To whom they raised the pension from April 1. In April, Russians will receive increased pensions and new tax conditions. Who is assigned a social pension and how is it recalculated

What pension increase awaits pensioners in April 2018? How much can pensions increase as a result of indexation? Who is entitled to the pension increase?

Retirement benefit from April 1: who should

indexation and how much in real

  expression grow pensions?

Dmitry Medvedev has officially announced increase in pensions from April 1, 2018 . Already from the budget allocated 10 MLD. Russian rubles.

An order was signed on March 22, according to which about 4 million people throughout Russia will receive increase in pension in the form of indexation . The increase will be 2.9%. This is certainly not a lot of money, but still indexing is done every year, therefore, the purchasing power of citizens of retirement age does not decrease so much.

This percentage as a percentage is precisely the average increase in the cost of living of citizens of retirement age for 2017.

Speaking in numbers, the average increase this year will be 255 rubles. I would like to answer that budget employees currently do not expect any increase in their wages, and of course I want to believe that in our Russia, after the elections, more favorable conditions for life and work will come.

Who should expect indexation of pensions?

To index pensions   from April 1, 2018? Will it indexation of pensions for working pensioners ? Or expect only indexation of pensions for unemployed ? What with indexing social pensions ?

Index social pensions

Federal Law No. 166 establishes the categories of social pension recipients:

  • invalids of groups 1,2 and 3, including children with disabilities and people with disabilities since childhood;
  • small peoples of the North;
  • children without a breadwinner;
  • citizens over 60 years old (women) and 65 years old (men).

Social pensions are granted under an important condition - the absence of insurance experience. Moreover, a social old-age pension is provided only for non-working pensioners.

Indexed state pensions

The assignment of state pensions is also fixed by Federal Law No. 166.

State pensions are granted:

  • military, including WWII veterans;
  • chernobyl liquidators;
  • test pilots and space workers;
  • in recipients of social pensions;
  • civil servants.

The size of the state pension for these categories can be established for various reasons:

  • depending on monetary allowance during service or work;
  • in a fixed amount;
  • as a percentage of social pension.

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection proposed index social pensions russians April 1st . “Approve the coefficient indexing social pensions in the amount of 1,029 ″, the document says. The Russian Pension Fund has been instructed to bring to the regional offices information on the coefficient level, so that from April 1, 2018, social pensions are already paid indexed.

As stated in the explanatory note, social pensions index 2.9 percent.

“Based on the data on the living wage of a pensioner in the Russian Federation for 2017 (8315 rubles) and for 2016 (8081 rubles), the growth rate of the living wage of a pensioner in the Russian Federation for 2017 amounted to 102.9 percent,” the document says .

In real terms social pensions   grow by 255 rubles - up to 9062 rubles.

The average pension for children with disabilities and people with disabilities from childhood of group I will increase by 378 rubles and 382 rubles, respectively, and after the increase will be 13,410 and 13,556 rubles. To increase social pensions According to the explanatory note, it will take 1.07 billion rubles a month, or 9.6 billion rubles by the end of 2018.

Who should not wait for indexation of pensions

The most common type of pension is insurance pensions. It is assigned to people who have insurance coverage and deductions on individual personal accounts. However indexation of insurance pensions   (including working pensioners) from April 1, 2018 is not planned.

Indexation of pensions from April 1, 2017: according to information from the Russian authorities, from the first day of the next month, military payments for old age, as well as social payments, will be increased. The planned indexation percentage is 1.5%, but the Russians are in doubt, therefore they require clarification from the authorities.

Several million pensioners live on the territory of the Russian Federation; many of them receive the so-called insurance pension, that is, state benefits assigned in connection with labor activity. This type of pension, according to the government, will be indexed from April 1.

Pension indexation from April 1, 2017: increasing social benefits

From April, the indexed social pension will increase by an average of 250 rubles, for children with disabilities by 450 rubles, disabled military men who were conscripts by 440 rubles, families of military conscripts who have lost the bread-winner, 367 rubles. Those who were injured in the war and became disabled, who participated in the Second World War and are now entitled to two pensions, will receive payments increased by 1,000 rubles. The first indexation took place last month. From April, she will touch on EDV - payments will be increased by 100 - 180 rubles.

