Quotes about new friends with meaning. Quotes about friendship with meaning. In conclusion about friendship

  • Life leaves best friends nearby. Disease - sent by God.
  • I don't choose my friends. This activity is stupid and useless. I find it much more interesting to choose vegetables at the market. Friends are gifts from fate.
  • A good thing is the hand of a friend. It does not oblige the one who holds it out to anything, and greatly comforts the one who shakes it... (A. Gavalda)
  • If you make new friends, don't forget about the old ones. (Erasmus of Rotterdam)
  • Find friends, scatter enemies! (Ray Bradbury)
  • The best quotes about friends with meaning

    • You need to value friendship, and not just be able to have fun together.
    • I don’t need a friend who, agreeing with me on everything, changes views with me, nodding his head, because a shadow does the same thing better. (Plutarch)
    • This is what it means to be best friends. That's what they're for. To help you not fall into the abyss. (Lauren Oliver)
    • Short quotes about friends with meaning- Nothing strengthens friendship more than the confidence that this friend is better than another. (Honore de Balzac)
    • Only those people who know how to forgive each other's minor shortcomings can be connected by true friendship. (Jean de La Bruyère)
  • Enemies always tell the truth, friends never. (Cicero)
  • Only a friend's hand can tear the thorns out of the heart. (Claude Helvetius)
  • Friendship does not mean a long acquaintance and communication with some person. This means letting him into your life and soul forever.
  • Throughout my life I have become convinced that conversations with friends take up the most and most imperceptible time; friends are the great robbers of time. Petrarch
  • Friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one would wish for a life without friends, even if he had all the other benefits. (Aristotle)
  • Get to know people through personal communication to have real friends.
  • One of the biggest problems in our lives is to figure out who your friends are. (Mark Levy)
  • The sage was asked: How many types of friendship are there? Four - he answered. Friends are like food - you need them every day. Friends are like medicine; you look for them when you feel bad. There are friends, like a disease, they themselves look for you. But there are friends like air - you can’t see them, but they are always with you...
  • Friendship is not always tested by adversity. Sometimes it’s also happiness.
  • We are not particularly pleased with our friends if they value our good qualities, allow ourselves to notice our shortcomings as well. (Vauvenargues)
  • A friend is the person who comes when everyone else leaves...
  • Our friends are part of our happiness.
  • When tested by difficult life situations, only the most faithful friends remain in our lives. They accept us when we are cool, witty, and lucky. They love us hysterical, snotty, weak.
  • It is not family ties that create friends, but a community of interests. (Democritus)
  • In the edifice of human happiness, friendship builds the walls, and love forms the dome.
  • A friend is someone who gives you complete freedom to be yourself. (Jim Morrison)
  • Quotes about friends with meaning from great people- Friends are known in trouble, but even more in joy and luck. It is the feeling of envy that most often separates once close people.
  • Friendly jealousy is perhaps more terrible than any other.
  • Don't be discouraged and remember - when things get hard, pick up a book and read. Books are friends who never die. (Confucius)
  • Only enemies tell each other the truth. Friends and lovers, caught in a web of mutual debt, lie endlessly. (Stephen King)
  • Sincere friendship is based on closeness of minds and secret laws, and not on visible signs.


    Human friendship in most cases sprouts with many prickly ifs and buts and eventually turns into ordinary friendly relationships that are maintained only thanks to omissions.

    "Nicola Sebastian Chamfort"

    Your true friend, who will show you on the way
    All obstacles will help you overcome them.
    Be careful not to classify flatterers as friends.
    Your true friend is the one who is honest and straightforward.


    Better to hit friends than kiss enemies.

    "John Chrysostom"

    A bad friend is like a shadow: run on a sunny day and you won’t run away; on a cloudy day, look and you won’t find him.

    "Abai Kunanbaev"

    The happiness that has never deceived me is your friendship. Of all my passions, the only one that has remained unchanged is my friendship for you, for my friendship is a passion.

    "Nikolai Platonovich Ogarev"

    The deepest friendship gives rise to the most bitter enmity.

    "Michel de Montaigne"

    As long as you are happy, you have many friends; when times get dark, you're left alone.


    Everyone loves himself not in order to receive any reward for his love, but because everyone is dear to himself. If we do not apply the same to friendship, then we will never find a true friend; After all, a friend for everyone is a second person.


    You can't have too many friends.

    "Alexandr Duma"

    There is no stronger joy in this world than the sight of loved ones and friends. There is no more painful torment on earth than to be with glorious friends in separation.


    Sweet lips will increase friends, and a kind tongue will increase affection. Let there be many who live with you in the world, and let one in a thousand be your advisor. If you want to make a friend, make him by trial and do not soon entrust yourself to him.

    How much charm our happiness would lose if no one rejoiced in it with us! How difficult it would be to bear our misfortunes without a friend who experiences them even more strongly than us.


    Have you become clean air, bread and medicine for your friend? Another is unable to free himself from his own chains, but he saves his friend.

    "Friedrich Nietzsche"

    Friendship can only be strong with maturity of mind and age.


    A wise friend will not abandon his friend, despite all the hardships.

    "Shota Rustaveli"

    Do not enter your friend’s house more often, lest he become bored with you and hate you.


    The friendship of three girls consists in the fact that two of them discuss the third.

    It is better for a man to be without a brother than without friends.

    "Unsur al-Maali"

    Attract friends to you through good deeds. This is the meaning of true friendship.


    It is not safe to praise the object of your love to a friend - once he believes your praises, he will follow in your footsteps.


    Abuse of friendship is the most terrible of all sins.

    There is nothing more precious than friends; therefore, do not lose the opportunity to acquire them whenever you can.

    "Francesco Guicciardini"

    True friendship is precisely a chosen kinship.

    "Ernest Wilfried Aeguwe"

    Quotes about friendship with meaning

    Hiding the truth from your friends, to whom will you open up?

    "Kozma Prutkov"

    How does a saint live who has not known friendship? He is like an empty pearl oyster.

    "Alisher Navoi"

    The friendship of vicious people is unreliable; it lasts only as long as it serves for mutual benefit.

    "Oliver Goldsmith"

    The basis of friendship is the benefits that friends expect to receive from each other. Deprive them of these benefits, and friendship will cease to exist.

    "Paul Henri Holbach"

    A true friend is the greatest of blessings and at the same time the blessing that one least thinks about acquiring.

    "Francois de La Rochefoucauld"

    Keep your distance from your enemies and be careful with your friends. A true friend is a strong defense: whoever finds him has found a treasure. There is no price for a faithful friend and there is no measure of his kindness.

    Iron sharpens iron, and a man sharpens the glance of his friend.


    Less exalted, less selfish than love, friendship, alien to any harshness, occupies the hours that are not occupied by the latter. Friendship is a true, reliable refuge from the suffering caused by love.

    A person who has been able to build strong friendships can withstand the blows of fate much better. After all, they will always support him and find words to lift his spirits.

    All people who became famous for their military exploits, creative achievements and scientific discoveries also know the value of friendship. After all, they did not achieve all this alone. There was always someone nearby who would give wise advice and show the right path. We invite you to read quotes from great minds on this topic, which will be especially useful for young people.

