Gifts for children from 3 years. Ideas of original gifts for a child for three years. Large, colorful books with vivid illustrations

In this article we will tell you what kind of signs of attention it is better to please the birthday people. The main recommendations are as follows:

  • A 3-year-old baby needs attention, is naughty and stubborn. This makes itself felt the emerging character of the little man. The desire to be independent can be turned into the purchase of a gift needed for self-realization.
  • The child must have the right to choose. Let him decide whether to build a tower or assemble a crane. To make the birthday person purposeful, present an interesting constructor, a 3D puzzle, a prefabricated model.
  • Do not forget about the difference between the sexes. Girls traditionally play in, are interested in fashion and dresses. Boys love cars, toy pistols, bows with arrows.
  • The child must not be exposed to danger during play. Make sure that the gift is of high-quality assembly, has a hygiene certificate and does not contain any small parts or sharp edges.
  • Take your time with the choice. The best gifts are bought taking into account viewing reviews on the Internet, consultations with other parents, the advice of psychologists. Based on their experience, you can make a wonderful surprise.
  • Remember tomorrow. Good signs will be things that will be interesting to the birthday boy throughout this and the next year.
  • The kid will never count gifts. The more there are, the better it is. Arrange with relatives regarding options. The same or similar offerings will spoil the mood for everyone.

Carefully review the list of universal ideas. Having embodied one of them, you will arrange an unforgettable holiday for a child of 3 years. You can give your treasure:

  • A soft toy, including one that speaks or sings.
  • Interactive toys, .
  • Toys on the radio.
  • Multimedia projector, game console.
  • Sets of cards with letters and numbers.
  • Little table for drawing, a musical rug.
  • Set of felt pens, pencils, paints.
  • A collection of children's illustrated books, coloring books.
  • Musical instrument.
  • Aquarium, ant farm, pet.
  • Tickets for the circus, zoo, water park, puppet theater.

Toy - a welcome surprise for a child for 3 years

A present that allows you to have fun is well suited for a small birthday boy. In the first years of life, rattles and gurneys are enough for children. Adult kids are interested in role-playing games, which are easiest to organize by buying a story set. It consists of a large number of accessories. These are dishes, miniature furniture, medical instruments, cars. Together with the child you will transform into the employees of the clinic, construct a multi-level parking lot or an airfield. In summer, the process can be moved to the street.

Popular toys are interactive robots and dolls. Cutie Baby Born will be a wonderful gift for the little princess. "Baby" is required to feed, bathe and take for a walk. You can’t imagine a more interesting occupation for crumbs. Toy robots are also able to surprise. They move, shoot and even fly. The hero of the occasion will be able to mess with them for several years.

Bizibord "Who lives where?". A game board decorated in the style of the famous Farm Frenzy. To get acquainted with the inhabitants of the village, you need to rotate the gears, open the locks and fold the shutters at the houses.

Flexible track "Megapolis". The child will need maximum imagination. Of the 239 details, the birthday person must assemble the race track. The shape of the roadway is not regulated by anything.

Soft toy "Losyash". It’s hard to imagine a suhat who has become the prototype of a plush creature. Apparently, the creators saw him in a dream. Children will fall in love with a gift at a glance.

Clockwork bathing toy "Ship". Multi-colored boat with a motor. Turn the screw counterclockwise several times, and you can set sail.

Toy warmer "Lamb Sean". Likes to warm babies while sleeping. To keep the animal warm all night, you need to hold it in the microwave for a minute.

Despicable Me Minion Eyewear. Useful for matinees and practical jokes. They fit perfectly on the face, do not fall off during active games thanks to the adjustable strap.

A useful gift for children for a birthday of 3 years

Educational toys are a special category of presents. Thanks to them, you can give your baby the first knowledge about the world around him. If parents will be engaged with the child, the baby will successfully prepare for school and will be more willing to attend classes. The right gift here is a set of geometric shapes in different colors. There is no clear assignment for the beginning builder. Having received a box with details, the birthday person must create some object. If desired, the young architect will build a city with streets, houses, social facilities. At the same time he will train fine motor skills, perseverance and logical thinking.

The fourth year of life is a time for literacy. Why not give your child a wooden domino with pictures, an illustrated alphabet, magnetic numbers. If these solutions seem like old-fashioned options, get an interactive whiteboard. Writing and drawing with a stylus is a fascinating task. The device is suitable for viewing cartoons and photos.

Water Drawing Tablet Original Buddha Board. A novice artist stains clothes with paints? Forget the problem. From now on, to create masterpieces, ordinary water is required. You can take a waterboard with you on the road.

