What to give to parents on their 25th. Silver Wedding of Parents: What to Give to Parents? Silver wedding traditions

What to give for silver wedding to parents as a souvenir? Only silver and a few alternative options in the form of jewelry or trinkets come to mind?

Then we remove doubts, ideas and listen to current gift options. What to give to parents for a silver wedding, when you want not just to make a present for show, but to actually time a surprise for the celebration - then we consider the proposals and choose the best in your opinion.

A quarter of a century of marriage; What to give to parents for their 25th wedding anniversary separately for each or for joint use? Maybe choose something from the category “decor in the house” or “everything for the kitchen”? There are other offers that will be very difficult to refuse, so we carefully select ideas so that you don’t have to give several gifts at once.

It is traditional to give silver cutlery as a gift. If, of course, the parents are not from the land of the rising sun, and are not used to eating rice with chopsticks, then the gift will be relevant, useful and valuable. There is no shame in putting such a set on the table for any holiday or leaving it as an inheritance for children.

Don't be alarmed, they are inexpensive, although they are made entirely of noble metal. Remember that such souvenir items are heavy and require extensive cleaning every 3-6 months.

They often darken, so make sure parents can enjoy the shine rather than the dull glow of ornate engravings.

You can give mom and dad a set of jewelry - these could be earrings and tie holders, a necklace and a ring. This is something that you can give to your parents for their 25th wedding anniversary at a standard low price, if there are no precious inserts and engravings.

Collectible or simple silver coins will perfectly complement the holiday with a touch of antiquity, so try to wrap the gift beautifully to at least somehow arouse interest in the beautiful thing. If the surprise is not very expensive, celebrate its presentation with an unusual accompaniment in the form of songs or a poem of your own composition.

Only such an exceptional coin can be given to a couple. The couple, having lived together for 25 years, probably divided many things in half. So let a medal with an appropriate inscription made of silver or with its particles remind them of the years they lived under one roof.

Something that will definitely suit dad, and he can’t do without them at any official event. They are different shapes, With unusual design and drawing. Even engraving can be done in the form of a personal inscription.

Who would refuse such a present? A flask made of silver is known to be harmless for any liquid. This is not plastic or simple metal that spoils the quality of the drink. For decoration, use a photo or picture to decorate its appearance.

A truly expensive gift, valuable and elegant. Mom will definitely like it, and how much pleasure she will store in it silver jewelry.

Some masters offer step-by-step master class for decorating such boxes. The video in this article will show you several options for you, even if you are a beginner.

What else can you give your parents for a silver wedding, besides the usual ones? silver gifts? After all, are there any permitted ideas that correspond to the theme of the holiday? Of course, not every couple celebrates their anniversary on a grand scale, and it’s not always possible to buy gifts in silver or self made in a single copy.

Gifts dedicated to the celebration

There are ideas such as combined anniversary gifts. They are usually given by distant relatives, grandchildren or children who do not live with their parents.

There are times when a couple does not have the time and opportunity to spend half a day choosing jewelry, or they are bringing a valuable gift from abroad, but which will be useful in the interior or in the household. Such gifts are not forbidden, and here is a list of suitable surprises:

As they say, silver is also silver in paintings. Therefore, feel free to buy and give any panels with elements of dishes, metal products and other sparkling details. Your parents will receive a gorgeous present in memory of you, and the living room will be greatly transformed.

A simple and modest gift that children and grandchildren can give to their parents. If someone in the family is interested in decoupage or crafts, then get to work and create bright, memorable cards.

What can you give your parents for a silver wedding other than metal?

The most successful and winning option is silver thread, or tulle embroidered with silver thread as decor. Such a gift will not only decorate a living room or bedroom, but will fit into the interior completely to suit the taste of the owners. There are different colors and designs available for this.

Shade and color scheme also matter. If your parents still feel a round of youth in themselves, and their strength allows them to play sports, and time allows them to go for a morning jog, buy two pairs of sneakers or comfortable ones. sports shoes. Of course, don't forget about silver - it should at least be in the laces.

In addition to tabletop ones, there are also floor candelabra. In this question of what to give your parents for their 25th wedding anniversary, an important point arises - will the item stand out from the overall image of the room? If there is a classic, take note of this idea.

Glass and digital photo frames will now fade into the background. Nowadays, cubes are relevant, allowing you to place several pictures at the same time.

In addition, it is supplemented with a piggy bank function - collecting money for someone’s birthday will be more pleasant and interesting. Whose cube with photos is the one who gets the money for gifts.

Some electronic devices and kitchen appliances contain silver in their circuit boards and mechanisms. Previously, it was soldered from there along with gold, but now useful things for cooking are given as gifts. Well, everything can be timed to coincide with the celebration, if only you wish!

What woman would refuse an unusual bouquet in every sense of the word (see)? Such flowers can only be ordered from another country, but you can also get by with ordinary roses. If you want to paint them, it’s easy! It is enough to purchase paints and aerosol.

What to give your parents for their 25th wedding anniversary if not a delicious cake with their date on top. By the way, such desserts are prepared to order, so it won’t hurt to enlist the help of someone with imagination. Come up with a design and feel free to bring it into reality.

