An abstract classes for children of the senior group "Space Journey". SUMMARY CURRENT ON MATHEMATICS in the senior group "Journey to space" Curriculum Travel Space

Traveling for children of the senior group "Journey to Cosmos".

Purpose: consolidating the knowledge of children on the topic "Cosmos".

Educational: consolidate concepts on the topic, development in preschoolers ideas about the solar system;

Exercise in the formation of new words. Expansion of the thematic dictionary: space, space, planet, astronomer, constellation, atmosphere, satellite, spafing, spacecraft, planetary, planetarium, galaxy, comet, asteroid.


Development of attention, memory, thinking. Promoting the development of fantasy, visual memory, spatial thinking.

Educational: Education of the feeling of empathy, tolerant attitude towards the surrounding world.

Educator: On April 12, we celebrate the holiday of the Cosmonautics Day. This is a holiday of astronauts and those who participate in the creation of space missiles.

Educator: And who are such astronauts?

Children: These are people who fly into space.

Educator: Would you like to fly into space?

Children: Yes.

Educator: And what are you flying into space?

Children: On rocket.

Educator: And let's ka guys

We play in astronauts,

In space we all fly

We are going to fly

Build a new starrel.

The educator proposes to collect on his tables from the geometric figures rocket and manifest creativity and fantasy.

Educator: Now our rockets are ready for flight. You want to look closer, what is there in space?

Children: Yes.

Educator: And let's fly there. In order to make a space journey, you need to warm up a little.

Fizkultminthka is carried out.

Once or two, there is a rocket (children raise hands up)

Three - four - soon take off (spread their hands to the sides)

To fly to the sun (describe a large circle with hands)

Cosmonauts need a year. (Taken behind the cheeks and swing heads)

But you are not afraid of dear (hands on the parties, the corps are right left)

Each of us is an athlete (bend hands in the elbows, squeezing fists)

Flying over the earth. (Again bred hands to the sides)

She will give her hello. (Raise hands up and mahut)

Educator: And what do you think we still do not have enough space travel? After all, we have a rocket, what else do we need? We need a special costume. What is it called?

Children: Skafander.

Educator: So that our flight has passed successfully, I now have all the ways for the Space. So, we go. To do this, we all need to pronounce the spell. Close your eyes and pronounce spell: 5.4.3 star spacecraft. (Space music sounds, the flannelhemph is hanging a poster of the solar system, the educator pays attention to it). Our spacecraft travels through the universe. Before us is a solar system. This sun is a huge fireball. The sun is the center of the solar system. The sun is the closest star to the ground, a hurriculous hot gas balloon

Eight planets rotate around it: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Each planet on its track. The tracks are called orbit.

Planet Mercury - (the first planet in the account of the Sun) is the planet closer than all located to the Sun, it is considered the smallest in the entire system. Mercury is the fastest planet. He has time to make a complete turn around the Sun in just 88 terrestrial day. (If we lived on Mercury, then a birthday would be celebrated twice a day) the surface of Mercury is solid, stony. The day of the planet is practically burning under the sunny rays, and at night freezes.

Planet Venus

The brightest planet in the sky. Named in honor of the goddess of beauty. She is clearly visible in the sky without a telescope. The entire surface of Venus is a hot rocky desert. Venus is surrounded by a thick layer of clouds. And under this cloud cover is unbearable heat.

Educator: What is the third planet?

Land - This is a huge solid ball. But only on our planet there is life. When astronauts look out of space to our planet, it seems to them a luminous ball of blue. Because on Earth more water than sushi.

The planet Mars. This planet was named after the ancient Greek God of war. Similar to Earth Planet, but less largest and colder. The surface of Mars is solid and covered with orange - red sand, so Mars is called the "red planet".

Planet Jupiter. The largest planet of the solar system is 10 times more land. It is so great that all other planets could fit on it. Around its axis, Jupiter rotates so quickly that the clouds around it stretch into long ribbons, giving the planet striped view. Jupiter is not a firm planet. The peculiarity of Jupiter is a big red spot. This is a huge whirlwind.

Planet Saturn- This is a planet giant light yellow color. She quickly revolves around his axis. It has a gaseous structure. Saturn has rings that do not have other planets that are formed from dust, stones and ice. They all rotate around the planet. Saturn is located far from the Sun, so its temperature is very low.

Planet Urana (Seventh from the Sun, refers to the giants planets). This is the first planet, which was seen in the telescope. Unique among other planets it does what he rotates "lying on his side. She is called lying planet. This planet also has rings, but to see them is much more complicated, they are manifested only at a certain time.

