Prose on May 9 for children. Congratulations. Touching congratulations on Victory Day in your own words

Are published: Texts of official speeches and statements by heads and deputy heads of a state body, its territorial bodies, local government;


Dear war veterans,

war veterans and home front workers!

Dear New Zealanders and guests of our city!

With all my heart I congratulate you on the Day of military and labor glory, national pride and national memory - Victory Day!

This is a special holiday for all of us. It combines the tears of sorrow and joy, the pain of loss and great sacrifice. Behind the short but capacious word "Victory" is the courage and heroism of millions of Soviet soldiers, hard and hard work in the rear.

68 years have passed since the victorious May of the 45th year. The fourth generation of people is born, who do not know the hardships and horrors of the war years. Years will pass, more than one generation will be replaced, but in the hearts of New Zealanders the memory of the heroism of our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and fathers will be preserved. Suffered by losses and losses, Victory Day will remain for us a symbol of pride for them, for those who defended the freedom and independence of the Motherland in the most difficult, brutal and bloody war, a symbol of courage, greatness, fortitude and will of our people, a symbol of the dignity of Russia.

We are proud that in the glorious military annals of the country, there is a share of feats and our fellow countrymen. New settlers defended Moscow and Stalingrad, participated in the battle on the Kursk Bulge, beat the enemy on the Oder and the Vistula, saluted the Victory in Berlin. Unfortunately, not all of them returned to a peaceful life, to their relatives, to those who believed in them and waited. The war left its terrible mark in almost every New Uzen home. The bitterness of loss did not pass a single family. 4500 of our fellow countrymen laid their heads and found the last refuge away from their native places.

Therefore, every year on the Day of the Great Victory, we with deep memory in the hearts of everyone who did not return from the fields of the Great Patriotic War, with gratitude to all who showed steadfastness and fortitude, dedication and personal courage, patience and the will to Victory, come to this to the eternal flame, to these memorial plates, on which are carved the names of all New Zealanders who died in battle, in captivity, died from wounds and are missing. This is a tribute to and reminders to us, our children and grandchildren, about the high price they paid for us to work calmly, enjoy a peaceful life, make plans for the future, and be confident in the future.

I express special gratitude to the veterans present here. Representatives of that glorious generation, which on its shoulders endured all the hardships of war. Many of them went through the bitterness of the loss of comrades, the blood of battles, more than one hundred front roads. Others withstood their severe test of military hardness, working on fields and farms, in hospitals and aircraft workshops, in defensive structures.

Sincere and sincere gratitude to all of you for what you did during the war, for your work in the post-war years, for all that you have done for the benefit of the development of the region.

You are our pride and an example to follow in strength of mind, love for one’s homeland, solidarity and selflessness, in mutual assistance, responsibility for those around.

Good health and longevity to you, strength of mind and vitality!

Dear Newborns!

Recognizing ourselves as the heirs of the victorious people, we must remember that now we bear our share of responsibility for the fate of our land, our homeland. Today, Russia, you and I, more than ever need faith and loyalty to our patriotic traditions. We must remember and respect our history not only during the holidays.

Inexorably and time. From year to year, fewer and fewer veterans remain, those who, with arms in their hands and in the rear, defended our right to life with you. Therefore, our memory of all those who have not survived until Victory Day, of all those who have not survived to this day should be even stronger. And, on our part, the living participants in the war deserve more attention.

I wish you, dear newborns, your relatives - happiness and prosperity! May there be mutual understanding and harmony in your homes, warmth and coziness, confidence in the stability of tomorrow!

Happy holiday to you! Happy Great Victory Day!

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Victory Day is one of the greatest days for our country. On this day, we humans got freedom, got the opportunity to see the clear, the sky, contemplate the earthly beauty, love our loved ones, got our life. How can we, residents, patriots of our country, repay those who stood for us, who gave their lives. Only peace and memory. Congratulations to veterans in prose will help you congratulate the living and honor the memory of fallen heroes.

  • Touching greetings
  • From the Governor
  • From the head of the company

Beautiful congratulations on Victory Day to veterans

  Dear our veterans. Congratulations on this great holiday - Victory Day! There are no words that we, your descendants, could express our gratitude to. And no years will erase our memory of your feat. Your courage, your devotion to the Motherland and the ability to sacrifice yourself for centuries will serve as an example for the young! We wish you to stand firmly on your feet for a long time and accept our words of gratitude!