Another resource where you can get ideas can be dedicated to gifts for your home or garden. A gift to parents for their 25th wedding anniversary can be useful as decoration and decoration for a garden or patio.

Silver in the interior

Recently, it has become fashionable to transform living rooms and hallways, as well as bedrooms and guest rooms. In general, everything in the house, everything about the hut - gifts that will not go anywhere, but will also delight the eyes of the owners every day.

  • - that extraordinary gift that you can only guess about and only in a dream. Tube clocks contain silver, do not consume electricity like electronic clocks, do not emit harmful radiation, and look great on an antique red wood table.

  • Plates, pictures with kitchen appliances, balls for pendants and other items can be perfectly installed in rooms. The design should be made in a modern style.

  • A seemingly simple flowerpot in the form of a bucket for the dacha plays the role of a flower vase on a simple modern glass table. Isn't it elegant? Glass, by the way, goes well with some natural resources (stone, metal, wood), regardless of the style of the room. Parents will love this gift for their 25th wedding anniversary at first sight.

  • Cane with silver handle can serve as decoration and useful thing for the parent. Don’t forget about mom and dad’s personal belongings; perhaps the same blood pressure monitor needs to be replaced with a more modern model. The main thing is that the gift to parents for their silver wedding evokes positive emotions, and does not confront them with the problem of “what to do with it.”

  • Jewelry stores have already begun selling keychains made of precious metals. If a gift for a silver wedding to parents must be a pair, take two similar keychains for two. Paired items, like pendants, are also in fashion.

  • - this is for the soul! Let it be for the best cause - sometimes it’s worth organizing a holiday for the stomach, and with such a smokehouse, your parents will definitely gather you for a feast every weekend. However, this is a good unit for remelting metals - you can start a business with such a gift.

How is it customary to celebrate 25 wedding years?

According to tradition, spouses must begin their wedding day with washing and kissing:

  • The husband kisses his wife, pouring holy water from a jug into her hands;
  • You need to fill the jug back with water together;
  • The wife must wipe her husband's face with a linen cloth;
  • The water should remain in the jug after washing your face before going to bed - it should evaporate naturally. So grief and sadness evaporate with drops;
  • Parents or witnesses of the marriage come to the house and check whether the towel is dry and whether the water has evaporated. Then the newlyweds can be blessed to exchange rings.

It is also important to create a cozy atmosphere in which the holiday will take place. Children can make such a gift to parents for their 25th wedding anniversary by organizing dinner in a restaurant.

A woman can wear a beautiful silver dress.

Shoes and jewelry must be made of silver or platinum; diamonds are not required.

A man must wear steel-colored clothing.

At least the tie or bow tie should be a shade of gray or silver.

A container of water from a jug should be placed in the center of the table - this is the ritual.

This tradition can be performed in modern times in memory of ancestors.

At the end of the holiday, do not remove the water; let it dry in a bucket, standing on the table.

At a restaurant, it is enough to warn the administrators; they will accommodate you in such matters.

A steel or silver candlestick will decorate the table - another silver wedding tradition.

It is not forbidden to place several candelabra along the table.

Balloons, ribbons, and any decorations that match the holiday must be present.

You can't do without bright decorations and sparkling details.

The main and not the least important attribute is the tablecloth.

Its color will attract attention, create a festive atmosphere and fill the room with unusual emotions that will be evoked among guests.

Tip: If there are friends of the spouses among those invited to the holiday, they should be seated on the opposite edge of the table. Next to the spouses there should be relatives and close relatives.

What to give parents for a silver wedding besides current and traditional gifts?

In most cases, they give those items that the parents themselves ask for: equipment for the home, kitchen, certificates for attending one-time or scheduled classes in any sports or procedures; It is possible that parents will want to go on a trip for a couple of days - finances will be a gift or significant assistance in this matter. And don’t forget about little children, if the parents are already in the status of grandparents - grandchildren will always delight their hearts much more than the most luxurious gifts.

A quarter of a century spent together in marriage is called a silver wedding. This is a very serious term, and therefore it is named after this precious metal. After such a time, the married couple had already gotten used to each other, their relationship became strong and pure, they learned to respect and appreciate each other. And therefore, this date deserves a luxurious celebration and great attention from relatives and close friends.

Some spouses on this day follow the tradition and exchange rings as at the same wedding ceremony, only the rings are silver. They repeat all the vows and promises they made to each other 25 years ago. Gold rings are removed and stored until the golden wedding. They say that in this way the marriage union is strengthened and promises to be just as strong and indestructible until the golden wedding.

If you are invited to such a significant event for the family, then you are definitely not stranger. Your friends want to share their happiness with you. As gratitude, you simply must show them your respect, good mood and of course, a present that will convey the symbolism of the celebration, and most importantly, will be remembered by the spouses. Any good friend will think of something to pleasantly surprise them with. This article will help you figure it out.

Traditionally it should be made of silver.

