Construct a lesson in technical design in a kindergarten for children of the older group. Construct design nodes in the second junior group Construct design lesson publication

Abstract of direct educational activities for the design of "House for a dog" from a LEGO-constructor in the middle group

Educator of the highest category: Plotnikova Anna Evgenievna
MKDOU combined type No. 2 "Birch" of the city of Kataysk, Kurgan region

Material Description: Synopsis of directly educational activities for children of the middle group "House for a dog". The material will be useful for preschool teachers. This is a summary of a lesson on construction from a LEGO constructor for preschoolers 4-5 years old.
Purpose: Teach children individual and collaborative design.
Software content: Learn to build according to the proposed instructions, taking into account the ways of fastening parts; transfer the features of objects by means of the LEGO constructor;
- to consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding details, their properties; determine the purpose of parts of objects, their spatial arrangement; choose the correct sequence of actions;
- to form in children a stable interest in constructive activity; desire to experiment, create, invent;
- to develop attention, ability to concentrate, memory, logical thinking; small muscles of the hands (motor skills);
- to develop the ability to analyze, highlighting the characteristic features of the subject, functional parts; establish a connection between their purpose and structure; continue to teach correctly and quickly navigate in space;
- to consolidate mathematical knowledge about shape, proportion, symmetry;
- to cultivate a careful attitude towards animals, respect for their own and other people's work.
1. Pictures and toys of different breeds of dogs; images of the kennel.
2. Baskets with LEGO parts;
3. Ready-made construction of a kennel for a dog;
4. Tape recorder or PC: audio recording: "Barking of a dog", children's song "A man is a friend to a dog".
Preliminary preparation:
1. Watching cartoons, presentations about dogs, peculiarities of their life;
2. Reading literature, looking at illustrations about dogs.

GCD move:

1. Introductory part.
- Hello guys. Please tell me do you have any friends? (Yes)
- What is friendship?
- Of course, without friends our life would be boring and not interesting, we would have no one to play with, share toys, tell secrets, come up with various interesting stories. Listen to the poem "About friendship":
The breeze is friends with the sun
And the dew is with the grass.
A flower is friends with a butterfly,

We are friends with you.
Everything with friends in half
We are happy to share!
Only quarrel with friends
- Guys, we can be friends not only with children from kindergarten. Who else can we be friends with? Who else is called a man's friend? (children's answers)
- Right. A dog is man's most devoted friend. She will never fail or betray. She guards a person's dwelling.
- Look at the pictures of the dogs. They are all so different. What breeds of dogs do you know? (dachshund, poodle, mongrel, shepherd)
- Listen, who came to visit us? (dogs barking) Yes, these are our four-legged friends! Take your favorite and we will go for a walk. (Children move around the group to the children's song "Man is a friend to the dog" (verse 1) and repeat the movements after the teacher, according to the text)
- How nice we walked with our pets. Have a seat. Only our favorites were sad. What do you think happened (children's assumptions: hungry, tired).
- And what happened you will find out if you guess the riddle:
There is a house in the yard -
The master is on the chain.
(dog house, kennel)
- That's what happened, they don't have a home. What is the name of the place where dogs live? (kennel)

2. The main part.
- I think we can help our faithful friends. We will make such a kennel for them. And we will build it from the LEGO-constructor. Let's take a look at the dog house. What are the main parts of it? (base, kennel itself, roof).
- What is the shape at the base of the house? (rectangular)
- Look at what figure the house itself looks like? (per square)
- What shape does the roof look like? (per triangle)
- What else must be done so that the dog can get into its cozy home? (entrance)
- What about the size of these parts? Where are we going to use the biggest LEGO parts? (The biggest kit we use at the base of the kennel)
- What are the details of the kennel itself? (from medium and small parts of the constructor)
- What parts of the constructor do we need for the roof? (triangular parts)
- Right. We use the largest parts of the constructor to build the base for the kennel; medium and small for building the kennel itself; we will complete our construction with triangular details, making a roof out of them.
And what color is the dog's kennel? (brown, yellow, green)
- Of course, because the owner can paint with any paint he wants. The roof can be painted in a completely different color.
Now, before starting work, we will warm our pens.
Finger gymnastics "House for a puppy"
I will build a house for the puppy. (Raise your arms above your head with a house)
And the window will be in it. (Connect the thumbs and forefingers of both hands to make a rectangle)
So that a beautiful entrance to it. (Turn your palms towards you and close your side ribs, straightening all your fingers)
The fence around will stand (Place your hands in front of you in a ring, connecting your fingers)
And the dog will guard everything (They put their palms together, bent their index fingers, protruded their thumbs ("ears"), showed the opening mouth of the "doggie" with their little fingers (that is, they depicted a "doggie"))

3. The practical part.
- Now let's get to work. We start by building the base from the largest parts, apply it evenly to each other with the long side. Now we will build the walls near the kennel on either side of the middle parts, put them on top of each other. The number of parts must be the same on both sides. Attach the back wall of the kennel with the same number of parts as the side walls. And we will build the entrance from the smallest details, attaching them to the side walls of our house. It remains to build a roof from triangular parts, connecting them with each other on the side so that the right angle looks up.
- Those who have assembled a kennel for their puppy can help the rest. Or lay out a rug in front of the kennel from additional LEGO constructor parts.

