Logic assignments for 6 7 years. The development of logical thinking in primary school students. Call a few items in one word

If your child is already 5 or 6 years old, then it's time to think about how to effectively prepare him for school. The development of the child’s thinking takes place in several stages.

1) The formation of visual-effective thinking: when all the mental processes of a child go through an action.

2) Formation of visual-figurative thinking: when a child begins to think with the help of images.

3) Formation of verbal and logical thinking: when a child can express his thoughts in words, he begins to independently reason, compare, find simple patterns.

It should be noted that the mental development of a child consists not only in obtaining certain knowledge, but also in the development of perception, memory, thinking, and imagination.

In preschool children, the main activity is play. This means that the knowledge of the new should be carried out using game methods of training.

At preschool age, speech is actively formed and developed in children, vocabulary is replenished, and memory is trained. It is very important that the child, when completing the assignment, try to reason on his own in order to find the right answer.

This article will offer basic logical exercises that will help you learn:

  • classify items;
  • compare items
  • establish a sequence of events;
  • train memory;
  • to draw conclusions.

Duration of classes - 15-20 minutes. Do not overwork the child, so as not to cause him a negative reaction from classes! On the contrary, try to turn your activities into a game!


1) Choose the opposite words within the meaning:

the black - ...

big - ...

cheerful - ...

good - ...

bitter - ...

wide - ...

tall - ...

kind - ...

cold - ...

clever - ...

fast - ...

2) Listen carefully! Think and answer the questions:

What is more in the forest: birches or trees?

Who is more at the zoo: monkeys or animals?

Who is more in the river: perches or fish?

What is more in the garden: cabbage or vegetables?

What is more in the closet: t-shirts or clothes?

Who is more in the chicken coop: hens or birds?

3) Finish the sentences:

Example: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday are the days of the week

Milk, bread, kefir, cheese, eggs - this ...

Moscow, Novgorod, St. Petersburg is ...

Morning, evening, day, night - this is ...

Katya, Misha, Petya, Ira - this ...

A dog, a cat, a mouse is ...

Chamomile, bellflower, rose is ...

A, B, C, D, D is ...

4) Listen carefully! Complete the sentences with:

If the train travels faster than the bus, then the bus travels ......... trains.

If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother .......... sisters.

If the table is above the chair, then the chair ........ of the table.

If the cat is larger than the mouse, then the mouse ....... cat.

If the river is wider than the stream, then the stream ........ of the river.

5) Come up with the right pattern.

The bird is feathers. Fish - ......

Autumn is rain. Winter - ......

Man is the hands. Dog - ......

Morning - breakfast. Evening - ......

Apple is a fruit. A tomato - ......

6) What is superfluous?

Armchair, chair, wardrobe, TV.

Rooster, peacock, crow, butterfly.

Suitcase, bag, briefcase, notebook.

The sun, lamp, chandelier, lantern.

7) What are these professions?

Who is building a house?

Who writes poetry?

Who sings the songs?

Who treats people?

Who sews clothes?

Who is painting?

Who flies into space?

Who controls the plane?

Who drives the bus?

Who runs the train?

Who teaches children at school?

Who trains animals?

8) Logical tasks.

What lasts: a year or 12 months?

Which is heavier: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron?

Petya and Vanya drank different juices - apple and cherry. Petya did not drink cherry juice. What juice did Vanya drink?

Ira and Lena were wearing dresses of different colors: yellow and pink. Lena was not dressed in pink. What color was Ira's dress?

Serezha, Andrey, Slava picked berries in the garden. Serezha collected more of Andrey, and Andrey collected more of Glory. Which of the guys picked more berries, and which less?

Who will swim to the shore faster - ducklings or chickens?

Who will fly to the flower faster - a butterfly or a caterpillar?

Mom has a cat Barsik, dog Druzhok and daughter Ulyana. How many children does mom have?

Five eggs are boiled for five minutes. How many minutes does one egg cook?

How many mushrooms can be grown from pine seeds?

What is better and faster to pick a watermelon from a tree?

The boy had one rope. How many times do you need to cut a rope to get three ropes?

Birds sat on a tree. They have only 8 wings. How many birds perched on a tree?

Two friends played chess for 2 hours. How long did each of them play chess?

Thanks to the developed logical thinking, the child can explain the surrounding phenomena and events ... Give him a description so that you can guess what ...

Thanks to the developed abilities, the boy guessed what was at stake

Children are creative natures. Knowing the world, they willingly resort to intuition, think irrationally. This is great, but in life it would be more practical to use logic and common sense. With age, the child is faced with the need not only to feel, but also to explain the surrounding phenomena and events, to understand their relationship. All this is possible thanks to the developed logical thinking.
  It will not appear itself. If parents want the child to successfully master the school curriculum, they need to think about the development of logic even in preschool age.

Features of thinking and logic in older preschoolers

Children of 6 years old can already make logical conclusions, find a connection between the causes of the phenomenon and the consequence. This indicates increasing flexibility and mobility of thinking.

Older preschoolers adapt quickly enough, they are able to switch attention from one task to another.

At this age, the rapid development of verbal-logical thinking begins. It is necessary for the use and transformation of concepts.

At the same time, visualization and imagery are still important for the child to solve problems - verbal reasoning is based on existing ideas.

All this suggests that we have a very reasonable child, but still he is a baby, he needs vivid pictures, exciting stories and dynamics for productive learning.

Develop children by playing

Children of 6–7 years old are still big fans to play. But for the game to be beneficial, it must not only teach, but also entertain. So far this is the only way to attract the attention of a preschool child and direct its potential in the right direction.

“All logic games are aimed at the development of such important cognitive functions as analysis, synthesis, comparison, proof.”

They can be divided into several groups:

  1. Speech games - aimed at the formation of competent speech, the expansion of the vocabulary, understanding the semantic structure of the word. Example: a game of the type "in the city", when the last letter of the previous word becomes the first of the next, you can play in different subjects: animals, birds, plants.
  2. Graphic - develop small muscles of the arm, develop auditory and visual analyzers, spatial and quantitative orientation. For example: connect the dots by serial numbers, continue the pattern, graphic dictations.
  3. Mathematical - improve oral counting, the simplest tasks with a "trick" develop logical thinking. Example: “Tanya has 4 apples. She cut one of them in half. How many apples does Tanya have? ”
  4. Interactive gamesthat are installed on gadgets.

“I believe - I do not believe”

Toddlers 6–7 years old are surprisingly gullible creatures. Everything that an adult says is almost an axiom for them. So you need to teach them not to perceive everything at face value.

Rules: the leader gives the player some information that needs to be refuted or confirmed. For instance:

"All the balls are red."

“It always snows in winter.”

“All the birds fly south.”

"Some pencils are broken."

“In the summer we put on gauntlets.”

"Tea is always hot."

“Pancakes need to be eaten with jam.

It is better to pick up such phrases for which it is impossible to give unambiguous answers. The facts contained in it should be understood by a child 6-7 years old. The baby needs to justify each answer.

For example, the phrase “juice cannot be eaten with a spoon” is considered fiction, since juice can be frozen.

“Call it one word”

Games of this kind develop the ability to classify, generalize, broaden their horizons and replenish their vocabulary.

Task - the child needs to be called in one word a group of objects.

You can offer your baby ready-made cards with images or just say a chain of words.

“Wardrobe, chest of drawers, sofa, chair” - furniture.

"Bus, ship, tram, motorcycle" - transport.

"Anna, Elena, Maria, Olga" - female names.

Game - call it one word

Call it one word


Associative relations in people are formed from a young age. The type of thinking, the possibility of memory, directly depends on them. This game teaches children to separate the essential and secondary properties of the subject.

Before playing, explain to the preschooler the task: “I will give you words. The first will be the main one. From the rest you need to choose those without which the main word can not do. ”

Space (satellite, spacesuit, moon, stars).

Bird (wing, tree, spring, park, eggs).

River (fish, water, boat, fishing rod, birds, ball).

“Guess what!”

