New Year. Scenario New Year's party for the preparatory group of kindergarten. Scenarios for the New Year holiday “Winter's Tale”

New Year's party in kindergarten

(senior group of kindergarten)

Vedas:   Good afternoon, happy hour!

How many guests do we have!

Moms, dads, kids,

The holiday is time to start!

/ A winter song sounds, children go in pairs

to stools (except kolobok) /

1. We are dressed today

Mom and dad were invited to us.

2. Kindergarten is decorated,

The room is dressed up in snowballs!

3. Frequent forest, field blizzard

A winter holiday is coming to us.

Vedas:   So let's say together:

All:   (chorus) Hello, hello New Year!

/ The song "It's good that every year ..." /

/ The music “Visiting a fairy tale” sounds /

Vedas:   Stars fly from the sky, play fun

Dipped right into the garden, they shelter the earth,

White houses and blush faces

A winter fairy tale is knocking to visit us.

On the holiday of the New Year tree

The tale does not end.

Near the Christmas tree today

The tale begins.

Adult children know

Once upon a time lived

Gingerbread man - rosy side

Here he rolls, my friend!

/ Music, goes bun / /

Gingerbread Man:   I'm a funny bun,

Gingerbread man - rosy side.

I'm mixed on sour cream

On the window I am cold.

And today in the garden at the Christmas tree

I am invited to the guys!

/ Music, kolobok, dancing, walks around the Christmas tree /

Vedas:   He rolled down the path

In a hurry to the tree in a hurry,

Suddenly, at the old Christmas tree

Met with the Wolf.


Where are you in a hurry, my friend?

Gingerbread Man:   I'm in a hurry to kindergarten,

Today the guys have a Christmas tree!

Wolf:   I didn’t eat at all in the morning,

Now I’ll eat you!

Gingerbread Man:   What are you, gray, do not rush!

Kids are waiting for us to visit.

Come to the children today

Wolf:   Oh, thanks! I am glad!

I will not come to the garden tree!


Vedas:   The kolobok rolled again along the road

And Bear came out to meet him from the den!

Bear:   Hello, nice little bun!

Where are you in a hurry, my friend?

Gingerbread Man:   I'm in a hurry to kindergarten,

Today the guys have a Christmas tree!

Bear:   I didn’t eat at all in the morning,

Now I’ll eat you!

Gingerbread Man:   Misha, you can’t eat me!

Friends are waiting for me.

Come to the children today

We will celebrate the New Year together!

Bear:   Of course I'll come!

And I will bring friends!


Vedas:   The kolobok rolled further without looking back

He sees white rabbits jumping in the forest!

Hare 1:   Hello, nice little bun!

Hare 2:   Where are you in a hurry, my friend?

Gingerbread Man:   I'm in a hurry to kindergarten,

Today the guys have a Christmas tree!

Come, hares, to the children,

We will celebrate the New Year together!

All:    (chorus) Hurray !!!

Hare 3:   We, the bunnies, have not been forgotten

And they invited to the tree!

Well, hares, do not yawn!

Start dancing!

/ Dance "Hare" 3 pairs /

A fox : (coming out from behind the tree)

Ah, how many hares are here!

May I eat any!

(takes one hare by the ear)

Here I am, you oblique

And I'll take it home!

(Hares hide, go Bear, Wolf and Gingerbread Man)

Bear:   (threatens with a finger)

Better let the hare go!

We must go to visit!

Wolf:   We all go to kindergarten,

Today the guys have a Christmas tree!

A fox:   Forgive me friends,

Here it is Zainka, take it!

Gingerbread Man:   How, forgive her, friends?

Hare:   Today you can’t quarrel!

Wolf:   Well, you can forgive ...

A fox:   (apologizes)

I will be friends with you!

Vedas:   I advise everyone to be friends

Do not dare to quarrel!

All heroes:    (in chorus)

We can’t live without friends

No way!

Gingerbread Man:   And now, friends, go ahead!

The Christmas tree is waiting for us all!

/ The music is funny, all the animals go around the Christmas tree /

Vedas:   With songs and laughter

We all came to the hall!

And the forest guest

Everyone has seen.

Isn't she a beauty?

Children:   We all like the Christmas tree!

Vedas:   Around the Christmas tree let's go

We’ll sing the Christmas tree song!

/ Song "Little Christmas Tree" /

Vedas:   Everyone gathered on the Christmas tree:

Foxes, hares, wolves.

But everyone has one question:

Where is Santa Claus?

Need grandfather to call

To celebrate New Year with us!

Children:   Santa Claus! Snow Maiden!

/ Music, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden come out /

D.M .:   Hello guys!

Hello, animals!