Set for drawing "Art Set". 150 pencils and felt-tip pens in a special organizer. For one student a lot. Join to create with your child.

3D-painting "Living Alphabet". In addition to developing creative skills, the gift is useful for learning the alphabet. In the process of coloring, the birthday person will also get acquainted with the world of wildlife.

Sea animals on magnets. Collection of underwater inhabitants. Tell the baby what they are called, what they eat, how deep they live. Zoology is a fascinating science.

Personal photo frame. A set for creativity involves the creation of a product with an author's design. Adult help will certainly be required, but the hero of the occasion should do the main work himself.

Set of Play-Doh plasticine "Factory of cakes". In addition to the multi-colored mass, the kit includes molds and nozzles. Finished products are similar to pastry shops. It is important for children to avoid the temptation to taste them.

Three-year-old sports gift ideas

Have you noticed that it’s worth to come with an kid to an amusement park, how your favorite treasure seeks to jump in an inflatable house, climb somewhere on a rope, slide down a hill? At this age, the child is very active, and energy striking over the edge should be directed in the right direction. You can record a birthday in the pool, sports section, karate school. Regular training will strengthen health, make the hero of the occasion more disciplined and responsible.

The best present for home kids is a room trainer. Ideally, you need to give a sports corner, assembled according to individual requirements. So, in the hallway or bedroom there will be a Swedish wall, a horizontal bar, rings, a basketball basket. It will be doubly fascinating if the family has older brothers and sisters. It is necessary to prepare a sports surprise taking into account the season. Skates and sledges are required in winter. A bicycle, scooter or skate will come in handy in the summer.

Trampoline. It will be difficult to tear the child away from a fun activity. Jumping helps to train the vestibular apparatus and even strengthens the joints.

Ping-pong table. With him, buy a pair of rackets and balls. At first, it is difficult to accept the serve, but over time, the game will carry away the birthday boy with his head. Family tournaments are welcome.

Volleyball. You won’t get bored with such gifts. It doesn’t matter if there is no net in the yard. When a company of peers gathers, you can do without it.

Roller Skates. Children enthusiastically react to shoes with wheels. A model compatible with ordinary shoes is also common.

Skiing. Childhood is a great time to learn how to walk on them. What if a professional athlete or an Olympic champion grows out of a three-year-old?

Snow scooter. In contrast to the sled, it allows you to adjust the trajectory during the descent. Modern products are distinguished by lightness and structural strength.

Original birthday present for 3 years

Surprising a baby is easy. He did not see much in life, so he enthusiastically reacts to unusual things. Incredible present crumbs seem big. This is a nightlight that not only illuminates the room, but also projects galactic maps onto the ceiling. If the child loves the night sky, he will be happy to look at the glowing dots until he falls asleep. Over time, the gift will come in handy for exploring the world and the school course of astronomy. Advanced models are equipped with a drive. Change the projection depending on the tasks.

Young children enjoy riding electric cars and ATVs. I hit the pedal and the vehicle moves around the yard. The child only changes direction. If you buy an electric car for your treasure, there will be no limit to the delight. Nothing like peers are clearly not expected. More affordable present - giant soap bubbles. Blowing huge balls, the birthday person feels like a magician.

Flying minion. Yellow, big-eyed, with a propeller. He does not perform complicated maneuvers, but surely hangs under the ceiling. Management is carried out with a miniature remote control.

Toy "Chicken laying eggs". To see a layer in the picture is one thing, and to contemplate the process with your own eyes is another. In addition, the plush bird moves to the cheerful music, which is very amusing for the kids.

Children's umbrella "Dalmatian with ears". The shape of the dome copies the outline of the face of the spotted puppy. The eyes of the dog are drawn, but the ears are real, hanging!

Piggy bank mechanical "Cat". An amazing gift for a baby. It is worth putting a coin in a bowl for milk, as a curious kitten peeks out of the box and sweeps the money with its paw.

Chocolate bar "Magic Chocolate".  Let the miraculous properties of goodies remain a mystery to the recipient. Offer to eat a piece as soon as possible and make a wish. It will certainly come true.

Candy Grabber. Home slot machine. Getting tasty prizes is not easy. We will have to learn to control a mechanical arm - a manipulator.

A successful gift from grandparents to 3 years

Representatives of the older generation prefer practical things, buying bed linen, furniture for children, clothes and shoes by the cherished day. Little birthday people are not particularly happy with such gifts, but parents perfectly understand the practical meaning. An interesting present for crumbs is a personal tea pair. The child is a full member of the family and must have his own cup. Children's dishes can be decorated with a photograph or an inscription. From this you want to try even the unloved kefir.

