Scenario for the New Year's holiday for children “Journey to the Estate of Santa Claus. Scenario for the New Year's trip "Santa Claus' School of Magic" Scenario for the opening of Santa Claus's residence

Today, any child knows that Father Frost lives in Veliky Ustyug, in his magnificent estate. Santa Claus really exists and even enters into correspondence with everyone. You can write him a real letter and receive the same real answer with a gift in addition. You can also visit Santa Claus by visiting him.

What is so wonderful and interesting that the walls hide? estates of Santa Claus ? What to see, what to be surprised by? And is it even worth going there? Of course it's worth it! For children, a trip to visit Santa Claus is a much more interesting adventure than a trip somewhere to the Maldives. After all, in Veliky Ustyug there is no luxury, but just a fairy tale, so necessary for every child.

So, what awaits us in the estate of Santa Claus ? First, you will drive up to it and be speechless with delight! Everything glows and shimmers! Ice sculptures peek out from behind the trees. And what an ice slide on the estate - the children, having rolled down, say that it is four hundred meters long, no less! In fact, it is not that long, but children like to think that it is at least half a kilometer.

And now it’s time to enter the hospitable home of our beloved Morozushka. Firstly, we can visit grandfather's personal apartments. Or rather, mansions. The hosts here are beautiful girls in beautiful Russian dresses. The central place in the mansions is given to the carved bed of Father Frost - large, wide, magnificent. There are seven pillows on the bed: one for each day of the week. Beautiful girls will definitely tell you about this, as well as about many other things. By the way, there is a mirror hanging on the wall, looking into which Frost sees his entire frosty kingdom.

The mansions are, of course, wonderful, but the real delight is the huge throne room. There is a tall, always decorated Christmas tree here all year round. In the estate, the holiday never ends, so you can come here not only for New Year holidays, but also at any other time! He sits on a wooden throne Father Frost, and next to it there is a smaller throne - anyone can sit on it and take a photo next to the fabulous old man. And sitting on the big throne, you need to make wishes.

Father Frost is not only kind, but also smart and very businesslike. He even has his own office and meeting room. Usually all visitors are happy to enter Santa Claus's office, and some even sneak photos of themselves at his desk.

And all guests must visit the wish room: they say that if you make a wish in it while the crystal bell rings, it will certainly come true! After making wishes, you can visit the exhibition halls. There are so many interesting exhibitions that are held here! Exhibitions of chests, Santa Claus figurines, felt boots, mittens... And what a wonderful winter garden! And what museums! Oh, there is always something to see and admire here! Beauty and nothing more!

The residence has an open workshop for Santa Claus – the best craftsmen work here, creating real miracles with their own hands from wood, birch bark, straw, clay and others natural materials. They make them right in front of the guests and immediately paint them. After looking at it, you can immediately buy yourself some beautiful souvenir a la naturel. This is not Chinese consumer goods! This was made in the patrimony of Santa Claus himself ! Well, if you want to try to create a masterpiece, the masters will not mind. On the contrary, they will instruct and help.

The residence hosts various performances and celebrations. It's never boring here. How beautiful! And Christmas trees, Christmas trees all around! Elegant, sparkling! It’s just a miracle how good it is! It’s just cold – it’s the north after all! So stock up on warm clothes, hats and mittens and go to Veliky Ustyug to visit Santa Claus ! The Arctic Ocean of impressions is guaranteed for you!

A few photos from the trip to the estate of Father Frost

Gifts for Santa Claus

Winter Garden Santa Claus

Winter Garden of Santa Claus

Even instead of a chandelier there is a Christmas tree

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Scenario New Year's performance for children preparatory group. The script spells out the goals and objectives of the holiday. The activities of adults and children are prescribed. The musical repertoire and the necessary technical support are presented.

Target: Enrichment and development of the emotional sphere and aesthetic taste in children through joint musical celebrations.


  • Introduce children to the traditions and culture of other peoples.
  • Develop a sense of rhythm and an ear for music through playing musical instruments and dance movements.
  • Cultivate tolerance in children.

Form educational activities children: Holiday.

Forms of organizing educational activities for children: Collective (general dances, songs, games), subgroup (“Dance of the Savages”, “Japanese Dance with Fans”, “Jazz Orchestra”), individual (solo song “Happy New Year, friends!”, solo part on metallophones in the orchestra) .

Progress of the event


  • The presenter is a teacher;
  • Father Frost, Santa Claus, Segatsu-san (Japanese Father Frost), Father Heat, Gnome - adults;
  • Japanese women are girls;
  • Savages are boys;
  • Jazz musicians are children.

“Magic” music sounds in the background, the lights in the hall are dimmed, on the multimedia slide No. 1 (with the image of a tear-off calendar - page previous day). A Gnome appears with a flashlight in his hand, examines the tree, adjusts the decorations on it, grumbles...

Dwarf: Decorate the Christmas tree, wipe off the dust everywhere, tidy up the hall... Well, it's all on me, it's all on me! At least someone would say “thank you”!

(Pays attention to the calendar).

(Addresses parents.)

Ah ah ah! Not in order.
(The gnome waves his hand, the number on the calendar changes to the “magic” music - slide number 2.)

Now there’s order, what’s needed...

1 child: I wish I could New Year! I love this holiday so much!

2nd child: And me!

1 child: You know, something tells me that a lot of interesting things await us today...

2nd child: You think? Oh, where are all the guys?

1 child: Let's call them with a song, let's sing about the New Year!

(During the dialogue, the Dwarf begins to fuss, listen to where the voices are coming from, not understanding anything, hides behind the tree...)


I'll go sit behind the tree,
I'll see what's going on...

Music sounds, soloists enter the hall and perform the song “Happy New Year, friends!” The rest of the children come in a “chain” and perform a dance.

(After performing the dance, the children sit on chairs, a loud “Apchhi!” is heard in the hall)

Presenter: Oh, guys, is it possible that one of you has a cold and is sneezing?

(The Gnome comes out from behind the tree, grumbling.)

Dwarf:“Who has a cold, who has a cold...” I don’t have a cold, I’m just sneezing because I’m extremely indignant! How do you understand: “...Santa Claus put toys on the Christmas tree...”? A? I decorated the Christmas tree, and I also put toys on it!

Presenter: Guys, do you recognize him? This is the Dwarf - Grumpy from the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”! Hello, dear Gnome!

Dwarf(dissatisfied): Hello.

Presenter: Why so rude and angry? After all, when you say hello, it means you wish the other person health.

Dwarf(surprised): Really? I didn’t even know. Well, then again: “Hello!” (bows low).

Presenter: Why are you not so cheerful? Something happened?

Dwarf(dissatisfied): Because everyone went into the fairytale forest to get gifts for Snow White, and they left me to decorate the Christmas tree...

Presenter: Oh, come on, stop grumbling already, because New Year is coming soon - the best holiday!

Dwarf: Is it really the best?

Presenter: We will tell you about this now.