Like the previous exercise, this game is linguistic, that is, it forms verbal-logical thinking in children. Invite the child to introduce himself as some object in the room and give him a description so that you can guess what is at stake. If he is at a loss, start first. You can ask additional questions such as: “What color is the item?”, “Where is it located?”

The answers of children aged 6-7 are sometimes very funny and thoughtful: “Plastic, rectangular, glass in front, it can be interesting to tell” (TV), or: “Iron, with a nose, can whistle” (kettle).

Who lives where?

For this game, prepare pictures with the image of animals (squirrel, hedgehog, bunny) or their figures and three houses (cubes, boxes) of different colors will do.

Assignment: the baby needs to put each animal in its own house, provided that the squirrel's house was neither red nor green, and the hedgehog did not live in blue and not in red.

This is a simplified version. In a complicated task, the child does not have a simulation of the situation, and all the substitutions must be done in the mind.

For example: “Three trees grew in the house — an apple tree, a chestnut and a willow. Chestnut is higher than willow, and willow is higher than apple tree. Which of the trees is the highest and which is the lowest? ”

If it’s difficult for a preschooler, invite him to draw trees.

Joke tasks

Entertaining joke puzzles can be a great workout before difficult exercises. For their solution, resourcefulness, understanding of humor and the life experience accumulated by the child will be useful.

  • How many pies in an empty plate? (Not at all, it is empty).
  • Three horses ran 4 km. How many kilometers did each horse run? (4 km each).
  • On one aspen, 3 apples grew, and on the other - 4. How many apples grew on two aspen? (None. Apples do not grow on aspens).
  • There were 3 carnations and 2 cornflowers in the vase. How many carnations are there in a vase? (3).

The development of children, their acquisition of new skills cannot occur in a passive form. To do this, you must constantly engage with the baby, make his brain work, enrich the life experience of the crumbs. And remember, any educational tasks for preschoolers 6-7 years old must be in a playful way, otherwise they will quickly get bored and will not give the desired result.

It is good when the child retains his natural intuition, irrational thinking. This is a creative part of his mind. However, living space requires common sense, rationality, and logic from a person. The child learns not only to feel, but also to explain events and actions, to study the interaction between objects, to reason and make his own conclusions. This is best done in the game!

Paramount tasks

All games for the development of logical thinking   are aimed at forming the basic elements of thought processes in a child: comparison, classification, synthesis, analysis, generalization.

GAME "I BELIEVE - I DO NOT BELIEVE". Children are incredibly gullible creatures. And if the information comes from the mouth of adults, then it sounds like an axiom, which is perceived unconditionally. Teach your baby to reason, and let him not be in a hurry to take everything on faith. So, you say a phrase, and the child must determine whether this is true or fiction. Examples of phrases:

"All people are sleeping."

“All apples are sweet.”

"Rain is cold and warm."

“All animals hibernate.”

"In the summer we go in fur coats."

"Elephants can fly."

"Watermelons grow on trees."

"Ships sail overland."

"Winter is always cloudy."

"The sun shines only in the morning and in the evening."

"No man can live without water."

Try to offer phrases for which you can give mixed answers. Let the child reflect on each phrase and try to explain why he thinks so. So the child learns to get to the truth in his own way, based on comparisons, reasoning, his own conclusions. It is this approach that gives invaluable individual experience and develops observation in the child when he listens and sees seemingly obvious statements.

Examples of phrases:

"Juice can be eaten with a spoon." (Yes, if it is frozen.)

"Ice cream can be drunk." (Yes, if it melts.)

"Snow only happens in winter." (It happens in spring and autumn, and in some places it lies both in summer and winter - for example, at the poles.)

"You can walk on water." (Yes, if it freezes.)

“All birds fly.” (Not all, there are birds that do not fly, for example: chicken, turkey, ostrich, kiwi, penguin.)

“CALL ONE WORD”. This game develops the ability to generalize and abstract thinking. You name groups of words united by a common feature, and ask the child to name them in one word.

Examples of tasks:

"House, shed, hut, skyscraper" (building).

“Brother, sister, grandmother, aunt, dad” (relatives).

“Pencil, notebook, paper, pen, sketchbook” (stationery).