To congratulate friends on their 25th wedding anniversary, they usually give:

  • First of all, most likely you will think about the flowers with which you will go to the celebration. A good idea would be to present them immediately in a vase made of silver. By the way, there is a tradition according to which the husband gives his wife 25 roses on this day. Accordingly, you can present them with a vase;
  • A set of cutlery is the most popular gift option on such a day;

Please note that piercing and cutting objects should not be given as gifts for a wedding. They bring trouble to the family. Giving gifts of knives is not recommended, and if you are giving a bouquet of roses, get rid of all the thorns.

  • A silver tea set is a very expensive and chic gift. If a lot of guests come, then there will be the same amount of cutlery, but not every family friend will afford to buy a set;
  • You can also donate any other items needed in the kitchen. For example, a sugar bowl, candy bowl, fruit bowl or milk jug made of silver;
  • Silver coasters. You can buy a pair - one for your spouse, the other for your wife;
  • Silver jug. Together with him, you can tell the tradition according to which a husband and wife must wash each other from it on this day. This is done in order to cleanse oneself of all troubles and worries;
  • Also a tray or bowl is very a symbolic gift. They bring wealth to the house;

Whatever tableware you give, it will be the perfect gift. In the future, the married couple will pass it on as an inheritance to their beloved children or grandchildren.

  • Silver figurines are a kind of memory of the 25th anniversary. You can make them in any shape to order. For example, in the form of two hearts or two lovers, or the number 25 with the corresponding signature;
  • Any silver jewelry for spouses is also suitable: chains, bracelets, rings, etc. Earrings for a woman, cufflinks for a man. A pendant for a woman, a tie clip for a man;
  • A photo frame made of the same symbolic material. If you have a photograph of the spouses, you can insert it into this frame. By the way, the frame can be engraved to suit the event;
  • If you know the religious preferences of the couple, then very a valuable gift not only from a material point of view, but also from a spiritual point of view will be an icon in a silver frame, or two chains with crosses;

If Money not enough for such a gift, it is not necessary that the items be entirely made of silver. They can be silver plated, that is, coated with it.

  • Home textiles will also help you emphasize the symbolism of the holiday. For example, bed sheets with a silver pattern or made of silver silks. Decorative pillows or a blanket with the symbols of the 25th wedding will do;
  • A tablecloth would also be useful in the household. This can be a set along with silver linen napkins;
  • If you are a frequent guest at your friends’ house, then you probably know what spouses are missing from household appliances. Perhaps something is broken or needs to be updated. The main thing is that the body is silver in color to remind you of the symbolism of the holiday.

An original gift is one that will definitely surprise the heroes of the occasion. It is also worth trying to remind about the symbolism of the celebration, but these can be objects with silver details or have a hint of silver and the 25th anniversary.

You can give it to your friends:

  • It will be symbolic to come with a good alcoholic drink aged 25 years. Having thus expressed admiration for the duration of such a happy marriage union;
  • Chains for a married couple will also become an original gift if you present them with pendants in the shape of hearts or their zodiac signs. Pendants can be with the names of spouses or engraved in honor of the holiday;
  • A large silver pin for the family. Or two small pins for each spouse. It has long been believed that a pin protects against bad envy and is a talisman against the evil eye;
  • Silver medal with commemorative engraving. Reward your spouses with it, they deserve it;
  • A silver horseshoe would be an appropriate gift. She is a symbol that brings good luck and happiness. Present it with just such a wish;
  • Album for photographs with engraving. It will be even more pleasant to receive such a gift with photographs inside;
  • A painting in a silver-plated frame or depicting silver objects, for example, a still life;
  • Another beautiful and modern idea there will be a portrait of the spouses in pop art style. They definitely don't have that. Insert into a frame symbolic of this event: a silver color or an engraved frame is an excellent option;
  • Choose a decoration for your home - a mirror that will have a stylized silver frame. The main thing is that it matches the style of the interior in your friends’ house.

Surprises or cool gifts for a silver wedding

You can give another gift that does not contain silver, but it will be no less pleasant.

If you want to surprise and add some mood to your gifts, here are some ideas for you:

  • Champagne with a label depicting the couple, with inscriptions in honor of the holiday and best wishes for them. You can also order this on a cake that you give as a gift. And if you have the ability, you can bake it yourself;
  • Cakes with the spouses' names or the number 25 in honor of the anniversary. Personalized chocolates in a postcard wrapper for the holiday - silver wedding anniversary;
  • You can order congratulations on radio, television or in the newspaper. Make a video presentation yourself if you have the skills. It may contain video segments from the life of the spouses, from a wedding, or a slide show of memorable photographs accompanied by their favorite music. It will be very emotional to remember all the moments of life with them;
  • Tickets to a concert or theater would be a good gift. A romantic gift for a couple would be a flight to hot-air balloon. Or a paid certificate for horse riding. Here you can remember what the spouses dreamed of, but did not have time to do yet;
  • A cool gift would be a certificate confirming exemplary behavior over the past 25 years. Or medals for husband and wife “For outstanding services” family life" Bed linen with funny designs or a heart-shaped frying pan;
  • Couple T-shirts with funny inscriptions will be a fun gift. For eternally young spouses with a sense of humor, this gift is definitely suitable. Let them wear it only around the house, but they will remember it constantly;
  • Perhaps you know a couple's love for animals, then a kitten, bird, rabbit or dog - best friend person will definitely make them happy. Let them take care of their new family member together;
  • A creative gift is figurines made from photos. This gift will definitely delight a married couple.