Hello, dear guests!

We haven’t met for a whole year,

I miss you

It sped fast

The hour has come!

Snow Maiden:   Happy New Year to you, friends!

Happy holiday.

Happiness, joy wishes

Santa Claus guys!

D.M .:   Come on, together, come on together

Become a round dance

Snow Maiden:   Song, dance and fun

Let's celebrate the New Year holiday!

/ Dance song "White in December" /

DM (looks at the Christmas tree): Ay-yai-yay! Mess!

The Christmas tree is not happy with us,

Does not shine with bright lights!

Vedas:   Give us such mercy

To the tree lit up!

Lights up, began to play,

Sparkled with lights!

D.M .:   Well, for this we need

To all of us, very friendly

They said to her: “1, 2, 3,

Come on, Christmas tree, burn! ”

Children repeat for D.M. and Snow Maiden,

The lights on the tree light up

Vedas:   Here it is, our Christmas tree,

In the splendor of radiant lights

We all dance for joy

New Year's Day under it!

Dance "Modern"

Snow Maiden:   Grandfather! Would come up with a game!

Amused the kids!

D.M .:   There are many games in the world (thinks)

Do you want to play, children?

(The children respond in unison)

/ Game "Freeze",

“Frozen” children tell DM poems /

D.M .: I trampled myself heels!

Well, sit down, sit down! (sits down)

I make you riddles:

Who is smart - I'll see.

    D.M .: Near the Christmas tree in every house

Children dance

What is this holiday called -


Children:    New Year!

2.   D.M .:    Stirs his ears

Rides under the bushes

Gray coward

Call him ...

Children:    Bunny!

3.D.M .: Clubfoot, awkward,

He loves honey, doesn't like cold

Used to snore until spring

What kind of beast is this?

Children:    Bear!

D.M .:   Here is a quick-witted people!

Granddaughter, it’s your turn now!

1. Snow Maiden:   Needles glow softly

The coniferous spirit is coming ... ..

Children:    From the Christmas tree!

2. Snow Maiden:   And the toys swing

Beads, beads, ...

Children:    Crackers!

3. Snow Maiden:   Who are the guys for the New Year

Amusing does not get tired?

Who gives gifts to children?

Who are the guys all over the world

Did you bring the tree for the holiday?


Children:    Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden:   Meet the New Year song!

Meet the New Year's dance!

Well then, friends go ahead!

/ Children tell D.M. and Snow Maiden poems, music sounds /


1. Silence in the clearing

The yellow moon is shining

All the trees in silver

Hares are dancing on the mountain!

Ice sparkles on the pond

New Year is coming!

2. We are knocking on New Year's Eve

Good Santa Claus.

He sparkles with snowflakes

And overgrown with icicles.

He has a bright blush

Beard. Like white fur.

Interesting gifts

He prepared for everyone!

3. Green Christmas tree grew in the forest

And under each twig cones are in weight.

We invited the Christmas tree for the New Year

And she told us she would come in the evening.

And came smartly in a sparkle of silver

We are happy to dance under the Christmas tree until the morning.

4. A tree came to visit us,

The joy brought to the children.

Santa Claus is dancing with us

It amuses everyone today.

And under the tree

Jokes, jokes, laughter!

5. Hello, Christmas tree!

Hello, New Year!

Around the green Christmas tree

We got into a round dance!


1. Snow, snow, snow, snow showers branches

On a birch, on a pine tree snow candy

And on the Christmas tree, our snow is not real,

But the same. Like in the woods, white and crispy.

2. I'm on a holiday Santa Claus

He brought a Christmas tree from the forest,

In the meantime, I went to the garden

Mom dressed up the Christmas tree.

3. Many on the Christmas tree of our toys,

Balls of different, paper crackers!

Bunnies, bears and even ... hedgehogs!

Smart dolls are so good!

4. Winter again, again white,

Around the snowdrifts bore,

Like white fur

The houses are covered with snow.

At the top of the trees

In the silver edge.

And frost on the birches

Like holiday sparkles.

5. Outside, a blizzard is sweeping,

New Year is coming.

We dance, have fun

Blizzards, we are not afraid of snow:

It’s warm in our garden

And it’s light from the Christmas tree!

(forest animals)

1. If the Christmas tree had legs,

She would run along the path.

She would dance with us

She would pound on heels.

Toys would spin on the Christmas tree

Multi-colored lanterns, crackers.

Matryoshka would laugh at the Christmas tree

And clapped their hands in joy.

2. Came to us again today

Holiday of the Christmas tree and winter

This holiday is New Year

We waited impatiently.

3. Somewhere a Christmas tree at the edge

Lonely grew

And now on her toys

And icicles made of glass!

