Why you can't wash on Mondays. Morning or evening - what time of day is better to choose to wash your hair? Why can't you shower on Monday?

Friday is patronized by the planet Venus, the best day for women. Venus is the planet of love and beauty. It gives energy and feminine power if you treat her with respect.

Friday Rules

To be in harmony with Venus, you need to look back into the past and remember all the beliefs of your ancestors:

  • On Friday you cannot talk loudly, laugh, swear, or use foul language;
  • You need to wear modest but beautiful jewelry;
  • Clothing should also be elegant;
  • Women need to braid their hair, men shave;
  • Decorate your home with fresh flowers;
  • You cannot do cleaning or laundry;
  • It is forbidden to cut hair and nails;
  • This day is ideal for romantic dates, declarations of love, matchmaking;
  • Although you need to look neat and clean, you should not swim on Friday.

Why can't you shower on Friday?

If you have a date on Friday, make sure you clean your body the day before. Esotericists are sure that on Friday morning Venus endows every woman with beauty and femininity. After taking a shower, you can wash away the beauty, and Venus may be offended, the person will lose the energy of Venus. Due to the weak energy of Venus, a person experiences problems:

  • IN family relationships, a person loses the ability to love;
  • It can also lead to infertility;
  • Eye disease;
  • Risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases;
  • The person becomes rude.

According to popular belief, going to the bathhouse on a Friday will lead to an illness that will torment you for a whole week. If you swim in the river - family life will be restless and the family will soon divorce. You can't swim in the sea either, you can drown. You can wash only with water that was collected the day before on Thursday. If you wash your face clean water from the tap, then all the saints will turn away from the person for a whole week.

People claimed that on Friday all evil spirits gather on earth. Having taken a shower, a person washes off all the protection that the angel gives him and becomes defenseless against black magic. They can easily spoil him or make a conspiracy. If a married woman washes her hair on Friday evening, she will soon lose her entire family. If a man buys something on this day, he will wash away good luck in his work. In some European countries Young girls honor signs, since washing your hair on Fridays can cause hair loss forever. Children should also be bathed, especially unbaptized ones. They do not yet have protection from evil spirits.


Friday is the day when Jesus Christ was crucified, so Christians also try not to perform any actions on this day. Good Friday, before Easter, is a special day on which it is forbidden to physically work, clean houses, or swim. Violation of the prohibition is a great sin that must be atone for. People who fast do not even wash their faces on Good Friday.

This day should be free from worldly affairs, it should be spent in prayers and spiritual development. This is a day of universal sorrow, on which it is forbidden to have fun, laugh, watch TV, or indulge in carnal pleasures. If you drink alcohol on Good Friday, you risk becoming an alcoholic. And children conceived on this day become violent criminals in the future. There is a belief that if you wash clothes on Good Friday and hang them up to dry, blood will appear on them.

To return the energy of Venus, you need to wear clothes of a certain color: white, pink, blue. Jewelry should be worn with diamond, diamond, sapphire.

In Vedic culture, the cow is a sacred animal. She personifies the mother, her milk enhances good energy. If you drink cow's milk, you can strengthen the energy of Venus.

For most of the population, Friday is the most coveted day of the week, ending a tiring series of workdays. The anticipation of a long-awaited vacation makes it a happy moment for everyone who has honestly worked for a five-day period.

However folk signs We strongly disagree with this definition of Friday. They argue that the end of the working week, despite the patronage of the goddess of love Venus, is one of the most dangerous days, filled with all sorts of prohibitions and warnings. After all, it was then that Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise, and Cain committed the murder of his brother Abel.

General “Friday” signs

The special status of Friday foreshadows a lot of problems and troubles for those who decide on this day to take energetic action in almost any area of ​​life.

Good Friday is a special day for all Christians. After all, it was on this day that Jesus suffered on the cross to atone for the sins of all mankind. Therefore, on Good Friday, believers observe a strict fast, which concerns not only food, but also other worldly pleasures.

It happens that in the calendar the end of the working week coincides with the unlucky 13th day of the month. This Friday is usually called Black Friday, since according to popular beliefs, on this day various evil spirits acquire special strength and power over all earthly creatures.