“Train, bicycle, plane, car, ship” (transport).

"Igor, Sergey, Ivan, Cyril" (masculine names).

“Cherries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries, watermelon” (berries).

“Table, bed, wardrobe, chair, chair” (furniture).

GAME "ASSOCIATION". From early childhood, every person has their own associative ideas about objects and phenomena. This is a kind of key to understanding the type of thinking. In this game, children learn to distinguish between the concepts of essential and secondary features of the subject. Explain the task to the child as follows: “First I will say one word. It will be the main thing. Then I will read a number of others that relate to this word. Your task is to name what the main word cannot do without. ” Discuss each suggested word, let the child substantiate his answers, and you help him highlight the essential features.

Examples of tasks:

Room (walls, bed, floor, ceiling, TV, carpet, chandelier).

Man (body, brain, dress, hat, ring, legs).

Shop (buyers, goods, music, TV, money, seller, bed).

Tree (roots, flowers, water, air, trunk, bench, sun, leaves).

“Draw a figure”

You will need a checkered notebook and a well-sharpened pencil. On the sheet, draw an axis and draw half of some figure (tree, house, person) in the cells along the cells.

Have your child finish the other half. As practice shows, far from always children understand this task and draw a figure in the "free style". To see the symmetry, you can attach a mirror to the axis. According to the mirror image, it will be easier for the child to draw the second half, strictly following the cells. This game can be complicated by shapes and colors.

In this article:

Logical thinking develops early. We use logic every day, performing even the simplest operations. Children are faced with the need to “think logically” from the first months of life.

In 6-7 years, a huge leap in mental and intellectual development   a child. Much changes, the school begins. There are new subjects, you need to quickly learn, remember, draw conclusions. Parents can help children develop with simple exercises and activities. They are aimed at developing logic in the form of a game. It is important to timely guide your child along the path of proper development. Then the child at school will be much easier and more interesting..

Developing circles will help parents: there professional teachers work with children of different ages. In the life of your child the time of discovery begins. The whole world is in front of him - you just need to direct his energy to interesting, useful training.

Logical thinking

Without it, we simply could not exist. Logics   present in all our actions. Children so far do not even realize how well their brain copes with simple logical tasks. However, this happens on a subconscious level. At 5-7 years old, it is time to bring logical thinking in children to conscious level.

Most schools require children to come by already prepared by: were able to read, draw, orientated in geometric shapes. If the parents are not engaged enough with the child in preschool agethen problems may begin. It’s not that your kid is incapable of any sciences (mathematics, geography, languages \u200b\u200b...) - he simply does not know how correctly use logic for learning.

Mom and dad can very well prepare the child for school, while studying will be perceived as a game. There are three components of logical thinking, each of which is responsible for different types mental activity. The main thing here is to determine what type of logical thinking is better developed in your child. So you can easily help him, but he can find yourself in creativity or the exact sciences, better understand what he has the ability and craving.

Clear-thinking type of thinking

Connects visual perception and inference. This type of thinking is most like imagination. A child (and an adult too) does not always have sufficient information about the subject. But still it is necessary, using logic, to complete the whole picture. There is a simple exercise here.

You draw part of the picture, and you propose to draw the second
baby. Start with simple and understandable images: circle, heart, house, flower. Then you can move on to more complex images that require imagination from him.

It is important that the children feel a certain logic in what they do. If you have a part of the landscape in the picture, then it is logical to draw something in the same style. If a child cannot think of what exactly, finishes everything with geometric shapes, obscure symbols or lines, then something wrong in the development of a visual-figurative   logic.

It is also important that the child had a certain knowledge base about the world. This indicates the degree of his intellectual development.

Verbal-logical thinking

It involves finding the relationship between objects and events that the baby can explain. Begins
function quite early
, but you need to track its development, otherwise the baby will just get confused. His own conclusions can lead him to a standstill. With the child, you need to do simple exercises so that he begins to correctly build in the head the connections between objects.