A more expensive and memorable gift is jewelry made of precious metals. It will not be difficult to order a grandson or granddaughter a medallion with initials, a pendant with the zodiac sign, a personalized bracelet. Until adulthood, they can be stored in the treasured box. Such signs of attention will not lose relevance. As well as. Start compiling it with yourself. Collect family photos, copy documents, write down interesting stories. When the baby grows up, he will know everything about his ancestors.

T-shirt “I am 3 years old”. Useful for a festive photo shoot. The baby's name, design and size are agreed individually.

Children's backpack Mini-Mo "Dinosaurs". When you go on a trip with the whole family, the child wants to take personal items and toys with him. A colorful shoulder bag designed for this.

Children's photo book with fairy tale characters. Ask to decorate the ceiling with the characters of your favorite cartoons. A commemorative inscription is welcome. Having matured, your child will remember this gift with warmth.

Lunch box MB Tresor. An orange container is difficult to confuse with anything. It’s convenient to store and transport food supplies inside. The smallest ones need a lot of calories to grow!

Candlestick with photo. Transparent cube with the image inside. It can be used as interior decoration. A memorable present for life.

Soap “Owl Soap On A Rope”. Not all kids love to wash. To teach them to run to the bathroom more often, there is little tale about Moydodyr. Here, owl-shaped vanilla soap is more suitable.

Toy dollhouse

Not yet born a girl who can stand in front of a miniature living room in pink colors. For three-year-olds, complex designs with furniture and household appliances are suitable. But the smallest details - like vases and utensils - while it’s better to hide so that the baby does not accidentally swallow them. This toy is for several years, so it is important that it is strong and stable.

Choose a house to your taste: wooden or plastic, empty or furnished, three-story or compact, with or without a doll family. Special chic if additional accessories are sold to the toy. The child will like to make repairs and rearrange furniture.


Average price:3,000 rubles.

Slide projector

Suitable for dark winter evenings and nostalgic parents. Children like a fabulous atmosphere, twilight and good stories told by their mother's voice. The filmstrip will completely replace the evening book and calm the baby before going to bed.

Choose a projector that works not only on batteries, but also on mains. Some modern devices can read and scroll films themselves. There is convenience, but little magic. Pay attention to the cost of films to the projector, sometimes their price is quite high. In this regard, universal devices win, which even Soviet filmstrips are suitable for.

Benefit:calms, broadens one's horizons, strengthens communication with a parent.

Average price:  5,000 rubles.

First doll

By the age of three, babies, as a rule, ripen before their first llama. Choose a baby doll with a childish appearance, pleasant to the touch, odorless, high-quality and durable. It is important that it is easy to change, comb and bathe. Additional accessories will not be superfluous - clothes, bath, crib, nipple.

In general, you need a simple doll for the first role-playing games. It makes no sense to go broke on an expensive interactive baby doll who can drink from a bottle, cry with real tears and go to the diaper. It will be a shame if the child does not appreciate or break it due to age.

Benefit:  classic companion for role-playing games, develops imagination and creativity.

Average price:  800 rubles.

Doctor's kit

By the age of three, the girl had learned the role of the patient. She can open her mouth wide, courageously endure vaccinations and obediently sit in lines. It’s all the more interesting for her to try herself on the other side - to become a doctor: open her own clinic, measure the temperature of the dolls and treat the teddy bears.

Choose a kit without small parts and from high-quality materials, it will last a long time and will not cause harm. The main thing is that there should be more objects in the suitcase, then the games will be more difficult, interesting and longer in time.

Benefit:  ideal for role-playing games, teaches a child and develops imagination, helps to overcome fears and work through scenarios from real life.

Average price:  1,000 rubles.

Light table for drawing sand

A spectacular gift for neat three-year-olds. The toy is a box with unbreakable glass, which is illuminated from the inside. Quartz sand is poured on the glass and the baby begins to create. He draws on the sand with his hands or with special rakes - magical light paintings are obtained.

The most convenient are rectangular tables with telescopic removable legs. While the child is small, it is comfortable for him to draw on the floor. And then the table grows with the baby. Choose rugged and environmentally friendly designs. It is important that the table has a lid, it will add functionality to the device.

Benefit: develops fine motor skills, imagination, strengthens the nervous system and expands the child’s sensory experience.

Average price:  5,000 rubles.


Car parking

For three-year-olds, small simple parking lots will no longer be so interesting. It is better to buy an advanced model in several levels, with boxes for storing cars, with road signs, barriers, barriers and other additional details. In more expensive car parks, the set includes several cars that are ideally suited to the size of the tracks.

Perhaps the main rule is that parking should be vandal resistant, because almost every three-year-old can take any gift for parts.

Benefit:  develops imagination and logic, encourages independent play.

Average price:1,500 rubles.

Radio Changing Machine

Most likely, the room of a three-year-old boy is littered with machines of all kinds and sizes. But if you ask what gift he wants, the baby will no doubt ask for another typewriter. A little change-over of his collection will be able to machine-changeling radio control.

Such a machine can turn itself over and drive on after a fall or collision. This is an excellent property, since the child is unlikely to carry the car too carefully. And yes - such a machine will be a hit on the playground, so get ready to share or play at home.

Benefit:  develops coordination of movements, eye, spatial imagination.

Average price:  1,500 rubles.

Puppet show

Necessarily with a screen and toys to show real performances. Especially the gift will appeal to kids who have already been on a real show. First, of course, you have to play with your baby - pull the turnip, crush pig houses and break a golden egg. Then the child will get used to it and begin acting. He will stage new performances, sell tickets to parents, and feed plasticine ice cream during intermission.

Benefit:  Suitable for role-playing games, develops imagination and creativity.

Average price:  3,000 rubles.

Children's tools

At the age of three, the boy begins to actively play role-playing games. And the most obvious model is a native person, dad or any other close relative who is friends with a hammer and a screwdriver. A suitcase with children's tools will help the boy feel like a real man. The child will tirelessly repair his toys and furniture, help his mother hang a picture and eliminate blockage. Let for now and make-believe. The main thing is to choose a safe and durable kit so that the baby does not get hurt and break it in a minute.

Benefit:ideal for role-playing games, educates a child and develops imagination.

Average price:  1,000 rubles.


By the age of three, the child slowly begins to collect puzzles. And not small pictures-inlays, but quite real of twenty to thirty elements. Of course, for now - under the strict guidance of an adult, but nonetheless. Do not make the opposite mistake by presenting a puzzle too complex for a hundred details. The child will get bored halfway and the game will not work.

The boy is interested in collecting pictures with his favorite characters, animals or cars. Suitable puzzles can be not only cardboard, but also wooden. Choose bright contrasting pictures so that the kid would be interested to collect them.

Benefit:develop logic and fine motor skills. Stimulate concentration and perseverance.

Average price:  400 rubles.

The third birthday of the child can be considered a mini-anniversary. Three years is the age when a baby is no longer just a little sweetie rejoicing in a balloon. He is already able to memorize events, prefers certain people, may ask him to buy a specific gift. The third birthday is a holiday when a birthday man and his little guests can arrange a separate table with children's dishes. This is necessary so that your child feels like a hero of the day.

Making a children's room or the whole apartment for the holiday is not so difficult. Today, the assortment of birthday celebration kits is so wide that mom only needs to decide on the subject. The situation is more complicated with the gift. In order to decide what to give the child for 3 years, it’s worth a little to delve into the psychological characteristics of this age. Firstly, the kid prefers plot games, introducing himself as the driver of his father’s car, then his mother, preparing dinner. Secondly, the child no longer needs a game assistant. He is quite capable of doing without mom. Thirdly, he is fascinated by activities requiring the manifestation of logical thinking and attentiveness.

What toys are interesting for 3 year old children?

Forget plush hares, lacing toys and wheelchairs. Such entertainments to the three-year-old are no longer interesting. It's time for interactive toys that are controlled by remote controls, buttons, levers. Musical and interesting educational toys will not be ignored.

If earlier the sex of the child did not play a special role in choosing a gift, then at the age of three children already clearly realize this. Boys gravitate to cars, and girls imagine themselves mothers of their dolls and dolls.

A three-year-old baby already has his own opinion, interests and preferences, so he is waiting on his birthday for a very specific gift that meets his tastes. When thinking of what to give a child for 3 years, it is important to take care of this in advance, taking an interest in the hobbies of a girl or boy, and not choose something abstract - the reaction to such a present can be negative.

Three years is an interesting and at the same time difficult age when a small person begins to perceive himself as a person. The crisis of this period is that children, despite their enormous affection for parents, tend to be independent, and therefore often reject adult help. At the same time, they are in desperate need of it, and this becomes the cause of imbalance and even nervous breakdowns.

The task of adults during this period is to recognize the values \u200b\u200bof the child, respectful attitude to his personality, as well as the daily direction of the baby’s energy in a useful direction. Games, as before, remain for children the main learning process for obtaining information and understanding the environment.

At three years old, the child continues to successfully master the role-playing process, now he is the director and scriptwriter of his own stories. This is extremely important for the baby, because in this way he models life situations and learns to resolve them.

Hence, such a passion for theatrical performances, in which the baby plays a major role, introducing himself as a great musician, then a doctor treating sick dolls, then a caring mother nursing a baby doll. Guests invited to the celebration and not knowing what to give the three-year-old child should take into account this circumstance and choose something suitable - a doll, a dollhouse or a stroller, a toy kitchen, a house, a car, sets for story games with accessories necessary for transforming into characters of different professions.

By the age of three, children will learn many new skills, but there are still many skills ahead that they have yet to learn, so developing games for logic, training memory and attention remain among the most preferred gifts. These are designers, mosaics and puzzles, educational children's computers and tablets, an interactive globe, a magnetic board for learning the alphabet, children's lotto of various kinds, dominoes.

For active games that develop a child physically, you will need children's transport. At this age, parents are free to give boys and girls a bicycle, a runbike, a home sports complex, and a trampoline.

Three-year-olds are happy to be creative - they like to sing, listen to music, draw, and sculpt. It remains only to find out what the birthday boy likes best and give him a synthesizer, a piano, an easel for children, paintings for coloring by numbers, a modeling kit made of plasticine or polymer clay, and other creative kits for creating cute crafts.

What to give a boy for 3 years: video

Educational toys for children

Young children are restless and often distracted, but they can quickly become interested in something new and unfamiliar. Choosing what to give the child for three years, you can pay attention to developing toys, which, in addition to being fascinating for the baby, will contribute to the formation of new skills.

Based on the fact that the baby quickly gets carried away, and can also quickly switch to something else, you should choose things that can interest him for a long time. When buying, it is important to ensure the safety of the product, its high quality, compliance with the age of the child and his gender.

The range of such games is quite large, but for three-year-olds it is preferable to choose the following toys:

  1. All kinds of models sorters, such games carry out several tasks to form the baby’s skills at once - they develop their logical thinking, hand motility, ability to concentrate, patience and perseverance.
  2. Puzzlestraining memory, attention, quick wit, fine motor skills. Some games help kids to comprehend the basics of mathematics and geometry, improve their spatial thinking. Such games include - Fold the square, Logical circle, puzzle Cube balls, Clown, Cube Hearts, Birds, Smeshariki Smeshariki Hedgehog, table puzzles Wild Amazonia, Tetris. Many of these games will be interesting to children at a later age, among them - peacock mosaic, Turtle Labyrinth, logic game Castle of Riddles. To train the skill of oral counting, logical thinking, you can give a birthday Nikitin square of varying complexity.
  3. Didactic lacing games  - These are special sets consisting of many small parts and shoelaces with which children create trees, mushrooms, trains. They contribute to the development of attention, coordination of movements, imagination. Three-year-olds can buy colorful and interesting laces - Ladybug, Amanita, Seasons, Crocodile, Aquarium, Cheese. These are inexpensive, safe for children games, which, quite well, can become an interesting and useful gift for them.
  4. Set of puzzles - A good purchase for the baby, accustoming him to perseverance, patience. It is better to choose kits with parts made of thick cardboard or wood, but the elements can be made of high-quality plastic that does not have toxicity. At this age, puzzles can already include from 5 to 20 elements. Interesting options - Mosaic puzzle Mood, Kaleidoscope, wooden puzzle Hedgehog.

For the development of speech skills, the expansion of the vocabulary and the correct pronunciation, children at the age of three need good books, but for a birthday it is best to present a children's encyclopedia, and in addition, a high-quality collection of fairy tales. Books should be large, beautifully designed and contain realistic bright illustrations.

Read also:

3-year regimen

what should a child be at 3 years old

If you still have a problem with what to give your child for 3 years, buy a boy or girl a children's learning computer. Before such a present, not a single three-year-old baby can resist.

Presentations for creativity for three year olds

The health of the baby, of course, is put by parents in the first place, but it is important that the child knows how to express himself in a creative way. Based on the needs of the child, he can make a wonderful gift:

  1. Musical instruments, they, in part, can be attributed to educational toys. If the parents do not mind, then you can give the hero of the day a xylophone, drum, trumpet or piano. Any, even toy instruments will be useful to the baby, developing his hearing, sense of rhythm, instilling in him a love of music.
  2. Wooden or plastic easel,  necessarily large and double-sided. Typically, pens, colored crayons are included. One side of the structure is for drawing, the other for magnets. With this device you can learn the alphabet in parallel.
  3. Plasticine set  - ball, pearl, soft or hard with stacks and small details in the form of jewelry will also please the baby. In addition to the fact that it is possible to create sculptures from him, they draw plasticine paintings, you just need to choose the right set.
  4. Figurines, crafts made of wood, gypsum for painting  - such a present will appeal to children who love to color images.
  5. Coloring pages  also suitable for this age, some revive with water, thanks to special paints. Many children like them.
  6. Sand, but not simple, but - A safe substance from which you can sculpt figures, both from clay and plasticine. This popular novelty will appeal to the three-year-old, it remains only to additionally bribe a tray and molds to it. One kilogram is enough for the child to have enough to realize all his fantasies.

