How to entertain a birthday boy. Like it - don't like it. Brown and polar bear

Birthday is perhaps the most favorite holiday not only for children, but also for adults. Relatives and close people gather at the table, toasts and congratulations are heard, gifts are presented.

It is insanely nice to see all the people who are not indifferent to you and who are mutually not indifferent to you. Each family member, friend or colleague who is invited to the celebration on this day tries to give the birthday man as many pleasant moments as possible.

In turn, the host of the holiday should make sure that the guests feel comfortable in the company and do not get bored during the feast. The easiest way to cheer up adults gathered for a birthday party festive table- hold table competitions. This will make the holiday special, cheer up the guests, and most importantly, all invitees will be able to take part in comic competitions at once.

Table contests for birthday

A feast that does not stand out in any way will not be remembered by anyone. Don't let the boring pastime of eating and drinking make your holiday.

If you manage to cheer up the guests, cheer them up, then everyone will remember the birthday, everyone will like it. On next year they will come to you with even greater desire, remembering the previous holiday.


A guest sitting at the edge of the table is given a roll toilet paper. He must tear off as many pieces for himself as he needs and pass the roll to the next. Everyone does the same.

The competition is held to get acquainted with the birthday boy. After all, someone knows him more, and someone less, and most importantly - each from different angles. How many shreds a person has in his hands, so many facts about the birthday man, or joint interesting stories he has to tell.

It will be interesting to listen to everything. Perhaps, those cases that were long forgotten will be remembered.

Required attribute for the competition: toilet paper roll. Since everyone will still be sitting at the table, it is better to purchase not a gray, but a colored roll. For example, pink.

"Like - don't like"

The guests visually already got to know each other, even if they had not known each other before. Each participant in the feast is invited to tell what he likes and dislikes from the appearance of the neighbor on the right.

After everyone finishes their story, it is necessary to announce what the competition was. The contestants must kiss what they don't like about the neighbor on the left. Half an hour of laughter at your birthday is guaranteed. Perhaps someone will say that he does not like his neighbor's mustache or his tie.

Warn everyone in advance that you should not be offended at each other, because this is just a game.


The winner of this competition from all participants will be only one person. The extreme is given a button, which is placed on the tip of the finger.

A person must pass this button to a nearby guest, so that it is on his finger and does not fall. If the button is dropped, then the participant is out of the game.

So at the end there are only two participants who will pass the button to each other until it falls. The winner is awarded a prize. It could be a set sewing thread or a certificate for manual dexterity.

Required attribute- button.

It is best to choose a large one, with holes in the middle, as well as a bright one, so that after a fall it is easy to find it. Just in case, save a couple of spare, exactly the same buttons.

"Birthday Rumors"

Participants of the feast are given a sheet of paper. The first participant writes on it what he knows about the birthday person, then folds the sheet so that only the last word. Passes a sheet and a pen to a neighbor. He must continue the sentence for this word, adding his information.

So, after the last participant, a whole story of gossip about the birthday will remain on the sheet. By the way, this is how they are born. One said, the second misheard and thought of it himself.

The resulting story can be presented to the birthday man as a keepsake.

Required Attributes: a piece of paper and a pen.

"Deaf Phone"

The famous children's game "Deaf Phone" can be held as a drinking contest.

If the last person who has to say the word he heard pronounces it correctly, then he deserves a prize. And if not, then a fine.
It can be considered a fine - to fulfill the wish of the birthday man, drink a glass of wine or something like that.

"Praise with adjectives"

Participants are asked the question - "What is our birthday?". They must answer with an adjective. For example, handsome, smart, brave, desperate, purposeful, and so on. One by one, the guests praise the birthday boy. You can't repeat.

The game goes on until the participants begin to think about what to say and leave the game. The winner is the one who says the most compliments - adjectives to the birthday man.

"Remember all"

Each guest invited to a birthday party is well acquainted with the birthday person. Surely they have many interesting and funny stories. Why not remember them and laugh again.

The guests take turns telling funny stories associated with the birthday. If someone cannot remember, they are out of the game. Whoever tells the most funny stories wins.

The winner can be awarded a certificate for the best memory or give some small present.


Each participant in the feast, except for the birthday boy, is given a piece of paper and a pen. The challenge is to describe yourself. These can be qualities of a person, adjectives that describe his appearance, or facts about his appearance.

After everyone finishes, the sheets are handed over to the birthday man. He reads out what is written and must guess which of the guests wrote this to himself.

It will be very fun if the guests come up with a sense of humor in describing themselves. It is important that you need to write only the truth, but not a lie. However, everyone can praise themselves.

Required Attributes: sheets of paper, it is better to take small, cut into squares, pens.


Why not make a win-win lottery for guests in the form of a competition. After all, the birthday boy will receive his gifts in any case, and nothing will be left for the guests as a keepsake.

As guests arrive, they need to be given tickets with numbers. As soon as the feast is in full swing and everyone gathers in one place, you need to start holding a festive lottery. This could be the moment when the birthday boy blew out the candles on the cake. So each guest will receive their own little gift.

Attributes Required: small low-budget gifts - prizes (mugs, plates, notebooks, pens, photo frames, notebooks, towels, toys, mirrors, sweets), leaflets with numbers. Prepare lottery cards equal to the number of guests in advance.


And although each competition should bring fun to the gathered company, do not forget about the birthday boy, thanks to which everyone is at the same table and having a good time.

Buy a notebook with a thick cover in advance. It's good if he has holiday look or an inscription suitable for a birthday. The person sitting at the edge of the table is given this notebook and a pen. His task is to sincerely wish the birthday man all that he wants. So each of the guests writes their sincere congratulations.

It is good if the guests sign under their own words, so that the host of the holiday knows who wrote what. The notebook remains with the birthday man as a keepsake. He will be able to re-read everything he wished as many times as he likes, being charged with this positive energy.

Required Attributes: a pre-purchased notepad, best with a hard cover that will last a long time, a pen for writing congratulations. Save a few pens in case one of them stops writing.

Now you know that it is not necessary to have an extensive dance floor in order to hold birthday contests, you just need to gather relatives and loved ones at the same table and have fun. Spend time not only with benefit, but also with joy.

Anniversary - special holiday. It, among other things, involves a fairly large number of guests. That is why, the question of how and how to entertain them should be given Special attention. After all, this is not a small company in which there are enough heartfelt conversations and some kind of board game so that guests do not get bored. The anniversary will be truly interesting and memorable if someone takes on the role of host. This person will be able to notice in time when it is necessary to pause in the feast and offer guests something interesting and fun. It is very important to take into account the fact that guests can be completely different ages and social position. After all, not only friends are invited to anniversaries. There may be colleagues, bosses, co-workers, relatives with children, and so on.

Board games and contests

At every anniversary there will definitely be a large-scale feast. Of course, in addition to this, there will be time to dance and play active games, but guests still spend most of the holiday at the table. Therefore, it is especially necessary to carefully consider those entertainments that will amuse those present during the feast.

Predictions in sweets

A fairly well-known and popular way to cheer everyone up is fortune cookies. It is very easy to bake - small, rolled-up strips with pre-written predictions are simply placed in the cavity inside each cookie even before they are put in the oven. The whole secret is that all predictions will be exceptionally kind, cheerful and bright. Such sweets can be distributed to guests before tea is served, or at the very beginning, as soon as everyone has gathered.

We play fantasies

There is probably not a single person who has never played this game. The rules are very simple and clear. We need two presenters (they will also participate). Each person present should put some of his own thing in a tight bag. It is important not to confuse them later, so things should be recognizable. Then one of the presenters turns his back to the other. He will guess what the first phantom should do. For example, sing a famous children's song. This is done after the phantom (thing) is taken out of the bag. Everyone sees it, except for the one who guesses. Thus, all forfeits must be taken out and everyone will be involved in the entertainment.

Question answer

This game is suitable for the middle of the holiday, when guests are already a little tired of toasts and snacks.
. The props for her are very simple - two sets of cards different color e.g. white and green. They should be enough for everyone present, including the hero of the day, if you give out two pieces. Questions will be written on white cards, and answers will be written on green cards. All the zest is in their combination. Sample questions:

  • Do you eat snails?
  • Do you sleep in your coat?
  • Do you wear boots?
  • Do you think about the future of humanity when you visit a dentist?

Answer examples:

  • Only after the holidays.
  • No! How could you think?
  • Mandatory on Mondays.
  • Yes, this is the meaning of life for me!

There may be many options. All guests take turns reading the question and immediately answering it, reading the answer from the second card. Another plus of this entertainment is that you can shuffle the questions and answers and distribute them again.

In the next video - you will also find a game called "Question and Answer" - but in a slightly different interpretation:

Who knows the hero of the day?

This is also a question game. Only this time they all relate directly to the hero of the day. This is a wonderful occasion to check how friends and relatives know the birthday boy, and at the same time to amuse them. Beforehand, you need to make a list of questions. They can be both elementary and complex from the point of view of guests. For example, these:

  • What color is the birthday boy's/birthday girl's eyes?
  • What institute did he/she go to?
  • Favorite school subject?
  • What year was the wedding?
  • What is the hometown of the hero of the day?

And all in the same vein. There is no doubt that some of those present will certainly be puzzled by the question of eye color.

Fantasy Competition

More suitable for a sweet table, when everyone already feels free and relaxed. Everyone, instead of telling the story of their acquaintance with the hero of the day, must come up with a new one. To do this, you can choose any surroundings - eras, adventures, the age of others, and so on. With the help of this competition, you can look at your friends and colleagues from the other side, get to know them better. The winner is chosen jointly with the help of applause. It must be the best dreamer and storyteller. He must be given a symbolic prize.

