long and tedious poem.

Options for short toasts for a wedding

  • Short toast to the bride

The family is a kingdom where the woman is the ruler. So let us wish the bride to be a reasonable, beautiful queen, to maintain a positive attitude and a warm and cozy atmosphere in her domain.

  • Symbolic toast for a wedding

Love can be compared to a candle - its flame tends upward, which represents movement towards higher goals. It gives warmth and light. Let us wish the young people that the candle of love always warms and illuminates the path.

  • A short toast about guardian angels

Usually they wish that life would be protected by three guardian angels - Hope, Faith and Love. But they forget about the fourth, what I think is the most important thing - Sophia, who personifies wisdom! We wish the newlyweds protection from all angels for a long life!

  • A short toast about the principle of reflection

May the life of the newlyweds be as cheerful and joyful as this celebration. The bride and groom give us their joy, they themselves do not forget to have fun, and we honor them in return. Therefore, we wish to always be guided by the same principle: to give and be gifted by loved ones, to love and be loved!

  • A short toast about trees

Poplar once fell in love with the slender Birch. She agreed, and their branches intertwined in a fit of deep feelings. So they remained standing in the field. We wish the newlyweds that the love branches that bound them together will never unravel again.

  • Wedding toast about honeymoon

The honeymoon is the happiest time for spouses: a time of carelessness, lightness, passion, sublimity of feelings, tender trembling of lovers. Let us wish the newlyweds that their honeymoon will last a lifetime.

  • Toast to a good wife

As one proverb says, the first wealth of life is health, and the second is good wife. We wish our bride to live up to these words, and the husband is obliged to value his wife. I suggest we raise our glasses to her health!

  • A short toast about the goddess

In Greece there was a goddess Nike, who brought victory in battles. She held a palm branch in her hands, a symbol of primacy. Let's wish the bride to bring victory and good luck to her husband, like a real Greek goddess!

  • Short toast for the groom

Our groom is a real astronomer. He discovered an incredibly beautiful star, his charming bride. Let us wake up the yokala so that she always has the strength to illuminate her husband’s path with the light of care, devotion, and love!

  • Wedding toast about a harem

Many men dream of having a harem. So that every day there are many women who bring interest into his family life. Let our groom never want to have a harem, because his wife can replace a thousand women!

  • Toast of understanding for the wedding

As one writer said, happiness lies in understanding. And in family life this is very important - mutual understanding, sincere support, respect. Let's drink so that there will be plenty of such qualities in the family life of our newlyweds!

  • Short congratulations with a verse

We wish you a happy and friendly life

Have everything you need in family life!

  • Nice short toast

I wish you that your golden carriage will carry you through a happy, easy life, deftly avoiding all difficulties and obstacles. So that the road leads through a garden of unprecedented beauty, and nearby are everyone who is dear to you. For the well-being and happiness of the young!

  • Wealth toast for a wedding

One wise man said that wealth does not lie in the number of gold coins, but in the satisfaction with your life. Let's raise a glass of wine so that our couple will be truly rich!

  • Wedding wishes for happiness

The house of family happiness is built from the walls of friendship, the roof of love, and inside there is a fireplace of comfort. Let's drink so that our young people have more than enough of everything!

  • A short toast about hearts in love

Scientists have discovered amazing fact: The hearts of two lovers who look into each other's eyes begin to beat to the beat. So let the hearts of our bride and groom always beat in unison!

  • Funny short toast

The feelings experienced by a person in love are identical to the euphoria that comes from the influence of a well-known drug, cocaine. So let our newlyweds always be high on the love that overwhelms them!

  • Short congratulations about love

Touching and hugging a loved one acts as a pain reliever. That is, love is a power that can heal. Let's drink so that our young people never experience pain!

Video: short toasts in your own words for a wedding

You have been invited to a wedding, but you do not know how to pronounce important and the right words? No problem! Do you want to get a lot of useful ideas and learn to speak briefly but meaningfully, with the skill of a real toastmaster? Watch the video and prepare to become a true pronunciation guru warm congratulations! Interesting solutions, useful information and practical recipes - you will see all this below.

