World Older People's Day. What date is International Day of Older Persons in Russia: congratulations, history of the holiday. How to celebrate Older People's Day

People is a special day for senior citizens around the world. Today, there are about 600 million people worldwide who are 60 years of age or older.

In our rapidly aging world, “veterans of life” will increasingly play a decisive role - passing on accumulated experience and knowledge, helping their families. They are already making a significant contribution to the development of society. Mature people are new power for development.

The origin of the holiday

The most important celebration for all our grandparents is the day of the elderly. The history of the holiday dates back to the 70s of the last century. The first thoughts about its creation came to the minds of scientists who seriously thought about the influence of older people on economic development.

In 1982, the First World Assembly was held in Vienna, the capital of Austria, which addressed the issue of population aging. Representatives from different countries talked about the lives of elderly people and shared their experiences with each other. This has become an important issue for national governments, because the social and economic status of elderly people plays an important role in the development of any state, regardless of its location.

The problem of providing veterans with a decent old age had to be solved. Of course, she could not help but support the decision of the assembly, as a result of which it was established: October 1 is the day of the elderly.
The next assembly took place in 2002 in Madrid. She not only supported the decision to approve a special Day of the Elderly, but also developed the main provisions of activities aimed at improving the lives of pensioners.

Origin in Russia

But how did the Day of Older Persons come to Russia? The history of the holiday, so beloved by Russians, again owes much to the decision of the 45th session of the UN General Assembly. 1992 Presidium of the Supreme Council Russian Federation decided to support the global initiative. The first day of October was officially recognized as Senior Citizens' Day. This holiday has become official not only for other nations, but also for our Fatherland.

Celebration in Russia

Someone may ask: what is this holiday for? Its purpose is to attract public attention to the problems and difficulties of older people. This day is needed so that we do not forget what a great contribution old people make to the life of the entire society.

On October 1, various events are held and many services are provided, such as free concerts, movie screenings, charity evenings, and even sports competitions.

Elderly people are provided with material, social, and other types of assistance. And all this is not done in vain. Indeed, according to scientists, average life expectancy has increased by 20 years. And the total number of older generation citizens throughout Russia has reached about 20 percent!

The meaning of the holiday

In Russia, the holiday Day of the Elderly is of great importance. The history of the holiday consists of many stages,
But it’s not only Russia that cares about its older population. Other countries pay great attention to their pensioners. After all, they take part in public life. For example, in Africa, children with AIDS who are left without parents are under the care of their grandparents.

We can’t help but thank them, because they do a lot for us. And in Spain, for example, care for the sick is carried out mainly by people, especially women. In each state, certain traditions began to emerge, and over time, were completely established.

Celebrations in other countries

The countries of Europe were the first to celebrate this holiday, and then the celebration gradually moved to the southern countries. Due to their financial capabilities, various events are held on this day in different countries. But still, the main goal remains to encourage older people.

IN different countries this holiday is various names. In the USA, for example, this is National Grandparents Day, which means “Grandparents Day”. In China it is “Double Nine Festival”, and in Japan it is “Day of Respect for the Elderly”. But the name of the holiday does not change its essence - in all countries they pay tribute to older people.


The best gift for our relatives, of course, will be congratulations on the Day of the Elderly. The most important thing on this day is to pay attention to your family. But it will be even better if your warm words are also accompanied by a postcard for the Day of the Elderly. We must remember that the older generation needs love and care every day. And if you take the time and make a postcard with your own hands, it will be the most best congratulations Happy Elderly Day, which will touch anyone to the core.

There is another option for congratulations - a home concert. This will be a great gift that even little grandchildren can make. To make your concert solemn, you can write beautiful script for the Day of the Elderly and put on a whole performance. Or maybe you like to write poetry? So give your grandparents a wonderful poem! And it’s not at all difficult to create a script for the Day of the Elderly. All you need is a little imagination!


It turns out that this holiday even has its own logos. Abroad, it is usually designated as a globe on a white background. Ears of wheat, as if hugging the globe, are a cradle. Have you ever wondered why the globe is a symbol of such an event as the Day of the Elderly? The history of the holiday says that this image symbolizes globality and scale.

In Russia, the logo of this holiday is the palm. The hand has always been of help, of reconciliation.

In Russia, the Day of the Elderly holiday is of great importance. The history of the holiday already includes many annual events, their result is a new look at our older fellow citizens.

