How many times should the bedding be washed. How often should bed linen be changed at home. What affects the frequency

It is always pleasant to sleep on bedding that smells like cleanliness. For a full and comfortable sleep, special attention should be paid to its cleanliness. How often should the linen be changed and how should the sets be washed correctly? Answers to all questions in our material.

How does the laundry get dirty?

On average, each of us spends eight hours a day in bed. This is how much time it takes for a full and healthy sleep. In order for the sleep to be pleasant and comfortable, each person gets a comfortable bed, high-quality mattresses, pillows and blankets. Particular attention is paid to the choice of bed linen.

A set of underwear should be of high quality and naturalness, because this directly affects our sleep.

Despite the fact that a person takes a shower or a bath in the evening, the bed linen still gets dirty and should be changed regularly. How and what do the sheets and other accessories get dirty?

The most basic problem of all houses and apartments is dust. Dust accumulates not only on furniture and various objects, but also on bedding. Of course, it is almost impossible to discern dust particles on sheets or pillowcases, but this does not mean that they are not there. Every morning, making the bed, shaking the blanket or the sheet can be replaced, as dust columns rise in the sun. Dust is a serious allergen that can harm the body. The children's organism is especially sensitive to it.

Anyone's skin contributes to the rapid contamination of bedding. If a person is used to sleeping without pajamas, then sebum will rather quickly be absorbed into sheets and pillowcases, especially in the hot season when the body sweats. The skin tends to renew itself. Small parts of the keratinized cover also remain on the bed. Of course, it is impossible to see them, since they are very small. For these reasons, bed linen changes color, an unpleasant smell and stains appear. Such soiled laundry can cause itching or an allergic reaction.

Particles of dirt can still remain on the body, for example, if you just rinse the body with water, without soap and washcloth, and do not swim. If you do not wear slippers on the way to the bedroom, then all the dirt from the feet will end up on the bed linen and this is another reason for its contamination.

Those who like to eat cookies before bed or drink morning coffee in bed themselves pollute their sleeping place with food particles. No matter how carefully you eat, small crumbs can still remain on the bed.

If there are pets in the house, then particles of their wool and fluff will fall on the linen sets. Of course, this will negatively affect the cleanliness of the sheets.

All of the above factors affect not only the cleanliness of the linen, but also health. Scientists have proven that there are many different microorganisms in bed linen, which are almost impossible to get rid of.

If bed linen is not changed in time, the situation will worsen, bacteria will spread with a vengeance. All this will negatively affect the general state of health, weaken the immune system and can provoke the appearance of allergic diseases.

Optimal kit change frequency

Many people ask themselves how often should bed linen be changed at home? Of course, the more often you do this, the better for you. Timely bed linen change can contribute to a comfortable and proper sleep. Within five or six days, the fabric is easily clogged with dust particles and stops breathing.

As a result, a person may feel discomfort during sleep, sweat more and more often.Soiled laundry negatively affects not only overall health, but also skin health. After sleeping on such underwear, rashes, irritations and more may appear.

Due to the contamination of the kit, proper sleep is disturbed, the next morning a person will feel tired and irritated.


Adults should change their bedding once a week. This is if the person is completely healthy. In the event that there is a patient in the house who is constantly in bed, then the kit must be changed every two days. If you spill something on the sheet, or if a stain appears on the linen, then the entire set should be changed immediately.

Considering the fact that the sheet and pillowcase get dirty much faster than the duvet cover, it can be changed every ten or fourteen days.

By the way, the frequency of linen change also depends on the season. For example, in the hot season, when the body sweats a lot, you can change the kits every two to three days, otherwise a heavy and unpleasant odor appears. In addition, in summer and spring, the windows in the house are open most of the time. Therefore, a lot of dust and dirt gets into the room. In the winter season, you can change your linen every ten days.

For children

The body of a child is very different from that of an adult. For this reason, there are certain norms and recommendations regarding how often the linen on a baby bed should be changed.

It is recommended for babies under one year old to change a set of underwear every five days. Of course, if the newborn gets dirty on the sheet, then it should be changed immediately. The same goes for bedding for preschool children.

Children seven and older need to change bedding sets once a week. In the event that the child is sick, then the shift should be carried out every other day.

When a child is sick, he has a fever and he sweats a lot during sleep, the pillowcase and sheet should be changed every time he sleeps. The baby should sleep on clean and dry clothes.

Teenagers, given their age-related changes, should change bedding every five to six days. In addition to the fact that parents need to timely change the bedding on their children's beds, you should monitor the personal hygiene of the kids. Children often go to bed without showering or washing. All this will negatively affect health, immunity and cleanliness of linen.

Washing rules

In order for all bedding sets to be in perfect condition, they must be properly washed. There are some subtleties that every housewife must know.

  • Before you start washing, be sure to check the composition of the fabric and the washing recommendations for the kit. All features of the fabric, its composition and method of washing must be indicated on a special label or label for bed linen. Each fabric requires an individual approach and this must be taken into account.
  • In the event that a set of linen is made entirely of cotton or linen, it must be washed at a temperature of no more than 60 degrees.
  • Colored sets should not be washed at too high temperatures, this will negatively affect the quality of the products. Better to limit yourself to 40 degrees. In addition, for such kits it is best to use special detergents that do not contain active bleaching agents. Such recommendations will help to preserve the original color of the kit for a long time.

  • It is recommended to add very little bleach during each wash so that the snow-white fabrics do not lose their appearance. Bleach, which contains chlorine, is great for white fabrics. Such a remedy not only returns whiteness, but also helps to destroy harmful organisms.
  • Fabrics such as silk should be washed with a special wash cycle. Silk set can be refreshed only with the delicate wash cycle. It is better to turn off the spin, as this spoils the capricious fabric fibers. In addition, it is worth remembering that silk products cannot withstand repeated washing, so such sets should be used less often.
  • In the event that the laundry is heavily soiled, it is better to soak it first and only then start washing.
  • It is recommended to wash pillowcases and duvet covers from the wrong side.
  • When you just bought a new set of bedding today, be sure to wash it on the recommended mode before making it. Before being sold, fabrics are impregnated with special agents that may cause irritation or an allergic reaction.

Statistics say that every fifth inhabitant of Europe changes bed linen once a month. Young single men under the age of 35 are least likely to do this, and on average, residents of large cities send bedding to the wash once every two weeks. How true is this and how often do you need to change the sheets on your bed for it to be medically justified? Here is the opinion of hygienists.

Allergists are convinced that we are not exposing our health to illusory danger when we sleep on dirty sheets. This behavior leads to chronic rhinitis, acute allergic reactions, neurodermatitis and eczema. For those with asthma, the condition and well-being may worsen.

The main danger of stale laundry is in dust mites and their waste products. Spores of highly allergenic mold, which always occurs in a humid, warm environment with occasional washing of bed linen, complete and complete the frightening picture.

Change your bedding at least once a week

The conventional wisdom about changing sheets every two weeks is wrong. Already a week after using the bed for its intended purpose, the population of dust mites reaches dangerous health limits. Under the condition of daily sleep in a bed of two people of average build, in two weeks from sweat on the surface of the bed, up to 16 types of mold start up, each of which is capable of provoking powerful allergic reactions even in a conditionally healthy person.

For these reasons, the usual change of bedding should take place at least once a week. In cases of high temperature during illness, hot weather or sleeping with small children, bed linen should be changed even more often - every two to three days. The same goes for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, people with eczema and psoriasis.

Wash laundry at a temperature of 55 degrees or more

This temperature is the lower limit for the death of dust mites. Additional protection against mildew and mildew will be achieved by drying the laundry.

Some delicate materials will not be washed at high temperatures. The solution in this case may be to use a disinfecting conditioner or, if you or your children are at risk for allergies, it is better to switch to more practical options for bedding made of coarse calico, satin, poplin or cotton.

Don't judge cleanliness by looks

Of course, if you accidentally spill coffee on the pillow or sprinkle chocolate chip crumbs on the blanket, it will be clear that the laundry needs to be washed. But the absence of visible stains and dirt does not mean that your bed is really clean and safe.

Even if your sheets look crisp white after two weeks of use, they should be washed - and done regularly. By the time they really look stale, tens and hundreds of dust mites, mold and fungi are guaranteed to have settled in them. They cannot be seen with the naked eye, since their size is microscopic, but they always live in an environment associated with the natural secretions of human skin, since they are food for these microorganisms.

Important: up to a third of all inhabitants of our planet suffer from dust mite allergy. At least a quarter of them cannot correctly diagnose the source of the disease and have been treated for years for colds and persistent rhinitis and eczema.

Clean mattress and pillows regularly

Changing your bedding often will lessen the dust mite problem, but it won't completely solve it. Even weekly washing of bed linen cannot provide optimal cleanliness if you forget about the shelf life of the mattress, pillows and blankets.

Dust mites have an annoying property to accumulate inside bedding, in the upholstery of mattresses and sofas. If you put clean sheets on them, they will instantly become saturated with mite secretions and microparticles of mold. The same statistics asserts that almost all of us use pillows and blankets for much longer than the allowed period - pillows are changed on average every 3 years, blankets last about 7 years, and mattresses do not change at all for a decade. During this time, their weight increases as much as three times due to the weight of the ticks living in them.

Choose quality mattresses

In addition to the obvious advantages of comfort, the cleanliness of the bed also depends on the quality of the mattress. Hollow spring mattresses with padding polyester or foam rubber accumulate a lot of mold, epithelial particles, dust and huge populations of dust mites. The upper layer of the mattress of poor quality and the use of airtight covers only worsen the situation - this leads to overheating of the sleeping place and the perspiration of the person sleeping there is constantly increased, which further contributes to the multiplication of microorganisms hazardous to health.

Dermatitis, allergies, rhinitis ... Think you made the wrong article when you saw these scary medical terms? No matter how it is! When you decide how much to change bedding, you influence not only the aesthetic side of life, but also health.

In this article, we will tell you how often you should change your bedding to make your sleep as comfortable and safe as possible.

What determines the frequency of bed linen change?

Alas, there are still people who believe that bedding should be washed only when it gets dirty - it gets dirty visually. In fact, we cannot see most of the pollution, especially dangerous for humans. Moreover, they appear much faster than those that are visible to the human eye.

So, we present a modest list of treasures lurking on your sheets:

  • dust (you have no idea how much);
  • pet hair, if any;
  • discharge of the sebaceous glands;
  • keratinized skin cells;
  • dandruff;
  • dust mites. If you have carefully examined your bed and did not find swarming insects there, you should not hastily rejoice that these creatures bypassed you. Dust mites are microorganisms, they do not bite and are not in themselves dangerous to humans. But the products of their vital activity strongly influence the human condition.

All of these points create a favorable environment for the reproduction of microbes.

During sleep, we are in close contact with bed linen: we breathe all its contents (from banal dust to dangerous fungi - these are the most neglected cases), and we also collect all these riches with our skin.

Surprisingly, the presence of all these diseases is determined simply by how often you change your bedding.

The following points look less daunting, but they are also not very pleasant:

  • Difficulty with washing: the longer you put it off, the more difficult it will be to remove stains (especially greasy grease) and the animals you already know. Outcome: ugly, yellow, discolored linen.
  • Unpleasant smell from bedding.

How long can you sleep on one bedding

After you find out about all the creepy things that most likely caused you to jump out of bed in fright, it's time to talk about the safe timing of using the bed set.

To avoid the nasty things described above, bed linen should be changed every 7-10 days.
But any situation should be considered depending on the context.

You need to adjust the linen change schedule:

  • With profuse sweating (especially in summer).
  • If you have very oily skin.
  • If you have dandruff.
  • After an illness: do you remember that the sleeping abode collects absolutely everything that your body produces? Probably, you would not want, just after having recovered, to pick up the sore viruses that remained in bed again.

Even if the child sleeps on an oilcloth and the bed does not get dirty, the germs and dust flying around will still penetrate into all parts of the crib, as a result, the babies breathe this bacterial “mix”. But children spend much more time in bed than their parents.

Preparing clean bedding

Now, having a knowledge rescue case, you can easily determine the “X” moment and say goodbye to dirty bedding in time. And then a very important step - washing. If you wash your linen incorrectly, some of the dirt may remain, which is why the very first night on “clean” sheets can be fraught with sad consequences.

Do I need to wash a new set of laundry? Necessarily! It's not even about disinfection, against which many are rebelling with the words “XXI century in the yard with sterility in production”. Sterility may exist, but the fact is that before packing the bed linen, it is treated with a special solution, which makes the fabric harder so that it looks more presentable, smooth, and does not form folds during transportation. This mixture is easily washed off during the first wash, which makes the laundry safer and more pleasant - softer.

How to prolong the freshness of your bedding

Here are some tips to help you sleep in a clean bed for a little longer:

  • Sleep in your pajamas - it will take on some of your body's secretions (sweat, fat, etc.).
  • Do not make the bed as soon as you get out of it: shake and fold the blanket, then leave the bed unmade for a while, so that the moisture that the linen absorbed at night evaporates, depriving microbes of a favorable environment for life and reproduction.
  • But (!) 5-20 minutes in an unmade state will be enough - the rest of the time your bed should be covered with a blanket. It will take on the dust that settles during the day.


Of course, there will always be those who will say: “I change my bed every 3 months, and nothing is healthy as a bull”. Perhaps the immunity is strong, and perhaps all the most unpleasant is yet to come.

Our task is only to warn you and tell you how often bed linen should be changed to make your life as comfortable as possible. You, of course, choose the best option for yourself - it depends on your personal needs. Good and healthy dreams to you!

It has long been noted that in the process of purposeful use of bed linen, it is heavily soiled. In connection with this, experts strongly advise to create a change of bed linen at least once every 7 days. This common recommendation is extremely often ignored by the younger generation. This can lead to serious health dilemmas.

The dirt that accumulates on bed linen is represented by:

  • Dead skin cells.

    According to research results, the daily loss of skin cells achieves characteristics in the millions. At the same time, a significant part of the cells die off specifically during sleep and remain on sheets and pillowcases. The accumulation of dead cells of human skin on underwear can become a prerequisite for an invasion of ticks, which will be incredibly difficult to get rid of.

  • Oils produced by the human body during sleep.
  • Human later, the release of which reaches its own peak in the criteria of high temperatures.
  • Bodily fluids. In this case, we are talking about saliva, blood, urine and biological fluids secreted during intercourse.
  • Crumbs of food.

    Unfortunately, many people are familiar with the habit of snacking at night in bed. The accumulation of crumbs is also considered the native food of mites.

This list of contaminants is far from exhaustive and can be supplemented with residues of cosmetics, dandruff, dirt, sand, pollen, small insect particles, mold fungi, fungal spores.

A long stay of a person in similar unsanitary criteria is fraught with the occurrence of allergic reactions and a decrease in the body's defenses.

Optimal frequency of changing baby bedding

Special attention should be paid to changing the bedding on which your child sleeps.

The fact is that the child's body is characterized by insufficient development and formation, therefore, against the background of weak protective forces, there is always a risk of developing serious diseases.

Children's pediatricians insist that ignoring the rules of hygiene in relation to the constant change of bedding in a children's bed is fraught with the development of dermatitis and diseases of the respiratory system. The frequency of bed linen change largely depends on the age characteristics of the baby.

So, if a completely small child is in the house, at least 2 sets of underwear for a week may be useful. If we are talking about the older children, then a weekly change of linen is often enough.

The weather conditions should also be taken into account, because in the summer, children sweat more, and the bed linen is exposed to the most rapid and intense pollution. If you notice such changes in your own baby's sweating, you need to take care of developing sterile and unblemished criteria for sleep.