It’s a rare person who takes well to long speeches, confusing wishes, during which you have to wait a long time for the ending. Too long toasts always make you sad, so short congratulations- most the best choice. On our website you will also find material about wedding toasts from a witness, which will help you compose a beautiful, succinct speech. Remember, the main thing is to be confident, show originality, express sincerity so that your congratulations bring positive emotions.

A wedding ceremony is an event that will be remembered for a lifetime. Young people are embarking on a new path. Now they have a long way to go hand in hand. Fate will teach many lessons, but those who manage to achieve complete mutual understanding and respect will receive a truly valuable reward. Their relationship will go into eternity. Wedding toasts and encouraging wishes are what newlyweds need to hear on this day. Their hearts are filled with excitement, so the support and congratulations of loved ones will be a valuable guide to life.

This day becomes fateful. It determines a lot for many years to come. Young people have a great responsibility. Now only they themselves will be able to control their own destiny.

Both guests and newlyweds want to keep the sweetest memories of the date, which is why so much attention is paid to organizing the ceremony. On the wedding day, everything should be impeccable: from the bride’s bouquet to the speeches at the table.

Every word, every wish uttered in these joyful moments is perceived by the young with great trepidation. They so want to justify all the hopes placed on them.

Support the newlyweds beautiful congratulations. Say kind words of encouragement in their honor. Let their souls become a little calmer and warmer. After all, they have a long and an amusing trip, called family life.

Wedding ring- an ancient emblem bequeathed to us by our ancestors. This is a symbol of fidelity: the husband’s heart belongs to his wife and vice versa. A wedding ring has neither a beginning nor an end. The wedding ring is made of pure gold: this means that no dirt will stick to it. The ring is a symbol of love and eternal fidelity. Dear newlyweds! May your love be pure, tender and eternal! Let's reinforce our wish with the friendly clink of glasses!

To live in love and harmony until the silver wedding, the wife must have a golden character, and the husband must have iron endurance. So let's drink to the reliable alloy of two metals, to the merging of the souls of the newlyweds!

A famous writer said: “Happiness is when you are understood.” This is true. Each of us wants to be understood by other people, because it is always very important to feel the support and respect of others. I want to wish our young people mutual understanding and love for many, many years to come! Happiness to you, dears!

A slender poplar tree grew in the forest, and a birch tree grew nearby. And they fell in love with each other, and were drawn to each other, until, finally, they connected their branches and intertwined themselves together. Why are our newlyweds not poplar and birch? Let's wish them that the branches of their love will never unravel and hold each other tightly.

Congratulations on your legal marriage,
We wish you great happiness.
We say this seriously now:
Let millions Red roses
They lie all over your path,
What are you going to go through?
And let the fire of great love
It burns without going out!
Life is easier to get through with love,
Finding hope.
Invite consent into the house,
Live to be a hundred years old.
Always respect each other
Love and advice to you!

We wish our newlyweds,
So that their path in life is successful,
So that the house is always a full cup,
Life gets brighter and more beautiful every day!
Let the sun of peace shine brightly,
Let the children bring them joy,
So that a young couple can be together
Live until the golden wedding!

How to congratulate newlyweds in verse

Poetic congratulations are always beautiful. Guests gather at the table, there is a lot of noisy conversations around. And then one of the invitees stands up and begins to read poetry.

Such toasts or wishes always delight others. Correctly composed phrases enhance the impression. The meaning is revealed even more clearly. A rhymed congratulation is a wonderful gesture of respect and attention.

Of course, few people have poetic talent. But we have a wonderful selection that will help you find something specific that suits both the meaning and the situation.

Don't forget to capture your wishes for the newlyweds on a postcard. In the future, the spouses will be very pleased to review the congratulatory cards presented on this day and re-read the touching words.

