What to give for a silver wedding with your own hands. Anti-silver gifts for a silver wedding. What gifts should you not give on your silver anniversary?

How to celebrate 25 wedding years, about the customs that are given as gifts silver wedding friends, parents, relatives, in addition to original and inexpensive silver, gifts for each other. What is significant about this anniversary?

Nadezhda is with you with gift ideas.

  • “Marriage is such a wonderful thing that you need to think about it all your life.” Charles Talleyrand
  • Holiday customs
  • What to give to friends or relatives?
  • Inexpensive gifts.
  • Gift for parents.
  • Presents to each other.
  • For woman
  • For a man

A quarter of a century together! The Silver Wedding is a bonfire of love that has not gone out for 25 years! I would like to especially celebrate such an anniversary, because, unfortunately, not every couple can boast that they have already lived 25 silver years in love and harmony.

They celebrate, of course, in different ways. For some, this is a home event, while others invite guests to a ceremony at the registry office, and then to a restaurant. Each family has its own traditions, and everyone’s financial capabilities are different.

There are, however, customs that are easy to follow, no matter where and with whom you want to celebrate your wedding anniversary.

Holiday customs.

The festive table at a silver wedding can be served with silverware.

Prepare beautiful wedding dresses, and if possible, then wear the ones you got married in.

Buy new wedding rings, definitely made of silver! Invite everyone you want to share the joy with, and don't forget about witnesses!

In the morning, wash your face from a silver jug, and let your now grown-up children pour the water into your hands.

Decorate the room with photographs that will illustrate all stages of your journey together!

Don't forget about balloon columns, napkin decorations, beautiful silverware and the magical number 25.

Silver figurines, silver ribbons and all, without any exception, silver-plated objects will look stylish.

In a restaurant, the help of a toastmaster will be useful, because good organization of the celebration is the key to making the silver wedding a bright and memorable event for everyone who attended the celebration.

Professional photography will also not be superfluous, because with the help of photographs the holiday will remain in the memory of everyone present for many years.

What's a holiday without gifts? As with previous anniversaries, they should emphasize the symbolism of the event. It is clear that the ideal gifts on this day are made of silver.

What to give to friends or relatives?

If you are invited to an anniversary and are thinking about what to give to both spouses for their anniversary, then you should remember the symbolism of the holiday and it is advisable to observe it

Most best gift- This is silverware. And believe me, it will never be superfluous, because this metal has healing properties. And it’s good if the whole family starts using such dishes every day. If you don’t have enough finances, you can buy silver-plated cutlery.

Choose any silver decorations for your home - vases, figurines, candlesticks.

It is clear that such gifts will be expensive, so you can give one gift from relatives or friends, for example, a tea set. Or choose other options.

Inexpensive gifts.

A picture of the spouses in a frame with silver elements would be suitable. To do this, you need high-quality photography and a photo studio where they will make a high-quality portrait, an imitation of an oil painting.

Still life painting depicting silver dishes.

Household appliances with a silver-colored body or wrapped in paper and tied with a metal-colored ribbon.

Home textiles with elements of festive colors or choose packaging.

Any useful thing It will make a wonderful gift if you think a little about how to symbolize it.

Audio greeting on the phone

The best gift is the one that will surprise and delight. Order an audio congratulation to the anniversaries, ask to put the phone on speakerphone so that all guests can hear the congratulations.

Gift for parents.

Traditionally, children buy silver rings and have them engraved in memory. Spouses place them on each other's middle finger. Even if they don’t wear them later, they will keep them as a memory of this event.

If the children have already grown up and have a good income, then they need to first think about useful gift, which is necessary for parents or something for health - a massager, a massage chair, an exercise bike.

For the dacha, a rocking chair, a hammock or a chaise longue so that they can relax more.

Intangible gifts for parents are also good - a trip to a cruise, to a resort or to a good holiday home.

On their 25th wedding anniversary, spouses must also give their spouse symbolic gifts made of silver.

Presents to each other.

For woman

Jewelry is best for a woman.

A chain and a medallion where you can put a photo of your spouse.

Pendant with the image of the zodiac sign. It is believed that she will protect the wife from all troubles and that good luck will always accompany her.

The bracelet is an excellent decoration and at the same time is a talisman for its owner, and is also considered a symbol of marriage.

Earrings are small or in the form of openwork.

The brooch is in fashion; it can decorate any women's outfit.

A silver comb, a symbolic gift, is a talisman for the owner - it brings prosperity and happiness. A comb is also a useful item for hair - the damaged structure is restored, its elasticity is preserved, and the hair is protected from pollution.

