Working with a large family in a dhow. Recommendations for working with families of different types. Work plan with large families

From the work experience of a preschool educational institution. Topic: Working with incomplete families in a preschool educational institution

Description: This material examines a topical topic - a single-parent family, as well as the reasons for their occurrence, the main directions of the kindergarten's work with parents of single-parent families, tasks and principles, forms and methods of working with these families.

A family for a small child is a whole world. The world in which he lives, acts, makes discoveries, learns to love, hate, rejoice, sympathize. In the family, the child acquires the initial experience of communication, the ability to live among people, the first experience of living in the social world.
Incomplete families have existed since time immemorial. For a whole millennium, the reason for their appearance was the death of one of the parents. Divorces are also not an invention of our time, and they have existed for a long time. And yet they have spread en masse in our days. And accordingly, the percentage of such families is much higher than the percentage of single-parent families associated with the death of one of the family members. Recent studies by psychologists and educators are similar in one thing: the position of a child growing up in an incomplete family is in its own way exceptional, difficult, sometimes threatening, and sometimes dangerous. There may be danger, but it should not be real. It is quite obvious that a number of factors, intertwining, complicate the life of an incomplete family:
1. Causes of incomplete families. Factors such as who are absent from the family, how long, at what age was the child, when the absentee was gone (death, unmarried mother, divorce, emigration, etc.), whether he was anyone replaced, what was the personality of the lost parent and what was the personality of the present parent and, most importantly, what was the personality of the child.
2. The influence of the social context and the social background on which the life of an incomplete family passes (that is, do grandparents help, how the incomplete family is financially secure, what are the cultural traditions of the environment, what values \u200b\u200bit lives, etc.)
3. An incomplete family cannot fully ensure the fulfillment of the basic functions assigned by society to the family (providing the emotional rear to all its members and preparing the child for life in this society);
4. Emotional experiences of the child. The loss of one of the parents from a close circle of communication with the child is emotionally difficult for him to experience, which in the future may affect the further formation of the personality.
5. All difficulties and problems (material, emotional, psychological, etc.) are solved by one parent who stayed with the child.
6. Problems and difficulties arise when a child is rejected from an incomplete family by the surrounding society: by the children's collective in kindergarten, and then at school, etc.

The consequences of these factors are quite diverse: it is quite possible that the child's development is still going on normally - and a person grows up, perfectly adapted to life in society, fully positively assessed; but everything may be different - developmental disorders can be so strong that a person grows up little adapted, conflicted and even with a pronounced pathology.
The school year in our preschool institution for a teacher of any age group begins with the traditional acquaintance with the families of children. In this case, we find out the following factors:
Complete or incomplete family. We clarify the reasons for an incomplete family: divorce, a single mother (or father, from the birth of a child), one of the family members has died, one of the family members is temporarily not living.
The composition of families and the structure of family ties: full one-, two-, three-child, who is the pupil (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. child).
Marital experience (in the 1st, 2nd marriage, divorce, etc.).
Parents' education (higher, specialized secondary, incomplete).
Full families with broken consanguinity (parish of stepfather, stepmother).
Generational composition of the family (grandmothers, grandfathers living with the child), etc.
Families at risk (alcohol abusers, drug addicts, convicts, etc.).

To find out what conditions for moral education exist in single-parent families, what kind of help they need, we comprehensively study families: we conduct questionnaires, polls, testing, observations, conversations with adults and children. We pay attention to the emotional atmosphere in the family, to the intensity and content of communication between the child and adults. Having analyzed and summarized the results obtained, we came to the following conclusions:
1. The majority of incomplete families are incomplete from the birth of a child - 15%.
2. Single-parent families as a result of divorce - 11% (16 families) as a result of the death of one parent - 0.8% (1 family).
3. There are families that are not officially registered - 4.2%.
4. Single-parent families from the risk group category.
5. The majority of parents from single-parent families cannot name the rights of the child - 80%.
6. In a conflict, physical punishment is used - 55%.
7. Use obscene language in communication with a child - 27%.
8. There is an authoritarian style of communication - 87% of families.
9. Prohibit communication with the second parent - 29%.
10. The second parent himself refuses to participate in the upbringing of his child - 4%.
11. In incomplete families, the grandmother and grandfather are mainly engaged in raising the child - 0.8%.