Be healthy, live beautifully,
Love each other, be happy!
Find in each other not only a spouse,
But the best, most faithful friend!

Any hut will become a palace,
Where the good wife reigns!
She is more precious than all riches,
More expensive than pearls and gold!
I drink, or rather, I vote with my glass
For choosing a groom - for a young woman!

Remember this moment forever,
Let it be sacred:
Now you are not just a bride and groom,
From now on, you are husband and wife.
And may any adversity pass you by,
Let the flame not go out in the blood.
We wish you health, we wish you happiness.
We wish you strong love!

Don't separate your clasped hands,
Do not separate lips from lips.
And the happiness of fidelity and love
Let it grow stronger over the years.
Let the pain of separation pass you by
And the friendship will not fade between you.
Don't separate your clasped hands,
Don't separate lips from lips!
We drink to your happiness, fidelity and love!

I would like to wish the young:
In joy, separation or sorrow
Always remember the first hug,
Forgetting about the last quarrel.

Behind the noisy festive table,
Like a beacon of friendship, kindness,
You two lit it today
Star of hope and dreams.
So let this friendship shine
It shines brightly for you without end,
So that endlessly many years
Two rings were intertwined.
Like the wings of a mountain eagle,
Husband and wife agree:
On the flap of one wing
An eagle cannot be lucky.
I wish you with this toast
Congratulations to the newlyweds,
So that their flight turns out
Throughout your life - successful!

So that you can live and live, and not suffer!
And, having lived a century, do not repent of what you have lived!
We want to wish you again and again:
Advice, happiness, and love!

Wedding wishes from parents

Today is a holiday for the whole family. But how exciting it is for the older generation to follow the fate of the newly-minted husband and wife. On this day, they worry no less than the lovers themselves. Wedding congratulations from parents are an unchanging ritual of every wedding ceremony.

Even if their joy knows no bounds, it is endlessly difficult for them to pronounce words, shackled by emotions. Tears from the loss of a close connection with your child just well up in your eyes. Let their family multiply on this day, but the elders understand perfectly well that the newly created unit is a completely different story. Now their son or daughter no longer belongs to them as much as before.

This day is filled with both joy and excitement. Joy for the birth of a young family. And worries for the future of the newly-made spouses.

The bride and groom are looking forward to parting words from the older generation. After all, who else but parents, awarded with experience and wisdom, will be able to point in the right direction.

Dear children! May your marriage be happy! May your love be joyful! Live in friendship and harmony. We always want happiness to last, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only true friends! So, may your union be happy!

We, parents, congratulate and bless our children. They can build their happiness together. Let them help each other in everything, create a strong family and wait for such a happy day when their children get married and start their own families. And now, dear guests, fill your glasses, let's drink to the young people, to new family, and let faith, hope, love be with them all their lives! Bitterly!

They say that the most sincere and most devoted love is between children and parents. But we raise you and teach you to love, so that when you meet your soul mate, you spend most of your life with her until the end of your days. Therefore, we want to wish that your feelings become the strongest and most unshakable, because your union has a life-long road ahead, walk along it, holding hands, without letting each other go. Happy Wedding Day to you! Happy Family Birthday!

Children, today your ship called “family” sets off on its own voyage. Now you yourself will go towards the elements. We, of course, want to wish you good luck on your journey, may it follow on your heels. The main thing to remember is that parents will never refuse help, because there is no one more important to them in the world. For you, our dears!

Our dear children, today on your wedding day, we - your parents, want to wish you that your family life would never collapse under the wind of everyday problems, and that your love and mutual understanding would always be the wind that inflates the sail of family happiness !

Dear children, today on your wedding day we experience ambivalent feelings. On the one hand, we are very sad because you will now become guests in your stepfather’s house, and you will live on your own. On the other hand, our hearts are incredibly glad that you found each other and now you have your own little one. a happy family! Good luck to you! You can always count on us if you need our help and support.