Planet Neptune (Eighth Planet from the Sun). Neptune refers to the giant planets. In the Roman mythology, the God of the Seas. The surface of it from space looks blue. In Neptune, stained stains are noticeable. The largest storm looks like a large dark spot, on the edge of which white spots are located.

Educator: Who will answer the question, the earth has a satellite .... ? (Moon)

The moon is the natural satellite of the Earth, its permanent neighbor. She rotates around the earth. The moon is less than four times. It does not shine itself, but only how the mirror reflects the solar rays falling on it. The surface of the moon is covered with the smallest sand, lunar dust. The entire surface of the moon covers large and small deepening - crater. Lunar crater are traces of stones from space from space - metteroids. Dark spots on the moon are called seas, although there is no water on the moon.

Educator : And now, sit down at the tables and draw the planets, and who will fly to what the planet will choose a reader (the educator considers the astronomical reading: he lived on the moon, he was the planets led. Mercury - once; Venus - two; land - three; Mars - four; Five - Jupiter; Six - Saturn; seven - uranium; eighth - Neptune). (Children distributed trays with paints). Decreased planets are pasted on the prepared Watman solar system.

Galina Kirsanova
Open occupation for the senior group "Journey to Cosmos"

Educational institution: MBDOU № 117

Subject: Journey to space

Educator: Kirsanova G.V.

Group: older

Educational-methodical security:

Program "Cognitive-research activities of preschool children"

Program "Familiarization with nature in d / s"

Program "Introduction to the subject and social environment"

Time implementation classes:30 minutes.

purpose: Fastening Kids Knowledge on the topic « Space» .


Educational: consolidate concepts on the topic, development of preschoolers of ideas about the solar system;

Exercise in the formation of new words. Thematic expansion drug: space, space, planet, astronomer, constellation, atmosphere, satellite, skateback, kosmodrom., planetary, planetarium, galaxy, comet, asteroid.


Development of attention, memory, thinking.


Education of the feeling of empathy, tolerant attitude towards the surrounding world.

A type classes: generalizations and systematization of knowledge by topic: « Space» .

The form: Tracking - travel.


layout "Farm Planet", telescope, radiogram with text, headphones, radio, signal flags, animal figures, birds, plants.

Travel course:

Organizing time:

There are anxious call sign. The tutor in the headphones, sitting at the improvised walkie-talkie, takes the callsigns.

Educator: Guys, just received a disturbing call sign in the distant planet. Listen message: "Children of the Earth! Huge grief collapsed on our planet! Scary tornads flew and destroyed almost everything alive on it. Many plants died, insects, animals began to leave her in search of the best share. Help, please return our homeland initial appearance! Residents of a distant planet "

Educator: Well, what guys help? But how do we get to it?

I seem to know.

Listen, please, the riddle and answer - who we will ask council: Mystery


Educator: Proper, guys. And what is the name of the device in which looks astronomer? (telescope).

Educator: And so go on the road to a distant planet. We need to get there, as its inhabitants are waiting for us, but you need to know that the path we will have difficulty and distant

Tutor guys what we fly (on rocket)

What is the name of the transport where we fly? (Space)

How can I call the missile? (Spaceship) .

Educator: We need to wear more special equipment.

What is the name of the costume cosmonaut? (Suiter).

Where will I start your way? (FROM cosmodrome)

But we have forgotten still take the seeds of plants, herbs, colors. What do we take? (Saplings of trees and sustainers, insects, birds, animals).

That's right, if all living things died on a distant planet, we will have to re-set this planet with plants and animals.

So, everything is ready for the flight. We start a report t.: ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one ... Start. (Sounds space Music, is projected on the screen "Starry Sky").

Slide - 1. (space Music) Universe

The universe is the whole immense world that is outside the land. Scientists - Astronomers believe that it appeared as a result of a large explosion. It happened 15 billion years ago. Galaxies are of different sizes and shapes.

Slide - 2 Galaxy

Galaxy is a cluster of stars in cosmos. They are visible to telescopes like bright small foggy spots. Our galaxy - the Milky Way is spiral. If you look at her from above, it will look like a huge starwirl.

Slide - 3 Solar System

Solar system is the celestial bodies that move around the sun. Solar system is a star system consisting of a sun and a planetary system that includes all natural space objectsAppearing around Sun.: 8 planets.

