Barbell and belly: how pregnant bloggers exercise. Beautiful pregnant girls. Photos with husband, boyfriend, child, belly. Photo shoots in nature, sea, ideas at home Posing mistakes

Are you thinking about how to capture something original?

and unusual

growing belly? These 50 ideas will definitely come in handy for you

creative bere

Ideas for a pregnant photo shoot: hugs for the tummy

Taking photographs of pregnant women lying down - a popular idea, the main thing for the expectant mother is to choose a comfortable position.

Maternity photo shoot: belly in profile

The most common pose for maternity photo shoots, because this is the only way to assess the size of the belly in the photo.

One option for profile photography is to look out from behind a door, wall or tree, when only your face and stomach are visible. Very nice!

Maternity photo shoot ideas: top view

Such photographs of pregnant women turn out to be very touching and also give an idea of ​​the size of the tummy.

Pregnant photo shoot: mysterious silhouette

Ideas for pregnant photos: playing with shadows

Ideas for a pregnant photo shoot: the belly in the spotlight

Pregnant photo shoot: having fun and fooling around!

Don’t be afraid to look cheerful, a little silly and bright in photographs, because pregnancy - this is not a disease, but the most wonderful period in a woman’s life.

Ideas for a pregnant photo shoot: tender photos with your husband

Kisses in the photo - a true and proven way to convey your feelings. Don't be afraid to show them off in front of the camera lens!

Involve your older children in a joint photo shoot and you will get very warm and touching photos.

Pregnant woman photo session: taking pictures with the whole family

Family photo sessions give a lot of joy and positivity to all participants during the photo shoot and after, when everyone looks at the finished photos together. And how much you can get creative with!

Pregnancy is not an illness and there is certainly nothing wrong to navigate during these unusual times active image life. But the heroines of our material work out with special tenacity - even a very rounded tummy is covered with six-pack abs. Are you so weak? Girls post photos and videos of their workouts online, collecting thousands of likes and enthusiastic comments. Of course they have followers. But is fitness during pregnancy so harmless?

Barbell, dumbbells, belly

Australian blogger Chantel Duncan has more than 445 thousand followers on Instagram and a whole army of fans. Of course, the girl was actively involved in fitness even before pregnancy, but upon learning that she would soon become a mother, Dunka practically did not change her training schedule in the gym. She is a fan of “iron”, the owner of a sculpted body and beautiful forms.

Throughout her pregnancy, the girl continued to do strength exercises and shared photos of her workouts with subscribers. But after giving birth, the beauty didn’t even have to get into shape: she never left it! “It may look strange from the outside, but my body itself tells me what loads are acceptable,” writes Chantel. “And I am very proud of this experience!”


Pregnancy and heavy dumbbells go together!

Not only is Duncan a fitness enthusiast herself, but she also works as a personal trainer for fellow pregnant women who want to stay active during those special months. After giving birth (she became the mother of a healthy son), there was no end to clients - subscribers to her blog want to be just as fit and athletic!

However, like all popular bloggers, Chantel also has her ill-wishers - every day she receives hundreds of unflattering comments addressed to her. Users criticize the girl for being careless about her baby’s health, and even promoting dangerous exercise among other pregnant women.

Throughout her pregnancy, Chantelle showed how her body was changing

Pregnant selfies at the gym

Of course, Chantel Duncan is not the only blogger who has taken the internet by storm with her fitness experiments during pregnancy. Sarah Stage, a model from Los Angeles, has 2 million subscribers! Most of them subscribed to the blog when Sarah began posting selfies taken during her pregnancy. In the gym, of course!

Luxurious long toned legs, toned butt and sculpted belly - pregnant Sarah could easily star in a sexy photo shoot for a men's magazine. And all thanks to fitness!

A few months ago, Sarah Stage gave birth to a beautiful, healthy son - fortunately, the mother’s passion for fitness during pregnancy did not negatively affect the baby.

Fitness boom for expectant mothers

Judging by the popularity of pregnant women, this phenomenon is only gaining momentum. The girls willingly share their experiences, post videos of their strength training sessions online and give advice to other expectant mothers. It’s interesting that these girls are even more active than many of those who are not in an “interesting position.”