All sweets and nuts

Santa Claus hung himself

And under the tree for fun.

He danced to our joy!

4. Our tree is great

Our tree is tall -

Above dad, above mom

Reaches the ceiling.

5. Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

He brought the Christmas tree to the children.

And there are flashlights on it,

Golden balls!

6. Bear, Bear, what's wrong with you?

Why are you sleeping in winter?

Because snow and ice

Not raspberries, and not honey!

  D.M .:   Well, it's time for me to pack up

Go on a road-trip.

Snow Maiden:   It remains only to all the children to give gifts.

D.M .:   I, funny Santa Claus,

I brought gifts to everyone! (looking)

Where are the gifts? Here is the secret ...

There is no right ... and no left ...

But is there no Christmas tree?

Children:    Not!

D.M .:    And no, under the tree?

Children:    Not!

D.M .:    No on the window?

Children:    Not!

D.M .:    And no on the chair?

Children:    Not!

D.M .:    And mom doesn’t?

Children:    Not!

D.M .:    And dad doesn't?

Children:    Not!

Snow Maiden:   Santa Claus! Hurrah!

I remembered everything!

You sent the Snowman

So that he delivered gifts.

But so far he has not come

I’m probably lost in the forest!

D.M .:   Snow Maiden! Call for help your girlfriends, Snowflakes! Let them dance for us, all the snowdrifts will inflate. Then the Snowman will easily find the way!

Snow Maiden:   Well, Snowflakes are girlfriends,

Become a circle soon.

Straighten your dresses

And dance more fun!

/ Dance of Snowflakes /

/ Music, a Snowman comes out with a parcel in his hands /

Snowman:   Hello guys!

Hello, dear guests!

I barely got to you - painfully big snowdrifts in the forest! Thanks to the Snowflakes - fluffs - they showed me the way!

I came here not just

I came here not in vain -

Happy New Year to congratulate you

I really want to. friends.

Here is the premise, Santa Claus!

I brought gifts to everyone!

D.M .:   Well guys! In places!

I will give gifts to you!

(Children sit on highchairs, heroes give them presents)

Snowman:   The old year is over.

Hello, New Year!

Many days happy

You guys are waiting!

D.M .:   It's time, you need to say goodbye

I congratulate all from the bottom of my heart!

Let the New Year celebrate together

Both adults and kids!

Snow Maiden:   Happy new year, friends, goodbye!

Fulfillment of all your wishes!

(music, heroes leave)

Vedas:   It all ended wonderfully

Better not to wish.

It was very interesting

To celebrate this New Year!

New Year's morning scenario

"The Adventures of the Snowman-mailer!"

Goal:Creating a festive mood in children, a positive emotional uplift and the formation of a festive culture.


Expanding in children ideas about the traditions of the New Year holiday, about its organization;

- Demonstration by children of their talents and achievements;

Disclosing the creative abilities of children;

Perfection of monologic, dialogical speech of children, its intonational expressiveness;

Creating an emotional-positive mood among those present;

Organization of interaction between children and adults;

Raising a sense of camaraderie of mutual assistance, collectivism;

Show parents how their children grew up and what they learned in six months.



Scenic move

Children are sitting in the hall on the chairs.

In the middle of the hall there is a Christmas tree, entangled in cobwebs, the lights do not light.

Solemn music sounds, the presenter enters the hall.

Leading:   Hello guys! Hello, dear guests!

We are pleased to welcome you to the most wonderful holiday - the holiday of the New Year tree.

The beauty of the forests gathered for us for a year on holiday.

Quietly dressed up in the hall, and now her outfit is ready.

(turns to the tree, goes around it)

Look guys

Our Christmas tree with a head

All is covered with gray hair.

Dressed up all day

And rested at night

Her frost wrapped in snow

And the Christmas tree fell asleep.

What do we do, how to wake up the Christmas tree? Who will help us?

Answers children.

Leading: Let’s write a letter to Santa Claus, so that he would come to us soon and help wake the Christmas tree.

Guys, on the envelope we need to draw Santa Claus so that the letter reaches him. Will you help me.

The game "Santa Claus"

Children from parts collect Santa Claus.

Leading: Well done guys, while you were playing, I wrote a letter, listen.The host reads the letter:

Dear Santa Claus! We are waiting for you to visit. Come quickly and help us wake up the Christmas tree. Guys.

(puts a letter in an envelope).

Leading: Guys, do I know who you can trust to hand over the letter to Santa Claus?

A snowball on a snowball and a carrot instead of a nose

he is not afraid of frost. Knows small and greatthat's for sure ... ... (snowman)

Snowman, snowman - the best mailer.