Veterans! Heroes! Winners! Many years ago, you took upon yourself all the terrible torments of the War ... We owe everything to you and you only: a blue sky, a bright sun, the ability to breathe and live! Congratulations on the Great Victory Day! Let the sun shine over you for a long time and blue clouds float!

Dear our Veterans! Congratulations on the Great Victory Day! We wish you good health and many more years of life! Legends and songs are written about your exploits! Your image will remain forever! You and only you gave us this world, this is a blue sky, this is a bright sun, these clear stars. So accept sincere gratitude from all the inhabitants of our country.

Touching greetings

  Our dear veterans, beloved Winners! We congratulate you on the Great Day, on the Day of your mighty, valiant Victory! And today we want to express our gratitude to you for this great feat! For what you have done for us, for your disinterestedness, for your fearlessness, for your Heroism, for your sacrifice! God bless you for many, many years of health, strength and happiness!

Veterans, our dear people! Your Feat has no price, he has no oblivion. Congratulations on the Great Day of the Great Victory! There is no corner in our country wherever you pray on this day, wherever you wish you health and longevity! Wherever they thank you from the bottom of their hearts! Because it is your day, because it is your holiday, your victory! Thank you for her!

Victory Day is not easy. Great holiday! This is a great and bright day for most of the half of the world! This day is our joy, our pride, our honor, our valor! But also - this is our life! Our past, our present and our future! Our sky, our sun, our piece of warm bread! And for all this we say thank you, our dear grandparents, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers! After all, if not for you, what would be now on this earth? How would fate turn to us? Thank you, from the bottom of my heart - thank you!

Dear veterans! Many years have passed since Victory Day, many tears have flowed since then. Our country has a difficult fate, but all this is already behind. And we, your descendants, those who are already born and those who are still destined to be born, are immensely grateful to you that today we have the right to live a peaceful, free life. We have the right to give life to others and enjoy looking at them. Your exploits do not have a number, just as there is no number and our thanks. Be happy and healthy for many more years! And may your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and all those be healthy and happy. Who will come to this beautiful world later.

Short congratulations for SMS with Victory Day

  Happy Great Victory Day, you friends! May the world never disappear from your eyes! May you and your descendants live forever under the bright sun and blue sky!

Happiness to you on Victory Day dear veterans! Let the bright sun shine over your heads for many more years!

Happy Victory Day, dear Russians, with Great Victory Day! In 1945, our united strength triumphed! Let the news of it scatter all over the world, for this is good news! We are Russians and we are one!

Victory Day is a majestic and great holiday! Peaceful heaven over your heads, my friends, and clean air! I wish you happiness for many centuries!

Happy Victory Day, you friends! May the sky never darken before your eyes! May your eyes never see troubles, and heart not see grief.

We wish you to save the Greatness of Victory in Victory Hour! Pass it from generation to generation, so that the sun does not fade over our heads!

In life, the most important thing is freedom! Freedom was given to us in 1945, and we will not forget it! Happy Victory Day!

Russians! Winners! Peace to your home in this great hour - the hour of Victory Day! May he bring you only joy.

Congratulations on Victory Day to colleagues

Dear colleagues! I wish you happiness on the Great Victory Day! We are alive and young, and this is a miracle! Let us today remember those to whom we owe this, our dear veterans! Recall and express their infinite gratitude to them! And our gratitude will only be in maintaining peace on earth, in respect for age, in caring for the weak! And it will always be so!

Dear colleagues! Today, on Victory Day, you and I are standing here and rejoice in the peace on the planet. And all this thanks to those who stood at the cost of their lives for this world! So, let’s do everything so that it flourishes yet

Hundreds of millions of years. It is in our power, friends! Happy holiday to all of you, with a great holiday!

Dear colleagues! Today, half the world celebrates the Great Victory! We celebrate it and we are with you! May God give us all a memory of those days, perhaps then no one will raise a hand in the name of power and evil. We, and only we can save peace on earth! Remember this! Always remember this!

Dear Colleagues! We often talk about our “battles” on our “professional front”. But we cannot imagine one iota what a "front" is and what a "battle" is! And thank God that it is! Let then this expression will remain in the workspace, and no one will know its essence! Happy Victory Day all of us!

Congratulations on Victory Day from an official

  We offer the reader official, solemn and beautiful congratulations in prose.

From the Governor

  Dear Russians. Honor and valor led us to victory! Nobody is forgotten, because every generation from day to day, from year to year, word of mouth transmits legendary stories about the most difficult time for the country, about the Great Patriotic War. So, may there always be peace over our heads!