  • Avoid quarrels with loved ones and colleagues at the end of the work week. Even a minor conflict on this unlucky day can lead to a complete break in the relationship.
  • Motorists and travelers really dislike Fridays. After all, the 13th, which coincides with the end of everyday work, can cause a serious accident and other unpleasant surprises on the road.
  • Even non-believers should not have fun on Black Friday. Too much entertainment can often lead to you spending the rest of the week in tears.
  • If you are going to have surgery, never go to the hospital on a Friday, especially if it falls on the 13th. Otherwise, the risk of a sad outcome of treatment is very high.
  • Many gardeners and gardeners know that no plants should be planted on Friday the 13th, as they will either not take root at all or will not produce a good harvest.
  • Business people never make deals on this day, and ordinary people should not make serious acquisitions and get a job. new job. It should be remembered that any “Friday” undertaking is doomed to failure, and the 13th increases the likelihood of loss.

For our ancestors, hair was a center of accumulated energy, and it is not surprising at all, because thoughts accumulate and materialize in the head area, sending certain signals into space, the portal reports with reference to

That is why such a huge number of folk signs and superstitions have survived to this day. Today I want to understand with you the everyday procedure - washing hair.

We live in a crazy pace of life and many of us don’t think “I’ll wash my hair today, because I can’t do it tomorrow!” Agree that few people are puzzled by this question, because as long as we have time for ourselves, we immediately begin bathing procedures.

And all because no one knows about folk signs, maybe you have developed your own prejudices, but I will “introduce” you to the habits of our ancestors.

You can't wash your hair on Monday

As people say, starting business on Monday is a bad thing! And washing your hair is no exception. According to popular wisdom, washing your hair on the first day of the work week will bring bad luck to all other working days. I decided to test this “prohibition”, or rather warning, for myself.

I’ll tell you, dear readers, that this didn’t affect my luck in any way, but an employee, without even reading my blog, admitted that it’s better for her not to wash her hair on Mondays - then the whole week is all wrong, and at work there are only “misses.”

Happy Tuesday

Things are better with this day of the week - European nations have always started great things on Tuesday. As you may have guessed, this day is favorable for “spa treatments.”

I wonder if Tuesday is yours magical powers will help you create a stunning hairstyle?

clear environment

Wednesday is the equator of the work week. It seems that the energy has already been spent, but there is still a charge of energy to complete everyday work. Our ancestors were confident that on this day a person has a clear head and thoughts, which means he is ready to reboot and accumulate new strength.

This day is one of the most favorable for washing your hair.

As for Thursday, there are no special concerns. But still, it is better to wash your hair before sunrise - this way you will be enriched with energy and accumulate positive thoughts. This day fits the saying: “He who gets up early, God gives him!”

Special Friday

This day of the week, like Monday, is difficult and it is better not to start new things.

Again, everything is interconnected with Christianity, because it was on Friday that Jesus Christ was crucified and subjected to terrible torture. Therefore, in the first half of the day you cannot have fun, do household chores and make a mess.

If you believe your ancestors, if you wash your hair on such a day, expect heavy hair loss. It sounds terrifying, but I didn’t tempt fate and refrain from such procedures on Friday.

Of course, there are exceptions when you can’t do without washing your hair on Friday.

"Bath" Saturday

The first day off after a hard day - great time to not only clean the house, but also put your body in order. Saturday is an excellent day according to all religious canons for bathing procedures; of course, on this day you can not only wash your hair, but you should!

After all, on Sunday this opportunity will no longer exist. Even in the distant past, people put aside their affairs and devoted the day to rest, prayer and family leisure. You shouldn’t worry about your appearance and body on this day; resurrection, according to religion, is given to us for spiritual enrichment.

And finally, I will share with you one more sign; it is no longer tied to the days of the week.

If you are prone to superstitions, it is better not to wash your hair before the exam, they say water washes away all knowledge! This is how you studied the tickets all evening, and then decided to take a bath or shower and “washed away” the necessary information. Also, before important negotiations or interviews, you should not wash your hair, in this case you can “lose” your luck.

Of course, it’s inconvenient to go to a meeting with people with a dirty head, but it’s better not to risk it. However, the right to choose always remains yours.

To believe or not to believe, that is the question...

If you are interested in the topic of folk signs, I suggest you read my previous blogs about why the cross turns black and how to clean it. And also about what it means to lose a cross.

Hi all!

We all try to cleanse our hair of dirt, dust and sebaceous secretions regularly, some more often, some less often. It all depends on what type of hair you have. I think with clean ones fresh We all feel much more confident with our hair than vice versa.

When is it better to wash your hair in the morning or evening? This question cannot be answered unequivocally, since everyone must decide for themselves. But, I’ll just try to give various arguments in favor of morning or evening hair washing.

I already forgot the last time I washed my hair in the evening, most likely in school years. For me, morning is the most convenient time of day for this procedure.

  1. Hair is fresh all day long.
  2. For those with oily scalp, this is especially true. I think many will agree with me that walking around with greasy, matted hair is quite unaesthetic. Also, everyone who wears bangs tries to at least wash them, but in the morning, because they get dirty the fastest due to contact with the skin of the forehead.

  3. You can do any styling.
  4. All hairdressers advise styling on clean, washed hair. This way it will last longer and your hair will not lose shape during the day and will look lush and voluminous. I have a friend who washes her hair in the evening, styles it, but by the morning she is still not happy with her hairstyle, and she again grabs the iron, thereby causing irreparable damage to her hair.

  5. More free time in the evening.
  6. Free time of the day can be devoted to your favorite activities. Or let’s say we carry out various facial skin care procedures, apply night mask. At the same time, you don’t have to be afraid that your clean hair will get dirty, because you still wash your hair in the morning.

  7. There is a risk of getting sick.
  8. This applies to the cold season. Therefore, you need to wash your hair as soon as you wake up so that it has time to dry. Even using a hair dryer, the hair will not be completely dried. Doctors advise drying your hair with hot dryers 30 minutes before going outside so that temperature changes do not affect your hair. If your hair is wet and you are not wearing a hat, then you are likely to get dangerous disease intensifies. It is also not recommended, even if the hot one is turned off.

  9. Having to get up early.

If you are a morning person, then there is nothing to worry about, but for owls, waking up 30 minutes early is like death. Of course, I am exaggerating, but there is no need to commit violence against yourself. And it's better to wash your hair in the evening. As a last resort greasy hair You can wash it every day before going to bed.

These are the pros and cons I found in washing my hair in the morning.

If you wash your hair in the evening

This is the most favorite time among Russians, but in Korea, basically everyone washes everything in the morning, clean, flowing, fragrant hair is the main decoration of girls and boys.

This can happen if the room you slept in was too stuffy and your hair and skin tend to be oily. The first thing that becomes dirty is the bangs and hair on the temples; the problem can be aggravated by the fact that it was applied at night nourishing cream. In the morning, it may seem that the hair around your face requires washing again.

This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the evening head wash end.

Briefly about superstitions

Previously, our ancestors believed in various signs, and they washed their hair planned on certain days of the week. Unfortunately, I didn’t find anything about evening or morning hair cleansing, it’s probably not that important. Therefore, if you are superstitious, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the following information:

  1. Monday - it’s better not to wash your hair, otherwise you’ll set yourself up for failure in business for the whole week.
  2. Tuesday is one of better days weeks to wash your hair, you are guaranteed good luck in all your endeavors.
  3. Wednesday is the most favorable day for a bath, so take advantage of the opportunity and arrange a bath day for yourself.
  4. Thursday - it is better to wash your hair early, preferably before sunrise, then you will accumulate energy for your achievements.
  5. Friday - you can’t wash, otherwise you will expose yourself to severe hair loss. Worth remembering!
  6. Saturday - it is not only possible, but also necessary to wash your hair on the day off. Nothing dangerous will happen!
  7. Sunday - according to religious beliefs, on this day you cannot wash at all, including cleansing your hair, you just need to rest and relax.

Just like that! Interesting, of course, but not always applicable to modern realities. Many people wash their hair before the start of the work week, and this day falls on Sunday. So what should we do?

It turns out that if your hair takes a long time to dry after washing, this is not a reason to worry, but on the contrary, it is an indicator of the health of your hair!

I will end here. What time of day should you wash your hair? decide for yourself. Cleanse your hair whenever it's most convenient for you, but don't forget the tips above if you want to become the owner perfect hair. Carry out this procedure as regularly as your hair requires. And then there will be no problems!

Well-groomed hair for you! See you!

Folk signs for Friday will tell you what you can do on the fifth day of the week, and what tasks it is better not to start.

According to some beliefs, Friday is the day evil spirits(most big celebration evil spirits - Friday the 13th). The Church recommends fasting on Fridays to avoid all sorts of misfortunes and illnesses.

According to ancient legend, Adam and Eve fell into sin on Friday. It is quite possible that a negative attitude towards Friday was formed precisely because of this legend.

It is considered a bad omen to get married on Friday, give birth, go on a trip, cut your nails, get a new job, bury (will new death throughout the year), plant fruit trees, bathe, sew, make the bed (you will have bad dreams), work, start a business (otherwise things will go backwards), put chickens on eggs, etc. But from Friday to Saturday dreams come true, and the cards tell nothing but the truth...