Children recite poems about the New Year:

  1. Ice sparkles on the river,
    The snow swirls gently.
    Glorious New Year holiday,
    Because it's snowy!
  2. Santa Claus will wave his hand -
    We'll sing loudly.
    Glorious New Year holiday,
    Because it's loud!
  3. There is a huge cake on the table,
    Gingerbread, chocolate.
    Glorious New Year holiday,
    Because it's sweet!
  4. Round dance around the Christmas tree,
    Lights on the branches...
    Glorious New Year holiday!
    It's a pity, it happens rarely.
  5. Santa Claus always comes
    To us on New Year's Eve.
    He's a toy from the forest for everyone,
    He brings sweets.
  6. Let him knock on the window
    At midnight New Year,
    Will help all dreams come true,
    It will bring happiness!

Dwarf(reasons): Yes, and, indeed, the best one: “He will knock at midnight and bring happiness...”. Oh wait! And the New Year begins at midnight on December 31 and January 1! Right? What date is today?

(The gnome points towards the multimedia calendar, the children answer.)

Dwarf: Here! It's too early to celebrate the New Year! And I think Santa Claus won’t come today either - he has no time for you right now...

Presenter: So what should we do now? The guys are waiting for Santa Claus, they were preparing. Is it really impossible to think of anything?

Dwarf: What can you come up with here? That's it, go home and come back on December 31st! And I still have a lot to do: the cap is torn - I need to patch it up...

(He sits down on the stump of the tree, takes a large needle...)

Presenter: Guys, something tells me that our Dwarf can help us. But he just started acting up again. Let us sing a song about him and cheer up our Grumpy.

Children perform the song “Motley Cap”, lyrics. N. Solovyova, music. G. Struve.

Dwarf(clapping your hands): Oh, so it’s all about me, well, it’s all about me! Wow! It even lifted my spirits! You know, it seems to me that I can help you, because we, gnomes, are also wizards! Do you want to visit Santa Claus yourself?

Children: Yes!


I have lived in this world for a long time - and I have seen a lot:
IN different countries all the children are waiting
Santa Claus carnival!
Just answer the question:
Where does your Santa Claus live?

Children: In Veliky Ustyug.

“Magic” music sounds in the background, the lights in the hall are dimmed, a luminous ball turns on, and the Dwarf begins to cast a spell. On multimedia slide No. 3 - with animation of a rotating globe.


I spin the magic globe
I will make your wish.
Magic globe, you spin,
Find yourself in a distant country.

(The gnome quietly leaves the hall.)

African music sounds, and slide No. 4 appears on the multimedia - depicting the landscape of Africa.


What kind of country is this? She's very hot.
And wherever you look, savages are dancing everywhere!

A boys' dance group performs "Dance of the Savages."

(At the end of the dance, Grandfather Heat enters the hall.)

Presenter: Guys, it seems that our Dwarf overdid it, and we ended up in a completely different place than we wanted.

Grandfather Heat:

Greetings, dear guests!
Where are you so beautiful from?

Grandfather Heat:

You've arrived in Africa, kids.
Well, I am the cheerful Grandfather Heat!
The sun is here, it's summer all year round,
Sea, palm trees and sand.
The deserts here are hot,
The stars are bright at night.
What is your winter like?

Children recite poems about winter:

  1. Oh you, winter-winter,
    You came with frost.
    She made snowdrifts for us
    Ice braids.
  2. Ran barefoot
    It's fun along the paths,
    Lace for us later
    The windows were curtained.
  3. Cheerful, desirable
    Frosty time -
    Ruddy from the cold
    The kids laugh.
  4. Let's ride and have fun!
    Light sleds - take off!
    Who will fly like a bird,
    Who will curl up right in the snow.
  5. The snow is fluffy, softer than cotton wool,
    Let's shake ourselves off and run.
    We are funny guys
    We don’t shiver from the cold.
  6. We love to drive in winter
    Round dance at the Christmas tree,
    AND make snowmen,
    And ride down the hill.
  7. We love the winter chill
    But despite all this
    We sit and drink tea,
    The one that smells like summer.

Grandfather Heat:

Hmmm, how interesting!
And here they knock in the distance, slide number 5
Long boats glide down the river! slide number 6
Children are jumping from boats and swimming slide number 7
And the New Year's heat is everywhere! slide number 8

Presenter: You know, Santa Heat, but our Santa Claus has New Year's Eve It’s also, well, the “hot time” is coming.

Grandfather Heat: Is it true? How's that? Aren't you afraid to melt?

Presenter: But listen to our song and you will immediately understand everything.

Children perform the song “Hot Time” lyrics. P. Sinyavsky, music. A. Zhurbina.

Grandfather Heat: What a great fellow your Santa Claus is! How I understand it!

But, I’m also a wizard – no matter where!
And also Grandfather, only it’s hot!

(He glances at the multimedia, where slide No. 9 appears - with an image of a steamship sailing on the sea.)

You will now sail across the blue sea
And you will get to Santa Claus in Ustyug!

To the sound of the ship's whistle and the sound of the sea, children stand in a wedge formation and imitate sailing...

(Grandfather Zhara quietly leaves the hall.)

The sound of the sea is replaced by Japanese music. Slide No. 10 appears on the multimedia - depicting the landscape of Japan.

Presenter: Children, quickly, here and there - run to your places!

(Children sit on chairs.)

What country is this, don’t you find out?

(Children reason.)

Again, we guys got to the wrong place!

Segatsu-san (Japanese Santa Claus) enters the hall accompanied by Japanese music.

Segatsu-san: Greetings, gentlemen! Where are you from and where?

(Children tell their story...)

Well, congratulations, without irony -
You are in my native Japan!
It was once called
Both sonorously and briefly - Yamato.
Now all over the world it is called
The land of the rising sun!
The sophistication of the pagodas, the grandeur of the mountains. slide number 11
Cherry blossoms, reflection of lakes, slide number 12
The flight of cranes over the rice field - slide number 13
What could be sweeter to a Japanese eye!

And my name is Segatsu-san, which translated means “Mr. New Year.” After all, we, like you, also celebrate this holiday. According to tradition, we first visit the temple ( slide number 14), where we thank the gods for all the good things in the past year. Then we light a “new fire” in our homes ( slide number 15) - for happiness and health in the New Year, and we also go on a visit to drink tea with pickled plums - “tea of ​​happiness” ( slide number 16), and, of course, we greet each other - we wish you health.

(Segatsu-san joins his palms at chest level and bows.)

Presenter: You know, Segatsu-san, we also know how to greet each other not with words, but with gestures - through a handshake. Do you want us to teach you too?

Segatsu-san: Yes, I probably won’t refuse.

The game “Hello!” is played, a Danish folk melody (Program “Ladushki” by I. Kaplunova).

(During the game, Segatsu-san joins in the process, and after the game he thanks the children for the acquired skills.)


Mount Fuji stood by the sea. slide number 17
Japanese ladies walked under it.
The Japanese sighed from the heat
And they waved their fan languidly.

Japanese girls come out to the middle of the hall:

  1. I am a keeper of traditions
    And the chief manager -
    Spending in the country of Japan
    Tea ceremonies.
  2. And I’m not just an actress,
    And I can’t hide behind the scenes.
    I'll entertain you for the whole evening:
    I dance, sing and act.