Dear compatriots! I congratulate you on the great holiday, on the holiday of the Winners! Today you and I have the right to stand here, on land not dug with military might! Contemplate the heavens and watch, without looking down, into each other's eyes. For this we will say thanks to our heroes, our valiant veterans!

Dear residents of our region (district, region)! Today in Russia is a sacred and great holiday - Victory Day over a fascist enemy! Today we will turn over another page of our Victory Chronicle! God grant that those who led us to Victory live happily and for many years to serve as an example to the young generation. Happy holiday to all of us!

Worthy residents of Russia! I would like to ask you: “What is the most important thing in the world”? Of course, the smile of a little child! Today, our children are smiling, they are smiling because they live in peacetime, in a good country, under reliable protection. But all this is not just. All this is due to the fact that once, on May 9, 1945, our troops defeated the enemy of the country. Today they have thinned considerably, but, dear veterans, we are infinitely glad that you are with us, that you see this world, that you see what you fought for, not sparing yourself. A low, earthly bow to you for all your deeds, for all your victories, for all your exploits!

Dear veterans, the pride of our district (region, region)! The Great Patriotic War is called Holy. And so it is. But the world is also sacred! And that is why you and I need to protect this world. The world that was given to us by our Winners, and now Veterans! With all our souls we pray heaven for them. Be happy and healthy for many more years, our dear savior!

Our dear Veterans, no, our dear Winners! On this bright, festive day, we want to congratulate you on the Great Victory and wish you great happiness, endless health and long years of prosperity! And also, we, the inhabitants of our Great Country, want to express all of you great gratitude for your great deeds, for your strength of mind, for your exploits! Thanks you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

From the head of the company

Dear friends, dear colleagues, thank you for the fact that today we are shoulder to shoulder achieving great success in our difficult field! But first of all, we need to say thanks to those who gave us this opportunity: the opportunity to live, the opportunity to work, to communicate with colleagues, to return to our beloved families! To thank our long-grayed, but still Heroes with a capital letter, our Winners, our veterans! Happy holiday to you, comrades!

Dear colleagues, friends, "associates" of the working front and, of course, our veterans! Today, it’s not easy for you with Victory Day, today is free man’s day with you! After all, Freedom is the most important thing that we need for life on earth! And although today their ranks are not so dense, but the forces are not the same as before, in our memory they will be Great Heroes for thousands of years who saved millions of lives on earth. Glory to them, and all of us on the Holiday, on the Day of the present, united Victory!

Our dear friends and colleagues! These days, all the eyes and hearts of our country are turned to the Winners, because we owe a great debt to them, which we cannot pay for centuries. But you and I can keep peace on earth for centuries, in memory of exploits, pass it on to your children and grandchildren! Dear veterans! Accept from us congratulations and wishes of tremendous strength, health and happiness to you! And may all your future generations prosper! And to you, my colleagues, I, as a leader, wish, first of all, a peaceful life, bright colors, prosperity!

Friends, perhaps the most significant holiday for our people dedicated to victory in the Great Patriotic War is approaching. The holiday, which for many years, starting in 1945, we celebrate on May 9. It is this spring day that we begin with words that are understandable and close to any of us - with Victory Day! Happy Great Victory Day! Congratulations on Victory Day are heard from all sides - in prose, in poetry, short and long, touching and beautiful. We give each other cards, drawings, crafts made by the hands of children and adults. We sing songs, dance and admire the fireworks.

Or maybe there was no war ...

And people all dreamed about it:

Ravaged land

Executions and concentration camps,

Khatyn and mass graves?

Alexander Rosenbaum

Unfortunately, everything was, and this should not be forgotten. For the lack of memory of those events can lead to a repetition of a sad experience.

Congratulations on Victory Day

But be that as it may, May 9 is a holiday, albeit "with tears in his eyes." And we are proud of the Great Victory of our people, rejoice in the new day, our loved ones. Congratulations to each other, family and friends. After all, there is not a single family that this war would not touch. And first of all, we congratulate the veterans who won this terrible war. It is a pity that there are so few of them left.

Congratulations on Victory Day in prose

Congratulations on Victory Day! We wish that there was always a peaceful sky above your head, and each peaceful day gave only happiness, joy, cheerful smiles and sonorous laughter of children. Let the echoes of war remain only in books and films. And in our hearts and souls lives pride for the exploits of the heroes of our Fatherland.