Earrings come in the form of studs or made in the form of openwork calico.

A box for jewelry accumulated over many years.

For a man

Choosing a gift for a man is a little more difficult, recommendations will help.

Cufflinks made of silver with engraving or stone;

A keychain symbolizing his favorite item. For example, the brand of your favorite car, football team, etc.;

The Silver Wedding is perhaps one of the most significant wedding anniversaries. Over the 25 years of marriage, the two united hearts had to overcome a lot. And this celebration shows that, despite this, two loved ones managed to preserve their feelings and protect their love, carrying it through decades.

The Valley of Gifts website offers a wide range of excellent gifts that will be ideal options for presentation and a good solution to the theme - cool gifts for a silver wedding.

Speaking about this special event, you understand that the guest has two options: either hand over a sum of money in an envelope, or present some kind of original gift. Although there is another third solution. Give the newlyweds an unforgettable souvenir and an envelope with a small amount of money. Then you will kill two birds with one stone. You will surprise a married couple with an unforgettable gift and present a traditional envelope.

The first thing I would like to draw your attention to when talking about cool gifts for a silver wedding are symbolic gifts. Gifts that speak the language of romance, with a funny meaning, are what two people need who understand each other perfectly. So, you can give door signs to people with a sense of humor. “I’m ready” / “Headache”, “Coffee in bed” / “Champagne in the bath.” And although after so many years life together, it is not difficult for a married couple to understand each other without words, such signs will blossom their family life and bring a little youthful enthusiasm and originality.

One more cool gift for a silver wedding there may be unusual watch*What's the difference*. This device is equipped with a reverse mechanism, which makes the present original and symbolic. The arrows go in the opposite direction and clearly and clearly resemble the famous phrase once said by the classic “Happy people don’t watch hours.” Indeed, why keep track of time when it’s been close and personal for a very long time? dear person near. He is dear like no one else. And in this one word, husband or wife, there are hidden a lot of actions, thoughts and confessions that have been talking about love for a quarter of a century.

Finally, the last thing I want to say in this article is that whatever you choose on the Valley of Gifts website should be presented with only one feeling. And this is a sincere wish of all the best to the heroes of the occasion. Only in this case the celebration will be one hundred percent successful and will remain in the memory of all the people gathered for a long time. And the married couple, congratulated by you, will look at your gifts for a long time and, over the course of all subsequent years, sometimes take them out from their place of honor on the shelf and return their thoughts to this happy day.

A silver wedding is usually called the anniversary of 25 years of life together. Such a long period of time is very valuable and deserves great respect and magnificent celebration. Everyone is preparing for such an event, friendly family in advance, because spending immediately before the celebration can become an unbearable burden even for several generations in the family. Silver, which is a symbol of such a big anniversary, is a durable and very beautiful metal.

That is why the wedding, celebrated exactly 25 years after the wedding, is called silver. Over the many days and years spent together, the husband and wife overcame a countless number of difficulties and even trials!

Undoubtedly, there were also joyful moments. All this st.
It is important for children to appreciate them. One of the priority points in organizing such an event is a gift to parents presented by children.

And children, in turn, should carefully approach the issue of the holiday and choosing a gift for the people who gave them the best and most priceless gift - life. So, besides organizing a holiday, what can you give your parents as a gift?

Presents made of silver

There are many things that loving children can give to their adoring parents. It is very important that the gift for the silver anniversary of 25 years is remembered by parents for a long time.

Of course, the most simple option will make a symbolic gift in the form of a silver product.

So, the ideal option would be silver rings for your parents, which can be made to order and with a personalized engraving. During the holiday, your parents will happily exchange these rings, which will become a symbol of their love, loyalty and understanding.

Gold rings purchased for a wedding can be removed before the golden wedding and worn in silver.

Now let’s look point by point at what original gifts you can give to your parents.

  • Bracelet or beautiful brooch;
  • Ring with an expensive stone (but you can do without it);
  • Earrings;
  • Beautiful necklace;
  • A pendant in the form of something symbolic (the sun, a zodiac sign);
  • Chain;
  • Silver wristwatch;

To dad:

If you want to give general gift for two, then choose one of the options below:

A set of two silver glasses given to parents for a silver wedding, an icon consecrated in the temple, and a horseshoe “for good luck” should also be considered a symbolic gift.

After all, silver dishes are not only beautiful in appearance, but also very useful, as they have a number of healing and disinfecting properties. It is worth noting that if you do not know what gift to give for a silver wedding, it is better to consult with a clergyman about this.