Educator: Guys how many planets in our solar system? Let's remember with you all together


Armor lived on the moon - ( "Watch" in a telescope)

He was registered by the planets: (Show in the sky with hand)

Mercury - times (Describe the circle of hand)

Venus-two-s, (Cotton)

Three - Earth, four - Mars, (Sit down)

Five - Jupiter, Six - Saturn, (Slope to the right and left)

Seven - uranium, eight - Neptune, (Tilt forward, get back)

Who does not see - go out! (Divide your hands to the sides)

Slide - 4. Space

Painted cosmos in black, Pauline

Since there is no atmosphere,

No night, no day,

There are no earthly blue,

There are types of strange and wonderful:

And the stars immediately all visible,

And the sun, and the moon.

Slide - 5 Sun

The sun is the closest star to the ground, a hurriculous hot gas ball. The sun is the strongest body in attraction in the entire solar system, so the planets rotate around it. The sun is so greater than the land that if you present it in the form of a soccer ball, the earth will be the size of the sand.

Slide - 6 Mercury

Educator: In honor of which God is named planet?

Mercury (The first planet for the Sun account) This planet is closer to all located to the sun, in the entire system it is considered the smallest. Mercury is the fastest planet. He has time to make a complete turn around the Sun in just 88 terrestrial day. (If we lived on Mercury, then a birthday would be celebrated twice a day) the surface of Mercury is solid, stony. The day of the planet is practically burning under the sunny rays, and at night freezes.

Slide - 7 Venus

Educator: In honor of what goddess is named planet?. Right

The brightest planet in the sky. Named in honor of the goddess of beauty. She is clearly visible in the sky without a telescope. The entire surface of Venus is a hot rocky desert. Venus is surrounded by a thick layer of clouds. And under this cloud cover is unbearable heat.

Educator: What is the third planet?

Slide - 8 Earth Question: What account (Third Planet from the Sun)

Earth is a huge solid ball. On the surface of this ball there is a dry and water. The land surrounds the air atmosphere. The atmosphere contains oxygen that we breathe and she also protects the planet from too hot rays of the sun and saves the land from falling out of cosmos stones and ice.

Slide - 9 Mars

This planet was named after the ancient Greek God of war. Similar to Earth Planet, but less largest and colder. The surface of Mars is solid and covered with orange - red sand, so Mars called "Red Planet". The year on Mars lasts "times longer than the earth.

On Mars there is the highest mountain in the Solar System - Olympus. Its height is 27 thousand meters.

On Mars there are deep depressions, gigantic extinct volcanoes and extensive deserts.

Slide - 10 Jupiter

Jupiter - the most planets, Sasha S.

But there is no life on the planet.

Everywhere liquid hydrogen,

And bite cold all year round.

The largest planet of the solar system is 10 times more land. It is so great that all other planets could fit on it. Around its axis, Jupiter rotates so quickly that the clouds around it stretch into long ribbons, giving the planet striped view. Jupiter is not a firm planet. The peculiarity of Jupiter is a big red spot. This is a huge whirlwind.

Slide - 11 Saturn

Saturn is a planet giant light yellow color. She quickly revolves around his axis. It has a gaseous structure. Saturn has rings that do not have other planets that are formed from dust, stones and ice. They all rotate around the planet. Saturn is located far from the Sun, so its temperature is very low.

Slide - 12 Uranus (Seventh from the Sun, refers to the giant planets)

Uranus - Planet - Giant. This is the first planet, which was seen in the telescope. Unique among other planets it does what he rotates "lying on his side. She is called lying planet. This planet also has rings, but to see them is much more complicated, they are manifested only at a certain time.

Slide - 13 Neptune (Eighth Planet from the Sun)

Neptune refers to the giant planets. In the Roman mythology, the God of the Seas.

The surface of it is cosmos looks blue. In Neptune, stained stains are noticeable. The largest storm looks like a large dark spot, on the edge of which white spots are located.

Slide - 14 moon

Educator: Who will answer the question, the earth has a satellite ....? (Moon)

The moon is the natural satellite of the Earth, its permanent neighbor. She rotates around the earth. The moon is less than four times. It does not shine itself, but only how the mirror reflects the solar rays falling on it. The surface of the moon is covered with the smallest sand, lunar dust. The entire surface of the moon covers large and small deepening - crater. Moon crater is traces from stones blows from cosmos - metteroids. Dark spots on the moon are called seas, although there is no water on the moon.

Slide - 15 Star Sky, Comet, Constellation

Educator: Guys, carefully look at what we see in the porthole? (Comets, planets, constellations). And what is there ahead? This is an unknown planet ...

Educator: Our space The ship arrived at the distant planet.

But to land, we must pass tests, guess the riddles

Puzzles: Magnifying mysteries

Educator: Well done, all the tests passed, go to the landing ....