Congratulations on Victory Day! And we want to wish you a happy life on our wonderful planet, keeping in your heart pride and gratitude for peace and quiet. May there be no place for war on earth, may every dawn bring only joy and love.

Please accept our congratulations on the Day of Victory over Fascism. This holiday has become the property not only of our country. With us are those for whom courage, valor, honor and courage are not empty words. Thanks to the heroes of the war and the workers of the rear, we have a peaceful sky above our heads. Allow me, friends, to wish you good health and well-being. Happy holiday!

Poetry Victory Day Greetings

War has long died down

Again the blue sky above us.

Only the memory of the past is alive

This pain cannot be forgotten for years.

Do not forget those young guys

That victory was brought closer to us.

Having no turning back

Only forward they fled under fire.

Happy Victory Day! Let the birds sing

Let the planet be full of flowers.

The sky will decorate the salute

In honor of the heroes, which is not with us now!

We wish you on Victory Day

Only peace! Peace and heat.

So that never in the world

Do not hear the terrible word "war".

So that our children don’t recognize

What happened to you through

So that the world reigns in this world,

So that we could just live!

May our sky be clear

The world is bright, sunny, beautiful!

Cause we were born for happiness

Let there be no war in him!

What is bad will melt

Only peace and kindness reign

And in your heart wins

Always love and beauty!

Short congratulations on the victory in the Great Patriotic War

Victory Day is a holiday of spring,

Day of the defeat of brutal war

The day of the defeat of violence and evil

The day of the resurrection of love and goodness!

May the sky be blue!

And the sun shines bright

War will melt like smoke

And love will only be hot!

Happy Great Victory Day, friends!

On a glorious holiday - Victory Day

Congratulations to you friends!

Happiness to adults, laughter to children,

I wish everyone peace!

Congratulations on Victory Day

Take it from the heart!

Let any troubles in life

Get lost on the way!

Congratulations on Victory Day in pictures

Each year, the solemn May parade on Red Square reminds us of the difficult years of the most terrible and bloody war of the 20th century - the Great Patriotic War. Indeed, such a long-awaited Victory Day was given to our people at the cost of the lives of many thousands of fellow citizens who died in the struggle for peace and freedom. The tradition to celebrate May 9 on a grand scale has been preserved to this day - in 2018, the celebration of the 73rd anniversary of the Great Victory will take place. In honor of such a significant date in large cities of Russia, as well as in post-Soviet countries, military festivities, laying of wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, commemorative meetings of war veterans will be held. Choosing congratulations on May 9, 2018, we recommend that you look into our selection - here you will find beautiful poems and wishes in prose on Victory Day, strict official and touching to tears lines. So, short congratulatory SMS in verses can be sent on May 9 to familiar veterans or work colleagues. Congratulating relatives and friends on Victory, it is better to pick up poems, supplemented by warm, sincere words from myself. I wish you happiness, health, and a peaceful sky above your head!

Short congratulations on May 9, 2018 to veterans, friends and colleagues

The first Victory Day was celebrated in 1945, when the Act on unconditional surrender by fascist Germany was signed. Thousands of citizens of the vast victorious country enthusiastically received such joyful news while listening to the radio message of the Soviet Information Bureau. To commemorate the Great Victory of May 9, 30 volleys of thousands of artillery shells sounded - the most ambitious salute in the history of the USSR. And even though very few veterans and eyewitnesses of the events of bygone years have survived today, their heroic contribution to our history can hardly be overestimated. On the eve of Victory Day, we picked up the most beautiful short congratulations on May 9, 2018 - to veterans, friends, work colleagues. Of course, words will not heal past wounds and return the deceased relatives and fellow soldiers, but with the help of beautiful short congratulations on May 9 in verse and prose, you can show sincere participation, expressing your gratitude and sincere gratitude to all who heroically defended our future.

A selection of short congratulations on May 9 Victory Day

To all who fought for the Fatherland,
  The bow to the ground.
  Thank you for the victory,
  For saving our lives!

On Victory Day I wish you
  Sea of \u200b\u200bvictories in life
  So that you live brightly, wonderfully,
  Without longing, worries and troubles!
  Peace in the sky and in the houses
  Happiness, joy in the hearts!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the great holiday, Victory Day. May there always be a clear blue sky in our lives, may our relatives and children not know what war means, may our hearts always be proud of the deeds of our grandfathers, may the Victory song in each of us awaken the power of patriotism and feelings of good hope.