A girls' dance group performs the Japanese Fan Dance.

Segatsu-san: The question torments me, what is he like, Santa Claus?

Presenter: And we will tell you now.

Children recite poems about Santa Claus:

  1. A bit of an artist - he draws patterns.
    A bit of a robber - he grabs you by the nose.
    Sometimes he is angry. Sometimes he is cheerful.
    Sometimes he is mischievous and bites you to tears!
  2. Exactly at midnight on a winter night
    He comes to every home.
    Every year we are very, very
    We are all waiting for his arrival.
  3. Both adults and children are waiting,
    After all, for each of us
    Miracle, the best in the world,
    He cooked it now.
  4. He looks at us and knows
    How we lived for a whole year
    And now it continues
    The three have a fabulous flight.
  5. Only the wind develops
    Silver gray curls,
    And the drifting snow sweeps away
    Painted sled tracks.
  6. Without Santa Claus, snowflakes don't fly,
    Without Santa Claus the patterns don't shine,
    Without Santa Claus, the trees don't light up,
    And without Frost there is no fun for the guys.

Segatsu-san: You know, your Santa Claus reminds me of someone. Maybe this is him, but this someone is very far from Japan...

(Segatsu-san thought about it.)

We have a tradition of flying kites.

(Brings the kite into the hall.)

Are you ready to fly on my kite?
Then everyone, stand in a circle, quickly,
Hold on to each other tightly!

(Children stand one after another like a train.)

You fly, fly, my kite high under the sky, slide number 18
Take my friends to the other side of the world!

The lights in the hall are dimmed. To the appropriate music, the children run around the circle behind Segatsu-san. Slide No. 19, 20 (with the image of the sky) appears on the multimedia. At the end of the music, Segatsu-san quietly leaves the hall with a kite in his hands. Slide No. 21 appears on the multimedia (with the image of the Statue of Liberty). Jazz music plays in the background.


Where did the kite take us?
I hear the sound of a waterfall among the rocks...
And the sounds of music are heard in the distance...
They want to cheer up their friends!
Trombones and clarinets, piano and double bass,
Hearing the sound of dawn, they perform jazz here.

(A subgroup of children - musicians - enter the middle of the hall.)

Oh, exactly, exactly! I guessed:
We came to America, friends!

To the soundtrack (-) of the song “Let'smypeoplego» a subgroup of children play musical instruments.

(After the performance, the children take their seats)

The song sounds "JingleBeaus", Santa Claus enters the hall.

SantaKlaus: Hello boys' girls!

My name is Santa Claus!
In America all the children are waiting for me!
I'm flying from distant Lapland,
The elves really help me with this!
Where are you from here?

Presenter: We, Santa Claus, are from Russia!

Santa Claus: Woohoo!

How did you end up in a distant country?
What brings you to visit me?

(Children tell their story...)

Santa Claus:

It doesn’t matter, friends, what happened like this...
Well, I’m even very happy about our meeting!

How many of you know how to English language does the word "hello" sound? (Children reason.) That's right, “hello”! Let's clap to the beat of the music. I will say “hello”, and you will answer “hello” in Russian and, thus, catch greetings from the American guys and convey yours to them.

Santa Claus plays the game "Hello"

Cheerful music sounds. Santa Claus, approaching one or the other child at the moment when he is clapping, quickly passes his palm between the palms of the clapping person. Children, in turn, try to “catch” hello, that is, the hand of Santa Claus, with a clap.

Santa Claus: Amazing! Also, I'm an excellent photographer! I love photographing the most fun moments. Do you like to be photographed?

Children: Yes!

Santa Claus:

I invite everyone to stand in a circle,
Play the game "Photographer"!

Held music game"Cinema-photo" ( Toolkit I. Kaplunova, “Dance with me, my friend”).

Santa Claus: Great! I will definitely show these photographs to American children, because they have been waiting for me with gifts for a long time...

Presenter: Santa Claus, tell me, how do you give gifts?

Santa Claus: Oooh, that's a whole story! With the help of my assistants - the elves ( slide number 22), I get into houses through the chimney ( slide number 23) and put gifts for the kids in socks, which are specially hung for this purpose by the fireplace ( slide number 24). I also leave gifts under the tree ( slide number 25). Americans decorate it with balls of the same size, but different colors and ribbon bows. And, according to custom, a toy angel is placed on the top of the head. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?

Presenter: We'll tell you now.

Children recite poems about the Christmas tree:

  1. We celebrate the holiday - we decorate the Christmas tree:
    We hang toys, beads and firecrackers.
  2. Like our Christmas tree - green needles,
    Decorations: balls, stars, lanterns.
  3. The tree stands festively, it looks elegant.
    She is all decorated from bottom to top.
    The wonderful star gives bright light to toys!

Santa Claus: What is your beautiful tree! My friends, I know exactly how to help you!

After all, Santa Claus is not a stranger to me -
He is my dear brother!
Last year I came and stayed
And he gave three white horses. slide number 26
They definitely won't let you down -
They will dashingly deliver it to Veliky Ustyug!


And we even know the song about horses.
Get up, guys - let's sing more fun!

Children sing the song “Oh, winter!”, lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky, music. Yu. Chichkova.

During the performance of the song, Santa Claus quietly leaves the hall.

After the song is performed, the “howl of a blizzard” sounds, and slide No. 27 appears on the multimedia (image of a winter landscape in the forest).


There was so much snow, all the paths were covered!
I suggest you play - look for Santa Claus!

The game “Look!” is played. music T. Lomova (Program “Ladushki” by I. Kaplunova)

At the end of the game, Santa Claus quietly enters the hall, goes to the center of the circle along with the dancing children and, at the end of the game, is left without a partner.…

Fanfare sounds (to the melody of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)

Father Frost:

I am an elderly man, with a long, white beard.
I made skating rinks for you, covered the streets with snow.
He built bridges from ice.

Presenter: Who is this?

Children: Father Frost!

Father Frost:

My homeland is Veliky Ustyug. slide number 28
Here I was born among the winds and blizzards.
Here I live among the sparkling snows, slide number 29
Among icicles and cold weather.
Here I receive mail, read children’s letters... slide number 30
And here is my painted house - so beautiful and big! slide number 31
And there are many, many doors in it - I receive guests here!
And I’m very glad to see you, kids, I love all the kids in the world!
I see your journey has been long. Who helped you with this?

(Children tell their story, Father Frost thanks Santa Claus.)

Now let’s all stand in a circle and start a round dance!
We will sing songs, dance, and light the Christmas tree!

Santa Claus and the children perform the round dance “New Year's Riddles”, lyrics. T. Ryadchikova, music. A. Komarova.

(At the end of the song the tree lights up.)

Father Frost:

You sing well.
I see you feel warm.
But I am Grandfather Frost,
Take care of your ears and nose!
Wow, I'll catch up with you now,
Run away, I'm catching you!

The game “I’ll freeze” is being played

(Santa Claus, accompanied by cheerful music, catches up with the children, tries to hurt them for something - to freeze them...)