By the way, cutlery donated for the 25th anniversary of a silver wedding can become the beginning of a tradition of passing it on by inheritance. But giving a set of appliances separately would be a bad idea, as it would mean a break in the relationship.

In addition, you can give gifts from other metals, with a beautiful noble shine.

Other gift options

If finances sing romances and you cannot afford to give your parents a silver gift, do not be upset.

To maintain tradition, you can wrap the gift in silver paper. The following will be relevant:

  • Orthopedic mattress;
  • Plaid, wool blanket, pillows and bed linen;
  • Dishes(but not made of silver);
  • Various household appliances, new TV, humidifier;
  • Painting;
  • Hammock, barbecue, vase for the garden;
  • Cooler bag, set for picnic lovers.

You can also please the couple with intangible gifts, such as dinner in a good restaurant for two. In this case, it’s worth booking a cozy table in advance to avoid any unpleasant inconsistencies later.

An alternative option would be a trip for two to a nearby sanatorium.

Or you can give your parents cinema tickets, a short tour, a massage in a spa or sauna for their silver wedding.

If you are thinking about what to give as a gift for a silver wedding with your own hands, then you can knit two pairs of slippers or socks with silver yarn. You can make a beautiful wall newspaper with photos and congratulations, embroider a picture with the symbolic number “25”.

A special gift will be an album with photos of parents from the moment of marriage to the present time. Can be ordered desk calendar with a photo of his parents. Or you can edit a wonderful video greeting on the silver anniversary about all the most important events in the life of your parents.

A wonderful gift would be a photo portrait of mom and dad, painted to order by a master. Organizing such a gift is quite simple - you just need to bring a photo from the family archive and order a portrait. This will make your parents feel how much you love them.

On such a day, you can give a bouquet of flowers as an additional gift, or you can give a bouquet of sweets or balloons.

You can also complement the gift with a bottle of your parents’ favorite wine.

But still, the best gift for a silver wedding will be the love and support of children, their kind words from the bottom of our hearts.

Don’t forget to wish your parents longevity and patience, because 25 years of marriage are like silver - if you “clean” this relationship in places that have become a little clouded over the years, it will shine again with its noble shine.

People who managed to carry their feelings through the veil of 25 years deserve the most reverent attitude and respect.

What to gift:

Silver wedding - 25 years married life. This is already a solid experience for family relations. Such an anniversary is a significant event in the life of a couple and their family. Holiday in
The honor of a silver wedding is a special event, and not only the newlyweds, but also the couple’s relatives and their friends should prepare for it. And immediately everyone is puzzled: what to give for a silver wedding? What can you please your soulmate with, what can you give to your parents, what can you surprise your friends with?

The confident feeling that the choice is simply huge gradually changes to panic - there is nothing to choose. There is always something missing: funds, time to choose a gift, or the idea itself. By approaching this issue slowly, in advance, having discussed everything, thought it over, weighed your financial capabilities, you will always be able to choose something. The main thing is that the gift for a silver wedding comes from the heart, given with love. And no matter what its cost, such a gift will be accepted with joy and will bring a good aura to the newlyweds’ home.

Silver - a tribute to traditions

Of course, the most symbolic gifts for a silver wedding are silver objects. According to custom, on this day spouses must exchange silver wedding rings and wear them for a whole year. The husband can also present his wife with a silver box, powder compact or framed mirror. The wife gives her husband a business card holder, a flask or a cigarette case made of appropriate material.

But relatives and friends are offered a wide range of gifts for the silver wedding. A married couple can be given a silver table set. In addition to its usual use, silver tableware also has antiseptic properties. If you don’t have a lot of money, instead of a whole set, you can limit yourself to one item: a sugar bowl, a tray, a tea strainer, and wine glasses.

Silver jewelry will be well received if the couple uses it at all, and if the giver knows the taste of the owners. It’s nice when the gift is worn and not put in a box. You can safely give chains, bracelets, cufflinks, as any silver accessory will be just right.

If the married couple is a believer, then it would be very appropriate to give an icon in a silver frame. Image of saints protecting family hearth and strengthening the union of two hearts, will always be in a place of honor in the house.

For a wealthy family who appreciates and understands art, you can give an expensive antique item made of silver. This expensive gift will fit the theme and will delight the newlyweds. If it is not possible to buy antiques, it can be replaced with any original figurines and other silver items.

A gift for a silver wedding in the form of a coin or a large engraved medal is a good option for anyone who wants to stay in the silver wedding theme, but is hesitant about choosing a gift for fear of not pleasing.