Dear colleagues, congratulations on the great Victory Day! We wish you peace in the country and your families, happiness, peace. Honor the holy memory of those who gave us the opportunity to live and work.

Tears sparkle in my eyes

Flashes gray hair in the temples.

Veterans saved our lives,

Through pain and bitterness, fear and wounds.

And you with a great Victory Day,

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.

I want to say thanks for my life,

I wish you good health!

Funny short congratulations in verses from May 9, 2018

With the onset of the next anniversary of Victory Day, I want to congratulate all relatives, friends and acquaintances on this important historical day. Indeed, the unprecedented courage of thousands of ordinary people resulted in the deliverance of the country from Nazi invaders. So, today on this wonderful spring day, representatives of the older generation accept warm congratulations on May 9, 2018 from their friends and relatives. When preparing for Victory Day, it is important not to forget to pick up some cool short greetings in verses to express the most joyful feelings and wishes. Each veteran will be pleased with such attention on Victory Day - short poems can be pronounced in person or sent as a congratulatory SMS. May 9 May remain in the memory of the people who have traveled such a long and difficult path to their Great Victory for a long time.

How to briefly congratulate verses on Victory Day May 9, 2018

I hasten to congratulate you,
  Today is a holiday - Victory Day!

Victory Day is a glorious holiday,
  It’s just right to remember the main thing:
  Wish you with a soul
  Peaceful fortune in fate!

Congratulations on Victory Day!
  This holiday is dear to us
  Good that stuck
  We slap enemies!

May there be no wars in the world!
  Peace, dominate the earth
  To make the sky blue
  Smiled at the window!

Hero of computer shooters,
  Well, come off the screen!
  With a victory! They fought for her
  Our heroes, veterans!

So gratefully celebrate
  That your life is quite normal
  And the shots here are not dangerous -
  Fights are virtual!

Grandfathers fought for you.
  They are honored and praised!
  You are on this Victory Day
  Be as agile as an arrow

Congratulations to all the veterans themselves,
  Private and captains,
  Officers and sergeants -
Giant Winners!

Official congratulations on May 9, 2018 in prose to work colleagues and the head

The texts of congratulations on Victory Day are always distinguished by special solemnity and penetration, evoking the most trembling feelings among the audience. Each time we try to pick up original beautiful congratulations on May 9 - with the best wishes of peace, kindness and happiness. In many labor collectives, it is customary to congratulate each other on Victory Day, to organize celebrations with the presentation of gifts and bonuses to combatants. A traditional part of the holiday is the official congratulation of colleagues and the head, clients and business partners on Victory Day. Here you will find several options for official greetings in prose for a festive speech - postcards and letters can also be sent to Victory Day on May 9, 2018. It is better to stock up in advance with beautiful bouquets of red carnations and lilies of the valley in order to adequately congratulate fellow veterans on Victory.

Options for official congratulations for the team in prose on Victory Day on May 9

Dear colleague, today is an amazing holiday on May 9th. This day is full of happiness and joy, as well as sorrow and sadness. But on this bright day, I would like to wish you a peaceful sky above your head, as well as only the brightest moments that lie ahead! Happy holiday!

Dear colleagues, on this respectable day, we say a big “Thank you” to our fallen heroes who gave their lives for peace on earth. I would like to wish prosperity and stability in everything on this day. Let only peace reign in your families! Happy holiday and all the best.

Victory Day is a holiday that is of great importance to all of us. Every year on May 9th our hearts are filled with pride, joy, and at the same time, sorrow and sorrow. But still more in this holiday of light and hope that the sky above our heads will always be peaceful! Happy holiday, dear colleagues! Do not forget about the exploits of our heroes!

I heartily congratulate you on May 9th. This day is a symbol of heroic courage, valor and courage.
  The victory that went to us provided everyone with a peaceful sky above their heads. Glory and honor to all heroes. Happy holiday!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the great holiday - Victory Day! This holiday has become a symbol of the heroism of our people, their indomitable resilience and the invincibility of the spirit! The caring attitude of the older generation to the fate of their homeland should be a striking example for all of patriotism and the strength of the people's faith!
Veterans for the Victory paid a great price; today many are no longer with us! But we remember their military glory! I wish you health, warmth, attention and care of loved ones! May the sky always be peaceful, and the sun shine brightly!