Parents, whose children suffer from bronchial asthma or allergies, should also monitor the condition of bed linen.

It has long been noted that the deterioration of the sleep criterion as a result of contamination of the used bedding contributes to the worsening of the condition.

Fabrics for comfortable sleep

In Russia, cotton and linen are the most popular fabrics for sewing bed linen. Depending on the type and density of weaving of threads, chintz, calico, satin, cambric and other types of natural cotton fabrics are distinguished. Often, manufacturers provide mixed with the addition of artificial fibers. Cotton has a fundamental quality for bed linen - it allows air to pass through and absorbs water, which is essential for a comfortable sleep.

Cotton does not cause allergies, is comfortable to wash, and is perfectly ironed. One of the favorite types of cotton is coarse calico. This is a natural fabric without additives of a fairly high density. Coarse calico is unpretentious in care, does not fade, tolerates multiple washings well.

Dry linen made of coarse calico is somewhat harsh, therefore it is better to rinse it with special products.

Satin bed linen has a noble shine. Satin products are silky to the touch, their quality is associated with natural silk, but the cost is even more democratic.

Linen never goes out of style. Linen towels and tablecloths are a good gift for a young housewife. Cotton is often added to fabrics for linen bedding to add softness. This one has unique qualities to warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather.

Therefore, linen duvet covers can replace lightweight duvets.

Russian home economics

In Russian times, they did not actually ask a question about how it is often necessary to change bedding.

This was done once a week on Saturdays. Specifically on this day, they traditionally cleaned houses, walked to the bathhouse. The housewives took a lot of time to do the laundry.

In the post-war years, they were washed by hand. The first household washing machines appeared in the USSR in 1950, but they also did not facilitate the work of housewives: the laundry still had to be soaked, after washing, rinse it several times in running water, wring it out by hand, or run it between 2 rubber rollers attached to car. Particularly scrupulous housewives boiled snow-white (so the linen became even whiter), tinted with blue (to give a beautiful shade) and starch (mainly bedspreads, tablecloths and men's shirts).

The bed linen was dried outside: under the influence of the wind and the sun, it rather dried out, and it was not necessary to wipe the water running down from the sheet.

The hostesses of the Russian Union had another reason not to be zealous in changing bed linen: Russian-made washing machines seriously damaged the fabrics, with frequent treatments, chintz or calico sheets and duvet covers quickly deteriorated. And since it was rather difficult to acquire a fresh set in those days, it was necessary to reduce the number of washes.

The main thing is to keep it clean

Modern housewives from time to time ask themselves a question about how often it is necessary to change bedding at home.

Supporters of natural fabrics know that cotton and linen perfectly absorb sweat, which, settling on the villi, attracts various bacteria, as well as dust mites. When they accumulate in large quantities, they can cause discomfort, cause troubled sleep, and even allergies.

Experts say that bed linen should be changed at least once every 5-7 days. If babies or animals love to sleep in your bed, change sheets and duvet covers should be created once every 2-3 days, and during the moulting period of animals it is better to do this once a day to reduce the risk of hair getting into the respiratory tract.

When caring for an unhealthy person with a high temperature, change his bedding 2-3 times a day on the first days of the illness and less often when periods of heavy sweating recede. After healing, the set of linen must be changed again, and the pillows and blanket must be dried in the open air.

We ventilate and dry

There are a number of other tips that personal hygiene experts give.

  1. 1 Ventilate the sleeping area after each waking up: fluff up the pillows, straighten the sheet, remove the blanket from the surface.

    10-15 minutes a day will be enough.

  2. 2Do not put personal items on the bed that are used in public places: funds, wallets, mobile phones, bags, pants, outerwear.
  3. 3Men are not advised by doctors to sleep in socks after wearing outdoor shoes.
  4. 4Girls need to take off the make-up before going to bed, since the substances that make up the cosmetics leave stubborn stains on the pillowcases.
  5. 5If you are a fan of eating in bed, try not to stain the bedding, otherwise it will often have to be changed. Apart from the fact that ketchup, coffee and grease stains are difficult to clean, food leftovers attract bacteria and can lead to bed bugs.

    After a meal in bed, the linen should at least be shaken out.

Buttons and elastic bands

When choosing a set for a bed, consider the size of the bed, pillows and blankets. Traditionally, the manufacturer shows on the packaging which items are included in the set and which accessories match. Linen made from natural linens can shrink, therefore the first inevitable wash must be done in a gentle mode at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C, the following - depending on the manufacturer's advice.

Today, bedding with buttons is extremely rare, however, this is one of the most comfortable options.

Pillowcases and duvet covers with buttons perfectly keep the geometry of blankets and pillows, without letting the edges knock out. To fix the blanket, there are special linen pins in the duvet cover that are attached at the corners of the product. But such devices are dangerous, therefore it is better to use a proven method: make a loop at each corner of the duvet cover, and sew 4 buttons of suitable size to the blanket. In the process of changing the duvet cover, insert the buttons into the hinges. A blanket fixed by this method will not knock off the inside of the duvet cover and cause discomfort.

But they are extremely rarely used as part of sets, in addition, such sheets are difficult to iron with an iron. This is a good option for those who prefer not to iron their bedding.

Why use bedding while sleeping?

Even on the train, the conductor gives each passenger a set of bed linen. This is hygienically correct. The quality of sleep can depend on the properties of textiles. After all, if the underwear smells unpleasant, causes disgusting feelings on the skin, then what kind of sleep comfort are we talking about!