The purpose of this day is to attract public attention to the problems of older people, namely: the social and individual needs of older people, their contribution to the development of society, the need to improve attitudes towards them; ensuring their independence, participation in the economic, social, spiritual and cultural life of society, worthy of care.

The problems associated with population aging initially affected mainly developed countries. But now they are becoming increasingly important also in developing countries. The shift in demographics in the population structure, which is associated with an increase in the proportion of older people, has significant consequences for individuals and families, as well as for communities and countries as a whole. As scientists predict, in 2150 one third of the entire planet’s population will be classified as elderly.

That is why the World Assembly on Aging was held for the first time in Vienna in 1982, at which the International Plan of Action was adopted, defining the approaches of countries to the problem of aging. In the same year, this plan was approved by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). On December 14, 1990, the UN decided that the International Day of Older Persons would be celebrated on October 1.

At the Second World Assembly, which took place in Madrid and was devoted to the same problems of aging, in 2002 two documents were adopted: a Political Declaration, as well as an International Plan of Action. They were the turning point in the choice of building a society for all ages.

For the first time, the problems of aging were considered by governments around the world comprehensively and comprehensively in the broad context of socio-economic development and human rights. During the work of the assembly, they re-approved the International Plan of Action on Aging, which provides for new measures in the field of ensuring employment for the elderly, increasing income, improving education, social security, and medical care. Here, significant attention is paid to the problems of older women, who are the majority in this age group.

Let us note three priority areas of the Madrid Action Plan:

  • older people, community development;
  • improving the health and well-being of older people;
  • organization of a comfortable, favorable living environment.

The UN Commission for Social Development decided to analyze and evaluate the implementation of the Madrid Action Plan to address the problems associated with population aging every 5 years.

Every year, the International Day of Older Persons is celebrated under a new motto. In 2010, for example, the motto “Older people and achieving the Millennium Development Goals” was chosen.

When celebrating this day on October 1, numerous festivals are usually held in different countries, which are organized by associations to protect the rights of older people, as well as conferences and congresses dedicated to the rights and role of this group of people in society. All public organizations, foundations organize a variety of charity events on this day.

The Day of Older People in Russia is celebrated, as in other countries, on October 1, the basis for this is the Resolution of June 1, 1992 of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation. This resolution proposed that the government hold special events dedicated to International Day old people.

During the celebration of the Day of the Elderly, free concerts, various charity film shows, performances, recreational evenings, and competitions are held amateur performances, sports competitions among older people. They definitely honor centenarians, married couples, hold individual exhibitions of works by veterans and many other events traditionally dedicated to the Day of Older Persons.

International Day of Older Persons for children. History, poems, riddles

It is deeply symbolic that the holiday of the older generation falls on October 1st, because retirement age is “ Golden autumn"of our life.
This holiday originated in the 20th century. First, Older People's Day began to be celebrated in Europe, then in America, and at the end of the 80s all over the world.
The purpose of the Day of Older People is to attract public attention to the problems of older people; increasing public awareness about the problem of demographic aging of society, the individual and social needs of older people, their contribution to the development of society, the need to change attitudes towards older people; ensuring older people’s independence, participation in the social, economic, cultural and spiritual life of society, necessary care, conditions for realizing internal potential and maintaining their dignity.
In Russia, the idea of ​​the holiday was also supported, because who among us does not remember our childhood, our beloved grandmother and her care! There is nowhere in the world like ours where grandchildren make up the meaning of life for most grandparents, and parents selflessly trust their children to them.
On June 1, 1992, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation decided to support the world initiative and declared October 1 as the Day of Older People, not only a world holiday, but also our domestic holiday. On this day, which has become quite popular not only among old people, but also among young people, a lot of interesting things happen in Russia.
In kindergartens and general education institutions, it is customary to hold extracurricular hours and holidays with the participation of grandparents. Organize photo exhibitions and exhibitions children's creativity, invite the older generation to open lessons.
Children create gifts with their own hands and Greeting Cards for your beloved grandmothers.

Close communication between grandparents and their grandchildren makes their life joyful and fills it with deep meaning. In addition, they raise their grandchildren, investing a lot in the soul and mind of the child, showing care. Grandparents have more patience than parents and more wisdom in dealing with children. They begin to introduce children to the history of the family and the history of the country. Close contact between a child and an older person emotionally enriches family ties and strengthens family traditions, establishes continuity between generations.