After the analysis, the teachers take into account all the information received when planning work with the family inside the kindergarten, in communicating with parents, in providing competent counseling psychological and pedagogical assistance.
Main directions work of preschool educational institution with parents from single-parent families are as follows:
1. Strengthening children's health (in conjunction with medical and psychological services).
2. Creation of a unified educational space for the development and upbringing of a child;
3. Protection of the rights of the child,
4. Increasing parental competence in matters of legal and pedagogical culture;
5. Organization of family leisure.

To help single-parent families in raising children, we have set the following tasks for working with these families:
1. Creation of an atmosphere of trust and goodwill in communication between preschool educational institutions and parents.
2. Provision of comprehensive social, psychological and pedagogical assistance and support for single-parent families.
3. Conducting special events to compensate for the unfavorable experience of socialization and unfavorable living conditions of children and their families.
4. Providing diagnostics, correction and counseling on social and pedagogical issues for children and families at risk.
5. Prevention of social and pedagogical neglect of children from single-parent families.

Taking into account the goals and objectives on this topic, when building work with single-parent families, the teaching staff adheres to the following basic principles:
The openness of the kindergarten for the family (each parent is provided with the opportunity to know and see how his child lives and develops);
Cooperation of teachers and parents in raising children;
Creation of an active developmental environment that provides uniform approaches to personality development in the family and children's team;
Diagnostics of general and specific problems in the upbringing and development of a child
In the methodical office Preschool educational the team has collected a rich and varied material that contributes to the implementation of these principles in practice:
Family education regulations;
Materials helping educators to obtain information about the families of pupils (questionnaires, tests, survey sheets, cards "Social passports of the family", etc.);
Materials on the importance of the family in the development of the child, on the upbringing of children in various types of families
Materials for preparing communication with parents (various notes on the organization of various forms of communication with parents, practical materials on various aspects of education);
Materials of methodological work with teachers on communication with the family (various forms of methodological work with teachers, approximate topics of communication with parents, pedagogical situations, etc.);
Visual materials (illustrative, advisory material for design parent corners, literature for organizing exhibitions).

The teaching staff is in constant search of the most effective forms and methods of working with single-parent families:
Creation of a data bank about the families of pupils
Informal conversations about children (discussing the child's progress);
Systematic study of parental requests, requirements for the work of a preschool institution;
Conducting open days of preschool educational institutions;
Conducting and participating in intra-garden, city, regional and all-Russian competitions, festivals, etc.
Home visits by the teacher;
Organization of intra-group Honor Boards;
Involvement of parents in the organization and conduct of intra-garden events;
Parents' contribution to the development and education of their child (individual homework assignments);
Involvement of parents in social activities (work of Clubs for parents, inviting lecturers on issues of interest, etc.)
Advisory assistance of preschool educational institutions;
Scheduled conversations with parents to discuss the individual development of their child;
Targeted observation of the nature of parent-child communication and the behavior of children;
Conducting questionnaires, surveys of parents;
Conducting parenting meetings: oral journals, clubs, discussions, parenting lounges, etc.
Projects of various directions: "Our friends houseplants",
Joint thematic openings (books, children's works):
Visual pedagogical propaganda:

From work experience, we see that a parent (and, as a rule, in most families this is a mother) raising a child alone cannot always cope with his teaching duties. For many single mothers, extremes are characteristic: either they caress the child, then they allow everything, then they become excessively strict and what they allowed earlier, they begin to prohibit. Such fluctuations either depend on the mood, or are caused by a negative assessment by someone from the surrounding of the child's behavior. All this adversely affects the relationship between the mother and the child, the formation of his character. Therefore, teachers tactfully draw the attention of such mothers to the consistency in their behavior, in the requirements for the child, help them in the analysis of their own pedagogical influences, their effectiveness. We actively use in these cases such forms of work: individual conversations, analysis of pedagogical situations, play method.
An important task in working with single-parent family is to create trust and intimacy between educators and parents. We affirm with confidence that such closeness is not achieved immediately, an incomplete family is more “closed” to outsiders. A single mother tends to be sensitive to outside interference. Therefore, especially when dealing with such families of teachers, great tact, tolerance, and benevolence are required. It's no secret that difficult children are more common in single-parent families, but the comments of the educator, and the negative characteristics of the child's actions, are perceived by mothers painfully. For this reason, in individual conversations, we try to talk not so much about the child's misconduct, but about the possible reasons, motives for this misconduct, we involve the mother in the analysis of children's behavior. And we always emphasize all that is good in the child.