    525 phrases and quotes about friendship

    1. A friend is the greatest wealth in life. (Elena Gilber)
    2. A friend is someone who, whenever you need him, knows about it. (Jules Renard)
    3. A friend is the one whose betrayal is most surprising. (Bernard Werber)
    4. A friend is a person who notices everything and forgives us everything - even our virtues. (Francis Bacon)
    5. A friend is a person who knows everything about us and yet loves us. (Elbert Hubbard)
    6. A friend is a person who shares your misconceptions, fears and superstitions. (Henry Louis Mencken)
    7. A friend is a high wall, an indestructible stronghold, a fortress reliably supplied with water. (Sulkhan Orbeliani)
    8. A friend is like a second self. (Cicero Marcus Tullius)
    9. A friend is one soul living in two bodies. (Aristotle)
    10. A friend is, first of all, someone who does not undertake to judge. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
    11. A friend is the person you can call at 4 o'clock in the morning. (Marlene Dietrich)
    12. A friend is a person who knows everything about you and never stops loving you. (Elbert Hubbard)
    13. A friend is someone who, in a large noisy company, noticed that you left. (Elena Gilber)
    14. A friend is the person who is most believed when he speaks ill of us. (Barney Stinson)
    15. A friend is a person who knows everything about you - and yet loves you! (Mikhail Litvak)
    16. A friend is someone who knows the melody of your heart and can sing it when you forget the words. (L.N. Tolstoy)
    17. A friend to everyone is a friend to no one. (Aristotle)
    18. A friend should be a friend, and an enemy should be an enemy, so that you know exactly who you shouldn’t turn your back on and who will stand behind it like a stone wall. (Olga Gromyko)
    19. A friend should be like blood flowing immediately to a wound, without waiting to be attracted. (Antonio Perez)
    20. We should always have a friend in our soul, and our soul should always be with us: it can see whoever it wants every day. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)
    21. A friend should take on part of the friend's grief. (Erasmus of Rotterdam)
    22. A friend remains a friend until money is involved. (I.A. Goncharov)
    23. A friend is known by love, character, speech, and deeds. (Mikhail Litvak)
    24. A friend is one who, knowing you, does not become an enemy. (Gennady Malkin)
    25. A friend knows how to guess what is in a person’s soul, even if he says the opposite. (Mark Levy)
    26. A friend who is useless to his friend becomes a stranger to him. (Paul Henri Holbach)
    27. A friend is a person with whom I can be sincere. In his presence I can think out loud. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
    28. Friendship is a mysterious thing, just like love. There can be no talk of any self-interest here. It’s just that two people need each other. (Mikhail Litvak)
    29. Friendship is a good thing when it is love between a young man and a woman or a memory of love between old people. But God forbid if it is friendship on the one hand, and love on the other. (Ivan Goncharov, “Oblomov”)
    30. Friendship is the haven to which a person strives; it brings joy and peace of mind, it is relaxation in this life and the beginning of heavenly life. (Torquato Tasso)
    31. Friendship is a duet in which, as a rule, only one sings. (Ya.L. Vishnevsky)
    32. Friendship is not a game. It's not just a word. It does not start in March, but ends in May. This is tomorrow, today and every day. (I.A. Goncharov)
    33. Friendship - delicate flower. One careless touch and the flower withers. (Sun Li)
    34. Friendship is one of life's greatest joys; One of the greatest joys of friendship is having someone you can trust with a secret. (Alessandro Manzoni)
    35. Friendship is one of the strongest foundations for a prosperous family. After all, it is the feeling of friendship that keeps spouses together and helps them survive all sorts of crises. (Francis Bacon)
    36. Friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one would wish for a life without friends, even if he had all the other benefits. (Aristotle)
    37. Friendship is brotherhood, and in its most sublime meaning it is its most beautiful ideal. (Silvio Pellico)
    38. Friendship is loyalty to the end. (Elena Gilber)
    39. Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. It's more than power. It's almost the same as family. (Mario Puzo, The Godfather)
    40. Friendship is a star, but love is only a candle. (Francis Bacon)
    41. Friendship is both an oasis and a fortress. (Barney Stinson)
    42. Friendship is like a business; unsuccessful investments are expensive. (Mikhail Litvak)
    43. Friendship is when stupid ideas come to two heads at the same time... (Dmitry Yemets)
    44. Friendship is when you can suddenly come to a person and live with him. (David Samoilov)
    45. Friendship is when one is always ready to sacrifice himself, and the other is never ready to accept it. (Francis Bacon)
    46. Friendship is when you feel good with a person for no reason. (Yuri Nagibin)
    47. Friendship is when stupid ideas come into two heads at the same time. (Barney Stinson)
    48. Friendship is love without wings. (George Noel Gordon Byron)
    49. Friendship is love based on mutual trust... (Mikhail Litvak)
    50. Friendship is not one big heroic act, but many small concessions. (I.A. Goncharov)
    51. Friendship is treating another as oneself. Love is treating another better than treating yourself. (Barney Stinson)
    52. Friendship is, first of all, reconciliation and great spiritual communication despite insignificant details. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
    53. Friendship is a powerful concept, but unfortunately, it is also an empty word for most. (Mikhail Litvak)
    54. Friendship is a calm and quiet affection, guided and strengthened by habit, arising from long association and mutual obligations. (David Hume)
    55. Friendship has changed so much that it allows for betrayal, does not require meetings, correspondence, heated conversations, and even allows for the presence of one friend. (Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky)
    56. The friendship of two women is always a conspiracy against the third. (Elena Gilber)
    57. Friendship is content with what is possible without demanding what is due. (Aristotle)
    58. Friendship should be infinitely more tolerant than love. (Madeleine Felicite Genlis)
    59. Friendship should be a durable thing, capable of surviving all changes in temperature and all the shocks of that bumpy road along which efficient and decent people make their life journey. (Ya.L. Vishnevsky)
    60. Friendship and trust are not bought or sold. (Gabriel Troepolsky, “White Bim Black Ear”)
    61. Friendship and community are born among people when there is a common enemy. (Percy Bish Shelley)
    62. Friendship ends where mistrust begins. (Seneca Annaeus)
    63. The friendship of vicious people is unreliable; it lasts only as long as it serves for mutual benefit. (Oliver Goldsmith)
    64. The friendship between two women is a conflict put aside for later. (I.A. Goncharov)
    65. Friendship between a man and a woman is possible... with a certain amount of physical disgust. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)
    66. Friendship between a man and a woman weakens greatly when night falls. (Otto von Schönhausen Bismarck)
    67. Friendship can only be strong with maturity of mind and age. (Cicero Marcus Tullius)
    68. A friendship can only end if it was never real. (Diana Jessup)
    69. Friendship can only unite worthy people. (Cicero Marcus Tullius)
    70. Friendship is not measured by the number of dinners we have together... Although dinners certainly do not harm friendship, who would argue. (Max Fry)
    71. Friendship is not such a pathetic flame that it can go out in separation. (Johann Friedrich Schiller)
    72. Friendship is not a service; no thanks are given for it. (Dmitry Yemets)
    73. Friendship unites people much more powerfully than love. (Marlene Dietrich)
    74. Friendship usually serves as a transition from simple acquaintance to enmity. (Vasily Klyuchevsky)
    75. The friendship of one reasonable person is more valuable than the friendship of all unreasonable people. (Democritus)
    76. Friendship is based on the similarity of characters and interests in a common joint endeavor, and not on the pleasure that you receive from the personality of the other. (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel)
    77. Friendship is like a treasury: you cannot get out of it more than you put into it. (Osip Mandelstam)
    78. Friendship is above all other feelings, because everything begins with friendship. (Elena Gilber)
    79. Friendship multiplies joys and crushes sorrows. (Henry George Bohn)
    80. Friendship penetrates the lives of all people, but to maintain it, sometimes you have to endure insults. (Cicero Marcus Tullius)
    81. Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another: “What, you too? And I thought I was the only one like that.” (C.S. Lewis)
    82. Friendship warms the soul, a dress warms the body, and the sun and stove warm the air. (Kozma Prutkov)
    83. Friendship is more tragic than love - it takes much longer to die. (Oscar Wilde)
    84. Friendship doubles joys and cuts sorrows in half. (F. Bacon)
    85. Friendship strengthens walls, and love strengthens domes. (Mikhail Litvak)
    86. Friendship increases happiness and reduces unhappiness, doubling our joy and cutting our sorrow in half. (I.A. Goncharov)
    87. Friendship often ends in love, but love rarely ends in friendship. (Charles Caleb Colton)
    88. Friendship is immortal: although it is a pale flower, it never fades. (Barney Stinson)
    89. Friendship is a healing balm for the wounds of disappointment in love. (Elena Gilber)
    90. The friendship that arises between people helps to survive failures. (Kyle Traeger)
    91. Friendship is like a diamond - it is rare, it is expensive, and there are a lot of fakes! (I.A. Goncharov)
    92. Friendship, like life, is a complicated thing. But if life passes, true friends remain. (Elena Gilber)
    93. Friendship, like love, is not only a bouquet of pleasant feelings, but also a lot of work. The easiest thing to do is to give up and regard the difficult as impossible. (Elchin Safarli)
    94. A friendship that ended never really began. (Publius)
    95. Friendship is like marriage - both in sorrow and in joy. (Anna Gavrilova)
    96. Friendship. It begins when two people choose each other. (Elchin Safarli)
    97. What makes friendship inseparable and its charm is doubled is the feeling that love lacks: confidence. (Honore de Balzac)
    98. I recognize friendship by the absence of disappointments, true love by the inability to be offended. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
    99. There is no friendship without evidence of trust, and one of them is frankness. (Mark Levy)
    100. Make friends with a smart person, because a fool friend is sometimes more dangerous than a smart enemy. (Jalal ad-Din Rumi)
    101. To be friends is more to love than to be loved. (Robert Bridges)
    102. You can't buy friends, and you can't sell love. (Elena Gilber)
    103. You can't have too many friends. (Alexandr Duma)
    104. You recognize friends in trouble. You recognize yourself in the troubles of your friends. (Alexander Leshek)
    105. Do not consider the Charka's friends as friends, for they are your Charka's friends, not your friends. (Unsur al-Maali)
    106. Friends are thieves of time. (Francis Bacon)
    107. Friends are potential enemies because they know too much about each other. The world taught me this. (Kim Tan)
    108. Friends are only those who, holding on to one rope, climb a mountain peak with common efforts and in this find their closeness. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
    109. Friends are people who share their most intimate things with you. (Max Fry)
    110. Friends are those people who know you and are able to understand and support you in those moments when others do not understand. You share your life with them. (Mikhail Litvak)
    111. Friends should not at all nourish and shelter our bodies - neighbors are enough for this, no, they should take care of our souls. (Francis Bacon)
    112. Friends raise much better than parents, because they do not have pity. (Andre Maurois)
    113. Friends spend years looking for a boyfriend for you, and when you finally find one, they immediately force you to leave him. (Bridget Jones)