My relatives, son and daughter,
I congratulate you with all my heart!
And on this warm bright holiday
I want to give you my instructions:
Live in joy and happiness
And cherish every day.
Take care of kindness and tenderness,
Let peace never leave your home.
Overcome all obstacles
Know how to forgive nonsense,
Then you will receive as a reward
Harmony and grace.
Only people are looking for a miracle,
Not everyone can find it.
I wish you, my dears
Cherish love all the way!

For your happiness, new family,
Let's raise a glass today,
Tolerance, love, victories,
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts!
You are our children, our everything,
And we will be with you forever,
We will always help you with everything,
We love you very much.
We wish you to drown in love,
We wish you to enjoy life,
We wish you to go your own way,
You can't doubt each other!

Funny and cool

Laughter and fun save in the most stressful moments. A wedding is not only an exciting holiday, but also a joyful event. Let us not allow our hearts to soften under the storms of emotions. Let's fill the moments with funny jokes.

Let's lift the spirits of ourselves and our youth. Funny toasts for a wedding will help cope with stress. Let a series of funny jokes dry the tears on the faces of relatives and friends. Let's fill the ceremony hall with smiles and joyful exclamations.

Let's drink to the mathematics of family life: to the addition that made a married couple; for subtracting both from the number of bachelors and unmarried; for dividing all sorrows and difficulties in half; for multiplying your family by having children! For the young!

And I, friends, want to say that
That our heart is home,
A house with its four walls.
All corners of it are welcoming, warm,
There is a light of happiness in it!
How magnificent he is!
And the first corner is the life of love,
The second is the restless babble of children,
And the third is relatives, colleagues and friends,
On the fourth day, the grandparents were called.
With all my heart I wish,
So that your corners are not empty!

That's it: goodbye freedom!
Now ringed
For two - one income,
Both the chair and the door are common.
I wish you, spouses:
Be together forever
So that we miss each other,
Well, never together.

Be healthy, live richly,
As much as your salary allows you.
But know: the salary is never enough,
Shake all your ancestors - they will give you more.
You have twice as many parents,
Love them deeply, stay longer.
Don't be afraid of booties, don't be afraid of diapers,
Give birth to boys, give birth to girls.
When children bore their parents,
Throw them to the grandmothers - they will educate them.
But most of all I wish, however,
So that there is no marriage from your marriage!

The secret of a successful marriage lies in one folk wisdom: you need to love not as much as possible, but for as long as possible! That is, if you drive more quietly, you will go further! So let's drink to the slowness of the young!

Friends! I propose a drink for a kiss! After all, it was invented by a man because he couldn’t find any other way to shut a woman’s mouth. Bitterly!

They say that in a good marriage, the husband is the head and the wife is the heart. So let’s drink so that our young people will never have headaches or heartaches in life!

An exemplary wife will never reprimand her husband for over-salting his eggs, and an exemplary husband will always pretend that he does not notice how his wife nails a nail crookedly. So let's drink to an exemplary marriage and complete mutual understanding of our happy newlyweds!

Short congratulations in your own words

Speaking for yourself in public is very exciting. Not all of us are proficient in public speaking. In the presence of a huge number of people, it is easy to get confused and miss the most important words. It is easier to cope with emotions for those who know how to improvise and quickly fill semantic voids.

A little cheat sheet will help everyone else out - greeting card. It will become a reminder for the guest and turn out to be a little surprise for the newlyweds.

Lush speeches in poetry are always beautiful. But how many people know how to write poems? Why not congratulate the young people in your own words? After all, if you find yourself at this holiday, you clearly have something to say.

A selection of examples will suggest a direction for the train of thought. Wish sincerely and from the heart. What parting words can you give on this day? Promise the young people friendship and mutual respect. Wish them to comprehend the wisdom of family life and achieve complete harmony in relationships.

Our dear newlyweds! We all know that good stories always end with a wedding. So let your wedding be just the beginning of a fairy tale about endless love and extraordinary fidelity.