Roll in pieces

This game is good for such a holiday, which is attended by people who do not know each other. This often happens on anniversaries. The game will help those present to get to know each other.

The host gives the nearest guest a roll of paper (simple paper towels). He tears off a few pieces for himself and passes the roll to the next. When the roll goes around everyone, the game itself begins. Everyone in turn has to tell something about themselves. Be sure to introduce yourself - just a name will suffice. Depending on how many pieces of paper a person has torn off, so many facts about himself should be told. It can be anything: favorite tea, position at work, favorite movie, and so on.

Wishes come true today!

Everyone writes one wish on small pieces of paper. It should be simple, one that the person sitting next to you can immediately perform. Guests should be warned that wishes will actually be fulfilled now, so let them be restrained. All leaflets-desires are collected in a bag or hat, thoroughly mixed. Then all the guests draw one by one, read and do what is written. The game is a bit like forfeits, but it can be even more interesting.

Tongue Twisters

The most fun competition is to quickly tell a tongue twister and never go astray. It is better to offer it to the audience when everyone had time to drink a little. Tongue twisters need to be written on cards and distributed to guests. They may be different. It’s better to start with simple ones, for example, “the cuttlefish is rolling from the ship” and then move on to more complex ones. The best announcer receives a small symbolic prize. You can even give a homemade medal with the appropriate inscription.

Active entertainment

An anniversary feast must be diluted with funny entertainment that requires some physical activity from guests. At the same time, it does not matter at all how old the guests are, when they were last in the gym or at the stadium. The fact is that the main goal of active games is fun, not victory. Therefore, you need to try to involve everyone in such entertainment, except, perhaps, the oldest grandparents, as well as small children.

Relay race "Bring the ball"

Everyone knows this competition. However, most people think that it is only for children's competitions. This is completely wrong. With the participation of adults respectable people a simple game turns into amazing entertainment. Participants must be divided into two teams. It is possible for three, but this will depend only on the dimensions of the room and the availability of free space in it. Each team receives a spoon and a tennis ball. The ball is placed in a spoon and, at the command of the leader, they run with it to the established barrier and back. If you take plastic spoons, then you can complicate the task a little - run with a spoon in your teeth. Alternatively, you can use not a ball, but an ordinary chicken egg. If it breaks, the team is out of the game.

Bring it, I don't know what

Several people can participate in this competition. The maximum number is ten, otherwise it will be a little delayed. It should be done when the guests are not sitting at the tables and there is some free space. Participants line up a few meters (up to ten) from the table facing him. At the same time, it is desirable that all other guests are on the other side of the table and do not go far. The facilitator says the first requirement: "Now you must bring ... a fork!". Immediately after the end of this phrase, the participants run to the table, take what is required, return and demonstrate the desired item. The slowest one is out of the game. After the third requirement, the task must be made more difficult. You no longer need to bring something from the table, but some personal item, such as a tie, a ring or a watch. The difficulty is that these things should not be their own. They should only be taken from guests.

Everybody dance!

This is a dance competition in which men and women participate. It is desirable that they be married couples. The number of pairs of participants is completely unlimited. No one is told in advance what to do. Each pair is issued not yet inflated balloon ik, which must be taken only classical form- long and thin, similar to snakes, will not work. At the command of the leader, the balloons must be inflated. Size - whatever, the presenter should not pay attention to this. After that, the participants are announced that they need to dance "three of us". That is, holding a freshly inflated balloon between them. It will be more difficult for those who tried to inflate it very large. The winner is the pair that has never dropped or burst a balloon. Any holiday will pass great, if you remember the main thing - you need to be attentive to your guests. It is necessary to notice in time that someone is tired, someone is bored, and a quarrel is brewing between someone. A hospitable and attentive host is already half the holiday. The second half is just capable of making fun games and entertainment that do not let guests get bored.

It does not matter for what occasion you invite guests - for a regular birthday or solid anniversary- the birthday boy should be prepared. The festive menu and musical arrangement, of course, is important. But it’s not enough for the mood: I want everyone to have fun. Analyze the composition of your guests: acquaintances, unfamiliar, gender, age, status. Although all adults at heart remain children, and the holiday is exactly the case when you can be a child for at least one evening, experiencing a storm of positive emotions. Contests are a universal option even for an inactive company.

Kiss - bite

The host invites each of the guests to name one feature that he likes in a neighbor and what he does not like. After all the answers, the presenter asks to kiss the place that you liked and bite what is annoying.

Hold a coin

We cover the glass with a drink with a thick napkin (it should not sag) and put a coin in the center. We start the glass in a circle and with a lit cigarette or candle, everyone tries to lightly burn the napkin so that it does not burn out. Whoever it lights up and the coin falls into the glass, drinks its contents. The “prize” in the form of a coin also goes to him.

Give me the shoe!

One of the guests crawls under the table and takes off someone's shoes. The owner of the shoes must remain unperturbed. Then they put on the shoes and move on to another guest. Whoever gives himself away in the process of putting on shoes, or he is somehow figured out, crawls under the table and becomes the leader.

