Ecological days of April. Significant dates of the ecological calendar of nature. June Russia celebrates Ecologist's Day


The Day of Reserves and National Parks was first celebrated in 1997 at the initiative of the Wildlife Conservation Center, the World Wildlife Fund, Ecocenter /Reserve/. January 11 was chosen as the Day of Reserves and National Parks to commemorate the anniversary of the formation of the first state reserve in Russia (according to the new style) Barguzinsky Reserve in 1916. Today in Russia there are 110 nature reserves, 56 national parks, 60 state natural reserves, 17 natural monuments, 67 dendrological parks and botanical gardens. federal significance. As part of the implementation of the national project "Ecology", which is being developed in pursuance of the Decree of the President Russian Federation V.V. Putin dated May 7, 2018 No. 204 “On national goals and strategic objectives for the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024”, by 2024 another 24 protected areas will be opened.

Since 2002, the Russian Bird Conservation Union has been holding the All-Russian ecological and cultural campaign “Feed the birds in winter!”. The action is supported by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation. Traditionally, the action starts on the Day of Sinichkin the Titmouse (Titmouse Day) on November 12, 2017 and ends on April 1, 2018 on International Bird Day.

January 29 - Day of mobilization against the threat of nuclear war


In the city of Ramsar (Iran) on this day in 1971, the Convention on Wetlands (WBU) of International Importance, mainly as habitats for waterfowl, was signed, which has since been called the Ramsar Convention. In 1997, the day of its signing was declared World Wetland Day. This event is designed to draw the attention of the public and governments of all countries of the world to the value of wetlands in supporting the sustainable development of our planet. The main goal of the Ramsar Convention is the conservation and rational use of wetlands as a means of achieving sustainable development throughout the world. To date, 169 countries are Parties to the Ramsar Convention; 2293 wetland complexes with a total area of ​​over 225 million hectares are included in the List of Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar sites) under special protection of the convention. In the Russian Federation, there are 35 Ramsar sites with a total area of ​​over 11 million hectares, located on the territory of 21 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

February 19 is World Marine Mammal Day (Whale Day). It is considered a day to protect not only whales, but also all marine mammals and other living creatures of the seas and oceans. This day has been celebrated since 1986, when, after 200 years of merciless extermination, the International Whale Commission imposed a ban on whale fishing. It is still in effect today and means that the hunting of large whales, as well as the trade in whale meat, is prohibited throughout the world.

February 27 is celebrated annually around the world as International Polar Bear Day or Polar Bear Day. polar bear . This holiday is designed to draw public attention to the problem of species conservation. On this day, environmental and animal protection organizations remind about the problem of melting polar ice - the main threat to the polar bear. The predator is listed in the International Red Book and in the Red Book of Russia. Since 1957, by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, a ban on the production of polar bears has been introduced in our country.


March 1 - Cat Day in Russia. Cat Day in Russia was first held in 2004. The holiday was organized by the Moscow Cat Museum and the editors of the magazine "Cat and Dog". This is an unofficial holiday. It is celebrated by the owners and lovers of these animals. In 2018, it is held for the 15th time.

Every year around the world March, 3rd World Wildlife Day is celebrated. The decision to celebrate this day was made at the 68th session of the UN General Assembly on December 20, 2013. The date was not chosen by chance: on this day in 1973 the Convention "On International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora" (CITES) was adopted. World Wildlife Day provides an opportunity to highlight the diversity and beauty of wildlife and helps to raise awareness of the human benefits of conservation activities. In addition, this Day reminds us of the need to strengthen the fight against wildlife crime, which has far-reaching economic, environmental and social consequences. Theme of the Day in 2018: Big cats: predators under threat.

March 14th -International Day of Action against Dams or Day of Action for Rivers, Water and Life

Celebrated at the initiative of the public organization "International Network of Rivers" (USA). "For rivers, water and life" is the motto of this day.

Around the world on March 20, at the initiative of the United Nations, Earth Day is celebrated. Moreover, in the calendar of international holidays there are two Earth Days - today is celebrated on the Day of the vernal equinox, and the second - on April 22. The first has a peacemaking and humanistic orientation, the second - environmental. The date of March 20 was chosen and officially approved in 1971 by the UN for Earth Day precisely because the day of the vernal equinox falls at this time, when the biological rhythm of the planet changes, and it moves to a new round of its development, when nature awakens and renews itself. The UN appeal says: "Earth Day is a special time that is intended to draw the attention of all people to the awareness of the planet Earth as their common home, to feel our all-terrestrial community and mutual dependence on each other."

March 21 - International Day of Forests or World Forest Day, which was founded in 1971 and has been observed every year since then. The Day was initiated by the European Confederation of Agriculture at the 23rd General Assembly in 1971, and this idea was supported by the UN World Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

World Water Day (resources (World Day for Water or World Water Day) is celebrated annually on March 22 in accordance with the decision of the UN General Assembly since 1993. In Russia, thematic events are traditionally held on this day. World Water Day is designed to draw maximum attention to issues the state of water bodies and the problem of drinking water quality.
The Russian Federation is one of the most water-rich countries in the world, occupies the 2nd place in terms of water resources, having almost a quarter of the world's fresh water reserves and a 10th of renewable water resources. At the same time, the population of Russia does not even reach 3% of the total population of the globe.