That's right, let's blind the snowman.

The musical game "Snowman"

To the music, the presenter speaks the text of the game and shows the movements, the children repeat after him.

We rake snow with our hands, we sculpt, we sculpt a large lump.

And once again we rake, sculpt, sculpt the second.

Sculpt, sculpt the third lump, will you be a snowman

Eye, eye, nose - carrot.

Mouth big bucket upstairs.

A snowman enters the music.


Ah, there are so many children, and girls, and boys!

Hello my friends! I came to your aid.


Hello Snowman, you'll be a children's mailer.

You’ll take a letter to go to the winter forest.

Find Santa Claus, and hand him the letter.

(gives letter to Snowman).

The light in the hall turns off, to the mysterious music, the Snowman walks around the Christmas tree, looks around, fearfully backs away and collides with a fox.

A fox: Snowman, what are you doing in the forest alone?

Snowman: Here (shows the envelope)   the guys wrote a letter to Santa Claus. And I,(looking around, whimpering)   seems to be lost.

A fox:   Let me take the letter.

Snowman:   No, it is most dear to me.

A fox:   And I know that Santa Claus has a big bag.

Snowman: with gifts?

A fox:   Well, what are you tastier: with a chicken, with a duck(licks).

A fox:   Beyond this letter(turns away from the snowman, rubs his paws)

Santa Claus a big bag with which I want to give.

(thinking out loud)   How can I steal a letter from a snowman ... .. But I came up with it.

You guys want to play with me.

The answer is children.

A fox:   Snowman, and you, that you will stand like that, will not play with us?

Snowman:   And I want, I will too.

Fox plays with children (The game is played to music).

The game "WARM UP"

It's frosty outside -

Well, everyone rubbed their nose! ...

(Three noses)

We don’t need to beat the bacillus,

Quickly, everyone took their ears! ...

(Hold on to the ears)

Twisted, turned

So the ears flew off! ...

(Twirl ears)

Who didn’t fly away

(Wave hands)

They shook their heads! ...

(Shake his head)

They knocked on my knees! ...


Pat on the shoulders! ...

(Clap on the shoulders)

And now we’ve sunk! ...


We all dance without fail

The best dance ...


The snowman during the game issues a letter, the fox picks it up and runs away.

Snowman: (looks around, fussing)

You guys haven’t seen the letter(examines the guys from all sides).

Sentry letter fox liar stole what to do(cried).

Music sounds, the Snow Maiden enters and sings a song.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys, hello parents.

For the New Year, no one should be sad. Guys who hurt the snowman, why is he crying?

Answers children.

Snowman:   The sly fox deceived me and the letter that the guys told Santa Claus to hand over stole.

Snow Maiden:   Do not worry, the snowman, Grandfather Frost is a real magician, he will understand everything himself.

Guys, let's make a snowman happy, for him ... .. (dance a dance, sing a song, show a fairy tale depending on what the children have prepared).

Solemn music sounds and Santa Claus enters the hall, and a fox sneaks behind him.

Santa Claus:

Hello guys! Girls and boys!

Very, guys, I hurried to you.

I didn’t want health, not strength,

I almost fell down the road to the snowdrift,

But, it seems, he arrived on time for a visit.

A fox: Santa Claus I brought you to the guys, I gave the letter. Give me your bag.

Santa Claus: Wait a fox, take your time. I love that everything is in order.

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather Frost, the guys were waiting for you.

A snowman was sent to you with a letter.

Santa Claus:

Yes, I received the letter, but only the fox brought it to me. Where is the snowman?

It turns out, shy, a snowman.

Snowman: (stutters, says)   Santa Claus, the guys fashioned me, sent me to you for help with a letter, and the fox outwitted me. Do not give her the bag, she did not deserve.

Santa Claus:   Ah worthless, ah liar.

A fox:   And I did this because I really, really wanted a chicken, a duck. What about the guys(addresses the guys)   when you really, really want something - are you not cunning?

Answers children.

A fox:   That, really do not be cunning, then I will no longer. Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman, guys forgive me.

Snow Maiden:   Forgive her guys.

The answer is guys.

Snow Maiden:

Cute grandfather, hurry up

Wake up the Christmas tree for children!

Santa Claus : (walks around the tree)

For the magic to happen, I guys need your help.Answers children.

Then repeat after me:

I will melt the snowflakes(3 times stamping feet)

I’ll remove the spider web. (3 times clap)

Come on, Christmas tree, smile!(turn around)

(closed eyes with palms)

From sleep, wake up soon!

(fox with a snowman removes cobwebs from the Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather Frost, and the lights on our Christmas tree do not burn.