In individual conversations with parents, we pay attention to:
The mother (or father) on the importance of creating a positive relationship between the child and the second parent;
We contribute to the systematic communication of the child with both parents;
We try as much as possible to reduce or even neutralize the influence on children of parents who behave immorally and irresponsibly (we turn for help to the juvenile affairs inspectorate, to the department of guardianship, to the orphanage);
We carry out a differentiated explanatory work with older family members who sharply negatively react to the child's communication with the father,
We involve, if possible, parents, parents living separately in the upbringing of the child, in his child's life in kindergarten.

We respect single parents (mostly mothers). Those who have good parenting experience are elected to the parent committee of the group (kindergarten) in our kindergarten, we express our gratitude for their active participation in the life of the preschool educational institution.
But there are parents, to our great regret, who do not take their parental responsibilities seriously, rather lightly, indifferently. Such parents have to apply other forms and methods of work in conjunction with the inspection for minors, with the department of guardianship of the city administration. From experience, we were convinced that the moral development of a child in single-parent families depends, first of all, on the intensity and content of his communication with adults (including the father), as well as the presence of a positive emotional microclimate in the family.
The active use of various forms and methods of work of a preschool educational institution with a family makes it possible to achieve understanding and interest among the majority of parents in the material under discussion, the emergence of associations with their own experience. Most parents from single-parent families have become our active helpers and allies. Children from single-parent families have become much more sociable, more emotional, their relationships with other children and adults have improved. Continuous improvement of the professional level of teachers allows families of preschoolers to work actively in various areas.

Work plan with single-parent families by quarters.

September October November
1. Study of the individual characteristics of families, its educational opportunities, classification of families by types (degree of well-being, number of children, consultations, parental certificate "change of surname").
2. Suggest to parents homework: Make a list of what their children need, in order of importance: movement, play with parents, friends, beautiful things, treats, affection, praise.
3. Identify the causes of family problems. Individual conversations with parents belonging to this category (do they understand that their family needs "treatment", what they see ways out of this situation).
December January February
1. Parents are encouraged to observe play activities child within the walls of the kindergarten. Consultation "How to keep the children busy at home".
2. Invitation and participation in new Year's fairy tale "Visiting Cinderella". Making carnival costumes.
3. Analysis of conflict situations. Situation - “I am he” (for representatives of families with 1, 2 children: imagine how the child will behave if he is withdrawn from his favorite activity, if he doesn’t buy a favorite treat).

March April May
If the child is raised by one mother.
1. Thematic meeting: "Being a mother is not as easy as people usually think." Exhibition of methodological literature.
2. "Let's talk over a cup of tea" Festive tea party. Acquaintance with the book by B. Spock "Conversation with Mother" (selection of chapters).
3. Meeting of parents with the teacher of the school "The child goes to first grade."
Memo for parents Psychological readiness parents to school "

June July August
1. Reflections of grandfather (grandmother) exchange of experience. Consulting "Eternal Compromise".
2. Leisure in the family. Experience exchange.
3. Parent meeting “Acquaintance with the work plan of the kindergarten at summer period". Parents' tasks.

With parents of children at risk.

One of the necessary areas of work of a teacher with children of the "risk group" isclose contact with parents... In such activities, it is necessary to show maximum tolerance for the child's family lifestyle and educational costs. The educator should provide constructive assistance, not oppose and criticize. He should take for granted the role relationships and boundaries between generations that have developed in this family. It seems very productive and desirableinvolvement in the process of joint activities and rehabilitation of the child of the entire family in its most expanded composition, including grandparents, as well as other relatives in contact with the child and his family.