Water abundance imposes on the state a special responsibility for the conservation of this most important natural resource. The main problems in the use of water resources in our country are wasteful water use, as well as the unsatisfactory quality of water resources due to excessive anthropogenic pressure.

Every year on March 23, World Meteorological Day is celebrated. On this day in 1950, the UN Convention Establishing the World Meteorological Organization came into force. And few people know that the first forecast was published in the London Times more than 150 years ago - on August 1, 1861. The author of the accustomed idea was Robert Fitzroy, Vice Admiral, the first head of the first national weather service on the planet, which was created in England in 1854. In Russia, the official "start" of the hydrometeorological monitoring system was given 170 years ago by decree of Emperor Nicholas I. Pollution monitoring natural environment- an important section of meteorological observations. Statistics accumulated over the past decade show that more than 80% of all natural Disasters is of meteorological or hydrological origin.


For the first time Bird Day was held in 1924 under the guidance of the teacher Mazurov at the Yermolinsk school in the Smolensk region. It is believed that this young spring holiday in the USSR it was established in 1926, and the following year it was arranged in all districts of Moscow, where 1098 artificial nests were hung. In 1928, 65,000 children all over the country took part in the Day of Birds, who hung out 15,182 birdhouses, and almost a quarter of a century later, more than 5 million schoolchildren in the RSFSR alone. Since then, such an event has become massive, and it was celebrated on the first Sunday of April.

In the spring of 1998, the children's magazine "Ant" proposed to revive the Day of Birds. This call was supported by the Federal Forestry Service and the Union for the Protection of Birds of Russia, and the holiday was timed to coincide with April 1.

For the first time, the Days of Reserves and National Parks were organized in 1996 at the initiative of the Wildlife Conservation Center. This holiday, which is held annually as a propaganda action in support of protected natural areas, was called the "March of the Parks".

The purpose of the Days of Protection is to coordinate and unite the efforts of authorities at all levels, state environmental organizations, business entities and trade unions, scientists and the general public to implement the fundamental principles of our existence: "Ecology - Safety - Life".

The birth of the Earth Day tradition dates back to 1840 in the United States, when J. Sterling Morton moved with his family to Nebraska. In Nebraska, their eyes opened up to endless prairies with lonely trees that should have been used for firewood or building houses. There was nowhere to hide from the sun and wind, and the parched land gave a meager harvest.

Morton and his wife immediately took up planting trees and launched a greening campaign. Morton, later editor of Nebraska's first newspaper, suggested that the citizens of Nebraska, then a fledgling state, establish a day to be dedicated to landscaping - a kind of Tree Day.

The idea met with universal support. During the first Tree Day, the people of the state planted about a million trees. Nebraska declared Tree Day in 1882. official holiday celebrated on Morton's birthday - April 22. Since 1970, the main activity of the celebration of the Day of the Tree has been based mainly on the idea of ​​protecting the environment and educating the population about the ongoing depletion of natural resources. The holiday received a new name - Earth Day - and became nationwide. Earth Day has been celebrated in Russia since 1990.

It stands in a special series of memorable dates. Established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation on April 22, 1993 No. 4827-1. It is celebrated in connection with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which can be considered the largest catastrophe of our time, a nationwide disaster that affected the fate of millions of people living in vast territories.


The annual Sun Day has been organized since 1994 by the European branch of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES-Europe) to draw attention to the possibilities of using renewable energy sources.

Environmental education has been put forward by UNESCO and the UN program on environmental protection in the category of the main means of harmonizing the interaction between man and nature

In 1992, the Convention on Biodiversity was concluded in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), obliging the signatory countries to ensure the conservation of flora and fauna.

International Day for Biodiversity has been celebrated since 1993. Its main purpose is once again draw the attention of the inhabitants of the planet to the need to preserve the biological diversity of life on Earth.

A special symbolic cemetery was set up at the New York Zoo: 200 tombstones with the names of animals that have disappeared from the face of the earth over the past 400 years have been installed there. According to scientists, by 2050 another 20,000 plants will disappear.

In 1966, data on extinct and endangered species of animals were published under the title "Red Book". The list of endangered animal species, unfortunately, is growing. But there is also reason for optimism: there are “green pages” in the Red Book. Species saved from extermination are brought there.


World Environment Day (WED) was established at the XXVII session of the UN General Assembly on December 15, 1972. Since 1973. June 5 is celebrated annually in all UN member countries, including Russia (since 1974). WED contributes to raising public awareness of environmental issues and helps to increase the level of environmental knowledge of each person.

This day was proclaimed in 1992 at the Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. By proclaiming this holiday, the UN emphasized the vital importance of the oceans for the planet, as well as the need to care for their condition.

World Day to Combat Desertification and Droughts was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1994 (resolution 49/114). In the same year, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification was adopted. States are invited to dedicate this day to raising awareness of the need for international cooperation in combating desertification and the effects of droughts and on the implementation of the Convention to Combat Desertification.