    114. Friends make my soul stronger. For the sake of those I love, I will not spare myself! (Max Fry)
    115. Childhood friends, even when they do not captivate us with exceptional virtues, have a power over our soul that friends of later years rarely have. (Mary Shelley)
    116. Friends exist to help each other. (Romain Rolland)
    117. Friends do not wish us unhappiness, but they find that we are already happy. (Aui Legendre)
    118. Friends don't manipulate friends. They help each other. (Barney Stinson)
    119. Friends don't have to be perfect; it's enough that they are there in difficult times. (Elena Gilber)
    120. Friends are known in trouble, if, of course, you can find them. (Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky)
    121. Friends are known not only in trouble, but also in joy. Those people who cannot be sincerely happy for you are not your friends. (Osho)
    122. Friends appear when people have common ground, when something unites them. (Ute Erhardt)
    123. Friends are tested when they visit you in the hospital, prison or cemetery. (Arturo Perez-Reverte)
    124. Friends respect each other's decisions, even if they disagree with them. This is called devotion. (Francis Bacon)
    125. Friends, if I could die for you, I would never do such a stupid thing. Because you are not in the next world, I already checked... (Max Fry)
    126. Friends are those who actually know some real nasty things about you. (Don Aminado)
    127. There is a turning point in friendship, after which you realize that, regardless of the circumstances, you will always communicate with the person. (Nick Gardo)
    128. In friendship, we give each other parts of ourselves, without thinking about why or for what. There must be something that does not require reciprocity. (Elchin Safarli)
    129. In friendship you have to learn to be human. And although no one is immune from mistakes, the main thing is to be able to notice them in yourself. (Francis Bacon)
    130. In friendship, some things are not said, they are guessed. (Mark Levy)
    131. In friendship there are neither debtors nor benefactors. (Romain Rouyan)
    132. In friendship there are no other calculations or considerations other than itself. (Michel de Montaigne)
    133. In friendship, as in love, what we don’t know more often brings happiness than what we know. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)
    134. Throughout my life, I have become convinced that the thing that takes up time the most and most unnoticed is conversations with friends. It turns out that friends are great robbers of time. (F. Petrarch)
    135. 99 percent of friends leave with their money. (Francesco Petrarca)
    136. Without friendship, no communication between people has value. (Socrates)
    137. Without friends, life is like a desert, just as empty. (Francis Bacon)
    138. Without true friendship, life is nothing. (Cicero)
    139. Be grateful for the friends you have instead of dreaming of more. (Emily Bronte)
    140. Close communication is where the most tender friendship and the strongest hatred come from. (Dmitry Yemets)
    141. Intimacy leads to friendship. And friendship brings peace. (Elena Gilber)
    142. God gives us relatives, and, thank God, we choose our friends ourselves. (Dmitry Yemets)
    143. Having been deceived by friends, we can indifferently accept the manifestations of their friendship, but we must sympathize with them in their misfortunes. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)
    144. Be sincere with your friends, moderate in your needs and selfless in your actions. (Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov)
    145. There are times when a person needs to break with friends in order to understand the meaning of friendship. (Henry Miller)
    146. Being friends does not mean being similar to each other. (Terry Goodkind)
    147. Perhaps, in order to fully appreciate friendship, one must first experience love. (Nicola Sebastian Chamfort)
    148. To be capable of lasting friendship or lasting love means to be a person not only of a big heart, but also of a strong mind. (William Hazlitt)
    149. In trouble you know a friend. (Petronius Gaius)
    150. I choose beautiful people as my close friends, people with a good reputation as my friends, and I only make enemies who are smart. (I. A. Goncharov)
    151. In life a true friend- one. The rest are, one way or another, just good acquaintances and people who just this moment those around you. (Elena Gilber)
    152. There's so little in life true friendship, affections, love, the loss of which would leave indelible marks. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
    153. In a person’s life there should be a friend, even just one, but the best one. (Barney Stison)
    154. In the edifice of human happiness, friendship builds the walls, and love forms the dome. (Kozma Prutkov)
    155. In true friendship there is a beauty that is incomprehensible to ordinary people. (Mikhail Litvak)
    156. In the end of everything, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. (Martin Luther King)
    157. IN strong friendship our strength, glory and praise to friendship. (Ya. L. Vishnevsky)
    158. There is little friendship in the world - and least of all among equals. (Francis Bacon)
    159. There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship, and excluding friendship from life is the same as depriving the world of sunlight. (Marcus Tullius Cicero)
    160. In relations with friends, advise them to do only what they are capable of doing, and lead them to goodness without violating decency, but do not try to act where there is no hope of success. Don't put yourself in a humiliating position. (Barney Stinson)
    161. We have three kinds of friends in the world: some love us, others hate us, and others simply don’t remember us. (Nicola Chamfort)
    162. In your friend you must have your own best enemy. (Nietzsche)
    163. In old age, the number of friends does not increase: all losses are then irrevocable. (Francis Bacon)
    164. In the bustle of this world, friendship is the only thing that matters in personal life. (Karl Marx)
    165. In happiness it is easy to find a friend, but in unhappiness it is extremely difficult. (Democritus)
    166. In this world it is difficult to find a friend, even more difficult to lose an enemy. (Elena Gilbar)
    167. It is important to be a friend to a person while he is alive, and not when he is already dead. (Francis Scott Fitzgerald)
    168. Important friends are for important things... Therefore, having important friends and being able to save them is more important than having money. (Mikhail Litvak)
    169. Important friends are for important things... Therefore, having important friends and being able to save them is more important than having money. (Baltasar Gracian y Morales)
    170. Your enemy and your friend work together to hit you in the heart: one says nasty things about you, the other passes his words to you. (Mikhail Litvak)
    171. The greatest feat of friendship is not to show a friend our shortcomings, but to open his eyes to his own. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)
    172. Money can't buy you a true friend. (Ya.L. Vishnevsky)
    173. Loyalty is the commandment of friendship, the most precious thing that can be given to a person. (Telmann Ernst)
    174. This is what it means to be best friends. That's what they're for. To help you not fall into the abyss. (Lauren Oliver)
    175. Enemies become friends much less often than friends become enemies. This is the law of nature. Everything in the world tends from complex to simple. (Sergey Lukyanenko)
    176. Time strengthens friendship, but weakens love. (Jean de La Bruyère)
    177. Everyone knows that you can’t choose your family and relatives, but you can choose your friends! (Elena Gilber)
    178. We all experience double the bliss when we can share it with friends. (Barney Stinson)
    179. All the nasty things your worst enemy can say to your face are nothing compared to what your best friends say about you behind your back. (Alfred de Musset)
    180. All the honors in this world are not worth one good friend. (Voltaire)
    181. Everyone sympathizes with the misfortunes of their friends, and only a few rejoice at their successes. (Oscar Wilde)
    182. Anything hard is even harder if you don't have your best friend by your side. (Mikhail Litvak)
    183. It's always better when your friends underestimate your strengths and your enemy exaggerates your shortcomings. (Elena Gilber)
    184. Everyone wants to see as their friend a faithful and sincere, spiritually rich and comprehensively developed person. (Barney Stinson)
    185. The question arises whether it is ever possible to prefer new friends to old ones. (Mikhail Litvak)
    186. You can spend your whole life looking for friends, not suspecting that they are near you. (Ya.L. Vishnevsky)
    187. Every person can easily say how many sheep he has, but not everyone can say how many friends he has - they are so not valuable. (Socrates)
    188. You can make more friends in two months by being interested in other people than you could in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. (Dale Carnegie)
    189. Choose your friend slowly, and be even less in a hurry to change him. (Benjamin Franklin)
    190. Choose your friends carefully, and your enemies will choose you themselves. (Robert Lynn Asprin)
    191. Don’t rush to choose friends, and even less so to change them. (Benjamin Franklin)
    192. The choice of friends in our lives can be very specific. One common flaw will bind you more reliably than a dozen advantages... (Andrey Belyanin)
    193. Wherever we are, we always feel at home with our friends. (Henry Drummond)
    194. The eyes of friendship are rarely wrong. (Francois-Marie Arouet Voltaire)
    195. They say that friends are known in misfortune, but in my opinion, they are also known in happiness. (Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov)
    196. Friends are worthless if you don't trust them. (Francis Bacon)
    197. Even if you go different ways, it's always good to have a friend. (Dmitry Yemets)
    198. Two people can save each other where one dies. (Honore de Balzac)
    199. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. (Sun Tzu)
    200. Children need friends, they need to grow up together to learn about life and themselves together. (Cecelia Ahern)
    201. For high friendship, one condition is necessary - the ability to do without it. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
    202. For friendship, any burden is light. The universe is eternal, meetings with friends are brief. (Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky)
    203. You can never do too much for a loyal friend. (Henrik Ibsen)
    204. In order to live long, save for yourself old wine and an old friend. (Pythagoras)
    205. You don't have to be a dog to be a friend. (Mikhail Zadornov)
    206. Be successful and you will find out how many friends you have. (Mikhail Litvak)
    207. Trust is the main condition of friendship. (Jean de La Bruyère)
    208. Trust, patience and reciprocity are what truly friendly relationships are based on. (Mikhail Litvak)
    209. Like-mindedness creates friendship. (Democritus)
    210. The only way to have a friend is to be one yourself. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
    211. If spouses have loved each other for many years, then love imperceptibly turns into a sweet habit, and ardent passion is replaced by tender friendship. (Mikhail Litvak)
    212. If we had met in another place and at another time, we would have become friends. (Elena Gilber)
    213. If a friend is real, then he will not leave. And if it’s not real, then there’s nothing to worry about. (I.A. Goncharov)
    214. If a friend takes your lover away from you, you should not quarrel with him completely, so that you can meet him when you feel grateful to him for this. (Elena Gilber)
    215. If a friend is drowning, you need to become an island for him. An island of friendship, on which he can relax, find solace, gain strength and patience - and return to the ocean again. (Barney Stinson)
    216. If a friend reproaches you for some shortcoming, always think that he has not told you everything. (Thomas Fuller)
    217. If a friendship ends, it means it never existed. (Mark Twain)
    218. If a friendship falls apart after the first push, stumbles over the first bump on the way, or crumbles into dust from the wind, this is not friendship at all. And so, it’s just pampering, friendship – and nothing more. (Dmitry Yemets)