Kits for creativity will be an excellent choice - these are special kits that allow children to create beautiful crafts from various materials on their own. They will be able to learn how to knit, embroider, weave jewelry, paint wooden houses and animal figures, decorate photo frames and much more.

What to give a girl for 3 years: video

Gifts for active pastime

Movement for children is vital, so even the most calm and assiduous children need active pastime. Physical exercises allow children to grow faster, teach them how to coordinate actions, how fast they react. With good physical condition, the child learns better, perceives and remembers information.

If you have no idea how to choose a gift for 3 years, parents and guests invited to such a significant anniversary can be advised to give the baby sports equipment such as:

  • scooter, bicycle, runbike with accompanying protective pads, helmet;
  • children’s football, small collapsible gates can be placed in the yard, in addition to them comes with a high-quality soccer ball, designed for the strength of the baby;
  • trampoline - a useful gift, training the vestibular apparatus that develops the muscles of the legs, if the size of the living space allows, however, it can also be placed on a personal plot;
  • if there is a summer residence, you can also give the birthday boy a small sandbox with a canopy in the form of a fungus, flower, umbrella or roof, or even a whole sandy courtyard, which is a small game town with turrets, gates and a sandbox.

If the peanut does not yet have a special gymnastic corner, give it a sports complex, including rings, a rope, a swing, a horizontal bar and a Swedish wall. This structure can serve the baby until adolescence. In addition, it is already possible for three-year-olds to purchase rollers - of course, they will have to ride under the vigilant control of adults and protected by a special helmet, knee pads and other necessary elements. As a gift to the boy, you can buy a large pedal car.

How to choose a gift for a boy and a girl

Presentations for girls and boys should be different. Boys are becoming more and more like their fathers, because they copy not only their movements, voice intonation, but also behavior. Girls imitate mothers in their desire to be well-groomed, beautifully dressed. On the baby's birthday, an incorrectly selected gift can cause him bewilderment and even resentment, which is why you need to know what to choose for a girl and a boy.

In order to truly pamper the girl on the day of the celebration, the following presentations are suitable:

  • beautiful toy carriage;
  • dollhouse or sandcastle castle;
  • toy furniture, household appliances, utensils, dishes;
  • bright handbag with a mirror;
  • toy phone;
  • water Mill;
  • runbike or bike;
  • dress for a masquerade;
  • table theater;
  • easel;
  • training tablet and other gadgets;
  • an elegantly decorated mirror or a whole set for combing, including hairpins, bows, hairbrushes.

A good gift for a boy would be:

  • a set of soldiers;
  • scooter, bicycle, scooter;
  • kaleidoscope;
  • children's computer;
  • new constructor;
  • sports complex;
  • toy parking and several cars;
  • pedal car;
  • set for playing with sand;
  • board games - lotto and dominoes;
  • rpg games, walkers;
  • kite;
  • water gun;
  • radio-controlled vehicles;
  • tent house;
  • children's synthesizer.

Of course, you can choose more practical things for a gift, such as children's clothing, dishes, developing computer aids or audio discs with fairy tales or classical music.

Any child will undoubtedly be pleased with a live kitten or puppy, but not all parents can afford to have an animal, and it’s very unfortunate, since a living creature can teach the baby a lot, and most importantly, responsibility, kindness, and the manifestation of love and care.

Not quite imagining what to give the child for 3 years, you can focus on universal options that will please the child in any case. For boys, these are cars, transformer toys, the railway, for girls - beautiful dolls, children's jewelry, elegant dresses. You can also please the rest of the family by buying a big cake for them.

What to give a child for 3 years: video

Just a year ago, the little one with delight in his eyes took a balloon as a gift. But on a birthday on the occasion of the third anniversary of such a baby's present is not surprising. Moreover, at this age, children already have their own preferences and interests, so if you can’t guess with a surprise, because of the immediacy, the child will not be able to hide disappointment and will go to consider other gifts. In general, one must approach the choice of what to give to a three-year-old boy or girl with all responsibility, in order to please the birthday boy, and not to be in an awkward situation himself.