July 4 - International Captive Dolphin Day The initiative to celebrate Captive Dolphin Day comes from animal rights activists who consider it unacceptable to use dolphins and other marine mammals for militaristic purposes and keep them in captivity. July 11 - International Population Day This day has been celebrated since 1987, when the world's population reached 5 billion people. Population growth became a matter of great concern to the UN in the 1960s. The world's population more than doubled between 1960 and 1999, passing in October 1999. the mark of 6 billion. According to UN forecasts, in 2050, from 8 to 10.9 billion people will live on Earth. Population Day is intended to draw the attention of society to the urgency and importance of solving demographic and other related problems. July 11 - Day of action against fishing July 12 - Fjord Day in Scandinavia
The fjord day lasts 3 days (from 12 to 14 July). This international holiday Scandinavian countries, where fjords are found in abundance. Fjords are called shallow bays with low, but steep and rocky shores. They arise when the sea (lake) penetrates the lowered land areas. This holiday has been celebrated in Denmark since 1991. Its purpose is to draw public attention to the state of coastal waters in the region.

July 23 - World Whale and Dolphin Day This day is of particular importance for Russia, since several dozen species of whales, dolphins and seals live in the seas of our country. Many of them are endangered and are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the International Union for Conservation of Nature.


In August 1945, the United States carried out an atomic bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Explosions in these cities claimed the lives of more than 200,000 Japanese. Ten years later, on August 6, 1955, the first international conference for the prohibition of atomic and hydrogen weapons was held in Hiroshima.

This day has entered international calendar according to the proposal of the International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR) USA.


2nd Sunday of September - Lake Baikal Day

"Glorious sea - sacred Baikal..." - this uniquely beautiful Siberian lake cannot leave indifferent poets, scientists, or simply tourists from many countries. Bai-Kul - Baikal - translated from the Turkic "rich lake". Baikal Day was established in 1999 and since then has been celebrated annually on the fourth Sunday of August.

Since 2008, by the decision of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk Region, Baikal Day has been moved to the second Sunday of September.

1985 The Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer is signed in Vienna. Its main goal was to organize cooperation in the field of research, observation and exchange of information, the adoption of legislative and administrative measures to control and prevent activities that potentially threaten the ozone layer of the stratosphere, the protection of the environment and human health. On September 16, 1987, Canada adopted the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Contribute to the Depletion of the Ozone Layer, and in 1990 the London Supplements to it.

The problem of preserving the ozone layer, which protects all life on Earth from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, is one of the priorities for all countries of the world. Scientists, ecologists, production workers and our country are busy with it. Motto international day ozone layer protection: "Save the sky: protect yourself - protect the ozone layer".

Today, 173 states have joined the Vienna Convention.

3rd Sunday of September - Forest Workers Day

For the first time this day was celebrated in 1998 in France (according to most information sources), when car traffic was stopped in a number of cities. In the following years, this tradition was supported by other European countries and cities, and in recent years by some non-European countries (eg Canada, USA).

The purpose of such an event is to draw attention to the problems of air pollution by vehicles, reduce the concentration of exhaust gases in urban air, reduce noise pollution, and promote the development of alternative modes of transportation.

A week in September - World campaign "Let's clean the planet from garbage"

Ecological cognitive and scientific tourism has an educational and educational value, promotes the international exchange of information on environmental topics.

Last Sunday of September - World Maritime Day

World Maritime Day has been celebrated since 1978 by decision of the X session of the Assembly of the Intergovernmental Maritime Organization (IMO), held in November 1977. Until 1980, it was celebrated on March 17th. It is currently celebrated in last week September. This is one of the international days celebrated in the United Nations system.

The purpose of this holiday all over the world is to attract the attention of the public, public and private structures to the problem of preserving the seas and their biological resources.


The first Sunday in October is World Birdwatching Days.

The International Organization for the Protection of Wild Birds (Birdlife international) annually holds at the end of September autumn days bird observations, the purpose of which is to draw public attention to the problems of protecting birds and their habitats. The coordinator of this event, in which everyone can take part, in our country is the Union for the Protection of Birds of Russia.

The historical reason for this significant holiday is a date that has its roots in the distant past - the Day of St. Francis, known, among other things, as the patron saint of all animals. He traveled the world and helped all the suffering and persecuted, especially animals. The day of his death - October 4, 1226 - is today celebrated as the Day for the Protection of Animals around the world. The St. Francis Prize is awarded for outstanding achievements in the field of nature protection. The decision to celebrate world day animal rights was adopted in 1931 in Florence at the International Congress of supporters of the movement in defense of nature. This day has been widely celebrated in our country since 2000. However, it is known that Russia became one of the first European countries, which drew attention to the problem of animal welfare. Already in 1865, the Russian Society for the Protection of Animals appeared in our country, which was supervised by the spouses of Russian emperors.

Habitat Day is celebrated on the 6th of October around the world. This holiday was approved in 1979 under the Convention for the Protection of Wild Fauna and Flora and Natural Habitats in Europe. Man, by his activity, has long been influencing nature, changing it. Every year in the world more and more territories are moving into the category of farmland, pastures, undergoing changes due to the growth of cities, mining, construction of factories and other objects of the national economy.

During the 19th century AD, 150 species of mammals, mostly large ones, and 139 species of birds disappeared on the globe. Each extinct species is a very heavy and irreparable loss. A man has learned a lot: he escaped into space, flew to the moon, but he will not be able to create a tour or a Steller's cow again. Everything that disappears in the animal kingdom disappears forever.

