Thank the person for their attention. How to thank for the gift and attention with words in prose and poetry? Beautiful words of gratitude for a gift for a wedding, birthday in prose and poetry

And I'm sure I'm not alone in this. Don't know how to say thank you? Practice! Here are just 7 everyday situations in which "Thank you" sounds quite appropriate.

1. When you received a compliment.

People tend to discount compliments by being overly modest or, worse, making excuses. Most of us behave this way out of a subconscious fear of appearing too arrogant and self-righteous.

The problem is that by rejecting a compliment, you humiliate the person who gave it, showing that he is not smart enough. Simple "Thank you" will convince him that he did everything right, and will allow you to enjoy recognition. Let's practice!

Compliment: « Which Nice dress on you today!» .

  • Failed response:"Oh, nothing special, he's been around for years."
  • Good answer:"Thank you! Glad you like it".

Compliment: « Wow, 20 points! Today you are on a roll!» .

  • Failed response:"Yeah, but how could I miss in the third round?"
  • Good answer:"Thank you! It was a great evening!"

Compliment: « Your presentation is the bomb!».

  • Failed response:“Is it? I was so nervous. I hope it didn't catch your eye?"
  • Good answer:"Thank you! I'm glad everything went well!"

It is important to learn how to accept compliments. By rejecting them, you are missing out on an opportunity to boost your self-esteem. Responding with gratitude, tune your brain to desired fret, allow him to receive and process information.

Getting compliments is nice! Keep it simple and allow yourself to fully enjoy the moment.

2. When you are late.

Being late is annoying. It provokes stress in the one who is late, and looks like disrespect for the one who is waiting.

The idea of ​​thanking someone for the inconvenience you caused may seem odd, but it's the right approach.

What do most people do? Flies through the door with the phrase: "Sorry I'm late". When events develop in this way, the latecomer focuses attention on himself.

"Thank you" changes the prioritization - the culprit of the delay thanks the person who spent time waiting.

Imagine that you arrived at the meeting point 15 minutes after the agreed time.

  • Bad phrase:"Sorry I'm late. Traffic jams!".
  • Good phrase:"Thank you for your patience!".

Other people also suffer from our mistakes. The instinctive impulse is to apologize and try to make amends, but it is better to praise the person for loyalty and patience.

3. When you comfort someone.

Providing moral support to a friend in a difficult situation is not easy. Many are lost and do not know what to say, even if the most close person. I know this feeling.

Often we try to find something good and focus on it. In fact, you don't need to say anything. At times like these, you just want someone to be by your side. And to thank him for his trust is a good decision.

Let's say you find out that a colleague recently lost his mother.

  • Bad phrase:“You have so many fond memories. Save them!"
  • Good phrase:“Thank you for sharing your experience! I understand how hard it is for you right now.

Your brother was fired.

  • Bad phrase:"Well, at least you're healthy."
  • Good phrase:

Your friend's pet has died.

  • Bad phrase:"He lived a long and happy life."
  • Good phrase:“Thank you for sharing this with me. I'm here to support you."

In moments of despair, we need not words of consolation, but a person who is ready to share the pain with us. When you don't know what to say, thank you for the trust and stay by your side.

4. When you receive feedback.

We rarely regard feedback as something useful. Stressful situations, such as a bullying in the boss's office or an angry email from a client, make most people feel defensive. Instead of wasting time and nerves arguing and making excuses, just thank and take note of the information.

Example: “The task was not done well enough. I thought you could do better" .

  • Failed response:"You do not understand! Here's what really happened..."
  • Good answer: "Thank you for expecting more from me."

Example: “I bought your device last week and it's already broken. It's outrageous!".

  • Failed response:"How did you use it? The manual states that it is not designed to work in certain conditions.
  • Good answer:“Thank you for sharing your experience! Let's discuss the problem. We're trying to get better, and bug reports are important!"

Nobody likes to lose and look like a loser, but every mistake is a chance to improve. Thank those who provide you with feedback.

5. When you hear unfair criticism addressed to you.

Sometimes criticism is useless, as it is a manifestation of someone's quarrelsomeness or revenge. The best approach in dealing with such people is to thank them for their attention to themselves and move on. Gratitude neutralizes all the negativity expressed in your address.

Example: "This good advice for beginners, but for pros they are absolutely useless" .

  • Failed response:“Well, yes, I wrote this article for beginners. I forgot to ask you!
  • Good answer:“Thank you for sharing your opinion! Next time I will try to take this into account."

Example: "This is the dumbest article I've read this week!" .

  • Failed response:"You're a fool!"
  • Good answer:“Thank you for your feedback! I have something to work on."