Father Frost:

I see that the children have hardened themselves,
I see played sports,
And that’s why they weren’t scared of me at all!
Let the Christmas tree sparkle with lights,
And we continue to have fun!
Let’s get up together in pairs and start a fun dance!

Children perform “Circular Gallop” (methodological manual by I. Kaplunova, “Dance with me, my friend”).

Father Frost:

Wow, friends, I'm a little tired,
I want to rest a little.
Where is my throne? Please give...
And you read poetry to me.

Children can read poems to Santa Claus if they wish.

Father Frost:

Let's continue to have fun without worries -
Let’s shout together: “Hello, New Year!”

Children sing the song “Hello, Hello, New Year!” music A. Kudryashova, lyrics. I. Yavorovskaya.

Presenter: You know, Grandfather Frost, I have one question for you.

Happy New Year - everyone is shouting!
Happy New Happiness - everyone laughs!
And the boys and girls
They are waiting for gifts - they can’t wait!

Father Frost:

It's time for gifts!
And answer, kids:
Whose year is it?
What kind of bird is at the gate?

(Children answer that it is the year of the Rooster.)

Right! There is a wise fairy tale among the people,
There is a complicated cockerel in it!
He brings us a bright holiday
Happy New Year's Eve!
Let the New Year, as in good fairy tale
He will give you gifts,
After all, it is no coincidence that my assistant
Called the Red Rooster!

Slide No. 32 appears on the multimedia (with a video of a live rooster pacing).

(In multimedia, the rooster crows once and walks around again).

Father Frost:

Louder, louder crow,
Show yourself in all your beauty!
Help me, cast a spell
Don't skimp on gifts!

(On multimedia the rooster crows again).

Santa Claus opens the curtain, behind which there is a bag of gifts.

Presentation of gifts.

Slide number 33

Father Frost:

Happy New Year, I congratulate you and wish that in it,
Good luck awaits you in matters small and large!
So that the children are obedient,
May everyone be healthy!
In general, happiness, prosperity and success to the whole family!
Happy New Year!!!

Santa Claus leaves the hall, the presenter ends the holiday.

"Visiting Santa Claus"

Purpose of the event- create a joyful atmosphere, give children the pleasure of meeting Santa Claus. Develop emotional responsiveness, creative and acting abilities of children; cultivate a sense of respect for elders. Introduce children to folk traditions, Russian folklore: the names of the characters in this scenario were borrowed from Veliky Ustyug at the residence of Father Frost.


Adults: presenter, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus

Children: Snowman, stars, dolls, Malvina and Pinocchio, parsley, master gnome.

Presenter I

We will all have fun at the holiday

1 child.

It's snowing outside,

So it will be New Year!

Very soon, very soon dad will bring a Christmas tree!

It will be New Year soon!

2 child.

The apartment will smell like resin and forest,

And mom will take toys out of the closet,

And we'll hang it on a thorny tree

Snowflakes, icicles, balls and crackers!

3 child.

And we will make the tree the most beautiful,

It's cold outside, hot in the room.

What a big and beautiful holiday this is,

May everyone at the holiday be happy!

(Sergey Nikolsky)

4 child.

Hello, Christmas tree friend,

You are our guest again!

All in shining toys,

All in shining lights!

5 child.

There are stars on green paws,

The tinsel is turning silver.

It's only so late on New Year's Day

The kids go to bed.

6 child.

The arrows are ticking in a circle.

The days are passing one after another.

Two floods, turn!

Hello, hello, New Year!

7 child.

It's always fun where you are

Where you are, happy laughter!

This holiday, without a doubt,

The best and most beautiful of all!

8 child.

He comes noisy, bright,

In every city, in every home.

New Year gifts

At this time we are all waiting! (M. Kuzmina)

The children take their seats.


New Year's Eve comes to us

A whole world of mysterious wonders.
He takes us into a fairy tale,

To the distant kingdom and to the forest.
It's already on our doorstep

Do you hear? On an unknown road

The fairy tale moves on with a light tread.

Enter the Postal Snowman

Snowman. Guys, I'm the Snowman,

I'm used to snow and cold.

Santa Claus blinded me

From snowflakes, from ice!

I stuck a carrot nose.

I put my hat on one side,

He gave me a bag, and there was a letter in it,

To bring it here.

Take it out of the envelope,

Read the letter quickly!

Presenter.(Is reading)

Father Frost.

Presenter. How will we get there in time, because the road is not easy, because the road is far?

Snowman. Oh, wonderful simplicity! Even I know this.

After all, today the New Year leads a fairy tale by the hand!

There is a magical path to the domain of Frost,

She will lead the children straight to Santa Claus's house.

Presenter. Well, then let's hurry up and go!


It seems we are lost!


Nothing is visible here - no path, no path. Well, no problem! You just need to shout - Hey!

Children. Aw! Aw!

Snow Maiden

Who called me for help? Loud who

- “Aw!” - shouted?


We were in a hurry to visit Santa Claus and got lost.

Snow Maiden

And I invite everyone on the New Year’s journey with me!

Snow Maiden

Oh, what am I doing, I completely froze the children. Come on, let's go

Rather, let’s go to Santa Claus’s workshop, warm up and relax.

We are opening the doors to a fairy tale. And the toys come to life.

The master gnome comes out


Hello, dear guests!

I am a cheerful master gnome.

You came to visit my house.

In Santa Claus's workshop

They will warm you up from the cold.

Fun toys:

Dolls and parsley,

Beautiful Malvina,

Prankster Pinocchio.

They will sing and dance

On the way - to see off the road,

In the meantime, please sit down,

Have fun with us!

Children sit on chairs

Dance "Dolls"



Good afternoon Here I am!

You all know me -
I'm beautiful Malvina

That's what my friends call me.

Pinocchio- I am a cheerful person,

Long nose and big mouth.
I'm the favorite of all the kids

Guess who it is?

Dance "Malvin and Pinocchio"


And here are some more toys

Merry parsley

They will sing ditties for you!

Petrushk and sing ditties.

1 Like Santa Claus

In our fairy forest.

Four buffoons live

With cannabis on your nose!

2 Vanka, Pashka and Antoshka -

In bright red caps!

And Vasyatka is all in polka dots,

He dances dashingly - oh yes ah!

3 Well done fun

We guys can handle it

I'll fight with a pillow

I won't fall for anything!

4 Like in a fairy meadow

The legs themselves are eager to dance,

Give us a clap, guys.

And we will dance for you now!

Look, the stars have already appeared in the sky.

Let's invite them to a wonderful carnival!

Stars run out.

1 star.

The stars are clear, bright, beautiful,

Get down to the tree quickly.

And dance more fun!

2 stars.

There is a song by the blizzard

And there is a stream,

The spruce tree has a song.

And at the birch forest.

3 stars.

And you need to listen to the songs,

Be silent and don't breathe.

Then all the songs together

Stir lightly.

4 stars.

And it will be New Year's

Crystal light ringing.

And on this night today

It will be heard in the forest. (I.Tokmakova)

The dance of the stars is performed.


Winter has covered all the roads - we can’t get through, we can’t get through!