Kiss Mishka!

Take out teddy bear and let him go around. Everyone should kiss him anywhere they want. Then the host offers to kiss only his neighbor there.

Read mind

One of those sitting at the table is covered with an opaque cloth with his head. The rest think of one of his things and write it down on paper. The player under the cape is obliged to guess which of his things are conceived. If he guesses correctly, the game continues, no - he must take off his clothes.

Answer me dear

From the props, prepare a piece of paper and a pen. The first participant writes for a neighbor any question that begins with the word why or how. Then he folds the sheet so that the question cannot be read and tells the neighbor only the word - the question (why, where, how ...). He writes the answer at his own discretion, hides it by folding the sheet, and composes a question for another neighbor. When the sheet is returned to the first player, the answers are read out. There are some very interesting coincidences.

Another option: the host writes a phrase, showing the neighbor only the last word in the sentence. Then from this word he begins to compose his phrase and also shows his neighbor only his last word. They voice the story when the sheet returns to the leader. This is how rumors are born.

Glass and straw

All guests are given cocktail straws. They need to be kept in the mouth. The first participant puts on a straw a plastic cup and without the participation of hands passes it to a neighbor, who removes the glass only with a straw. A more rigid option - with a ring and a toothpick. But this is after the third toast.

I am a poet

Competitions for adults can be creative. We put notes with excerpts of poems into the hat, for example: “I am a chocolate hare”, “And I am unmarried, someone really needs it”, “How great that we are all here”. Each player takes his note from the hat and comes up with a rhyming continuation with humor and the theme of the holiday.


The participant is stuffed in his mouth (with a bun or other food) and given a sheet of text, which he must read expressively. Another participant should write down the story in detail. Then its description is compared with the original. Choose interesting material for the speaker.

For those who are thirsty

In the center of the table (or clearing in nature) all the glasses (glasses) with a drink. Some deliberately need to be spoiled (salt, pepper - the main thing, compatible with life and health). All guests have balls (for example, for badminton). They throw them into glasses without getting up. In which glass the ball landed, you take it and drink it.

Did you milk a cow?

A medical glove is tied to a stick and water is poured into it. Props are given to the participants. They need to "milk the cow". Looks very impressive. The winner will milk the "cow" the fastest.

Let's get acquainted

The competition requires a roll of toilet paper. The host invites the guests to tear off a few pieces for themselves, and motivates them so that they thoroughly stock up on paper. Then he invites everyone to tell as many interesting facts about themselves as they have pieces of paper in their hands. Ensure that participants do not try to get rid of supplies in another way and control the time limit for speakers.

Who is bigger?

We divide guests into teams. Each chooses a letter for itself, for this letter and receives a task. For example, remember dishes with the letter K, (another team - with your own letter). They are called in turn. Whoever runs out of vocabulary faster loses.


A game like a broken phone. The host says a word in the ear of the first participant, for example, birthday, he whispers his version to the neighbor, causing him to associate with his birthday, for example, booze, then - a hangover - a headache, etc. Then all options are announced.

Chunky Lipslap

A simple and very comical contest. Each fills his mouth with candy canes and, with his mouth full, says: "fat-cheeked lip-slap." The winner is the one who pronounces this (or another) phrase with the maximum number of sweets in his mouth.


There are many variants of this game, here is another one: “Fantas on schedule”. Each guest receives a number to which the task corresponds, for example: phantom No. 1 makes a toast like an entertainer, introducing everyone to those around him and announcing the reason for which everyone gathered; phantom No. 2 pronounces a toast to the birthday man with the feeling of a person hopelessly and long in love with him (it is possible with poems); phantom No. 3 makes a toast in the Caucasian style: long, with appropriate gestures and accent; phantom No. 4 makes a toast with the air of a completely drunk guest; phantom No. 5 should sing a toast, etc. When the host announces toasts at the table throughout the evening, they are not known to the guests .. Whether these will be preparations from the beginning of the holiday or complete improvisations - you decide.

Bon appetit

Pair competition. Participants are blindfolded, they are given an apple (or ice cream). They must feed each other until everyone has eaten everything. Or bite your fingers.


Another couple game. The host blindfolds the players and hangs ten clothespins on each. For a certain time, they remove all the clothespins from the partner with a blindfold, the rest of the guests watch and count.

Who is sooner

In front of the teams on the table are the same containers with a drink on the same level. On a signal, everyone begins to drink with spoons what you offered them. The team that licks their bowl first wins.

For the savvy

Some object is laid out on the table and everyone in turn voices their version of its use. It may not be traditional, but it is logical (it doesn’t matter if you paste paper over a window, fill wet boots or make origami). Whoever has run out of ideas is out of the game until the most resourceful one is determined.

birthday gifts

Each guest cuts out a gift symbol for the birthday boy from paper: a car, an apartment key, etc. Then the “gifts” are hung on a thread, and the birthday man, blindfolded, cuts off three items. What he found, then he will have it in the near future. Then he guesses whose gift it is. If he calls correctly, the owner of the fanta fulfills the wish of the birthday man.