International Day for Protection from Natural Disasters

It is celebrated on the second Wednesday of October by decision of the UN General Assembly. According to the site of memorable calendar days, the appearance of this date in the Russian calendar is associated with Russia's accession in 1993 to the activities of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDDR). In 1987, the United Nations, recognizing earthquakes, cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, tsunamis, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, heavy rains, thunderstorms and forest fires as the main threats to humanity, decided to hold an international decade to reduce the damage from them. And the Russian Federation, represented by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, began to take an active part in the project, especially the Agency for Monitoring and Forecasting Emergencies created within the Ministry.


November 6 - International Day for the Prevention of the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict

On this day in 1948, the IUCN-World Conservation Union was founded, which is the largest international non-profit environmental organization. The Union brings together in a unique global partnership 82 states (including the Russian Federation represented by the Ministry of Natural Resources), 111 government agencies, more than 800 non-governmental organizations and about 10,000 scientists and experts from 181 countries of the world.


It was on this day in 1984 that an environmental disaster occurred at a pesticide plant in Bhopal, India. To draw attention to addressing the problems that arise from the production and use of hazardous chemicals, the Latin American Pesticide Activists Network declared December 3 as International Pesticide Pollution Day.

December 11 is International Mountain Day, established by the decision of the 57th UN General Assembly in 2003.

The relevant resolution of the General Assembly noted the particular relevance of actions aimed at the sustainable development of mountain regions.

Mountains cover about one-fourth of the planet's surface and are home to nearly 10 percent of the population. It is a reserve for many unique species of plants and animals, a source of water for all major rivers of the earth.

In Russia, mountains and hills are located in 43 subjects of the federation and cover more than half of the country's territory.

Various International Ecological Days are celebrated all over the planet. Their list is very extensive and covers all areas of environmental science. Professions related to the protection of nature are honored, actions are being taken to protect birds and animals, and a struggle is being waged for the purity of land, water, and air. There are both little-known International Ecological Habitats Conservation), and those held officially or massively (for example, Earth Hour). The most famous will be listed below.

March 22 - Water Day

It has been celebrated regularly since 1993. Thematic events dedicated to the role of water in human life are held every year. On March 22, environmentalists remind all of humanity how important this resource is for all living things. In Russia, the Marathon is also held the day before. clean water”, when schoolchildren and students are introduced to how urban water supply systems are arranged. Children's drawing competitions are held for schoolchildren. Traditionally, scientific and practical conferences dedicated to the problems of water resources protection are held at the end of March.

Earth Hour

These International Ecological Days do not have an exact date. In Russia and around the world, the event is held on the last Saturday of March. More than 100 countries and large cities take part in the action. On this day, the inhabitants of the planet turn off electrical appliances that are not vital for 1 hour, the lights go out in the windows of government institutions, the backlight is removed from advertisements and decorative design etc.

April 1 - Bird Day

Some International Ecological Days have a long history. For example, people have been interested in birds for a long time, and in Russia, since the end of the 19th century, a tradition has been established in the spring to make houses and feeders for migratory inhabitants. Officially, the holiday has been celebrated since the beginning of the last century. Children are especially eager to take part in the activities.

On this day, young naturalists from all over the world unite to take care of birds: they make and hang houses for them, make feeders, and collect food. Also, on the eve of the holiday, propaganda teams operate in many cities. They talk about the behavior of annual guests, food habits, put up posters, feed the birds, etc. Schools, environmental and youth centers hold holidays dedicated to this day.

April 22 - Mother Earth Day

On this holiday, humanity is encouraged to think about how it relates to Ecologists are trying to convey that only people can take care of their home, the planet on which they live. The term "Mother Earth" perfectly reflects the relationship between man and the environment. On International Ecological Days, publications about our planet appear in the media, various amazing facts. In many cities, subbotniks and cleaning of the territory are timed to coincide with this date. And indeed, this day is the best suited to take care of your planet.

May 22 - Day of Conservation of Biological Diversity

One of the most comprehensive ecological holidays. It used to be celebrated on December 29th. Biological diversity is life on the planet in all its many forms and manifestations. And, unfortunately, it is constantly decreasing: plants, birds, fish are disappearing. More and more of them fall into the Red Book. And most of the time it's the fault of the person. His unreasonable economic activity (pollution of the environment, destruction of ecosystems, hunting, etc.) leads to such sad consequences. Ecologists have been sounding the alarm for a long time and trying to urge people to a more rational and careful attitude to nature. Otherwise, humanity runs the risk of remaining alone and thereby ruining itself.

June 5 - Environment Day

The main purpose of this holiday is to make people want to take care of the places where they live, about the world. On this day, thematic events are held, and the UN chooses their motto. In many cities, there are rallies and parades, actions in schools and camps - green concerts, contests of crafts, posters and essays. One of the obligatory attributes is subbotniks. International Ecological Days should contribute to people's awareness of numerous problems.

October 4 - Animal Protection Day

Numerous events are held on this holiday. They are designed to draw public attention to the problems of the animal world. And this applies not only to wild inhabitants, but also to pets, since acts of violence and abuse. One of the most humane and kind holidays encourages people to think not only about environmental problems, but also about their own behavior and attitude towards animals, awakens best qualities person.