4. The final part.
- All the guys have completed the construction of a house for their four-legged friend. We proceed to the settlement of our pets. (children sit their dogs near their kennel)
See what wonderful houses we have made for our friends. Whose house you liked better. Why? Whose do you want? Why?
Who remembers the name of the dog house? (kennel).
What material did we use for the construction? (LEGO constructor)
Did you like our lesson? What's the most? What new and interesting things did you learn in the lesson?
Well done! You did a great job, I liked the way you answered me. Our lesson has come to an end. Thanks to all.

Anna Maksimovna
Construct "Teremok" for construction for children 5-6 years old


organization of continuous educational activities

Group: senior (5-6 years old)

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development"

Kind of activity: cognitive, productive, playful, communicative, motor

Forms: subgroup, individual

Topic: « Teremok»

GCD type: travel game

Planned result:

Children are showing;

Children are showing;

Children demonstrate skill design

purpose: promote the development of children design skills

Tasks of joint cognitive and research activities Tasks taking into account the individual characteristics of the pupils of the group


Educate interest in constructive activity.

Educate children desire to come to the aid of those who need it




Exercise in the ability to lay out Dienesh blocks according to the scheme; Vasily - to promote active involvement in joint activities.

Alice - the development of strong-willed personality traits.

Educational and methodical kit.

1. Childhood: Approximate educational program of preschool education / T. I. Babaeva, A. G. Gogoberidze, O. V. Solntseva and others. SPb .: LLC PUBLISHING "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2014.

2. Federal state educational standard of preschool education. / Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, order of October 17, 2013 N 1155.

3. L. V. Kutsakova. " Construction and manual labor in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations. For children 2-7 years old" / Library "Education and training programs in kindergarten" under the general editorship of M.A.Vasilyeva, V.V.Gerbova, T.S.Komarova

Principles of early childhood education (FSES DO).

The construction of educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of education.

Assistance and cooperation children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) educational relations.

Initiative support children in various activities.

Formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities.

Age adequacy of preschool education (compliance with conditions, requirements, methods of age and developmental characteristics).

Parenting principles: the formation of a personal style of relationships with peers and a teacher, the creation of a positive emotional background and an atmosphere of emotional uplift, education through interaction.

Learning principles: the principle of accessibility, visibility, systematicity and consistency, the principle of scientific character, activity, activity.

Parenting methods: conversation, encouragement, game situation.

Teaching methods: conversation, demonstration, show, exercise, instruction.

Equipment: pictures with actions from a fairy tale « Teremok» , Lego- constructor, Gienes blocks, a diagram of a train from Gienes blocks, an image and figures of heroes from a fairy tale « Teremok» , letter, envelope.

1. Motivation for joint activities

A task:

to interest children for the upcoming activities. Conversation,

Emotional stimulation

The teacher invites the children to sit on the chairs set in a semicircle on the carpet.

Guys, this morning, when I came to our group, there was an envelope on my table. What do you think might be in this envelope? Feel it and think, and then tell me your assumptions.

The teacher brings an envelope to each child and lets him touch it. After the answers children the educator puts forward his assumption.

I think there is a letter in this envelope. Let's find out, open the envelope!

Children listen to the teacher, put forward their assumptions, answer questions. Children interested in forthcoming joint activities.

2. The main stage.

A task:

Educate children desire to come to the aid of those who need it

2.1. Play exercise "Train of geometric shapes".


Exercise in distinguishing and naming the main geometric shapes;

Exercise in the ability to lay out Dienesh blocks according to the scheme;

Physical training "Train"

A task: relieve muscle tension Conversation,

game situation


The teacher places on the board 2 cards depicting actions that took place in a Russian folk tale « Teremok»

Guys, look what beautiful pictures! What is depicted on them? What's going on in the pictures? Guys, these pictures are from one very interesting fairy tale... What do you think they are from?

That's right, the tale is called « Teremok»

And here is the letter! Oh, guys, the heroes of this fairy tale are writing to us, they ask for our help! Big clumsy bear climbed teremok and broke it, now the heroes of the tale have nowhere to live! How we can help the heroes of this fairy tale!

That's right, we can build them a new one teremok! They ask us to come to visit them, to their magical land "Story" and help them build a new teremok... But what are we going to build it from?

Right from constructor!

What do you think we can use to travel to this magical land? I suggest you go to the country "Skazu" by train, but you will need to build it first.

An image of a train appears on the TV screen.

What does the train consist of? The train consists of a driver's cab, from this cab the driver controls his train. The train also has wagons. See what's on your tables? These are the Gienesh blocks. Do you think these blocks will work construct a train.

Children sit at tables

Guys, look, I have a scheme according to which we can construct a train! Look carefully. What geometric shapes does the driver's cab consist of? Correctly from a square and a rectangle. What color rectangle? And the square? What geometric shape do we put in first? Right, rectangle, and what shape we put on the rectangle, right, square. What geometric shapes are the cars made of? That's right, from rectangles! Lay them out one after another, as shown in our diagram.

Well done, you did it, now get up one after the other, we go to a magical land, to help the heroes of the fairy tale « Teremok» .

The teacher includes a composition "Train sounds" and together with the children imitate the movement of the train. Children listen to the teacher, answer questions, and complete the task.

Children lay out Dienes blocks according to the diagram

Children imitate train movements Children show a desire to come to the aid of those who need it;

Children demonstrate skill in distinguishing and naming basic geometric shapes

Children demonstrate the ability to lay out Dienesh blocks according to the scheme;

The children rested, relaxed, prepared to continue their joint activities.

2.2. Play exercise "Building a house".


Form the ability to create collective buildings and beat them;

Develop imagination, skill design an image of a familiar object based on an existing sample.

To develop the ability to independently select the necessary parts in size, shape, color, and combine them.

2.3 Play exercise "Aircraft"

A task:

Teach ease of movement, act on a signal, follow the rules of the game Conversation, demonstration, instruction, exercise. The teacher invites the children to sit on the carpet, where it already lies constructor... Heroes of a fairy tale are depicted on the TV screen « Teremok» .

Guys, look, here we are in a magical land "Story"

And here we are met by the heroes of this fairy tale. Who remembers their names.

Well done! Here comes the broken one teremok.

Look, I have two samples of the new teremka... Which one do you think teremkov more suitable for the heroes of this tale? This little one teremok or this big teremok? What parts does the house consist of? What is the name of the profession of people who build houses? That's right, these are builders. Now we will be like real builders to build a new one teremok.

I agree with you, since there are many heroes of the fairy tale, then they need a big house, look carefully what color of Lego bricks are at the very bottom? This will be the foundation of our house.

The teacher can conduct a speech game "Building a house", or simply repeat the names of the parts of the house with the children.

The teacher, together with the children, lays out the first level of details.

What color would you like the Lego brick on the second level? And what color will our walls be teremka? How are we going to build walls? Overlapping connection method.

The teacher demonstrates the method of overlapping parts.

Guys, now you can continue building the house. Lay out the second level of parts, and connect them tightly. In order to make our teremka door and windowWhat Lego Bricks Do We Need? Correctly single.

What color is there will be a roof? How are we going to lay out the roof? Right, for the roof, we can use a stepped arrangement of parts. Do you remember how this method of connecting bricks is performed? Then start building.

The teacher together with the children creates teremok.

That's how lovely we got a teremok! Do you guys like it? And now let us populate it with a mouse, a frog, a frog ....

Guys, heroes of a fairy tale « Teremok» We are very grateful to you, now they have their own roomy and comfortable home. but it's time for us to return back to the group.

Would you like to know how we will return with you back? Then guess the riddle.

Silver in the clear sky

An amazing bird.

I flew to distant countries,

This bird is of their metal.

Makes a flight

Miracle bird ... (plane)

That's right, it's a plane! Let's imagine that we are planes, when I show you green, the planes take off, and when I show you red, the planes are landing. Now let's spread our arms to the side and fly.

The teacher, together with the children, imitates the movement of an airplane, to music.

Children listen to the teacher, answer questions, and take an active part in the construction.

Children guess the trick, accept and understand the rules of the game Children demonstrate skill design an image of a familiar object based on an existing sample.

Children demonstrate the ability to create collective buildings and beat them;

Children demonstrate the ability to independently select the necessary details in size, shape, color, and combine them.

Children demonstrate the ability to act on a signal, to follow the rules of the game.

3. Summing up the OD results.

A task: Help children formulate an OA conclusion. Conversation,

encouragement Caregiver invites children stand in a circle.

You are all great! Guys, let's remember what we did today? Which fairy tale heroes did we help? How did we help them? What we designed first? What are we designed a train? And from what designed the teremok?

Do you think we succeeded?

Was it difficult or easy for you? Children listen, answer the teacher's questions. The children jointly formulated the conclusion of OA.

4. Openness

A task:

orient children on independent activity in regime moments. Conversation, demonstration.

Guys, so that the heroes of the fairy tale « Teremok» it was more convenient to live in teremkewhat kind of furniture we can design for them?

The teacher takes out a box with cubes and constructor.

Guys, look, I have these cubes, and if you want, you can build furniture from them.

And our lesson has come to an end. Children listen to the teacher, answer questions. Children are focused on independent activity in regime moments.

Current page: 1 (the book has 3 pages in total) [available passage for reading: 1 pages]


100% +

Lyudmila Viktorovna Kutsakova

Classes in designing from building materials in the senior group of the kindergarten. Lesson notes

Library "Programs of education and training in kindergarten" under the general editorship of M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova

Lyudmila Viktorovna Kutsakova -highly qualified teacher-methodologist, senior lecturer of the institute, excellent student of education, laureate of the international competition "School 2000", author of more than 20 methodological manuals devoted to the problems of artistic, aesthetic, intellectual and moral education of children.


Designing from building materials and constructors fully meets the interests of children, their abilities and capabilities, since it is exclusively a child's activity. Consequently, thanks to her, the child especially quickly improves in skills and abilities, in mental and aesthetic development. It is known that fine motor skills of the hands are connected with the centers of speech, which means that a child who is advanced in construction develops speech faster. Dexterous, precise hand movements enable him to master the writing technique faster and better.

The child is a born designer, inventor and researcher. These inclinations laid down by nature are especially quickly realized and improved in design, because the child has an unlimited opportunity to invent and create his own buildings, structures, while showing curiosity, ingenuity, ingenuity and creativity.

The child learns from experience the constructive properties of parts, the possibilities of their fastening, combination, design. At the same time, as a designer, he creates, knowing the laws of harmony and beauty. Children who are fond of design are distinguished by rich imagination and imagination, an active desire for creative activity, a desire to experiment, invent; they have developed spatial, logical, mathematical, associative thinking, memory, which is the basis of intellectual development and an indicator of the child's readiness for school.

Currently, specialists in the field of pedagogy and psychology pay special attention to child construction. It is no coincidence that in modern preschool education programs this activity is considered one of the leading ones.

The proposed methodological guide will help teachers and parents in organizing work with preschoolers using new technologies. It organically includes a variety of cognitive and developmental material (for the development of spatial orientation, for teaching the construction of diagrams, plans, drawings; the formation of elementary geographical, astronomical and other representations, as well as entertaining games and exercises aimed at developing and correcting children's skills).

When developing this material, research was used by N.N. Poddyakov, L.I. Paramonova, A.L. Venger, A.N.Davidchuk, O. M. Dyachenko, V.V. Kholmovskaya, and others.

The material was tested in preschool educational institutions No. 32, 1415, 1039, 1268 and other preschool educational institutions in Moscow and is a technology for the "Design and manual labor" program recommended by the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation (1998)

When organizing work with children, consider their abilities and capabilities. The proposed system of classes is designed for an academic year. Each topic can be implemented within a month in specially organized classes and in their free time. Tasks can be varied, include tasks from game tasks in classes; to reduce, transferring to free activity; spend in parts during the day or several days or use for the lesson all the time allotted for all activities on a certain day of the week, transferring, for example, manual labor, drawing, application to another day.

The assignments are built taking into account the constant change of activity, are saturated with play techniques and other entertaining moments, therefore, they exclude overwork of children. One lesson per month is conducted frontally. Game tasks usually have a subgroup form of organization.

Lesson notes

Topic 1. Home

Purpose.Clarify children's ideas about construction details, details of designers; methods of connection, properties of parts and structures (tall structures must have stable bases); exercise in plane modeling, in joint design; develop creativity, independence, initiative, design skills; the ability to reason, make independent conclusions, find your own solutions; to acquaint with the concepts of "balance", "gravity", "map", "plan", "compass", with the idea of \u200b\u200brelativity of spatial directions; develop skills in spatial orientation.

Material.Scissors, felt-tip pens, envelopes, building material, basic set "Lego-Dakta" (or any other appropriate for the age of children).

Working process

Working with the illustration "Map of Formandia".Introduce the children into the play situation: “This is a card. We are sailing to Formador Island, where Formandia is located. The capital of the country is the city of Formadonia. " Invite the children to tell what is shown on the map (fig. 1); how many cities, rivers, lakes, railways in the country. Let the children name them. Draw their attention to the compass, explain how it works (how do not turn the compass, always the blue arrow points to the north, and the red to the south).

Have the children find the North, South, West, and East sides on the island, and then determine the directions between them: Southwest, Southeast, Northeast, Northwest. Ask what they see in the North of the island, in the Southwest, etc. Suggest that they choose any of the paths to get to the capital of Formadonia (by river, by boat, by train, by hiking trail, by plane). Have the children mark their path on the map with a felt-tip pen.

Figure: 1

Working with the illustration "Inhabitants of Formadonia".Introduce the children to the residents of the capital - Formadonians, tell us what they do (Fig. 2, 3, 4).

Educator. Who and what is carrying in front of him? Who is carrying what and what? Who is holding the ring with which hand? Who fell and which side did it get dirty? Which side is it on? Who is calling the phone and in which hand is he holding the receiver? Who descends from where and over whom? How is the Cube depicted in relation to us? Who carries what and how? At whom and where does the stream of water hit? Where is someone sitting? Which hand is the washcloth in? Where is he jumping? What are the jumps called? Who is sitting on the bench and how? What are the jumps called? Which ear hurts? Which side of the Pyramid has a heart? Which cheek and whom did they kiss? Who is beyond the river? Who is near the river? Who is going which way? What does he see to his right, to his left?

Figure: 2

Figure: 3

Figure: 4

Invite the children to help the residents of Formadonia design and build beautiful, comfortable homes.

Working with illustration.Find illustrations of different houses. Consider them different with children; analyze what parts the foundation, walls, roofs, superstructures are built from; number of storeys, number of windows, porches, decoration of houses, etc.

Working with the illustration "Geometric Shapes".Encourage the children to cut out geometric shapes (Figure 5) and model the facades of houses from them, and then build houses from building material. Pay the attention of children to the fact that the houses should be voluminous, that three more walls must be attached to the facades and roofs must be built.

At the end of the construction, analyze the children's buildings, compare them with plane models; pay attention to the guys how beautiful the town is; offer to decorate buildings with additional materials (trees, flowers, etc.) and play. Remember to invite the children to put geometric shapes in their envelopes for future reference.

Organize the construction of various houses from the "L e-D act" constructors. Encourage the children to build according to the conditions: "Build a three-story house with an entrance on the right, with balconies, with a turret on the roof." If necessary, explain, show how to design, give advice on improving designs. Encourage experimentation.

Figure: five

Game tasks

Exercise children in construction from building materials and constructors using independently created plane models, according to ready-made drawings, diagrams, drawings.

Exercise children in self-analysis of buildings and their images; in establishing the dependence of buildings on the functional purpose, the stability of structures on their shape and the ratio of heavy and light parts. Form an idea that the spatial relationships of parts of buildings do not depend on their position on the plane, for example: "Build the same house (a drawing is proposed), but turn it with a facade towards this fountain."

Construction of buildings of ancient and modern architecture. Acquaintance with the concept of "plan" (plan is a top view). Making plans and constructing buildings according to them ("Territory of a kindergarten", "Sports complex", "Park", etc.).

Interior design ("Theater", "Circus", "Supermarket", "Apartment", "Office", etc.).

Tips for the educator

Exercise the children in making plans. Give the idea that the plan is an image from above (as if from an airplane); that it is usually customary to make plans with dashed lines (do not paint), do not depict small details (pipes on roofs), but show only those parts that structures occupy on the surface. The easiest way to lead children to building plans is through modeling with geometric shapes (children lay them out, combining them on the surface of the sheet and designating: this is a pool, this is a flower bed, etc.; then they circle them with felt-tip pens and remove). Children will quickly learn to do without shapes and draw by eye. Building plans exercises in planning your activities, the ability to organize space for it.

Game "Take the details". Invite the children to look at the illustration (Fig. 6) with diagrams of structures. The upper part of the figure shows the building parts that are used to construct them (each in one copy). Invite the children to select the necessary parts according to the drawing (4–5 pieces of each type) and model, laying out images from the parts, starting with the simplest diagrams shown in the first row.

Game "Towers". Construction of high towers from Lego-Dakta designers, etc. Ask the children: “Why do the towers fall? How can we make them more sustainable? "


Superstructure, overlap, balance, map, plan, diagram, compass, direction.

Figure: 6

Topic 2. Machines

Purpose.Form children's ideas about various machines, their functional purpose, structure; exercise in plane modeling, in the ability to independently build elementary circuits from simple building samples and use them in design; to form an idea about wheels and axles, about the ways of their fastening.

Material.Felt-tip pens, scissors, geometric shapes, pencils, erasers, boxes, building material, a set of "Lego-Duplo Tools" or other constructors.

Working process

Working with illustration.Find illustrations that show different machines. Consider them with children, determine their purpose, highlight the dependence of their structure on the method of use.

Encourage the children to design and build the various cars they need for the people of Formandia.

Game "From magic stripes". Invite the children to cut out the proposed strips (Fig. 7), cut them according to the markings and lay out various cars from the resulting figures (first according to the proposed dissected ones, then according to the contour schemes, and then come up with their own models) (Fig. 8, 9, 10). At the end of the game, invite the children to put the pieces into boxes.

Figure: 7

Figure: 8

Figure: nine

Figure: ten

Invite the children to create car diagrams from building samples. Build 3-4 variants of simple machines and invite the children to lay out their images (side view) from geometric shapes, and then circle the shapes to get an undivided (contour) diagram of the car.

Invite the children to come up with and draw on the computer screen (Fig. 11), cell by cell, dismembered diagrams of machines, and then construct modeled machines from building material. Analyze the buildings in terms of their similarity to the schemes.

Figure: eleven

Offer children constructors to design cars and give the opportunity to apply existing knowledge and ideas about vehicles in their work. Let the kids design their own cars.

Organize construction on the topics "Sports cars", "For playing racing". Give the children the opportunity to demonstrate their designs in action, tell about them.

Game tasks

Exercise children in the construction of various machines from building materials and constructors; in the transformation of buildings according to the conditions ("Rebuild the car into a panel truck (fuel truck, a car for transporting timber, pipes, etc.)", "Build a car for transporting furniture (containers, blocks, etc. cargo", "Build the same car as on this drawing, but so that it goes in the opposite direction (to the corner of the table, from you, to you, etc.) ") Exercise the children in preliminary sketching of cars before constructing them.

Game "What has changed?" Encourage the children to look closely at the constructed machine, then close their eyes or turn away. Make a minor transformation in the building and ask the guys to guess what has changed in it.

Game "What happened?" Each child builds any model from the constructor. Then all the children guess who succeeded and where it can be applied.

Game "Finish the construction". One child begins to assemble the model, hands it over to another child, who continues assembling, and so on. Then the children discuss what happened. Children can play in pairs and groups.


Modeling, contour diagram, exploded diagram.

Topic 3. Airplanes, helicopters, rockets, space stations

Purpose.Expand children's ideas about various aircraft, their purpose (passenger, military, sports, research, cargo, etc.); to form generalized ideas about these types of equipment; develop design skills; exercise in creating schemes for future buildings; develop spatial thinking, the ability to make inferences; to form a critical attitude to their actions, the desire to correct their mistakes.

Material.Geometric shapes, felt-tip pens, pencils, erasers, building materials, Lego-Duplo, Lego-Dakta construction sets.

Working process

Working with illustration.Pick up illustrations that show different aircraft. Review and analyze them with children. Invite them to design different planes, helicopters, rockets, space stations for the Formanders.

Working with the illustration "Aircraft".Give the children an assignment in plane modeling from geometric shapes. First, children simulate flying machines according to the proposed schemes (Fig. 12), then they come up with their own models.

Working with the illustration "Spaceships and stations".Consider with the children images of spaceships and stations (Fig. 13), ask: “How many spaceships and stations are shown in the picture? Find the same ones. Show stations that have the same noses. "

Figure: 12

Invite the children to design and model various spaceships and stations from geometric shapes.

Game "Let's play with the computer". Ask the children to draw a diagram of the future designs of aircraft (cell by cell) according to the presentation (Fig. 11). (Training in building graphic models can be organized on real computers.) Invite them to select any building materials and constructors for implementation in the design of their ideas.

Figure: 13

At the end of the work, analyze the buildings from the point of view of similarity with the "design projects". Have the children demonstrate their buildings and talk about how they built them; come up with stories about them.

Game tasks

Develop children's modeling and construction abilities; exercise in building plans, diagrams, drawings for construction;

foster the development of experimentation and invention; train children in the construction of aircraft from drawings, drawings, diagrams, photographs, toys; in joint design ("Aerodrome", "Cosmodrome"), in the ability to build according to the conditions ("Build a rocket on which you can put a load into orbit of a space station, and load the load onto it").

Game "Let's play with the computer". Invite the children to build a drawing of the fence for the cosmodrome using a "computer" (Fig. 11) (or a real computer) (children should erase the previous image and split the screen in half - horizontally - with a line).

Build some railings on the table (fig. 14). Have the children choose any fence and draw on the computer screen (cell by cell) a front view of the building (bottom) and a top view (top).

The game "Fold the figure". Invite the children to cut out any geometric shape and cut it into several pieces of different sizes and shapes. Then the children again assemble the original figure from the parts, disassemble it again and start creating various images from the figures. Give the children the opportunity to establish patterns on their own: the more parts, the more difficult it is to fold the original figure, but you can come up with more images. Complicate the task by asking the children to swap shapes.

Game "Build the same". One child builds an airplane model from a construction set, demonstrates it, and then hides it. The rest of the children reproduce the model.


Drawing, front view, top view.

Figure: fourteen

Topic 4. Robots

Purpose.Exercise children in creating diagrams and drawings (in three projections); in modeling and design from building materials and details of designers; develop imagination, attention, ingenuity, a desire for experimentation, intelligence; the ability to build conclusions based on their experience and common sense, attention, concentration; to form ideas about volumetric bodies, their shape, size, quantity.

Material.Geometric shapes, felt-tip pens, pencils, erasers, building materials, constructors.

Working process

Working with illustration.Find illustrations that show different robots. Consider them with children, analyze the structure of robots. Offer to make robots for the Formanders (to help them mentally and physically).

Working with the illustration "Robots".Consider with the children the picture of robots (Fig. 15) and analyze it.

Figure: 15

Educator... What building parts do robot parts look like? How many robots are shown in the picture? Find robots assembled from the same number of parts. Find two identical robots. Show me robots that can (cannot) be built from these parts, and explain why.

Invite the children to model different robots from geometric shapes, laying them out on paper; circle the figures with felt-tip pens and get contour diagrams of robots, then dismember them, concretize them. For children with difficulties, suggest building such a robot out of building material and making a drawing from this sample of the building.

Tips for the educator

Collect children's artwork and design them into the Plane Modeling Manual "Robots". Offer it to children to play with.

Game "Let's play with the computer". Invite the children to make a drawing of a robot from an axonometric drawing (Fig. 16): “Look at the image, analyze it. Draw its front view in the lower left square of the screen, side view in the upper left, top view in the upper right. " Invite them to choose a building material or constructors and construct robots according to their design.

Figure: sixteen

Figure: 17

When analyzing children's work, pay attention to the originality of the solutions and what functions the depicted robots can perform.

Game tasks

Develop the design skills of children and the qualities necessary for practical activity, which is the basis of intellectual development (satisfaction from mental activity, the desire to complete tasks of a cognitive nature, creative activity). Exercise children in constructing from building kits, Lego constructors, etc. according to the concept, according to the conditions, by themes ("Space station", "Planet Venus"), according to ready-made plans, drawings, drawings, diagrams; in independent construction of objects, construction according to the conditions ("Build a robot that looks like a man (like a dog, a spider, Miracle Yudo, etc.)"), assembly of structures based on images of volumetric models. Exercise in building analysis; clarify children's ideas about geometric shapes and bodies.

Working with illustration.Consider the models with the children (Fig. 17), analyze, offer to build buildings on them, advise you to start with the simplest models shown in the first row.

Working with the illustration "Building details".Children paint the details with pencils in different colors (fig. 18).

Educator... Consider the building parts shown in the picture, find and name the parts of the same shape. Find parts that are the same in shape, color, size. Show details that are the same shape but differently located. Find parts that are the same in shape and size. Show the parts that are shown in a position that they cannot stand on the table.

Figure: 18

Game "Let's play with the computer". The illustration (fig. 19) shows different polygons.

Educator. Examine and count the shapes. Why are these shapes called polygons? How many angles does this polygon have? Show a shape with more corners than other shapes. Find a polygon with an inward angle. Draw a shape that has three corners (four corners, no corners).

Draw the children’s attention to three shapes with thick lines at the corners. Ask: "Same angles or different?" Offer to draw such angles and remember which angle is called right (acute, obtuse). Draw a diamond shape. Pay attention to the children that this geometric shape has two obtuse and two sharp corners.

Game "Think of a robot". Invite the children to think of and draw robots using all the geometric shapes they know.

Game "Build a robot from memory". One child constructs a robot from a construction set, offers to examine it for 1 minute, then hides it. The rest of the children must assemble the same robot.


Side view, 3D model, polygon, rhombus; straight, acute, obtuse angle.

Attention! This is an introductory excerpt from the book.

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Technical design lesson on the topic: "Sandbox" for children of the older group

Organization form: subgroup;
Visual: technological map of assembly of the "Sandbox" model;
Multimedia: cartoon Luntik 12 series - "Mila";
Literary: riddle;
Handout: container with constructor parts;
Used constructor: Lego Duplo;
purpose: independently construct a volumetric static model of a sandbox using a technological map;
Educational: to consolidate the ability to assemble a static model for those. a map in the process of constructing a sandbox;
Developing: to develop visual-effective thinking by constructing a static model according to a technological map; develop fine motor skills, speech to express your thoughts and build a speech utterance in communication situations;
Educational: foster a sense of mutual help, accuracy and independence, with the joint construction of a structure.
1. Motivational stage:
- Guys, do you like to watch cartoons?
- I suggest you watch the cartoon. And in order to find out what it is called, you need to guess the riddle:
1. “He is so lilac,
He waves his hand cheerfully.
He fell to us from the moon -
Very kind, we know. "
2. "What a girl this is
Does she wear a red dress?
Braids up like arrows.
The voice is beautiful. "
- Right, guys. Riddles have been solved. Our cartoon is called "Luntik", and the series is called "Mila", about which we will watch our cartoon
- How should you watch a cartoon? That's right, you need to look carefully, without distracting others.
Viewing m / f “Luntik. 12 series. Mila "
2. Search, problem solving, tasks
- Guys, now let's get a little warmed up. Let's go all the way to the carpet, and repeat the movements behind me.
physical minutes
“Like our guys
Legs knock merrily
Top - top, top - top!
And the legs are tired
Clap our palms
Clap - clap, clap - clap!
Are our legs tired?
Let's sit for a while! "
- Guys, tell me, why do you think Vupsen and Pupsen broke the Easter cakes that Mila made?
- Where did Mila make sand cakes?
- What is meant to play with sand? Do Luntik and his friends have it?
- What does the sandbox consist of?
- Maybe the roof of the sandbox? What is it for?
- Would you like to help Mila and Luntik? What can you do for this?
3. Planning activities, joint discussion of the solution to the problem
- That's right, we can design a sandbox for them.
knocking on the door, sending the parcel by courier
- Guys, look, the courier brought us a parcel, will we open it?
opens the parcel, takes out the contents (technological map, letter)
opens the letter, reads:
"Hello guys. This is me - Korney Korneich. Recently I was dismantling my chest, and I found an old, shabby technological map in it, with which you can build a sandbox. But since I live underground, I don't need it at all. Maybe it will be useful to you? "
- Guys, do we need a technological map today?
- Let's see what parts from the Lego Duplo set we need in order to construct the sandbox.
4. Discovery of new knowledge by the child, mastering skills, method of activity
- Are you ready to start the assignments? But first, let's remember the rules for working with the constructor. What shouldn't be done?
- What can you do?
- That's right guys, but remember the main rule: working in a team, you need to be able to negotiate with each other and not argue.
- And now, in order for our hands and fingers to design better, we need to stretch them.
Friendly fingers
“These fingers pinch
(thumb pinches the palm of the other hand)
These fingers are walking
(index and middle "go" on the other hand)
These - love to chat
(middle and unnamed move, rub against each other)
These are a quiet nap
(ring and little finger pressed to the palm)
A big brother with a little finger
They can wash themselves cleanly "
(twist your thumb around your little finger)
- Now we can start designing a sandbox according to the technological map. Remember the rules that we have spoken!
- Well done guys, they designed the sandbox correctly. But next to our sandbox there is absolutely no place to rest and sit.
- What do you think can be done?
- Well done guys, they built everything. See how beautiful the sandbox turned out, next to which there is a bench.
- And how to make it happen to Luntik?
- Let's pack our parcel and send it by courier.
5. Self-control
- Let's remember what details and what color we need today for the design?
- If we got a sandbox, then we did everything correctly? Well done!
6. Reflection, analysis
- Guys, what were we doing today?
- Did you like helping the guys?