High-quality home textiles made from natural fibers of the fabric perfectly support the body's thermoregulation.

Its good absorption capacity allows the body to get rid of water (sweat, fat) released through the pores. The soft-touch bedding protects the body from contact with the prickly blanket.

And also various tiny organisms live in bed, feeding on skin scales and particles of human hair. Stale bed linen creates suitable conditions for the life of the microflora given to us. Over time, a person may develop dermatological disorders. Dust, various debris, crumbs and dirt settle on the fabric, which in turn adversely affects the comfort of sleep.

Frequency of bed linen change at home

So how often do you need to change your bedding at home?

In the standard, if you will change the bed completely once a week, especially if the bed is dismantled at all times. If you put sheets, pillows and blankets into the closet once a day, then you can change bed linen less often. In general, look at the degree of pollution. In the summertime, when it is hot, it is recommended to change your linen more often. Do not eat in bed, do not let pets on the bed, do not go to bed in home clothes - all this contributes to the contamination of linen, the formation of a nasty odor, and the accumulation of dust. That is, those allergens that interfere with normal sleep.

By the way, the set can be changed in part. Pillowcases and sheets get dirty the most, it is better to change them once a week, while the duvet cover can be renewed every 2-3 weeks, looking who is hiding.

The same requirements apply to changing bed linen in the nursery.

The younger the child, the more often it is necessary to rewrite his bed, especially if the child is ill. Newborns are advised to change bed linen every 2-3 days, or even every day. These are pediatric requirements.

Who lives in bed with us?

A study from the United Kingdom found that about 4% of British people change their bedding ... once a year. Yes, specifically once a year.

If they knew what was happening in their bed during this time, they would be horrified.

People often sweat during sleep. This makes the local climate wet in the bed, and therefore, it becomes a real breeding ground for microorganisms. For example, mold can start in bed - no matter how hard it is to believe it. Mold spores may not even be noticeable at first, but sooner or later you will find them - and, most quickly, after the harm will be done to your health. Disputes can cause you to develop shingles or even ringworm.

The next inhabitants of your stale bed are dust mites.

They are a real scourge for allergy sufferers and especially unsafe for those suffering from asthma. Dust mites eat everything that remains after us in bed: skin particles, sweat, semen, and so on. If you occasionally wash your clothes, then the mites receive a huge amount of food, and, therefore, multiply more actively.

But even this is not the whole fauna of our sleeping place. As often as dust mites, bed bugs start in the bed. They are true vampires, as they bite you to drink blood. Their bites are severely scratched, and hives may also appear.

But the most disgusting consequence of bedbugs can be a powerful allergic reaction, which will develop into anaphylactic shock - and this is deadly.

Other bedding

You probably already realized that bed linen needs to be washed often. But almost all people, realizing this simple truth, forget about the rest of the sleeping place. It is necessary to clean not only sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers; everything in the bed must be cleaned frequently.

Mattresses and pillows should either be washed or dried in the sun at least once every six months or a year.

Blankets and featherbeds that are in bed need to be cleaned often and painstakingly dried. The same goes for bedspreads.

How often to change underwear

Since it is often necessary to change the bedding? In truth, the answer depends on various reasons, for example, on the state of health, on who you sleep with, how often you sleep at home, after all, on whether you are a snack or coffee lover in bed.

The optimal period for which most of the professionals converge is once a week. It will seem to some people very often, but health is certainly more important than your laziness.

Not so long ago, we figured out whether it is necessary to iron the sheets, and in this article we will touch on a related question - how often is it necessary to change bedding at home?

Naturally, any hostess decides this question herself, but it is still better to find out the expert worldview and prerequisites for a certain regularity.

The hygiene of the bed is extremely important. Indeed, in a dream, a person spends a third of his own life, and he has to contact with all the contents of the bed. This is not about a spouse, of course, but about something most unpleasant:

  • Dust mites that grow in unwashed bedding.

    Allergies often arise from them, immunity decreases and, in general, there are nasty consequences.

  • Dead skin cells - people shed every night and tiny particles that are invisible to the human eye fall off the skin.
  • Dandruff and hair of pets that love to lie on the master's bed.
  • Sweat - it is most abundant in hot summer nights, when the body needs to cool down more strongly.
  • Crumbs - some households are extremely fond of having a snack in bed before bedtime, and often it will not work to wean them from a bad habit.

    After such a meal, there are many small pieces and crumbs that prevent you from sleeping peacefully.

  • Spots - where without them. In this case, stains can remain not only from sweets or other goods, but also from cosmetics, stained hands, saliva or other human secretions.

Just imagine what will happen in your bed if you put off washing for a very long period of time. Even if you are not clean and a similar neighborhood does not scare you, then think about your own health.

In a dream, you breathe dust, wool and other dirt from the bed, which can lead to asthma or allergies. If you already have these diseases, then all the more you should think about cleanliness in the house - this is a guarantee of health!

How often do you need to change your bedding?

Much depends on the season, fabric, and your family's personality. For example, if your cat is extremely fond of sleeping on the bed, you should change the bed a little often, or at least brush off the fur.

If the spouse sweats a lot, it is necessary to change it more often, and if the whole family takes a shower before going to bed, it can be less often.