The lack of desire to always win in an argument is a sign of maturity of character. Someone did not like something? What do you care about this? Prove your case with actions, not words.

This often happens in gym. It seems that everyone around you knows better than you exactly how to perform this or that exercise (and these people are not trainers). Of course, most do not do this out of malice, but wanting to help, but this can be infuriating.

One day I posted a video and someone criticized my squat technique. I left a caustic response comment, asking if the opponent would like to show a recording of how he does it right. It seemed to me that by pointing out the imperfection of the other, I would be able to relate more easily to my mistake. This is a defensive reaction. And she was redundant.

How to be? Just to say "Thank you".

Example: "During squats, you stick out your butt too much."

  • Failed response:“Really? Well then, show us how to do it right!”.
  • Good answer:"Thanks for the help!".

Pointing out other people's mistakes will not fix yours. Thank the person for showing you a weakness, even if you didn't ask for their opinion.

7. When you're not sure if you should thank someone.

When in doubt, say "thank you". There is no limit to showing gratitude. Have you ever heard of someone being judged for using the word "thank you" too much? No? That's it!

Words of gratitude are spoken by people very often. Unfortunately, sometimes they do it mechanically, not at all thinking that such words carry a huge energy message and mean a lot. How beautiful it is to say “Thank you” and learn to thank a person sincerely and with deep meaning? Is it possible to do it in an original way, or is it worth following the standard stamps? Let's try to find answers to these questions.

How beautiful to say "Thank you" to sincerely express your gratitude

The word "Thank you", formed from the merger of "Save" and "God", appeared in the Russian language in the 17th century, but initially it did not take root too much. Almost until the beginning of the 20th century, instead of it, it was customary to pronounce “Thank you” or an even more outdated form - “Thank you” as an expression of gratitude. Today, you won’t surprise anyone with the usual “Thank you”, because it has tightly entered into the everyday life of familiar expressions.

To say this word or not is a personal matter for each person. If you are really grateful to someone for the help or service provided, then according to the etiquette of politeness, expressing gratitude will definitely not be superfluous. Saying “Thank you”, you subconsciously give the person you are addressing some kind of protective amulet, gently setting the person to positive. How can you show your upbringing in order to convey your grateful impulse to a friend, relative, colleague, and sometimes even to a casual acquaintance? Consider a few things:

  • any phrase of gratitude should come from the heart. Insincerity in words is felt very strongly;
  • try to make the speech less dry and formal, let it be emotional, but in moderation;
  • look the interlocutor in the eyes;
  • reinforce the words with a smile or friendly gestures (hugs, handshakes, modest kisses). Do not be shy about feelings, especially if words of gratitude are addressed to a loved one.

Explain to the person how important and irreplaceable his help was for you. Believe me, just a few simple words he will be very pleased.

If you need to thank your boss, an unfamiliar person, or a serious business partner, do it sincerely, but without undue familiarity. There is definitely no place for pats on the shoulder and enthusiastic exclamations. A laconic phrase and a handshake will be enough.

Before you say “Thank you” beautifully, think over a thank you speech in advance if you want to make it bright, memorable and as positive as possible.

What phrases can you express your gratitude

Saying "Thank you" is not only pleasant, but also easy, unless, of course, you suffer from excessive pride. The words that you will say are selected taking into account how great your appreciation is. Sometimes even the simplest phrases touch the finest strings of the soul and give positive energy. Here are just a few options to help you prove your gratitude:

  • Thanks a lot! Your help has been truly invaluable.
  • Thank you! Without you, I definitely would not have done (-sya, -s).
  • Thanks for support.
  • Accept sincere gratitude.
  • Thanks for everything you've done for me.
  • I was definitely lucky that I turned (-sya, -s) to you.
  • Thank you, darling (beloved), for being by my side.
  • Your participation in my problem is simply priceless.
  • Thank you very much for your support.

As you can see, finding words is not at all difficult. In every specific case they can be supplemented, or completely changed, depending on the specifics of the situation. The main thing is that they are always pure heart.

If you are not a very good speaker and are sometimes embarrassed to speak face-to-face, you can express gratitude in writing. Write good words on beautiful postcard and hand it in personally or send a letter to the addressee.

In some cases, it is appropriate to attach a small present to a grateful phrase. It can be a box of chocolates, a modest, or, on the contrary, a luxurious bouquet, a bottle of elite alcohol, and so on - it all depends on the situation. Knowing how beautiful it is to say “Thank you”, you can be sure that your gratitude will bring only positive and good emotions to a person.