The study of the family can be successful if the teacher shows high tact, respectful, attentive and sensitive attitude towards parents.

First stage "Search for contacts", where a meeting with parents takes place. But at this stage, it is recommended that the teacher show high tact, sincere respect for parents, delicacy and restraint, and most importantly, try not to alienate them from themselves and from the problem.

Stage two "Search for a common topic." At this stage, the teacher finds out the conditions of family education, what is the expression of parental care for the child, etc. His task at this stage is to prepare the ground formutual understanding , to reveal the relationship of parents with each other and with the child. At this stage, positive emotions arise from common interest and friendly communication.

Third stage "Establishing general requirements for the upbringing of a child." The teacher must competently tell parents about his views on education, identify the views of parents on this issue and offer reasonable methods of influencing the child.

Fourth stage « Strengthening cooperation in achieving a common goal ”. At this stage, it is very important for the teacher that the parents understand their mistakes in upbringing and its shortcomings. It is very important at this stage to clarify each other's educational capabilities, to develop common goals and objectives of educational impact on the child.

Fifth stage "Implementation individual approach». At this stage, based on what was previously suggested by the parents, he proposes specific measures of pedagogical influence on the child. The teacher should focus the attention of parents on the positive aspects of raising a child and in a tactful manner inform about the shortcomings of the educational process.

Sixth stage "Improving pedagogical cooperation"... At the stage, it is necessary to deepen and expand pedagogical cooperation, a period of distribution of accepted and agreed roles, the implementation of uniform pedagogical influences on the child.

Organization of work in a preschool educational institution with dysfunctional families.

Early detection of socially disadvantaged families is one of the most important forms of primary prevention of child neglect and delinquency.

The presence of the following factors of social risk in the family allows to determine family trouble:

* socio-economic (low material standard of living, irregular income, poor housing conditions, super-high incomes are also a risk factor);

* medical and social (disability or chronic diseases of family members, harmful working conditions of parents - especially mothers, neglect of sanitary and hygienic standards);

* socio-demographic (single-parent, large family, families with repeated marriages and stepchildren, families with minors and elderly parents);

* socio-psychological (families with emotionally conflicting relationships of spouses, parents and children, deformed value orientations);

* psychological and pedagogical (families with a low general educational level, pedagogically incompetent parents;

* criminal (alcoholism, drug addiction, immoral lifestyle, domestic violence, the presence of convicted family members who share the traditions and norms of the criminal subculture).

The presence of this or that social risk factor does not necessarily mean the occurrence of social distress, but indicates a high degree of its likelihood, which increases as the number of family social risk factors increases (for example, a single-parent family, large family, low-income family.

A mechanism for identifying dysfunctional families.

The identification of trouble in the families of preschool educational institutions is associated with the identification of social risk factors. Annually at the beginning school year a database of children attending preschool educational institutions is being created. In the interaction of the preschool educational institution (head, educators, teachers and teacher-psychologist) cards of pupils are filled in, a social passport of the preschool educational institution is drawn up. The social and living conditions of families and pupils, the composition of the family, the educational level of the parents, their age and profession are revealed. This data allows us to predict the strategy of interaction with the family. With families of pupils used such forms as observation, conversation, questioning, psychological and social diagnostics, visiting families in order to identify family problems. The basic information is possessed by the educator in the group, who daily works with children on the child's appearance and on his behavior reveals signs of trouble.

The characteristic features of the appearance and behavior of a child brought up in a situation of neglect by parents of their responsibilities include:

  • tired, sleepy look;
  • sanitary and hygienic neglect;
  • tendency to fainting, dizziness due to constant malnutrition;
  • excessive appetite;
  • growth retardation, lag in speech, motor development;
  • attracting attention in any way;
  • excessive need for affection;
  • manifestation of aggression and impulsivity, which is replaced by apathy and depressed state;
  • problems in relationships with peers;
  • learning difficulties.