Opinion of a gynecologist

Ph.D., obstetrician-gynecologist at Atlas Medical Center

Physical activity of the expectant mother is planned taking into account the preservation of her health and in the interests of developing baby. Pregnancy is not a disease, so there is no need to lie down for the entire 9 months if there is no indication for it! It is necessary to move, but any loads must be agreed upon with the gynecologist who is monitoring the pregnant woman. Only he will be able to give the woman individual recommendations, analyzing her state of health and the risks of miscarriage.

Which women should minimize physical activity or completely abandon it? First of all, those who have a high risk of miscarriage, placental abruption, and premature birth. Physical activity should be monitored for women who have concomitant diseases, for example, heart defects, arrhythmia, thrombophilia (tendency to form blood clots) or who are experiencing prolapse internal organs during pregnancy.

In any case, aggressive fitness with lifting heavy weights is not shown in an “interesting position” for anyone. Even if a woman was actively involved in sports before pregnancy, she needs to reduce the load - and to what extent, her doctor will tell you. In particular, professional athletes significantly change their training regimen while expecting a baby.

The best physical activity for pregnant women is any activity in the water. This includes swimming and water aerobics. The only thing you need to remember is compliance with the thermal regime. Pregnant women need to exercise in water whose temperature is 1.5-2 degrees higher. This is due to the fact that expecting a baby is an immunodeficiency state. More cold water may provoke the activation of viral infections.

We can recommend Pilates and yoga for pregnant women. In these areas there are many breathing techniques and exercises aimed at training the muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum. All of the above will be very useful during childbirth. This is why doctors recommend Pilates and yoga for women after 30-35 weeks of pregnancy. This is excellent preparation for childbirth.

We thank the Atlas Medical Center for their assistance in compiling the material!

Beautiful pregnant girls photos (ideas for a photo shoot: with her husband, in nature, at home, in clothes without a face, bellies on display) - one of the first things that a future mother thinks about when she learns about her situation.

Selfies are an opportunity to take pictures daily and even several times a day. With the help of such photography, you can show the dynamics of pregnancy development. Selfies are better for social networks than for a family album.

A professional photo session is an opportunity to preserve beautiful photographs for many years. During pregnancy, it is recommended to do no more than 2 shoots.

When is the best time to have a photo shoot?

Best time For photography, the second trimester is considered: 6-7 months. At this time, the woman feels good, and her tummy is beautifully rounded.

Photos of pregnant girls, ideas for a photo shoot, such as creative images of the development of pregnancy, are very popular now. Such pictures are taken every month in the same clothes. Scenarios could be as follows: the expectant mother eats watermelon, and then the baby appears, or the father inflates the mother’s belly with a pump. Each family can come up with its own unusual version of the birth of a baby.

What to wear for a maternity photo shoot

Colors can be pastel, blue, pink, mint, etc. But it is better to avoid overly bright, acidic tones.

Examples of clothes for a pregnant photo shoot:

  • Dress to the floor. You can choose light summer options made of flowing fabric, flared from the waist. Options available for studio filming evening dresses from denser fabrics.
  • Home clothes : pajamas, T-shirt with shorts, jeans.
  • Knitted clothes : various sweatshirts, cardigans with braids and patterns.
  • Stretch clothing.
  • Suits, which are combined with some holiday: Christmas, Halloween, etc.
  • Clothes with the same print or in the same color scheme with your husband or older children.
  • Themed costumes.
  • Lace underwear, silk negligees, etc.

How to put on makeup

Beautiful photos pregnant girls require makeup.

The skin may become covered during pregnancy age spots, and the face swells, so you can’t do without a small correction. Makeup should be as natural as possible. It is not recommended to use bright eye shadows, bronzers or a large number of highlighter. During a photo shoot, be sure to use powder or matting wipes so that the skin does not shine.

Features of shooting depending on the time of year

If the photo shoot takes place in the summer, it is recommended to conduct it outdoors. In hot weather the studio is stuffy. Winter outdoor shoots are quite extreme for the expectant mother due to the cold, and besides, showing off your belly in a lot of clothes is problematic.