Pension indexation from April 1, 2017: cancellation of pension payments

About a week ago, discouraging news appeared in the information sources - pensions are canceled! The Russians were excited about such a statement, because now there are many assumptions and omissions. It should be noted right there - no one has officially confirmed the news, because citizens are raising a premature panic. Sociologists say that over the next twenty years, pensions can be replaced by targeted poverty payments.

This benefit is designed to maintain a former standard of living after retirement. However, a sufficient amount for a normal life can be relied on if the country thrives on business and the economy becomes efficient. Now it is not known for sure whether to actually abolish pensions: the authorities do not make loud statements on this issue. In order to index payments to pensioners, it will be necessary to allocate about 550,000,000 rubles a month from the state budget, or 4,900,000,000 rubles a year. Initially, it was a question of indexing by 0.38%, but now it is reported that indexation will be carried out by 1.5%.

In 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation did not fulfill its obligations to pensioners. The second indexation of pension payments, which was supposed to take place in September, was canceled. This issue was discussed by everyone. The government was not forgiven for this.

The promise to pay compensation to each pensioner in the amount of 5,000 rubles at the beginning of 2017, and already in February to carry out the planned indexation of labor and social pensions in full (in the amount of inflation for 2016) slightly reduced the level of tension in society. As a result, the Government not only fully implemented its plan, but also decided to carry out additional indexation: in April, the final percentage of indexation of pensions will be brought up to 5.8%, which is 0.4% more than planned (official inflation for 2016 was 5.4%) .

The large-scale pension reform that has been carried out in Russia in recent years has somewhat complicated the system of calculating payments to pensioners of various categories. Separately, old-age pensions and social pensions, payments to the military, the disabled and citizens who continue to work in retirement age are calculated. Also, the officially declared inflation rate for the year is tied to the calculation formula. How will the country's average pension change from April 1, 2017? How much will people with disabilities and military receive this year? Will indexation of pensions take place from April 1, 2017 for working citizens?

On the amount of pension payments in 2017

The legislation of the Russian Federation requires that indexation of pensions should be carried out annually and at least by a percentage of inflation over the past year. Official inflation for 2016 was a record - only 5.4%, against 12.9% in 2015 and 11.4% in 2014.

At the beginning of this 2017, the government announced a February 5.4 percent indexation, which affected the pension payments of all, without exception. Moreover, the Government also decided on a second indexation: the total percentage increase in pensions from April 1, 2017 will be 5.8%, which will bring the average rate of old-age pensions to 13893 rubles.

Recipients of social pensions will also receive an increase: if in 2016 the average size of these payments was at the level of 4959 rubles, then from April 1, the social pension will increase to 5247 rubles.

Citizens who do not have the required insurance work experience but have already reached retirement age (women - 55 years old, men - 65 years old) are entitled to count on this state assistance.

Lack of seniority often becomes the reason for going to work in old age.

This puts the majority of recipients of social pensions in the category of working pensioners, who, according to recent decisions of the Government, will not increase pensions in 2017.

In 2016, rumors were actively circulating that working pensioners would be deprived of any pension payments. The government explained this by the fact that there was simply no money in the budget.

Many pensioners were ready to quit in order not to lose their social pension. By the beginning of 2017, the following decision was made: the Government will not abolish social pensions for working pensioners, but will not index them.

From April 1, 2017, for employed citizens, the social pension will not increase, but will remain at the level of 2016. For other categories of pensioners, the indexation will be 5.8%.

Since April 1, 2017, indexation of pensions by 5.8% will affect social and insurance benefits received by people with disabilities of various groups and people with disabilities since childhood. In relation to social benefits, the April indexation will increase them:

  • from 2974.03 to 3146.52 rubles for people with disabilities I gr .;
  • from 2123.92 to 2247.11 rubles for the disabled II gr. and children with disabilities;
  • from 1700.23 to 1798.84 rubles for the disabled III gr.