Children come out of the rocket

Sounds space Music. The layout of the planet is set.


Guys, so that we can settle the distant planet birds, animals, plants, we must first clean the channels so that the lakes filled with water. Sea, Oceans Let's do it.

(On Watman graphically drawn the planet, children take brushes and gouache, and spoken: seas, rivers, lakes-blue; Mountain, brown, forest, desert, yellow.


That came to life a distant planet and became very similar to our land. We will sometimes fly here.

There are now Planet Garden Sonya Sh.

In that cosmos cold.

There now forests are noisy,

Birds, squirrel, flight.

And the flowers are now flowering - Katya B.

Lily of the valley in the grass Green

And dragonfly song sing

Looking at the river surprised ...

Take care of your planet -

After all, another, there is no similar! together


That ended our journey. You have done a kind thing - saved from the death of a distant planet. It's time to return home.

Educational tasks:

Fix quantitative, sequence account within 10;

Improve the ability to correctly answer the question "which in the account";

Consolidate knowledge of volumetric and planar geometric shapes;

Improve the ability to call the following and previous number;

Consolidate the ability to answer the question "how much";

Improve the ability to navigate in space on a sheet of paper, in time;

To form the concept that the square can be divided into 4 equal parts.

Developing tasks:

- develop geometric dorms;

Develop creative imagination and fantasy;

Develop attention and logical thinking;

Develop curiosity;

Develop interest in the knowledge of outer space.

Educational challenges:

Educate interest and respect for people - cosmos discover; bring up in children pride for their country;

Bring up friendly relationships between children; habit together to work; conviction in the values \u200b\u200bof collective labor to achieve a common goal;

To form such qualities as sympathy, responsiveness.


Magic flower, "meteor flow", magnets, stars, poster "Planets of the Solar System", encrypted fairy tales, a skater, technical training.

Plan lesson:

1. Org. Moment - 1 minute

2. Preparation for perception - 4 minutes

3. Designing a rocket. Flight. - 2 minutes

4. "On an unknown planet" - 15 minutes

5. Flight on the planet Earth - 2 minutes

6. Outcome classes - 1 minute

Travel course:

1. Organizational moment.

The educator leads children to the music hall, children sit on the chairs.

2. Preparation for perception.

Hello children. I, alpha alflanist, arrived from a distant and unknown planet. Our planet is in danger. An evil wizard asteroid enchanted her. The planet will be destroyed if we do not solve 7 complex tasks.

I received a signal that on the planet Earth, in the city of Dubna, there is a kindergarten "Ryabinka", in which the most resourceful friendly and bold children live! Are you ready to help us?

To become a cosmonamp

To take off in the sky

We must know a lot

We must be able to know much.

And at the same time, and at the same time

You note - ka,

Cosmonauts helps


What can fly into space on? (Star, Astrip, Rocket, Flying Plate). I suggest flying today on the rocket you build yourself!

3. Designing the rocket from the volume modules. Flight.

Attention! In the rank, to the right - once, two, left - once, two! In order of numbers, will count!

And now we are with you, children fly on rocket!

(children enter the rocket)

Fasten seat belts!

Countdown: 10, 9, 8 ...

And the rocket flies up!

On the monitor is the map of our route. Start of flight - Planet Earth. Determine the location of the planet Earth on the space card.

(Lower left corner)

We flew to the Red Star. Name its location on the map.

(Upper left corner)

Something flashed behind the portholes of the rocket?! This is a meteoric stream. Name the form of meteorites (ball, cube, cylinder).

We are approaching the yellow star. Name its location on the map (upper right corner).

We have a goal. Unknown Planet nearby. Name her location

(Lower right angle).

4. "On an unknown planet"

Attention! Landing! Immediately proceed to the salvation of the planet!

For each correctly completed task you get 1 star. You need to collect 7 stars to save the planet! Answer clearly, quickly, do not interrupt each other! Forward!

(The educator sums up after each task)

7 Arsteroid Wizard Tasks:

1) Task first.

"Yes - no" (play in a circle with a ball)

- Respond quickly to questions: Yes, or not:

  • Round earth?
  • Today is monday?
  • Total 4 years of year?
  • In the sky a lot of stars?
  • 10 months?
  • Earth - the largest planet of the solar system?
  • 6 less than 3?
  • Yesterday was Saturday?
  • Summer will come after spring?
  • We week 7 days?
  • Do there have corners?
  • Cube - Stable Figure?

You quickly and clearly coped with the task and get the first star!

2) Task second.