Many seek to immediately find all the words of gratitude in the depths of the Internet. You are not looking for them there. The human heart is an unused treasury of words of gratitude. Both past and present.

I will say right away that in this article you will not find all the words of gratitude. It's impossible. Otherwise, you would only read them, read them, read them... And the words are alive. They need the fresh air of life, the sunny smiles of understanding. Sometimes, in a handshake. And you definitely need a human heart. And not one.

It's wonderful that just such a smile is now pulling the corners of your lips up. I thank you for this...

Hello Readers of Find Yourself!

For some reason, in new year holidays words of gratitude have become especially in demand.
I already wrote about . Even, he compiled a review of his articles.

It was these articles that were visited during the January holidays of the country. It was they who remained without comment. Why?

Because most are looking for ready-made words. Treasury templates. Strives to collect a collection that will gather dust in albums and souls. Can't believe it? And we'll check later...

Personal opinion about all the words of gratitude.

I will speak briefly, but succinctly.

1. All the words of gratitude were never spoken to anyone.

The Russian language is truly comprehensive...

2. It is necessary to recognize other people's words, but ...

3. True words of gratitude come from the human heart.

Definitely a living heart. I hope everyone understands the difference.

4. Heartfelt gratitude always returns a hundredfold.

5. She is always selfless.

You can thank in return. Only it will be more like a bribe.

It is my human heart that thinks so. I don't think anyone was confused by my interpretation. If this happens, write immediately in the comments. Because the topic of gratitude cannot be shelved. And we'll move on to examples.

Real thanks.

I'll start with the most important and effective words. I'm not afraid to say that our beautiful world is based on them.


Everyone already knows that the first means "God save." But many forget that they themselves are gods. Not omnipotent due to their laziness, self-loading with household chores and.

“Thank you” does not need any interpretation at all. But it requires not so much pronunciation as real implementation.

And when epithets are added to these words, voicing the human heart, and characteristics and orientation. With the word "thank you" there are not many such options. And here, "gratitude" and "thanks" ...

Heartfelt gratitude

Please accept my most sincere thanks

Deepest sincere thanks for...

My dearest man. Thank you from the bottom of my heart

My human heart in a fit of happiness is ready to throw out all the delight

Thanksgiving of heavenly purity and depth

You can continue for a long time. The more specific your words are, the more meaningful they will be perceived. What does specificity mean? Talk about your happiness, about the specific person who helped you (gave you a gift) and how your life will change now.

Do not be afraid of beautiful words when they come "from the sincere human heart itself." From your heart.

Here's a classic example for you. Classic for me: Bulat Okudzhava. The song is as short as it is deep. His human heart still sings to everyone. Listen.

And now for a few examples.

An example of thank you for...

I looked in the statistics for "Find Yourself" among the most frequent requests. I have already described how to make a page step by step.

That's why I chose another example, "all the words of gratitude for the gift." It is clear that this is enough for the search engine. Only…

You can be given a keychain that will only cling to your pockets. Or a car that you don't have a license to drive. Or they can present a book or a picture that you have been dreaming about for a whole year. Therefore, I give below not a template, but my version of gratitude.

Friends! You can't imagine how grateful I am that you came to me. No... I can't find the right words to express all its depths. Even if you appeared without a gift… Tell me honestly, who has such developed intuition that you guessed to give me? I hear the voices of your human hearts.

What I need now is exactly this, even my parents could not imagine. Thank you very much. This is the kind of gift I've been dreaming of for a year now.

I see that now my life will change for sure. But this is not enough! Because it's so nice to feel like you're not just a person, not only the right person. And the person you need. It is these feelings that overwhelm me when I see you with this gift. Thank you!..

The most interesting thing is that it was written in 2 minutes. And I put the ellipsis because you can continue for a long time. I repeat: specifics are needed everywhere. Therefore, state your desires in the comments. The first 3 will make a thank you as a gift. That's "compose". Because without your active participation, it will turn out sour, mean, sluggish ...

However, I have already made a similar offer. I confirm both.
Of course, words of gratitude can be expressed in a shorter way:

For everything you've done
From a heart full of love
I'm ready to give thanks to the stars.

Let feelings lack words
So, the heart will flare up with a new sun.
And the happiness of life in it will not subside

In the coming thousand ages!

Does the timing of such gratitude seem exaggerated to someone? Remember, the sun lives longer.

Exercise yourself. Don't be ashamed to be grateful right here and now. Open your human first to yourself, and then to the world. And you will see all the words of gratitude on the faces you meet. And soon, you will feel it on your own.

Until you get the words? The Internet invented simple

Read. Install for yourself. Click here.