A gift to friends for a silver wedding can be made with your own hands, this is always appreciated. If you know how to sew, make them bed linen, if you know how to knit, make them sweaters with the appropriate inscription, if you can draw well, draw a portrait, etc. Pack the gift more beautifully, look for beautiful congratulations and go ahead to congratulate the heroes of the day.

The twenty-fifth wedding anniversary is a quarter of a century from the date of marriage. This means that the invited person cannot be a stranger; truly close people are invited to such an event. What to give to friends for a silver wedding, the invitees think, preparing for this event, trying to buy something that will please the married couple.

A wedding anniversary gift for friends can be traditional. You should consider how important symbolism is for a couple, because for them some attributes may be a priority. What to give friends for their anniversary:

  1. Bouquet of flowers . It is preferable to present it in a vase, observing the canon of 25 roses. There is a tradition when a husband presents his wife with exactly the same number of roses.
  2. Cutlery. However, there is a belief that you cannot give stabbing devices for such an event, because it can bring trouble to the family. This is worth considering if the couple is prone to superstitions.
  3. You can give it to your friends for their 25th anniversary silver tea set. This option is not a budget gift at all, so there is always the opportunity, together with other invitees, to chip in for the full set.
  4. Other kitchen items. A sugar bowl, a candy bowl, for example, will do.
  5. Silver coasters. It is customary to give one to a woman, the other to a man.
  6. Silver jug. If we refer to superstitions, then with this option they say that a husband and wife should wash each other, because this can help eliminate life’s troubles.
  7. Cup or tray. It is believed that these items attract increased wealth.
  8. Silver figurine. Can be made in any shape. For example, in the form of 2 hearts.
  9. You can give it as a wedding gift silver body jewelry
  10. Icon in a silver frame. Suitable if the couple is religious.
  11. Lingerie with silver patterns. Any home textile with similar patterns is also suitable.
  12. Tablecloth . There will be no surplus on the farm; preferably with a canonical color.
  13. Appliances . You can observe what things from this category the couple lacks.
  14. Watch . They serve as a symbol of the time that a husband and wife spent together.
  15. Medal with custom engraving is able to decide what to give to friends for their anniversary. Could turn into a family heirloom.
  16. Ashtray. It would be appropriate if someone in the couple likes to smoke.
  17. Casket. In such cases, it is inserted inside joint photo spouses.
  18. Shot glasses. Preferably not just glass. You just have to remember how spouses feel about drinking alcohol.
  19. Wall key holders. With this option, there is an imitation of precious metal.
  20. Hot coasters.

Silverware - 7 interesting gift ideas

Gifts in the form of silverware are a traditional solution, but I want something more original. When going through ideas on what to give as a gift, there is no need to rush to exclude silverware, because... There is a non-standard presentation of such things.

A married couple can receive a silver surprise from a friend, for example:

  1. Caviar. It's not often that something like this is considered a wedding gift, so it can look original. In this case, there is a reference to the idea that caviar is an expensive delicacy, which means that when using caviar, there should be prosperity in the family.
  2. Napkin clips.
  3. You can give it as a gift for your silver wedding anniversary devices with molded handles. That is, any shapes are poured onto the handles, be it hearts or branches with oak leaves.
  4. Custom engraved cup holders.
  5. There are unexpected ideas, For example, silver service in the form of a box. On request, you can make it so that when the spouses open their set, music will be played, and on the inside wall of the lid there will be a photo of them together.
  6. Crockery with glaze molding. It is necessary that it looks harmonious.
  7. Patterns can be cut out on the working end of the devices.

Interior solutions - 20 useful gifts for home decoration

You can give your friends more than just tableware and symbolic gifts for their 25th anniversary. You can make sure that gifts will always remind you of yourself, and not just during a ceremonial feast or purposeful examination of things. To do this, the gift must be interior. In addition to silver, you can give:

  1. Hammock. If the family has a dacha.
  2. Thematic picture. It will always be in sight, reminding you of the anniversary.
  3. Kitchen box.
  4. Mirror in silver frame.
  5. You can present it to friends for a wedding mailbox, with special engraving. It belongs to the exterior, but will no less remind you of yourself. Suitable for summer residents and residents of apartment buildings.
  6. Entrance mat.
  7. Furniture that is stylized with a heart pattern. This could be a sofa or a bed.
  8. Bed sheets, decorated in the style of the event. It can complement the interior if it is kept in sight and is not covered by anything.
  9. A wedding gift could be something like: themed wallpaper. They should hint at the couple’s love, their idyll.
  10. Desk lamp, which can be decorated in the color of a precious metal.
  11. Heart shaped pillows.
  12. Decorative tree.
  13. You can give your friends curtains for their 25th anniversary suitable color and pattern. By moving them apart in the morning, the couple will remember the celebration.
  14. Stylized hanging light bulbs.
  15. Coffee table .
  16. Aroma candles. When positioned correctly, they can fit well into the interior.
  17. Decorative bouquet of flowers.
  18. Ottomans. Depends on the preferences and lifestyle of the owners.
  19. Carpet .
  20. Chandelier . The thing is expensive, so it will remind you of the significance of the event.