For the soul and mood

The question of a general gift often arises: what to give for a silver wedding from several families? A voucher for a romantic trip can be an excellent gift from friends. The gift of another honeymoon - wouldn't it be wonderful? If possible, you can organize a trip to hot, distant countries. Although a short trip of 2-7 days outside the city to the forest or the sea will also be wonderful - as long as it is a secluded place for two.

You can also pamper the newlyweds with tickets to a concert or a good theater. After all, two people usually rarely go on such a vacation. And this way there will be an opportunity to be a couple, and even enjoy the performance of your favorite artists.

A table in a restaurant is a great idea to celebrate your silver wedding. Romantic dinner by candlelight with quiet music - probably not too often silver newlyweds could afford this. Such a gift will leave very pleasant memories for a long time. A large and noisy feast with friends can be postponed for 2-3 days.

An economical option for a gift could be paying for the services of a massage room or spa. No one will refuse such a pleasant pastime, especially if the procedures are paired.

Practicality is always at a premium

For any married couple, practical gifts will always be a joy. And using them daily, you will be remembered with gratitude. So, what to give for a silver wedding so that the gift is not put on the shelf.

Dishes, there is always a lot of it, but it is always not enough. For example, a beautiful set, perhaps with an inscription, will always find a place for morning coffee.

An additional TV for the kitchen or cottage will provide another opportunity to be close to each other while watching. Or maybe the newlyweds have long dreamed of a home theater, so why not help them make their dream come true.

If the spouses do not have a video camera or a good camera, then it’s time to buy one. So that you always have the opportunity to capture your best moments of life together. And then at the golden wedding there will be something to show the guests.

As a gift for a silver wedding, it would be appropriate to give a chic bed sheets. It will be very beautiful and will add its own flavor. Continuing the bed theme, you can give an orthopedic mattress. This is a very comfortable and very useful gift.

At all, practical gifts a lot for the silver wedding. It’s enough just to take a closer look at the heroes of the day. Fans of frequent travel will definitely be delighted with their new convenient travel suitcase. And those who like to relax with savages will appreciate all kinds of tourist things. For homebodies and cottage owners, you can present a rocking chair, large garden vases and many other useful things.

Unforgettable and original

Sometimes you want to give something “like that.” Well, a silver wedding is a good occasion for unforgettable gifts. And even if the gift takes your breath away for just a few hours, it will go down in your memories forever.

A festive multi-tiered wedding cake will be a great surprise for the gala evening.

You can order a themed photo session for a couple, and best photos insert into an album or make a special greeting book.

What could be more unforgettable than extreme gifts: parachute jumping, archery, car racing, horse racing. Of course, such gifts have a significant drawback - they are not suitable for everyone. Some for health reasons, while others simply don’t appreciate it. But if newlyweds are risky people and are ready to experiment, then they can be surprised by extreme sports.

If the spouses are animal lovers, then you can present them with some original and exotic animal. Or just a kitten (puppy) of the breed that you have long dreamed of. The main thing is that there are no allergies.

Seven I - the most “expensive” gifts

Children can give the most precious gifts for a silver wedding. As a rule, by the 25th anniversary of marriage, children are already quite old. But only they will be able to create touching souvenirs with their own hands. But all the love and care for their parents will be invested in these gifts. This could be an original collage from family life: a train of 25 photos, or photos from the most significant and memorable events. You can beautifully play with the idea of ​​a family tree. For your silver wedding, you can take a group family photo in the studio: grandparents, mom, dad, children, grandchildren. And then order this photo in the form of a painting. If you already have grandchildren, then a collage, for example, from the palms of silver newlyweds to grandchildren, will look original. With the idea of ​​a gift, the life of the parents itself will tell you what and how best to do. Such inexpensive gifts remain in the memory and heart forever, are displayed in a prominent place or are often taken out of chests of drawers on quiet family evenings.

What else can we do to make each other happy?

25 years of marriage is quite a long experience. A quarter of a century spent together shows that the spouses managed to make the relationship between each other flexible, but at the same time strong. All this time, the heroes of the day shared joy and sorrow among themselves, trying to make each other happier. It’s not for nothing that this anniversary is popularly called the silver wedding. Silver is a noble metal that cannot be oxidized, which is not afraid of time, but over the years, on the contrary, acquires special beauty.

Usually a silver wedding is celebrated very lavishly. Numerous guests are invited - relatives, friends, work colleagues. Of course, gifts for this significant celebration should be special and it is better to take care of their choice in advance.

