Where to celebrate the anniversary of 50 years. Places to have a fun birthday. Forza Karting Indoor Karting

How to celebrate a woman’s 50th birthday

When choosing where to celebrate a woman’s 50th birthday, it should first of all be remembered that such a date is extremely significant for the birthday girl. That is why it is necessary to celebrate a birthday on a grand scale, so that it will be remembered for many years.

"Home option": why should you abandon this solution?

In order for any celebration to succeed, it is necessary, as you know, to think through its scenario in detail to the smallest detail. This is the only way to avoid all kinds of undesirable difficulties in the fun process. In this situation, it is recommended to start planning the upcoming holiday with the right choice of place. However, you should completely forget about the standard or, in other words, the “home” birthday. Why? Everything is absolutely elementary: thinking about how to celebrate a woman’s 50th birthday, it’s enough to imagine a birthday girl who has stood at the stove all day. It is unlikely that after hours of “fussing” in the kitchen, she will want some more fun.

Accordingly, the best option in such a situation may be a good restaurant or an expensive cafe, with an original atmosphere and a varied menu. For example, the well-known Desperado complex http://vdesperado.ru/, located in the very center of Voronezh, also refers to such institutions. Here the birthday girl will be offered numerous exquisite dishes to choose from, and they will also organize the chic design of the festive table. Well, the hero of the day will be able to devote the time saved to her own person, so that in the end she looks bright and irresistible, as she should be.

The most original ideas for a fun celebration

When wondering how the anniversaries of 50 years are celebrated, one must take into account that half of life, in fact, is already left behind. But this is not a reason for sadness. On the contrary, the fiftieth anniversary is a kind of “golden sign of quality”, issued by a special commission called “Life”. Of course, people don’t get such a high “reward” far from every day, which means that it is necessary to celebrate the above event properly!

Carefully choosing where to celebrate your 50th birthday, you should also decide on the appropriate theme for the future party. By and large, the most popular solutions of the day may well be:

  1. "Birthdays in colorful ties." Perhaps there is no such person who at least once has not heard about the famous "Hipsters" - the unchanging idols of the youth of past days. Thanks to them, “orange ties” are again returning not only to domestic screens, but also to fashion. For this reason, the holiday in the manner of "Hipsters" will be remembered for a long time by all the guests present and will give them a lot of positive impressions. In order to understand how fun it is to celebrate the anniversary of a woman 50 years old, you should pre-acquire collections of old photographs and stamps. In addition, you need to take care of suitable suits. Well, the “highlight” of such an evening will be small memorable gifts to guests in the form of the mentioned ties.
  2. "Golden triumph." It will be possible to create a unique atmosphere for such an important day with the help of various “gilding”. For example, it is recommended to meet dear guests near a small arch decorated with decorative elements of a "sunny" color. Golden balloons will give this event the necessary pomp. But an ordinary serpentine with the number “50” will make the game room more interesting. As for the treats, here we must give preference to refined and unusual dishes. The “masterpiece” of the party, of course, will be a huge cake, neatly sprinkled with powdered sugar “golden” shade.
  3. “The retro style is still in fashion.” So how to spend the anniversary so that it turns into a memorable and interesting event? The birthday will recreate quite amusingly, recreating the happiest moments of the birthday girl's life. As a decor, you need to use different collages created from photos of the hero of the day. It is advisable to choose brighter pictures in which the beautiful lady sincerely smiles. Among other things, an excellent solution would be to prepare a small “film”, edited from short “home videos”, and complemented by comic comments by loved ones.

The main thing is creativity!

To understand how to have fun celebrating a woman’s 50th birthday, it’s worth remembering historical masquerades that were popular in the past. Why not try on such a memorable day to recreate the manner of communication of great leaders and simply famous personalities? It is enough to choose the desired image, and then come at the appointed time for a dinner party in a fashionable restaurant. However, do not forget about the main hero of the occasion. The princess, queen or queen must be surrounded with special attention and invited to a pleasant dance. Here https://yandex.ru/yandsearch?from\u003dchromesearch&clid\u003d2196598&text\u003d%D0%B8%D0%B4, for example, you can learn more about exclusive solutions for holidays of this kind.