Attract people's attention to various problems International Ecological Days. It is not difficult to give examples: in each month there are several holidays aimed at protecting nature. Unfortunately, as yet a small percentage of people know about them and attach importance to them.

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In order to attract public attention to the issues of conservation of natural heritage sites and in connection with the 100th anniversary of the creation in Russia of the first state natural reserve in 2017, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin dated 08/01/2015 No. 392 2017 is announced in the Russian Federation « Year of Specially Protected Natural Territories". In accordance with the Fundamentals of State Policy in the field environmental development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, approved by the President of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2012, in order to attract public attention to the issues of environmental development of the Russian Federation, conservation of biological diversity and ensuring environmental safety, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 05, 2016 No. 7 2017 year is additionally announced in Russia Year of Ecology.

We bring to your attention an annotated calendar of environmental dates for 2017. (Prepared based on materials from the Internet).

January April July October

February May August November

March June September December

Under the auspices of the UN

The General Assembly decided to proclaim 2017 International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development

2008-2017- Second United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty
2010- 2020- United Nations Decade for Deserts and the Fight against Desertification
2011-2020- Decade of Action for Road Safety
2011-2020 year- Third International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism
2011-2020 year- United Nations Decade on Biodiversity
2013-2022- International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures
2014- 2024- A decade of sustainable energy for all
2015-2024- International Decade for People of African Descent



World Day of Reserves

On January 11, 1916, the first reserve, Barguzinsky, was created on the territory of Russia. Since then, this day has been celebrated as the Day of Reserves in our country.


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Days of remembrance for people who died protecting animals

Since 2009 in different countries events are held in memory of people who died protecting animals. These days, Jill Phipps, Mike Hill, Tom Worby and other activists who have gone to different years. Many Russian animal advocates are supporting actions in memory of them, as well as recently lost loved ones.


world wetlands day

Established in 1971 in connection with the signing in the city of Ramsar (Iran) of the "Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, mainly as a habitat for waterfowl."


Groundhog Day (USA)

In the XVIII century. German settlers who settled in the small town of Punksutoni in western Pennsylvania brought with them to America new tradition: On February 2, you need to watch the groundhog crawling out of its hole. By his behavior, one can judge the proximity of the onset of spring. In 1886 the holiday became official.

world sick day

It was established on May 13, 1992 at the initiative of the late Pope John Paul II. This is a kind of social step aimed at supporting people who fell into the sad category of patients.

International Day of Spontaneous Kindness

An unofficial holiday created on the initiative of a number of international charities. The organizers of the Day of Spontaneous Kindness call on this day to be not just kind and responsive to someone else's misfortune, but kind boundlessly and disinterestedly.


World Marine Mammal Day (Whale Day)

It was established in 1986 when, after 200 years of merciless extermination of peaceful sea giants, the International Whale Commission imposed a ban on whale fishing. It is still in effect today and means that the hunting of large whales, as well as the trade in whale meat, is prohibited throughout the world. In Russia, Whale Day has been celebrated since 2002.

Birthday of the Association of Reserves

Birthday of the Association of Reserves and National Parks of the North-West of Russia - Russia's largest public association of specially protected natural areas (PAs). Celebrated since 1995.



world cat day

This holiday appeared thanks to the Moscow Cat Museum, the museum was organized by the INTER Gallery of Modern Art in March 1993. The idea to create such a museum came up with two artists Andrei Abramov and Ekaterina Efimova. A little later, on their own initiative, the Moscow Cat Museum, with the support of the UN, proclaimed World Cat Day, which has been celebrated on March 1 since 2004.


International Day of Action Against Dams

International Day of Action Against Dams is celebrated on the initiative of the public organization "International Network of Rivers" (USA) under the motto "For Rivers, Water and Life".

World day of action against hunting seals

The World Day of Action against the hunting of baby seals (harp seal pups) was established at the initiative of the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). On this day, the international community and numerous environmental organizations hold various events in defense of whites.


Earth Day

Historically, Earth Day is celebrated in the world 2 times: March 20 and April 22. The first holiday has a peacemaking and humanistic focus, the second - environmental.

International no meat day

Many countries have been celebrating since 1985. On this day, shops and restaurants refuse to sell meat, and activists promote vegetarianism, as well as ideas of compassion for animals and environmental protection.


International Day of the Forest

The idea of ​​celebrating the International Day of the Forest first appeared at the 23rd General Assembly of the European Confederation of Agriculture in 1971. A year later, the World Food and Agriculture Organization at the United Nations (FAO) supported the idea of ​​the International Day of the Forest as an occasion to inform society about the importance of forest conservation. It was decided to celebrate this day every year around the world on March 21 - the day of the autumnal equinox in the Southern Hemisphere and the spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.


International Baltic Sea Day

On March 22, 2000, in St. Petersburg, by decision of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection, the International Day of the Baltic Sea was celebrated for the first time. The purpose of the Baltic Sea Day is to popularize the ideas of the Helsinki Convention, inform the public and specialists about the activities of HELCOM, and expand the understanding of the influence of the metropolis on the Baltic Sea.