"Figures on the back" (play in a circle):

Stand in the circle! It is necessary to guess the geometric shape, which I paint on your back! (Space music sounds)

7 correct answers is considered to be completed! The team gets the second star!

3) Task third.

"Magic flower" (children sit on chairs)

The next task "Magic Flower". How many petals? We take petal and call the neighbors of this number.

Well coped with the task. Get a third star!

4) Task fourth.

- We decide sly challenges:

  • How many ends of the stick? Two sticks? Two and a half? (6)
  • Troika horses ran 5 km. How many kilometers running every horse? (5 km)
  • If the chicken is standing on one leg, then it weighs 2 kg. How much will the chicken be messed if there will be a couple of two legs? (2 kg)
  • Three fish flew over the forest, 2 landed. How much flew away?
  • Two pots fell: iron and clay. What fragments will be more?
  • 3 apples grew on birch. 1 apple broke. How much is left?
  • On table 4 carrots and 3 cucumbers. How many fruit on the table?

You have shown a mixture. Well done! Your fourth star!

Naytel dance

And now we will rest and fulfill the space dance.

5) Task fifth (approach the table)

"What is too much"

Earth, sun, skate

Comet, meteorite, globe

Astrolet, Star, Boat

Telescope, Binoculars, TV

Planet, satellite, vacuum cleaner

Cosmonaut, astronaut, driver

Airplane, helicopter, rocket

Healthy! Missedly coped with the task! You get the fifth star!

6) Task sixth.

"Planets Solar System" (suitable for easel)

Planets rotate around the sun. The sun and planet is a solar system. How many planets rotates around the sun? (9 planets).

At what place Mercury? Land? Venus? Mars? Uranus? Saturn? Jupiter? Neptune? Pluto?

Wonderfully completed the task. Your sixth star!

7) Seventh Task (children sit down at tables)

"Mysterious Square"

- Listen carefully : if you fold the square in half and once again in half, how much will be equal parts? Let's check: fold in half, the corners to the corners, bend to smooth and once again in half. How many parts did it work?

You quickly and clearly cope with the task and get a seventh star!

8) Eighth task.

"Name a fairy tale!"

- Carefully look at these schemes and define the name of the fairy tales. The cherished seventh star is yours!

How many stars did you collect?

Planet saved !!!

Thank you kids. As a reward - every star!

In gratitude you are given the opportunity to give it a name !!!

Creative task "Come to the name of the planet"

5. "Flight on the planet Earth"

Attention! From the Space Center of the Planet, the Earth received a signal about returning home. Shange getting! In order of numbers, will count! Crew, take your places! Fasten seat belts! Countdown.

(simulation of flight for comic music)

6. Outcome classes

We are on the planet Earth!

Thank you for the smelting and good hearts! Friendship helps you do real wonders! In memory of the space travel, I give a puzzle "Solar System" to explore and opening the planets unknown to you. And it's time for me to the space on my planet ....!

The abstract of integrated classes in the senior group

"Journey through space."

Prepared a teacher:

Tiunova Tatiana Nikolaevna


1. To clarify and expand the ideas of children about space, planets, solar system, Cosmonautics Day. Cause cognitive interest in space.

2. Develop fantasy, imagination, desire to transfer your impressions, the ability to independently use drawing skills in various techniques(combination of watercolor and wax chalk, watercolor + salt, blowing, battery, adjustment); shallow motorability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

3. Relieve the ability to work collectively.

Material: Illustrations with the image of the universe, stars, planets, cosmic music, globe, presentation on the topic "in space", sheets of blue, chips.

Material for drawing: Watercolor or gouache, sticking sticks, salt, jars with water, brushes, tubes for blowing, napkins, watman, stands under the brushes.

Preliminary work: Viewing slides, presentations on the topic "Cosmos", reading the cognitive stories of the Isancyclopedia of the preschooler and "I will know the world", productive activity: Drawing the planet Earth in the "Stacking" technique, modeling rocket in the Plasticography technique, conversations about space, about the solar system, About planets, reading poems, viewing illustrations, familiarity with non-traditional drawing techniques.

Wordwork: Cosmos, planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), Solar System, Spacemodas, Spa Tander.

Travel course:

Space music sounds. The teacher suggests listening to the musical composition and imagine, at what distant journey this music is invited (space journey).

Why do you think so? (Mysterious music, mysterious, unusual, like space).