My granny has a spinning wheel
Very old indeed.
Granny will spin yarn
And he will knit everyone’s socks.
Teach me, grandma,
Weave a magic thread,
So that I can my sisters
Bring two balls.
A thin thread curls,
The wheel spun
Grandmother's song flows
The face became joyful.
I pressed the pedal
Suddenly the ball got tangled!
I am, of course, very sorry:
I was no good.
I won't be sad at all
I'll get ready to spin later,
And now I'll go with grandma,
I'll learn how to bake pancakes.

Riddles that can be used at events dedicated to the Day of the Elderly

1. Fragrant jam,
Pies for a treat,
Delicious pancakes
At my beloved... (grandmother)

2. He did not work out of boredom,
His hands are calloused
And now he's old and gray
My dear, beloved... (grandfather)

3. Grandfather and grandmother
Were young
And now they're old,
Became... (elderly)

4. He will teach you to work,
Have fun from the heart
He is an example to all the guys -
Our dear... (retired)!

5. Autumn brought a holiday
And I didn’t forget to congratulate
Clear sunshine for lunch
Our grandmother and... (grandfather)!

6. In the portrait the guy is brave -
This is my young grandfather.
And I am rightfully proud of him,
Although he has become completely... (gray-haired)

7. Together with my grandmother
We set an example for everyone.
And we will meet guests with her
On the holiday of the elderly... (people)

8. Sharp nose, steel eye,
There is a friend thread in the ear.
Helped me sew new clothes
To our grandmother... (needle)

9. It’s like herons are long-nosed,
They weave the thread into braids.
Knit a scarf and mittens

10. Tell me quickly
What kind of ball is made of soft threads?
He looks like a bun

11. Close relative brooms
It will sweep the corners of the house.
He's certainly not a slacker.

12. We carry you into the garden by the hand
We are a plastic cloud.
Hey carrot, drink some water!

13. There was once a fat man in fashion,
He earned fame among the people.
Exhaling hot steam,
I was preparing tea... (samovar)

14. Let's prepare the place,
Let's roll out the dough.
Here's the jam, here's the cottage cheese.
We want to bake... (pie)

15. Grandmother will cook from berries
Something tasty for the year.
Oh, what a treat
Fragrant... (jam)

16. Sharp nose, steel eye,
There is a friend thread in the ear.
Helped me sew new clothes
To our grandmother... (needle)

17. It’s like herons are long-nosed,
They weave the thread into braids.
Knit a scarf and mittens
Our sisters quickly - ... (knitting needles)

18. Tell me quickly
What kind of ball is made of soft threads?
He looks like a bun
With a long ponytail... (ball)

19. A close relative of the broom
It will sweep the corners of the house.
He's certainly not a slacker.
It will help to remove rubbish... (broom)

20. We carry you to the garden by the hand
We are a plastic cloud.
Hey carrot, drink some water!
What kind of cloud? - This is... (watering can)

21. There was once a fat man in fashion,
He earned fame among the people.
Exhaling hot steam,
I was preparing tea... (samovar)

22. Let's prepare the place,
Let's roll out the dough.
Here's the jam, here's the cottage cheese.
We want to bake... (pie)

23. Grandmother will cook from berries
Something tasty for the year.
Oh, what a treat
Fragrant... (jam)

From this article you will learn:

    When is International Day of Older Persons celebrated around the world?

    When was this holiday proclaimed?

    Why was the International Day of Older Persons invented?

    What is this holiday called in Russia?

    What events are held in our country on this day for older people?

International Day of Older Persons is a relatively new holiday. This day began to be celebrated at the end of the twentieth century in the Scandinavian countries and then in the United States. After October 1 International Day of Older Persons was officially proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly and is celebrated in all countries.

The history of the holiday

International Day of Older Persons (Nations: English: International Day of Older Persons, Spanish: Día Internacional de las Personas de Edad, French: Journée internationale pour les personnes âgées) - celebrated on the first day of October since 1991.

Initially, this day was called the International Day of Older Persons, but in the Russian version it is called the International Day of Older Persons. The history of the holiday is associated with the 45th session UN General Assembly(Resolution No. A/RES/45/106 of December 14, 1990). This document noted the decrease in targeted contributions to the United Nations Fund on Aging, and also paid special attention to the increase in the average age of the world's population, in connection with which the potential that the elderly population has in relation to overall development processes is noted.

On the International Day of Older Persons, various events are held in all countries. They will be organized associations for the protection of the rights of the elderly . These could be festivals and conferences that are dedicated to protecting the rights of the elderly population and issues of their role in social life. In addition, on the first day of October, various foundations and organizations hold charity events.