Be vigilant

An attention game for tipsy guests. The host addresses any guest at the table with a question, and his neighbor on the right should answer. The one who did not orient himself in time and gave the wrong answer ends the game. The game can be complicated by thoughtful questions, finding out instead of the banal “what is your name”, for example, “two nails fell into the water, what is the name of a Georgian? (Rusted)"

most sober

The first participant takes a button on his index finger and gives it to a neighbor. He must take the same finger. You can't help with other fingers. Whoever fails is out of the game. Guests need to reach across the table until the two most dexterous and sober winners remain in the game.

I feel it in my back!

Participants rise from their chairs without turning around, and a few potatoes, sweets, or other hard objects are placed on the seats. They cover it with newspaper or cloth, and the guests sit on their chairs, trying to guess how many items he has on the seat. Who guessed it, the “prince (princess) on the pea” - a prize for the best intuition.

Brown and polar bear

Fierce competition for already very cheerful company. The glass is filled with beer. This is a brown bear. It must be turned into “white” The participant, who knows his norm, drinks half of the glass. Vodka is immediately added there. Another half is drunk. Vodka is added again until the participant turns into a "polar bear" and drinks a clean glass of vodka. You can continue the reverse transformation from a polar bear to a brown bear, but do not forget about the possibility of alcohol intoxication.

Who washes the dishes

The final stage. Two teams of participants. On a signal, everyone takes off their clothes and ties them to the clothes of a neighbor, he to the next one, until everyone ties the rope. At the signal of the leader, the ropes are passed for control. Whoever turned out shorter, that team goes to the kitchen.

Birthday is always a holiday, because on this day, starting from the very early childhood, we expect something magical, new. We hope and do not stop believing throughout our lives. beautiful table setting tables, the best outfits, gourmet dishes ... and of course entertainment, games and competitions. How to entertain guests is probably the main issue of the evening, and an adult birthday stands apart. Most likely, therefore, original contests and jokes are transmitted “from father to son”. Moreover, each generation contributes something of its own, and this does not make table competitions worse, and sometimes even better.

Fun contests can be absolutely diverse:

  • mobile (with improvised items and without props);
  • simple;
  • intellectual;
  • personal and for the company.

But the main and main criterion, regardless of where the event is held at home or in a restaurant, the program of the event should cover all those present, and the competitions are comic. Ultimately, it is the birthday contests that will leave a bright and unique trace of the past event.

How to entertain guests at the table

Let's consider together today, and perhaps even choose how to cheer up the guests who came to your celebration with the help of contests.

"To gobble up both cheeks"

If you decide to get together in an apartment or in a country house, this competition at the table will help you to relax. And maybe even get closer to some extent. So, in front of all those taking part, we put saucers with cold snacks or spaghetti. We issue cutlery absolutely different sizes(from teaspoons to grill tongs). On command, they begin to gobble up whoever shows an empty saucer first becomes the champion!

"Guess the melody"

The player stuffs his mouth with a piece of bread so that it was impossible to talk. Then he is given the words of a song to sing. The participant tries to sing with expression. The rest of the players try to find out the lyrics of the song and sing out loud. Whoever guesses the song first becomes the next artist.

"Image of a Hero"

And this competition for a fun company is perfect. Guests are divided into several teams, everyone is blindfolded. Residents, in turn, come up to sheets of paper and depict parts of the body that the birthday girl or the birthday man calls. The hero of the occasion, at his own discretion, gives out pencils of the color that, at his discretion, is most suitable for this moment. Artists will be able to see their creation after their eyes are untied. The spectacle is still something, but the memory is secured for a long time.


Two volunteers are chosen, one voices the word (necessarily a noun), the opponent tries to explain to others, with the help of gestures, the meaning. At first glance, everything is simple, but the more complex the word, the more difficult it is to show, and therefore more interesting. This contest allows you to unite, learn something new about old friends, get away from everyday hustle and bustle and even be a child somewhere.

"Water Carrier"

Each player is given one glass filled with liquid, the second is empty. All players are given a straw or a tube, with which he tries to pour liquid from a full glass into an empty one, using only a straw. Whoever finishes the fastest is the winner. This competition can be somewhat modified, for example, instead of a glass, use a saucer, and change the tube to a teaspoon.

Increasingly, companies of adults are trying to celebrate significant dates in in public places. Less red tape with cooking, cleaning the table and the room, and of course the possibility of a change of scenery. Alas, many people think that it is boring and uninteresting. But do not rush to conclusions!

How to entertain guests in a cafe

Most likely, in this case, you will have to prepare. For example, pick up the props, it is possible to fill in forfeits, notes, and possibly wishes in advance. You can use both board games and funny contests. It all depends on your ingenuity, as well as the desire to make this evening unforgettable.