We need to clear the road.

Game "Collect a snowflake"


So we came to visit.

But where is our master?

Doesn't he meet us today?

Father Frost.

Hello, dear guests!

The girls are beautiful, the boys are daring!

I’ve been waiting for you for a long time: I’ve looked out the window a hundred times!


We stopped in the forest and got a little lost.

Father Frost

I'm glad we made it here, because it's time to start the holiday!

Happy New Year to all the guys and all the guests!

I wish you happiness and joy, get up for the round dance soon!

Children get up in a round dance.

Father Frost.

Look, our Christmas tree doesn’t sparkle with lights,

Clap your hands together and stomp your feet!

And shout: one, two, three! Shine brighter Christmas tree!

And now everyone is together, friendly

We need to sing the song soon!

Father Frost.

Oh yes, well done! I see you love our Russian winter!

Aren't you afraid of frost?

Game “We are not afraid of frost”

Father Frost

“We all played cleverly, but we didn’t read the poetry!”
Which of you mischievous people is ready to read poetry?

Reading poetry.

Father Frost

“It’s good to visit you, but it’s time for me to leave.”

Snow Maiden

- Grandfather, where are the gifts?

Father Frost

- Oh, I forgot about the gifts. Well, no problem.
My fairy staff, help me quickly!

Turn snowflakes into gifts!

Father Frost, Snow Maiden(together)- Happy New Year to everyone, everyone, everyone!


Two thousand sixteen is on the way -
It won't be long before he comes to us.
So let it pass solemnly,
And it will bring good luck to all of us.



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Scenario New Year's party for preparatory group

"Visiting Santa Claus"

Purpose of the event- create a joyful atmosphere, give children the pleasure of meeting Santa Claus. Develop emotional responsiveness, creative and acting abilities of children; cultivate a sense of respect for elders. To introduce children to folk traditions and Russian folklore: the names of the characters in this scenario were borrowed from Veliky Ustyug at the residence of Father Frost.


Adults: presenter, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus

Children: Snowman, stars, dolls, Malvina and Pinocchio, parsley, master gnome.

Children enter the hall to the music and stand around the Christmas tree.

I'm the leader

The snows came and covered the earth,
The snowstorm and cold winds howled,
But let the bad weather rage and get angry,
We will all have fun at the holiday

1 child.

It's snowing outside,

So it will be New Year!

Very soon, very soon dad will bring a Christmas tree!

It will be New Year soon!

2 child.

The apartment will smell like resin and forest,

And mom will take toys out of the closet,

And we'll hang it on a thorny tree

Snowflakes, icicles, balls and crackers!

3 child.

And we will make the tree the most beautiful,

It's cold outside, hot in the room.

What a big and beautiful holiday this is,

May everyone at the holiday be happy!

(Sergey Nikolsky)

4 child.

Hello, Christmas tree friend,

You are our guest again!

All in shining toys,

All in shining lights!

5 child.

There are stars on green paws,

The tinsel is turning silver.

It's only so late on New Year's Day

The kids go to bed.

6 child.

The arrows are ticking in a circle.

The days are passing one after another.

Two floods, turn!

Hello, hello, New Year!

7 child.

It's always fun where you are

Where you are, happy laughter!

This holiday, without a doubt,

The best and most beautiful of all!

8 child.

He comes noisy, bright,

In every city, in every home.

New Year gifts

At this time we are all waiting! (M. Kuzmina)

The song "New Year" is performed

The children take their seats.


New Year's Eve comes to us

A whole world of mysterious wonders.
He takes us into a fairy tale,

To the distant kingdom and to the forest.
It's already on our doorstep

The wizard has arrived - New Year!
Do you hear? On an unknown road

The fairy tale moves on with a light tread.

Enter the Postal Snowman

Snowman. Guys, I'm the Snowman,

I'm used to snow and cold.

Santa Claus blinded me

From snowflakes, from ice!

I stuck a carrot nose.

I put my hat on one side,

He gave me a bag, and there was a letter in it,

To bring it here.

Take it out of the envelope,

Read the letter quickly!

Presenter. (Is reading)

Hello my friends! Hello everyone from me!

I decorated a beautiful Christmas tree for you in my forest.

I am sending you an invitation to a fun carnival.

Get ready quickly and hit the road.

My friend, the Snowman, will bring you exactly on time.

Father Frost.

Presenter. How will we get there in time, because the road is not easy, because the road is far?

Snowman. Oh, wonderful simplicity! Even I know this.

After all, today the New Year leads a fairy tale by the hand!

There is a magical path to the domain of Frost,

She will lead the children straight to Santa Claus's house.

Presenter. Well, then let's hurry up and go!

The lights in the hall go out and lighting effects turn on. Children walk down the hall holding hands. (to the music “In the Cave” mountain king"make a circle around the tree)


It seems we are lost!


Nothing is visible here - no path, no path. Well, no problem! You just need to shout - Hey!

Children. Aw! Aw!

Music sounds and the Snow Maiden enters

Snow Maiden

Who called me for help? Loud who

- “Aw!” - shouted?


We were in a hurry to visit Santa Claus and got lost.

Snow Maiden

I came to your aid, all made of snow and silver.
My friends are frost and frost. I love everyone, I am kind to everyone.
I know a lot of songs, I love cheerful ringing laughter
And I invite everyone on the New Year’s journey with me!

The song “Here is our Christmas tree” is performed, music by Jelinek

Snow Maiden

Oh, what am I doing, I completely froze the children. Come on, let's go

Rather, let’s go to Santa Claus’s workshop, warm up and relax.

We are opening the doors to a fairy tale. And the toys come to life.

The dance “Toys” is performed by the whole group

The master gnome comes out


Hello, dear guests!

I am a cheerful master gnome.

You came to visit my house.

In Santa Claus's workshop

They will warm you up from the cold.

Fun toys:

Dolls and parsley,

Beautiful Malvina,

Prankster Pinocchio.

They will sing and dance

On the way - to see off the road,

In the meantime, please sit down,

Have fun with us!

Children sit on chairs

Dance "Dolls"


I see a girl from a fairy tale... Blue hair, blue eyes.
There is also a funny boy with her, the Long-nosed naughty boy.


Good afternoon Here I am!

You all know me -
I'm beautiful Malvina

That's what my friends call me.

Pinocchio - I am a cheerful person,

Long nose and big mouth.
I'm the favorite of all the kids

Guess who it is?

Dance "Malvin and Pinocchio"


And here are some more toys

Merry parsley

They will sing ditties for you!

Petrushk and sing ditties.

1 Like Santa Claus

In our fairy forest.

Four buffoons live

With cannabis on your nose!

2 Vanka, Pashka and Antoshka -

In bright red caps!

And Vasyatka is all in polka dots,

He dances dashingly - oh yes ah!

3 Well done fun

We guys can handle it

I'll fight with a pillow

I won't fall for anything!

4 Like in a fairy meadow

The legs themselves are eager to dance,

Give us a clap, guys.

And we will dance for you now!

Snow Maiden
It's time for us to move on,

Look, there are already stars in the sky appeared.

Let's invite them to a wonderful carnival!