“I’m already three years old!”

This age in child psychology is considered a transition from early childhood to preschool life. Peanut already knows a lot and knows:

  • distinguishes at least 4–5 colors;
  • understands what shape, size and length are, can characterize objects on these grounds;
  • makes operations with small objects and coordinates its movements well, because the fine motor skills of the three-year-old are quite perfect for this;
  • actively masters speech, demonstrates developed memory and thinking. If the child used to accumulate vocabulary, now the time has come to give it all out in a continuous stream of words;
  • shows independence with the favorite phrase of all 36-month-old children: "I myself!". Sometimes this principle of life of crumbs is able to turn it into a stubborn, few of which.

Conclusion: the baby at 3 years old is cheerful, spontaneous and very active, for games he needs his parents less and less.

Principles for choosing a gift for a three-year-old child

The basic rule can be formulated as follows: no matter what you give, it should be an order of magnitude more complicated than before, and be sure to bring benefits. In other words, cars do not just drive, but they can be controlled with a remote control, soft toys not only make sounds, but also move, talk, and react to the actions of the child. In addition, the gift should be:

  • bright (this principle is unchanged for children under 7–8 years old);
  • new (otherwise the baby will necessarily indicate a repeat and, of course, will not be interested in a souvenir at all);
  • by age (age restrictions are very important, because too complicated a puzzle or lotto with a dozen pictures on one playing field will not cause interest, as well as a toy lacing).

By the age of 3, a huge arsenal of toys, books and other children's goods is already accumulating in children. So you have to choose with great care.


Toddlers of preschool age actively introduce toys into role-playing games. So if you plan to give a teddy bear, then he should speak (sing), name numbers, move his paws, etc. Children will be interested in the characters of popular fairy tales or cartoons that can be controlled using the remote control, levers, buttons.

At 3 years old, kids are already quite clearly aware of themselves as boys and girls, which means that the former gravitate toward cars, and the latter gravitate toward dolls and dolls.

Game sets

Items for role-playing games will certainly interest the birthday boy. After all, playing in a hospital with a doctor’s tools, in a beauty salon with a hairdresser kit, or in a repair shop with a master kit is very exciting. In this category there is a completely separate screen for the puppet theater and dolls for it. Children will be very happy to stage performances with fairy-tale characters, to come up with roles for them. This gift is simply indispensable if the family has several kids of about the same age.

Educational gifts

Children at the age of three are no longer satisfied with the examination, they need more detailed information. Hence the constant “Why?”. So a developing toy must necessarily be difficult to work, to work on the training of ingenuity, imagination and thinking of the baby.

  1. Books. The best gift, but without coordination with parents, it is not recommended to give. By the age of 3, the child already knows many poems, fairy tales, so there is a great chance of repeating in the library. The publication can be with a panoramic layout, sound, or with elements of stencils-coloring.
  2. Interactive globe. Usually it is presented to schoolchildren, but for a three-year-old crumbs, you can buy the simplest model, for example, with 5 programs, thanks to which the little one will learn about the sights of the world, get acquainted with the geographical names and language of a country. Some globes have a knowledge test feature.
  3. Educational gadgets. Tablets and laptops, no doubt, will be interesting to kids. With their help, the child will be able to learn to read, write, count and even begin to learn a foreign language.
  4. Cubes. Only now not with animals (vegetables, fruits), but with letters. Please note that the toy should be safe (without sharp corners), with large images and preferably accompanied by a teaching guide for teaching reading three-year-olds. Chaplygin and Zaitsev sets are ideally suited for these requirements.
  5. Models of talking posters on the wall. With their help, the birthday boy will be happy to get acquainted with the alphabet, geographical names, the world of animals and plants.
  6. Math books: posters and magnetic boards. With such a useful toy, the baby will not only master the count to 10 (or up to 100), but also learn to perform simple arithmetic operations.
  7. Constructor-burdock. Unusual details resembling thorns are fastened together with Velcro. The kit also includes eyes, pens, legs, etc., which makes it possible for the little ones to create figures not only according to the model, but also at the behest of their own imagination. The only minus: elements with careless handling can get into the hair, so you have to play in the presence of adults.