As for insurance pensions for people with disabilities, after indexing their size will reach:

  • 12 593.91 rubles for people with disabilities I gr.;
  • 10495.07 rubles for the disabled II gr;
  • 4460.42 rubles for the disabled III gr.

Former military personnel in the Russian Federation belong to a separate category of pensioners, since the system for calculating their well-deserved pension benefits is fundamentally different from the formula for calculating pensions for any other categories of beneficiaries and does not depend on inflation.

First of all, here they take as a basis the size of the military salary at the time of his retirement. Further, a percentage of this amount is taken (it is set by the Government every year). According to the provisions of Federal Law No. 430-FZ, from February 1, 2017 this percentage is set at 72.23%, which is 2.78% more than in 2016. If you recalculate the percentage of such indexation in monetary terms, then the amount military pensions will increase by an average of 900-950 rubles, which is about 4%.

The average pension to military pensioners in 2016 amounted to 21,000 rubles, therefore, in 2017, this bar will almost reach 22 thousand. Will the second indexation of these payments take place in April or October along with the main planned indexation of other pensions? The latest news from the Ministry of Finance is disappointing: there are no funds in the budget for any indexation after April.

The former military will have to wait for the results of the 2017 fiscal year (inflation rate) and, as a result, February 2019 - the time for the next planned indexation.

Additional materials on the topic:

Pension increase from January 1, 2019 and by how much: latest news
Disability pension in 2019: how much they pay for disability group 1, 2 and 3 Benefits, privileges and pensions for disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3 from January 1, 2019 Pensions for military pensioners from January 1, 2019 in Russia: latest news Pension for working pensioners from January 1, 2019: latest news

In accordance with the law, annually in Russia there is an increase in pensions for citizens of the country. This year, there are also some important recalculation aspects that you need to know about. Ever since the first days of the new year, some pensioners have already felt the reforms and have received an increase. This applies to all unemployed citizens who went on a well-deserved rest. Latest news on pension increases from April 1, 2018 and by how much  insurance / social benefits will become larger - you will learn all this from this article.

What pensions and for whom will be indexed

The indexation of pensions is provided by law for those who receive insurance payments and for social benefits. Regarding the first case, an increase of 1.2% was planned back in June last year and funds were allocated from the budget. Since April 1, the Ministry of Labor has proposed indexation and social pensions of 2.9%. The project was approved, after which the decision was published on the official state portal.
According to the document, the following categories of citizens who receive:

  • Social assistance from the state (including people with disabilities, children without a single breadwinner, elderly people who do not have sufficient work experience);
  • State payments (all military, veterans, astronauts and pilots serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, state employees).

After indexing from January 1, the average amount of pension payments in the country amounted to 14 thousand rubles. For comparison - over the past period, the amount was at the level of 13 thousand 700 rubles. As the Pension Fund predicts, by 2020, the amount should exceed 15 thousand rubles, or 170% of the minimum pension.

Payout Indexing Details

The law provides for the annual indexation of social benefits, the reason for which is the increase in the cost of living. The state determines the coefficient and notifies all citizens in this Decree.
  It is impossible that the minimum amount of an elderly person's pension is less than the current living wage regional minimum (calculated depending on the person’s place of residence). If, according to the results of calculations, it turns out that a person receives a pension plus all the prescribed supplements, and the amount is still less than the established minimum, he is entitled to an allowance.

In 2018, the minimum in the country is 8726 rubles, according to the indexation results of April 1, the amount will be increased by another 2.9%. In total, more than 3.9 million people across the country will be able to receive an increased pension, of which about 3 million are people with a social pension.

As they commented on the situation in the Pension Fund, the amount is indexed as planned, strictly according to the terms established by the norms and the law. Recalculation is subject to social, but not insurance payments. However, experts note that the amount of the increase will be insignificant, so that such assistance from the state will have little effect on the living standards of older people.
  Regulatory framework on the basis of which recalculation will be performed
  The right of Russians to receive a pension when they reach a certain age, as well as the conditions for its appointment, payment and increase are prescribed in No. 166-FZ. Section 5 of this normative act establishes the existence of several types of pension provision:

  1. For the length of service (seniority);
  2. By age (when a person reaches a certain age threshold) - monthly, lifetime payment;
  3. If a person is assigned a disability group. In this case, a cash payment is assigned to him exactly from the moment he received the group. It is appropriated either until the status of the disabled person is withdrawn or for life;
  4. Pension for families who have lost the bread-winner;
  5. Social.