This date originated in European countries, but later it began to be celebrated in the United States. Already in the 90s, this day was celebrated in many countries. Special attention by this date in the Scandinavian countries.

Symbol of the International Day of Older Persons

Like any other holiday, this day has your symbols and logos . IN European countries this holiday is represented in the form of a globe on a pure white background, and ears of golden wheat hug it like a cradle. This image is a symbol of the scale and globality of the International Day of Older Persons.

In our country, the symbol of this day is the image of an open palm. An open hand represents respect, reconciliation, help and support. International Day of Older Persons in the Russian Federation has its own interesting story. This day is associated with many events that change society's attitude towards older people.

How to celebrate the International Day of Older Persons in Russia

The holiday International Day of Older Persons is liked by all Russians, because each of us comes from a distant childhood, the memories of which are kept in the warmth of our grandmother’s caring hands. In no other country are situations so common when the main meaning of life for all elderly people was their grandchildren.

On the first day of June 1992, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Russia issued decree supporting the global initiative and establishing October 1 as Older People's Day . This date has become popular among people of different ages, since we had many interesting events dedicated to this holiday.

The country's leadership usually prepares to increase pensions by this date, cash payments, preferential programs and other material and charitable assistance. Various cultural events are held - films and concert programs taking into account the interests and wishes of mature people. All local authorities hold their own various events.

But many older people are able to entertain themselves on their own. It is for these purposes that interest clubs, veterans' councils, and choirs are organized. All these organizations are the initiators of various concerts, creative meetings, tea parties, competitions in large cities and in every outback of Russia.

It is very important for old people that the younger generation respects this holiday. After all, all grandparents are very pleased when their already adult children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren call to inquire about their health or come, leaving all their important affairs, and dedicate this day to their relatives and loved ones.

Interesting facts about International Day of Older Persons

    An interesting fact is that in same day holidays such as International Music Day , Day ground forces RF , World Architecture Day (since 2012).

    Officially, Old People's Day was proposed as a holiday Masao Kadowaki also in 1947 year. To celebrate this day, September 15 was determined - the end of the harvest and the establishment of good weather.

    The Council of Elders of this locality was held under the motto: “Let’s improve life in the village by learning wisdom from the elderly, respecting them and adopting their experience” . Residents of other villages liked this, which served to further spread the holiday throughout Japanese cities and villages. The initial name Elderly Day was considered not entirely correct, and in 1964 it was replaced by Elderly People's Day. In 1966 he received the status public holiday as a day to honor older people.

    Every year to celebrate this day dedicated to a specific social topic , basically this is a current topic on topical issues. So in 2011, the main topic was the problem of global aging of the entire world population. In 2012, the topic of longevity for future generations was raised. In 2013 – the future through the eyes of the elderly. Slogan next year became the expression – “Leaving no one behind.” Creating an equal society for everyone." Each of these topics is interesting and relevant for all generations.

    A general parallel can be drawn between the celebration of the International Day of Older Persons, Grandparents' Day in Europe, the Double Ninth Festival (China), dedicated to the veneration of ancestors, and the Day of Honoring Elders in Japan - all they are dedicated to older people and pay them a certain tribute .

    A holiday with a motto “Caring for pensioners” For the International Day of Older Persons, it is often used by numerous election campaigns and it invariably brings them good luck. Not long ago in Norway, an opposition party won the parliamentary elections, choosing the development of education, medicine and care for the elderly as its main program.

Why was the International Day of Older Persons invented?

First of all, this holiday was established as a tribute to older people, respect for their age, and also to once again draw public attention to the general problem of demographic aging and the opportunity to find ways to improve the quality of life of old people.

The category of older people includes all men and women who have reached retirement age. For men, this period begins at the age of sixty, for women at fifty-five. In Russia this figure is 21% of the total population.

For many people who have reached retirement age, going into retirement is a stressful factor, because it is from this moment that their life should change dramatically. Happy ending labor activity he loses personal development and places for self-realization. Cash flows are significantly reduced and the range of opportunities is reduced, because in our country the level pension payments very low, and many things are simply unaffordable.

For a healthy and energetic post-retirement person old age is a relative concept . He can actively participate in social life and play sports.

And it is very important for older people not to listen to advice and avoid various stereotypes that everything is behind and it’s too late to start anything. Even in mature age you can enjoy full life and feel young and full of energy.