Tale story: In antiquity, when our ancestors lived in the caves, they looked at the sky every night and were surprised: countless points were sparkled in the bottomless embroidery. They disappeared by the morning to appear next night. And where the huge drive of the sun shifted during the day, at night, accelerating the darkness, Luna shone, which periodically changed her shape. Why this happens, our ancestors did not understand, and could not explain. But millennium passed and people found answers to many questions.

- Educator: Guys, I suggest you go to an unusual journey beyond our planet in a distant and immense space. During travel, you will perform tasks. Will help us move to the spacecraft Magic Words ( Children are spinning around the room and say magic words).

If you really try, if you want to want,

You can go to the sky and fly to the sun

Educator: Guys, we found yourself on a spacecraft. Want to go on a journey? Well, then occupy your places. Attention! Get ready for the launch of the spacecraft. We consider back from ten (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1). Start! Our ship rises high up. Be careful! We are monitoring space objects in the porthole. Task number 1 hanging on an asterisk.

Educator: The first task that you have to do - you need to remember everything What do you know about space.

Conversation to clarify the ideas of children on the topic.

Presentation "In Space" (Slide number 1)

Questions for children:

1. What is the name of our planet?

Children's answer: Earth(Slide number 2).

2. What is the name of the earth model, reduced many times?

The answer of children. Show globe.

3. The rocket has a driver,

Weightlessness amateur.

In English: "Astronaut",

And in Russian…

Answer children: cosmonaut (slide number 3)

4. What are the first cosmonaut flying into space?

Answer children: Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (Slide # 4).

Additional question: When is Cosmonautics Day celebrated? ( April 12th).

5. What is the name of special clothes for flights into space?

The answer of children: Spa and Slide No. 5).

6. Astronomer - He is starvature,

Knows everything will fune up!

Only better than stars is visible

In the sky full ...

Answer children: Moon (slide number 6)

7. Where do cosmic ships start?

Answer children: cosmodrome (slide number 7)

8. Light flies faster,

Kilometers do not consider.

Gives the sun life planets,

We are warm, tails - ...

The answer of children: comets (slide number 8).

9. How many famous people have planets around the sun? (Slide number 9).

Answer children: 9 - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

Educator: congratulations on the test passed.

Educator: Make a deep breath, exhale, calm your breath. Well, here you are ready to perform the following task, you need to move into the second compartment of our ship.

Task 2 on an asterisk: All children have blue-color sheets - this is a space orbit.

Educator: Attention! In the upper left corner we see the sun, mark it with yellow (circle). In the lower left corner there is a planet earth - a blue circle. In the upper right corner, we see the polar star - a white circle; In the lower right corner, I see Mars Planet, mark it with a red circle.

Check job.

Where is:

    Earth (in the lower left corner)

    Sun (in the upper left corner)

    Polar Star (in the upper right corner)

    Mars (in the lower right corner)

Educator: well done, everything coped with the task. Duty officers e remove mathematics.

FOM minute "Cosmonaut" (1 min)

Once or two, there is a rocket. (children raise hands up)

Three or four, soon take off. (Break hands to the sides)

To fly to the Sun (circle of hands)

Cosmonauts need a year. (takes his hands for cheeks, shakes his head)

But dear we are not scared (hands on the parties, slopes by the building right-left)

Each of us is an athlete (bend hands in the elbows)

Flying over the earth (bred hands to the sides)

She will give her hello. (raise hands up and mahut)

Educator : Here we are a little concerned in space and I suggest you paint the solar system. To find out who which planet will draw, you need to guess the riddles.

Riddles "Solar System"

1. On this planet such heat

What is there to be dangerous, friends.

What is our hottest planet? (Mercury)

3. And this planet is the road to all.

Our life gave us a planet ... (All: Earth)

2.4. For planet Earth, two planets are close.

Friend, the names of them will soon be called. (Venus and Mars)

5. And this planet is proud of himself.

Since it is considered the biggest.

What is this planet? (Jupiter).

6. Planet rings are surrounded,

And this was distinguished from all. (Saturn)

7. And what about the planet

green color? (Uranus).

8. The king of the marine name is the planet.

He called her name to her. (Neptune)

9. And this planet is a terrible stuffed,

The warmth of her sunbeam did not take out.

What is this planet? (Pluto).

Conversation about the upcoming work

Educator: you need to choose a material for various drawing techniques, which means that the drawings you need to get a wide variety.

Lisa, Sasha, Svyatogor ... What kind of drawing technique you have chosen. Think what material do you need? Children organize a workplace.

Fingering gymnastics "Planets".

In order, all the planets
Write any of us:
Once ... Mercury,
Two ... Venus,
Three ... Earth,
Four ... Mars.
Five ... Jupiter,
Six ... Saturn,
Seven ... uranium
Behind him ... Neptune.
He goes eighth.
And after him, then,
And ninth planet
Called Pluto.