    219. If you make new friends, don't forget about the old ones. (M.M. Dostoevsky)
    220. If my friends are crooked, I look at them in profile. (Joseph Joubert)
    221. If we don't become more than friends, it's hard to be just friends. (Elena Gilber)
    222. If fate is especially favorable to a person and wants to give him the greatest happiness in the world, she will give him true friends. (Epicurus)
    223. If your friends stay with you, then you are lucky, because this has never happened to me. (Ronnie James Dio)
    224. If your friend blurts out the secrets of his other friends to you, that means he’s telling them your secrets too. (Dmitry Yemets)
    225. If your friend becomes your enemy, then love him so that the tree of friendship, love and trust, which withered because it was not watered with the water of friendship and was not cared for, will bloom again. (As-Samarkandi)
    226. If you don't understand the need for love or friendship, how can you be lonely? (Laurel Hamilton)
    227. If a person has a devoted friend, he has, as it were, two lives to fulfill his desires. (Francis Bacon)
    228. If you want to keep a friend, never test him. (John Steinbeck)
    229. If you want to keep your friends, try not to see them. (Mikhail Litvak)
    230. There are friends, like a disease, they themselves look for you. (I.A. Goncharov)
    231. Friends are like food - you need them every day. (Adams Henry)
    232. Friends are like medicine; you look for them when you feel bad. (Mark Fry)
    233. There are also positive side in free fall - you give your friends a chance to catch you. (Elena Gilber)
    234. There are people to whom we forgive, and there are people to whom we do not forgive. Those whom we do not forgive are our friends. (Henri Monterlant)
    235. There are many things I want, but if my friends are on the other side of the scale, I don’t need any of it. (Barney Stinson)
    236. There are strange people who treat their friends like they treat a dress: they use it until they wear it out, and then they throw it away. (M. Lermontov)
    237. There are friends like air - you can’t see them, but they are always with you... (Francis Bacon)
    238. Although women attach great importance to friendship, they forget about it; men are distrustful of her, and lovers are jealous. (Paul Charles Joseph Bourget)
    239. Live with people so that your friends do not become enemies, and your enemies become friends. (Pythagoras)
    240. Making friends is not difficult. It will be difficult to lose them. (L.N. Tolstoy)
    241. Win friends not through empty laziness, but in sincere words love. (Socrates)
    242. The law of friendship prescribes to love a friend no less, but not more than oneself. (Aurelius Augustine)
    243. Abuse of friendship is the most terrible of all sins. (Dmitry Yemets)
    244. You know, friendship also comes back if it is friendship. Even if you suddenly stopped communicating, it doesn’t even matter why, sooner or later you will communicate again as before. After all, friendship is not just like that, it is long-term and serious. (I.A. Goncharov)
    245. Meet only people worthy of friendship, do not associate with scoundrels, do not disgrace yourself. (Mikhail Litvak)
    246. Acquaintances appear and disappear, but best friends are forever. Because even when you don't know where you're going, they help you realize that you're not going there alone. (Elena Gilber)
    247. Much of our misfortune is more bearable than the comments about it from our friends. (Dmitry Yemets)
    248. Of all the things that wisdom provides for the happiness of life, the most important is the possession of friendship. (Epicurus)
    249. Friends usually make the most dangerous enemies. (Elena Gilber)
    250. Having one friend in your life is already too many, two is too many, three is hardly possible. (Adams Henry)
    251. Having a lot of friends means having none. (Erasmus of Rotterdam)
    252. Sometimes even the best friends don't need you because something more important happens in their lives than friendship. (Elena Gilber)
    253. Sometimes friendship is born from a look, a gesture, a touch that transcends differences and overcomes fears. It is enough to extend a hand to a person, and his face is forever imprinted in memory. (Barney Stinson)
    254. Sometimes friends are the last people you can trust. (Irvine Welsh)
    255. Sometimes friends are much more dangerous than enemies. (Elena Gilber)
    256. Sincerity in relationships, truth in communication - this is friendship. (Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov)
    257. Sincere friendship is based on closeness of minds and secret laws, and not on visible signs. (As-Samarkandi)
    258. Fulfilling the duties of friendship is somewhat more difficult than admiring it. (Gotthold Ephraim Lessing)
    259. The ancient proverb is true that equality creates friendship. (Plato)
    260. True friendship is a slow growing plant, which must be experienced in trouble and misfortune before it deserves the name. (George Washington)
    261. True friendship is one of those things that, like giant sea serpents, we don't know whether they're fictional or whether they exist somewhere. (Arthur Schopenhauer)
    262. True friendship must be frank and free from pretense and assent. (Marcus Tullius Cicero)
    263. Only those people who know how to forgive each other's minor shortcomings can be connected by true friendship. (Jean de La Bruyère)
    264. True friends are those who have one soul in two bodies. (Michel de Montaigne)
    265. A true gentleman is never a warm friend. (Edmund Burke)
    266. A true friend is one who does not prevent you from being absolutely free, being yourself, and, most importantly, feeling. (Elena Gilber)
    267. A true friend should be our second self; he will never demand anything from a friend other than what is morally beautiful; Friendship is given to us by nature as an assistant in virtues, and not as a companion in vices. (Cicero)
    268. A true friend is the greatest of blessings and at the same time the blessing that one least thinks about acquiring. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)
    269. Look for meetings with a friend whenever you have time to live. (Ya.L. Vishnevsky)
    270. Anyone looking for an ideal friend will be left without friends. (Elena Petrovna Blavatsky)
    271. Each of our friends is a whole world for us, a world that might not have been born and which was born only thanks to our meeting with this person. (Anais Nin)
    272. Everyone wants to have a friend, but no one wants to be a friend. (Alphonse Jean Carr)
    273. As rare as true love is, true friendship is even rarer. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)
    274. No matter how much a person loves loneliness, it is very difficult without friends. (Francis Bacon)
    275. How few friends would remain friends if they could fully know each other's thoughts. (Elena Gilber)
    276. How few friendships would survive if everyone suddenly found out what friends say behind his back, although just then they are sincere and impartial... (Blaise Pascal)
    277. How much we do for our friends that we never did for ourselves! (Axel Gustafson Oxenstierna)
    278. How much charm our happiness would lose if no one rejoiced in it with us! How difficult it would be to bear our misfortunes without a friend who experiences them even more strongly than us. (Cicero Marcus Tullius)
    279. No matter how rare it is real love, true friendship is even rarer. (Francois La Rochefoucauld)
    280. How to distinguish true friends? True friends always call you by your last name. (Frederick Beigbeder)
    281. Vows of love prove its impermanence: true friendship does not pronounce them. (Max Fry)
    282. When friendship begins to weaken and cool, she always resorts to increased politeness. (William Shakespeare)
    283. When friendship becomes love, they merge like two rivers, the larger of which absorbs the smaller. (Madeleine de Scudery)
    284. When trusted friends gather around you, hope becomes tangible and visible. (Mikhail Litvak)
    285. When you know what to talk about with a person, this is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to keep silent about together, this is the beginning of true friendship. (Max Fry)
    286. When success comes to us, we can only be surprised at the number of people who suddenly turn out to be our friends. (Barney Stinson)
    287. When friendship suddenly arises between a dog and a cat, it is nothing other than an alliance against the cook. (Stefan Zweig)
    288. When the road of friendship is rarely traveled, it grows with patience. (Francis Bacon)
    289. When you have to choose between love and friendship, it is very difficult, but in most cases, for some reason, we choose love - because real friends will understand. (Elena Gilber)
    290. When you always know what to talk about with a person, this is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to keep silent about together, this is the beginning of true friendship. (Barney Stinson)
    291. When you rise, your friends will know who you are. When you fall, you find out who your friends are. (Mike Tyson)
    292. When we have a friend, loneliness recedes and the era of the word “together” comes. You are constant, you feel a warm heart nearby, your life changes forever. (Mikhail Litvak)
    293. When I realized that I wouldn't find someone like me, I just stopped making friends with people. (Kurt Cobain)
    294. When mistrust arises, friendship disappears. (Labuis)
    295. Conflicts resolve themselves when you remember why you became friends... In the end, it doesn’t matter how, but the main thing is that you became friends anyway... (Ya.L. Vishnevsky)
    296. He who seeks friends deserves to find them; He who has no friends has never looked for them. (Gotthold Ephraim Lessing)
    297. Anyone who is so deaf that he doesn’t even want to hear the truth from a friend is hopeless. (Elena Gilber)
    298. Who himself good friend, he also has many good friends. (Niccolò Machiavelli)
    299. He who does not look for friends is his own enemy. (Shota Rustaveli)
    300. Whoever becomes friends with you to gain benefits is not your reliable friend, but your most terrible enemy. (Tupac Shakur)
    301. You will find out who your true friend is when you get into a scandal. (Elizabeth Taylor)
    302. He who wants to have a friend without faults remains without friends. (bias)
    303. He who wants to have friends must be friendly himself; and there is a friend who is more attached than a brother. (Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon)
    304. He who is humane gives others support, wanting to have it himself, and helps them achieve success, wanting to achieve it himself. (Confucius)
    305. It's easy to find friends who are willing to help us. It's hard to earn friends who need our help. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
    306. The best part of our life consists of friends. (Elena Gilber)
    307. Better to hit friends than kiss enemies. (John Chrysostom)
    308. It is better for a man to be without a brother than without friends. (Unsur al-Maali)
    309. A best friend is a person who will tell you everything that he doesn’t like about you - and tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person in the world. (I.A. Goncharov)
    310. The best way to keep your friends is not to betray them... (Wilson Misner)
    311. Love is the most powerful of human feelings, while friendship is the noblest and most delicate addition to love. (Francis Bacon)
    312. Love is friendship! If she doesn't become my friend, how can I love her? (Elena Gilber)
    313. Love without reverence and delight is only friendship. (Barney Stinson)
    314. Love can be unrequited. Friendship - never. (Janusz Wisniewski)
    315. Love requires infinitely less than friendship. (George Nathan)
    316. Love is selfish, it calls friendship to its aid only in days of suffering. (George Sand)
    317. Any action you take in life will never become legendary if your friends are not with you. (Dmitry Yemets)
    318. Those who love to blame others are incapable of friendship. (Democritus)
    319. People choose certain friends because they are the ones they want to be with at the moment, and not because they are the right height, age, or have the right hair color. (Cecelia Ahern)
    320. People on earth should be friends... I don’t think it’s possible to make all people love each other, but I would like to destroy hatred between people. (Isaac Asimov)
    321. People are born to help each other, just as a hand helps a hand, a leg helps a leg, and the upper jaw helps a lower jaw. (Marcus Aurelius)