Your wedding day is the beginning of your journey together. Today you have reset your life experience. In the future, the quality and fullness of life with events depends only on you. Preserve the feelings and respect for each other that brought you to this day.

Dear guests, I invite you to raise a glass to our wonderful newlyweds and wish them an easy and long family journey, pleasant moments and joyful events! From now on and forever, you will live in joy, harmony and love.

Today we celebrate the creation of a new family. They say that happiness in marriage is achieved through mutual concessions. So let's drink to the young people being wise enough and patient with each other. For the harmony of your union.

I want to raise my glass to the new family, to their happiness and love. I wish you harmony, mutual respect, understanding and boundless happiness. Let idyll, prosperity and joy reign in your home.

They say that happy people, that’s why they are happy because they think about what they have. And the unfortunate think about what they don’t have. I want to raise this glass to our newlyweds, so that they always think that they have each other, and this would fill them with happiness!

The wisdom of centuries says that parents protect their daughter until the crown. And a husband must protect his wife to the end. I want to raise this glass to our newlyweds. May they take care of each other throughout their lives. And let their children take an example of this care and tenderness for themselves!

As a child, when fairy tales were read to us, they ended with the Prince marrying the Princess, and what happened next is unknown. Let's raise a glass to making your family life magical and an inspiration for storytellers.

Wedding toasts from witnesses

Witnesses are some of the most important guests at a wedding. It’s not for nothing that they are chosen from among their best friends. We have gone through and experienced a lot together. This is also a very exciting moment for them.

Now they will have to let their boyfriend or girlfriend go on another voyage. Family life will take most of the attention. Gatherings with friends will not be as frequent as before. The newlyweds will face a stage of getting used to it and getting used to it. All their attention will be focused on each other.

Friends should be there at the right time. They will not be divided into opposing camps, but approach the issue with understanding. Your support will come in handy more than once for the newly-made husband and wife. Try not to interfere in their relationship, remain outside observers. And in any situation, keep the course towards reconciliation.

Witnesses have a lot to tell about their friends, but you shouldn’t be too frank on this day. Focus on the importance of the event. Raise a toast to the young. For their endless loyalty, friendship and love.

The day has come when you no longer know what to do - be happy or sad. On the one hand, everyone understands that we are losing our unmarried comrade, and on the other, we are gaining a responsible person, as well as a serious family man. So let's drink to the fact that no matter how the groom himself looks at it, he has neither sadness nor regret in his soul. Here's to your wedding day, friend!

Have you always wondered why on the wedding day the bride is dressed in white and the groom in black? And only now I found the answer to my question. It is difficult to imagine something brighter than the happiness of the bride, as well as strict and responsible than the dark suit of the groom. So let's raise a glass to our groom, who today personifies responsibility for life's choices!

On this happy day, allow us, as your witnesses, to congratulate you. Create with my own hands the most magical, kind and better world, in which there will be a place for simple family happiness. Make sure everyone around you follows your family as an example. Family well-being and happiness.

Today we have witnessed an alliance concluded between two loving hearts, which have merged into one whole, and now will fight together for the rest of their lives, without breaking away from each other! We all know that for quite a long time of our acquaintance (names of the newlyweds) we managed to exchange more than once love confessions, today they secured their words with rings. I would like to wish that the fate that united their lives will continue to never leave our newlyweds, giving them only pleasant surprises! Happiness and love to you, my friends!

For your new family,
Today I drink with joy,
I wish you to live without troubles,
I wish you many, many years!
I wish you to live in abundance,
You will soon have children,
To always make you happy,
So that the family is strong.
So that you do not know troubles and evil,
So that love lives in hearts,
I wish you earthly blessings, goodness,
Be happy always!

For your life to work out,
So that love always lives,
So that they don’t know quarrels and troubles,
For this, I will drink to the bottom!
So that adversity recedes,
So that everything is within your reach,
So that you appreciate each other,
I want to wish you happiness!
For the wedding, for love, for joy,
For your future children,
For dreams to come true,
So that there is no sadness, gray days!