Independent work . During drawing, calm, quiet music sounds.After all the guys started work, the teacher determines who at the moment needs help who finds it difficult to get started. With these children, the educator finds out the stages of work. Individual work is carried out.

Music sounds during drawing.

Outcome : Guys, look, our white sheet turned into a huge space.

You are real artists, and you managed to convey the beauty of outer space.

Where did we travel?

What is remembered most?

What planets did you draw?

What technique is chosen?

All today are well done.

It is time to return to kindergarten. Children say magic words.

Who tried to call.

The duty officers remove the accessories.

An abstract of open classes in the older Dow group

Author: Borodina Tatiana Gennadevna, teacher of the senior group of GBOU SOSH №289 (kindergarten №1867) of the city of Moscow.

An abstract of open speech development in the senior group "Space Journey".

Software content:

1. Formation of practical skills and skills of use corrected (phonetically clean, lexically developed, grammatically) speech;
2. Replenishment, expansion, activation of the vocabulary of children;
3. Development of the lexic and grammatical framework of speech, mediating the selection of various didactic games.
1. Repetition and fixing sound P;
2. Fastening the correct sound mode in words, proverbs and verses;
3. Development of dialogical speech;
4. Development of a lexico-grammatical system of speech in word formation and word.
1. Formation of moral qualities: the readiness to come to the aid, a sense of collectivism;
2. Education of the culture of speech communication;
3. Education to your own speech; Interest in speech development activities.

Preliminary work:
1. Acquaintance with the sound "P" in the study of speech development;
2. Conversation with children on the topic: "Cosmos" / Who was the first cosmonaut, space planets /
3. Heading with the children of poems;
4. The performance of drawing classes, appliques on the topic "Cosmos", origami "Rocket";
5. Reading stories from the book "Flying Stars" A. Tkachenko;
6. Consider the pictures from the LB series Dryagina "Preschoolers about Russian conquerors of space"
Pictures with the image of the planets,
Toys: Luntik, Ball, Audio Photo of Cosmic Music,
Laser flashlights to create the "Star Sky" effect,
Colored stars are large for constellations and small as a promotion.
Used Books:
1. LB Dryagina "Preschoolers about the Russian conquerors of space."
2. N.V. Labodina Complex classes, senior group.

Travel course.

Guys, let's go to the space journey today!
- What are we flying to space on? / Children: - On Rocket! /
- What is the first sound in the word rocket?
- What do we definitely wear you? / Children: - Spawner!
- Is there a sound "r" in the word Suiter?
- Where is it: at the beginning, in the middle or in the end of the word?
We wear a skaander
To fly to space
Many new find out
You just need to want!
- Our crew is ready for flight
Attention! Attention!
Go to the flight!
- Look, guys, how many stars around! The world of stars is diverse. In a cloudless clear evening, the sky was covered with many stars. They seem small because they are far away. In fact, the stars are huge hot gas balls, similar to the sun.
- Around our sun rotate nine planets.

- Listen carefully a poem about the planets.
In order, all the planets
Write any of us:
Once - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - uranium
Behind him - Neptune.
He goes eighth.
And after him, then,
And ninth planet
Called Pluto.
(Arkady Height)
- The first planet Mercury. (Showing the image of the planet).
This planet is closest to the sun, it is the smallest. Let's say this word together and remember the name of the planet!
/ On each planet, children perform tasks. /
Task: Guess the riddles.
1. What a bird, scarlet tail,
Flee in the sty of stars?
2. Telescope hundreds of years
Life is studying the planets.
We will tell us about everything
Smart Uncle ...
3. Not a month, not the moon, not a planet, not a star,
Over the sky flies, airplanes overtake.

- The second planet, for which we flew called Venus. (Showing the image of the planet). It's very hot here. Let's say this word and remember it.
/ Children say the word Venus and find the sound "P" /
Task: "Say on the contrary":
Day Night
Brightly ... dark
Sun moon
Fly away ... fly
Fit - ... land
- Well, that guys, you fulfilled the task, it's time to go further.
Kids fly to the next planet, imitating astronauts in space for space music.
- Look in the portholes, we approach the planet called Mars. Planet Mars looks red and visible in heaven like a reddish star. Let's say its name and remember it.
/ Children say the word Mars and find the sound "p" /
Space Fizkultminutka
In the sky clear sun shines,
Cosmonaut flies in rocket.
(Pull up - Hands up).
And at the bottom of the forest, fields -
Earth spreads.
(Hands dilute to the sides).