7. Openness
- Make up a story of how Luntik and his friends played in the new sandbox!
Tell her.

Software content:

1. Arouse children's interest in the creation of buildings from building material.

2. Consolidate children's knowledge of building details, color.

3. Promote the development of coherent speech during work.

4. Develop imagination, memory, logical thinking.

5. Foster sympathy in children for fairy-tale characters, arouse a desire to help them.

6. Consolidate the rules of conduct in public places.


Construction material;

Pictures of fairy houses;


Toys for playing with buildings;

- sound signal;

Prizes for children.

Course of the lesson:

Children sit on high chairs.


Guys, today the postman brought a letter to our group.

(Shows an envelope)

Who do you think sent it to us?

Children: This is a letter from Carlson.

Educator: Let's read it.

“Dear guys, I invite you to an art gallery for an exhibition. I'll be waiting for you. Carlson "

Guys, do you think we can accept the invitation?

Children: Yes, we want to go to Carlson.

Educator: Great, just first, let's remember how to behave in public places, namely in the gallery.


You cannot talk loudly in the gallery.

- You can't run and jump.

- You can not touch the paintings with your hands.

- Listen carefully to the guide.


Well done! And now let's hit the road.

(Go to the music hall where the exhibition is located)

We stood up one after another. Imagine that you are trailers.

“The locomotive hummed and drove the trailers.

Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu - I'll rock you far! "

We go down the stairs, hold on to the railing with our right hand.

Educator: Guys, look at what beautiful pictures Carlson has prepared for us. Who can tell me what is depicted on them?

Children: The paintings depict fabulous houses.

Educator: Who do you think can live in such houses?

Children: Fairy-tale heroes.

Educator: What is unusual about this house?

Children: This house stands on chicken legs.


Children: This is Baba Yaga's house.

Educator: Who can live in this house?

Children: This is the house of the snowmen.

Educator: What does this house look like?

Children: For the fungus.

Educator: Who can live in this house?

Children: Butterflies live in this house.

Educator: Guys, what do all these houses have in common?

Children: All houses have walls, roof, windows, doors.

Educator: Guys, look what other houses there are. What parts were used in the construction of these houses?

Children: During the construction of these houses, bricks, cubes, and bars were used.

Educator: Who knows what these parts are called?

- This is a plate - used for overlapping;

- Triangular prism - used in roof construction.

Educator: And where is Carlson himself, otherwise he invited us, but he himself does not meet.

(Buzzing is heard, Carlson appears)

Carlson: Hello guys, I am very glad that you came to me.

(Speaks sadly)

These pictures were sent to me by Cheburashka. They depict the houses of his friends. And I'm a man in my prime, I'm forty years old, but I still live on the roof, and I don't have my own house. And my friends don't have their own houses either, but they want to learn how to build them. I don’t know who can help us?

Educator: Carlson, we can help you and your friends. Invite your friends. Guys, can we help Carlson?

Children: Yes.

Educator: And now I invite you to the creative workshop.

(Children sit at tables)


Andryusha, who are you going to teach to build a house? (Bear cub)

Dasha, who do you have? (Hippo)

Vika, who are you going to teach? (Kitten)

Guys, each of you has a set of building materials. Show Carlson's friends, and Carlson himself, which houses you can build.

Independent activities of children.

Analysis of works.

Educator: Guys, look what we got. One row of houses and another row of houses. The whole street.

Dasha, how many floors does your house have?

Andrey, what details did you use to build the house?

Vika, what color do you have?

Ksyusha, what color do you have?

Lesson summary:

Guys, what a great day today. We helped Carlson and his friends. Do you know what Carlson has a sweet tooth? He has prepared a sweet treat for you.

Children receive sweet prizes.


MADOU kindergarten №1 "Alyonushka", Asino, Tomsk region, Russia