Short beautiful congratulations in prose on May 9

Victory Day is a nationwide holiday that annually gathers thousands of people at parades, concerts, veteran meetings and other special occasions. May 9 is an opportunity for all Russians to express their sincere gratitude to veterans and combatants for their unparalleled heroism for the benefit of their native country. According to tradition, congratulations on May 9 are heard from TV screens, on the radio and at holiday demonstrations. If you don’t know how beautiful it is to congratulate your grandfather, dad or fellow soldier on Victory Day, we recommend that you look at our website - here you will find a large selection of short congratulations in official prose. Unlike poems, congratulations on May 9, 2018 in your own words can easily be prepared even by an inexperienced speaker. Congratulate your loved ones and relatives with the Great Victory, the anniversary of which in 2018 we will celebrate for the 73rd time - with a joyful and sad date in our history.

Examples of short beautiful congratulations in prose on Victory Day on May 9

I congratulate you on Victory Day and sincerely wish you to live happily and enjoy life, thank our grandfathers for peace and always be happy with the banner of the cry of "Hurray!"

Happy Great Victory Day, veterans! The victory that you won is very respectable and respected. Health to you and your family, may a peaceful sky become forever a symbol for everyone.

On Victory Day over fascism, we wish you a peaceful sky, good health, family joys. Holy remember the feat of the people, pass on respect to your veterans to your children and grandchildren.

Congratulations on Victory Day and with all my heart I wish with dignity and honor to remember the fallen heroes, with generosity and a sincere smile to thank our veterans, with good hope to look to the future and with great happiness to live in the present.

We congratulate you on the glorious day that proclaimed the triumph of peace, on Victory Day. May this great holiday be peaceful and calm in your heart and soul, may your loved ones be healthy and happy. Protect peace and harmony, value life, sacredly honor the feat of your people.

Beautiful short congratulations on May 9, 2018 in verses for friends

Today, Victory Day still causes the most touching feelings, recalling those important events of more than half a century ago. Indeed, almost every Russian family was affected one way or another by World War II — many were injured or forever left on the battlefield. Therefore, beautiful congratulations on May 9, 2018 can be safely addressed to all citizens of our country, which went through the harsh and hardships of the test of the war years. So, we bring to your attention a selection of beautiful short congratulations in verses on Victory Day - dedicate them to family and friends, adding touching words of a personal nature. If you are far away on this wonderful spring day, a short SMS congratulation on May 9 from our holiday collection will be an excellent option. Each addressee will like such a sincere and sincere gesture, designed to preserve the memory of the glorious heroic past of our great people.

A selection of beautiful short congratulations to friends on Victory Day on May 9, 2018 in verse

Years go but glorious feat
  We will never forget.
  Congratulations to all on Victory Day,
  We wish only to live in peace!

Peaceful sky, happiness, warmth.
  Only calm days
  Understanding, good.
  Say thanks to the grandfather
  For the holiday, for the joy
  For our Victory Day!

With Victory - holy, long-awaited, beautiful!
  And with the sky cloudless, peaceful and clear!
  Think how sweet peaceful life is
  And the May sun smile warmly!

With a wonderful, immortal, great victory!
  We owe everyone a vital moment
  To the heroes - dead and now alive,
  Let's gratefully bow to them!

Happy Victory Day - glorious and beautiful!
  With peace in the afternoon, good, great happiness!
  May luck always be in everything,
  It will give you the best of fate!

On the Great Victory Day - congratulations!
  We wish good, good luck from the heart.
  May it be full of happiness every year
  May all good things happen!

Touching to tears congratulations on May 9 to veterans in verses and prose

Every year, the Great Patriotic War is getting farther, and the number of surviving veterans and combatants is inexorably decreasing. For our contemporaries, the events of the war years 1941-1945 seem to be something far and unrealistic, which can only be read in history textbooks. However, millions of people of that era are familiar with the horrors and hardships that they had to go through to bring our Victory closer. Alas, many of the soldiers did not return home from the war, remaining forever on the battlefield - however, thanks to their unparalleled courage and patriotism, the vast country was saved from the Nazi occupiers. And even though the faces of veterans are wrinkled today, their spirit remains unbroken, and their love for the Motherland is sincere and strong. On the eve of the next anniversary of Victory Day, we picked up for the veterans touching congratulations to tears on May 9 - in verse and prose. Such soulful verses and prose words will be appropriate when presenting the anniversary Victory medals, as well as other state awards and distinctions, to veterans and workers of the rear of the Second World War. Congratulations on the occasion, dear veterans, on Victory Day!

Congratulatory verses and prose for WWII veterans on May 9 Victory Day

How few of you are left with us
  Heroes of that terrible war.
  You fought until the last
  For peace and happiness for the country.