Here puzzles for colors and shapes are suitable. For example, you have multi-colored figures cut out of paper. Invite your child to classify them:

  • by color (different figures, but all the same color);
  • in a certain form   (different color, but one form);
  • the presence of similar signs (ovals and circles, all red).

Invite your child to come up with some other criteria for classification. It is not as simple as it seems. When he gives you the answer, ask him to justify. This kind of thinking is very important.

Children, having visited different floors of the same building, can themselves conclude like “for us it is the floor, and for those below us - the ceiling”. Already in 5-6 years they can bind events according to their logic. You read him a fairy tale about the Gray Wolf. Now that someone is talking about a missing person or things, the baby’s first logical thought would be “Did Gray Wolf kidnap him / it?”.

In this case, he there is a negative, evil character. Children still do not know everything about our society and the world, so it’s easier to attribute all the bad events to a famous villain. It is very important that the process of thinking does not take place only in the head. Discuss with the child the cause and consequences of various incidents, actions. For children, it is important that you show literally, “how to think” with your own example.

Abstract thinking

This type of thinking suggests that schoolboy can throw things away   and consider the picture of what is happening as a whole. Appears later, at 6-8 years. More accumulated world informationthe stronger the development of abstract thinking. We understand what is important and what is not important. Black, red or white - any mug can be used for drinking. You can pour water, milk, tea, juice, etc. into it. Of a different color or shape, the mug will remain a mug if it corresponds to the general concept of this subject.

Abstract thinking is abstract and that implies many generalizations. “Birds can fly. Crow flies around the yard. So a crow is a bird. ”. We sometimes need abstract thinking in order to fill the problems in knowledge. We can complement them by following simple logic. In children prone to creative activities, such thinking is very well developed.

You can further develop it using simple puzzles. For example, the words are written:

A T T B B U (bus)

I N I K G (books)

F K A I R A (Africa)

You need to quickly restore the order of letters. Here a person uses an abstract type of thinking. He does not think about the word “onik,” for example. What does it mean? Did he hear that word?   No, the child performs the task, rearranges the letters in places and receives a known word.

School failure

Not all schools teach a lot of attention to the development of logic   - they strive to keep within the pedagogical plan for a year.

The first 3 classes - the most important time   the formation of thinking. At this time, children need to be given puzzles that develop different types of logic. If you miss this important age (5-7 years), then further schooling will be difficult.
The child will not be interested in learning, because he was not shown how to do it.

Hence the poor performance for which parents scold. Here another “logic” of thinking arises: the main thing is to get a good grade, not knowledge. To write off, to deceive, not to come - just to avoid a deuce, a triple. Children develop such a logical chain and an appropriate behavior model: they don’t care if he learned something or not, but it’s important that their parents don’t scold. Here the school can
spoil the further life of children if the elementary school teacher does not devote enough time to the development of logic in grades 1-2.

School will end, adult life will begin. There we must choose for ourselves the future, profession, work. For 10 years at school, it will become clear what type of thinking prevails in the child - after all, engaging in what you don’t really understand is uninteresting. And at 10 and at 17, a person already knows for sure what would he like.

Do you need clubs, children's development centers

There are children's clubs and development centers in every city. If you are happy with the situation at school, teacher devotes a lot of time specifically to children, not his curriculumthen you have a great school. If not, take him to logic development classes. Children have a lot spaces for creativity   and reflection.

The main thing is that circles encourage initiative. Before recording a child somewhere, it would be nice consult a child psychologist. It will help identify development gaps. Sometimes creativity helps best: drawing, modeling, floristry, working with silk.

  • develops fine motor skills;
  • shows that children have imagination and can be used;
  • removes the framework - evaluation. No ratings, so you can really create.

Creativity Develops abstract and imaginative thinking. It is easier for a child to express his thoughts if he can draw or blind something.

Your homework

Scolding children, humiliating them is the wrong method of education. Take 30 minutes to work out. There is no need to make coercion out of it or threaten prohibitions. What will you achieve with bans and screams? It’s only that the child, by his logic, will consider that you should not be contacted for help either.

Invite him to find answers to entertaining questions.