Stars run out.

1 star.

The stars are clear, bright, beautiful,

Get down to the tree quickly.

And dance more fun!

2 stars.

There is a song by the blizzard

And there is a stream,

The spruce tree has a song.

And at the birch forest.

3 stars.

And you need to listen to the songs,

Be silent and don't breathe.

Then all the songs together

Stir lightly.

4 stars.

And it will be New Year's

Crystal light ringing.

And on this night today

It will be heard in the forest. (I.Tokmakova)

The dance of the stars is performed.


Winter has covered all the roads - we can’t get through, we can’t get through!

We need to clear the road.

Game "Collect a snowflake"


So we came to visit.

But where is our master?

Doesn't he meet us today?

The clock sounds and Santa Claus enters to the music.

Father Frost .

Hello, dear guests!

The girls are beautiful, the boys are daring!

I’ve been waiting for you for a long time: I’ve looked out the window a hundred times!


We stopped in the forest and got a little lost.

Father Frost

I'm glad we made it here, because it's time to start the holiday!

Happy New Year to all the guys and all the guests!

I wish you happiness and joy, get up for the round dance soon!

Children get up in a round dance.

Father Frost.

Look, our Christmas tree doesn’t sparkle with lights,

Clap your hands together and stomp your feet!

And shout: one, two, three! Shine brighter!

And now everyone is together, friendly

We need to sing the song soon!

The song “In a spacious bright hall” is performed

Father Frost .

Oh yes, well done! I see you love our Russian winter!

Aren't you afraid of frost?

Game “We are not afraid of frost”

Father Frost

“We all played cleverly, but we didn’t read the poetry!”
Which of you mischievous people is ready to read poetry?

Reading poetry.

Father Frost

“It’s good to visit you, but it’s time for me to leave.”

Snow Maiden

- Grandfather, where are the gifts?

Father Frost

- Oh, I forgot about the gifts. Well, no problem.
My fairy staff, help me quickly!

Turn snowflakes into gifts!

Father Frost, Snow Maiden(together) - Happy New Year to everyone, everyone, everyone!


Two thousand sixteen is on the way -

(A signal flare takes off. Fire fountains (large sparklers) light up along the edge of the proscenium. An artist - laureate of the Moscow-Yalta Transit festival, appears on the stage, accompanied by 4 Chepyabok dolls and a corps de ballet, performing a song about the city.)

In the morning, opening the curtains,
I'll open my window
The city will rush towards me,
Like young wine!
And the wind will catch me
Young, cheerful day
On wide avenues
On the palm of the squares
The city is wrapped in December
Into a snow-white tapestry
Ah, Chelyabinsk, my Chelyabinsk!
The best city on Earth!… (etc.)

(Towards the end of the song, the Presenter comes on stage and takes roll call.)


HOST Hello, Chelyabinsk!.. Happy New Year to everyone!.. And Merry Christmas to Catholics and Protestants!.. Are all the districts in place?.. But we’ll check now... Whoever has the most wins a prize. Let's go alphabetically. Kalininsky district, present?..Your pens? .. Great! .. Kurchatovsky? .. Amazing! .. Leninsky? .. Oro! .. Metallurgical?.. They receive special applause for the flight distance... Let's move on... Sovetsky district, wave your hand to us! .. Thank you!.. Tractor manufacturers?.. Ay, well done!.. And finally, the Central District?.. There is the Central District!.. Great! Everything is in place... But judging by the reaction, (let's say) the Sovetsky district is represented here more than others!.. As I promised, they have a prize... Soviets, come closer... Even closer... Raise your hands... Dear residents of the Sovetsky district!.. Allow us, in front of, one might say, the entire city, we will present you with the first New Year's prize, namely our deep bow... (the dolls and the presenter bow)... and the applause of all those present!.. And also a volley of sweet fireworks from two guns! Guns on stage!

(Two little dolls run out with buckets.)

HOST Charge up! ..

(The children pour 2 bags of candy into buckets.)

HOST Get ready! ..

(Chelyabyk take the buckets and seem to spill the contents.)


(Musical chops. Chelyabki run away and throw out the contents to the audience.)

HOST Hurray for the winners!


HOST Today we have a big celebration: the commissioning of the main snow town of Chelyabinsk. You and I have to express our gratitude to its builders, congratulate them and all Chelyabinsk residents on this wonderful event and, of course, have a little fun. And everything would be fine, but as always he’s late, who do you think?.. That’s right, Santa Claus!.. It’s just trouble with these Santa Clauses... He’s always late. At least he called or something...

(The phone rings.)

(Activation technique)

HOST Sorry. This seems to be him... (Takes out a mobile phone)... Hello!
VOICE Is this Revolution Square?..
HOST Yes, this is Revolution Square!
VOICE I can't hear. I repeat. Is this Revolution Square?
HOST Yes! Yes! Yes!
VOICE I can’t hear, I repeat...
HOST Well, what are you going to do!.. Dear friends, please help. On my command, let’s all say “Yes” together...
VOICE Is this Revolution Square?
HOST Three-four!
All Yes!
VOICE Now I hear it. Are you worried about the carnival procession of Father Frosts, Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens...
HOST A whole procession? .. How many of you? ..
VOICE Are you ready for our arrival?
VOICE I can’t hear you, I repeat... Are you ready for our arrival?
HOST (to the audience)… Friends, help out, three or four! ..
All Yes!
VOICE Okay. Wait. We'll be there soon.
HOST Looking forward!

(Short beeps.)

HOST Friends, the problem has been solved. We will have not just one Santa Claus, but a whole column of Santa Clauses. Until then, wonderful New Year's gift from a wonderful team...

(Announces the performance of the group. The number is performed.)


(Fanfare sounds.)

HOST (Solemnly) Dear friends! I have just been informed that the carnival procession of Chelyabinsk Father Frosts, Snow Maidens and Santa Clauses has arrived at Revolution Square and is now lining up for the ceremonial parade and reporting on its full combat readiness. The parade is commanded by Colonel General of the New Year's troops Moroz Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky. The parade is hosted by the Head of Chelyabinsk... (fanfare)... Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Tarasov, as well as... (names the names of the builders and architects who participated in the construction of the Snow Town)...

(Fanfare. The crowd rejoices. Those named rise to the stage.)

HOST Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, according to the script, the signal for the start of the parade should be a rocket launched by you and a loud “hurray!” all spectators. Don’t mind... Then here’s a rocket for you... And everyone else got ready to shout the heroic “Hurray!”

(Fanfare Vyacheslav Mikhailovich launches a rocket. General “ypa!”)

(A carnival cavalcade arrives at the square. The order of arrival is as follows:
An orchestra in headdresses “a la Santa Claus”, an open jeep with the main Father Frost, a column of New Year’s characters surrounded by puppet soldiers,
ensemble "Ural Harmony", Santa Clauses rise to the stage.)

MOROZ IVANOVICH Santa Clauses, be equal! Santa Clauses, attention!.. Comrade Mayor! Father Frosts and Santa Clauses of Chelyabinsk, for the solemn greeting of the builders and the commissioning of the Snow Town, were built!.. The report was submitted by Colonel General of the New Year's troops Moroz Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky!