Guys, go to the flight! Ahead of us is waiting for a meeting with other amazing planets.
- Do you know who was the first cosmonaut?
Yes, April 12, 1961 on the East spacecraft Yu.A. Gagarin made a flight into space. Since then, every year on April 12, our country celebrates the day of cosmonautics ...

"Yuri Gagarin"
In cosmic rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
Climb to the stars could.
Sings about it songs
Spring droplets:
Forever will be together
Gagarin and April.
/ Children fly to another planet, imitating astronauts in space for space music, at this time my assistant sends laser lanterns to the ceiling and the "Star Sky" effect is created.
We are approaching the planet Jupiter, over which the threat has been hung, she needs to help keep in the universe! And for this you need to task.
Task: "Make an offer using a picture."
For example: "Rocket" - a rocket flies into space.
"Moon" - the moon shines in the sky.
"Constellations" - the stars in the sky form the constellation.
- Guys, we are time to go further!

- Look in the portholes - we are approaching the planet Saturn. (Showing the image of the planet). Please note that the rings surround this planet, let's say the name of the planet and remember it.
/ Children say the word Saturn and find the sound "p" /.
Task: "form a multiple number".
For example: rocket- ... rocket;
Comet - ... comets;
planet- ... planet;
cosmonaut ... cosmonauts, with
Constellation- ... constellation.
- Guys, what constellations do you know?
Children's Answers: Big Major, Microscope, Peacock, Raced Dogs, Fly, Cross, South Crown, Compass, etc. /
Game "Collect the constellation"
/ Children are divided into teams and samples are laying out their constellation from the sprocket. /
The game "flies - does not fly"
If I call the word that flies - you raise your hands. What does not fly - you do not raise your hands. But be very careful because I will confuse you.
- The plane flies? ... flies.
- Lunohod flies? ... does not fly
- Cosmonaut flies? ... flies.
- Satellite flies? ... flies.
- Star flies? ... does not fly.
- The helicopter flies? ... flies.
- Rocket flies? ... flies.
/ Children fly to another planet for space music.
- Let's fly on the planet Uranus. This is the seventh planet for the remoteness from the sun. On it guys very cold and dry.
- Now Vanya will tell us a poem: "Gagarin"
Flies rocket
Around earthly light
And in it sits Gagarin-
Simple Russian guy!
/ Children fly to another planet for space music.

Guys, we left to fly before two planets of the solar system are Neptune and Pluto. These planets, as well as uranium are far from the Sun and therefore it is very cold on them. To do not freeze and not get sick, you need to complete another task.
Task: "Name gentle".
For example: Star - ... Star;
cloud ... cloud;
Sun - ... Sunny;
Sky - ... nebushko;
plane - ... airplane;
Helicopter - ... helicopter.
- Well done guys, they coped with the task.
- Guess what planet do we fly now?
This planet is our favorite house,
We live on her from birth to death.
Planet is beautiful: sea, oceans.
Flowers and trees there, different countries,
And the sun shines from dawn to sunset, what the planet, tell me, guys!

- Look in the portholes, we are flocked to the most wonderful, to the most beautiful and beloved planet Earth.
- Guys in the planet Earth has its own satellite.
- Listen to the riddle and guess what the Earth has a satellite.
Only better than stars is visible
In the sky full ... (Moon).

Guys, "Luntik" came to visit us from the moon.
He wants to play with you.
The game-quiz "Guess-ka".
- The largest and most hot star in the Universe (Sun).
- A man who flies into space (cosmonaut).
- What is the name of the aircraft in which they fly into space? (Spaceship).
- What is the name of the animal and the constellation? (Bear).
- Why is there a day and night on earth? (Planet revolves around him)
- Who was the first cosmonaut flying into space? (Yuri Gagarin).
- Who else visited the space besides people? (Squirrel dogs and arrow, mice, rats, rabbits and even chimpanzees).
- What was the name of the spacecraft, on which Gagarin made his first flight? ("East")
- What holiday is our country celebrating on April 12 every year? (Cosmonautics Day).
- Guys, listen to the poem called:
"Yuri Gagarin"
"Ship flies"
Flies in space given
Steel ship
Around the Earth.
And even though its windows are small,
Everything can be seen in them
Like on palm:
Steppe space
Tidal bore,
And we are with you!
(Author of the poem - V. Eorlov)

Guys! Our journey came to an end. Did you like travel on the planets? What do you remember most?
- Now Luntik will distribute to all of you the guys of the stars in memory of our journey.