Santa Claus:   Let's guys cast a spell together:

One, two, three, Christmas tree burn.(Christmas tree presenter lights up)

Snow Maiden:

Christmas tree beauty

The guys really like it.

You're visiting us again.

The lights run, sparkling

On your thick branches.

Santa Claus :

Happy New Year, Happy New Year,

Dear kids! The holiday is joyful, cheerful

It's time to start!

Snow Maiden:

This day we waited a long time

Not seen for a year.

Sing along under the Christmas tree

New Year's round dance.

The guys are in a circle. The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

The guys after the song remain in the circle.

Santa Claus:   Well, thank you guys, you sang the song with me. And tell me, guys, is it cold for you in winter?

Children: no.

Snow Maiden:

We do not have frosts! Not terrible and cold.

Santa Claus:

Are you not afraid of frost?

Watch out watch out

Come on, show me your hands(children show hands)

Take it away from behind(children put their hands behind their backs)

To whom I touch, I will freeze those jokingly.

The game "Freeze."


Good Santa Claus! And with the guys play the game "Snowballs".

The game "Snowballs"

Children throw paper snowballs.

Santa Claus:

Meet the New Year song

Meet the New Year's dance,

And who knows poetry about the holiday?

Let them read them now.

Children read poems near the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: Well done guys.

Santa Claus: And now it's time again to all of us dance together.

Dance block: Santa Claus was walking through the forest; Icy palms.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, the guys sang, danced, poems were read and it was time to hand out gifts.

Santa Claus: You're right, granddaughter. It is time to please the children with gifts. Snowman and fox help me guys give out gifts.

To the cheerful music, all the characters give out gifts.

Santa Claus :

We handed you gifts, and we give you orders

Snow Maiden:

So that you are all healthy, good looking every day!

Snowman: To have in your life

A fox:   And fun and laughter.

All heroes:

Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all! All! All!

Santa Claus: You do not forget about us, wait a year for us!

Snow Maiden: And now it's time for us to go.

All heroes: Goodbye, kids!

Leading:   We sincerely wish you all a good journey!

Well, we have to say goodbye. I want to wish everyone Happiness, joy, good luck, never lose heart!

Each New Year for children is a fairy tale. A time when dreams come true and all kinds of miracles happen. Preschool teachers try to support this mood of the children, so the scripts of the matinees are always distinguished by catchy ideas, interesting surprises. A collection of just such scenarios we offer you in this section of the MAAM portal. Here you can find stories and characters that are traditional for such events. Or, on the contrary, original theatrical performances, with unexpected and intriguing twists; scenarios of "fairy tales in a new way." Of course, much attention is paid to the notorious "surprise moment".


Specific ideas for preparing the main matinee of the year.

  Contained in sections:
  Includes sections:
  • "The Snow Queen". Scenarios of the holidays according to the tale of G.Kh. Andersen
  • Mitt of Santa Claus. Scenarios of New Year's holidays, matinees
  By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 11903.
All sections | Scenarios of New Year's morning performances, holidays

Entertainment scenario "Christmas carols" for children of the middle group Christmas carols Goal : to introduce children to Russian folk traditions through musical theatrical and play activities. Tasks: Continue introducing Russian traditions (caroling); to develop playing skills and creative abilities in music performing ...

Scenarios of New Year's morning performances, holidays - Script of a creative workshop with parents “What is the New Year?”

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Image Library "MAAM Pictures"

New Year holiday script in the second junior group   Under the song "Russian Winter", children with a snake teacher go into the hall and become a semicircle in front of the tree. Vedas: Last year was a very glorious year, But hasty time does not wait. Last leaf is torn off. The New Year strides towards us. Children's poems: Anya S. Look at ...

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Scenario New Year's party with Baba Yaga for children of the preparatory group   Scenario New Year's matinee for the children of the preparatory group Host: What a miracle our tree is! Eyes run up. Needles glisten with tinsel. That's how the Christmas tree is beautiful! It’s good that in this room we met again with you, we have been waiting for this holiday for a long time, and it has come to a frost in winter! ...

Scenarios of New Year's morning performances, holidays - Scenario holiday "New Year at the Snow Queen"

Actors: Leading- Kai- Santa Claus Gerda- The Snow Queen- Fir-trees- Atamansha- Snowstorm- Snow Maiden- Snowflakes- Deer Rogue-Tale-teller Robbers- Children come to the dance hall to the music and finally stand in front of the Christmas tree in a semicircle. Presenter: Hello, dear guests! We...

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New Year holiday for senior and preparatory group   The oldest and preparatory groups To the music, the children go into the hall and stand near the Christmas tree facing the audience. Presenter: Frequent forest, field blizzard. Winter holiday is coming to us. So let's say friendly: ALL: Hello, hello, New Year! Host: So we met again with our ...