Friday, which falls on the 13th, is especially notorious throughout the world. According to popular superstition, the number 13 itself brings bad luck. The origins of this belief should be sought in Scandinavia in pre-Christian times. One day, 12 gods gathered for another feast in Valhalla, among whom was the evil spirit Loki, thus becoming the 13th invited. According to legend, at this feast, because of Loki’s treachery, Balder, the god of wisdom, was killed, and since then the almighty cursed the number 13. Later, the curse was confirmed by Christians: at the last supper, which became fatal for Christ, the 13th person invited was Judas.

It is considered a bad omen to see white feathers or a large number of gray pigeons. This suggests that not everything is successful in love.

Friday, starting with the red dawn, portends good luck in business.

Folk signs for Friday

  • Friday, like Monday, is a difficult day.
  • On Friday, as on Monday, you cannot undertake anything serious; there will be no luck in starting a business. “Whoever starts a business on Friday will back off.”
  • On Friday you can’t sing early and have fun and you’ll have to cry both ways.
  • On Friday you cannot do women's work (sewing, knitting, etc.) this is a sin; the punishment for work is either nail eaters (nail disease) or an incurable hangnail.
  • You should not cut your nails on Friday.
  • On Friday married woman It's a sin to wash your hair.
  • On Friday, chickens are not put on eggs: the chickens do not live.
  • A girl who wants to get married as soon as possible must fast on all Fridays, especially strictly on Good Friday (the ninth Friday from the Resurrection of Christ).
  • A child born on Friday will not be happy, for Friday is a day of bad omens.
  • If an employee starts working for new owners on Friday, failure awaits him.
  • A wedding celebrated on Friday will be unsuccessful.
  • If you change your bed on Friday, insomnia cannot be avoided.
  • If you have a dream on Friday night, and the next day you tell it, it will come true.
  • Rain on Friday - clear on Sunday.
  • Cutting your nails on Friday is unlucky.
  • Planting potatoes on Friday means losing the entire harvest.
  • On Friday you can’t knock down dust, you can’t work either.
  • You can't knit on Friday - your luck will worsen.
  • On Tuesday and Friday you cannot start a new business.
  • You can't sow a field on Friday.
  • If you sneeze on Friday, it’s a date.

Lenten Holy Fridays of the year

There are twelve Fridays in the year, which everyone Orthodox person must be respected and observed. Previously, people believed that if someone was defiled on these Fridays, “a husband and his wife shall not abide in the law” (sin), then God would not sanctify him, but if a child was conceived on this day, then he would be born blind and deaf and would be a fool , either a robber, a slanderer, or a murderer, or will become a mentor to all evil.

  1. The first Friday in the first week of Lent, whoever fasts on this Friday will not die a sudden death.
  2. the second Friday before the Annunciation of the Lord, whoever fasts on this Friday will be saved from the enemy.
  3. The third Friday of the Holy Week of Great Lent, whoever fasts on this Friday will not drown.
  4. the fourth Friday before the Ascension of the Lord, whoever fasts on this Friday will be saved from war.
  5. The fifth Friday before the Day of the Holy Spirit, whoever fasts on this Friday will be saved from the terrible sword.
  6. sixth Friday before Christmas John the Baptist, whoever fasts on this Friday will be saved from all lack and poverty.
  7. The seventh Friday before Elijah the prophet, whoever fasts on this Friday will be saved from being killed by thunder.
  8. The eighth Friday before the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, whoever fasts on this Friday will be saved from “drying tryasovitsa” (fever).
  9. ninth Friday before Kuzma Demyan (Kosma and Damian, July 1); Whoever fasts this Friday will be saved from all mortal sin.
  10. the tenth Friday before the Council of the Archangel Michael, whoever fasts on this Friday will “see his name written on the throne of the Holy Mother of God.”
  11. The eleventh Friday before the Nativity of Christ, whoever fasts on this Friday will see the Most Holy Theotokos on the throne at the time of his death.
  12. The twelfth Friday before the Epiphany of the Lord, whoever fasts on this Friday will see his name written by the Lord himself in the books of life (life).

Money signs for Friday

Friday is the day to pay tribute to the Universe and God for their help and protection. Therefore on this day:

  1. Any trading business is successful. Feel free to open a store, an outlet, display a new product.
  2. Women are not recommended to cut their nails or wash their hair. There will be a loss of energy, including financial.
  3. Count your bills on this day, then you will always make a profit.
  4. Gather your family for dinner and treat them generously.

Rest assured: all the money spent on a good cause will be returned multiplied.