Silver wedding traditions

  1. It is considered a good omen if on the day of the celebration the spouses are presented with silver rings, which they can now wear instead of wedding rings. This will be a symbol of a new, extremely important stage in the relationship.
  2. A silver wedding is supposed to be celebrated in a grand manner; it is recommended to invite only very close people and relatives to the celebration.
  3. On the day of celebration, traditions instruct newlyweds to exchange a kiss immediately after waking up, without even getting out of bed. It is believed that the longer it continues, the stronger the ties between the spouses will be in the future.
  4. On festive table The main dish must be a loaf of bread, signifying the wealth and completeness of the relationship.

There are, of course, a lot of traditions, but you need to remember the main thing - the feelings that exist between spouses.

During the celebration, you need to constantly note its significance and great significance for the married couple. It is better to choose gifts that are cute and touching, emphasizing the importance of this event.

Silver wedding gifts for friends and relatives

When choosing what to present to your family or friends on such a significant day, we usually stop at traditional gifts. What kind of gifts are these?

  • Any silver jewelry will be a wonderful gift for 25 years of marriage;
  • A wonderful option for a so-called “traditional” gift is a wristwatch; such a gift made of silver will be appropriate for both women and men;
  • You can also buy dishes made of silver; they will add luxury to the festive table;
  • A wonderful and very symbolic gift would be a silver jug ​​used in a festive ritual.

Traditional gifts for the twenty-fifth anniversary of marriage are usually directly related to the precious metal itself.

Sometimes some of the invited people go too far, presenting the heroes of the occasion with completely awkward silver figurines that will probably not be useful to the spouses. When choosing the best gift for spouses celebrating such an important date, be guided not only by any traditions, but also by simple practicality requirements.

For example, such a famous painter as Van Gogh was very fond of depicting irises on his canvases, so you can present the celebrants with one of his reproductions. When presenting your gift, do not forget to explain its meaning to the spouses in beautiful and solemn words.

Handmade gifts will also be to your taste, because they are so touching. If you cannot afford to buy a luxurious, expensive gift, then you can make beautiful postcard, expressing with its help his excellent attitude towards the heroes of the occasion.

The origami technique will help you create from paper beautiful bouquet of 25 roses, which will symbolize the period that the couple lived together.

Having decided to present original gift, do not limit your imagination, because the more unusual the present, the better. But do not forget about the reason for which the guests are gathering; it is advisable that the surprise you have prepared is at least in some way connected with the 25th wedding anniversary.

What to give your wife for a silver wedding

The main characters at the celebration should still be the spouses, because this day is dedicated to their devotion and love. That is why they have a hard time choosing gifts for each other on such an important date.

For his beloved wife, for a silver wedding, the husband can purchase one of the following options:

  • Declaration of love. A letter with a touching declaration of fidelity and love can become more meaningful for your wife. a valuable gift than a silver present;
  • You can also arrange a candlelight dinner for two in a restaurant or at home; every woman, regardless of age, will be delighted with such a gift;
  • A beautiful set of underwear will be a hint that there is still a place for flirting in your relationship;
  • Checkbook. An original gift will be the so-called “Checkbook of Desires”, where each piece of paper allows you to fulfill one of them.
  • Stylish watch. Made from silver, this is a great gift for such an important date;
  • An invaluable gift from your beloved woman will be a congratulation in poetic form, and maybe even a poem;
  • If you know what your spouse has been dreaming of for a long time, then why not give him pleasure? Original backgammon or chess, high-quality spinning rod, new phone – it’s up to you to decide;
  • Cloth. It is acceptable to buy something from your wardrobe as a gift, for example, a stylish cashmere sweater.

Typically, men are less demanding about gifts than their life partners, but this does not mean that you can choose it in a hurry.

You just need to think a little about what your spouse would like to receive for a long time, and the most correct and the best option gifts will immediately come to your mind.

Do you want to give your significant other something original? Then give your impressions! There are a lot of options for such gifts - this includes a flight to hot-air balloon, and a horse ride, and an unforgettable parachute jump and much more.

Turn on your imagination, choose what you both like - and then you will not only please, but also surprise your spouse. And such leisure time spent together will definitely never be forgotten.

We have reviewed with you the most popular gift ideas for a silver wedding. We hope that our article was useful to you. Don’t forget that any gift should always be complemented with a bouquet of flowers.

For a silver wedding, it is best to purchase pink or white roses, snow-white lilies or chrysanthemums. And the main thing is to show the importance of this holiday by presenting a gift from pure heart and best wishes.

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