Developing Gift Ideas - Photo Gallery

Zaitsev’s cubes is a whole methodological complex for teaching reading with posters, chants and other elements. Using Chaplygin’s cubes, after 3-4 lessons, the child will understand the principle of reading. In 3 years, designers can give more than 100 parts. The designer with Velcro does not limit the creative impulse of the child static mounts and shapes

Sporting goods for active summer and winter holidays

Of course, not all children like to spend time actively, run and jump. But for most, just such a leisure is the most desirable. In this case, you can give:

  • bicycle (three-wheeled or two-wheeled - ask your parents);
  • runbike (the same bike, but without pedals);
  • sledges (for winter three-year-olds);
  • scooter (excellent summer transport for children of both sexes);
  • ice skating (if the child is engaged in or is fond of figure skating, hockey);
  • a hula-hoop for a girl or a soccer ball with the necessary equipment for a boy.

Budget gifts in this category will be accessories for swimming, boomerangs, tennis rackets, etc.

Creative gifts

The artistic impulses of a 3-year-old child can be reflected in the wallpaper and furniture in the house. And yet talent must still be maintained. So the gift should simply direct creative energy in the right direction.

  1. Ceramic figures for painting, sand murals (sticky base-picture is covered with colored sand), applications with stickers and stencils, etc.
  2. Applications on the buttons. A rather interesting kind of creative activity, akin to a puppet theater: finished parts are connected by special elements, and a moving picture is obtained.
  3. Kinetic sand - a material that allows you to create any figures, while not getting dirty, not crumbling.
  4. A synthesizer with a microphone is a variant of children's karaoke. On it you can not only listen to the recorded melodies, but also record your own, sing under them, and also make arrangements. By the way, on such a piano some begin to learn to play musical instruments.
  5. Fancy dress (nurses, superman, minion, etc.). Such a gift would be especially suitable for a baby who loves role-playing games.
  6. Face painting - hypoallergenic paints that paint the face and body.

Original surprises

The market for children's goods is replete with a variety of toys and manuals. And if you want to make an unusual surprise, then the main thing is not to get confused in the options.

  1. Desktop sandbox. It is relevant even for adults (to calm). But the baby will be able to play at home with the apiary, figurines and in the bad weather.
  2. A cardboard toy, for example, a house or a rocket (engine), the design of which remains with the birthday man. They do it with their own hands, remembering the accuracy and durability of the created structure.
  3. Glowing stickers. Such designer pieces are used as a decoration for the room of a child or adult. For example, a starry sky instead of a boring ceiling. You can glue pictures with mom and dad.
  4. Kite. He will delight both the birthday man and his relatives. The main thing is that the weather be suitable.
  5. Stork boxing. Not so long ago appeared toy. It is a sealed cardboard box (may be of different sizes) with contents, which even the donor himself will know about only when the gift is opened.

Sweets in 3 years

At 3 years old, the baby already knows and loves sweets for sure. You can give him an originally decorated candy cookie. However, there is one “But!”. Before presenting such a souvenir, find out:

  • does the child have allergies?
  • the attitude of parents to gifts of this kind.

Commemorative Presents

This category of gifts is a kind of souvenirs “for growth” or “for parents”. That is, the hero of the occasion will not be interested in the surprise, since, from the point of view of the three-year-old, it is useless. However, this does not detract from the importance of such gifts, even if the child understands them after many years.

  1. PHOTOSESSION. There are few people indifferent to the photo with their immediate children's faces. A photoset can, by the way, be made traditional.
  2. Jewelry (rings, chains, bracelets, etc.). Not only the girl, but the boy will be very dear to them years later.
  3. Cash contribution. The most practical gift: the birthday person, taking money on the day of the 18th birthday, will definitely appreciate it.


The pet is a very useful gift for the child, because the baby learns to take care of someone, becomes responsible, kind and sympathetic. But at first, of course, all care for the animal will be on the shoulders of mom and dad. That's why such a present needs to be coordinated with the parents of the birthday.

For a three-year-old, it’s suitable:

  • hamster;
  • rat;
  • guinea pig;
  • kitten, puppy;
  • large snail;
  • turtle;
  • parrot etc.

Please note that the donated animal must be vaccinated, and also do not forget about a certificate from the veterinarian about the health status of a new family member.

If you are giving a pet that suggests it has a cage, then decide this question. Otherwise, the gift will be a disservice.

DIY gifts

Despite all the controversy as to whether such a gift will be clear to the baby, do-it-yourself things keep more warmth than purchased options. What can be presented to a three-year-old?

  1. Soft soccer balls made of foam rubber, trimmed with colored rags of fabric, which are used both for their intended purpose and as a pillow.
  2. Dolls from kapron stockings.
  3. Boxes for pencils and felt-tip pens with the plot of your favorite cartoon, made using the decoupage technique.
  4. Clothing with photo printing and more.

If such a gift is preserved for a long memory, then surely, falling into the hands of the present birthday man in a couple of decades, will cause special thrill and pleasant memories of childhood.