Thinking how to celebrate a woman’s 50th birthday, one can stop at the Oscars. A special “red carpet”, professional photos for “glossy magazines”, as well as a special “dress code” - all this will bring the unchanged Hollywood spirit to the planned event. In this case, it is very important to take care of preparing an impromptu scene in which everyone can express their wishes. The main event of the evening will be a “film” filled with scenes with the birthday girl, her life's “adventures” and all kinds of “exploits”. Ultimately, the jubilee will need to present the main award - a decorative figurine.

Deciding how to spend a woman’s 50th birthday is actually not that difficult. However, in order to make the celebration original and unforgettable, it is imperative to take care of ordering a photographer and a qualified operator who will be able to capture the most important moments of the party. In addition, you should choose a good, cheerful leader, filling the birthday with sparkling humor and numerous smiles. As an additional entertainment, it is recommended to organize a bright "fire show" or invite an experienced magician to guests.

In order for the woman’s fiftieth birthday not to become another banal feast, it is necessary to think through all the stages of the holiday to the smallest detail. Resource This holiday offers to get acquainted with the main features of the organization of a birthday.

Anniversary - a celebration associated with the years lived by the birthday girl. On this day, it is customary to express positive emotions, to inform a person that he is dear to others. Close gather close, good friends. It is important to invite and gather caring people. They come with gifts, as well as ideas, a program that turns a modest meeting into a fun watch.

50 years - a triumph that is important for everyone

For the holiday to be remembered as bright, extraordinary, special preparation is necessary.

It is carried out in several ways:

  • hiring specialists;
  • forces of the birthday man;
  • forces gathered.

Any representative of these categories needs to select material, that is, create a script. A celebration is held on it, in it, in full or in abbreviated form, the components of an important day are listed.

Knowing the importance of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of a woman, how to celebrate it, it is better to understand it in advance. A standard banquet is a win-win option, but it is perceived as quite annoying. To avoid boring or negative memories, experts prepare celebrations using ready-made scripts.

They select the appropriate topics for the appropriate date. Among them is the round number itself, anniversaries. For different ages, certain scenarios are needed. The celebration of adulthood is not suitable for celebrating the "round" date of an adult character. Therefore, do not dwell on youth and, especially, teenage, children's scenarios.

It is necessary to select the appropriate texts, take into account the cultural characteristics of the time, growth and development of the hero of the day. Choosing them, friends and relatives are guided by the taste of congratulations.

Our site offers a unique opportunity. Entertainment professionals find the right materials here, but our resources are open to all comers. You choose scenes, contests, scenarios and the result that suits you. If necessary, they are supplemented, combined or left as proposed. It is very comfortable.

If the celebration in question is about to come, we must meet this day not just vigorously, but with all our weapons. Our sketches, contests, toasts will help you choose a program for the 50th anniversary: \u200b\u200bhow to spend the anniversary, we will tell literally everyone. They are selected and grouped in such a way that they are easy to find on the site. At your disposal statements for different occasions. We have highlighted a separate section,.

What is included in the anniversary of the 50th anniversary?

The fiftieth anniversary is celebrated solemnly, seriously. This date is associated with personal and professional achievements that competitors will envy.

Friends and good acquaintances do not find it convenient to confine themselves to modest, uninteresting enough even in sincere presentation of congratulations and toasts. They are only part of a scenario consisting of:

  • informational components (with stories about the hero of the anniversary);
  • original toasts;
  • funny and solemn congratulations;
  • speeches from different groups of guests (colleagues, friends, relatives, childhood acquaintances);
  • entertaining part (in theatrical performance);
  • performances of artists.

It is necessary to prepare the official part of the celebration. At the age of 50, it is customary to express in a moderately business style, without the use of teenage expressions, with correct treatment. A playful form is allowed, but in moderation. After the official ceremony, the entertainment part begins, with a feast and a creative section.