Congratulations on your wedding,
We wish you peace and love.
May your long journey be illuminated
Good luck and warm lights.
Let children's laughter ring in the apartment,
Let the house be a full cup,
Well, love, warmth and happiness
They will live in it forever.

Wise toasts and instructions

On the day when young people marry, they not only celebrate their unity, they also pay tribute to traditions. A wedding is a ritual whose laws have been written for more than one generation. Reading wise instructions to young people from older and more experienced comrades has long been part of the festive action.

The parable is fascinating. It makes you think about the meaning, find the grain of reason among long speeches. Wise instructions are a good lesson. They help to feel the situation, evaluate an event that has not yet happened, draw conclusions in advance and, possibly, avoid mistakes in the future.

The whole room is interested in toasts in the form of a parable. Everyone wants to wait for the ending of the story. Such congratulations are always fresh, interesting and relevant. Share your thoughts with those gathered. Reward them for their attention with a surprise ending.

A wedding is a great event in the fate of two people. Young people on this day are reborn to a new life. And in those moments, they need support from warm words more than ever. Help them start their bright path beautifully. Shower the newlyweds with wishes and blessings. And let this day be the beginning of their new happy journey.

One woman complained in confession that her married life was unsuccessful, that she and her husband were indifferent to each other, often quarreled, were not sensitive, and her husband was cheating on her. The priest asked her:
- Do you like flowers?
- Yes!
– What would you do if your beautiful indoor plant began to wither?
“I would water it carefully, change the soil every six months, add fertilizer from time to time, and place the flower where there is more light.
– It’s the same with married life: it’s a flower that requires care, attention, affection, care, compliments, kisses. And a woman, remembering that a man loves with his eyes, must also be smart, attractive, combed, and neatly dressed.
Let's drink to the wisdom of wives who strengthen, and do not destroy, marital love!

Imagine a huge, boundless sea on which a man is sailing in a boat. Sometimes the sun shines and the sea is calm - a person can relax. But more often than not, the sea is agitated, steep dangerous waves roll in, sea monsters swim nearby - and a person really wants to go to a quiet harbor, where it is light and warm from the care and participation of loved ones.
So let's drink to the newly formed family and wish them a long and successful voyage on the waves of the sea of ​​life! Bitterly!

A man asks God:
- Lord! Why did you create women so beautiful and at the same time so stupid?
– Beautiful – so that you men can love them. And the stupid ones - so that they can love you, men. If a woman is beautiful and smart, it is, of course, difficult for her to love a man. This man must be exceptional. This is our groom.
Let's drink to our exceptional groom and smart, beautiful bride!

One ruler was asked:
– How do you maintain peace and tranquility in your state?
And he answered:
– When I am angry, my people are calm. When they are angry, I am calm. In other words, when I am angry, they calm me down, and when they are angry, I calm them down.
The family is a state in miniature. My toast to maintaining peace and tranquility in your family in this way!

Wishing all the best to our newlyweds, I want to at the same time give them wise advice: never forget those who gave you life - your parents. Do not spare a kind word for them. Come closer to them and bow to them lower, as they said in the old days. After all, the young man works with his hands, and the old man gives with his mind. Apply your parent's mind to yours and you will live a comfortable life. For mutual understanding between parents and newlyweds!

Real life consists of many little things, empty words, disputes, life situations. Life is a garland of colorful, bright and cloudy days. And the peace and well-being of your life, dear newlyweds, depends on your prudence and consent! So let everyday trifles not spoil the main thing in your life, happiness and joy. For your happiness, newlyweds!

I congratulate the newlyweds on the fact that from now on their union is sealed with vows and symbolic rings. An engagement ring is more than just jewelry. This is a sign for everyone else that in the heart of the wearer lives love, as endless and revolving around one person, like a strip of metal from which a ring is made, put on a finger. And relationships with your loved one are precious and noble, just like the metal of the ring. Let's drink to the mutual strong love of the newlyweds, to its infinity!