Shampoos at home. Shampoo for oily hair at home. Purchased shampoos: what's the catch

Shampoo is a must-have hair care product. On store shelves, you can find a huge selection of shampoos for any type of hair, with any smell, effect and composition. But modern shampoos contain many such as SLS, parabens, thickeners, silicones and many others. Therefore, an alternative to purchased jars can be home hair shampoothat are easy to make at home. Homemade shampoos natural and harmless. You yourself choose the ingredients for such a shampoo. Many girls have already experienced all the delights of using homemade shampoo.

There are a lot of homemade shampoo recipes, some are aimed at strengthening hair, others for nutrition, and still others, just cleanse the hair well. But in any case, the variety of recipes is created on the basis of certain components, which we will consider today.

What you need to know about homemade shampoos?

1. Homemade shampoo should be used immediately after preparation. Use only fresh shampoo.
2. You need to get used to homemade shampoo, after once you will hardly like the effect, but when the scalp and hair get used to such a delicate cleansing, the frequency of washing your hair will decrease. It usually takes a month to get used to it.
3. Some homemade shampoos cannot be used all the time.
4. Homemade shampoo may not rinse your hair as perfectly as commercial shampoo, as it does so very gently.

Homemade shampoo recipes

Homemade baking soda shampoo

Not everyone knows that regular baking soda is a great substitute for store-bought shampoo. How does baking soda work on hair?

Soda is an alkali that removes all accumulated oil from the hair. Soda is not a natural product, it is produced chemically, so why is it better than shampoo? The answer is simple - soda is a mild cleaner without any impurities and additives, which are contained in huge quantities in shampoos (thickeners, emulsifiers, preservatives, stabilizers, etc.)

It will take time to completely switch to a baking soda wash. Hair and scalp have to adapt and get used to, so after a single use of baking soda, you may not be happy. To see the result, you must use this method for at least 2 weeks. Many girls who have tried this method on themselves say that now it is enough to wash your head 1-2 times a week, instead of 3-4.

How to wash your hair with baking soda?

Pour 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda with a glass of warm boiled water and stir. We apply the solution to the hair, paying special attention to the scalp. Massage the scalp for 3-5 minutes and wash off with plenty of warm water.

Do I need to use a balm?

If you want to completely abandon purchased products, then after washing your hair should be rinsed with a solution of water and apple cider vinegar. This will make your hair easy to comb and shine. In 1 l. dilute 2 tablespoons of 5% apple cider vinegar with water and rinse your hair after washing. It is important to use NATURAL apple cider vinegar and not a cheap one that does not benefit your hair. Read how to choose natural apple cider vinegar.

Pros of homemade baking soda shampoo:

Fast cooking. Unlike other home shampoos, baking soda shampoo is easy and time-consuming.
- an inexpensive way. One pack of soda will last for a long time.
- soda is safe and does not cause allergies.

Cons of using baking soda:

It will take a long time to get used to it, it will take a month to see a good result and completely abandon shampoo.
- some girls complain that their hair lacks nutrition and becomes dry (but homemade nourishing masks can help with this)
- baking soda does not always wash the hair perfectly.

Homemade Egg Shampoo

Much has been said about the beneficial properties of chicken eggs, they contain useful vitamins and amino acids and are great for hair care. Chicken egg wash is one of the most popular hair washing methods and has received a lot of praise.

It is best to use egg yolk to wash your hair, as it contains all the useful components, and it is more difficult to wash the protein out of the hair. How to wash your hair with an egg?

First, you need to decide how many yolks we need, for short hair 1 will be enough, for long hair 2-3 pcs.

It is quite easy to make a natural do-it-yourself shampoo from an egg. First you need to separate the yolks from the whites. Then you need to get rid of the film that covers the yolk, if this is not done, then the hair will be difficult to rinse. To do this, you can make a small incision and squeeze the yolk out of the film.

Now mix the yolks with a little water (1/4 cup) and beat with a fork or whisk. Apply egg shampoo to wet hair and scalp. Leave the shampoo on the hair for 5-7 minutes, after massaging the scalp. If the hair is badly damaged, then you can keep this shampoo for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse your head with warm water until it is completely transparent.

If your hair is oily, then you can add a little lemon juice to your homemade egg shampoo, and olive oil for dry hair. Also, the egg goes well with essential oils, you can add essential oils depending on the type of hair or the desired effect.

Pros of using homemade egg shampoo

The yolk not only cleanses the hair, but also nourishes it.
- shampoo preparation takes no more than 5 minutes.
- eggs are an affordable product.
- no need to use the balm after washing.
- suitable for all hair types.

Cons of egg shampoo:

Long hair requires a lot of yolks, because of this, this method is not cheap.
- the smell of eggs may remain on the hair, which not everyone likes.
- you need to get used to this method, the first time the yolk may not rinse the hair perfectly.