    322. People with an ardent character rarely have constant friendships. (Mikhail Litvak)
    323. Small signs of attention lead to great friendship! (Romain Gary)
    324. It's enough for me that I can protect my friends. For their sake, I am even ready to exchange my strength for weakness. (Francis Bacon)
    325. It seems to me that the most reliable relationships grow out of friendship. (Ya.L. Vishnevsky)
    326. I don’t need a friend who, agreeing with me on everything, changes views with me, nodding his head, because a shadow does the same thing better. (Plutarch)
    327. No one has many friends. There is only one friend! And if it exists, then this is already happiness. (Mikhail Sergeevich Boyarsky)
    328. You can't have too many friends. There are friends, good acquaintances. But not friends. (Daniel Radcliffe)
    329. My friendship is too cautious unless the danger of my friend makes me forget my own danger. (Denis Diderot)
    330. A wise friend will not abandon his friend, despite all the hardships. (Shota Rustaveli)
    331. Men and women cannot be friends. The possibility of sex always comes in their way. (Elena Gilber)
    332. We look for new friends when old ones get to know us too well. (Barney Stinson)
    333. We love our friends for their flaws. (William Hazlitt)
    334. We shouldn't depend on each other. Addiction kills friendships. (Elchin Safarli)
    335. We are especially pleased with our friends if, while appreciating our good qualities, they also allow themselves to notice our shortcomings. (I.A. Goncharov)
    336. We become like the people we interact with. Choose your environment - no matter how unique we are, it still affects us. (Mikhail Litvak)
    337. Friendship is built on small gifts, love is built on big gifts. (Elena Gilber)
    338. A reliable friend is found in an unreliable business. (Latin proverbs and sayings)
    339. Enjoying communication is the main sign of friendship. (Aristotle)
    340. True friendship is when silence between people does not create discomfort. (David Tyson)
    341. True friendship knows no envy, and true love knows no coquetry. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)
    342. True friendship will survive any quarrel and any competition. And devotion gives strength in trouble and in difficult situations. (Kyle Traeger)
    343. True friendship is truthful and courageous. (Johann Friedrich Schiller)
    344. True friends are an essential condition for a positive perception of the world, and everything that contributes to an optimistic outlook is important for achieving success. Never be afraid to expand your circle of friends. (Dmitry Yemets)
    345. True friends are like diamonds - precious and rare. Like false friends autumn leaves- they are everywhere. (Bruce Lee)
    346. True friends never judge each other. They judge other people. Together. (Francis Bacon)
    347. True friends know how to respect other people's loneliness! (Dmitry Yemets)
    348. Real friends want you to be your most beautiful and confident self. (Ya.L. Vishnevsky)
    349. A true friend is someone whom I would trust in everything concerning me more than myself. (Michel de Montaigne)
    350. A true friend is someone who will hold your hand and feel your heart. (Gabriel Marquez)
    351. A true friend is faithful everywhere, in happiness and in trouble, Your sadness disturbs him, You are not sleeping - he cannot sleep, and in everything, without further words, He is ready to help you. Yes, in their actions, a faithful friend and a worthless flatterer are dissimilar. (William Shakespeare)
    352. A true friend is with you when you are wrong. When you are right, everyone will be with you. (Elena Gilber)
    353. A true friend is with you when you are wrong. When you are right, everyone will be with you. (Mark Twain)
    354. Consider a true friend to be the person who removes stones and thorns from your path. (Saadi)
    355. True friends are connected by many things: awkward situations that you can laugh at, troubles when you can cry into your vest, long-awaited forgiveness of old sins, but most of all, friends are connected by a secret that changes everything! (Elena Giobert)
    356. Learn to distinguish between friends and those with whom you drink beer on the weekend. (Mikhail Litvak)
    357. Our friendship is a constant value! It does not depend on religion and does not fluctuate like the dollar exchange rate. You are my friend, no matter what, as long as you let me into your soul and give me the amazing feeling that we are one! (I.A. Goncharov)
    358. Our friendship is stronger than any chain. It does not depend on our words and actions. She is a bridge over the abyss, a warm blanket in the cold. Even distance will not break her. You keep my heart. And I’m yours... (Barney Stinson)
    359. Our friends are pieces of our happiness... (Elchin Safarli)
    360. Don't be afraid of your enemies, be afraid of your friends. Friends betray, not enemies! (Johnny Depp)
    361. Don't tell your friend what your enemy shouldn't know. (Arthur Schopenhauer)
    362. Not trusting friends is more shameful than being deceived by them. (Francois La Rochefoucauld)
    363. Not noticing the cooling of friends means valuing their friendship little. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)
    364. Don’t stop your friend from reading morals to you: what if this awakens your conscience? (Absalom the Underwater)
    365. There cannot be long friendship, subordination, comradeship where one does not adapt to the other. (Francesco Guicciardini)
    366. There can't be half friends. Half friend is always half enemy. (Arkady and Boris Strugatsky)
    367. Do not leave an old friend, for a new one cannot compare with him; A new friend is like new wine: when it becomes old, you will drink it with pleasure. (Old Testament. Sirach)
    368. Do not rudely break the thread of friendship, because if you have to tie it again, a knot will remain. (Indian proverb)
    369. Friendship is not cemented by intelligence; it is easily torn apart by stupidity. (William Shakespeare)
    370. It's not hard to die for a friend. It’s more difficult to find a friend worth dying for... (Mikhail Litvak)
    371. Do not try to embellish yourself for a friend: for you must be an arrow and a striving for the Superman for him. (Friedrich Nietzsche)
    372. You shouldn't spend most of your life getting better at lying. It is better to spend your life improving your ability to make friends. (Elena Gilber)
    373. Don't avoid your friend because little joke and do not be offended, for this is a sign of stupidity. (As-Samarkandi)
    374. Don't judge a man by his friends. Judas's were perfect. (Paul Verlaine)
    375. Don't judge a person just by his friends. Remember that Judas had perfect friends. (Ernest Hemingway)
    376. It is not so difficult to die for a friend as to find a friend who would be worth dying for. (Edward George Bulwer-Lytton)
    377. You shouldn't die for your friends, you should live for them. (Barney Stinson)
    378. Do not enter your friend’s house more often, lest he become bored with you and hate you. (Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon)
    379. It doesn’t matter who broke your heart and how long it takes to mend it, you won’t be able to survive it without your friends... (Dmitry Yemets)
    380. Unfaithful friends are swallows that you meet only in the summer; it is a sundial, useful only as long as the sun shines. (Theodor Gottlieb Hippel)
    381. Distrust of friends is the height of dishonor. (Joanne Rowling)
    382. You can complain to a stranger about what you cannot complain about to a friend, and to a friend - about what you cannot complain about to your wife. (Elena Gilber)
    383. Some enemies can be as much a source of pride as friends. (Sergey Lukyanenko)
    384. Hatred for the same object brings people together a hundred times stronger than love, friendship, and respect combined. (Ya.L. Vishnevsky)
    385. The inferiority of our friends gives us considerable pleasure. (Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield)
    386. A foolish friend will do out of friendship what a hundred reasonable enemies will not do out of enmity. (Unsur al-Maali)
    387. There is no more depressing desert than life without friends; friendship multiplies blessings and alleviates troubles; the joy of the soul, it is the only cure for hostile fate. (Baltasar Gracian y Morales)
    388. There is no greater joy than seeing friends, no greater sorrow than separation from friends. (Rudaki)
    389. There is no friendship after love. The one who loves asks to remain friends. (Mikhail Litvak)
    390. There is nothing more precious than friends; therefore, do not lose the opportunity to acquire them whenever you can. (Francesco Guicciardini)
    391. There is nothing more dangerous than an ignorant friend. (Jean de Lafontaine)
    392. There is no quarrel that is more important than friendship. (Elena Gilber)
    393. There are no good friends, there are no bad friends, there are only people you want to be with, who you need to be with, and who have settled in your heart. (Stephen King)
    394. There are no worse enemies than resentful best friends. (Mikhail Litvak)
    395. There seems to be nothing to which nature would push us more than friendly communication. (Michel de Montaigne)
    396. Constantly remind me that we are only friends. Well, unless you forget too. Even the best friends can forget themselves. (Janusz Leon Wisniewski)
    397. In nothing do I find such happiness as in a soul that preserves the memory of my good friends. (William Shakespeare)
    398. We use neither water nor fire as often as we use friendship. (Marcus Tullius Cicero)
    399. Friendship needs neither a slave nor a master. Friendship loves equality. (Ivan Goncharov)
    400. He is a low soul who is ashamed of his friendship with people whose shortcomings have become known to everyone. (Luc de Clapier Vauvenart)
    401. No friendship can be considered complete until a friend turns to you for help in Hard time. (Barney Stinson)
    402. No worldly blessings will be pleasant to us if we use them alone, without sharing them with friends. (Erasmus of Rotterdam)
    403. Never leave old friends, you will never find someone to replace them. Friendship is like wine, the older it is, the better. (Mikhail Litvak)
    404. Never make friends with a person you cannot respect. (Charles Darwin)
    405. Never say “just friends.” Friends are not easy at all... (Francis Bacon)
    406. Never apologize for your terrible friends, because we are all someone's terrible friends. (Elena Gilber)
    407. Never make excuses. Your friends don’t need it, but your enemies still won’t believe it. (Elbert Greene Hubbard)
    408. Never let a little quarrel ruin a great friendship! (Barney Stinson)
    409. No one becomes a woman's friend if he can become her lover. (Mikhail Litvak)
    410. Nothing can inspire and help people like friendship. (Ba Jin)
    411. Nothing is more an expression of our free will than affection and friendship. (Michel de Montaigne)
    412. Friendship can only be judged in relation to people mature age And mature soul. (Cicero Marcus Tullius)
    413. A man is judged by his friends. (Baltasar Gracian y Morales)
    414. He who associates with the wise will be wise, but he who associates with fools will become corrupt. (Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon)
    415. Be sure to make friends with those who are better than you. You will suffer, but you will grow. (Vera Polozkova)
    416. One of the first duties of friendship is to anticipate the requests of friends. (Isocrates)
    417. One of the biggest problems in our lives is to figure out who your friends are. (Mark Levy)
    418. One of the benefits of friendship is being close to the one you love. (Elena Gilber)
    419. It is easier to put out one match than 3. In the same way, people: the fire of one person will shine for a very short time - without the support of friends it will go out. (Mikhail Litvak)
    420. The basis of friendship is the benefits that friends expect to receive from each other. Deprive them of these benefits, and friendship will cease to exist. (Paul Henri Holbach)
    421. Keep your distance from your enemies and be careful with your friends. A true friend is a strong defense: whoever finds him has found a treasure. There is no price for a faithful friend and there is no measure of his kindness. (Old Testament. Sirach)
    422. The first step in love is friendship, and so is the last. And between them there is an untraveled distance. And to overcome it, I give you my whole life... (Mikhail Litvak)