Article 25 of the aforementioned Federal Law describes the procedure for indexing. This happens annually.

Who is assigned a social pension and how is it recalculated

Section 4 of the Pension Law defines a complete list of citizens who are eligible to receive one or another type of payment. In addition to the persons described above, they also include the category of disabled people.
First of all, these are such citizens:

  • Northern nationalities, provided that men have reached 55 years of age and 50 years of age with women who have not yet worked enough to receive an insurance pension;
  • Citizens who have received the status of childhood disabilities (and children with disabilities), as well as disabled groups 1-3;
  • Single parent or children who are not yet 18 years old, and their parents have died (subject to training in a hospital in any educational institution until they reach 23 years old).

So how much will the pension be raised for them from April 1 of this year? The 2.9% coefficient proposed by the government is approximately 255 rubles in addition to the pension already assigned.
  The premium for the described categories of citizens may vary. For example, the average increase in groups:

  1. Children with disabilities will receive up to 378 rubles;
  2. For disabled people, they will add 382 rubles from childhood.

According to the Ministry of Labor, the increase in pensions from April 1 will cost the country about 1 billion rubles a month, which by the end of the year will amount to 10 billion.
Not only the above-mentioned citizens will feel the increase on themselves, it will affect other special groups:

  1. The military participating in the Second World War;
  2. Citizens who received the award of the blockade of Leningrad;
  3. People injured in various kinds of technological disasters (Chernobyl victims, etc.);
  4. Cosmonauts and test pilots.

Payments will be increased to the families of the military, left without a breadwinner (up to 303 rubles) and military-disabled people (up to 355 rubles). Most will receive citizens with awards for services to the country. From April 1, they will add 484 rubles.
  Experts say that although the increase is insignificant and less than inflation, the adopted indexation coefficient fully complies with legal standards. This means that no laws are violated.

The next indexation of pensions in the Russian Federation will be held on April 1, 2017. Social and insurance pensions are indexed based on inflation. This indicator is calculated on the basis of the cost of living for retirees.

According to a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation signed a few weeks ago on indexation of all recipients of social pensions, from April 1, 2017, payments increase by 1.5%. Earlier, in February of this year, old-age pensions were indexed, and in October an increase in military pensions is expected.

Social and insurance pensions: how do they differ and who are assigned

Today in Russia pensions - called payments from the state budget for people who have reached the age specified by law - are received by men after 60 years and women after 55 years.

Residents of the northern regions or those who are engaged in hazardous and hazardous industries have other age limits - they have the right to retire earlier than the specified age, sometimes the retirement age comes after 40 years.

Pension benefits can be divided into two groups. State or labor - accumulated during the course of labor activity on a special accumulative account. A social pension is paid to those who do not have work experience or have a short experience, which did not allow them to accumulate on their pension.

Social pension is paid as financial support for people who do not have guaranteed sources of income. All social pensions can also be divided into several parts. Pension paid in old age to those who have a short (up to five years in total) work experience.

Disability pension is entitled to all disabled people with a disability group who have not worked a single day and therefore have no experience (the same type of pension is also available to disabled children). Pension paid upon loss of the breadwinner upon the death of one or two parents who do not have seniority - it is assigned to children under the age of majority and students under 23 years of age studying in full-time educational institutions.

The size of the increase and the average pension in the Russian Federation in 2017

Taking into account the increase in insurance pensions and fixed payments made in February and April, the average annual old-age insurance pension in Russia this year will be 13,649 rubles.

In addition, given that pensioners received a lump sum payment of 5 thousand rubles in January 2017, the total average annual old-age insurance pension also increased and amounted to 14,066 rubles.