Homemade bread shampoo

Bread masks are very useful for hair, due to the content in bread of such substances as: manganese, iron, zinc, vitamins B and E. Most often, bread is used as a component of hair masks, but it also acts as a soft scrub, therefore it is suitable for washing hair.

For homemade shampoo, rye or Borodino bread is suitable.

How to wash your hair with bread?

Pour boiling water over a few slices of bread, having previously separated the crust from the bread, and let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Then knead the bread thoroughly so that there are as few crumbs as possible, this can be done with a blender. On damp hair, apply the bread mass, paying special attention to the roots, and massage the scalp. You can leave this shampoo on your hair for 20-30 minutes, then they will also receive nutrition. Then we rinse the hair with clean water, it is not necessary to use a balm.

If you also want to heal your hair, then you can add other useful components to the bread: butter, kefir, sour cream, etc. Also, instead of water, bread can be soaked with a decoction of herbs (nettle, burdock).

If the hair is oily, then the bread mixture may not rinse it, in which case it is best to soak the bread in 1% kefir.

Pros of washing your hair with bread

Bread not only cleanses the hair, but also nourishes the scalp, promotes hair growth, and strengthens the roots.
- thanks to the bread, the hair becomes thicker and stronger.
- this method of washing is suitable for dry hair, as well as to restore hair.

Cons of bread shampoo:

It takes a long time to prepare this homemade shampoo.
- it can be difficult to wash bread crumbs out of your hair.
- washing blond hair can give an undesirable shade.
- bread shampoo is not suitable for oily scalp, as it is a very mild cleanser. Therefore, after washing, the hair will not look perfectly clean.

Homemade hair shampoo with clay

Clay is a great natural cleaner, but you need to be careful with it. Firstly, clay has a drying effect, so this method of washing is more suitable for oily hair. Secondly, after such washing, the hair shines less.

Which clay to choose?

The most suitable clay for hair is volcanic, it is the most gentle.
Also suitable for washing are green clay (it is rich in minerals), white and blue clay. How to wash your hair with clay?

The clay must be diluted with water to a state of gruel, then we distribute the clay through wet hair and leave it for a few minutes. In this case, the clay should not dry out. Rinse hair with water until the water becomes clear.

Since clay has a very high pH-factor for hair, it must be balanced. To do this, rinse your hair with water and apple cider vinegar (for 1 glass of 1 tsp. Natural apple cider vinegar).

If your hair is very dry, you can add some vegetable oil to the clay mixture.

Pros of homemade clay shampoo

Cleans hair well.
- the composition is easy to prepare and convenient to use.
- suitable for oily hair.
- gives hair volume. Cons of clay cleansing:

Not suitable for colored hair (this does not apply to bleached hair).
- not suitable for very dry hair.
- after washing the hair loses its shine.
- it is better not to use such cleansing all the time.

Homemade soap nut shampoo

Not everyone has heard of this method of washing, but soap nuts are very useful for hair and can replace shampoo by 100%.

What are the benefits of Mukorossi soap nuts

1. Soap nuts are hypoallergenic and suitable for almost everyone. They do not irritate the skin and do not disturb the pH balance of the scalp.
2. Mukorossi nuts do not dry the hair at all, they replace shampoo and balm. After them, there is absolutely no need to apply combing aids.
3. They have an antibacterial effect on the skin, eliminate dandruff, itching and flaking, also strengthen hair roots and promote growth.

How do soap nuts cleanse hair?

The washing effect is achieved by the content of a substance called saponin in nuts. It is a natural cleaner, so soap nuts are used not only for hair, but also for washing hands and body, for washing vegetables and fruits, for wet cleaning, washing animals and even for washing.

Saponin is a natural substance and, unlike soap, does not create an alkaline reaction, therefore it is absolutely safe for skin and hair. How to wash your hair with soap nuts?

There are three ways to wash your hair with soap nuts, you can choose the one you like best.

Method 1 - a decoction of soap nuts

We take about 10-15 soap nuts and fill them with 1 liter. water. After the water boils, you need to cook the nuts for 15-20 minutes. Then the broth must be cooled and poured into a glass jar with a lid. The broth is stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Before washing your hair, take a small amount of the broth and heat it in the microwave (the hotter the broth, the more foam). Then we apply the broth to wet hair and massage it in the same way as with shampoo. After that, rinse your hair with clean water.

Method 2 - washing hair with nuts in a bag

Usually, such a bag comes with nuts. We put a small amount of nuts in a bag and fill it with water (if you are taking a bath, you can put the bag directly in the bathtub while it is being collected, if under the shower, then in a separate container with warm water). When the nuts are soaked, they must be kneaded to form a foam. This bag and wash my head. Method 3 - ground nuts

Take a small handful of nuts and grind them with a coffee grinder. Pour the resulting powder with hot water and let it brew. The resulting foam can be used to wash your hair. Pros of homemade soap nut shampoo

Nuts cleanse hair well, do not cause allergies.
- nuts are easy to apply.
- such washing does not require the use of a balm or mask.
- the hair becomes soft and shiny.
- soap nuts eliminate itching, dandruff and other scalp problems.
- one bag is enough for a long time.
- soap nuts are suitable even for children, they are completely natural.

Cons of soap nuts:

Not everyone likes the smell of nuts (but after washing, usually, it does not remain on the hair).
- soap nuts are not sold everywhere (but you can always order them from the Internet, for example, at
- after using this method for a long time, the hair may begin to become electrified.
- do not allow contact with eyes, it will tingle very much.

Homemade shampoo for dry hair with mustard

This shampoo is suitable only for owners of oily scalp, but even for them it is not always recommended to use such cleansing, since mustard dries out hair.

Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of mustard with water until a creamy consistency. Dampen hair with water and then apply mustard mixture to scalp, massage gently and rinse with water. If the ends of your hair are dry, then do not allow mustard to get on them.

Cheap shampoos are too aggressive, organic shampoos sometimes cost a lot of money, and yet you can very easily make natural hair shampoos with your own hands!

You may continue to believe that your shampoo will make your hair strong and shiny, according to the advertisements. But know that shampoo is just shampoo, its function is to cleanse the hair.
The rest of the care - masks and balms, massage and respect - is a matter of your efforts and only this will help you have beautiful long hair.
Shampoo can make hair look spectacular, yes, for example, due to silicones, which are not at all good for hair. Choose for yourself.
The homemade shampoos shown here can be made with ingredients such as baking soda, clay, mustard, or egg yolk. They are safe and effective. Any of these shampoos can be washed all over the body.
Dissolve a tablespoon of mustard (powder) in two liters of water. Wash your hair, rinse with infusion of coltsfoot, St. John's wort, nettle, plantain. Brew like this: take half a glass of the herbal mixture for 2 liters of hot water, let it stand for half an hour and strain.
You will need 4 or 6 slices of black bread (depending on how long the hair is). They need to be folded in a pile in a container, pour boiling water over, leave overnight. By the morning, bread gruel should form, with which you should wash your hair. Wash your hair, rinse with infusion of coltsfoot, St. John's wort, nettle, plantain. Brew like this: take half a glass of the herbal mixture for 2 liters of hot water, let it stand for half an hour and strain.
And here's another option, suitable for quickly dirty, greasy hair: rye bread (150 gr.) Is poured with boiling water. The head is "lathered" with gruel, kept for up to 10 minutes. The hair is rinsed especially thoroughly with water or an infusion of birch leaves.
Pour medicinal soap (200 gr.) With 2 liters of hot water and boil for 30 minutes. In a cooled broth, wash your hair without shampoo and soap, rinse with plain water or, even better, with chamomile infusion for light hair, or with a decoction of oak bark for dark hair.
Instead of soap, they successfully used white clay, which is now often used in medicine. Moisten hair with warm water, apply white clay diluted to a sour cream state. Massage your head lightly, rinse. Repeat the procedure. Rinse hair with acidified water (for 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of vinegar). Hair becomes very soft, manageable, shiny! And the trace elements contained in white clay in large quantities promote hair growth, remove dandruff, itching, and stop hair loss.
MUSTARD SHAMPOO. to stimulate hair growth.
1. Mix mustard powder to the consistency of a liquid estimate, add green or blue clay, apply on hair for 5 minutes, massage a little and rinse. Important! This mixture should be used immediately, as the mustard will burn a lot later.
2. It is better to use mustard, adding it to clay, henna, bran and other mixtures for washing hair. For example, take 50 gr. clay or henna (any), add 1 teaspoon of mustard powder + essential oils. Dilute with cool water. From this, mustard tears less.
In case of hair loss and profuse dandruff with itching of the scalp, it is recommended to wash your hair 3 times a week with a strong decoction of a mixture of nettle leaves and coltsfoot leaves, taken equally.
A tablespoon of tansy is poured with a couple of glasses of boiling water, left for one and a half to two hours. Use the strained infusion to wash your hair without soap. Applying the product within a month will completely eliminate dandruff.
Beetroot water can quickly get rid of dandruff. Pour 1.5 liters of cold water into a three-liter jar and put chopped, peeled beetroot there. Let it brew and use for washing instead of regular water. Add some hot water to the infusion before washing. UNIVERSAL SHAMPOO.
Take a little rye flour (just not wheat!) How much we need to determine by eye, for everyone in different ways (for example, I need 2-3 tablespoons on hair up to my knees) dilute in water, beat thoroughly until foam forms, and then with this gruel wash your hair and soak on the hair for about 10 minutes. It is only necessary to rinse it longer, but even if it is not washed completely, it is not scary, then when dry, the residues are easily combed out. You can also use it instead of soap in the shower. Lathers and glides well. HAIR CONDITIONERS.
This strengthening conditioner is suitable for all hair types. You will need:
1 teaspoon dried lavender flowers
1 teaspoon dried white birch leaves
1 liter fruit vinegar
a few drops of lavender oil.
Fill the flowers and leaves with vinegar, cork the bottle and leave for a week. Strain the liquid and add lavender oil. Dilute 1 part of fabric softener with 2 parts of water before use. Massage the product into your scalp and comb through your hair. Do not rinse.
You can change this recipe to suit your hair color. Use chamomile for light hair and crushed walnut shells for dark hair.
You will need:
100 ml of water
1 tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers or
1 tablespoon chopped walnut shells
6 tablespoons lemon juice
6 tablespoons fruit vinegar
Pour boiling water over the flowers or shells and leave for 10 minutes. Strain the liquid, mix with lemon juice or vinegar and cool slightly. After shampooing, apply conditioner to damp hair. LINSEED CONDITIONER.
Take 1 tbsp. l. flax seeds, pour 1 glass of water, bring to a boil, strain. You get a jelly. When it cools down, rinse your hair.
Normal hair:
Aromatic oils: bergamot, lemon, orange, tea tree, rose
Herbal preparations: calendula, sage, chamomile, nettle

Dry hair:
Aromatic oils: myrrh, orange, lavender, rosemary, jasmine
Herbal teas: calendula, mother and stepmother, chamomile, lavender
Base oil: jojoba oil, olive oil.
Greasy hair:
Aromatic oils: tea tree, rosemary, mint, bergamot
Herbal teas: nettle, mint, chamomile, burdock, oak bark
Base oil: almond oil, grape seed oil.

Organic shampoos are good for your hair, they are much better quality, but at the same time they are more expensive. Such compositions are not stored for a long time, because they are completely free of preservatives. There are two main types of such shampoos: dry and liquid.

Dry organic shampoos

Dry shampoos prepared are very handy in extraordinary situations when normal hygienic conditions are not available. It can be a long trip with uncomfortable accommodation, or a hike. In such cases, dry shampoos are indispensable, since they do not need to be washed off with water, it is enough to comb it out with a comb with fine teeth. Oatmeal almond is an excellent dry shampoo for oily hair. You can grind oatmeal and dry almonds into flour yourself, but you can buy oatmeal at the store and almond flour at the pharmacy. Take equal parts of each and mix.

Violet shampoo is good, all that is needed for it is carefully crushed violet root. Clay shampoo is also good and easy to do. Potato starch is dried in the oven, then added to white clay in a 1: 1 ratio. Such shampoos are used very simply, the composition is rubbed into the scalp, hair roots. After that, it is carefully combed out with a comb. Such shampoos absorb sebum, the hair is cleansed of various impurities. And they are stored for a long time.

Diy liquid shampoo

To make an organic shampoo at home, you need to purchase a foundation from your pharmacy. Cleansing surfactants are already included and the harmful parabens and sodium sulfates are absent. The mixing algorithm is not complicated: the base is placed in a water bath and heated to about 30 degrees.

The selected essential oils are added drop by drop to the base with slow stirring. After that, herbal teaspoons are added, their composition depends on the purpose of the shampoo. Everything is thoroughly mixed and cooled, after the mixture can be poured into a container convenient for storage and use. Use the same organic shampoo as a store-bought shampoo.

You can make an anti-dandruff shampoo, it will take two egg yolks, if the hair is short, one is enough. Medical alcohol 72% 5 ml, a couple of drops of essential rose oil, 5 to 10 drops of sage oil. Dissolve essential oils in alcohol, beat egg yolks and mix with a mixture of alcohol and essential oils. Spread the shampoo through wet hair, gently massage the head, rinse thoroughly with water.

Recently, it has become increasingly difficult to find that shampoo in the store that would not harm the curls. Almost all manufacturers add many harmful preservatives and sulfates to their products, which gradually weaken not only hair, but also skin and roots. Therefore, in order to avoid such problems, more and more girls are beginning to think about how to make shampoo with their own hands. In reality, making a healthy mixture at home is not difficult, and there are many recipes for this, which we will discuss below.

Shampoo base

It is known that in the past, when there were no shampoos, women used certain products and herbs to wash their hair. But since these natural remedies do not foam, the procedure becomes boring and even time consuming. For this reason, not everyone is ready to use these shampoo products. But progress does not stand still, and today, in order to prepare a high-quality shampoo at home, you can purchase a soap base to which natural substances are added. This essential ingredient can be found in specialty stores or drug stores. Alternatively, you can purchase a simple shampoo that will not contain all sorts of additives, dyes, fragrances and other "useful" ingredients. This is very important because any preservative is harmful. Once you find the right base, you can enrich it with the essential herbs, vitamins, flavors and other ingredients you want.

Cooking principle

How to make homemade shampoos? Everything is extremely simple. Really useful components are added to the soap base: herbs, vitamins and essential oils. But it is not recommended to mix them at once with the whole base. You need to take a clean bottle and fill it with a little soap component so that it is only enough for two times. Our medicinal preparations are added to this container in turn. Capping the bottle with a lid, shake it thoroughly. After a day, you can wash your hair with a useful composition. It is important to take into account that a shampoo prepared with your own hands cannot be stored for a long time, otherwise all substances will lose their properties.

Varieties of shampoos

It is known that a care product is selected depending on the structure and characteristics of the hair. Each person has their own skin type, which requires individualized care. There are shampoos for dry, normal and oily hair. There are also remedies for fragility, for shine, for health, for growth, for dandruff and for hair loss. It is interesting that any girl has the opportunity to prepare shampoo at home, which will perform the necessary functions. And yet - and this is the most important thing - while you use your own products, your curls will have a rest from chemicals, they will become strong, healthy and beautiful.

The Role of Vitamin Supplements

Usually vitamins are added to shampoo for a specific purpose - to make hair strong and get rid of brittleness. But not everyone knows what role this or that component plays.

Vitamin A (or retinol) tends to activate and accelerate metabolic processes, therefore it is added to provide nutrition to the hair.

Vitamin C is indispensable in the fight against fragility. This ingredient makes your hair stronger and more elastic.

B vitamins normalize the sebaceous glands, and also reduce the manifestation of allergies, which is very important for sensitive skin.

Vitamin E is also important because it inhibits cell aging. But dandruff, various diseases and damage to the scalp, hormonal imbalance - all this can cause hair loss.

By the way, note that the shampoo can be mixed with one vitamin component or several at once.

The role of plant components

In homemade shampoos, you can add not only vitamins, but also other products that also perform this or that function.

To accelerate hair growth, have long resorted to the help of burdock root and nettle.

If inflammation or irritation occurs, chamomile and string are used.

Juniper and rosemary help to solve the problem of dandruff.

Very little broth needs to be added to the base, so it is prepared highly concentrated. In addition to herbs, essential oils are added to hair shampoo. They have different effects on the strands, so their properties must be taken into account.

If the hair is dry, add rosewood, sandalwood, mandarin, chamomile, lavender, myrrh, jasmine oil.

For oily hair, use clove, almond, tea tree, lemon, mint, lemon balm, cedar, geranium or grape seed oil.

When falling out, cypress, ylang-ylang, tea tree, pine, incense are suitable.

As you can see, the assortment is very wide, so anyone can prepare a hair and scalp care product according to their tastes and needs. Many people have already experienced the effects of such natural detergents. It should be noted that often a soap base may be absent in such mixtures.

Normal hair

This shampoo recipe suggests taking baby soap as the main component. It needs to be grated or chopped in another way, add 1 tsp. borax and a glass of decoction of chamomile flowers. Stir the mixture and set aside for a couple of hours. If desired, you can put mother-of-pearl. We wash my head as usual. By the way, on the basis of such soap, you can prepare shampoo for children, in which you can add yolk, herbal decoction or other components.

Dry hair

Recipe number 1. Here the basis is a glass of plain water. You will need to crumble two slices of rye bread and soak it in boiling water. The gruel should be infused for 24 hours in a closed container in a warm place. After a day, grind two yolks and add to the prepared mass. Everything is mixed qualitatively (you can use a blender), after which the hair shampoo is ready. After application, the hair must be thoroughly washed under running water.

Recipe number 2. You will need 2 tablespoons of castor oil and yolk. The mass mixes well. The product must be rubbed not only into the hair, but also into the skin, after which the head must be washed under running warm water.

Recipe No. 3. This oil-based shampoo provides health to dry and weak hair. You will need three types of oils: olive, castor and burdock. Each is taken in a teaspoon. The yolk is added and everything is mixed. The resulting mixture should be rubbed onto the hair and washed off with water. Finally, rinse your head with chamomile broth or lemon water.

Recipe number 4. Now the base will be a shot of vodka, which is mixed with 50 ml of water. Drive two chicken yolks into the liquid and add 5 ml of ammonia. After thoroughly mixing all the components, apply the product to all hair. Rinse off under normal warm water.

Medicine for oily hair

The next homemade hair shampoo is prepared on the basis of baby soap (100 grams). It needs to be crumbled and diluted with boiling water (we take ½ glass of water). The mixture is filtered, and 25 g of alcohol is added to it. After the "shampoo" has cooled, rub a beaten egg into the scalp. In warm water, you need to moisten a towel, which wraps your hair for five minutes. After removing the "turban", wash off the egg with prepared soapy water. Finally, rinse your head with an apple cider vinegar “conditioner” (2 liters of water with 1 tablespoon of vinegar).

Another topical and healthy recipe is prepared from Art. tablespoons of tansy and two glasses of boiling water. Mix the two ingredients and leave for two hours. In addition to fighting greasy hair, this remedy helps to get rid of dandruff.

A simple recipe for curdled milk. Whipped protein is poured into it and mixed. After rubbing into the head, such a mixture is washed off, and the hair is rinsed with water with the addition of fresh lemon juice.

This infusion is used as shampoo three times a week for a month. Proportion 1:10. Birch buds are dipped in hot water and infused for 20 minutes. The product is ready.

A variant of a mustard shampoo for oily hair. Heat a little two liters of water, dilute a spoonful of mustard powder in it. Wash your hair thoroughly with this mixture, then rinse it with water and drops of lemon juice.

For all hair types

Every woman can make a gelatin shampoo with her own hands. This will require baby soap and yolk. First, in 3 tbsp. a spoonful of gelatin is poured out of water. The workpiece is infused for 40 minutes. After this ingredient is completely dissolved in a water bath. When the liquid cools slightly, 1 tbsp is added to it. l. grated soap and yolk. Leave the mixture on hair for 10 minutes. The shampoo is removed with warm water.

There is a recipe for a mustard shampoo that increases blood flow to the head, thereby strengthening the hair roots. Prepared 50 grams of one of the following components: henna, bran or clay. To this ingredient is added a teaspoon of mustard and three drops of your favorite essential oil. The mass is diluted with a small amount of running water. After applying it on the head, leave the mixture for 15 minutes. You can wash off the shampoo either with a ready-made herbal decoction or with plain water.

Another option for mustard shampoo. A spoonful of our powder is added to kefir, after which the liquid is brought to the state of sour cream. Pour 2 tsp into the prepared mass. any oil (vegetable) and yolk. Apply the well-mixed mixture to a slightly damp head and keep for about 15 minutes. After the shampoo-mask is washed off.

The next product is prepared from 3 tsp. rum, 4 tbsp. l. flax oil and two yolks. The components rub well and are left on the hair for an hour. The shampoo mask is washed off with warm water.

This option is ideal for daily use. It can be interpreted by preparing a shampoo for children. To begin with, we prepare a decoction of herbs, which will be considered the basis. Take a spoonful of one of the following ingredients: basil, sage, or rosemary. Dry grass is poured with 200 ml of water. The container is put on low heat, and the contents are brought to a boil. Cool the broth and filter, meanwhile grind olive or glycerin soap on a grater. As a result, we get a third of a glass of crumbs. We drip 15 drops of jojoba and ylang-ylang essential oil into it (you can replace it with cedar). All components are mixed with each other. Close the jar tightly with a lid and put it in a cool dark place. Ready shampoo in this state can be stored for seven days.

Fortifying recipe

Girls, whose curls have become lifeless and weakened, can prepare a firming shampoo with their own hands. For him, you will need to stock up on a liquid base, vitamins E and D, castor and burdock oil, and rosemary tincture. You also need a clean 250 ml jar. It is necessary to measure 150 ml of the base and pour it into the prepared container. First pour in the rosemary tincture, about 80 ml. It is able to give hair shine and provide it with a pleasant aroma. But this tincture, if desired, can be replaced with another component - a fragrant lavender liquid or rose water. Then castor oil is poured in. A small spoon will suffice. Burdock oil is also measured (two small spoons). At the end there are vitamin E (one capsule) and D (five drops). Tighten the container with a lid and stir so that all the ingredients are mixed. This burdock shampoo is suitable for use every other day.

To strengthen hair, some prepare herbal tea. In equal parts, take hop cones, birch leaves, calendula flowers, burdock root - a total of 50 grams of grass should be obtained. We put the collection in a vessel and fill it with hot light beer. We leave the mass for a few minutes, after which we apply it to the hair and rinse it off with plain water.

Another popular burdock shampoo. To prepare it, you need to stock up on dried or fresh burdock leaf. We need a hundred grams of grass, a liter of water, a glass of vinegar. These ingredients are mixed in a saucepan and simmer slowly for half an hour. The product is filtered, after which the head is washed with the two glasses obtained. After washing, the hair is rinsed with water. In addition to strengthening, the shampoo prevents dandruff and gently cleanses the scalp. Curls acquire shine.


If you are plagued by dandruff, try the following shampoo. Pour medical alcohol into a small container (a teaspoon is enough), add essential oils to it - five drops of sage and a drop of rose. Using a mixer, beat 2 yolks and pour them into the prepared mixture. You need to use the product as a shampoo.

From falling out

This shampoo is suitable for all hair types. You will need 50 grams of white clay, which is mixed with one hundred grams of warm water. The mass should be of medium density. The product is applied with massaging movements, washed off with plain water. You can store the composition for no more than fourteen days, of course, if the container is sealed.

Sea buckthorn oil is famous for its excellent characteristics. It heals the roots and scalp and makes the hair elastic. But the disadvantage of this oil is that it is very difficult to wash off, so not everyone will risk making sea buckthorn shampoo. But for the preparation of a mask that is then washed off, this ingredient is simply precious! It is worth making a reservation right away: the obvious result will be noticeable only after several procedures. The sessions are held regularly every 14 days. We take a tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil, brandy, soap base. The latter can be replaced with the following composition: juice squeezed from half a lemon, chicken yolk and a spoonful of honey. Mix all the ingredients well, apply to the hair and leave for 20 minutes. The mask must be washed off well. With patience, over time you will become the owner of thick and strong curls.

A few secrets for beautiful hair

I would like to note that the use of homemade shampoos is necessary not only to solve the main problems, which are often dry or greasy hair. Such funds additionally produce a health-improving effect.

If you want your curls to remain shiny and at the same time combed well, you need to crush and add a tablet of regular aspirin to the shampoo.

Try to rinse your hair with herbal infusion every time. Chamomile, celandine, oak bark, nettle are suitable as the main component.

To improve the condition of the hair follicles, you need to do a light head massage once a week. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before shampooing.

Many girls dry their hair by wrapping it in a towel. It is advisable not to do this, since the fungus is able to spread vigorously under such a damp hood.

If you have blonde hair, you can make a dry shampoo for yourself. For this, ordinary starch is acquired and rubbed into the scalp and hair. After waiting about ten minutes, you need to wipe your hair well with a dry towel and comb out the remains of starch. True, you can use such an express tool a couple of times a month, not more often.

To keep your hair healthy, you also need to control your diet. Try to give up the wrong food and don't forget about vitamins.

Many girls are wondering how to make shampoo at home. Shop counters in the modern world are overflowing with various products for washing hair and their production is confidently established, the question remains relevant. However, natural hair shampoos are in high demand.

The reason is that most shampoos have a too aggressive detergent base that can cause allergic reactions, itching and irritation; store-bought shampoos do not cope with tasks such as strengthening and restoring hair.

Natural shampoo can be an excellent alternative to factory production, and its price is often lower compared to the average cost of a store product from the mass market category.

Shampoos according to folk recipes are time-tested, and you can be convinced of their effectiveness, because they were passed on by great-grandmothers for a reason. Just make an egg shampoo at home.

Restorative the effect can be seen after the first use.

Raw eggs are prized for their high content of proteins and nutrients that can strengthen the hair structure. They contain a high percentage of enzymes, preventing the appearance of bacteria.

To make a shampoo at home, you need 1-2 yolks.

You just need to rub them into slightly damp strands, predominantly at the roots, for a few minutes, rinse with running water. You can add 2 tablespoons to the yolks. castor or other base oil (olive, coconut, almond).

Please note, this recipe is only suitable for dry and normal scalp.

shampoos to strengthen hair growth

White clay shampoo will help you cope with oily content. It is recommended to use it for hair loss. Clay has long been known as a remedy warning baldness, which reduces sebum secretion and accelerates growth.

How to make your own shampoo?

For making, you need water and a package of clay, which you can buy at any pharmacy.

  • Dilute 2-4 tbsp. clay in warm water until the consistency of sour cream and apply to the strands.

Optionally, you can add essential oils to the shampoo that suits you, aromatherapists advise using oils of ylang-ylang, jasmine, mint, cedar and various citrus fruits such as lemon and orange.

If you add bay essential oil, you have a hair growth shampoo. Bay oil (bey essential oil) improves the condition of hair follicles, activates metabolism in the hair growth zone and has a tonic effect.

Shampoo recipes to restore hair structure

Hair growth at home can be accelerated by using tar shampoo.

A feature of the tar is its anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect, it helps to reduce irritation on the skin, relieve redness and reduce sore areas.

It is commonly known as an anti-dandruff shampoo, great for oily hair and dry hair. After using it, the hair becomes lush, nourished, and their volume visually increases.

How to make homemade tar shampoo?

  • In fact, this is a shampoo made from soap and birch tar itself, which must be taken in equal parts.

The soap is rubbed on a coarse grater and heated in a water bath. Tar is added gradually, it is necessary to constantly mix this mass.

When the mixture is smooth, remove it, wrap it in a plastic bag or plastic wrap, shape into a ball or bar for easy use later.

After setting, the hair wash is ready. It is better to make soap for this recipe from scratch: this way you will be sure that it does not contain unnecessary fragrances and flavors.

If you are not ready for such experiments, then it is better to use shavings from baby soap.

This product, whether purchased or made by yourself, should not be used too often: use it in short courses of 2-4 weeks, or constantly alternate with regular detergent.

Gelatin shampoo has no less benefit. It prevents brittleness and split, gives incredible shine to curls.