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The idea for the scenario of the New Year's holiday can be found everywhere: in fairy tales, in cartoons, in distant lands, in children's toys. The most unimaginable characters come to preschool for the holiday, but two of them are obligatory guests.

Do you know that the inseparable couple of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden first appeared together in 1937? Since then, they have not left New Year's parties and evenings, becoming popularly beloved heroes.

By the way, the birthday of Santa Claus is celebrated on November 18. In Russia he already has three houses: in Arkhangelsk, in the Chunozersky estate, in Veliky Ustyug. And for the first time, the mention of the “owner of the New Year” as Santa Claus refers to the “Tales of Grandfather Irenaeus” by the Russian writer V.F. Odoevsky.

Snegurochka became popular thanks to the fairy tale by A. Ostrovsky, although her name as an ice mermaid was found earlier. Interestingly, at the beginning of the Soviet period, the Snow Maiden was forbidden to appear on New Year's holidays - this ban was lifted only in 1935. At first she was the daughter of the main character, and then she “retrained” as a granddaughter.

We suggest visiting other sections of the site that will help you decorate the kindergarten and organize an unforgettable New Year's Eve in kindergarten.

Who do you think is most awaiting the New Year holidays? Of course, children! They make wishes and write letters to Santa Claus, waiting for gifts, a decorated Christmas tree and fabulous surprises. And so I want to live up to their expectations! Therefore, it is very important to choose an interesting scenario for the New Year's party in kindergarten and arrange a real holiday.

When choosing a scenario, remember that it is better to take into account the desires and hobbies of children. Someone likes the adventures of Emely and Baba Yaga, and someone wants to see Superman or Batman at home. Perhaps you will spend a little more time preparing the New Year's Eve party in kindergarten, but how can this compare with the enthusiastic eyes of the child during the performance? A beloved hero can become both a part of a fairy tale, and a host who will play, read poetry and call the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus along with the kids. The scenario of the New Year's matinee should not only entertain, but also involve the children in a magical game.

Having remade the script for the kids, do not forget about the funny, beautiful decoration of the hall and the parade of costumes. And let this holiday become unforgettable!

A universal script for the New Year's party in kindergarten: "New Year's fairy tale."


Here comes the New Year!
Outside the snowball is sweeping!
People celebrate this holiday
And they buy gifts!
Today we are with you
We will make gifts ourselves!
We will sing, dance
We will decorate the Christmas tree!
So let the New Year come,
After all, the people are waiting for him!
The host calls all the children to the center of the room.
What is the New Year?
This is a friendly round dance!
Children hold hands
Around the Christmas tree and curl,
Chasing away the evil blizzard
Driving sadness and boredom
Inviting jokes, laughter,
Round dance is now for everyone!

Children dance around the Christmas tree, singing the song “A little Christmas tree is cold in winter”, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, “An elegant Christmas tree - a lot of lights” and other songs learned beforehand.


Round dance - well, just lovely!
Do you hear the needles rustling?
This Christmas tree is tired
She told us all to rest!
Come on kids, let's sit in a circle
And look around!
Our Christmas tree glistens
Why is she sad?
She lacks toys
And she knows about it!
We will help her now -
We have an idea too!

Presenter:   Guys, let's dress up our Green Beauty! Oh, where are our balls? Where have you gone?

The light flickers, the villain appears.

The villain:   Basta, karapuziki, your songs are over! I stole your balls! Will the Christmas tree stand sad, sad! And I will pick up the colored lights for my collection! (The lights on the tree go out). I got tired, I'll go take a nap.

The villain is leaving.

Presenter:   What do we do, how to be? Really, has our holiday gone? Who can help us?

Children shout out the names of different heroes, knights and heroes, but everyone flew somewhere and cannot help. Here Hero appears.

Hero:   Aegean! Forgot about me? They left me in charge here, now I follow the order.
Presenter:   Bad watch, darling. Look, the villain has stolen our holiday!
Hero:   This cannot be! Well, I'll show him a prankster! Only I will need your help! Will you help me children? We will find the lights, cheer up our Christmas tree and return the holiday!

Maybe paint
Hid in fairy tales?
In the thickets of the forest
And the colors of the field?
In the old huts
In red freckles
Those who, to the stars
Looking not sleeping?
In the warm windows
In smart nesting dolls
A brush and a palette will help along the way
Paints for the Christmas tree to find.
The Fox appears:
I'm a good fox
Simplicity itself ...
Orange paint
At the tip of the tail.