    423. Food and friendship are the small miracles that love can accomplish. (Rita Schiavone)
    424. A bad friend is like a shadow: run on a sunny day and you won’t run away; on a cloudy day, look and you won’t find him. (Abai Kunanbaev)
    425. In relation to your friends you need to be as little burdensome as possible. The most delicate thing is not to demand any favors from your friends. (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel)
    426. True friendship matures slowly and blossoms only where people have actually proven it to each other. (Philip Chesterfield)
    427. The true basis of friendship is equality; friendship never allows for hierarchy. (E. Boesi)
    428. Having made friends, trust, judge before you become friends. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)
    429. As long as you are happy, you have many friends; when times get dark, you're left alone. (Ovid)
    430. While we are building fences around us, we see thieves among our friends and neighbors. (I.A. Goncharov)
    431. A truly kind and amiable person can have as many friends as he wants, but not always the ones he wants. (Francis Bacon)
    432. Attract friends to you through good deeds. This is the meaning of true friendship. (Abu-l-Faraj)
    433. Affection can do without reciprocity, but friendship never can. (Jean Jacques Rousseau)
    434. Ask your friend only what he can do. Don't put him in an awkward position. This means the end of friendship... (Yulian Semenov)
    435. An adversary who reveals your mistakes is more useful to you than a friend who wants to hide them. (Leonardo da Vinci)
    436. When extending your hand to friends, do not clench your fingers into a fist. (Diogenes of Sinope)
    437. As you get older, you realize that it is not the number of friends that matters, but their quality. (Mikhail Litvak)
    438. Over the years, there are fewer friends, but thank God, the friendship is stronger. (Elena Gilber)
    439. Don’t be cheeky with your friends, otherwise your friends will be nothing but nonentities. (Hong Zichen)
    440. It is pleasant to communicate with friends, and useful to communicate with enemies. (Mikhail Litvak)
    441. You often feel better with new friends than with old ones. (Francis Scott Fitzgerald)
    442. The highest honor that friends can give me is to follow my teaching in their lives, or to fight against it to the end if they do not believe in it. (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi)
    443. The deepest friendship gives rise to the most bitter enmity. (Michel de Montaigne)
    444. The most best couple one that starts with friendship. (Elena Gilber)
    445. The strongest friendships almost always begin during difficult times for friends. (Barney Stinson)
    446. The best thing you can do for a friend is to simply be his friend. (Henry David Thoreau)
    447. The best thing about friendship is knowing that someone needs you. And you need this someone. (Mikhail Litvak)
    448. The most terrible loneliness- not having true friends. (Elena Gilber)
    449. The most strong relationships are built on friendship. (Mark Levy)
    450. The most dangerous enemies are former friends. (Anatoly Aleksin)
    451. The surest way to achieve happiness for yourself is to seek it for others. (Martin Luther)
    452. The most beautiful gift given to people after wisdom is friendship. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)
    453. It's harder to impress your friends with an intimidating look. They know you won't really hurt them. (Laurel Hamilton)
    454. Laughter is a good start to friendship, and laughter is a good way to end it. (Oscar Wilde)
    455. The meaning of true friendship is that it doubles joy and halves suffering. (Joseph Addison)
    456. The ability to make friendship, the ability to let love into oneself, to give emotions and oneself - this is humanity. (I.A. Goncharov)
    457. Be a friend when you need friends. Give hope when you need it yourself. (Nick Vujicic)
    458. Diligently avoid any friendship with fools and rogues, if the word friendship is even applicable in relations with such people. (Philip Chesterfield)
    459. Passion comes and goes, but friendship and mutual understanding remain. (Nicholas Sparks)
    460. The desire to pay for love with friendship does not mean the fear of being ungrateful, but only the fear of appearing so. (Ya.L. Vishnevsky)
    461. Happy circumstances create friends, sad circumstances test them. (Publius Sirus)
    462. The happiness that has never deceived me is your friendship. Of all my passions, the only one that has remained unchanged is my friendship for you, for my friendship is a passion. (Nikolai Platonovich Ogarev)
    463. That spontaneity and lightness that makes male friendship so pleasant also destroys it in the future. (Barney Stinson)
    464. This happens all the time: friends come and go, but life goes on. (Stephen King)
    465. Those who illuminate the lives of others will not be left without light themselves. (James Matthew Barry)
    466. Close friendship occurs among people who are similar to each other. (Plato)
    467. It's only in those moments when you see people funny that you truly realize how much you love them. (Mikhail Litvak)
    468. Only your true friend will tell you that your face is dirty. (Italian proverbs and sayings)
    469. Only love and friendship brighten up the loneliness of our days. Happiness is not a given; you have to constantly fight for it. And I think when it comes, it’s important to be able to accept it. (Orson Welles)
    470. Only true friends know where to hit the hardest. (Bernard Werber)
    471. Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses. (William Shakespeare)
    472. Only a friend's hand can tear the thorns out of the heart. (Claude Adrian Helvetius)
    473. Just because we can't be friends doesn't make us any less friends. (Mikhail Litvak)
    474. That true friend among the crowd of acquaintances who, without fear of the truth, will point out your mistake. (I.A. Goncharov)
    475. He who is afraid of making enemies will never make true friends. (Hazlitt W.)
    476. He who has never sought friendship or love is a thousand times poorer than he who has lost both. (Jean Paul (Johann Paul Friedrich Richter)
    477. Anyone who would let a friend down for his own benefit has no right to friendship. (Jean Jacques Rousseau)
    478. He who boasts that he has made many friends has never had a single friend. (Samuel Coleridge)
    479. It is more difficult to fulfill the duties of friendship than to be delighted with them. (Gotthold Ephraim Lessing)
    480. It's hard without a friend when he's lost. But it is also difficult with a friend when he is not faithful. (Aibek)
    481. It is difficult to say at what exact moment friendship is born. When you pour water drop by drop into a vessel, there is one last drop, from which it suddenly overflows, and the moisture overflows, and here, in a series of good deeds, one suddenly fills the heart. (Ray Bradbury)
    482. A cowardly friend is worse than an enemy, because you fear an enemy, but rely on a friend. (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)
    483. You should not be angry with a friend who, wishing you well, will force you to wake up from your sweet dreams, even if he did it somewhat harshly and rudely. (Francis Bacon)
    484. You have a lot of friends, as long as there are no problems in life and everything is fine! But when difficulties come, these people cease to be your friends. (Barney Stinson)
    485. In friends we notice those shortcomings that can harm them, and in loved ones those from which we ourselves suffer. (Jean de La Bruyère)
    486. Among friends, misunderstandings are never serious until a third party comes between them. (Romain Rolland)
    487. I have friends whom I can trust with my life. And that's all I need! (Mikhail Litvak)
    488. I have three kinds of friends: friends who love me, friends who don't care about me at all, and friends who can't stand me. (Barney Stinson)
    489. The winner has many friends, and only the loser has real friends. (Niccolò Machiavelli)
    490. It's better to have no friends than to have friends who secretly hate you. (Ya.L. Vishnevsky)
    491. Having learned a secret from a friend, do not betray it by becoming an enemy: you will strike not the enemy, but the friendship. (Democritus)
    492. Know how to be a friend - then you will find a friend yourself. (Ignatius Krasitsky)
    493. It is not difficult to die for a friend; it is difficult to find a friend worth dying for. (Francis Bacon)
    494. To die for a friend under some exceptional circumstances is less sublime than to daily and secretly sacrifice oneself for him. (Stendhal)
    495. It is more dangerous to have false people as friends than as enemies. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
    496. Good friends, good books and a sleeping conscience - this is an ideal life. (Mark Twain)
    497. A good friend will support you in difficult times. Great - pretend he didn't notice anything. (Dmitry Yemets)
    498. A good friend should come when called to have fun, but come to a friend’s misfortune without being called. (Democritus)
    499. A good friend is one who makes your life better. (Mark Levy)
    500. A good friend keeps secrets. A best friend helps you keep secrets. (Lauren Oliver)
    501. It's good to have a friend, even if you're about to die. (Mikhail Litvak)
    502. It's good when friendship begins with a smile. But it’s even better if it ends with her. (Oscar Wilde)
    503. The worst enemies are former friends: they strike at your weaknesses, which they know only, at your most vulnerable place. (Baltasar Gracian y Morales)
    504. The worst thing is when you mentally understand that you can no longer be friends with a person. (Ernest Hemingway)
    505. Man is not an island in the ocean. A person cannot live without friends. (Barney Stinson)
    506. A man of knowledge must not only love his enemies, but be able to hate even his friends. (Mikhail Litvak)
    507. A person who does not value his friends will never be able to value anyone. (Ya.L. Vishnevsky)
    508. A person needs one and only friend. Someone who hangs around you, drinks your whiskey, pats you on the shoulder, tells you how much he loves you, and takes up your time is not a friend, even if you played pebbles with him at school and fished in the same stream. Until you need a true friend, maybe this one will do. But a true friend, in my opinion, is someone you can rely on... (O. Henry)
    509. What is friendship? A word, an illusion that enchants us, a shadow that follows happiness and disappears in hours of unhappiness! (Oliver Goldsmith)
    510. To live in friendship with those with whom you live constantly, you need to behave with them as if you only see each other once every three months. (Dmitry Yemets)
    511. To live in friendship with those with whom you live constantly, you need to behave with them as if you only see each other once every three months. (I.A. Goncharov)
    512. To gain the favor of friends, you need to value their services higher than they do themselves; on the contrary, our favors to friends should be considered less than our friends believe. (Plato)
    513. No one can heal the scars that friends left. (Elena Gilber)
    514. You can joke with your friends, but not with their feelings! (F. M. Dostoevsky)
    515. It's very sad when friends are forgotten. Not everyone has a friend. And I'm afraid of becoming like adults who are not interested in anything except numbers. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The Little Prince)
    516. I enter into friendship with only very few, but I value it. (Karl Marx)
    517. I thought they lost friends in quarrels, but they simply dissolved in time. (George Bernard Shaw)
    518. I've finally come to terms with the fact that not having friends is not a crime. Having no friends just means you have less problems. (Whitney Houston)
    519. I don't trust people who claim to have many friends. This simply means that they have a poor understanding of their neighbors. (Carlos Ruiz Zafon)
    520. I know of nothing equal to the true friendship of an intelligent person - what a rare gem it is. (Tobias George Smollett)
    521. I am not one of those people who throw away my friendship and give it to those who do not value it. (Mario Puzo)
    522. I never lie to people who call friends. (Mario Puzo)
    523. I am indebted to friends who honor me with their visits, and deeply grateful to friends who deprive me of this honor. (Faina Ranevskaya)
    524. I defeat my enemies by turning them into friends. (Abraham Lincoln)