Romantic memories - TOP 10 ideas

A 25th anniversary wedding gift can be based on the romantic memories of the couple. If a person is familiar with the history of the relationship between the spouses, then it will not be difficult for him to choose a thing that would remind him of an important event in the life of the couple. However, if you can’t remember, then a list of ideas can help in choosing a gift of such an orientation that you can give to friends, except for silver:

  1. Home planetarium. It is a 20 cm ball that reflects images of constellations and planets in a dark room. Includes several discs to choose from.
  2. Movie tickets . There are cinemas that broadcast films from years gone by. If at the stage of relationship formation going to see a movie was important, then it would be symbolic to remind the spouses about this.
  3. Licensed disc with the couple's favorite film. You can present it if such a film is not available in cinemas.
  4. Amusement park tickets. For many couples, such leisure time serves as pleasant memories.
  5. Resort package.
  6. Music disc. There is always music that is important when remembering.
  7. Certificate for a romantic dinner.
  8. hot air balloon flight. You should think about whether one of the spouses had such a dream. If so, then thanks to the invitation to the flight, this will be remembered.
  9. Music concert tickets favorite artist.
  10. Invitations to the theater.

15 status expensive gifts for friends' wedding anniversary

Considering the significance of the event, those invited who have the financial means do not want to waste trifles on their friends for a silver wedding. Such people give:

  1. Automobile . Depending on the need. If, for example, one of the couple does not have a means of transportation, but there is a need for it. You can present it in the appropriate color.
  2. Personal Computer. Apple equipment will be appropriate because it is expensive and silver in color.
  3. Fountain pens.
  4. Cigarette case. The gift can be suitable for both spouses. It is possible to find cigarette cases made from expensive materials, so it can look quite status-conscious.
  5. Perfume of expensive brands.
  6. You can give it to friends for a wedding chess with figures from precious metal. It will be suitable not only for fans of this game.
  7. Collection of expensive wines. Connoisseurs of quality alcohol will like it.
  8. Antique paintings. For lovers of fine art.
  9. An anniversary gift for friends can be something like this: antique book.
  10. Vintage jewelry.
  11. Antique car. For people who love and understand technology.
  12. Ancient weapons. Suitable for those who are interested in this. It is worth considering whether a person has a license for such things. When purchasing edged weapons, it is not needed, only for firearms.
  13. Mobile phone. There are brands that make their phone models from expensive materials.
  14. Exotic animals.
  15. Unusual plants.

15 cool gifts for a silver wedding

There are couples who value humor and creativity most in communication. Cool gifts for a wedding they might like:

  1. Paired robes with personalized name embroidery.
  2. Personalized glasses.
  3. Family Guest Book. This thing will allow you to pass on memorable records from generation to generation.
  4. Breakfast table in bed.
  5. Souvenir rolling pins. The set contains 3 pieces that vary in size. The small one says “10 minutes”, and the big one says “30 minutes”. On the frame in which they are located there is a sign with the inscription “Penalties for being late.”
  6. Driving license for driving a stroller. For those couples who have a small child.
  7. Dishes with inscriptions undesirable for marriage. Then these dishes can be symbolically broken.
  8. Silver Oscar- complements the list of cool gifts.
  9. Book of future wishes.
  10. You can give it as a wedding gift 2 pairs of boxing gloves. Application - in case of resolving disagreements.
  11. Hedgehog gloves. In the form of hedgehogs, to hold your chosen one or chosen one.
  12. Horseback riding.
  13. Swimming with dolphins.
  14. All inclusive at the hotel, romantic evening.
  15. Firework .

Inexpensive and original gift for friends for a silver wedding - 15 good ideas

An original gift for the 25th wedding anniversary can be inexpensive. The main thing is to think and use ingenuity. Gifts for a silver wedding are inexpensive and original:

  1. Paired plaid with sleeves.
  2. Bed linen with dividing strips that determine the place of the wife and husband on the bed.
  3. 3 mittens. The third should accommodate the clasped hands of the spouses.
  4. A pair of orthopedic pillows.
  5. Congratulatory film.
  6. Picnic set.
  7. Handmade soap with congratulations.
  8. You can give stylized bottles of champagne as a wedding gift. A photo or congratulation is attached.
  9. Certificate for strong and lasting relationships.
  10. Ball of fate.
  11. Plates that don't break. They say “To clarify the relationship.”
  12. Custom song.
  13. A box containing tropical butterflies.
  14. Heated blanket for two.
  15. A manual that will help you raise your husband, as well as a guide to taming your wife.

DIY silver wedding gift for friends - TOP 15 cool ideas

An idea may arise inexpensive gift with your own hands, and it will not be in vain. It is possible to surprise friends using this method.

Examples of ideas:

  1. Home cake.
  2. Cookie.
  3. Frame.
  4. Key rings.
  5. Paired bracelets.
  6. Chalk frames for spouses to leave messages for each other.
  7. Own song.
  8. Family coat of arms.
  9. For your silver wedding, you can give your friends a tree with the dates attached.
  10. Dance.
  11. Dolls that look like spouses.
  12. Own picture.
  13. Photo collage.
  14. Still life of candies
  15. Paper bouquet of flowers.