  • To do this, add gelatin to the shampoo in equal parts, depending on the length and volume of your hair, thoroughly stir the formed lumps from the soap base, apply to the strands and hold for 5-10 minutes.

After such a procedure, you will not recognize your curls! The gelatin shampoo will make them soft and manageable.

Vitamins for hair health

Do-it-yourself vitamin shampoo will be made according to the same principle. After it, the hair stays clean longer, becomes lush and gains a healthy shine.

You simply add various vitamin ampoules and capsules to the shampoo that you regularly use.

You can add vitamins to your gelatin shampoo, thereby enhancing its properties.

Just remember one rule: every time you need to prepare a new portion for one application.

Let's see what vitamins are most useful and what they are used for:

  • vitamin A prevents dryness and fragility, nourishes hair follicles, has a general strengthening effect;
  • vitamin E moisturizes, makes the hair shaft stronger and more elastic, fights against dullness and soreness;
  • vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of collagen, which plays an important role in the healthy appearance of hair;
  • vitamin D eliminates itching, flaking, and prevents dandruff;
  • b vitamins oppose excessive loss and premature aging hair;
  • vitamins PP and H strengthen hair follicles, improve the structure of existing hair and stimulate the appearance of new ones, are used in the treatment of baldness.

The prepared shampoo is important to use immediatelyuntil the vitamins in it have lost their healing properties.

You can wash your hair regularly with such a tool, but do not forget that it is most effective for hair loss to take vitamins for hair orally, that is, use vitamin complexes inside.

It is this application that contributes to the rapid absorption of vitamins: through the intestines, they are quickly supplied into the blood.

The scalp, other organs and tissues receive the necessary components that can be fully absorbed for the further growth and strengthening of cells.

Shampoo recipe, cooked from scratch

Experts recommend adding vitamins to a detergent base that does not contain dyes or fragrances, but these are very difficult to find, so you can make shampoo from the shampoo base that is sold in specialized shops for soapmakers.

You actually cook from scratch, only the base for the shampoo is already prepared in advance, all that remains is to pour in ampoules and capsules, as well as essential oils as desired, thereby choosing a shampoo recipe for yourself or creating your own.

Perhaps you decide to make a shampoo base, and your detergent can be proudly called made from scratch.

But keep in mind that this is a laborious process that requires not only special equipment, but also the study of safety precautions.

Consider one of the recipes for making shampoo from scratch. It will be a soap in its physical form, but since it has added ingredients for the benefits of hair, it can be used as a shampoo.

We will need:

  • 250 g olive oil; 150 g coconut oil; 100 g castor oil; 1 g citric acid; 70 g sodium hydroxide; 180 g of chamomile infusion.

Alkali must be slowly poured into the chamomile infusion (3 st.l. on the 1 glass water) and mix. Trace, so that every grain alkalis dissolved.

Put solution in cold water for avoid overheating. IN alkaline solution carefully add lemon acid.

Reaction can to be very active, nor in by any case not bend over over solution. Heat up oils on the stove, then pour in in alkaline solution.

Further blender necessary whip before education stages trace. Spread out soap in shape, wrap towel and expect gel stages.

Through several hours soap will become gelatinous, and in some locations will start harden. Through day it will be completely solid, and through 1 month will become ready to application. Use his as usual solid shampoo.

Herbal shampoos

By adding on the 100 r shampoo basics 5-10 r burdock oils, you get shampoo burdockexcellent means from fallouts hair.

Natural shampoo by their hands of burdock by folk recipes can to be made completely of natural components. Manufacturing his will take some time, but strengthening effect not will make myself long to wait.

how to cook means right?

  • 100 r leaves burdock fill in 1 l warm water, add not more 1 glasses vinegar.

Boil ingredients on the water bath need to 1 ,5-2 hours, after what liquid cool down before comfortable temperature, strain and rinse her hair.

If a one decoction herbs you not enough for careful washing basal zones, take advantage saline scrub.

Such preliminary massage from salt will be useful for heads in the whole.

Popular in last thing time shampoo of soap nuts, recipe his simple. For making shampoo in home conditions from scratch you will need following ingredients:

  • 100 r powder soap nuts (1 nut weighs about 3 r); 500 r water; 10 r xanthan gum; 5 r preservative.

To cook shampoo following way: powder fill in water and cook on the slow fire half an hour, then take off from fire and add xanthan gum in quality thickener, carefully stirring.

When weight cooled down before 40C, it's better pour over her in convenient bottle. On the this stage added preservative.

Store there, where supported middle indoor temperature mode. Lather head so means much convenient, than just decoction of soap nuts, and his not need to prepare anew on the every subsequent application.

Exist a bunch of others folk recipes and options cooking washing funds for hair. Now, when you you know, as to do natural shampoo, take care about health and beauty your curls!