It's enough of course about the time of the year - in the summertime people sweat a lot more than on cool nights. Therefore, on hot days, it is imperative to change the bed once a week, especially pillowcases and sheets. In winter, it is enough to change once every 2 weeks.

Well, you shouldn't wait for X hour, if suddenly the child dropped the sandwich on the sheet - change it immediately.

Twice as often it is worth changing the baby bedding and if someone in the family has a cold, so that pathogenic microbes do not accumulate.

What kind of bed linen is required?

The most popular for bed linen are cotton or linen fabric.

In the summertime, you can use silk, and in the wintertime, woolen blankets. Do not use synthetic ones that do not absorb water well and do not allow air to pass through. After all, one of the main purposes of a sheet, pillowcase and duvet cover is to absorb sweat. In addition, they are more likely to get dirty and absorb foreign odors, so you will have to wash them more often.

Now you need to check the contents of your bedding to provide the best protection for the bed. So, to keep your bed clean, make sure you have:

  • The pillowcase protects the pillow from adverse effects, so you don't have to wash it very often.

    But even if there is a pillowcase, the pillows must be washed at least 2 times a year, and preferably every 3 months. After all, they also accumulate a lot of harmful things that need to be eliminated.

  • Duvet cover - serves to protect the blanket so that you do not have to wash and dry it every week.
  • Mattress topper or sheet - spread over the mattress to collect all dirt and protect the mattress. Otherwise, a whole colony of dust mites will develop in it and dust will accumulate. It is best to put special sheets with oilcloth in children's beds to protect the mattress from urine. After all, it is extremely difficult to wash the mattress from children's urine or other contaminants (you can read the most common methods here).

Wash bed linen on a special mode or set a higher temperature without the help of others (from 60 degrees) to kill dust mites and wash off all harmful microorganisms.

Now you need to decide how to often change bedding at home specifically in your family, and write this matter down in your own diary.

It is most convenient to do this on the same day, so that it becomes a habit. Most often, hostesses choose weekends for this - Saturday or Sunday.

Danger under the covers

It turns out that under the stained blanket there is a whole range of health threats.

Also, pet hair, remains of cosmetics, waste products, food crumbs, particles of insects and sand can accumulate on the bed ... So, the freshest bed is not only great, but also safe.

How often it is necessary to change bedding: norms

Many do not know exactly how many times a month you need to change bedding.

In one day? On weekends? Or is it enough to carry out the function every 14 days? There is no single correct answer. It is necessary to take into account the situation, who is using the kit (adult or child) and even the season. The main tips look like this.

Pillowcases require special attention. People whose hair quickly becomes greasy may need to change the pillow protection more often than other bedding. So that the time when you need to change bed linen does not take you by surprise and do not have to wait for the washed set to dry, have two or three replacement sets for each bed in reserve.

Washing rules and disinfection procedures

How should bed linen be washed? Read the product label: in it you will find information about the composition of the fabric, what water temperature is best for those or others, how to care for the set.

Proceed with the following general advice.

  • Optimum temperature. Traditionally, it is recommended to wash sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers in the hottest possible water. In this way, it will be possible to get rid of all microbes and dirt. But if cotton and linen were used for the production of sets, then the temperature should not be higher than 60 ° C.
  • Disinfection. To probably get rid of dangerous microorganisms, the use of chlorine bleach is allowed.

    But this is only if the fabric is snow-white. For a colored one, you can choose an oxygen product with a more gentle composition, but no less effective.

  • Drying. Bacteria do not like hot air and ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, bed linen is best dried in the sun.
  • Ironing. Almost everyone hesitates whether to iron the bed linen after washing. This is an indispensable process, which is a good guarantee that harmful tiny organisms are neutralized. Set the iron to the Cotton mode and boldly process the surface of the fabric.

It is imperative to wash new bedding.

Bacteria could get to the surface during transportation or as a result of damage to the integrity of the package. In addition, before going on sale, they are treated with specific agents that can provoke an allergic reaction.

Caring for your bedding

You already understand why it is not uncommon to change bedding. But how is it right to organize the care of various bedding items in the home criteria?

Sheets and duvet covers

You cannot scroll these products in the drum with ordinary things - sweaters, pants, underwear.

Only adjoining light-colored bath towels is allowed. When processing, the following rules should be taken into account:

  • wash sheets and duvet covers with soap or powder at 60 ° C;
  • persistent dirt is removed before washing;
  • for bleaching, you can add a quarter cup of lemon juice when washing;
  • the bed is not overdried and ironed while the linen is still slightly damp.

To remove stains from sheets and duvet covers, they use household chemicals or folk remedies - soda, vinegar, ammonia, citric acid.


Wool products prefer cold water and drying at minimum speed.

Down products require a spicy wash, they are dried in the sun, otherwise a persistent musty smell will appear.

Before starting the process, check for any damage or loose seams on the blanket. Otherwise, all the "filling" remains inside the washing machine and will render it unusable. After washing and drying, vacuum the product without giving dust a chance to remain.

Larger items are best dry-cleaned, but not electric blankets. Solvents can damage the wiring. You can wash clothes that are protected by duvet covers once or twice a year. Otherwise, once every one to two weeks.

Blankets and bedspreads

It will not be superfluous to check whether the product fades before washing.