"Find the hero of the occasion"

Everyone present is blindfolded. In a chaotic manner, the leader seats everyone at the table. Each player wears winter gloves. The essence of the game is to identify the person sitting next to you, touching only the neighbor's face. There is only one attempt. Ultimately, you need to find the birthday boy.


Several men participate in the competition, it will not be bad if they have driver's licenses. Each man is given a toy car with a rope. The meaning of the game eyes closed go all the way with obstacles (any objects, for example, bottles or salad bowls are suitable as obstacles) and return the same way. Before the start of the racing drivers are warned that for the committed collisions, drivers will be deprived of their rights, albeit with a mandatory ransom.

"Imitating Women"

Several volunteers (the more the better) are given boxing gloves and asked to wear nylon stockings or leggings. Girls can suggest, support men, but not help. Only if the situation is not resolved in any way, according to the decision of the guests, the weaker sex comes to the rescue.

"Night of pleasure"

The host chooses men (4-7) from among those invited, asks to collect the largest number of kisses in a certain time, the main condition is that kisses should be visible on open areas of the body. On command, the players go around the hall to collect the fruits of the night of joy. At the end of the time, traces of lipstick are counted. In the end, the favorite of the female half will be determined.

"Perfect Couple"

The guests are divided into pairs. The male half, approach the table where the piles of drinks are located. Purpose: without touching hands to empty the piles. Drank - gives a signal to his soul mate. Seeing the woman’s signal, they also deliver a snack - fruits or pickles - with the help of only the mouth. The couple who drank and ate the fastest wins.


All players in the front are tied with a small container of water (better plastic bottle) or empty. Round objects (tennis balls, oranges) are placed in front of everyone. The task is to pass the object as quickly as possible, using only a bottle and score in the goal. Gates can be completely different - from mugs to table legs.

"Size matters"

Several groups are created: one consists of male half, the other only from the female. On command, the participants begin to get rid of clothes (at their discretion) and spread out in length. Each group has its own line. Accordingly, the team that created the longest line of things wins.

An important place among all kinds of contests and games at the birthday party is occupied by quizzes. Such entertainment contributes not only to fun, but also allows you to wake up long-forgotten facts and songs in your memory. Much depends on the company, as well as the mood in the team. Here the choice is great - from intellectual to very simple, quizzes can be musical or dance, comic and vice versa, very serious. The main thing is to forget about constraint, cast aside doubts and give yourself free rein!

Quizzes for a friendly company

In this section, let's look at quizzes that are suitable for adults, but variations, like questions, can be redone for any age. Oddly enough, but such contests are probably the most universal. After all, at any age we want to look smarter, to some extent even more sedate than we really are. And if you add a little more humor, and maybe even satire, then such an event will be a great success! And if it doesn’t make a splash, then it will definitely lift the mood.

"Intimate talk"

The conditions are incredibly simple. Any number of people can participate, the main even number. And it would not be bad if the number of men corresponded to the number of women. We sit down according to the principle: boy - girl. We prepare in advance equally cut cards from thick paper, in some we write the question, respectively, in the other the answer. We mix each pack well and put it in front of the participants. One player raises the phantom and reads the question to a partner in a couple, to which he or she takes a card from the pile of answers and reads back. And so on from pair to pair. Of course, it all depends on the compiler of the questions and answers. The crazier the questions, the more interesting the answers will be. The main thing is that you need to approach the preparation of the quiz with a twinkle, as well as with a small amount of shamelessness and insolence.

"Bottle of Destiny"

Let's now try to remember how often there were situations when we found ourselves in unfamiliar companies. Of course, in such cases, a certain discomfort is experienced. The following event will help, albeit superficially, to recognize the people at the table. And of course, put yourself in the most favorable light. Go!

To do this, you need an empty bottle and paper forfeits. Each person present describes their best qualities, folding the card with a tube, push it into the bottle. The birthday boy begins to twist who the neck will point to, takes out a phantom, reads and must guess who it is. Remember, the brighter each person describes himself, the more difficult and interesting the search will be.

By analogy, you can slightly modify the competition. For example, we put notes with wishes in a bottle. The hero of the occasion begins to twist, to whom he shows, he must get one phantom with a desire and fulfill it. After execution, he starts to twist, and so on, until the forfeits run out.

"Bouquet of Feelings"

Most likely this is not even a competition or a game, but beautiful way giving flowers to the birthday girl. An empty basket, vase or something else is placed in front of the hero of the occasion. Guests alternately put one flower, at the rate of: one flower - one compliment. Therefore, the more tenderness in the heart and on the lips, the more the bouquet is collected. The main thing is that in the end the number of colors should be odd. A similar scenario is better suited to the beginning of the celebration. Although what woman does not love flowers and words of tenderness addressed to her.