    In conclusion about friendship

    Of course, some statements may be controversial. This is not surprising, because everyone has their own view of friendship. There is no need to immediately adopt certain ideas from the list presented. But still they are worth attention and after some time some of the statements will really come in handy in life.

    Video: beautiful words about friends

    In this video, Alexander Imanuilov will tell you who a true friend is and what true friendship is known as:

    What quotes about friends do we know? Most often, all the attention is paid to the theme of love, but doesn’t friendship deserve a quote? After all, this is a great feeling that not everyone is given the opportunity to experience. Quotes from the greats, whose words are filled with meaning, can become a pleasant surprise for true friends, conveying your most sincere feelings. The statements and aphorisms collected below from the best minds of humanity about each other will tell us that friendship is one of the first necessities in our lives.

    Beautiful, wise short proverbs can be learned and told about friendship quotes during the holidays. Each has a unique text, the phrases of which penetrate to the very heart. The meaningful quotes about friendship collected below are unique prose, making us understand that a true friend is a luxury not granted to everyone. A well-chosen quote about friends can become a congratulation. And it doesn’t matter how old you are. Quotes about a friend are always useful to express your most sincere and deepest feelings for a loved one.

    1. Giving, taking, sharing secrets, asking questions, giving treats, accepting treats - these are six signs of friendship. (Dhammapada).
    2. People on earth should be friends... I don’t think it’s possible to make all people love each other, but I would like to destroy hatred between people. (Isaac Asimov).
    3. Sincerity in relationships, truth in communication - this is friendship. (Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov).
    4. Each of our friends is a whole world for us, a world that might not have been born and which was born only thanks to our meeting with this person. (Anais Nin).
    5. A friend is one soul living in two bodies. (Aristotle).
    6. Friendship is content with what is possible without demanding what is due. (Aristotle).
    7. Choose your friend slowly, and be even less in a hurry to change him. (Benjamin Franklin).
    8. A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother. (Benjamin Franklin).
    9. He who wants to have a friend without faults remains without friends. (Bias).
    10. Like-mindedness creates friendship. (Democritus).
    11. Those who illuminate the lives of others will not be left without light themselves. (James Matthew Barry).
    12. When you light other people’s candles from your lamp, you do not lose a single particle of flame. (Jane Porter).
    13. Happiness is incomplete until you share it with others. (Jane Porter).
    14. The meaning of true friendship is that it doubles joy and halves suffering. (Joseph Addison).
    15. True friendship is a slow growing plant, which must be experienced in trouble and misfortune before it deserves the name. (George Washington).
    16. Anyone looking for an ideal friend will be left without friends. (Elena Petrovna Blavatsky).
    17. The one who has never sought either friendship or love is a thousand times poorer than the one who has lost both of them. (Jean Paul).
    18. Know how to be a friend - you will find a friend. (Ignatius Krasitsky).
    19. Do not rudely break the thread of friendship, because if you have to tie it again, a knot will remain. (Indian proverb).
    20. Truly, there is nothing better in life than the help of a friend and mutual joy. (John of Damascus).
    21. Friendship is not such a pathetic flame that it can go out in separation. (Johann Friedrich Schiller).
    22. True friendship is truthful and courageous. (Johann Friedrich Schiller).
    23. Only a friend's hand can tear the thorns out of the heart. (Claude Adrian Helvetius).
    24. In the edifice of human happiness, friendship builds the walls, and love forms the dome. (Kozma Prutkov).
    25. He who is humane gives others support, wanting to have it himself, and helps them achieve success, wanting to achieve it himself. (Confucius).
    26. When mistrust arises, friendship disappears. (Labui)s.
    27. This is what I liked about Hekaton today: “You ask, what have I achieved? I became my own friend!” He has achieved a lot, because now he will never be alone. And know: such a person will be a friend to everyone. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger).
    28. We should always have a friend in our soul, and our soul should always be with us: it can see whoever it wants every day. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger).
    29. Friendship ends where mistrust begins. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca (Younger)
    30. Having made friends, trust, judge before you become friends. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger).
    31. The surest way to achieve happiness for yourself is to seek it for others. (Martin Luther).
    32. Let people see the kindness shining in your face, in your eyes and in your friendly greeting. Let us all be one heart, one love. (Mother Teresa).
    33. In friendship there are no other calculations or considerations other than itself. (Michel de Montaigne).
    34. A true friend is someone whom I would trust in everything concerning me more than myself. (Michel de Montaigne).
    35. There seems to be nothing to which nature would push us more than friendly communication. Michel de (Montaigne).
    36. Nothing is more an expression of our free will than affection and friendship. (Michel de Montaigne).
    37. There is no asceticism equal to patience, no happiness equal to contentment, no gift equal to friendship, no virtue equal to compassion. (Wisdom of Ancient India).
    38. He who is a good friend himself has many good friends. (Niccolò Machiavelli).
    39. Look at whether you love others, and not at whether others love you. (Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol).
    40. Two people can save each other where one dies. (Honore de Balzac).
    41. Friendship is like a treasury: you cannot get out of it more than you put into it. (Osip Mandelstam).
    42. In trouble you know a friend. (Petronius Arbiter Gaius).
    43. In order to live long, save for yourself old wine and an old friend. (Pythagoras).
    44. Live with people so that your friends do not become enemies, and your enemies become friends. (Pythagoras).
    45. By trying for the happiness of others, we find our own. (Plato).
    46. Close friendship occurs among people who are similar to each other. (Plato).
    47. The only way to have a friend is to be one yourself. (Ralph Waldo Emerson).
    48. A person needs another person. (Ralph Waldo Emerson).
    49. Food and friendship are the small miracles that love can accomplish. (Rita Schiavone).
    50. To be friends is more to love than to be loved. (Robert Bridges).
    51. Friendship is brotherhood, and in its most sublime meaning this is its most beautiful ideal. (Silvio Pellico).
    52. The eyes of friendship are rarely wrong. (François-Marie Arouet Voltaire).
    53. Miracles are beautiful, and to console a brother, to help a friend rise from the depths of suffering, to forgive an enemy for his errors - these are the greatest miracles in the world. (François-Marie Arouet Voltaire).
    54. Anyone who refuses to forgive another, as it were, destroys the bridge over which he himself will have to cross, for every person needs forgiveness. (Edward Herbert).
    55. Of all the things that wisdom gives you for the happiness of your whole life, the most important is the possession of friendship. (Epicurus).
    56. In all sorts of ways and ways, nature teaches people consent. Not content with expressing mutual affection in words, she made the community not just pleasant, but also necessary. (Erasmus of Rotterdam).
    57. A friend should take on part of the friend's grief. (Erasmus of Rotterdam).
    58. We truly live only when we give ourselves to others. (Ethel Percy Andrews).
    59. Love can be unrequited. Friendship - never. (Janusz Wisniewski).
    60. Only a friend's hand can tear the thorns out of the heart. (Claude-Adrian Helvetius).
    61. In the bustle of this world, friendship is the only thing that matters in personal life. (Karl Marx).
    62. Sincerity in relationships, truth in communication - this is friendship. (Alexander Suvorov).
    63. He who does not look for friends is his own enemy. (Shota Rustaveli).
    64. People can drink together, they can live under the same roof, they can make love, but only joint activities idiocy indicates real spiritual and emotional closeness. (Eva Rapoport).
    65. How can a saint who has not known friendship live? He is like an empty pearl. (Alisher Navoi).
    66. Friendship is when you feel good with a person for no reason. (Yuri Nagibin).
    67. Friendship multiplies joys and crushes sorrows. (Henry George Bohn).
    68. When extending your hand to friends, do not clench your fingers into a fist. (Diogenes).
    69. We love our friends for their flaws. (William Hazlitt).
    70. The Lord has given us relatives, but we, thank God, are free to choose our own friends. (Ethel Mumford).
    71. You can never do too much for a loyal friend. (Henrik Ibsen).
    72. Throughout my life I have become convinced that conversations with friends take up the most and most imperceptible time; friends are the great robbers of time. (Francesco Petrarca).
    73. People are born to help each other, just as a hand helps an arm, a foot helps a leg, and the upper jaw helps the lower. (Marcus Aurelius).
    74. Friendship is not such a pathetic flame that it can go out in separation. (Johann Schiller).
    75. A true friend is someone who will hold your hand and feel your heart. Gabriel Marquez.
    76. Friendship needs neither a slave nor a master. Friendship loves equality. Ivan Goncharov.
    77. There are people to whom we forgive, and there are people to whom we do not forgive. Those whom we do not forgive are our friends. (Henri Monterlant).
    78. You don't have to be a dog to be a friend. (Mikhail Zadornov).
    79. It is better to be in darkness than without a friend. (John Chrysostom).
    80. Love requires infinitely less than friendship. (George Nathan).
    81. Friendship is the haven to which a person strives; it brings joy and peace of mind, it is relaxation in this life and the beginning of heavenly life. (Torquato Tasso).
    82. It is not so difficult to die for a friend as to find a friend who would be worth dying for. (Edward Bulwer-Lytton).
    83. The most beautiful gift given to people after wisdom is friendship. (Francois La Rochefoucauld).
    84. The law of friendship prescribes to love a friend no less, but not more than oneself. (Aurelius Augustine).
    85. The best pleasure, the highest joy in life is to feel needed and close to people. (Maksim Gorky).
    86. A true friend is known in misfortune. (Aesop).
    87. Not trusting friends is more shameful than being deceived by them. (La Rochefoucauld).
    88. He who seeks friends deserves to find them; He who has no friends has never looked for them. (G. Lessing).
    89. The decoration of the house is the friends who visit it. (R. Emerson).
    90. A friend who has achieved power is lost. (G. Adams).
    91. My friend is the one to whom I can tell everything. (V.G. Belinsky).
    92. He who is deprived of sincere friends is truly lonely. (F. Bacon).
    93. In wealth, friends are with us, in trouble, we are with them. (D.C. Collins).
    94. There are always a lot of people in court and few friends. (Seneca).
    95. Who will tell me the truth about me, if not a friend, and hearing the truth about yourself from another is necessary. (V.G. Belinsky).
    96. It's not good to change friends every now and then. (Hesiod).
    97. The unfortunate have no friends. (D. Dryden).
    98. Without friendship, no communication between people has value. (Socrates).