The fox leaves the Hero an orange circle, runs away, wagging his tail.
Snowflakes appear, dance and give the Hero a blue circle.

Hero:   Something has become dark for us. Hey sister Luna, show yourself, light our way!

The moon appears, dances and gives the children a yellow circle.


Thank you moon
You know one
Where do we go
Where to find the paint.


Away the light.
Your path is not far
Help along the way
You moonlight horse.
The little horse leads everyone to the fire.


Red cheeks burn in the cold.
Red poppies and red roses.
Red sparkles in the field sparkle
Traveler red bonfire warms
I will give you this sparkle.
Its color can color the dawn,
Red feathers of bullfinch birds ...
A holiday with me is always more fun!

The fire gives the Hero a multi-colored sparkle that shimmers in several colors.


Look guys, how many colors are on the palette. I think the villains of the villain are no longer afraid of us. It's time to conjure a sad Christmas tree! (Shouting "Christmas Tree Burn"). No lights come on! Let's call the Snow Maiden! (Name).
The Snow Maiden comes and sings:
With his magic wand
I will light thousands of lights.
My wand, spin
Fir-tree, quickly light up.
The lights on the tree light up.


Let every little light on this tree
Fulfill your best dreams.
Make friends with a fairy tale for a long time,
When you know how to believe in miracles!

The Villain Appears:   Oh you! Bring back the lights! They sing songs, they don’t let the old man sleep! Take your balls, a snowstorm swept them white, I do not need them anymore!
Presenter:What about us with the balls?
Hero:Are there any colors? There is! Snow Maiden, bring a shiny snowball! We need to make decorations! We will paint the Christmas tree balls ourselves!

The host herself shows what can be drawn on the ball, and then offers the guys to try themselves in drawing. To the cheerful music, the children paint balls and decorate the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden:Ah yes Fir-tree, ah beauty! So the holiday has come! Time to call my grandfather! Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

Santa Claus appears. Children read poems to him.

There is a lot of light in every house
New Year is coming!
Snow-white carriage
Santa Claus will bring.
At midnight exactly flashed brightly
In heaven, garlands of stars.
Doesn't come without gifts
On this holiday Santa Claus!
Will gather near the Christmas tree

Cheerful round dance:

Foxes, hares, squirrels, wolves -
Everyone is celebrating the New Year.

Santa Claus carries toys,
And garlands and crackers.
Nice gifts
It will be a bright holiday!

Walks the street
Santa Claus,
Hoarfrost sprinkles
On the branches of birches;
Walks a beard
Shaking white
Stomping a foot
Only crack is coming.

Santa Claus:   Thank you, pleased grandfather! And what a beautiful, elegant, cheerful tree you have!

I wanted to give you presents,
But I can’t lift the bag!
But I know who will help.
I'm ready to take helpers.
The hero and the animals help bring a bag of gifts. Santa Claus congratulates the children.

Santa Claus:

Well, now I tell you
See you again, my friends!
In a year we will come to you again
And the Snow Maiden and I.

Together:   Happy New Year with a new happiness!

Music plays, the holiday ends.

Your kids will definitely like this scenario of a children's matinee, because they will not only watch the performance, but also take part in it themselves. You yourself can choose a name for the Hero and the Villain, come up with who will be the leader and what other colors the kids can find at the holiday. And even more New Year's tips, fun contests, practical jokes and ideas for relaxing your children and friends you will find in our section!

(After songs, poems, children sit down, Zimushka picks up a mirror and speaks.)


Light my mirror, say

Show the whole truth ...

Silence, no answer ...

The mirror is silent in response.

But maybe this happens on holiday,

That a fairy tale is visiting us herself ...

(Someone is knocking on the door. Zimushka comes to the door.)


Three brothers lived in the houses -

Friendly, small people.

And decided to pack up

In the kindergarten for the New Year.

1st pig   (shows).

Prepared gifts

Put them in a bag

Here is such a beautiful, bright,

So that the Wolf does not get fired.

2nd piglet.

We know all the guys love

Dance on New Year's Eve.

What will we dance piglets?

Maybe a waltz, or a foxtrot?

3rd pig.

We need to train

Waiting for us at the Christmas tree success!

Get close, brothers

We will dance the polka best of all!

(Piglets dance Polka, music by D. Watt, at this time the Wolf steals a bag of presents and runs away.)

1st pig.

Oh! And where is our bag,

Here I put it ... (looks around).

You didn’t take, Nif-Nif, my friend?

Are you Nuf-Nuf? And the trace caught a cold ... (crying).

2nd piglet.

All the tricks of the evil Wolf!

(Angrily.) It was he who carried the bag!

Why cry to no avail?

More fun, brothers, tail!

3rd pig.