"Memories Questionnaire"

Here you will need the help of close friends and relatives of the hero of the day. A questionnaire is compiled with the data of the birthday man, where funny facts from life are entered. The host reads questions to the guests, wondering who it could be. For example, who this summer was relaxing in nature and swimming naked? Guessing a consolation prize. Despite its simplicity, this contest is perfect for a lively and fun birthday celebration. Sometimes the facts of bygone days emerge.

15 original contests in video format

As you can see from the article, entertainment for a birthday, and indeed for any holiday, is endless. Remember the main thing - the main criterion for the success of the event is your desire. Positive thoughts are like bricks that will certainly build a beautiful palace in which they will live hand in hand - laughter, love, trust. Ultimately, we are preparing for this, inventing something, thinking. After all, seeing joy in the eyes of loved ones, hearing the laughter of friends is exactly what makes us truly happy.

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If you are working in friendly team who loves good parties, then contests for a fun company will definitely come in handy for you. And if you just throw parties for your friends or children from time to time, then you know what kind of honor they are interesting contests, especially when people in the company are not too familiar with each other, but you still want to overcome embarrassment.

Why is all this necessary

Many people (we will not point fingers, but most often these are not our most positive comrades) sometimes ask the question - why all these contests? Usually I get off with jokes or weightily answer that otherwise it will be boring. In fact, the reason, of course, is not boredom. Any holiday for adults most often involves alcohol, and in order for guests not to be too zealous with breastfeeding, they need to be a little distracted, amused, and simply raised to dance.

Another important aspect is embarrassment, which I often face when throwing a party for my children or nephews. They have already gone beyond the age when you can just come up and start playing together, and when children who are unfamiliar with each other are in the same company, you need to help them overcome a little chill in communication.

The only place where you can do without additional entertainment is a youth party in good club, where even without fun competitions for adults it’s not boring, and it’s better for any company of adults to help spend time with pleasure and fun.


Do not think that you can prepare the entire party, including adult board games, literally at the last second. I usually set aside a few days for this, because it will require:
  • write a script;
  • select contests for adults;
  • find or buy props;
  • stock up on small prizes for the winners;
  • minimally rehearse (for example, if it is assumed that several large aunts from the accounting department will compete in bag jumps, then you need to check in advance whether the room can withstand such a scale and whether there is where to turn around).
Ideally, you need an assistant for all this.

Birthday Toast Game

How to prepare fun birthday contests? It is best if they are at least a little connected with the hero of the occasion. An example of the simplest birthday word game is, compiled right there at the table.

What is required for this entertainment? A pen and a postcard in which you need to write a congratulatory text in advance, making gaps instead of adjectives - you will fill them in together with the guests.

The text of the blank for congratulating the birthday man:

Those who do not know what should happen in the end will diligently praise the hero of the occasion, listing his best qualities (young, smart, handsome, experienced), and those who are a little closer familiar with this type of table creativity will definitely screw something something sudden and caustic.

While the guests are praising the birthday boy, you diligently fill in the words instead of the missing adjectives, and then read the result loudly and with expression to the friendly laughter of the whole company.

Pick up one or two outdoor games on your birthday - for example, a small quest that can be arranged anywhere. Don't make it too long, three to five steps will be enough.

By the way, if you have enough courage, then try to make the main subject of the quest the key, on which the banquet hall is closed.

Good funny birthday contests also come from the usual restrictions - playing with forks makes guests moan with laughter. To hold this contest, you need to take a few ordinary items (if you are organizing a game on your birthday, these can be especially durable gifts that cannot be scratched or broken) and two dinner forks, as well as a thick scarf. The hero of the occasion is blindfolded, given forks, with which he can touch this or that object, and offered to guess what is in front of him.

Children's or teenage holiday? Fun competitions for teenagers will help to defuse the situation no worse than competitions for adults. Fun entertainment can be done with four bananas and a stool (a coffee table will do). The essence is simple - you need to get on all fours, and using only your teeth to clean and eat a banana for a while.

Good contests for young people should be fun and very funny. Competitions for teenagers can also be theatrical. Prepare several sets of props (ordinary household items in unexpected combinations - for example, a comb, a burnt out light bulb and a cape on a chair in one set, and a mop in another, soft toy and a bright plastic glass), and also prepare a few titles of popular films, focus on your audience - it is better to take what is familiar to everyone.

The essence of the task is to act out a scene from the film using props. The winners are determined by applause.

"Seated entertainment" at the table

But what if mobile contests for a feast are not suitable? In this situation, it is better to pick up something neutral - the usual verbal games at the table like "crocodile" go very, very well.

The game "In my pants"

Take ready-made or come up with your own contests for adults - for example, you can use the idea "I'm in my pants."

You don't need to declare a name. The guests sit at the table, each tells his neighbor on the right the name of the film that came to his mind. And he remembers what his neighbor will tell him.

And then the facilitator announces: Now each of you in turn will say the following aloud: "In my pants...", and then - the name of the movie that your neighbor told you.

All guests speak in turn. It will be funny if someone has “Office Romance” or “300 Spartans” in their pants.