Signs of physical violence in the family are manifested:

  • in a child's fearfulness;
  • in pronounced fear of adults;
  • in the manifestation of anxiety in the form of tics, thumb sucking,
  • swinging;
  • in fear of going home;
  • cruelty to animals;
  • in an effort to hide the cause of injuries.

In order to prevent and correct the social disadvantage of families, educators and a preschool educational psychologist are working to improve the pedagogical literacy of parents, including them in activities of preschool educational institutions... Involving parents in creating a developing environment in a group, participating in children's parties, sports events, exhibitions joint work parents and children helps to establish psychological contact.

Working in cooperation with specialists of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency, the social educator of the preschool educational institution forms and implements a system for providing comprehensive assistance to the family in optimizing social disadvantage.

P signs of family trouble

  1. The child is not well-groomed, unkempt, no spare underwear, not dressed for the season or the weather, problems in clothes and shoes: torn, dirty, without buttons, not in size. Parents do not react to the comments of educators about their appearance.
  2. Parents abuse alcohol, come to kindergarten drunk.

3. The child comes from home with traces of beatings, and the parents cannot explain the origin of the bruises and abrasions.

  1. Parents have repeatedly “forgotten” to pick up the child from kindergarten.
  1. Parents do not work anywhere, are not registered for unemployment and have no permanent source of income.
  1. The child constantly lives with his grandmother, the parents do not appear in the kindergarten.
  1. When visiting a family, it turns out that the child's living conditions do not meet sanitary standards, the child does not have toys and materials for classes.
  1. The nature of family relationships harms the child's mental health: scandals, fights, drunken companies, parents' immoral lifestyle.

If signs of trouble are identified, educators write a memo addressed to the head with a request to register the family with an indication of the reasons for the trouble.

Algorithm for working with a dysfunctional family

First step : studying the family and understanding the problems existing in it,

study of requests from families for help, study of complaints of residents (neighbors).

Second phase : initial survey of dysfunctional living conditions

(problem) family.

Stage three : meeting family members and their environment, talking with children,

assessment of their living conditions.

Fourth stage: joint pedagogical councils by definition

ways of joint action.

Fifth stage : the study of the reasons for the unhappiness of the family, its characteristics, its goals, value orientations.

Sixth stage: studying the personal characteristics of family members.

Seventh stage : making a family map.

Eighth stage : coordination activities with all interested organizations (educational institutions, preschool institutions, the Center for Social Rehabilitation of Children and Adolescents, the Center for the Protection of the Family, orphanages, orphanages, the inspection for minors, commission, etc.)

Ninth stage: drawing up a program of work with a dysfunctional family.

Tenth stage : current and control family visits.

Eleventh stage: conclusions about the results of working with a dysfunctional family.

The teacher should not take on the functions of upbringing, caring for children, replacing parents, as this generates a passive dependent position of parents and other family members.

The educator working with the at-risk family needs to focus on clear, specific goals. Discuss and develop specific measures for the parents to make a decision to return the child to the family.

Social and pedagogical work with different types families

1. Families with foster children:

  • identification in the microdistrict of orphans left without care
    parents, creation of a data bank;
  • participation in the examination of the conditions of the slurry and the upbringing of children;
  • control over the health and recovery of children;
  • support of the family of guardians (pedagogical, educational, etc.);
  • work with educators to establish an individual approach to foster children;
  • protection of the interests of the ward;
  • legislative education;
  • practical activities for the family.

2. Large families:

  • helping parents improve the quality of their performance
    educational functions;
  • organization of charitable aid;
  • recommendations for organizing family leisure;
  • vocational guidance work;
  • legislative education;
  • joint activities for children.

3. Single-parent families:

  • providing the necessary assistance in obtaining benefits;
  • psychological and pedagogical counseling;
  • prevention of asocial and immoral behavior;
  • organizational and practical assistance to parents in fulfilling their
    educational functions (GPA, charitable assistance, etc.);
  • legislative education.

Problem families:

  • studying the dynamics of the development of the family problem;
  • general psychological and pedagogical assistance to a problem family;
  • legislative education.

Work plan MBDOU CRR kindergarten No. 12 within the project

"Family and family values"For the period 2012-2017.