  1. All 4 legs were removed from the chair. Will the chair stand?
  2. A tram rides on rails, sees a girl in the distance. Can the tram go round it?
  3. Cube can roll on the table? Why yes or no?
  4. At the same time, a cyclist and a motorist started. Can a cyclist overtake a car driver?
  5. You watch hockey on TV. Can a puck fly out and hit you in the head?
  6. Which is easier to carry: bag or bag?
  7. It takes a long walk in deep snow. How easier: in boots or skiing?
  8. The bathtub is filled to the brim. What will happen if you get into it?
  9. In winter, the bunny changes the color of its fur coat: it was gray - it became white. Why is this needed?

Each question here requires not a definite answer “yes” or “no”, but reflection. All three types are involved.
logical thinking
. You can parse 3-4 questions at a time. This amount of work in children 6-7 years old will not cause boredom.

Be prepared for questions - now from the student. For example, you examined paragraph 9 about a bunny. He may be interested how the animal changes a fur coat, who else in the forest will change the color of the fur, does it hurt? It is good that questions arise, which means that thinking works actively.

None of us are perfect. Of course, there are geniuses, child prodigies and "indigo children." Basically, the normal development of the child is such that some kind of logic will prevail in him. You should not scold him for the fact that he is good in abstract thinking, but verbally   can not think. This is the result of:

  • the teacher does not know how to explain different things correctly using examples. It is easier for us to learn from examples at the age of 5-7, and not just listen to theory;
  • there wasn’t time to develop this skill, there were no trainings;
  • the child better perceives other types of logic.

Talk more, discuss everything:

  • how was the day;
  • what movie did you watch last week, how did you remember it;
  • what is your son’s favorite hero, what super powers does he have, and how does he use them? Wins by cunning and intelligence or simply brute force?
  • why and how do different processes occur in nature;
  • how to choose a profession;
  • why friends quarrel, etc.

There are so many topics that interest children! If you also show a keen interest in the conversation, you will see exactly how your child thinks.

Dear Moms and Dads! Let me ask you a question. Why do you choose developing strategies for your child? Do not rush to answer, think. Why did you decide to practice developing activities at home?

  • this is a good way to keep your child busy.
  • it is good for him;
  • it is interesting for the child;
  • it is interesting to me;
  • it helps me get closer to my child;
  • it becomes a solid foundation for our communication;
  • it helps me better understand my child;
  • it will make the child more successful in the future;
  • it will teach the child to think.

There can be many answers. There are no right and wrong. We are not on the exam. We are living. Life is multifaceted. Every day she poses many tasks for us to solve. And the more developed thinking we have, the easier it is for us to find an effective and convenient solution, the easier we can cope with any tasks and difficulties, the richer, richer, brighter, more interesting and successful our life becomes.

Today we offer 5 simple, but very interesting games-exercises in the treasury of parents who want to develop the thinking of a preschooler.

Exercise 1: Treasure Hunters

Exercise forms the basis of orientation in space, instills the skill of reading a schematic plan, stimulates the development of imaginative thinking.

Invite your child to become a treasure hunter. To do this, draw a map of the area where the game is planned together with him or in advance. It can be a small clearing in your favorite park, a playground in the yard, a separate room in your house or the whole house. The older the child, the larger the card. For kids, of course, it is better to limit yourself to a small room or an open area with a small number of objects. Then hide the real object in the area shown on the map. Mark the map. The child must find a "treasure".

There are tons of versions of this exercise.

  • Swap places with the baby (he hides and notes, and you're looking).
  • Play with several children, seasoning the exercise with the excitement of a competitive moment.
  • Choose as a treasure your favorite treat for the child, which the winner will receive as a real dessert after lunch.
  • Make up a story with your child why the treasure was lost.

Exercise 2: “Where to hide”

Exercise develops imagination and speech, trains the ability to recognize and compare, stimulates creative thinking.

Choose any object, living or nonliving. The task of the child is to figure out where this object can be hidden.

For instance:

  • Where are we going to hide dad? Dad fits in your pocket?
  • Will dad fit in the closet?
  • Will dad fit in mom's handbag?
  • Can dad be hidden in the pantry?