We’ll go around forests, glades,

We will find the Evil Wolf.

Take the bag and early

We’ll bring gifts to the garden.

(They walk through the hall with the song “We are not afraid of the gray Wolf.” Little Red Riding Hood runs towards them.)

Red Riding Hood.

How do you live, piglets?

Something sad in appearance.

1st pig.

We all gathered for the guys ...

Oh! Again the soul hurts!

2nd piglet.

The wolf stole a bag of presents

We carried them to the guys.

Red Riding Hood.

Is the bag beautiful, bright?

I saw a wolf in the distance!

He ran that way. (Shows.)

Yes wait! I will help -

To you to help snowflakes,

I'll call the chillies.

(Snowflakes run out and perform a dance. Piglets approach the Wolf’s house.)

3rd pig.

Here is the evil wolf shack

The light in the window burns.

I hear the music again

The wolf howls, then yells.

(Wolf comes out with a bag of gifts, sings a song.)


I deftly dragged the bag

Stupid piglets.

Now they don’t look,

Do not stick your nose into the garden.

La-la, ooh, they won’t stick their nose in the garden!


I’ll stuff my stomach

I’ll leave it in reserve.

(Turns to the bag.)

No one can find the Wolf

And do not tear us apart.

La-la, ooh, and he won’t tear us apart!

(Runs away to the house.)

1st pig.

Open the door, thief.

Give back the bag!


Has anyone grunted?

No, I do not believe, I will close the door with a lock!

(Bunnies sit by the tree and quietly sing their song (1st and 2nd couplets).)

2nd piglet.

Bunnies, bunnies, help

Lure the wolf into the yard.

Sing and dance louder -

This thief will come across!

(Bunnies stand up and sing the 3rd and 4th verses loudly and dance. Wolf leaves the house, licking his lips.)

Wolf   (sees piglets).

Ah ... Funny bunnies!

Oh! And the pigs to pick!

3rd pig.

Imagine Wolf, you are too.

Take the bag into the yard.


How ... Take it out ... Don’t wait!

I don’t want to leave him.

(Turns to hares and piglets.)

You cry and tremble

I’ll swallow everyone now!

(Santa Claus appears.)

Santa Claus.

Who is swallowing someone ?!

Who's naughty in my forest?


Wickedly who pounds with a tail?

It hurts so dirty you look.

Piglets Santa Claus...

Santa Claus.

I know everything, I know.

The hat came to visit

Told without hiding.


Bad, Wolf, your affairs:

Children are waiting for a bag of gifts,

They are waiting for me for the New Year.

Well, carry the bag you're bright!

Wolf   (timidly). Ah ... Take it in a round dance?

Santa Claus. You got better, I see ...

(To the beasts.) Well ... Take it?

Animals. Take it!

Wolf.   I won’t touch you, I won’t hurt you,

All about the Christmas tree sing.

(Horse girls run out with an arc and bells.)

Santa Claus.

Here are the horses. Here is the sled

Let the cheerful laugh ring

Let the bells to us

They will sing about white snow.

(Little animals become couples after horses and with Santa Claus run around the room, singing the song "Bells" (American folk song), stopping at the Christmas tree.)

Santa Claus.

I wish you all good health,

Ringing song

Let the tree light

Multi-colored lights!

(Dances, games with Santa Claus, poems by children.)

Santa Claus.

Come on, Parsley,

Yes please the children.

Yes take the rattles

And dance more fun!

(Dance of Parsley, a game with Santa Claus "Let's not let go.")

Zimushka.   Santa Claus, where are the gifts?

Santa Claus.

Oh! I almost forgot about them.

This bag is beautiful, bright,

I congratulate everyone who was here!

Goodbye kids

I want to wish you:

To grow up, to be friends with everyone with a book

And do not forget me!

Song of the Evil Wolf

Music and verses by S. Podshibyakina

(At the entrance, the Wolf runs out of the house with a bag in its paws, puts it in the middle of the hall.)

I deftly dragged the bag

Stupid piglets!

Now they don’t look,

Do not stick your nose into the garden!

La-la, ooh, they won’t stick their nose in the garden!

La-la, ooh, they won’t stick their nose in the garden!

I’ll stuff my stomach

I’ll leave it in reserve.

No one will find a wolf

And do not tear us apart. (To the bag.)

La-la, ooh, and he won’t tear us apart!

La-la, ooh, and he won’t tear us apart!

(He walks around the bag and waves “scary paws” to the music. He stops facing the audience. Having clasped hands like an opera singer, he sings, stretching his neck to the right and left. . He stretches his paws to the bag. Movement, as in the first couplet. He grabs the bag and runs into the house.)