1. Organizational work
1.1. Creation of a creative team for the development and implementation of the main activities within the project. August 2012 deputy. head by UMR

1.2. Conducting a sociological survey of parents in order to identify the social status of the families of pupils. September. 2012-2017 (annually) teachers of all groups.

1.3. Drawing up a report on the implementation of the work plan within the project. May 2012-2017 (annually)

1.4. Creation on the website of the preschool educational institution http: // dou 12orlenok .ru pages "Family and family values" (consultations, reports on activities, photos, etc.) during the entire duration of the project.

1.5. Creation of conditions: selection of demonstration material, selection of children's and methodological literature, production of manuals on the topic of the project, etc. during the entire duration of the project.

1.6. Systematization of the material developed within the project. December, 2017

2. Methodical work
2.1. Pedagogical hour.

- "Protection of the rights and dignity of a small child in the family";

- "The role of the family in raising children";

- "Secrets of communication with a child in the family"

2.2. Consultation:

- "Raising a child in a family";

- "The action is one of active forms work with parents ";

- « Gender education a child in the family ";

- "Social security of a large family";

- « Modern family - what is she? " (discussion)

2.3. Self-education of teachers on the topic: "Familiarization with documents regulating the rights of the child", "The Convention on the Rights of the Child", November, 2013

2.4. Seminars:

- “The role of the teacher in family education preschooler child ";

- "The experience of communication between a teacher and parents on the topic of family education";

- "The Secret of Family Happiness" - round table;

2.5. Study, generalization and implementation of pedagogical work experience on the topic: "A systematic approach to working with children in the section" Family and family values \u200b\u200b"

2.6. Pedagogical training:

- "In the warm circle of the family";

- "Correction of intra-family relations"

3. Educational and educational work

3.1. Thematic classes:

- "My family"; - ISO

- "Our family traditions"- Kindergarten and family - towards each other

Leisure for children "Travel to the genealogical garden";

- "My home, my family" - etc.

3.2. Conversations:

- "The happiest day with the family";

- "The role of the father in raising children";

- "Evening in the family";

Interviewing children of the Traditions of Your Family subgroup;

- “This is my whole family”; - etc.

3.3. Games:

С / р "My family";

D / and "Birthday";

С / р "Family holiday";

Game exercise "Who am I in?";

С / r "Family Train";

Quiz "Seven - I"; - etc.

3.4. Training:

- "Together - friendly family"2013 teacher-psychologist

3.5. Joint activities with parents:

Family holiday "The family is rich in talents" - an evening of meetings of creative families.

- "Union of Children and Adults" - family leisure;

- "This is done by the hands of our dads" - exhibition;

Family Spartakiad "Mom, Dad, I am a sports family";

Family tournament "What can be more expensive than a family";

Sports event "More fun together";


3.6. Exhibitions of drawings:

- "Family through the eyes of a child";

- "The house we live in";

- "Everyone has their own mom";

4. Working with parents
4.1 Educational work: distribution of brochures, consultations, individual talks, etc. on the topics:

- "Future parents";

- "Family traditions";

- "Parental Commandments";

- "Secrets of education of a polite person";

- "Evening in the family"

4.2. Photo gallery:

- "My family - weekdays and holidays";

- "Family Archive";

- "Traditions of our family";

“Relatives, loved ones, loved ones”.

4.3. Project competition

- "The happiest day of our family";

- "Family coat of arms";

- "Family newspaper";

- "Dad, mom, I am a friendly family"

4.4. Parents' meetings:

- "The adult world in children's cartoons";

- "Each house has its own traditions"

- "Happy is he who is happy at home";

- "We can do a lot, we can do a lot"

- "Favorite Books of Your Family" - an oral magazine for parents.