World Water Day (Water Day)

World Water Day has been celebrated since 1992. at the suggestion of the International Water Users Association and its President Alfred Rasted. This proposal was enshrined in the decision of the participants of the UN Conference on Environment and Development, held June 3 - 14, 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. In 2003, the UN General Assembly declared 2005-2015 International Decade for Action “Water for Life”, which has increased the international significance of World Water Day dramatically.


world meteorological day

This day is dedicated to the formation of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) instead of the former International Meteorological Organization, established in 1873, and the entry into force of the WMO Convention on March 23, 1950. The motto of the holiday is "Weather, climate and water in the information age."

Earth Hour

Global annual international action organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), which is held annually on the last Saturday of March. It consists in the fact that on this day at the appointed time, people in different countries of the world turn off the light and other electrical appliances for one hour.

Hello everyone! Evgenia Klimkovich is in touch! Do you know when to congratulate the polar bear on the holiday? And when to give gifts to the tiger? Do not know? Now we will fix it! Blog "ShkolaLa" presents to your attention the current ecological calendar of nature with official dates, brief explanations and beautiful pictures!

Lesson plan:


Reserves and national parks of Russia

This day was celebrated in 1997. Why January 11th? The fact is that on January 11, 1916, the first reserve was created in Russia. It still exists, called Barguzinsky, located in Buryatia, located on the eastern coast of Lake Baikal. And they created it in order to save the Barguzin sable and other animals of Baikal.

This oldest reserve of our country is part of the "reserved necklace" of Russia. And in total today in the Russian Federation there are more than 100 reserves and 35 national parks.


Protecting marine mammals

The second name is Whale Day. Celebrated around the world on February 19th. It is aimed at protecting not only whales, but in general all marine mammals and animals living in the seas and oceans. Whale Day was established in 1986, when a ban on the killing of whales and the sale of whale meat began to operate.

Currently, only aborigines living on the shores of the seas and oceans are allowed to hunt whales and other animals of the sea. These people need whale meat for life. But, unfortunately, there are also poachers. They continue to kill whales, despite all the prohibitions, which cause irreparable damage to nature.

Support the polar bear

This day on February 27 is celebrated by people all over the planet in order to draw public attention to the problems of these huge snow-white animals. Polar bears are considered the largest land animals on earth. The growth of a polar bear can reach 1.5 meters, and a length of 3 meters. Interestingly, under the white fur of a bear, very dark skin is hidden.

Polar bears live on the northern plus of our planet. They feel great at a temperature of -45 ... 50 degrees. Polar bears are listed in the Red Book, but this does not stop poachers who continue to hunt them. Today, polar bears are on the verge of extinction. They need the protection of all mankind.


We will not give offense to the whites

Squirrels are baby seals. Charming harmless creatures dressed in beautiful white fur coats. And it is precisely because of these beautiful fur coats that pups are killed. Hundreds of thousands of babies die every year.

Every year on March 15, protests are held around the world in defense of seals. For a long time, hunting for seal cubs was officially allowed in Russia because of their valuable fur. Fortunately, in February 2009, the extermination of white seals was banned in the Russian Federation, but this ban did not affect adult seals. And for poachers, as usual, the law is not written. And the seals continue to die, and caring people continue to fight.

Let's protect the forests

The date was set in 1971. Forests are the lungs of our planet. If we divide all the forests of the earth into 5 equal parts, then one part is the forests that grow on the territory of our country. And if something happens to them, it will be bad not only for us, but for the whole planet.

Forests regulate the temperature on Earth, purify the air, produce oxygen, and provide shelter for many species of animals. They need to be protected. A large number of forests are dying through the fault of man. They are threatened by fires, soil pollution, thoughtless cutting down of trees. The fact that the forest is one of our main natural resources must always be remembered, and not just on March 21.

world water day

It has been celebrated in Russia since 1995.

Water is nature's most valuable resource! If there were no water on earth, then there would be no life here. A person cannot live without water, and he himself consists of 2/3 of water. On March 22, environmentalists remind people that water must be conserved, not wasted, and not polluted.

When drinking water flows from the tap in unlimited quantities, it is difficult to understand its value. But scientists have calculated that by the 25th year of this century, about 3 billion people will experience water shortages, as the planet's water reserves are being depleted at a very rapid pace.

Let's take care of the Baltic Sea

The date has been celebrated since March 22, 1986. The Baltic Sea is a water corridor that links Russia, Asia and Europe. I must say that the corridor is very dirty. Huge amounts of pollutants enter the water area due to municipal wastewater from cities, waste discharges from industrial enterprises, the operation of maritime transport, and accidental oil spills.

All this leads to the death of marine life and the growth of harmful toxic blue-green algae, which make the water cloudy and pollute the coastline. The waters in the Baltic Sea are renewed very slowly, and the negative human impact on it can become a time bomb.


Let's wave to the birds

In the USSR, bird day has been celebrated since 1927. But in the 60s of the 20th century, this tradition was interrupted and revived already in Russia in 1999. In our country, birds have always been treated very carefully. Our ancestors considered the return of migratory birds a holiday, they even baked larks from dough on this occasion.

On April 1, International Bird Day, it is customary to hang birdhouses and feeders for feathered friends. To date, this is not the only, but the most famous "bird" holiday in our country.

Save snowdrops

This holiday originated in 1984 in the UK, where snowdrops are treated with great respect and considered to be protection from various unpleasant incidents. Every Briton tries to surround his house with snowdrops. Then this beautiful holiday adopted by the inhabitants of many other states. They celebrate it annually on April 19th.