The sexual characteristics of the celebration are especially distinguished. Choosing a scenario for a woman, you need to express yourself more politely, without rude jokes. They are allowed if the script was made by relatives who know well how to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the reaction of the hero of the day.

Often, professionals prepare for the celebration, collecting data from relatives and acquaintances. A standard humorous manner is allowed, for example, with deliberately high compliments. In any case, they should not concern age.

Be sure to list the merits of the hero of the day. It does not matter in which sphere they find themselves - family or business. Regardless of who is preparing the celebration, it is necessary to emphasize, stipulate what the birthday girl is proud of.

Do not forget about shooting and photo shoot. To do this, it is better to invite a professional to the holiday. But even in the absence of this, try to make memorable and funny pictures that will replenish the family album of the birthday girl and become an occasion for pleasant memories.

Where to get ready-made ideas?

Preparing the holiday yourself is a good decision, usually it is preferred by relatives and relatives. They are well aware of the character characteristics of the hero of the day. It is easier for them to create not an impersonal, boring bunch, but a spiritual process of triumph and even a vivid performance.

On our site a few are suggested. They can be put into the program in a voiced form or guided by the situation. We are ready to provide our resources to those who are going to congratulate a woman in her 50s on her own.

Find a modest script or production with poems. Complete it with toasts, congratulations, or bring your script to life. Decide on the theme if you decide to organize a popular theme evening.

Decorate the room in an appropriate way, select the serving options, having decided on the topic. Perhaps the decor elements will have to be replaced directly during the celebration. For example, in the first part to create the atmosphere of the assembly hall, and in the second - a five-star hotel on the sea.

An anniversary marked in this way will be remembered by giving positive emotions. Our materials will help with this.

   March 13, 2017.

Moscow restaurants are perfect for those who do not want to celebrate their birthday at home or in nature. In the capital's institutions, you can fully enjoy the holiday without worrying about cooking and cleaning for guests. For birthday there are discounts at restaurants and cafes on their birthday. Finding a good restaurant is already half the success of a successful holiday.

Cafe for a birthday in Moscow

On our site we have collected the most suitable places for every taste:

  •   cozy restaurants in Moscow for a birthday in a narrow circle
  • Italian cuisine in the author's interpretation, a bright room and a view of the Tsvetnoy Boulevard in Probka will definitely bring good impressions to the holiday. Fans of meat dishes and rare wines will appreciate the restaurant "45 ° / 60 °". Sky Lounge is another atmospheric establishment. A panoramic view of Moscow from the 22 floors of the restaurant will help to celebrate a birthday in a special way.

  •   establishments with separate rooms for large companies
  • In Mukhrani, for your birthday, depending on the number of guests, you can book a cafeteria, one of the VIP zones or a whole restaurant. Several rooms from 30 to 800 people, a summer terrace and panoramic rooms are offered in the Crowne Plaza Moscow WTC.

  •   bars and clubs for a birthday for lovers of fun
  • One of the popular restaurants in Moscow, Duran Bar, is a good option for a birthday. Here you can dance, sing karaoke and try signature cocktails from the "star" bartenders. The birthday at the bar can be celebrated at Noor, it is popular for its DJ parties and a large bar card. The bar also has a full menu.

Banquet hall for a birthday

Especially for your holiday, some institutions can invite artists or hold a show program. For example, in “Pinecone Lounge” you can order a DJ, an illusionist or musicians of various directions. On a birthday, a birthday person in a restaurant is given a 15% discount. In the “Roof” visitors are offered various celebration scenarios, lighting and sound equipment and animators. In this restaurant in Moscow with a 15% discount, a birthday person is also given a cake and champagne on his birthday. Also, some institutions can organize a special entertainment program or animation for children.

Celebrate a birthday in Moscow bars

Many restaurants and banquet halls offer discounts and promotions for birthday parties! Explore our selection of restaurants with photos, descriptions and guest reviews and choose the best place to celebrate a birthday so that it leaves only fond memories.

So, the next round date is getting closer, and you do not intend to meet her in a quiet, and even more so in solitude. Right! Birthdays are good because they allow you to drag yourself out and finally tear away from the routine of expensive people whom you have not seen for a hundred years. But, if you really call people, you need to organize a holiday so that everyone likes everything. And the budget here is not the main thing. It is very important how and where to celebrate the anniversary. You must admit that the varieties of sausage and brandy brandy are forgotten quite soon, and the unusual format and cozy platform make an indelible impression. Of course, a lot of factors will influence the choice: season, number of guests, age category and interests of guests. Nevertheless, the main options will be pleasant and memorable, can be reduced to something like such a system.

Do not know where and how to celebrate the anniversary?

Write to us and we will be happy to organize the most unforgettable holiday for you!

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Celebrating Indoor Birthday

The classic of the holiday genre is to rent an institution of a sufficient size and convene there at the feast, everyone you want to see. A decent restaurant where you can celebrate the anniversary can be delicious and grand - absolutely a win-win option. Although not the most original. At the same time, a traditional feast can easily be turned into a stunning action, adding a drop of imagination and necessarily connecting specialists to the organization. Optionov - a lot, but the most popular and easily feasible moves are:

Themed holiday.  Suppose you are in thought - where and how to celebrate the anniversary of a woman who has been with you for many years and is dearer than all the people on earth. What could be better than dipping her in the atmosphere of the first day of your acquaintance? To decorate the hall in the spirit of the time, dress the staff accordingly, select the right music, develop an adequate script - and the holiday was a success!

Everything is at home. Previously, residents of the former Soviet Union celebrated holidays mainly at home. It was troublesome, not prestigious and often resulted in the usual joint libation, but the atmosphere of home comfort unconditionally attracts any person today. Therefore, if there are not so many guests, the question of where to celebrate the anniversary of the cafe will be the best solution. Again, it’s worth choosing a site with the right surroundings, planning a menu and ordering an unobtrusive entertainment program. This method will be ideal, by the way, if you decide where to celebrate the wedding anniversary in a semi-intimate circle of all those involved in this bright event.

Complete separation.  This option will appeal to young people: carefree fun when Dnyuha makes you farther from your parents and not closer to retirement. The scheme is obvious: we are looking for an institution with a maximum dance floor area (you can - right a night club), we decorate everything brighter - and go!

Accented status.  Where is the best anniversary to celebrate for a VIP? - Exclusively in a decent restaurant! And be sure - with invited artists, exclusive design, an elite menu and an enchanting evening program.

Where better to celebrate the anniversary in the open

There are many invited guests, summer is in the yard, the budget is not so enviable ... Where is it tasty and inexpensive to celebrate the anniversary in this case? - Of course in nature

Upgraded outing.  A person who refuses to smoke a barbecue on an oak table in the middle of a forest or near a river is either sick or an enemy. We take this trend as a basis and proceed. Camping is good in that the owner can vary each expense item. You can fry the meat yourself on a barbecue made of bricks, or you can order a full catering service; you can stay in the grass at the edge of the beach or on the beach, or you can rent a country estate ... Typically, any of the options guarantees a great time! By the way, if the weather is appropriate, then the question of where to celebrate the anniversary of the company by the whole team should not even be raised: definitely - in the fresh air!

Games turning into feasts.  Open areas are great for combining tormarriages with all kinds of fun. Well, judge for yourself - where can a man celebrate his anniversary better than hunting, fishing, paintball, a soccer mini-match between all those present and other competitions combined with a decent treat? Right, nowhere. But there are also different quests with a fascinating plot and other team buildings ... If you order something like this for professionals, you can not worry about the holiday!

Unformatted ways

If the question “where is inexpensive to celebrate the anniversary” has the keyword “inexpensive”, the budget size can be completely replaced with originality. However, non-formatted ways of celebrating are more than expensive. The main thing here is the idea. Why not, say, have a hot air balloon party for your beloved and best people? Or celebrate a holiday in a limousine on the night streets of the capital? Or scuba diving before each toast? There are people in Moscow whose job is to invent and implement such scenarios. You just need to contact them and ask: "where to celebrate the anniversary in Moscow and unusual to be sure?" And the number of cool options for different tastes and the wallet will simply hit you!

The KGrupp company has been engaged for many years. We can do almost anything. Just tell us about your basic desires, and then our problems, from finding the right place to burning candles on the cake. Try it and we won’t make you regret it.


So, the man is 50! Behind half a century, ahead is a celebration. How to have a good party, so that the hero of the day is pleasant and the guests have fun? The usual feast is unlikely to be enough. 50 years is a special date, so I want to celebrate it in a special way. We have prepared a detailed guide on organizing the jubilee for the 50th anniversary of the man. It will help you take into account all the moments associated with preparing for the holiday, and arrange a really fun, interesting, not without some sentimentality party.

A 50th birthday party doesn't have to be dull - take care of it!

Before moving on to the details, we note, in our opinion, the most important point - the pathos of the event. In many scenarios, tips for choosing a gift and organizing a holiday, one thought can be traced: 50 years - what a long way to go! But look at your hero of the day. Does he really feel like a novice old man?

This age for a man is a threshold of maturity, in which there is a place for everything that was in life before the cherished date: work, interesting people, love. Only the children have already grown up, the house has been built, the tree has been planted and there is a lot of time left for themselves and their hobbies. Here in this vein and build a holiday. A little nostalgia about the stormy youth - let it be. But it’s not worth saddening that “most of life is behind us”. In 50 years, everything is just beginning!

How to organize an anniversary?

Throwing a magnificent party is a good idea, but only if it is shared by the hero of the occasion. This is his holiday, so the organization should be discussed first with him personally. If the birthday man does not like the idea of \u200b\u200bthrowing a feast in the whole world, it is worth trying to give some arguments in her favor. Did not help? You can always find other, more calm, but therefore no less solemn options.

Home celebration

A gala dinner should be special and with an unusual cake!

If there is a tradition in the family to celebrate holidays at home, in the circle of those closest to you, you can not recede from it. Let it be the same lunch or dinner, but not quite the same as usual.

  • Change the menu. Be sure to leave in it dishes that the birthday man loves, and those that are always popular among households. But add more delicious dishes and a couple of brand new ones, buy a good wine. If you usually cook sweets yourself or buy a ready-made cake, this time order it from the confectioner.
  • Emphasize the solemnity of the evening by serving. If you usually put paper napkins on the table, this time prepare fabric napkins, buy a new tablecloth. Put a few vases or glasses with fresh flowers, it is better to match the textiles - this elementary technique will immediately transform the table decoration.
  • Take care of the atmosphere. Let the TV be silent this time. Have a few topics to talk about and manage the conversation. Plan time and arrange the table so that guests do not have to sit at the table all the time. It’s great if they go out dancing, participate in competitions or just chat in the next room for a cup of tea.

It’s best if you plan your holiday program in advance. For example, guests can sit at the table three times. First offer them snacks, then take a break, serve the main dishes, pause again, and then invite them to the sweet table. During the “respite”, arrange dances and competitions, as well as take time for surprises (more on this below).

Restaurant Celebration

If the birthday party is ready for a loud celebration in the restaurant, all the functions can be transferred to the host. He will make sure everyone has fun. It can be either a party with a feast, which will be interspersed with dancing contests, or a full-scale scripted action. The second option is very convenient - at the holiday you can relax and not think about the fact that you have a change of dishes in 10 minutes. But he is also risky.

When organizing an anniversary in a restaurant, consider an entertainment program.

Let's be honest: in the vast majority of cases, the presenters use typical scripts full of cliches, verses that are not very artistic, and even jokes “on the edge”. It is not at all a fact that you, the birthday person or guests will like them. So if you decide on a moderator and a program, before you agree, look at possible scenarios. At your request, they can be amended.

Alternatively, you can order a script from a specialist - then it will be developed exclusively for your needs and will take into account all ideas. It remains only to find a restaurant and a good toastmaster (host), which will bring the plan to life.


A combined option is also possible. For example, you can find an interesting script on the Internet (their choice is huge), and ask someone close to become a host, or throw a party in the restaurant according to the scheme that we proposed for a home celebration. By and large, it is not so difficult: to make a schedule of alternating feasts and rest and fill in the pauses with interesting entertainments.

How to entertain guests?

Whatever variant of organization of the holiday you choose, the evening is unlikely to do without contests. They will tear guests away from their homes, will amuse those who may be bored, and will acquaint those who are not yet familiar. In addition, attention will shift to where the funny action takes place, and the hero of the day can take a breath. Indeed, despite the fact that today is his holiday, he, like a bride at a wedding, gets tired most of all.

Man-made contests are interesting for men - use this!

He should pay attention to each guest, talk with everyone and have a drink, and with the guests - also dance. Breaks are also of tactical significance - while those present are having fun, the hosts (or waiters) have the opportunity to clean up on the table. There are a lot of contests. Even if you ordered a script or toastmaster, our blanks may come in handy. So, 8 contests for the anniversary party:

  • Iron nerves.Only for men. The number of participants is 5–6 plus the leader. Leading secretly from the participants pours water into all glasses and only one - vodka. Then each player is handed a portion and invited to drink. The task is to do this with a straight face, so that it was impossible to guess who got the hot drink. Then all the other guests should guess what kind of glass was happy. The one who determines this is the winner. When the game is over, the leader restores justice and pours vodka to all participants.
  • Boxes.  The number of participants is not limited. You will need matchboxes. The box should be put on the participant’s nose. The denser the better. The task is to remove the boxes without using anything but the facial muscles. In other words, the participant must grimace as soon as he knows how to “mask” flew off his nose. The one who copes first wins.
  • Club.The number of players is not limited. From their number in the first round choose the leader. You need a rolled up newspaper or any other item that can play the role of a baton. First, a logical group of words is selected. For example, the names of flowers or fruits. Then each of the participants comes up with a “name” from this group of words. For example, “kiwi” or “apple”. "Names" are called out loud, and the leader tries to remember them. Then one of the participants calls the “name” of the other, and the leader must remember whose it is and touch the corresponding participant with a club. If you guessed right, the game continues. If not, the leader becomes an ordinary player, and his place is taken by the one whose “name” was named.
  • A surprise gift.The peculiarity of this competition is that everything that happens is a surprise not only for the hero of the day, but also for the participating guests. The idea is to present gifts to the hero of the occasion, but only intangible, improvised and unexpected ones. To do this, prepare in advance something like a lottery with notes in which the task is indicated. For example, to sing, dance, say a toast, remember some story related to the birthday person, tell a joke, etc. Notes with tasks can be put in balloons or a large box, from where they will be removed, attached to sweets, etc. For those who refuse to perform the task, you can prepare a fine - for example, kiss a birthday boy twice, give him a compliment or tell a story related to him.
  • Porter.The number of participants is not limited, but should be even - players are divided into two teams. In front of each group in the chair are oranges (there are as many as there are players). The task is to transfer fruits to another place without using hands. The second player from the team can begin execution only after the first has completed his “mission”.
  • Down up.  A popular contest that enjoys constant success both among the audience and the participants. The number of players is at least four, two women and two men. Each pair receives a ball. Participants press it with their bellies and try to move it to the chin. Hands are forbidden. Ideally, you need to raise the ball, but in practice, usually the pair who won is not able to drop it first. For convenience, it is better to stock up with medium-sized dense balls.
  • Jumpers.Another of the contests that often entertain guests. For holding you will need tennis balls, plastic bottles or other objects that can be squeezed between your knees. The leader indicates the start and finish lines, gives a command, and the participants begin to jump. The task is to get to the finish line as soon as possible. If an object is caught between the knees, it should be raised and only then continue to jump. The most agile and jumping one wins.
  • Ball hunting.The number of participants is not limited. For the game you will need balloons. An inflated balloon is tied to the player’s left foot. It should be protected. At the same time you need to try to burst the balls of rivals. The one whose ball survives wins.

With balls you can hold fun and active contests!

Place for a miracle

But you should not be limited only to competitions and dances! There may be other entertainments in the program of the evening - special. Because no surprises on such a momentous day as the 50th anniversary cannot be dispensed with. The easiest option is to arrange a small show from the presentation of gifts.

Usually they are handed over right on the doorstep, but this is not necessary. You can set aside a separate time for this procedure. Or let guests present their gifts immediately, and present the main present from the family at the height of the holiday. And besides this, we offer you some more ideas on how to surprise a birthday boy.

Movie show

Go through the home video archive. Surely there are records in it that you have not reviewed for a long time. It is not a matter of demonstrating a three-hour chronicle of the anniversary of 10 years ago. Make a short movie from several videos. A trip to the sea, home gatherings, shots from the weddings of children, and here - the grandfather carries a satchel, and next to her for the first time is walking a first-class baby with a bouquet and huge bows ...

If you can’t make a video from video fragments, mount it from photos. Browse through a family album, find children's photos, pictures from youthful trips to the collective farm, fishing trips, the first photos from your beloved ... Choose photos related to the most important events in life, as well as funny, funny, emotional - in short, vivid.

Have a home mini-movie dedicated to the life of the hero of the day

You may have to digitize film recordings and printed photographs, as well as master the art of editing, but this is not difficult. By the way, feel free to involve grandchildren-nephews in the business - they will cope much faster. Photos selected for the video will come in handy later. Add to them those made at the 50th birthday party and order a photo book. This will be another great holiday gift.

Congratulations from afar

If we are talking about age, 50 years is not old age at all. But for human relations, the term is quite long. During this time, friends-buddies could scatter life around the world. Many of the comrades of the hero of the day live in other cities, countries, and even on other continents. Try to find them!

Social networks to help - contact your children or grandchildren, tell us what’s the matter. Surely they will be happy to help. Call the friend of your birthday on Skype and write down a congratulation. You can make several such recordings and put them together in a video, or show them separately - instead of toasts.

Help friends of the hero of the day congratulate him even from the other end of the world


To prepare this gift, you will have to sit in the library. But the effect will definitely be amazing. The idea is to prepare for the birthday person a personal newspaper with news - for the day, month and year when he was born. 50-year-olds celebrating the holiday in 2015 were born in 1965. Just imagine how the world has changed during this time!

In the 65th (though in March, but related topic news can be expected) a man for the first time in history went into outer space, The Doors, Pink Floyd, Scorpions only got together, and the Beatles wrote Yesterday! In the Union this year, the famous films “War and Peace”, “Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin”, “Give the Complaint Book”, as well as “Operation Y and other Shurik's adventures”, “Thirty-three”, and others were released.

Look for notes on similar events, as well as on the opening of metro stations, the airing of a new TV show, etc. - the hero of the day was born on the day and year when so much happened! Make copies or photograph the pages, print them, cut out the main news and make a “newspaper” for 2–4 pages. Read the headings and / or passages and hand them over to the birthday man. You will see - he and the guests will read it with pleasure.

Concert from the smallest

Congratulations from the smallest greatly diversify the holiday!

Do not forget about the younger generation, whose representatives will also be among the guests. Grandchildren and nephews can please the birthday party with a concert or a performance: play a costume show, show a trick, sing a song together, dance something. The numbers should be exclusive: if the child has already told some poem on New Year or March 8, it is better not to include it in the program.

Learn a new rhyme - about dad (grandfather, uncle - depending on who the hero belongs to the kid), his hobbies (cars, fishing) or some events in which both participated (flying on an airplane, going to the zoo or circus) , etc. Children can also draw a festive wall newspaper for the hero of the day. It is better to put the concert at the beginning of the program, and guests can see and discuss the wall newspaper in detail, and then praise the kids.