If so, it is better to use a dry cleaning service. And at home, adhere to the following rules:

  • water for washing must be cool;
  • it is better to replace ordinary powder with liquid;
  • the "drying" mode should be at the lowest possible speed.

If the bedspreads are used only as a decorative element, then they need to be washed once every three to four months. But if they serve as additional blankets every night, then water procedures should be carried out as often as for linen.

Pillowcases and pillows

To remove dust particles and stratum corneum of the epidermis, try to beat the pads every day.

Pillowcases love to splash in hot water. The same products are used for washing as for the rest of the bedding.

Pillows, if you have pillowcases, can often not be washed (once every one or two months).

For every weekend, it is advisable to hang them out in fresh air for ventilation.

Mattress covers

Mattress toppers are lifesavers for those who wish to increase the mattress service life, protect against allergies and keep them clean. Wash mattress covers according to the same instructions as for duvet covers and sheets. Water procedures must be carried out at least once a month or as soon as it gets dirty.

But washing the mattress itself is troublesome. Better to entrust it to experts. At least once every six months, it must be treated with a vacuum cleaner or steam. The stains are removed with upholstery shampoo diluted in cool water 1: 3.

Knowing how long it will take to change the bedding and following these tips, you will preserve the aesthetic appearance of the kit and prevent health problems.

By the way, in decent hotels, the freshest bed is made not only after the departure of each guest or at the request of those living in the room. In hotels with a solid number of stars, the bed is refreshed several times a day.

Deep dream

It's so nice to go to sleep in a clean bed. The scent of freshness helps you to relax, sleeping on spotless sheets will be deep and measured. To wake up refreshed in the afternoon, you should just look after the cleanliness of the bed.

Obviously, one-and-a-half bedding for the 1st does not get dirty very quickly, so you can wash it once every two weeks.

It is better to renew a double set for two in a week. The frequency of linen changes also depends on the season. This can be done more often in summer than in winter.

Healthy sleep

The dust accumulated on bed linen contains viruses, spores, bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. If they are constantly inhaled, there is a risk of developing allergic reactions, breathing difficulties, irritation of the mucous membranes, and suppression of immunity. Scientifically proven fact that dead skin cells of a person are food for bed mites. In turn, the products of its vital activity are the strongest allergen, as well as ordinary dust.

For people with allergies and asthma, it is better to change the entire set every 2-3 days.

Particular attention should be paid to pillowcases, which need to be changed more often.

During an infectious disease or at a high temperature, the most frequent washing of the bed is required, and after the cure, fresh linen should be laid.

Change your bedding at least once a week

The conventional wisdom about changing sheets every two weeks is wrong. Already a week later, after using the bed for its intended purpose, the population of dust mites reaches unsafe health limits. Under the condition of daily sleep in a bed of 2 people of average build for two weeks from sweat on the surface of the bed, up to 16 types of mold start up, each of which is capable of stimulating massive allergic reactions even in a conditionally healthy person.

For these reasons, an ordinary change of sleep equipment must occur at least once a week.

In variants of the highest temperature in case of illness, hot weather or sleeping with small children, bed linen should be changed even more often - once every two to three days. The same goes for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, people with eczema and psoriasis.

Wash laundry at a temperature of 55 degrees or more

This temperature is the lower limit of the probable death rate of dust mites. Additional protection against mildew and mildew will be achieved by drying the laundry.

Some delicate ones do not allow washing at the highest temperature.

The way out in this case may be to use an antiseptic conditioner-conditioner, or if you or your children are at risk for allergies, it is better to switch to the most practical options for bed linen made of coarse calico, satin, poplin or cotton.

Do not judge cleanliness by appearance

Of course, if you accidentally spill coffee on the pillow or sprinkle chocolate chip crumbs on the blanket, it will be clear that the laundry needs to be washed. But the absence of visible spots and dirt does not at all mean the real cleanliness and safety of your bed.

Even if your sheets look white after two weeks of use, they need to be washed - and done often.

By the time they really look stale, they are guaranteed to have settled dozens and hundreds of dust mites, mold and fungi. They cannot be seen with the naked eye, since their size is microscopic, but they constantly live in an environment associated with the natural secretions of human skin, since they are food for these microorganisms.

Important: up to a third of all inhabitants of our planet suffer from allergies to dust mites. At least a quarter of them cannot correctly diagnose diseases and have been treated for years for colds and persistent rhinitis and eczema.

Clean mattress and pillows regularly

Changing your bedding often will lessen the dust mite problem, but it won't solve it one hundred percent.

Even weekly washing of bed linen is not capable of ensuring good cleanliness, if you forget about the expiration date of the mattress, pillows and blankets.

Dust mites have an annoying property to accumulate inside bedding, in the upholstery of mattresses and sofas. If you put spotless sheets on them, they will instantly become saturated with mite secretions and mildew nanoparticles. The same statistics asserts that almost all of us use pillows and blankets much longer than the allowed period - pillows change on average once every 3 years, blankets last about 7 years, and mattresses do not change at all for a decade. During this time, their weight increases as much as three times due to the weight of the ticks living in them.

What's going on under the covers for everyone?

Many are shocked by the prerequisites for which bed linen is often changed.

Consider what directly accumulates on sheets and duvet covers:

  • Dust and mold.