Originality comes first - 15 non-standard and creative gifts

They give something original for a silver wedding, they think creative people. This is true, and if everything is in order with imagination and creativity, then it’s worth making the effort, because a wedding of 25 years only happens once. Options for the most creative and non-standard gifts:

  1. Statuettes of spouses made from photographs.
  2. Plates with a surname or coat of arms.
  3. Congratulations on TV or radio.
  4. Personalized lamps.
  5. Pop art group portrait.
  6. Honey set, personalized.
  7. Land ownership on the Moon. Such a certificate will cost 3,000 rubles.
  8. Family thermos.
  9. You can give your friends an inexpensive and original gift of a certificate for the purchase of a star.
  10. Skydiving.

When spouses have lived together for twenty-five years, on their wedding day they are called “silver anniversaries.” This date is considered quite significant of all the dates lived before.

In some registry offices there are special books that record couples who have walked together along the road of life for such a significant period of time. Not everyone succeeds! Not everyone reaches this milestone with dignity. Not everyone can withstand such a long distance...Only those who have found the true keys to each other and overcome all the trials of life can enjoy the true happiness of their twenty-fifth anniversary life together.

On this significant day, husband and wife, children, closest relatives and friends gather together. Everyone gives gifts to the newlyweds and wishes them to live until the next significant anniversary - the golden wedding.

So, 25 years of marriage is called the silver wedding

This anniversary should be celebrated in a special way, and gifts for the heroes of the day should be significant and unusual. You need to be careful when choosing a suitable gift. After all, as you already understand, a silver wedding is a serious anniversary! Let's look at some options for approaches to choosing suitable surprises for a given occasion.

In addition, a number of healing properties are attributed to it. According to experts, silver items are brought into the house positive energy, charging her not only the owners, but also loved ones.

Silver drives away evil spirits, drives away all ailments, purifies water and gives good health to the owner. Therefore, if you decide on such a surprise, feel free to step forward - you won’t go wrong! Just take a closer look at the heroes of the day. What will please them more?

2. Silver chains. A wonderful gift for two. You can add silver crosses to the surprise.

The gift should be given with special wishes. This is more of an “intimate” gift. It can be given either by parents or children of the newlyweds.

There is also the option of replacing the cross with a pendant or pendant. Perhaps a zodiac sign, or two halves of a heart. In this case, the meaning of the gift may change. The price category of the surprise ranges from 3000 rubles.

3. Keychains for good luck. Here you need to be creative and say interesting words. Beautiful packaging and design will not only decorate, but also create an element of intrigue. Buying two medium key fobs will cost 2,500 rubles.

4. Bracelets. Since ancient times, the bracelet has meant affection and indestructibility. marital relations. Why not think of a surprise with this element?

Such a gift will emphasize your special treatment for the festive event. Price from 3000 rubles.

5. Silver pin. A pin as a magical element against the evil eye. Besides this, this beautiful decoration for both.

Currently in jewelry stores you can choose silver elements to suit every taste. The price category for one pin is from 500 rubles.

6. Silver rings. This best gift for each other. Hymn of love. Just like on the first wedding day, the newlyweds can exchange rings.

Children of anniversaries can present such a surprise. It is important that the rings are the same. Price from 1000 rubles per ring.

7. Clock. Some psychologists argue that when we give a watch, we hint at the transience of time and the passing of years. In this case, this gift is seen as a symbol of time and its infinity, as a symbol of long and high-quality relationships.

A watch in a beautiful silver case is an expensive and wonderful gift for a couple who values ​​the minutes they spend together like no one else. Gift price from 7000 rubles.

8. Silver tray or fruit bowl. Extraordinary beautiful gift. Necessary! It is unlikely that the couple is going to spend money on purchasing this household item for themselves. And the gift will be very welcome.

These things are always necessary. The words for the gift are a wish for prosperity, love, respect. After all, the house should always be a full cup! In addition, they decorate the interior and can become a family heirloom. The pricing policy for these items is from 10,000 rubles.

9. Silverware. This gift is very popular. You can give spouses anything from silver spoons to an entire table set.

When giving gifts of identical objects (for example, spoons), it should be said that everything should be in halves, that you only need to “draw happiness” together. Using such gifts, spouses will remember the most pleasant moments of life spent together. You can decorate the surprise with engraving. Price of spoons from 2500 rubles. Engraving price 500 rubles per word. Table set price from 15,000 rubles.

10. A silver cup would be an excellent gift. Especially if the couple loves sports and leads healthy image life.

The prize is a reward for a life lived together. The newlyweds can drink champagne or another drink from the cup on their wedding day. The price of this gift is from 10,000 rubles.

11. A silver coin can also be a great gift. Such gifts can be purchased at any bank. A collectible coin will cost from 3,000 rubles.

12. If the heroes of the day are intelligent people, pen with silver core It can also become a welcome gift from friends! Pen from 1500 rubles.

13. The most romantic gift for 25th summer anniversary life together will become candlesticks.

Of course, it is better to immediately place candles in them. The newlyweds will certainly use your gift that same evening. Price from 7000 rubles.