But under favorable weather conditions, the fur coat and jacket can be replaced with warm ones knitted sweaters, and the same scarves, hats and mittens with my husband and eldest child will become additional accessories.

Rules for posing in the frame

In order for your photos to turn out beautiful, you must follow several rules:

  • Follow the light. The best light– natural sunlight, so taking pictures outside is ideal.
A very important point in any photo shoot held in the studio is proper lighting.

If the photo shoot takes place in a studio, you need to make sure that there are no unnecessary shadows on the face and stomach.

  • To avoid looking fat and slouched in the photo, you need to straighten your shoulders and watch your back.
  • To emphasize your belly and remove extra pounds from your hips, you can turn 3/4 to the photographer, while your legs should be bent and located diagonally, and not straight. The length of your legs will visually increase if you extend your toes.
  • Hands should be placed on top or below the abdomen. It is important to watch your fingers - they should be pressed against each other.
  • The head should not be perfectly straight, it is better to tilt it slightly to the right or left.
  • It is recommended to take many pictures with different options, constantly change your pose and move in the frame. How big photo, the greater the chances of making a unique shot.

Mistakes in posing

The most common mistakes when posing:

  • Lack of naturalness. A tense smile, choreographed movements and constrained poses are noticeable in the photograph.
  • Sight. You don't need to look directly into the camera. It is better to direct your gaze a little higher or as if through the camera.

When posing for a photograph, do not look directly at the camera.
  • Incorrect shoulder position. It is necessary to ensure that the shoulders are at the same level; you should not hunch your back, nor should you press your shoulder to your chin.
  • Incorrect hand position. Under no circumstances should your hands be pressed to your body. You can put them on your hips, take a bouquet or a toy, or lean against the wall.
  • Shooting from below. If you photograph a pregnant woman from the lowest point, it makes her image heavier and adds several kilograms. In this case, it is better for the expectant mother to be photographed while sitting.

Photo shoot at home

A photo shoot that takes place at home has a number of advantages. It is ideal for girls who want to capture themselves in photographs, but cannot visit a photo studio for health reasons.

Ideas for a home photo shoot are varied: a girl can be photographed doing her favorite hobby, household chores, reading, or even a mug of tea. My husband, children and pets are happy to take part in this type of shooting.

The advantage of a home photo shoot is that a woman feels more relaxed at home., she can change her clothes, touch up her makeup and relax at any moment. One of the ideas for such a photo shoot could be an image of the expectant mother’s daily routine: getting up in the morning, work, household chores, etc.

The benefits of filming outdoors

A picture of a pregnant girl in nature is one of the popular ideas for photographing expectant mothers.

Advantages of filming outdoors:

  • Natural light. No need to spend money on lighting.
  • A large amount of decor. Natural scenery can be: a forest, a field with ears of corn or flowers, an apple orchard in bloom, a city park, a river and much more.
  • It doesn’t matter whether it’s winter or summer, but such photography is useful for a pregnant woman. There is always fresh air around her, the ability to use different poses and angles.
  • The photo session is ideal for a large family with pets. It is a rare photo studio designed for a large number of people.

Filming at sea

The idea of ​​a seaside photo shoot for a pregnant girl is a great option to get beautiful photos.

This idea has its advantages:

  • The sea is a beautiful natural backdrop. A cool blue, azure or dark blue background will be the best complement, but will not distract attention from the woman.
  • Water is an excellent reflector. Even in cloudy weather, the photographer will not need to think about how to increase the amount of light.
  • At sea you can find many natural props. These can be large stones, pebbles, sand, unusual shells.
  • A sandy beach with waves rolling in can become a drawing board.
  • Here you can use a stick or finger to draw the names of the parents or the future baby, hearts, balls, etc.

An important advantage is that the sea air will be useful for both the expectant mother and the baby.

Ideas for a photo shoot with your husband or boyfriend

Photos of pregnant girls with their husbands; ideas can be taken from the Internet or you can come up with them yourself. For such filming, you can use ultrasound images, multi-colored tapes, slate boards, etc.