Bowing your heads before you
  “Thank you,” we say quietly.
  Do not convey forever words
  How much we cherish you.

One hundred years at least live
  We are very glad to see you.
  With Victory Day, accept now
  Congratulations from us!

Our dear veterans, congratulations on the Great Victory Day! We will always remember at what price this victory came, therefore we will not tire of thanking you and wish you joy, prosperity, and long lasting. Be healthy, strong, because you gave us a future on free land!

Your feat is hard to evaluate -
  We were not in those years.
  But hardly we could live
  Without you and that freedom
  What could you give us
  For everything, making it in full.
  We can believe, think, live
  Silence is given to us.
  But the memory fire burns
  And this light is eternal.
  Thanks you! May God keep
  Health, long years.

Thank you veterans, you
  That you rebuffed fascism
  And not sparing their lives
  Our homeland was defended.

The bow to you is low from all of us -
  For your invaluable feat,
  For a peaceful sky, for a laugh
  For the holiday, so beloved by us.

May they glorify you for all ages,
  And do not forget your wounds.
  Since May 9, you! Hurrah!
  Thank you for the peace, veterans!

Under a peaceful sky we live
  For this I bow to you!
Thank you for covering with your shoulder,
  You have saved our common home!

We always remember your feat
  Left behind the war
  Thank you for that!
  We honor the dead.

Soulful beautiful congratulations on May 9 Victory Day

Time flies by, and very soon Victory Day will come - the long-awaited celebration of liberation from the Nazi invaders. So, it was on this day 73 years ago that thousands of Soviet citizens greeted the Victory Salute with glee and joy on Red Square. In honor of such an important event, May 9 was declared a day off - however, since 1948, the Soviet government crossed out Victory Day from the "red dates" of the calendar, making it a working day. And only after 20 years on May 9 they returned the status of the greatest holiday, having timed to a significant date a military parade on the main square of Moscow, as well as a ceremonial reception in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. With the collapse of the USSR, the holding of lavish celebrations on May 9 was temporarily stopped - the tradition was renewed only in 2008. Today, many are eagerly awaiting May 9 to enjoy the parade and fireworks, as well as take part in celebrations. On our pages you will find sincere beautiful congratulations on the 9th May Victory Day, which can be dedicated to veterans, work colleagues and friends. Short or long, such a congratulation on Victory Day will be remembered for a long time by its sincerity and touching sincerity.

Examples of sincere congratulations on May 9 in verses and prose

Happy May 9!
  May the sky be blue
  Don't smoke in the sky
  Let the formidable guns be silent
  And machine guns do not scribble,
  So that people live, cities ...
  Peace is always needed on earth!

May your sky be clear

The star does not go out of joy.

And the roar of tanks and guns

Will die forever.

For years without bothering

We wish you with all our hearts

Health and health again,

And a good and big life!

Congratulations on Victory Day!
  I wish you peace in the house
  The sun, the blue sky
  The biggest happiness!
  Clear, gentle sunrises,
  Heats in winter and summer,
  Kindness of relatives, friends,
  Good news only!
  Peace be on the planet
  Children grow up in happiness
  Wars will disappear without a trace
  Spring dominates life!

I congratulate you, from May 9 - the Day of Outstanding Victory over fascism, on the holiday that gave us peaceful prosperity, happiness, nonchalant joy and prosperity. On this day, we pay tribute, express extreme gratitude and respect to all the heroes, we will never forget their collective feat. I wish you good health, happiness, understanding and kindness. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on Victory Day! Victory Day is a vivid example of heroism, courage and courage of people who fought for their homeland. This patriotic cry fiercely fight to increase the glory of our ancestors in all sectors, for great Russia, for a world without war! I wish you health, prosperity, happiness to your family and friends, confidence in your strength, good spirits, creative inspiration and inexhaustible energy!

Short SMS congratulations on the victory of May 9, 2018

Congratulations on May 9 invariably affect the thinnest strings of the soul, each time mentally returning us to long-standing military battles and bloody battles. Indeed, Victory Day is considered a symbol of the power and strength of our people, which at the cost of many lives managed to protect their homeland. In gratitude, we dedicate to our fathers and grandfathers the most beautiful congratulations on the Victory of May 9, 2018 in verse. Today we have the opportunity to congratulate on Victory Day at a distance by sending a short SMS to all relatives and friends. We are sure that among our options you are sure to pick up some beautiful short SMS congratulations by May 9 - with best wishes on such a great holiday.