    Dust can accumulate on bedding. It contains not only dirt brought with things from the street, but also flying through an open window. The microscopic fragments contain mold spores, small bacteria and other organisms. If you constantly inhale air containing such dust, you can get allergies, obstacles to the respiratory and immune systems;

  • Ticks.These are small pests that are extremely difficult to recognize with the naked eye. The staple food of such creatures is dead skin fragments, which are hammered into the fabric of sheets, duvet covers and pillowcases. But such mites do not harm people and furniture. Nothing of the kind can be announced about their waste products, which, in combination with fungal microspores, provoke an allergic reaction in almost all people;
  • Worms.
  • Wool and dandruff.Pets often lie on the master's bed. Also, dandruff constantly falls from the head and remains on the bedding;
  • Sweat.May stand out when it gets hot to sleep;
  • Crumbs and leftovers.Some people like to eat in bed. After this, food fragments are practically constantly left on the bed, which do not allow normal sleep;
  • Spots.

    Facial cosmetics, foods, bodily fluids, and dirt on your hands can stain bedding.

It is difficult to imagine what will happen to the bed linen, if it is not changed for a long time. Dirty people should seriously think about their own health.

  1. Changing bedding on Sunday means a bad sleep for a week.
  2. If you do not make the bed, diseases will stick to the owner.

How often to change?

To understand how it is often necessary to change bedding at home, it is necessary to take into account the seasonality from which it is made, the rest of the personalities of each family member.

It is very often necessary to change bedding, at least every three days, if pets love to sleep on the bed.

In the summer, you can lay silk on the bed, and in the winter, woolen blankets or bedspreads. It is not recommended to use artificial synthetic fabrics that are not perfectly breathable and absorb water. The fact is that one of the main purposes of bed linen is to absorb sweat. In addition, synthetics are much more likely to get dirty and absorb odors, therefore they also need to be washed often.

The usual bedding set includes:

  • Pillowcase. It collects a huge part of dirt, protects the pillow, does not ask for frequent washing.

    Even with a pillowcase, the pillows should be washed at least 2 times a year or every 3 months;

  • The duvet cover is used for a similar purpose, but only to protect the duvet. You don't have to dry it and wash it often. The duvet cover needs to be changed about once every two weeks;
  • A sheet or mattress cover serves to protect the mattresses. If you do not use this bedding, over time, a real colony of dust mites appears.

    For children's beds, it is better to use a special sheet with oilcloth. In this way, the mattress will be protected from urine. It is very difficult to clean the mattress from such stains. For natural reasons, baby bedding will often have to be changed depending on the age of the child.

    Change of bed linen can be safely attributed to one of the most important hygiene procedures for human health. Keeping your sheets and pillowcases clean is just as important as washing your clothes regularly. If you do not change bed linen for a long time, pathogenic microorganisms begin to actively multiply in it, causing allergic reactions and exacerbation of diseases. That is why adults and children should sleep exclusively on clean pillowcases and sheets. Replacing it regularly is a guarantee of comfortable sleep and human health.

    How many times should the bedding be changed?

    Experts in the field of epidemiology recommend that adults wash their sleeping kit every 10 days. Every night, dead skin cells, sweat, and organic secretions move from the human body to the bed. All this is a breeding ground for bed mites, bacteria, fungi. If a person often sweats during sleep, this is a good reason to change clothes to clean ones even more often, since high humidity is an ideal breeding ground for fungi.

    I must say that pillowcases should be changed twice as often as the rest of the sleeping set. This is especially important if there are rashes on the skin or if the person has any disease of an infectious nature.

    Baby bedding should be changed at least every 7 days, even if the set seems clean. The pillowcase must be replaced with a clean one twice a week. The baby and newborn will need several sets of bedding.

    If your toddler sleeps without diapers, sheets can be changed every day, if not more often. In order not to deal with bedding day and night, it is worth purchasing disposable absorbent diapers.

    How often should I wash my bedding?

    After how many days should the pillowcase, duvet cover and sheet be washed? The bed should be washed with the same frequency as changing it. "Adults" sets need to be washed once every 10 days, children's sets - once a week. If stains appear on the bedding, you will have to replace the kit ahead of time.

    Baby clothes must be washed separately from adults. The baby's bedding set should be either hand-cleaned or machine-cleaned in a delicate wash cycle. Any dirt must be rubbed with laundry soap. It is recommended to use odorless, neutral pH products for children. It is better to refuse conditioners and bleaches to avoid allergic reactions.

    Adult items can be washed in hotter water. If the laundry is made of cotton, it is recommended to select the Cotton mode, which is available on many automatic machines. This program will wash longer at 60 or 95 ° C. Hot water effectively eliminates pathogenic microorganisms living in bedding. However, in which mode it is better to wash the kit, manufacturers indicate on the label.

    What days to change the bedding?

    On what day of the week to change the sleeping set is exclusively everyone's business. Many people arrange a “cleaning day” on Saturday, and then they renew their linen. If we are talking about a person who works at home, or a mother on maternity leave, then bedding can be washed on Monday and Wednesday, and on any other day. It is better to set for yourself a specific day for changing the sheets in order to control the time that has passed since the last update of the kit, and know exactly when to change to a new one.

    Bed linen should be changed on a regular basis, because human health depends on it. It is important to keep track of the cleanliness of both children's and adult sleeping sets. It is necessary not only to update your pillowcases, sheets and duvet covers, but also remember to ventilate your pillows and blankets at least once a month.