Shooting outdoors can be done in a picnic style. For this purpose, a blanket, decor in the form of cups, plates, food, flowers, etc., as well as various bedspreads and baskets are used. You can fool around with your husband: find unusual poses and angles, take funny photos.

An unusual subject for family photography “while expecting a baby” can be a repeat of existing photographs. To do this, the spouses repeat photographs that were already taken earlier, before pregnancy. For example, during a wedding, a walk around the city or a trip.

With baby

Older children always enjoy participating in maternity photo shoots.

The following images will be relevant for them:

  • the baby listens to the mother’s tummy; for this you can use a toy phonendoscope or a plastic glass;

  • the child kisses and hugs the belly;
  • the child draws on his stomach;
  • mother and baby are wearing the same clothes.

You should be prepared for the fact that children under 3–4 years old can be capricious and find it difficult to endure long periods of filming. It is necessary to take care of food and entertainment for the child in advance.

In underwear

Pregnant stylish girls often choose photo shoots in underwear. For filming It is recommended to choose underwear white or pastel shades , trimmed with lace and covering the body as much as possible. It is necessary to ensure that the color of the underwear does not blend with the skin tone. This can lead to a naked body effect.

When shooting in lingerie, you don't need to limit yourself to panties and a bra. For a photo shoot, you can wear an openwork or transparent peignoir that is mid-thigh or floor-length.

Beautiful pregnant girls - photos in underwear light shades turn out soft and feminine

Recently, it has become fashionable to be photographed in long nightgowns in a retro style.

From the back

If the period is not long and the mother feels well, you can take photographs from the back. In the photographs, the woman turns her back to the photographer and turns towards the camera. In this case, it seems as if the pregnant woman is not filming, but only turned around to see what is happening.

Such photos look very beautiful, but they are easy to make mistakes when posing, so The expectant mother should not press her chin to her shoulder or lift it up too much. The belly should only show slightly.

Without a face

Photos without a face attract attention to the pregnant belly. Making them is quite simple: the angle can be taken just above the woman’s shoulder or at the same level as her stomach.

Don't forget about your hands. It is best for them to hug the stomach and support it. It can be tied with a wide ribbon and a bow can be attached to imitate gift wrapping.

Photos look beautiful without mom's face, but with her belly surrounded by dad, older brothers and sisters or pets, who seem to listen to the new member of the family.

Using additional details

Pregnant women try to use various props for photographs. They help make photos cute and unusual.

As props you can use:

  • big Balloons;
  • ultrasound photographs;
  • slate boards with inscriptions in multi-colored crayons;
  • booties and clothes for newborns;

  • food (most often these are muffins, lollipops or small cakes);
  • objects whose color tells about the gender of the baby;
  • toys;
  • bubble;
  • flowers or their petals;

Tummy in the spotlight

A few years ago, thematic body art for pregnant women was gaining popularity. On the belly they depicted a kinder surprise, a small child or a bundle carried by a stork. Now, although this is relevant, it is inferior to new trends.

Photos of pregnant girls with paper butterflies on their stomachs are a new fashion trend. Butterflies different sizes You can cut it out of paper yourself and attach it to your stomach with tape.

Pictures with baby clothes and shoes on the tummy turn out beautiful and tender. Future mom as if trying on outfits for her son or daughter.

Beautiful pictures of pregnant girls on display

The choice of picture for ava depends on the preferences of the woman herself. Most people post a nice belly shot or a photo of the whole family.

For those who love humor, you can take a few funny pictures of your mother alone or with her husband. Those who do not yet want to tell others about their situation should know that there are poses and angles in photography that will not reveal a rounded tummy.

Perfect keepsake pictures are what beautiful pregnant girls strive for. Photo ideas for a photo shoot: with your husband, outdoors, at home, in clothes without a face, bellies on display will help you find your unique shooting concept.

Video about the rules of a photo shoot for pregnant women

Video on how to photograph beautiful pregnant girls + photos:

Video about the rules of posing for photos during pregnancy: