Summaries of classes on civil patriotic education of schoolchildren Synopsis of a lesson for older children on civil-patriotic education on the topic: “Our home is Russia. Music "On Native Ground" performed by Savinov

Software content:

  1. To foster love and respect for their homeland, city, kindergarten.
  2. Develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination.

3) To generalize the knowledge and ideas of children about the State symbols of the Russian Federation and their hometown, its purpose, the symbolic meaning of color and images in it.

4) Continue to work on enrichment and clarification of the dictionary.

Preliminary work:

  1. Reading and memorizing poems about the Motherland.
  2. Examination of the flag and coat of arms of the Russian Federation and the city of Sergiev Posad.
  3. Listening to the anthems of the Russian Federation, Sergiev Posad, songs about Russia.
  4. Conversation and lesson about the State symbols of the Russian Federation, about the Motherland, city, kindergarten.
  5. Didactic games: "Learn by description", "White-blue-red", "Find among others", "Find out our coat of arms", "Learn our flag".

Materials for the lesson:

1. Rebus (Bakery)

  1. Didactic game "Collect the Russian flag"
  2. Audio recordings: the anthem of the Russian Federation and the anthem of Sergiev Posad, the song "Where the Motherland Begins".
  3. Images of the state symbols of Russia and Sergiev Posad.
  4. Photos depicting the sights of the city of Sergiev Posad.

Course of the lesson:

Children and the teacher enter the hall and stand in a semicircle, greet the guests.

Educator: Guys, please sit on the chairs and listen to me carefully. I will read you a very beautiful poem by Y. Abidov “Mother Earth”.

Tell me what is the correct name for the Earth?

Is the earth expensive?

Is the Land of Gold?

The earth is our dear

Good mother!

So it will sound more affectionate and more true.

After all, everything that we love

Everything was created by her - both mountains and rivers,

Both the forest and the flowers

And the rain and you ...

Educator: Guys, you and I live in the largest and most beautiful country on Earth, which has an amazingly beautiful sonorous name. What country do we live in?

Children: We live in Russia.

Educator: Our country is called Russia. What are the people living in our country called?

Children: They are called Russians.

Educator: Russia is an extraordinary country because it is our Motherland. What do you think Homeland is?

Children: Motherland means native, like mother and father.

Homeland is the place where we were born.

Homeland is the country in which we live.

Educator: Our Motherland is a big and beautiful country. Every Russian loves his country. Why do you love our Motherland?

Children: Because we were born here.

For being beautiful, etc.

Educator: Yes, Russia is a great, mighty power. Many beautiful words can be said about her. And one of them is encrypted in this picture.

The teacher puts the picture on the easel.

Educator: What do you think is the word hidden?

Children: The word "Bread Salt" is hidden here.

Educator: And how do you understand the word "hospitable"?

Children: There is a custom to meet dear guests with bread and salt.

Educator: Many proverbs and sayings have been laid down by the people about the Motherland. Let's remember some of them.

Children: There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland.

Do not spare your life or strength for your Motherland.

Whoever is a mountain behind the Motherland is a true hero!

A person has one mother - one motherland.

Educator: What do these proverbs teach us?

Children: All these proverbs teach us goodness, love for the Motherland, the ability to defend it from enemies.

Educator: Guys, do you want to tell a poem about our Motherland?

Children: Audio recording sounds"FROM where the Motherland begins "

Children read poetry:

Z. Alexandrova

If they say the word "Motherland"

Immediately in memory rises

Old house, currant garden

Fat poplar at the gate

By the river birch - shy

And a chamomile mound

And others will probably remember

Your own Moscow courtyard

Or the steppe from poppies is red, golden virgin land

Homeland is different

But everyone has one.

Where does the Motherland begin?

With the smiles and tears of mothers;

From the path the guys have passed

From home to school doors.

From the birches that have stood for centuries On the hillside in the father's land,

With the desire to touch your beloved land with your hands.

So what are you, Motherland?

Fields in the woods of dawn.

Everything seems to be very familiar

And you look - and your heart burns.

And it seems: you can take off from a running start without fear of heights,

And a blue star from the sky Get it for your native country.

Educator: Each country, each state has its own distinctive symbols. What are these symbols?

Children: This is the coat of arms, flag and anthem.

Educator: Right guys, let's get up now and see our Russian coat of arms.

Children go up to the wall with the coat of arms and stand in a semicircle.

The coat of arms is a distinctive sign of our state.

Where can we see the image of the coat of arms?

Children: We can see the coat of arms: on flags, coins, seals, ships, documents ...

Educator: Let's take a close look at what is depicted on our coat of arms?

Children: The coat of arms depicts: Double-headed eagle of gold color on a dark-red shield.

Educator: And why is the eagle depicted, and not another bird?

Children: The eagle is a brave, proud bird that flies high, high, sees everything around.

Educator: Tell me guys, why does the eagle have two heads?

Children: The eagle looks in all directions, which means he will not miss a single enemy.

Educator: What does an eagle have on its head and legs?

Children: The eagle has a golden crown on its head, in its right paw the eagle squeezes a scepter, and in its left - an symbols of royal power.

Educator: What do the wings of an eagle look like?

Children: The wings are like the sun.

Educator: And the sun is a symbol of goodness and justice.

What is located on the eagle's chest?

Children: On the eagle's chest is depicted George the Victorious on a horse, killing a snake.

Educator: George the Victorious has long been revered in Russia as the patron saint of soldiers, the defender of the Fatherland. The serpent is a symbol of evil.

And we know from fairy tales that good always triumphs over evil. So our coat of arms symbolizes the victory of good over evil!

Educator: Now guys, let's talk about another symbol of our Russia - the flag.

Children come up to the wall with the Russian flag.

Educator: What colors are on the Russian flag?

Children: The colors of the Russian flag are white, blue, red.

Educator: People attach great importance to the colors of the flag. Which stripe on the flag is the first (top)?

Children: White stripe.

Educator: What do you think the white stripe of the flag reminds us of?

Children: It reminds us of white-trunk birches, Russian snow-white winter, light white clouds, white daisies.

Educator: Which stripe on the flag is under the white one?

Children: Blue stripe.

Educator: What do you think the blue stripe of the flag reminds us of?

Children: It reminds us of a blue sky, a blue sea, lakes.

Educator: Which stripe on the flag is under the blue?

Children: Red stripe.

Educator: What do you think the red stripe of the flag reminds us of?

Children: It reminds us of fire, sun, warmth, joy.

Educator: White is peace and purity. Blue is heaven and fidelity. Red is fire and courage.

Educator: Guys, please sit down in your seats. Each country has a special, most important song. What is this song?

Children: This is the anthem of Russia.

Educator: That's right guys! The national anthem is also a state symbol. What is a hymn?

Children: The Anthem of Russia is the country's most important solemn song. It is performed on especially solemn occasions. To the sounds of the anthem, the most outstanding people of the country - artists, athletes, scientists - are presented with awards. Young warriors take an oath, that is, they take an oath of allegiance to the Motherland.

Educator: The anthem of Russia is very beautiful and stately. How should you listen to the national anthem?

Children: The anthem should be listened to while standing, men should take off their hats, they should not talk.

Educator: Citizens of each country are proud of their anthem, show respect for their country, let's now listen to the anthem of Russia.

An audio recording of the anthem is played.

Children listen while standing.

The children sit down.

Educator: Courageous and honest people live in our country who treat each other kindly. They rejoice at the peaceful sky, the bright sun. Let's play with you too.

Dance game: “I, you, he. it!"

Children sit down.

Educator: We have just spoken a lot about the symbols of our country.

Each city also has its own symbols. What city do we live in?

Children: We live in the city of Sergiev Posad.

Educator: Our city also has its own coat of arms, flag and anthem.

The teacher puts on a flannelegraph the image of the coat of arms and the flag of the city of Sergiev Posad.

Guys, what's on these symbols?

Children: They depict the main attraction of our city Trinity - St. Sergius Lavra.

Educator: In the azure shield there is a silver monastery wall with azure seams and an open black gate, behind which there is

silver tower with golden domes topped with the same Russian


Look at the color scheme:

Gold (yellow) color symbolizes: purity, peace, mutual understanding. Blue: honor, nobility, clear skies and expanses of water.

Black color: a symbol of wisdom, modesty.

And now I would like to invite you to listen to the anthem of Sergiev Posad.

Children listen while standing, then sit down.

Educator: There are many interesting and famous places in our city. Take a look at these photos and try to find out what is shown in them. "t

The teacher takes turns showing photographs, exposing hectares to the flannelgraph.

  1. Trinity - Sergius Lavra.
  2. The chapel is the temple of A. Me.
  3. Monument to S. I. Mamontov u.
  4. Hell waterfall "Grey ball".

Educator: The country is a big friendly family, which differs from other countries in its people, traditions and customs.

A kindergarten is also a big friendly family. What kind of people go here?

Children: Friendly, cheerful, hardworking people and children come here.

Educator: At one of the classes, we guys came up with the emblem of our group. Would you like to show our work to guests?

Educator: We got the emblem like this.

The teacher puts the emblem on the flannelegraph.

Educator: Why did you choose the sun?

Children: The sun is because the group is warm and light.

Educator: Why - pigeons?

Children: Doves - we are free here, like birds in the sky.

Educator: Why - flowers?

Children: Flowers are beautiful and cozy here.

Educator: Why - children's faces?

Children: Children's faces - we're happy here.

Educator: Why - a book?

Children: Book - we gain knowledge in kindergarten.

Educator: Guys, today we talked a lot about Russia, about our city, about symbols. I want you to always remain friendly, kind and cheerful. But most importantly, you must protect your homeland.

Our head Elena Gennadievna also loves our Motherland very much and wrote many beautiful poems about it. I want to read you an excerpt from her poem "Let's Revive Russia Together."

The teacher reads a poem.

I AM was born in Russia

And pride in my heart

Without embellishment beautiful

We call our homeland.

What time of year

We didn't walk on it

There is no sweeter nature

Our forests and fields.

We won't have life without her!

From an early age she is the father's house.

Come on dear

To return the debt to the Fatherland with good.

Revival is in our power!

And let's not forget about that.

We were born in Russia!

Let's take care of our home.

Educator: Guys, how should we protect our home - our Motherland?

Children: Do not litter on the street, do not break bushes, love your loved ones, be friends with the guys ...

Educator: That's right guys, you are still very small, but even now you can do a lot to make our Motherland even more beautiful.

Educator: You talked so much about our Motherland today, I am proud of you, you are real Russians.

We are inhabitants of a huge planet, our people know how not only to work well, but also to have a good rest. Let's give our guests a little gift.

Song - dance: "Moscow".

Educator: Guys, let's say goodbye to our guests.

Children go to the group.


1. Alyoshina NV Patriotic education of preschoolers: a methodological guide. M., TsTL, 2005.

2. Zelenova N. G, Osipova L. E. We live in Russia. Civil-patriotic education of preschoolers, ed. Scriptorium 2003, 2008

3.Loginova L.V. What can the coat of arms tell us ... (Non-traditional

forms of work with preschoolers on patriotic education). M., ed. Scriptorium 2003,2008

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Goals and objectives:

  • Continue to develop children's interest in their land, expand their understanding of the country in which they live.
  • Consolidate children's knowledge about the state symbols of Russia.
  • Raise love and pride for your homeland with the help of an artistic word.
  • Instill a desire to read poetry
  • Continue to develop the ability to correctly express your thoughts and feelings.
  • Enrich the children's vocabulary, teach correctly, build sentences.
  • Create a positive - emotional mood in children.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversations about the country, the land where children live.
  • City tours.
  • Consideration of albums about the city of Kemerovo.
  • Drawing on the theme "Our city"
  • Study of local history material.
  • Reading and learning poetry.
  • Photo exhibition “I walk around the city”.
  • Creation of the album "Professions of our land" ...

Material for the lesson:

  • The heart is for the game.
  • Map of the Russian Federation and the Kemerovo region.
  • Flag of the Russian Federation.
  • Landscape paintings.
  • The ball is for the game.
  • Postcards with a view of Kemerovo.
  • The sun is for the game.

Course of the lesson:

Children stand in a circle ...

Hello, the sun is golden
Hello the sky is blue
Hello, free breeze
Hello little oak tree.

We live in the same land
I greet you all.

Children sit on high chairs.

Guys, today we will continue our conversation about the Motherland, the country in which we live. Let's count the wonderful poems that poets wrote on this topic.

Quiet, calm music sounds.

Spread out in the blue haze
Majestic lands
This is you, my Russia,
My light, my Motherland!

The bread that a person feeds on, the land on which a person lives, a mother that gives life ... Without all this, it is simply impossible for a person to live. Among the most necessary, the most dear, a person has a Motherland!

Reb .: Motherland! What does it mean?

These are the flowers that grow in our land,
This is the dawn that burns without burning ...
Homeland is your mother's eyes
Full of tears or sparks of laughter.
Homeland. I don't know more wonderful words
In it were our glorious and fairy tales,
Grandfathers distant sad songs
Those that we have not yet forgotten.
Homeland is the land on the doorstep
Where did you first learn your name?
Homeland is a long road
The one you will walk along with others.

With such beautiful and understandable words, one of the poets said what the Motherland is.

Guys, what does this word mean to you?

Children: (answers ...)

Of course, the word Motherland means a lot, and everyone understands it in their own way. Homeland is both the land and the country in which we were born. This is your mother and your father.

The motherland is still called the fatherland, the fatherland is called, and the native home is called the "stepfather's house." The language we speak is native to us, it was given to us by the Motherland.

Homeland is flowers, air, and even the sky, because even it is not the same everywhere. There is a native sky - this is the one under which you were born and live.

Reb .: poem "Sweet light of the native sky" V. Zhukovsky.

Sweet light of the native light
Familiar flows
Golden games of the early years
And the lessons of the first years
What will replace your charm?
Oh Holy Motherland,
What heart does not tremble
Blessing you?

A game:"Pass your heart and say a word" - find adjectives for the word Motherland.

Vos-l: Guys, you said such wonderful words about the Motherland. Do you know which country you live in?
Children: (answers ...)

Vos-l: Yes, our country is called Russia, and we live in it.

Reb .: the poem "Russia" Koval-Volkov.

You appeared to people for the first time
In the name of the river - Ros
Then turn into Russia
The forest dewdrop had a chance.
We carried you in our hearts
In battles, they overshadowed
You are more than a mother
You are Russia
And we are all immortal with you.
And there is no more beautiful word in the world
It is like the sun in the darkness
And the bright name Russia
All dew burns on Earth.

Vos-l: Our country is Russia, very large, one might even say huge.

Show map of the Russian Federation.

The end of the edge is not visible. It takes about a week to travel from one end to the other by train.

The nature of our country is diverse, it is gray tundra, green taiga, brown mountains, white north. There are seas and rivers in it known to everyone.

- In our country, there are 3 symbols, what are these symbols?

Children: (answers ...) The anthem is the main song of the country; Our country's flag and coat of arms.

Vos-l: - Guys, which of the symbols of Russia is in our group?
Children: (answers ...) - flag.

Vos-l: Tell me, what do the colors on the Russian flag mean?

Children: (answers ...)

Vos-l: Yes, that's right, white is the fatherland; blue - loyalty, faith; red - courage, battle.

Children, today we are talking about the Motherland, about the country in which we live, but there is such a concept “Small Homeland”. How do you understand what "Malaya Rodina" is?
Children: (answers ...)

Vos-l: Of course, "Malaya Rodina" is the place where you and I were born and live, where we saw the light of the sun and began to learn about the world around us. This is the region, city, district, street, house and our kindergarten where you go. This is a small piece of our vast country.

Guys, did your mom tell you where you were born?

Children: (answers ...)

Reb .: poem "My land" by Vekshegonov

My land is poplar -
Now fluff, then snow,
My city is Siberian
Steep shore.
Behind the garden gate
Grass - murava
The path is like a thread
Barely noticeable
She's through millet
Curled up to the village
And in the heart without asking
Has entered forever.

Vos-l: I will remind you once again that our country is Russia.

But in which land do we live?

What is the name of our region?

Children: (answers ...)

Vos-l: Of course, we live in Siberia, in the Kemerovo region and the main city is Kemerovo.

(Words are accompanied by the display of objects on the map of the Kemerovo region).

And our region is also called Kuzbass. Do you know why?

Yes, because the Kuznetsk coal basin is located in our region. He brought glory to our land, because coal was mined and mined there, which gives light and warmth to our people.

The Kemerovo region is also famous for various minerals, construction materials, from which light and spacious buildings are erected.

Coal, chemical fertilizers, machines made at factories of our region are sent to all corners of our vast country.

Reb .: poem "Our Kuznetsk land" by O. Zhilin.

Native Russia is rich,
But I'll tell you straight without embellishment,
That the edges of any are beautiful
Our young mighty Kuzbass.

I love his firm tread
The breath of factories and mines
Lights are brightly stellar scattering
In his young cities.
And rich in steel and coal
My dear side
Darling, how good you are
Kuznetsk is our land.

A game: "What is the name of the inhabitants" - the children are offered a place of residence and they must name the inhabitants of this place. For example: there are lunatics on the Moon, Earthlings on Earth, Russians in Russia ...

If you see in the picture
The river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds
Or a snowy plain
Or a field and a hut,
Required painting
Called ... ( landscape)

We will now look at paintings with landscapes by taking an excursion to our small art gallery.

But first, I want to remind you that in an art gallery you need to behave calmly, not interfere with others, and it is better to look at pictures from a distance.

Please come in ...

(Children, with quiet music, approach the pictures and examine them and answer the questions of the teacher).

Vos-l: What seasons are depicted?

What trees did you see in these landscapes?

What tree is most often seen in these paintings?

Why do you think?

Children : (answers ...)

Vos-l: Of course, of all the trees in our forests, the sweetest and most beloved, this is a birch. Birch is a symbol of the Russian forest, and even Russian people who leave our country take birch seedlings with them to plant a tree in a new place.

Guys, where do we meet every day with white-barrel beauties?

Physical education:

Hands raised and shook
These are birches in the forest.
Hands bent, hands shook
The wind knocks down the dew.
Hands to the sides, gently wave
These are birds flying to us.
We'll show you how they sit
The arms were bent back.

Reb .: poem "Birch", V. Rozhdestvensky

The sun slightly warmed the slopes
And it became warmer in the forest,
Birch green braids
Hanged from thin branches.
All dressed in a white dress.
In earrings, in lace foliage
Hot summer meets
She is at the edge of the forest.
Her light outfit is wonderful.
There is no tree dearer to the heart
And many brooding songs
It is sung by the people about her.
He shares joy and tears with her
And so her days are good
What it seems is in the noise of the birch
There is something from the Russian soul.

Vos-l: We heard a poem about a birch that “meets a hot summer”. But birches are good at all times, they are beautiful in winter.

Reb .: poem "Light in Russia from birches", Ekimtsev.

And the toboggan trail and the trail of the wheels
And at midnight I would see
Light in Russia from birches,
Light from white snow.
And I'm happy that I live here
And that my heart makes me happy
What a snow light
Native birches
Falls over the entire planet.

Vos-l: These are such beautiful poems that poets compose about birches.

Our Kuznetsk land is famous for its nature and minerals, but the most important wealth is the people who glorified our land. There are many streets and squares in Kemerovo that are named after these people and entire groups. Let's remember what streets and squares we talked about before.

Volkov Square - in honor of Mikhailo Volkov, who discovered deposits of coal and iron ore in our region.

Aleksey Leonov Street - who was born in our region and later became famous by becoming an astronaut.

Miners Avenue - in honor of people who mine coal.

Avenue of Chemists - in honor of the workers employed in the chemical industry.

Boulevard of Builders - dedicated to the builders who built our hometown.

(As the story progresses, showing illustrations from the Kemerovo album).

These people and many others have glorified our land. And I want to say that children went to our kindergarten, and now they have become adults and we are proud of them, because:

Lugma Artyom - became an athlete - a football player.

Firstov Kolya is a military doctor who helps people in difficult times.

Prokonich Olesya - teaches children at school.

And I think that when you grow up, you will also benefit your land and glorify it with good deeds.

Reb .: poem "Hello to you, my native land", S. Drozhzhin.

Hello, my dear land
With your dark forests
With your great river
And endless fields!
Hello dear people
Indefatigable hero of labor
In the midst of winter and summer heat
Hello, my native land.

Song “Along the Kemerovo streets”.

A game "Sun Ray" - the players apply a "ray" to the circle and say a wish to all those present, as a result, a radiant sun is obtained.

Vos-l: So our lesson is over. Guys, what did you like the most about the lesson?

Battle of Borodino. "Not fairy tales, but there were, which people have not forgotten to this day"

4th grade

Software content.

Educational tasks:

To foster patriotic feelings, love for the Fatherland, the Russian people - the defender of the Motherland, a sense of pride and admiration for the Russian character, heroism;

Developmental tasks:

Educational area "Socialization":

To promote the education of responsiveness, sensitivity, kindness towards the people who defended our country.

Learning tasks:

Educational area "Cognition":

To acquaint children with some moments of Russian history related to the defense of the Fatherland - the Patriotic War of 1812, the heroism of Russian soldiers and ordinary people, with how the memory of those who defended Russia in those days was immortalized.

Educational area "Communication":

To form the correct understanding of the figurative meaning in the proverb "If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong."

Educational area "Reading fiction":

Develop the desire to understand what you read, to evaluate the actions and deeds of the characters;

Strengthen the ability to emotionally and expressively recite excerpts from poems;

Educational area "Music"

To form in children to hear the development of a musical image in the work.

Preliminary work:

Reading M. Yu. Lermontov "Borodino".

Learning excerpts from the book of M. Yu. Lermontov "Borodino".

Learning proverbs about homeland and friendship.


Portraits of M. I. Kutuzov; B. Napoleon; D. V. Davydova; P.I.Bagration; Panorama "Battle of Borodino"; Painting "The vastness of Russia";

Photos of "Metro Kutuzovskaya"; "Triumphal Arch";

Recorded music: PI Tchaikovsky "Overture of 1812";

G. Struve "My Russia".

The course itself is educational activity.

The music of the composer V. Basner sounds from the song "Where the Motherland Begins".

Educator: Guys, what does the word Motherland mean to you? (Children's answers).

Children read a poem:

I love you forever Russia!

Your brooding blue rivers.

I love your slanting rains,

The quiet whisper of young aspens.

I need to talk about Russia,

Yes, so that you want to repeat

Strongest of all names to say Russia!

G. Struve's song "My Russia" is played.

Teacher: Every nation has its own history, and in history there are critical moments by which one can judge the strength and greatness of the spirit. Russia is a rich and beautiful country, and the Russian people are brave and courageous.

The painting "The expanses of Russia"

Russia is my Russia -

And my pain and love!

And troubles and bullets mowed down

But you got up again.

Knowing how to fight and stand

You get up in dawn blue

Your heroes are immortal

Your shrines are imperishable.

Many people wanted to take over Russia. And 200 years ago, the army of the French emperor Bonaparte Napoleon attacked our homeland. (A portrait is exhibited).

By that time, Napoleon Bonaparte had conquered almost all of Europe and he decided to remove the last obstacle, our Russia, to world domination. He said: “If I take Kiev, I will take Russia by the legs, if I take over Petersburg, I will take her by the head, but after occupying Moscow, I will strike her in the heart.

Guys, why do you think Moscow is called the heart of Russia? (Children's answers).

Napoleon's army was very strong. But when she entered our land, the entire Russian people rose to fight her. Not only the army fought, but ordinary peasants rose to fight the French. Partisan detachments were created. So Colonel Denis Davydov became the leader of the partisan movement. (Expose a portrait).

How many knows why the war of 1812 is called the Patriotic War? (Children's answers)

Yes, guys, the contribution of the partisans to the defeat of the enemy with good reason allowed us to call the war of 1812 the Patriotic War.

Who do you think was the main commander of the Russian army? (Children's answers).

Right. Brave Marshal Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov. (Expose a portrait).

The soldiers knew him and loved him. They said: "Kutuzov came to beat the French."

The Russian soldiers, at the cost of their lives, tried to protect Moscow, to which the French troops were so eager. They were preparing for battle. And on the field near the village of Borodino near Moscow on September 7, 1812, the most famous battle took place (post a photo of the battle panorama).

Guys, what was the name of this battle? (children's answers)

Yes, it was the Borodino battle. Russian soldiers fought for life and death. It was a terrible event.

Through the volatile smoke

The French moved like clouds ...

You will not see such battles!

Banners were worn like shadows

The fire glittered in the smoke ...

The enemy experienced a lot that day,

What does Russian fight mean?

Only a dark night stopped the battle. Napoleon said: "The most terrible of all my battles was near Moscow, here I saw that the Russians are invincible."

The French entered Moscow.

Though Moscow is in the hands of the French

This right does not matter!

Our Field Marshal Prince Kutuzov

Let them go there to die! -

so the soldiers of the Russian army sang, without losing hope of victory. And so it happened. The French were running out of food supplies and had nothing to feed the horses. There was nowhere to take food, all of Moscow was on fire.

Winter was approaching, the French were not ready for it.

Napoleon ordered to leave Moscow, the French army began to retreat, and our army attacked, giving them no respite.

By the end of 1812, the war ended with almost complete extermination of the enemy. Our army won, the enemy was expelled from the Russian land, showing courage and heroism. The main battle of this war, Borodino, remained forever in the memory of the people and was reflected in various works, painting, music.

The composer PI Tchaikovsky wrote a solemn overture entitled "1812". (Musical composition included).

How many of you know how else the feat of Russian soldiers was glorified? (Answers of children.

According to the answers, pictures are displayed: Panorama of the Battle of Borodino; metro station Kutuzovskaya, Triumphal Arch).

Guys, many of you have been to the Arc de Triomphe, can any of you or adults read the words that are embossed on it?

These words, said Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov, addressing the Russian people: “This glorious year has passed, but the high-profile deeds and your deeds done in it will not pass and will not cease, the posterity will keep in its memory. You saved the Fatherland with your blood, brave and victorious troops! Each of you is the savior of the Fatherland. Russia greets you with this name. "

The child reads an excerpt from Borodin:

Yes there were people in our time

A mighty, dashing tribe.

Bogatyrs are not you.

They got a bad share:

Not many returned from the field ...

No wonder all of Russia remembers

About Borodin's day!

Teacher: You are little Russians, the future of our country. You can make our country strong and powerful if you love your Motherland, your relatives, friends and relatives. Let's look at each other and say: "If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong."

Summary of the lesson on civic - patriotic education

"Russian bogatyrs"4th grade

Topic: Russian bogatyrs.


Fostering interest in the history of Russia; a sense of pride in the heroic power of Great Russia; respect for the defenders - heroes, the desire to be like them.


To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about Russian heroes: Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobryna Nikitich, etc., about the weapons of ancient warriors.

Learn to answer questions coherently and consistently; talk about the characters of the characters using comparisons and synonyms; to convey in the drawing the details of the clothes of the Russian hero;

To form and cultivate feelings of patriotism.

Vocabulary work:

Bogatyrs, chain mail, helmet, shield, brush, sulitsa, guslars, furrow, boulder stones, outpost.


V. Vasnetsov's painting “Three heroes”, illustrations depicting heroes, illustrations on the theme “Russian weapons”, audio recording of the opera by M.P. Mussorgsky's "Khovanshchina" - "Dawn on the Moscow River", A. Pakhmutova's song "Our Heroic Power", "Heroic Symphony" by A.P. Borodin

Preliminary work:

Reading the epics "Ilya Muromets", "Dobrynya Nikitich and Tugarin the Serpent", "Sadko", and others. Examination of the painting by Vasnetsov "Three heroes", "The hero at the crossroads." Memorizing proverbs, sayings, watching DVD films. Listening to music.
The course of the lesson.

Since ancient times, in Russia on November 21, Mikhailov's Day was celebrated. Saint Michael is considered by the people the patron saint of soldiers, defenders of the Russian land. The history of our country has never been cloudless and peaceful. Its vastness and natural resources have always attracted invaders since ancient times. But the defenders of the Russian land always stood in their way. Our ancestors dearly loved Great Russia, and therefore defended it with their heroic strength.

And who are the heroes? (children's answers)

How do you know about the heroes, because some of them lived 1000 years ago? (We listened to epics about the heroic deeds of the heroes). Yes, the people have composed many epics. Bylins are heroic songs, in which truth is interspersed with fiction. They were carried across the Russian land by guslars.

Previously, our Motherland was called Rus. In ancient Russia, dense forests stretched beyond the mountains and villages, and beyond the forests stretched steppes without end and edge. A lot of bitterness came from these steppes to Mother Russia. Enemies raided cities and villages: they burned, plundered, took people into slavery.

To protect the Russian land from enemies, along the edges of the steppe there were small fortresses, heroic outposts, protecting them from enemies, from strangers.

The glorious Russian heroes guarded the land: Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Danube Ivanovich, Mikula Selyaninovich, but Ilya Muromets was glorious and mighty.

Ilya Muromets is a peasant son. From childhood his legs and arms ached. He saw how his mother and father grieved about how much grief there was in Russia. He sat on the stove and thought: “Now if I could walk and hold in my hands weapon, I would have protected my father and mother. ”And a miracle happened. Strength appeared in the hands and feet. He had no equal in strength, since Svyatogor the hero gave him part of his strength. He lived for people, did a lot of good for them and gave his life to his native land.

Ilya Muromets was wise, fair, generous, for this he was loved by all the people.

In Russia, work is always held in high esteem, therefore in epics the heroes were portrayed at work. Here is how it is sung about Mikul Selyaninovich:

"The plowman plows, pushes his mare, pokes,

He lays furrows like deep ditches, pulls oaks out of the ground,

He throws boulders aside.

Only the plowman's curls sway, they crumble like silk over the shoulders. "

Mikulushka says: "I know my truth, the truth is in that and my strength is invincible. I do not waste my strength for fun. I grow bread, I feed the people, I bring happiness to people. That is why I will not be exhausted."

Today we will talk about three heroes, we will get acquainted with a very interesting picture.

A reproduction of a painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "Three heroes".

Maybe someone knows what this painting is called and who wrote it?

Children's answers.

Yes, this is a painting by artist V. Vasnetsov "Three heroes".

The introduction to the opera by M. Mussorgsky "Khovanshchina" "Dawn on the Moscow River" is played. The children look at the picture for a few minutes.

Look at the painting. Who is depicted here? (Russian heroes).

Who will name their names? (Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets).

How are heroes depicted? (The artist depicted heroes in the form of fairy-tale heroes).

Tell us about each of them separately. What are their faces, clothes, weapons? What horses are under them and what are they decorated with? (Children's answers).

What landscape surrounds the heroes? (Everything is beautifully drawn here - the clouds, the sky, and even Christmas trees under the horses' feet. Everything here is like the real thing).

That's right, everything is beautiful, but notice how calm comes from the picture. Nature seemed to be frozen, quiet. Where does this calmness come from? (Nature is calm when she has such protectors).

What are the heroes doing in the field? (At the outpost they are guarding Russia from enemies).

Which of the heroes do you like more?

* I like Ilya Muromets - he has the most strength.

* And I like Alyosha Popovich - he is young and brave. The enemy is won not by heroic strength, but by cunning and dexterity.

* I like Dobrynya Nikitich. He is a fearless warrior, he even defeated the Serpent Gorynych. He is handsome, he has light brown curls, keen eyes.

* And I like all the heroes. They are brave and fair, they will not give anyone offense.

How are heroes similar and different?

* Everyone defends the Motherland from the enemy. Everyone is on horseback, everyone has weapons and armor.

* They are different in age, have different horses, different weapons.

* They have different faces and characters. They are different in origin.

Q: All of you guys said right. Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich are the most beloved and famous Russian heroes. As the guards of Holy Russia, they stand at the outpost (border) of the heroic, past which neither the beast will slip, nor the bird will fly.

Ilya Muromets, a peasant's son, sits in the center on a burly black horse. He is dumpy and mighty, like the age-old forest that has surrounded him since childhood. Glorious hero. Power, strength and wisdom are felt in all his appearance. He has a noble Russian face, a wide beard with gray hair. There is a horse under him, "slightly shaking bells under the bangs." The horse is calm, only the evil squints its eyes towards the enemy. "If he moves, the ground seems to hum from the step." The hero is well armed: a damask club hangs from his right hand, behind it is a quiver with arrows, a shield and a long spear in his left hand. He is dressed in an iron chain mail, a helmet on his head. Ilya peers sharply into the distance of the steppe. He is ready for battle, but he is in no hurry: such a hero will not shed human blood in vain. The hero loves the Motherland and honestly serves her.

On the right hand of Ilya Muromets is Dobrynya Nikitich, a famous and beloved soldier by the people. Dobrynya is skilled in fighting, swimming, archery. He is dressed richly and smartly. Dobrynya's shield is decorated with stones,

he is damask, but his gaze is intent. Under it a white long-maned horse stands, flaring its nostrils, it can be seen that it senses the enemy.

The third hero Alyosha Popovich is the son of a priest. He, too, is a brave and brave warrior, not as strong as Ilya or Dobrynya, but takes skill, speed, resourcefulness. He is both a warrior and a guslar. He knows how to sing songs and knows how to fight. A sly grin on his lips, now he will sing a song for the whole steppe. He is more modestly armed. In his left hand he has a bow, and on his right hand are verrucous geese. Alyosha's red horse is a match for him: he lowered his head to nibble the herbs, but pricked up his ears. Heather Alyosha! He does not look towards the enemy, but only squints his eyes and keeps a tight bow at the ready.

The heroes have one goal - not to miss the enemy, to stand firmly on guard of the Motherland. Above them is a low sky covered with cold, leaden clouds. Behind the hills, a loose Russia, which raised and sent heroes to its defense. It is difficult to imagine the heroes differently than they are depicted by the artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov.

Vasnetsov claims with his painting that the heroes of the Russian land are always ready:

Become for the honor of the Motherland against the enemy,

For the Fatherland in need to lay down his head.

The painting depicts epic heroes, but we perceive them as living people. The artist glorifies the defenders of the Motherland. Vasnetsov wants us all to be proud of our heroic ancestors, to remember them, to love the land where we were born. Such a picture could be created by a person who was very fond of his people, his history. The picture makes people worry, experience the best feeling - a sense of pride in the Motherland.

Guys, what helps the heroes in the fight against the enemies of the Russian land? (Strength, courage, courage, resourcefulness, love for the Motherland).

Do you know how to exercise strength and agility? (children's answers). Show.

The song of A. Pakhmutova "Our Heroic Power" is played.

Tug of war.

Let's get acquainted with the history of Russian weapons.

Teacher: Look, this is chain mail. This iron clothing made of metal rings reliably protects the wearer from enemy attacks in battle. Helmets (iron hats) are used to protect the wearer's head from wounds in battle. This stabbing weapon is called a sulica. And this is a brush, it is a very simple metal weight on a chain or belt, which is wound around the hand or attached to a stick. This is an ax. The ax was a very common weapon in the ancient Russian army. And these are ancient Russian shields. Shields were made round, of iron (damask, steel, wood). This is how Russian soldiers fought in Russia.

Boys, which of the heroes would you like to be like? (Children's answers).

Girls, and whom of the heroes would you treat with fresh water? (Children's answers).

Guys, what kind of armor of heroes would you like to draw? (Children's answers).

Children's work.The "Heroic Symphony" by AP Borodin is played.

Which of the heroes did you like more than others? (children's answers).

Do you think there are heroes in our time (children's answers).

What qualities do you think a modern hero should have? (children's answers).

Where can you find them? (Firefighters, border guards, astronauts, doctors, etc.)

Q: Day and night, these people guard their homeland, give their lives to save others. As in the old days, Mother Russia has always given birth, and will give birth to strong sons, patriots of the Motherland.

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1 . Summary of a lesson for older children on civil-patriotic education on the topic: "Our home is Russia" Prepared by: Natalya Petrovna Tretyakova Program content: 1) to foster love and respect for their homeland, village, kindergarten; 2) develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination; 3) to generalize the knowledge and ideas of children about the State symbols of the Russian Federation, the symbolic meaning of color and images in it; 4) continue to work on enriching and clarifying the dictionary. Preliminary work: 1) reading and memorizing poems about the Motherland; 2) examination of the flag and coat of arms of the Russian Federation; 3) listening to the anthems of the Russian Federation, songs about Russia; 4) a conversation about the State Symbols of the Russian Federation, about the Motherland, kindergarten; 5) didactic games: "Find out by description", "White-blue-red", "Find among others", "Find out our coat of arms", "Find out our flag".

2 among others ”,“ Know our coat of arms ”,“ Know our flag ”. Materials for the lesson: 1.rebus (Khlebosolnaya); 2. didactic game "Collect the Russian flag"; 3. audio recordings: the anthem of the Russian Federation, the song "Where the Motherland Begins"; 4. images of state symbols of Russia. Course of the lesson: Children and the teacher enter the hall and stand in a semicircle, greet the guests. Educator: Guys, listen to me carefully. I will read you a very beautiful poem by Y. Abidov "Mother Earth". Tell me what is the correct name for the Earth? Is the earth expensive? Is the Land of Gold? The earth is our dear, kind mother! So it will sound more affectionate and more true. After all, everything that we love, Everything is created by her - And the mountains and rivers, And the forest, and flowers, And the rain and you ... Educator: Guys, you and I live in the largest and most beautiful country on Earth, which is amazing beautiful sonorous name. What country do we live in? Children: We live in Russia. Educator: Our country is called Russia. And what are the people living in our country called? Children: Russians call them. Educator: Russia is an extraordinary country, because it is our Motherland. What do you think Homeland is? Children: Motherland means native, like mother and father. Homeland is the place where we were born. Homeland is the country in which we live. Educator: Our Motherland is a big and beautiful country. Every Russian loves his country. Why do you love our Motherland? Children: Because we were born here. For being beautiful, etc. Educator: Yes, Russia is a great, mighty power. Many beautiful words can be said about her. And one of them is encrypted in this picture. (The teacher puts 2 pictures on the easel (bread and salt)) Educator: What do you think is the word hidden? Children: The word "Bakery" is hidden here. Educator: How do you understand the word "hospitable"?

3 Educator: How do you understand the word "hospitable"? Children: There is a custom to meet dear guests with bread and salt. Educator: Many proverbs and sayings were put by the people about the Motherland. Let's remember some of them. Children: There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland. For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life. Whoever is a mountain behind the Motherland is a true hero! A person has one mother - one motherland. Educator: What do these proverbs teach us? Children: All these proverbs teach us goodness, love for the Motherland, the ability to defend it from enemies. Educator: Guys, do you want to tell a poem about our Motherland? Children: The audio recording "Where does the Motherland begin?" I will remember My native Moscow courtyard Or the steppe from poppies is red, golden virgin land Motherland is different But it is one for all. 2 Where does the Motherland begin? With the smiles and tears of mothers; From the path, the guys passed, From home to school doors. From birches standing for centuries On the hillside in the father's land, With the desire to touch his beloved land with his hands. 3 So what are you, Motherland? Fields in the woods of dawn. Everything seems to be very familiar, But you look - and your heart burns. And it seems: you can take off from a running start, without fear of heights, And a blue star from the sky Get it for your native country. Educator: Each country, each state has its own distinctive symbols. What are these symbols? Children: This is the coat of arms, flag and anthem. Educator: That's right, let's get up now and see our Russian

4 Educator: That's right, let's get up now and see our Russian coat of arms. (Children go up to the wall with the coat of arms and stand in a semicircle). The coat of arms is a distinctive sign of our state. Where can we see the image of the coat of arms? Children: We can see the coat of arms: on flags, coins, seals, ships, documents ... Educator: Let's take a close look at what is depicted on our coat of arms? Children: The coat of arms depicts: A two-headed eagle of gold color on a dark red shield. Educator: Why is an eagle depicted, and not another bird? Children: The eagle is a brave, proud bird that flies high, high, sees everything around. Educator: Tell me guys, why does the eagle have two heads? Children: The eagle looks in all directions, which means that he will not miss a single enemy. Educator: What's on the eagle's head and paws? Children: The eagle has a golden crown on its head, an eagle squeezes a scepter in its right paw, and a power in its left. These are symbols of royal power. Educator: What do the wings of an eagle look like? Children: The wings are like the sun. Educator: And the sun is a symbol of goodness and justice. What is located on the eagle's chest? Children: On the chest of the eagle is depicted George the Victorious on a horse, killing a snake. Educator: George the Victorious has long been revered in Russia as the patron saint of soldiers, the defender of the Fatherland. The serpent is a symbol of evil. And we know from fairy tales that good always triumphs over evil. So our coat of arms symbolizes the victory of good over evil! Educator: Now guys, let's talk about one more symbol of our Russia - the flag. Children come up to the wall with the Russian flag. Educator: What colors are present on the Russian flag? Children: The Russian flag has colors: white, blue, red. Educator: People attach great importance to the colors of the flag. Which stripe on the flag is the first (top)? Children: White stripe. Educator: What do you think the white stripe of the flag reminds us of? Children: She reminds us of white-trunk birches, Russian snow-white winter,

5 Children: She reminds us of white-barked birches, Russian snow-white winter, light white clouds, white daisies. Educator: What stripe on the flag is under the white one? Children: Blue stripe. Educator: What do you think the blue stripe of the flag reminds us of? Children: She reminds us of a blue sky, a blue sea, lakes. Educator: What stripe on the flag is under the blue one? Children: Red stripe. Educator: What do you think the red stripe of the flag reminds us of? Children: She reminds us of fire, sun, warmth, joy. Educator: White is peace and purity. Blue is heaven and fidelity. Red is fire and courage. Educator: Guys, please sit down in your seats. Each country has a special, most important song. What is this song? Children: This is the anthem of Russia. Educator: That's right, guys! The national anthem is also a state symbol. What is a hymn? Children: The Anthem of Russia is the most important solemn song of the country. It is performed on especially solemn occasions. To the sounds of the anthem, the most outstanding people of the country - artists, athletes, scientists - are presented with awards. Young warriors take an oath, that is, they take an oath of allegiance to the Motherland. Educator: The anthem of Russia is very beautiful and stately. How should you listen to the national anthem? Children: The anthem should be listened to while standing, men should take off their hats, and they should not talk. Educator: Citizens of each country are proud of their anthem, show respect for their country, let's now listen to the anthem of Russia. An audio recording of the anthem is played. Children listen while standing. The children sit down. Educator: Courageous and honest people live in our country who treat each other kindly. They rejoice at the peaceful sky, the bright sun. Let's play with you too. Dance game: “I, you, he. it!" (Children sit down). Educator: Our Country is a big friendly family, which differs from other countries in its people, traditions and customs. A kindergarten is also a big friendly family. What kind of people go here?

6 other countries with their people, traditions and customs. A kindergarten is also a big friendly family. What kind of people go here? Children: Friendly, cheerful, hardworking people and children come here. Educator: At one of the classes, we guys came up with the emblem of our group. Would you like to show our work to guests? Educator: The emblem we got is like this. The teacher puts the emblem on the flannelegraph. Educator: Why did you choose the sun? Children: The sun - because the group is warm and light. Educator: Why - pigeons? Children: Doves - we are free here, like birds in the sky. Educator: Why - flowers? Children: Flowers are beautiful, cozy here. Educator: Why - children's faces? Children: Children's faces - we are happy here. Educator: Why - a book? Children: Book - we gain knowledge in kindergarten. Educator: Guys, today we talked a lot about Russia, about our city, about symbols. I want you to always remain friendly, kind and cheerful. But most importantly, you must protect your homeland. How should we protect our home - our Motherland? Children: Do not litter on the street, do not break bushes, love your loved ones, be friends with the guys ... Educator: That's right guys, you are still very young, but even now you can do a lot to make our Motherland even more beautiful. Educator: You told so much about our Motherland today, I am proud of you, you are real Russians. We are inhabitants of a huge planet, our people know how not only to work well, but also to have a good rest. Let's give our guests a little gift. Song - dance: "Moscow". Educator: Guys, let's say goodbye to our guests. Children go to the group. Literature: 1. Alyoshina NV Patriotic education of preschoolers: a methodological guide. M., CTL, Zelenova N. G, Osipova L. E. We live in Russia. Civil-patriotic education of preschoolers, ed. Scriptorium 2003, 2008