(Vyacheslav Mikhailovich plays along and greets
a word to the builders and those gathered.)


(They bring in a structure with a switch.)

HOST Well, it’s time for the solemn ritual of turning on the New Year’s illumination. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, do you give the go-ahead for this noble cause?

(Vyacheslav Mikhailovich agrees.)

HOST Moroz Ivanovich, the cards are in your hands.

MOROZ IVANOVICH Thank you. Thank you for your trust. Usually this great sacrament is performed as follows: those gathered say “One-two-three, light up the Christmas tree!” - which is what happens. But you and I are intelligent people, so we will light our Christmas tree in three languages ​​at once. Remember! When I wave my hand for the first time, you will have to say “Ein-zwein-drein.. Remember?.. Let's try... Well done. When I wave the second time, you will have to say in English, but not van-too-free, but in a slightly different way: free-van-too... Remember. Fine. Well, and finally, when I wave my hand for the third time, you will have to say in Russian, the traditional: one-two-three!... And I assure you, the Christmas tree will definitely light up. So, get ready!.. (Waves hand)
SPECTATORS Ein-zwein-drein!
HOST Electrician, come running!

(The assistant runs in and looks questioningly at the Presenter. Moroz Ivanovich gives the go-ahead.)

AUDIENCE Free-wan-too!
MOROZ IVANOVICH (to the assistant) Get ready to turn on that knob!

(The assistant nods and takes hold of the switch handle. Moroz Ivanovich gives the go-ahead.)

SPECTATORS One-two-three!
LEADING Christmas tree, burn!

(The assistant seems to turn on the illumination. At the same time, sparklers flash along the edge of the proscenium. The introduction of the song “New Year's Wizard” sounds. During the performance of the song, everyone present on the stage is surrounded with champagne.)

HOST The great sacrament has happened! .. Happiness to you Snow Town 200...!


HOST The official part of our holiday has come to an end. The snow town has come into operation, and it’s time, it’s time to fill its beautiful forms with joyful content. The second part of our program is called “All-Chelyabinsk Assembly of Father Frosts and Santa Clauses.” What does this mean?... This means that the Chelyabinsk Father Frosts entertain us in every possible way, participating in the competition for the title “Super Frost-200...”, and you and I dance , dance and dance again. Those who are for this order of the evening, please raise your left leg!.. Those who are against - both... Unanimously!

MOROZ IVANOVICH Thank you for your support. With your permission, I would like to express special gratitude to the company (Name) for supporting our fun venture and give the floor to its representative...

(The following is a speech by a company representative. I would like him to say that Santa Clauses give out thousands of gifts every year, but no one ever gives them anything. The company decided to correct the injustice and take the announced competition under its wing, hoping to make it traditional in the future .)


(Since the sponsor in this case was the Coca-Cola company, its products were taken as the advertised drink.)

HOST We are starting to select participants in the competition, of whom, according to the conditions, there should be no more than eight. Agree, the choice is not easy. Cola Lotto will help us cope with it!

(Musical beat. Chelyabki bring in open boxes of Coca-Cola.)

MOROZ IVANOVICH Dear Santa Clauses! Here are packages with cans of the world's most famous drink, Coca-Cola!.. Cans are just like cans, but some of them have red stickers on the bottoms. And there are eight such jars. Now, according to the numbers assigned to you earlier, you approach the packages one by one and take one jar as a souvenir. And at the same time you examine its bottom. If you have nothing on your bottom, you immediately become free, like a bird, and become a fan. That is, you leave the stage. But if you have a red sticker on the bottom, you become a participant in the competition for the title “Super Frost 200...”, remain on stage and wait for the further decision of your fate!..

HOST And since today’s program is called “Oh, frost, frost, and the popular folk group “Ural Harmony” is near our stage, we will ask her to accompany our draw with the folk song of the same name... Harmony, are you ready?.. And the participants?.. Then , let's start!

(The statement follows and is commented on by the presenters.)


HOST So, here are 8 lucky people who will continue to fight for the high title of “Super Frost-200...” They will soon delight us with their New Year’s art. In the meantime, it wouldn’t hurt for you and them to warm up a little. This is true? .. Then, shall we dance? .. Yes!..

(A disco hit follows, accompanied by the show ballet “Menagerie”, during which sports couples are determined.)

HOST Bravo, Chelyabinsk!.. Our first dance in the new Snow town went perfectly!.. And this circumstance requires encouragement, doesn’t it?.. Then I propose to make another volley of sweet fireworks! Any objections? ..

(The Chelyabki run in with buckets and candy.)

HOST Load up!.. Get ready!... Fire! ..



MOROZ IVANOVICH And we begin the drawing of the 118th final for the title “Super Frost-200...” .. And we invite the first couple to the stage... This is Father Frost... and Father Frost...

(Announces the names of the participants. At the same time, the assistants bring out and place in a row on the stage 9-11 bottles of cola, to which large sparkler candles are attached with tape. The central bottle in the row is tied with a red bow.)

MOROZ IVANOVYCH Real Grandfather Frost must be able to do everything. Including lighting the holiday lights. Here's a box of hunting matches for you. Here is a row of sparklers. One of you goes left, the other goes right. On command, working from the edge to the center, you begin to light the candles one by one. The first person to light the central one, marked with a red bow, wins. It's clear? .. Let's start!

(Music, competition, announcement of the winner, awarding the loser an incentive prize and seeing him off stage. Assistants remove the dying candles.)


MOROZ IVANOVICH Who can tell me what animals are being brought with Santa Claus?.. That's right, a horse... Therefore, Santa Claus is simply obliged to master the art of horse riding... Get horses.

(Gives the contestant 2 horses - horse heads on sticks with tails.)

MOROZ IVANOVICH But at the same time, we must not forget about our main responsibilities: to give gifts to people. Behind you, six steps from here, there are 2 boxes of your favorite national drink, Coca-Cola. Your task, at my command, is to jump on your horse, ride to the box with the drink, take one (note - one!) bottle, gallop to the front of the stage, give the drink to the viewer, not forgetting to congratulate him on the New Year, then gallop back, take one again bottle, come back again - give - congratulate and so on... Until the box is empty... Whoever gives the last bottle wins. I warn you: take the bottles strictly one at a time and under no circumstances throw them, but hand them in person. Anyone who violates this rule will be immediately disqualified... Got it? .. Let's start!.
Pim - golf

MOROZ IVANOVICH Tell me, please, who is the biggest obstacle to Santa Claus coming to the children for the holiday?.. That's right. Baba Yaga. And you need to be able to defend yourself from it. How can Santa Claus defend himself? First of all, with a staff. And if the staff is broken, then with a bag, and if the bag is stolen, then with what?.. Don’t you know?.. Oh, you! Santa Claus has another formidable weapon. These are felt boots. With a good felt boot you can fight off anyone. Here's a felt boot for you. And the role of Baba Yaga will be played by these two empty plastic Coca-Cola containers. On my command, you will have to strike the container with a felt boot so that it flies as far as possible...Whoever has the farthest is the best. Dear viewers, we will ask you, firstly, to take care, and secondly, to assist, that is, raise the container above your head in the place where it will fall, so that we determine the winner... The Coca-Cola Company will definitely reward assistants, that is, will exchange empty containers for full ones. Agreed? .. Then we count who is first...
Felt boots,
Not hemmed, old...