4.5. Questionnaire:

- "The rights of the child in the family";

- "Revealing the pedagogical culture of pupils' parents";

- "Are you good parents?";

- "Each house has its own traditions" - mini-questionnaire

4.6. Demonstration and discussion of presentations:

"Television and Children";

4.7. Exhibitions:

1. Exhibition of books "Reading with the whole family";
2. Exhibition "Toy with your own hands";
3. Opening day "My family" (the image of a family through the eyes of a child)

4.8. Family communication day (open day).

Shilova Irina
Work plan with large families

No. Events Date Responsible


-"Punishing - think how?";

- « Moral education children in family» ;

- "On the Rights of the Child";

-"Tips large family»

during a year


2. Distribution of booklets, individual talks. during a year



-"Various loved ones" November Educators


Thematic book exhibition « Family together, and the soul is in place "


Exhibition of paintings "Form families through the eyes of an artist» April Educators


Family Communication Day May Educators


Making gifts for moms, cards for members families, to the Day of the Elderly, to the Day of the Russian Army, to the day "Love, family and loyalty»

Examining illustrations "About mom".


Name kindly relatives and friends;

Tell me how you can please mom (dad, grandfather, grandmother);

Whose assistant are you at home?


For me or for everyone;

We learn to yield to each other.

during a year

during a year

during a year




Work plan with large families

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Family kindergarten - innovative work practice

with large families

Stets I.M.

Senior educator

preschool department No. 3

GBOU Gymnasium № 1534

On the basis of GBOU gymnasium №1534 in our preschool department, four family kindergartens have been opened, the educational process in which is carried out by mothers-educators and specialists of the preschool department.

Family kindergarten parents:

1. They are numbered as educators (junior educators) of our institution, teaching and raising children at home.

2. They can bring children to classes with specialists in a preschool institution.

3. Receive informational, methodological and psychological and pedagogical support from specialists of our institution.

The main goal of our institution in working with family kindergartens is methodological support and organization educational activities families with many children who have opened a family kindergarten at home.

The pedagogical team of our preschool department provides methodological, advisory support to parents-educators, organizes the educational and educational process, through an oriented-personal approach to pupils, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child, in the interests of a large family.

Areas of work:

    Psychological and pedagogical support.

    Building and harmonizing parent-child relationships.

    Comprehensive development of children from large families - diagnostic, correctional work with children, developing play activities.

    Advisory and methodological support for mothers of family kindergarten teachers.

    Developing and providing families with practical recommendations for organizing a family kindergarten, teaching materials on conducting classes in a group of different ages.

Family kindergarten is one of the forms of education of the future, as it is a relevant phenomenon that has received a great response among large families. And the task of the leader is to competently develop and improve this form of education.

The main task in working with families with many children is to help the family successfully adapt to the peculiarities of the new pedagogical space for children and parents, and to organize methodological support for families who have opened a kindergarten at home.

In our work with family kindergartens, we strive to make the educational environment in the preschool department accessible and comfortable for pupils and parents, and the work is carried out at a professional level.

Family kindergartens were created as variable form preschool education (Article 17 of the federal law on education), but at the same time it is real support for large families. Indeed, often mothers with small children, with all their desire, cannot get a job, and when they register as a teacher in their kindergarten, they retain their work experience, receive wages.

A mother, a family kindergarten teacher, can come with children to classes with specialists in a kindergarten, participate in various types of joint activities, in leisure, theatrical performances, holidays, classes. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the pupils, the family, in accordance with the state educational program, program tasks and forms of upbringing and teaching children are selected and adjusted. So the mother educator conducts classes independently at home: speech development, mathematics, acquaintance with the environment, cognitive research, drawing, modeling, application, observation and outdoor games.

Family kindergarten teachers provide a monthly report on the work done in the form of class notes, photo reports, projects,

participate in craft exhibitions held in the preschool department, attend specialist consultations and pedagogical advice BEFORE. Teachers, in turn, also attend family kindergartens and conduct the necessary consultations with mothers, educators and classes with children.

It greatly facilitates and accelerates organizational and pedagogical activities (especially with remote family kindergartens) such interactive forms of work as distance learning, counseling, submission of reporting documents and timesheets.

through Internet resources. This allows family kindergarten teachers and preschool teachers to act more actively and harmoniously.

In addition to the successful socialization and adaptation of children to the peculiarities of the pedagogical process, the socialization and integration of mothers of educators with the staff of the preschool department, consolidation of their status in the pedagogical society of the gymnasium was realized.