SMS congratulations on Victory Day on May 9, 2018 in verse

May again, and we with flowers

We come to the eternal flame!

In the war, the heroes defended

Freedom, your homeland!

I hasten to congratulate you,
  Today is a holiday - Victory Day!
  Let friends be nearby
  May life not touch trouble!

Congrats grandfather now,
  And I wish you good health!
  Victory Day has come just -
  So you meet him with love!

Grandma, dear, happy holiday!
  May Victory Day
  The joys are very different,
  Bright days all year round!

I congratulate my colleague
  I sincerely wish you
  To appreciate the Victory Day!
  Joy, good and faith!

So, we tried to collect the most beautiful congratulations on May 9, 2018 in verse and prose - short SMS and long stanzas, cool for friends and colleagues, strict official veterans and the leader at work. In addition, here you will find a selection of touching to tears congratulations on Victory Day on May 9 with sincere words of wishes - such poems and prose can be dedicated to everyone who is dear to you and significant.

Happy Victory Day! On this significant day, we wish you happiness, peace and good. So that the scary word "War" never appears in your vocabulary. So that your home has prosperity and prosperity.

Congratulations on Victory Day! May your family always live under a peaceful sky, may you and your loved ones never have to learn the bitterness of war. I wish you happiness, smiles, laughter and joy.

Happy Victory Day! I wish you a peaceful sky above your head, glorious and amazing days, happiness and tranquility! Do not ever give up. Remember, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers went to a victorious end, I wish to take an example from them.

On this glorious and great holiday, on Victory Day, I sincerely congratulate and wish that the exploits and gallant deeds should never be forgotten, that there will be no war and misfortune in our world, that every person is proud of our victory and is sincerely grateful for a happy present .

Congratulations on Victory Day! Let the feat be obvious, hearts not betrayed into oblivion, and let the world so beautiful, kind and huge please eyes! Be happy, loved, healthy, grateful, live in peace and harmony with yourself and those around you. Happy holiday!

Congratulations to everyone with great pride in their families who have their own heroes of World War II. We wish you a peaceful sky above your head, preservation of the memory of the fallen, pride in the living, prosperity and confidence in the future.

Congratulations on Victory Day! I wish you never to know war, to value and respect veterans, to protect and protect the world, in family and in life. To be true patriots of your country, to show tolerance and respect for other people's ideals, to be proud of the deeds of grandfathers and strive for harmony and happiness!

On the great Victory Day, I wish from the heart a bright memory of heroes and brave deeds, real pride and sincere gratitude for the world. May the sky above your head be clear, may the world around be colorful and good.

So many years have passed since the victory in the Great Patriotic War, but the memory keeps important. Courage, endurance, valor of the military, hard work and support remaining in the rear. All this we will remember and honor. And today, congratulations on Victory Day and wish the most peaceful sky over your head!

I congratulate you on the great Victory Day and wish you great pride and undeniable memory of our heroes and their exploits, I wish you peace over your head and good happiness, patriotism of the soul and heartfelt gratitude for the Victory.

Happy Great Victory Day! Victory will once again remind us that good undoubtedly conquers evil, that heroism is in everyone’s heart. May it always be so, but this war will be the last. May there always be peace in the world, and our children not know the anxieties.

Congratulations on Victory Day and with all my heart I wish with dignity and honor to remember the fallen heroes, with generosity and a sincere smile to thank our veterans, with good hope to look to the future and with great happiness to live in the present.

Congratulations on the holy days of the great Victory in the fight against fascism, we wish a peaceful sky and a peaceful life for you and your children. Be healthy, loved, honor the feat accomplished by the people, pass on the memory of it through generations.

Happy holiday! May peace and peace reign on the planet. Let there be no wars - neither small nor great. Let everywhere you can feel secure and confidently walk across any territory. And may the memory of a terrible war never leave our souls. Happy Victory Day!

Passing this memory through time, we will tirelessly remember and honor the victory and courage of our ancestors! By their example they paved the way for us and we do not have the slightest right to drop the honor of our homeland. Happy holiday, with victory, with the triumph of our great country!

On the great holiday, on Victory Day, we wish you a peaceful sky, harmony and mutual understanding, strong family and family relationships, warm communication and long happy years of life.

Congratulations on Victory Day! May there always be harmony, peace and peace in your homes. A deep bow to our veterans who brought Victory closer with their strength and perseverance. There are very few of them left and they deserve worthy and happy days and attention.