With Heartfelt Gratitude

In this article of ours, we will try to help you clothe positive emotions and overwhelming you. into beautiful and original response phrases in prose.

The ability to beautifully express one's thoughts and emotions and not to climb into one's pocket for a “red word”, alas, is not available to everyone. Especially if a beautiful response speech needs to be delivered quickly or before big amount people. In such situations, many are lost and painfully trying to remember something that is not hackneyed and not stereotyped.

  1. My dear friends and relatives! I would like to thank you for sharing the joy of my birth with me today! After all, life side by side with such wonderful people is the most important gift. Thank you so much for this beautiful congratulations and wonderful gifts. They become all the more precious to me because each of you has invested a part of yourself in them. Your attention and warmth of your feelings touch me to the depths of my soul…. Thank you for being with me.
  2. My dears, I want to thank you for coming and sharing the joy of my holiday with me. Thank you for the wishes and kind words, for the gifts and for the good memories that you gave me today. Thank you for always being with me!
  3. Today is the best day of my life! You are my priceless gift. My next dream came true: we again gathered at the same table. Thank you all for coming!

Thanks for the congratulations on March 8

  1. The warmth of your words makes the beginning of spring even more wonderful, and festive mood- better. Thank you for the congratulations, gifts and flowers, for your attention, flattering words and wishes!
  2. Thank you, my dear, for flowers and sweets, for gifts and attention and kind words! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the fact that in this wonderful spring day you gave me a big charge of positive and good mood!
  3. Thank you for the gifts and congratulations! Today I bathe in the rays of your attention and feel like a queen of the holiday!

Expressing gratitude in words is not always easy. After all, it's not easy successful people prepare words of gratitude in advance for important moments in their lives. Getting familiar with the basic rules in advance will allow you to learn how to say thank you beautifully with words to your relatives, colleagues, teachers or boss.

What's your last name?
- OK, thank you! And yours?
author unknown

Basic rules for expressing gratitude in words for congratulations

Words of gratitude differ depending on who they are intended for. Relationships with close people (beloved, parents, friends) require sincere and warm words of gratitude. Difficulties most often appear when you need to express gratitude for congratulations to work colleagues, boss or teachers.

As a rule, at work they congratulate their colleague on a significant event by the whole team, so words of gratitude should be short, but meaningful and sincere. Working in a team forces people to communicate, sometimes completely different in character and temperament. With each of the colleagues are established special relationship: with some friendly or almost friendly, with others - neutral, with others they can be hostile. You can, of course, say thank you to teachers, supervisor or colleagues using general phrases, but it is better to prepare something more suitable for a particular situation.

You can learn how to say "thank you" beautifully with words for congratulations on your birthday or any other holiday by reading the simple rules:
  • prepare words of gratitude in advance;
  • speak sincerely;
  • pay attention to gestures and facial expressions;
  • include in the words of gratitude the name of the person to whom it is addressed;
  • speak clearly;
  • smile;
  • not be obsessive.
Gratitude is a moment of reciprocity. Every person is pleased when he is appreciated, singled out, congratulated. Gratitude can be used to express how pleasant such an attitude is. You can rehearse the day before and come up with basic phrases and work out gestures and facial expressions.

Words of gratitude

When pronouncing words of gratitude, you should try to highlight a few points that you especially liked in congratulations. For example, you can say this: “Sincere thanks to everyone for the congratulations and kind words. Indeed, health (, success) is the most important thing in our life. You can thank beautifully by looking into a person’s eyes, it’s easier to express feelings. If there are several congratulators, you can look a little higher than the faces of the audience, so the congratulators will have the feeling that the culprit of the event is looking at everyone.

Words of gratitude for a gift are not much different from gratitude for congratulations. If possible, you need to unpack and look at the gift right away, so gratitude will look more appropriate and real. To say thank you for a song donated, for example, on a wedding day or birthday, you need to emotionally and from the bottom of your heart, because the givers wanted to evoke pleasant emotions and memories, and this is the most expensive gift.

How to express gratitude for a service

When a person helps his neighbor, it is a sign of kindness and self-sacrifice. In this case, it is necessary to express gratitude, because the person spent his time, paid attention. As a rule, in this case, they resort to material gratitude (flowers, sweets, etc.), which is not forbidden in some cases. However, a dry presentation is unlikely to leave a good impression on a person. Words of gratitude in this case should be concise, expressing how valuable the assistance or service was.

It is undesirable to limit yourself to a banal “thank you”, it is better to make some accents, for example, say this: “Sincere thanks for helping with the report. It would have been very difficult without your advice." When saying thanks, it is better to look directly at the person without hiding your eyes. If it is appropriate in a particular case, you can touch the arm or shoulder - a touch will help add sincerity to the words of gratitude.