It is interesting that the flower, which we know under the name "snowdrop", has other names. For example, the Germans call it "snow bell", the Bulgarians - "badass", the British - "snow drop", and the Czechs - just "snowflake". Snowdrops symbolize the beginning of spring and the onset of warmth. Snowdrops are listed in the Red Book of Russia. They cannot be plucked for bouquets or for sale. And the one who buys snowdrops from poachers contributes to their destruction.

Save planet earth

In general, our planet has two holidays. Another "Earth Day" is celebrated on March 20, it has a peacekeeping focus. A April 22 increased attention address the environmental problems of the planet. Russia has been celebrating Earth Day since 1992.

The earth is our common home! It is very stupid to litter in the house, blow it up and offend those who live in it just like the people. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this. On April 22, scientists from all over the world gather for round table to discuss the environmental problems of the planet and find ways to solve them. Well, ordinary people go out on subbotniks, clean up and landscaping the territory.


Let's smile at the sun

This holiday originated in 1994. It was created in order to draw people's attention to the possibilities of solar energy. In Europe, events are held on May 3 to demonstrate its application. Scientists believe that the energy of the sun is the future. It is cheap and environmentally friendly. This is not a fuel for you, which you must first extract, and then burn it, and, consequently, pollute the environment.

Let's help the Volga

This holiday was established in 2008 as a sign of respect for Mother Volga. It is widely celebrated in the cities located on the banks of this largest river in our country. On May 20, charity concerts are held in the cities, fairs and exhibitions of artists' works are held.

But the main purpose of the "Day of the Volga" is not at all fun, but to draw public attention to the environmental problems of the river. People go out on subbotniks and clean the coastal zone from pollution. There are various educational and entertaining activities for children.

Let's preserve biodiversity

Previously, this day was celebrated on December 29. But due to the fact that the attention of people in the last days of the year is riveted to other holidays (New Year and Christmas), it was decided to move it to another day, namely May 22. This day is dedicated to all who live on earth or grow on it. It began to be celebrated in 2001.

Biodiversity on our planet is constantly declining. Many species of animals, fish, insects, plants are lost forever, while others are on the verge of extinction. But the disappearance of any kind of flora and fauna can disrupt the ecological balance on the planet and lead to disaster.

Let's take care of turtles

The holiday appeared in 2000 at the initiative of the Society for the Protection of Turtles. It is celebrated in many countries around the world. Turtles are the same age as dinosaurs. They have been living on earth for 220 million years. They even survived the ice age, but now they can be destroyed through the fault of man.

On May 23, environmental activists are trying to draw attention to the problems of these amazing animals, to achieve a ban on the use of household items made from tortoise shell and on the use of turtle meat as food.

Meet the snow leopard

In Altai, this holiday has been celebrated annually on May 26 since 2010. With its help, animal rights activists want to convey to everyone the information that the number is declining. Currently, there are only 200 of these beautiful cats in Russia.

Snow leopards are listed in the Red Book, hunting them is strictly prohibited. But this does not stop poachers, they are attracted by the beautiful skin of animals. In order to preserve the snow leopard as a species, people raise animals in captivity, in zoos.


world environment day

This day was established in 1972. It is celebrated all over the world. This is a very important date. Environmental pollution is gaining momentum every day and is becoming a threat to the existence of mankind. And either the pollution will end the people, or it will end them.

On June 5, it is customary to hold various events aimed at protecting the environment, protecting nature. How clean the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat depends not only on large industrial enterprises or environmental organizations, but also on every person living on planet Earth.

Save the oceans

70% of the earth's surface is the world's oceans, which today also suffers from human activity. The oceans are subject to both direct pollution when debris is thrown into their waters or oil spills, and pollution through precipitation. Suffer animals and plants for which the ocean is home.

On June 8, a huge number of actions are taking place around the world aimed at announcing the problem of the oceans and protecting them. Exhibitions, seminars, conferences, festivals are held.

Let's fight desertification and drought

Desertification is one of the most serious threats to mankind. It leads to the disappearance of 24 billion tons of fertile land per year. Africans face this problem. Due to the drought, they are unable to farm and lack drinking water. Therefore, they are forced to leave their native lands and move to new places.

In Russia, the problem of desertification and drought is observed in the Republic of Kalmykia. If desertification is not fought, then hot deserts will soon appear in place of green meadows.


Let's help the tiger

Tigers have their own holiday in 2010. On July 29, tigers living in zoos receive enhanced rations, and in the wild, support from animal rights activists who raise funds to solve tiger problems. And tigers have the same problems as snow leopards. They disappear! This is facilitated by deforestation, mining and the actions of poachers. Tigers are listed in the Red Book and need our protection.


Let's ban nuclear weapons

On August 6, 1945, a terrible tragedy occurred on our planet. The United States of America dropped a nuclear bomb on the city of Hiroshima, which is located in Japan. The explosion was so powerful that most of the city was destroyed. More than 200,000 people died or went missing. Another 200,000 civilians were exposed to radioactive radiation and lost their health forever.

Since then, August 6 is considered Hiroshima Day. People around the world are holding actions aimed at banning the use of nuclear weapons. And in Hiroshima itself, a memorial ceremony is held and a "Peace March" is held under the slogan "No to war and nuclear weapons!"