14. Silver medals will cheer up the newlyweds. And if you also leave an engraving on the medals, the anniversaries will certainly note your creative approach. The inscriptions may be different: “For loyalty!”, “For patience!”, “ Best couple!”, “For courage”, “For love and courage!” etc. A surprise can cost you from 3,000 rubles.

16. Silver photo frame. Of course, in this case you need a suitable photo. It’s good if the newlyweds don’t even suspect the existence of the frame you’ve chosen. The frame will cost you from 5,000 rubles.

15. Silver glasses, wine glasses or shot glasses. Fine items made of silver. Here you can add a drink for two to the glasses. Romance! Price from 6000 rubles.

Exclusive gifts

1. Newspaper. It is better to order this gift from a special agency or printing house. The newspaper should be carefully designed. The name “25 years of soul to soul” or “Silver of relationships” or “Name of the groom + name of the bride = silver wedding”, etc.

You can focus on the titles “Truth”, “Arguments and Facts”. Select a photo from your first wedding.

Compile an archival timeline of the newlyweds’ lives with photographic material. Choose the favorite phrases of the heroes of the day, dishes, places where they like to relax.

Make a calendar significant dates from the young, recipes and tips. Write several essays, articles, essays. Place this material in a gift newspaper. Print a special edition. Give it to newlyweds. They will decide for themselves who to give away the newspapers next. A circulation of 100 copies of the gift newspaper will cost 7,000 rubles.

You can make the newspaper yourself. Choose an interesting topic. For example: film or seashore, park with autumn leaves and other. Let guests leave their wishes in this newspaper.

2. A film made would be an excellent anniversary gift. Don't your heroes of the day deserve to have a film made about them? Of course - they deserve it! Hire a screenwriter. Or maybe you will become a screenwriter.

Collect amateur photos and videos. Anything can be useful. To prevent the celebrants from guessing about the upcoming gift, try to start preparing a long time in advance. Invite the celebrants to nature, to the cinema, on a visit, to a cafe. Organize video shooting of the shots needed for the movie.

A professional film will not be cheap, starting from 25,000 rubles for 30 minutes. You can find a regular videographer who will cut your costs in half. On your wedding day, your gift will touch the heroes of the occasion. This is a necessary historical surprise. It will delight not only the newlyweds, but also children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

3. Unusual photo. Order original photo newlyweds Decide on a format. This may be A-2 format. The plots can be the most unpredictable: aliens landing on the planet, a ball in a castle, a horse ride, a trip to Spain, Italy, France, etc.

In any photo salon they will help you with choosing a subject, select a photo frame and pack it in unusual packaging. The asking price is from 4000 rubles. On back side The gift must have a mandatory memorial inscription to whom, from whom, when.

4. Collage. If you are not an expert in this technique, order it from professionals. The photo studio will immediately tell you where to go and what you need for this. If your celebrants have a good sense of humor and tact, they will definitely appreciate your efforts. Price from 5000 rubles.

5. Portrait. Order an artist a portrait in oil or watercolor. Maybe he will offer graphics technology or something else. For a portrait you will need Good photo anniversary Such a gift can cost from 5,000 rubles.

6. Travel will be an unforgettable gift. After all, most likely, this is the secret dream of any couple. There is no time for everything: either work, or small children, or other needs take over. Now it's time to relax. Moreover, you have thought carefully about where you can send the newlyweds for a week after their silver wedding.

Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc. will cost approximately 30 thousand. Resort cities during the holiday season from 50,000. Well, if you decide to send your young ones to visa camps, prepare at least 150,000.

7. Here you can also consider a gift to a sanatorium or a local rest home. For this you will need the Internet. Go to the sanatorium’s website and you will understand everything. The newlyweds will definitely tell you: “Thank you so much!”

And further! You can consider banal gifts for newlyweds. This includes furniture, appliances and textiles. Can be a useful gift even bicycles. A very fashionable, environmentally friendly and compact means of transportation. How beneficial for health!

Also among the “banal” gifts you can consider: expensive alcohol, well-being baskets with fruits, food, money.

Imagine the surprise of the celebrants if you manage to find a bottle of wine aged 25 years?! Don't forget about exotic flowers in pots. You can prepare a bouquet of twenty-five roses, daisies, chrysanthemums, etc.

Many couples will be delighted by the sculptures that will be placed in the yard. A popular gift - a swing will cost you 40-70,000 rubles. You can consider a store certificate worth 25 thousand rubles as a gift.

In general, don't be afraid to experiment! But don't overdo it. Your gift should be from the heart and delight the newlyweds. Try to make sure that the surprise you present is accompanied by warm words. Maybe it will be poetry or a song? Don't be afraid to surprise! Good luck!

The silver wedding comes after 25 years of living together in an official marriage. This kind of decent length of family life is worthy of respect. After all, silver is a metal that is resistant to oxidation; it is not afraid of time. And living together for a quarter of a century indicates that the spouses have gone through a lot and managed to maintain their relationship despite everything. And when it comes to your parents’ wedding anniversary, then this date becomes doubly important.