Video card: "Thank you so much!"

Gratitude to a beloved girl or man

Communication with loved ones is more relaxed, open and warm than, say, with colleagues or friends.

It will not be difficult for a woman, because most of the fair sex are distinguished by emotionality and the ability to openly express their feelings.

Men like to surprise their soul mates, give them positive emotions. Presenting a gift or congratulations to his girlfriend, a man unconsciously hopes for an energy recharge from the positive mood of his chosen one.

But for most men, a verbose and open expression of gratitude is difficult due to a more restrained temperament. Too dry "thank you" can offend the second half.

In the case of expressing gratitude to a beloved woman, one should try to find such words so that the woman has no doubts whether she liked the gift or congratulation. Be sure to reinforce words of gratitude with a touch, hug or kiss.

Video: How to say thank you in 1 second

How to prepare words of gratitude in advance

A pre-prepared thank you speech may be needed when expressing gratitude to parents at a wedding, teachers at graduation, etc. In such cases, both prose and poetry will do. Now it is not necessary to be a poet to thank parents or teachers with a poem - you can find a suitable work on the Internet or order an individual thanksgiving poem from professionals. The main requirement for such a poem is quality and originality. Banal words will sound dull and inappropriate at the celebration.

Both newlyweds should express gratitude to their parents at the wedding, despite the fact that one may be more eloquent. This is a great opportunity to show the unity of a young family, so it is advisable to divide the speech into both newlyweds.

How beautiful it is to say THANK YOU for a compliment: an example

- What a delicious pilaf!
- Oh, what’s delicious there, I’m always in a hurry, the cauldron has gone somewhere, it’s not the same in another dish, the rice came out a bit dry and the color is paler than usual ...

Do you really think that the interlocutor wanted to hear from you exactly this? With a similar answer, you either emphasize that he understands the issue much less than you, or let him know that it is better to refrain from compliments addressed to you (out of harm's way) - or even not to visit you at all. At least mutual awkwardness in the conversation is guaranteed. But the person just praised your dish.

Why is this happening?

Reason 1: Too Much Humility

Strict upbringing or low self-esteem often make a person react to any compliment with denial - “You look great!” - "Well, stop it..."
Reconsider your attitude.

Reason 2: Compliment = lie

The common phrase “This is not a compliment, this is the truth” makes all pleasant remarks be considered flattery and lies. Completely unfounded. Even if the interlocutor is a little cunning, this is not a reason to refuse to state the fact in a plus for yourself.
You really cook well, do not dissemble yourself!

Reason 3: Fear of attention

A compliment uttered in public will really turn spotlights on your person for a couple of seconds. Great, and in what form is it more comfortable to be under them? An awkward pitiful lump - or with a dignified smile on his face? That's it.

Reason 4: Underwater

Some people believe that a compliment obliges them to return the courtesy. But there is no need to stage the fable “The Cuckoo and the Rooster”: if you were praised, just thank you. When you have a reason and desire to praise others, then you will do it.

Other extreme

It is even more unreasonable in response to a compliment to desperately engage in self-praise - or indulge in lengthy monologues about the subject of approval.

If a friend has noted an interesting handbag, there is absolutely no need to report with a machine-gun burst about what it is made of, what company it is made of, where you bought it, and how difficult it must be to find the same one. Did you set yourself the goal of discouraging this friend from talking to you? No means abolish encyclopedic reviews in response to compliments.

An exception will be the case when your interlocutor is seriously interested in the subject himself - then you will be able to answer questions about where such beautiful thing or what kind of master makes such interesting haircuts.

How to be?

golden word. Why not just give thanks? Sincerely say "Thank you!" - and this will be enough, if, of course, everything is in order with your intonation and facial expression. This answer option is most appropriate if your personal traits are being praised.

We respond with attention. There is absolutely no need to hastily fabricate a return compliment. Just note that the opinion of the interlocutor is significant to you: “Glad you liked it!”, “Thank you, I tried very hard.” Perfect when they praise your gift, dish, work done.

A little information:
Sometimes you can add a couple of words to gratitude: “Thank you, this is my mother’s recipe”, “Thank you, the dish is famous, I just added other seasonings.”

And the casket once again opened simply. Adopt restrained gratitude and a sincere smile - and compliments next to you will sound more often, besides bringing joy.


The most significant signs of human wisdom are the ability to forgive and be grateful. Do not neglect the development of these skills, because the development of a harmonious personality is impossible without them.