Proof that old age is not a death sentence

    For example, Eduard Khil, a seventies singer who, in his later years at age 76, became an instant star with his old song "Tro-lo-lo." This happened in 2010. Thanks to his hit, the singer again soared to the crest of fame and plunged into an active creative life - concert activities and recording discs.

    For many women, the career of an American TV star can serve as an example Katherine Josten , who, having a nurse's education, was a housewife for many years, but after a divorce she remembered her youthful dream - to be an actress. And at the age of sixty, she became a movie star, starring in many television shows and the Desperate Housewives series, for which she was awarded two Emmy Awards.

    Founder of a restaurant chain Kentucky Fried Chicken was over sixty when his business became super profitable. It all started with selling fried chicken at auto repair shops in the cities of Kentucky and Corbin. With the construction of the Interstate 75 highway in 1955, his business fell into decline, but the enterprising Sanders was not at a loss and created a unique recipe for cooking chicken, which became a signature dish in KFC .

    In 2007 at seventy-five years old Barbara Hilary not only beat cancer, but also became the very first African-American woman to visit the North Pole.

    Eighty year old lady Anna Maria Moses organized a personal exhibition of paintings. This happened in 1940. She began painting after her husband died. It was her youthful hobby, which grew into the profession of an artist. Her works were noticed by a famous New York philanthropist. She completed her creative career at the age of 101.

    Famous writer H.G. Wells in 1942, at seventy-six years old, he completed his scientific work, for which he received a degree from the University of London. It must be said that at the age of fourteen he dropped out of school.

    A good example of a change in activity can be considered the life story of a professor Takishiro Mori , who, at fifty-five, inherited several buildings and decided to start investing in real estate. By the end of his life, his fortune had grown to thirteen billion US dollars.

    Who would have thought that a little-known Hollywood actor Ronald Reagan can become the president of the country. At fifty-five he became governor of California, and at seventy he became president of the United States.

    Nola Vox in 2007 she entered the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest graduate of the university. At the time of graduation, she was ninety-five years old. Nola began studying at a university at the age of twenty-two, but household chores and worries became an obstacle to obtaining a higher education, and only seventy years later she was able to receive a diploma from Fort Hays University (Kansas).

  1. And not the last, but the final story about John Tolkien , a sixty-two-year-old professor at Oxford University who wrote the Lord of the Rings trilogy and became famous throughout the world.

On October 1, the whole world will celebrate the holiday of older people who have crossed the 60-year mark: our grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers and fathers. The official name of the holiday is International Day of Older Persons.

History of Older People's Day

Almost a quarter of a century ago, in December 1990, the UN General Assembly voted for the International Day of Older Persons, setting a date for it - October 1, and already in 1991 this day was celebrated throughout the world for the first time. At what age should people be classified as elderly? Age 45-59 years is considered average, from 60 to 74 years old - elderly.

The purpose of the Day of the Elderly is to draw attention to the pressing problems of aging people, to celebrate their significant contribution to the development of both society and the economy, and to thank them for everything they have done and created throughout their lives. In addition, the very existence of this significant day is an impulse to eradicate negative attitudes towards old people and elderly people and get rid of outdated stereotypes about old age.

How to celebrate Older People's Day

In 1991, the General Assembly adopted the UN Principles for Older Persons. They are thesis and declarative statements aimed at eliminating bias against older people as workers and supporting the development of their creative potential.

Every year, one or another social topic is dedicated to the International Day of Older Persons, and a separate pressing issue or problem is raised. For example, the theme of the Day in 2011 was the problems of global aging of the Earth's population. In 2012, the topic of longevity was discussed in the context of the future. In 2013, the topic of the future through the eyes of old people was considered. And in 2014, the theme-slogan was “Leaving no one behind. Creating an equal society for everyone."

There is something in common between International Day the elderly and Grandparents' Day, which is celebrated in many countries, as well as the Chinese Double Nine Festival, dedicated to honoring ancestors, and the Japanese Elder Honor Day. IN modern world All these days (holidays, festivals) are mainly focused on providing assistance and expressing respect for people who have reached old age.

In Russia, the Day of Older Persons is celebrated by honoring centenarians; personal exhibitions of works by veterans, charity concerts, performances, and other events are held.