Save Lake Baikal

Baikal is the oldest lake on our planet. Scientists believe that it is already more than 25 million years old. It is also the deepest and purest! The lake even has its own holiday, which is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of September.

Baikal is a huge reserve of fresh water. If all the water that is in the lake is divided into all the people living on earth now, then it will last for 40 years. Baikal is a real gift of nature and this gift should be cherished like the apple of an eye.

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

This date was officially set in 1994. Representatives of 36 countries, including Russia, signed a document confirming their agreement to reduce the production of substances that destroy the Earth's ozone layer.

The ozone layer for our planet is like a shield for a knight. It protects the Earth and all who live on it from the destructive effects of solar radiation. It envelops the planet like a thin blanket of gas. Unfortunately, holes began to appear in this protective cover. Scientists discovered the first ozone hole over Antarctica in the 1980s.

If the ozone layer disappears, then life on earth will cease. Therefore, it is very important to carry out activities to protect it constantly, and not just on September 16th.


Let's protect animals

Just think: "Every hour, 3 species of animals disappear irrevocably on earth." Such data was published by the World Wildlife Fund. That's 72 species per day! Just a nightmare! And they disappear through the fault of man.

Amur tiger, chimpanzee, dolphin, giraffe, koala, African elephant, peacock, zebra, all these animals can disappear forever if we do not take care of them. And it's far from full list. Therefore, it is very important for every person to take part in actions aimed at protecting animals, taking place on October 4th.

Let's help the Black Sea

On October 31, 1991, six countries, namely Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Georgia, Turkey and Romania, agreed that they would protect the Black Sea. Protect its amazing ecosystem.

On the last day of the second month of autumn, events are held in these countries aimed at drawing the attention of the world community to the problems of the Black Sea. But the problems are the same: pollution and excessive fishing. Everyone can take part in exhibitions, video screenings, contests and quizzes. Students are encouraged to participate in these activities as well. After all, it depends on them what our Black Sea will be like in the future.


Celebrating the titmouse holiday

This holiday appeared in Russia at the initiative of the Union for the Protection of Birds. It is no coincidence that it is celebrated on November 12th. Around this time, people are preparing to meet the birds that winter in our area. And these are tits, and bullfinches, and goldfinches, and jays, etc.

On this day, it is customary to prepare feeders and treats for birds, “titmouse delicacies”, for example, unsalted lard. Wintering birds will surely say their bird thanks for such human kindness.


Let's look at the mountains

Three charming little schoolgirls told about him in great detail. Watch the video)

And that's all for today! I hope that the information will be useful to you and useful for children when preparing projects and.

I wish you all the best!

Schoolchildren have an excellent and interesting study!

See you soon!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich!

Ecologist's Day is a relatively young holiday, which began to be celebrated in Russia quite recently. Ecologist's Day was officially introduced by order of the President in 2007. In general, ecology and environmental protection are concepts that have appeared in our everyday life not very long ago, although the best minds of mankind have been concerned about these issues for many years.

The term "ecology" was first used by the German biologist Haeckel about 150 years ago, defining ecology as a branch of biology. Subsequently, ecology was given the status of a science that determines the relationship between living organisms and plant components in an environment modified by man (or left unchanged). The concepts of "ecology" and "health" are inextricably linked. After all, atmospheric air or groundwater polluted with emissions often become the cause of various diseases.

This is what science is about. But in the everyday life of the inhabitants, this concept is often used in phrases of this kind: “ecology is to blame”, or “bad ecology”. Here, ecology is defined as a set of living conditions, and this environment does not change in better side, thereby attracting the attention of the public, which shows its civic activism by holding various rallies and pickets. These actions are aimed at protecting their health and preserving a livable environment. Therefore, the profession of ecologist is becoming more and more popular.

The work of an ecologist is not easy, because not all citizens understand that the future of our planet depends on every inhabitant. Everyone can contribute to the improvement of living conditions. Today, such a specialist as an ecologist is needed at every enterprise and in most organizations. The purpose of this position is to monitor compliance with environmental legislation in the divisions of the enterprise and contact with regulatory authorities (state). In addition, many environmental volunteers are involved in various activities (such as cleaning up sea water and rescuing animals from spilled oil, or environmental education of residents).

Entire departments and ministries are working for the benefit of environmental protection today. These are, in particular, the Ministry of Natural Resources, Rosprirodnadzor, the Environmental Prosecutor's Office, the Committee and the Department of Natural Resources. In addition, some enterprises specialize in maintaining normal ecology: they create equipment used to protect the natural environment, develop various projects that can minimize the negative impact on nature.

Ecologist's Day is celebrated on June 5th. It was on this day that the UN held the first conference on the issues It was in 1972, and with next year this date has become the establishment of this holiday - a way to attract people's attention to environmental issues and problems. This holiday is accompanied by various "green" actions and pickets, competitions in schools children's drawing about the protection of nature.

But Ecologist's Day is not only professional holiday, this is a holiday of all those who are not indifferent to their future and the future of the descendants of people. On this day, I would like to wish everyone fresh air, clear water and clean land. In addition, it is simply necessary to encourage the population to pay even more attention to the preservation of a favorable natural environment, the protection of all living things and our ecological future!