Parents are the most precious thing there is. It is the duty of any person to take care of their health and try to please them more. One way to please your parents is to give them a worthy gift. Of course, they will be happy to accept any gift from you, but are they really worthy of a banal gift bought in passing?

Gift according to tradition

Traditionally, a silver wedding involves the giving of some kind of silver gift. This will be the most symbolic gift for 25 years - a metal that is strongly associated with this celebration. If you have not yet made a choice on what to give your parents for their silver wedding, check out the list of possible options:

  • Silver jewelry.
    If parents wear silver jewelry, they are perfect as a gift. jewelry. The choice here is huge, you just have to take into account the preferences of the spouses. Paired products are selected and the appropriate engraving is applied to them.
  • Silver rings.
    For the 25th wedding anniversary, the ideal gift would be a symbol of this date. Let them carry out a second exchange of silver wedding rings. Present a ring to your father with your mother's name engraved on it and vice versa. This kind of gift will refresh the relationship and take it to an even higher level. .
  • Pendants.
    In the form of hearts - they will talk about love. A drop pendant will indicate that a twenty-five year wedding anniversary is just a small particle in the ocean of life. You can also give pendants with photographs of spouses or in the form of zodiac signs. It could be another talisman that is meaningful to your parents.
  • Silver pin.
    A classic silver pin would be a wonderful gift for parents on their wedding anniversary. Since ancient times, a pin has been considered a talisman against the evil eye and envy.
  • Silverware.
    The choice here is huge; dishes are always valued for their beauty. This can be a set of individual items: spoons, clamps, glasses, etc. As well as a complete set and even entire sets. You need to understand how much you are expecting and, based on this, choose a suitable gift. Lay the foundation for the tradition of passing this gift on to inheritance.
  • Silver tray or bowl.
    With this a great gift you wish for prosperity, love and respect for your family. The tray symbolizes family and home as a full cup. In case the purchase does not fit into your budget, buy a small replica of the tray.
  • Collectible coin.
    You can mint a commemorative silver coin. Valuable and practical gift will look like a nice gesture.
  • Paired silver figurine.
    Such a gift will decorate the interior and will remind your parents of this holiday.
  • Icon in a silver frame.
    Appropriate only for believers. Considering the religious preferences of your parents, give them an icon. A spiritual and very valuable gift.
  • A painting placed in a silver frame.
    It could also be a painted portrait of the father and mother or a photograph of them together.
  • Engraved cup or medal.
    For endurance and a strong union for 25 years, present the couple with a cup or medal made of silver with engraving. You can write the names of the spouses or the date of the anniversary. Use your imagination and you will definitely surprise the heroes of the day. This gift will be remembered by your parents for a long time and will become a kind of heirloom.

No need to purchase general gift parents, you can give a gift to each individual.

Mom will be happy to receive:

  • Silver bracelet or ring with a stone;
  • Pendant in the form of some form or necklace;
  • Earrings, brooch;
  • A beautiful silver hairpin;
  • Pendant in the shape of a heart, a zodiac sign;
  • Comb;
  • Silver manicure set.

You can give your father:

  • A silver tie pin or cufflink;
  • Silver ring;
  • Chain or bracelet;
  • Silver keychain;
  • Branded pen;
  • Silver cigarette case;
  • A set of glasses or a flask.

Unusual gift

According to tradition, guests give silver on the 25th wedding anniversary, but this tradition can be ignored. After all, there are gifts that will please more than a set of silver spoons.

It is advisable to donate household appliances, dishes, and bed linen. A wool blanket or orthopedic mattress would be a good present for parents. A small TV for the kitchen, an ionizer and humidifier, a multicooker or a juicer. If your parents have a summer house, give them a hammock, an outdoor table or bench, a barbecue grill, or just a garden figurine.

Make a collage of family photos, it will remind you of the happy moments in the life of the spouses. They lived together for twenty-five years and they have a lot to remember. Your parents will love this gift and you yourself will be very interested in listening to the memories that come flooding back to them.

An inexpensive and excellent gift for the 25th anniversary - a ticket to the cinema, theater or exhibition. Consider your parents' preferences and travel options in your city. Perhaps soon there will be a concert that they have been dreaming of going to. Give them this opportunity.

Organize dinner at a restaurant or cafe by booking a table for two. The couple will celebrate their silver wedding and be alone with each other, taking a break from the hustle and bustle. After all, maybe they haven’t gone anywhere for a long time, devoting themselves to work, children and grandchildren, then your parents will definitely like this gift.

It’s great if you have the opportunity to purchase a ticket to a sanatorium or some other holiday home. If your parents haven't traveled in a while, take them on a romantic trip like France or Venice.

It is advisable to come to the celebration with flowers; these can be white or tea roses, chrysanthemums or lilies. The presented bouquet can also be composed of balloons or sweets. Prepare congratulatory speech on occasion, it is better if it is your own speech, where everything is said from the heart. But, of course, the most important gift for a silver wedding to parents is your attention and care. Give them your support and say a few kind words.

A short film created especially for parents on their silver wedding anniversary. Such creative gift will greatly delight the celebrants and will certainly end up in the family video archive and become the best reminder of the wedding day and of you!