(Competition 4)

MOROZ IVANOVICH Well, and finally our last quarterfinal competition. Father Frosts and Santa Clauses work in all countries of the world. That's why. Of course, they should know the culture of these countries - their customs, songs and dances. And we will offer this pair of contestants to dance. Now the soundtrack will be turned on, where dance tunes will sound different nations. Your task is to dance one by one, trying to use the movements that are common among these peoples... And you, dear fans, I will ask you to carefully watch the performers. Because this time we will have to determine the winner by your reaction. Fine? .. Then we decide who should start...
The little Christmas tree is cold in winter
We took the Christmas tree home from the forest!

(At the end of the competition there is a short formation of the quarter-finalists and
The second disco block is announced.)


Here you can dance for 15 minutes and take another sweet volley.

(Semi-final and Final)

Cola bar
(Competition 5, semi-final)

If you take 2 plastic packages of 12 large bottles of cola and thread a wooden handle through the handles, you will get a rather weighty “barbell.” Two players are asked to lift it with both hands as many times as they can. Spectators count, players raise. Raised greatest number times, advances to the finals.

(Competition 6, semi-final)

Santa Clauses need to be able to quickly decorate the Christmas tree. Two girls from the audience are invited to act as Christmas trees. They can be interested in the fact that everything that the contestants pin on them remains at their disposal. The girls are placed on a raised platform, and the players are given two packs of canned food.
cola and place it a little further from the Christmas trees. A string with a clothespin is attached to the ring of each can. The task is to hang the jars on the Christmas trees. Whoever did it first won. The condition is to take jars strictly one at a time.

Sprint champagne
(the final)

It is known that when walking around apartments, Santa Clauses often find it difficult to get rid of annoying parents offering them a drink. Therefore, the winners are invited to harden their bodies so that they can withstand such onslaughts. They are served a large (500 g) glass of champagne and asked to drink quickly. Whoever manages it first will be “Super Frost 200...”. Those who fell behind took 2nd place. The losers in the previous two competitions share 3rd and 4th places.


The award ceremony will be conducted by a company representative.

The winners of the competition are invited to organize a New Year's round dance around the Christmas tree and sing a famous song.


Towards the end of this block, it is proposed to once again activate the audience with the game “Fisherman”, adapted to the sponsor’s advertising. Its essence is in the following construction.
Stretch a linen cord (5-6 m) between two wooden slats (2.5-3 m). Tie 20 paper ties to the cord. And with the knitting cans of Coca-Cola. At the right moment, assistants will tilt this structure over the sector, adjusting the height so that spectators, with a certain amount of effort, can snatch the prize.

From the author: The blessed idea to bring together at least 100 Chelyabinsk Santa Clauses came too late in order to find a good sponsor capable of providing funds for the purchase of super prizes. Alas, the only sponsor was the cunning Coca-Cola company. And she, the poor thing, had prizes: 1 scooter, 2 teddy bears, some water. Only 3 enthusiasts fell for it. Budget money, of course, was also very limited. Meanwhile, the program had already been widely announced in the media, and it was necessary to somehow get out. They did it simply: they rented costumes, hired students, dressed them, and lined them up in a column. Ahead, riding on a pony, is the New Year, behind him, on an open trophy jeep, is the Chief Father Frost, with Father Frost at the wheel. Behind him is a column of Santa Clauses, then 2 life-size puppets and a bright folk group. The picture came out wonderful and was immediately featured on RTR. And the show itself turned out to be so nice that we decided to make it traditional and subsequently develop it in all imaginable directions. We wish the same for you.

Magazine "Holiday", No. 10, 2003

Sergei Lukashin

In contact with

Santa Claus's house exists!

Often parents, when asked by their young children about where Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka live, answer: “In the north.” And parents tell their kids that fabulous Grandfather Frost lives in Lapland in an ice palace, where it is always so bitterly cold that ordinary people cannot get there. But in fact, our Russian Santa Claus lives not in Lapland, but in Russia. And the Russian Father Frost has not only an exact address, but even his own magical residence in the city of Veliky Ustyug.

Veliky Ustyug is a small town in the Vologda region, which until now no one really knew about. But in 1998 it was declared the official residence of Father Frost and now even the youngest residents of our country know about this locality.

Father Frost lives at his residence in Veliky Ustyug all year round. Here Father Frost celebrates his birthday on November 18th. And Santa Claus leaves the residence and goes on a New Year's journey - to congratulate children and adults on the main holiday of the year - the New Year!

If you would like to come in person visit Santa Claus, then this can be done all year round. Any time, even in summer! You can also write a letter to Santa Claus at the address: 162340, Russia, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, house of Santa Claus. Santa Claus will definitely receive the news and answer it.

During the holidays, Father Frost meets the children at his residence. The programs offered during the holidays help children spend time beneficially for their health and intellectual development.


Do you want to know what it is like - the residence of Santa Claus?

The magical residence of Father Frost is located in the very center of Veliky Ustyug. At the residence of Father Frost there is a Throne Room, where the New Year's wizard receives guests, and a post office, where his assistants sort out letters received from children and adults. Anyone can visit the residence. And not just look at the beauty of the decoration, but also try to create your own New Year’s souvenir and make an entry in the “Book of Good Deeds.”

The estate where Father Frost lives is not located in Veliky Ustyug itself, but several kilometers away on the banks of a picturesque river around which a centuries-old northern forest grows.

The residence of Father Frost can be seen from a distance by the carved gates that lead to the real Alley of Miracles. And if you take the Path of Fairy Tales, you can walk to the clearing for 12 months or meet the hospitable Baba Zhara, who is always ready to feed you pies straight from the oven.

The center of the estate is, of course, the house of the New Year's wizard itself, which has as many as 12 spacious rooms. It was created from wood in the traditional Russian manner - with carved turrets, shutters, railings - by famous Vologda craftsmen.

Very important people constantly come to the residence of the Russian Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug - from the president and foreign Santa Claus to children from all over Russia and even from other countries.

Where do the brothers of Santa Claus live, New Year's wizards from other countries?

Not only our Father Frost, but also his foreign “brothers” have their own residence.

The official residence of the French Père Noëlé ("Father of Christmas") is located in the department of Haute-Savoie. You can visit Per Noel at any time, however, the owner of the residence himself does not greet guests, because he is sleeping off after a difficult Christmas work.

The Finnish Joulupukki lives in Lapland on Mount Korvatunturi, which is shaped like a hare's ears. It is near the border with Russia. The wizard listens on this mountain to how children around the world behave and what they want to receive as a gift.

Residents of North America - the USA and Canada - go to see their Santa Claus. His residence is in the American state of New Hampshire near the White Mountains. There is a whole village of Santa Claus, where a lot of entertainment and attractions are prepared for guests.