    Friends are what help us breathe and heal our emotional wounds. It will be useful to learn sayings about friendship for both adults and children. Proverbs about friends reveal her true nature, telling that a true friend is a support and a reliable companion in life. So, above you can choose quotes about friendship in honor of the celebration or simply write proverbs about friends to loved ones in a message. Aphorisms about friendship will tell them about your feelings and experiences. After all, every quote about friendship is a way to talk about thoughts that we often hide. You can send meaningful poems about friendship to your friends or post aphorisms about friendship on your social networks. In any case, friends will see the quote and understand exactly who it is about.

    Wise quotes with meaning about friendship and friends, phrases of great people. Friendship is the joy of communication, one of the brightest feelings of a person. The confidence that a person will not betray you and will support you is proof of true friendship. But it is important to understand that a friend is not an ideal person, and friendship is tested not only over the years, but also through the trials that a person encounters throughout his life. To keep friends, you need to learn to forgive and not harbor grudges.

    Business, affairs, career can bring money, but not friendship. Jane Austen

    In friendship, the offer of help should precede the request for it. Valery Krasovsky

    A friend is a person with whom I can be sincere. In his presence I can think out loud. Ralph Waldo Emerson

    In my youth, I demanded more from people than they could give: constancy in friendship, loyalty in feelings. Now I have learned to demand less from them than they can give: to be close and silent. And I always look at their feelings, their friendship, their noble deeds as a real miracle - as a gift from God. Albert Camus.

    Loyalty is the commandment of friendship, the most precious thing that can be given to a person. Telman Ernst.

    • Aristotle.
    • A friend is a person with whom I can be sincere. Ralph Waldo Emerson.
    • A friend is one who, knowing you, does not become an enemy. Gennady Malkin.

    Friendship is treating another as oneself. Love is treating another better than treating yourself. Shevelev.

    Friendship keeps you busy 24/7 if you are truly friends with someone. Therefore, you cannot have many good friends - you simply do not have enough time and energy for them all. Truman Hood.

    • Friendship can only be strong with maturity of mind and age. Marcus Tullius Cicero
    • A friend is one soul living in two bodies. Aristotle.
    • A friendship that ended never really began. Publilius Syrus.
    Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller.

    Friendship based on business is better than business based on friendship. Rockefeller.

    Friends in happy circumstances should appear only by invitation, and in unfortunate circumstances - without an invitation, on their own. Isocrates.

    False friends, like shadows, follow us on our heels while we walk in the sun, and immediately leave us as soon as we enter the shadow. P. Bovey

    True friends are like diamonds - precious and rare. False friends are like autumn leaves - they are everywhere. Bruce Lee

    Friends can help a person. A true friend is one who does not prevent you from being absolutely free, being yourself, and, most importantly, feeling. Or not feel it. At any time you feel great next to him. This is the result of true love - it allows a person to be who he really is... Most people love you the way you seem... By accepting their love, you keep up the pretense, you play. You begin to love your pretense... It’s true, we are limited by illusory laws, and it’s sad that people get used to their image - they grow up, each fixed by their mask. They love their chains.
    They forget who they really are. And if you try to remind them of something, they begin to hate you for it, because they understand that you are trying to steal their most precious thing. Jim Douglas Morrison

    • Not the friend who smears honey, but the one who tells the truth to your face.
    • Silence is a friend who will never betray. Confucius.
    • Enemies always tell the truth, friends never. Cicero.

    Our friendship is a constant value! It does not depend on religion and does not fluctuate like the dollar exchange rate. You are my friend, no matter what, as long as you let me into your soul and give me the amazing feeling that we are one!
    Our friendship is stronger than any chain. It does not depend on our words and actions. She is a bridge over the abyss, a warm blanket in the cold. Even distance will not break her. You keep my heart. And I’m yours... (Rebel spirit Rebelde Way)

    Don't walk ahead of me - I might not keep up with you, and don't follow me, I might lead you in the wrong direction, just walk next to me and be my friend. Albert Camus

    Do not rudely break the thread of friendship, because if you have to tie it again, a knot will remain.

    There is no bond holier than fellowship! A father loves his child, a mother loves her child, a child loves his father and mother. But that’s not it, brothers: the beast also loves its child. But only one person can become related by kinship by soul, and not by blood. Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich .

    He is a low soul who is ashamed of his friendship with people whose shortcomings have become known to everyone. Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

    Be sure to make friends with those who are better than you. You will suffer, but you will grow. Polozkova Vera

    An adversary who reveals your mistakes is more useful to you than a friend who wants to hide them. Leonardo da Vinci

    The greatest wealth of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus is the friendship of fraternal peoples, which is currently undergoing great testing. Konstantin Kushner.

    The death of a dear friend, wife, brother, lover is always a deprivation, but sometimes this loss makes a person’s life directed or even brilliant, a genuine revolution takes place in his life, he realizes that the era of infancy or youth has ended, and therefore all paths for that what happened before. Many people change their profession, home, lifestyle and begin to treat other people in their lives more welcoming and friendly than before. Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Passion comes and goes, but friendship and mutual understanding remain. Nicholas Sparks.

    Happiness makes friends, but only misfortune can tell you which of them is a true friend. Baurzhan Toyshibekov.

    The bonds of friendship are immeasurably stronger than the bonds of kinship and property, for we choose our friends ourselves, and relatives are sent to us by fate. Giovanni Boccaccio.

    Selfless friendship is only possible between people with the same income. Paul Getty.

    How much we do for our friends that we never did for ourselves! A. Oxenstierna

    The value of a fortune is learned when it is acquired, and the value of a friend is learned when it is lost. P eti-san.

    Diligently avoid any friendship with fools and rogues, if the word “friendship” is even applicable in relations with such people. Chesterfield

    • It is not family ties that create friends, but a community of interests. Democritus
    • Friends exist to help each other. Romain Rolland.
    • Nothing binds hearts more than the joy of shared tears. Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

    Friendship penetrates the lives of all people, but to maintain it, sometimes you have to endure insults. Cicero .

    It is not so difficult to die for a friend as to find a friend who is worth dying for. Bulwer-Lytton.

    A friend is one who takes pleasure in doing good to another, and who believes that this other has the same feelings for him. David Raizman

    A friend is one who, every time you need him, guesses about it. Jules Renard.

    A friend loves at all times and, like a brother, will appear in times of misfortune. Solomon.

    A true friend is with you when you are wrong. When you are right, everyone will be with you. Mark Twain.

    Useful friends are a straightforward friend, a sincere friend and a friend who has heard a lot. Harmful friends are a hypocritical friend, a flattering friend and a talkative friend.” Confucius.

    It’s even nice to be sick when you know that there are people who are waiting for your recovery as a holiday. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

    “Everyone sympathizes with the misfortunes of their friends, and few rejoice in their successes.” Oscar Wilde.

    Only those people who know how to forgive each other's minor shortcomings can be connected by true friendship. Jean de La Bruyère.

    The best friend can be the one who knows the worst about you and still loves you. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

    Friendship is content with what is possible without demanding what is due. Aristotle

    If you keep your friend and remain worthy of him, this will be the best test of your character, spirit, heart, even morality. G. Marx

    Strive to have next to you a straightforward adviser, a demanding friend, and love not the one who flatters you, but the one who corrects you. George Sand.

    Be careful not to classify flatterers as friends: He is your true friend who is honest and straightforward. M.Saadi

    Indulging the weaknesses of your friends, turning a blind eye to their shortcomings, admiring their vices as if they were virtues, what could be closer to stupidity? Erasmus of Rotterdam

    True friendship must be frank and free from pretense and assent. Cicero

    You should not be angry with a friend who, wishing you well, will force you to wake up from your sweet dreams, even if he did it somewhat harshly and rudely. Walter Scott.

    I value friendship that is not afraid of harsh and decisive words. Michel de Montaigne.

    There is only one case where we have nothing to be afraid of offending a friend - this is when it comes to telling him the truth and thus proving our loyalty to him. Cicero .

    A friend who tells us thoroughly about our shortcomings is an invaluable treasure. Charles Saint-Evremond.

    A friend is a merciless judge who does not allow any deviation from the truth. Francesco Alberoni.

    What serious mistakes and extreme absurdities do many, especially people of higher station, fall into because they have no friend who can tell them about these mistakes. Francis Bacon.

    Friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one would wish for himself a life without friends, even if he had all the other benefits. Aristotle.

    The selection includes short and not very long quotes about friendship and friends, wise phrases with meaning from great people.