Health of the elderly

Older People's Day also draws attention to the health problems of the older generation. WHO lists the following as the most acute:

  • Injuries are increasing due to osteoporosis and falls among older people.
  • Deterioration of mental health. Neuropsychiatric disorders are observed in 20% of people in this age group (depression). Approximately 15% of people aged 60 years and older suffer from mental disorders related to age-related changes(dementia).
  • The main causes of death for people of this age include non-communicable diseases: cardiovascular, oncological and respiratory. Problems are often aggravated by an unhealthy lifestyle - smoking, alcohol abuse and other addictions.

The health and longevity of pensioners largely depends on their material well-being and cultural level. If old man lives in good conditions, leads a healthy lifestyle, has the opportunity to buy healthy food, visit a doctor and purchase necessary medications, then he will live longer and happier.

In which countries do older people live better and longer? The leading countries are Norway, Switzerland, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Iceland, the USA, Japan and New Zealand.

Life is worst for older people in Tanzania, Malawi, the Gaza Strip, Mozambique, and Afghanistan.

What do retirees dream about?

For most people, retirement is extremely stressful, and that's understandable: we're all afraid of change. And the changes associated with the lack of opportunity to work and self-realization are doubly frightening.

For beginning pensioners, the worst thing is to be left out of work, to become redundant and unnecessary, so relatives can be advised to involve the person in any type of activity as much as possible in order to let him understand that life, in fact, is far from over.

Cheerful and active older people often find new meaning life and find a second wind by participating in social life or playing sports. Everything depends only on your own worldview and attitude. Some people are already old in spirit at the age of 50, while others set records at 80 years old. After all, in retirement you can always successfully do things that you never had time for in your younger and older years.

And survey results also show that older people dream of health and travel, and lonely old men and women, it turns out, are not at all against starting a new romantic relationship or starting a family.

Age is no barrier to fame

Do you think “fate caresses the young and zealous”? The answer is incorrect. Fate caresses the persistent and confident, but it doesn’t care about age. Want examples?

1. The long-forgotten Soviet idol of the 60s and 70s, Eduard Khil, at 76 years old, instantly became a superstar again in 2010, just thanks to his own old recording of the simple song “Tro-lo-lo.” The singer was overtaken by a second wave of fame, tours and releases of CDs with his songs began again.

Eduard Khil in his youth. Fame returned to him again at the age of 76

2. American Katherine Josten once worked as a nurse in her youth, and then for many years she became just a mother and housewife. When her marriage fell apart, she remembered her dreams of acting and, at the age of 60, became a TV star. Katherine has starred in numerous TV shows and even won two Emmy Awards for her role in Desperate Housewives.

3. Colonel Sanders was well over 60 when his KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) restaurant chain became incredibly popular and profitable. Before that, he simply sold fried chicken and other food products at a service station in Corbin, Kentucky. When Interstate 75 was built in 1955, his business nearly died out. However, Sanders quickly figured out the situation, developed his own unique and secret chicken recipe and created KFC.

4. In 2007, 75-year-old New Yorker Barbara Hillary, who successfully beat cancer, became the first black woman to reach the North Pole.

5. In 1940, 80-year-old American grandmother Anna Maria Moses had her first solo exhibition. After the death of her husband, she returned to her childhood hobby of painting, and her “primitive” paintings were soon noticed by a New York collector and philanthropist. Grandma Moses continued to paint for another 20 years until her death at 101.

6. In 1942, the famous English writer H.G. Wells finished his doctoral dissertation and received a degree from the University of London, and he was already 76 years old. By the way, high school he quit at age 14.

7. In 1955, a modest Japanese professor, Takishiro Mori, at the age of 55, inherited a couple of houses from his father and decided to get into real estate and investing in it. And he succeeded! By the time of his death in 1993, the modest and rather ascetic Mori's fortune was estimated at $13 billion.

8. By the way, the unremarkable Hollywood actor of low-budget films Ronald Reagan became governor of California at the age of 55, and president of the United States two weeks before his seventieth birthday (1981).

9. In 2007, 95-year-old Nola Ochs was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest graduate of the university. She began her studies at the age of 22, but after getting married, she became a housewife, and then a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. On the question of higher education Nola Ochs returned only seven decades later and successfully graduated from Fort Hays University (Kansas).

10. And finally: the first part of The Lord of the Rings, with which the “Tolkien boom” began, was published in 1960, when its author John Tolkien, a professor at Oxford University, was already 62 years old.

Remember that dreams and aspirations have no age restrictions and do not forget to pay attention to, visit and congratulate older people on the holidays! With our attention, we make them happier and prolong their lives.