Fun table contests can be based on anything. For example, there are several varieties of "I"-games. One is predominantly teenage - in it two players compete to see how many candies fit in their mouths, after each candy you need to more or less clearly pronounce any stupid phrase, for example, "I'm a fat-cheeked lip slapper."

The adult version of the game is slightly different - guests must introduce themselves (pronounce the word with a serious and unflappable look "I") in a circle until one of them gets confused or distracted (by the way, laughter is also considered a defeat), and the host invites other guests to give him a funny nickname.

After that, the fun begins, which unites all table contests like a chain reaction - it can be very difficult not to laugh, and after a couple of minutes everyone has a nickname that he introduces himself to (for example: “I am a furry pseudopod”, “I am a cheerful armpit”, “I am a rosy-cheeked lip-slap”, etc.)

In the next round, the laugher is given a second nickname, and he must pronounce it in full (“I am a furry pseudopod - green Chingachgook”).

Usually this game ends on the fourth round because everyone is laughing! This competition is best done when the guests are already a little "on the fun".

Not only birthday contests are remembered by guests, but also the end of the evening. At any party, it would be appropriate to pay a little attention to the guests, it will take several balloons(according to the number of those present, plus a few in reserve), and notes with good rhymed wishes - when the invitees begin to disperse or you need to change their mood to a more positive one, invite the guests to choose their own ball of fate and burst it.

Collective readings good wishes usually accompanied by good-natured laughter and cheer up everyone.

Sample wishes can be downloaded below, and then printed and cut:

Over time, you will collect your own collection of cool birthday contests and, according to the mood of the guests, you will understand which contests for the holiday will go with a bang, and which are better to arrange in a light drunk.

Save yourself universal competitions for the company - so you can be sure that in any situation you will find something to do. If you are a novice presenter and do not have much experience, then it is better to have a separate notebook for board games and contests, as well as prepare props - for example, some games require sets of cards with recorded song or movie names.

As a rule, competitions for a drunken company are often very scurrilous, and this is understandable - adults become liberated when drunk.

Game "Why did I come here"

Prepare entertainment that involves dancing or hugging, so that guests can express all the warmth of feelings in an appropriate way.

Game "I'll tell you a secret"

An interesting entertainment for which you need to prepare a little - "I'll tell you a secret." What is the essence of the game? Everything is very simple - each of the guests pulls out cards from a hat with a funny text prepared in advance in verse (here you have to try). All cards begin with the words “I’ll tell you a secret”, and then options are already possible, for example:
  • I’ll tell you in secret that I don’t wear underwear, if you have doubts, now I’ll show you;
  • I’ll tell you a secret, I’m on a diet, I eat only grass, I don’t look at cutlets.

If you're choosing a moving contest, like best dance or running around chairs, make sure there's enough space around for people of all sizes to feel comfortable.

Prefer contests for a small company? It happens that you need contests for parties, but for sure there will not be too big a company, try to play something chamber and not requiring a lot of people. These can be text games and contests for a small company, or verbal ones, for example:

  • burime;
  • writing a fairy tale line by line;
  • forfeits.

Changeling Games

Invite guests to guess the lines from the songs. Examples can be downloaded here:

or TV show titles:

Game Who We Really Are

Want to find cool contests for the anniversary? Then karaoke contests for an adult company and a table game were invented especially for you. Who are we really. This is a card game, the guests take turns drawing cards and reading the quatrains printed on them - usually each is met with smiles and laughter.

But karaoke contests are a great kind of entertainment for a large company of adults, and the older, the more emotional the game. It is necessary to select several participants, as well as to establish a jury (usually all the guests who gathered at the birthday table play its role).

And then there is the usual karaoke duel, but each participant must not only perform the song, but also artistically present it - you can play imaginary instruments, use simple props and invite "spectators". Good mood guaranteed to everyone!

In general, if you need to celebrate a birthday at home, karaoke is a great way to entertain a motley company at the table. It often happens that elderly relatives and young people meet at a birthday party, and people who are simply not very familiar with each other - song games will help unite everyone, and over tea and cake, you can play Board games Well, that's enough for now.

If you decide to prepare interesting entertainment and games for a drunk company, it is better to refrain from what can be perceived as offensive - unfortunately, people do not always separate the gaming genre from reality, especially if they are not sober, which often happens in the company of friends and friends on holidays. Choose the most neutral of your fun table contests, and have a fun gaming toast ready to help you change the subject in the event of the slightest negativity.

You should not stock up too many contests, a person who plays all evening gets tired, whether he is at least drunk, at least sober, but sometimes everyone will be happy to play between toasts and table conversations once or twice. The most interesting will be those competitions in which there was good preparation and organization - people love it when they are taken care of.

In my personal piggy bank there are about fifty different fun games, and I can’t say that this is a lot or a little - birthday contests for children are not used as games for a company of adults.

Now you have ready-made contests for adults, and enough ideas to come up with your own contest for a birthday or any other holiday that you want to make special!