7 2. Zelenova N. G, Osipova L. E. We live in Russia. Civil-patriotic education of preschoolers, ed. Scriptorium 2003, Loginova L. V. What can the coat of arms tell us ... (Non-traditional forms of work with preschoolers in patriotic education). M., ed. Scriptorium 2003,2008

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1 Objectives: to acquaint with the symbols of the Russian state: flag, coat of arms, anthem. to form a respectful attitude towards the culture of their native country, to create an emotionally positive basis for the development of patriotic

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Albina Babasheva
Synopsis of the lesson on civil-patriotic education of children in the senior group "We are Russians"

Abstract on civil-patriotic education of children in the senior group: Compiled by: teacher of the Kindergarten No. 25, Kirishi, Babasheva A. Ya.

Topic: "We are Russians"

purpose: To systematize and generalize children's knowledge about Russia, and develop them in the process of joint activities.


1. Educational:

To acquaint children with the state symbols of Russia (flag, coat of arms, anthem, with the symbolic meaning of the colors of the state flag of Russia;

2. Developing:

Continue to develop grammatically correct speech patterns by answering questions with a full, detailed sentence.

Develop cognitive processes: perception, memory, attention, imagination.

To develop children's independence and initiative, friendly relations and cooperation with peers.

3. Educational:

To foster patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland, respect for state symbols;

4. Correctional:

Development of fine motor skills of the hand with the help of finger gymnastics;

Integration of educational areas:

1. Cognitive development (dominant area).

2. Speech development.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing.)

4. Physical development.

Preliminary work:

Creation of a civic education corner; conducting cognitive lessons on getting acquainted with the flag, coat of arms of Russia;

Friendship conversations;

Reading fiction, N. Vinogradov "My country is Russia", proverbs and sayings about the Motherland;

Examination of illustrations depicting Moscow - the capital of Russia, postcards with views of different cities of Russia, photographs and albums of native nature (plants, animals and trees);

Listening to audio recording of the Russian anthem.

Manuals and materials: geographic map of Russia, globe, flag of Russia;

handout: album sheets, colored watercolor crayons.

Vocabulary work: Russians, symbols, peace-loving people, two-headed eagle, staff, George the Victorious.

Course of classes.

The teacher invites children to consider a set of demonstration material of the State Symbols of Russia.

The educator (makes) a riddle about the Motherland;

You were born and live here

You leave, you miss.

What's the name of this place

You know? (Motherland.) (Children's answers.)

The teacher draws the children's attention to the blackboard where the geographical map of Russia hangs and invites them to consider it.

Educator. Today, guys, we will talk about our great beautiful Motherland. There are many wonderful countries on earth, people live everywhere, but Russia is the only, extraordinary country, because it is our Motherland.

Who knows where our country is located on the map? (children's answers, if they find it difficult, help is needed).

What do you think Homeland is? (children's answers.)

Educator. Motherland means native, like mother and father. Homeland is the place where we were born; the country in which we live. Each person has one homeland.

The teacher and children read a poem:

"Our Motherland is Big", V. A. Stepanov.

If long-long-long

Fly us on the plane

If long-long-long

We look at Russia,

Then we'll see

And forests and cities

Ocean expanses

Ribbons of rivers, lakes, mountains….

We will see a distance without an edge

Tundra where spring rings

And then we will understand what

Our homeland is big

An immense country.

Educator. Guys, who remembered the name of the country in which you and I live? (children's answers.) Russia.

Educator. That's right, then we are Russians.

Educator. Guys, who remembers what the distinguishing mark of the state is? (children's answers).

Each country has its own flag, coat of arms and anthem. They are state symbols.

The coat of arms is a distinctive sign of the state.

He is depicted on flags, seals, coins and important documents.

Using ICT (projector, laptop).

Task number 1. (slide number 1)

And now I propose to find our Russian coat of arms among the coats of arms of other countries. Indicate its location. (The first is on the left, in the bottom row).

What is depicted on our coat of arms? (a golden double-headed eagle with a scepter and orb, George the Victorious is depicted on the shield, he hits the snake with a spear).

The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds.

Children pay attention to the melody and remember it.

Guys, let's remember, what is this melody, song? (children's answers).

Before the start of festive events, competitions, games, the main song of the country sounds. This is the Anthem and should be listened to while standing, silently, showing respect. I ask everyone to stand up.

After the anthem, together with the children, we consider the state. Flag.


And now the task for quick wits. Use of ICT. Slide number 2.

I suggest you choose the Russian flag on the slide among the different flags, determine its position (children's answers).

The Russian flag is a symbol of the valor and honor of the Russian people.

Where can you see the Russian flag? (on government buildings, ships, airplanes, residential buildings on public holidays).

The State Flag must not touch the ground, it must not be turned over, it must be treated with respect. Our State Flag has three equal stripes: (white, blue and red).

Remember what the white flag means? (peace and purity of conscience).

What does the blue flag mean? (loyalty and truth).

What does the red flag mean? (courage and courage).

Dynamic pause... Guys, let's remember the game we learned yesterday. Who remembers?

“We are the Russians.” (Finger game)

Wonderful city, ancient city,

You fit into your ends

(clap, cam)

And the townships and villages,

Both chambers and palaces ...

On your old churches

Trees were growing.

(alternately bend your fingers)

The eyes will not catch the long streets ...

This is Mother Moscow.

(bend, unbend fingers)

Lesson summary:

Guys, I suggest you play a game, I will say a sentence, and you finish it.

Our country is called…. Russia.

Russian citizens are called…. Russians.

The capital of Russia is a city…. Moscow.

The most famous river in Russia…. Volga.

Educator: Guys, I propose to hang the Russian flag and the Russian anthem in the locker room. Who wants to help me? (children's answers). Then let me print the text of the anthem, and you will draw the flag! (children's answers). (answers and suggestions of children). Children can invite everyone to draw a flag, or teamwork.

(children draw with pastel crayons).

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