Exercise, as a rule, causes a lot of delight. Ask questions one at a time. Give your child the opportunity to "recreate" by inventing the most incredible places where you can hide dad. Next time, you can “hide” your favorite car, Mom’s little ring, TV, plane ... Do not deny yourself anything 🙂

Exercise 3: Guess What

You probably enjoyed playing this game in your childhood. True, then you hardly thought that in the process of guessing you developed the focus of the thought process and stimulated cognitive activity.

Recall the rules.

The host hides a certain object, and the participants should find out what is hidden using leading questions. If the item is small, you can hide it in the palms of your hands. You can hide large objects in a box or an opaque bag.

A chain of leading questions should lead to the correct conclusion:

  • Is it edible? Yes!
  • Is it a vegetable? Not!
  • Is it a berry? Yes!
  • Is it sweet cherry? Yes!

If the answer to the first question was “no,” the second question loses its meaning. By analogy, the fourth question loses its meaning if the answer to the third is negative.

In this exercise, you can ask questions so that the answer is only “yes” or “no.” You can ask questions that require a detailed answer (describe the type, category, properties of the hidden object, but do not name the object itself). You can switch roles with a child or play with a group of children.

Exercise 4: Danetka

This exercise, by and large, is very similar to the previous one. But it is so convenient to use it in a situation when it is urgently necessary to entice the child with something calm and interesting that not telling about him in this material would be an unforgivable omission.

The essence of the game is as follows: you need to answer questions without using forbidden words. Usually, yes and no are prohibited, but you can create your own list of stop words. The leader’s task is to take the player out of the list of forbidden words. The player, in turn, must resist.


  • Today is sunny weather? It's cloudy outside!
  • Do you want to go for a walk? Of course!
  • Will you go outside in your favorite bright jacket with a train? Yes!

After the forbidden word, the game stops. You can swap the roles of the host / player, come up with some kind of penalty for the loser, or enter other elements that add even more fun to the exercise. As experience shows, with developed thinking, good vocabulary and high reaction speed, the game can last a very long time. The line to your favorite dentist flies so fast that you don’t even have time to get scared.

Exercise 5: Flat Designer

For the next exercise, prepare a set of geometric shapes cut out of thick cardboard in advance. Triangles, rectangles, squares, shapes of arbitrary shape should be presented in different colors and sizes. From the available parts, the child needs to assemble a certain flat design, drawing.

The benefits of this exercise cannot be overestimated:

  • the study of the variety of geometric shapes;
  • consolidation of the concepts of “large” and “small”;
  • development of memory and mindfulness;
  • development of graphic skills;
  • training of spatial thinking.

You can implement the exercise in the form of a game in different ways:

  • Together with the child, add a few arbitrary patterns. For example, a house and a train. Cover the sample so that the child does not see it, and ask the baby to reproduce the drawing on his own.
  • Show the finished sample, hide it and ask the child to repeat what he saw.
  • Invite the child to draw the given objects from the available figures. Let the baby make, for example, a typewriter. However, the sample is not provided. This is a higher level of exercise that perfectly develops imagination and creative thinking.
  • Give your baby complete freedom of action. Let him lay out the figures in whole canvases, simultaneously telling you what he does. Do not suppress the flight of imagination and do not drive the young creator into the dull framework of traditional images.
  1. The exercises are aimed at children of 6-7 years old, but they will be interesting for young children of preschool age. Just adapt the rules for the baby, give him more tips and support.
  2. Do not forget: the effect of training is achieved provided that the work is done with some effort, tension. To develop, you need to maintain tone.
  3. Develop your child, teach him creatively, creatively and critically. Develop its logic, broaden your horizons, enrich your sensory experience. Believe me, this is a profitable investment in the future of your heir.
  4. No need to approach the exercises with the responsibility of a stern mentor. This is primarily an exciting game. It should be interesting to both the child and you. Feel free to change the rules, make any amendments. Most importantly, enjoy the process itself.
  5. Actively using interesting, entertaining exercises for the child’s development, accustom him to the idea that learning is fun and exciting.

May your baby’s childhood, like your parenthood, be happy!