Date at 13. How to prepare for the first date (for a teenager). What is psychological readiness

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Breathe! It's okay to get a little nervous when it comes to the first date. Here are some simple tips and tricks to look and feel your best!


    Have at least an hour and a half, maybe two hours before your scheduled date to get ready. Make a list of everything you want to do to get ready for your first date, and calculate how long it will take. (For example: take a shower, blow dry your hair ...)

    Play uplifting music, your favorite band, or something else for a good, upbeat background.

    Take a shower / bath. Apply / Rinse / Repeat shampoo and conditioner for 20 minutes and then rinse off, or whatever conditioner does not need to rinse off. Wash yourself to be clean and smell good when you are out on a date. When in the shower / bath, if necessary, shave whatever you think needs to be shaved (legs, armpits ...).

    Dry your hair with a towel / naturally and do not brush it with a comb / comb until it is at least partially dry. If you are using a hair dryer / curling iron, you can dry it while your hair is still damp and do not wait too long. Apply some hair cream to keep it looking healthy, it is better to distribute it with your fingers without disturbing your hair.

    Read magazines and helpful tips online from people with dating experience. Take information from their dating quizzes, tips for dating teenagers online, and even talk to friends. (Try reading Cosmo Girl or Seventeen magazines for tips for dating teenagers.)

    Drink plenty of water. Add lemon / orange juice or some powdered drink for flavor. Try to avoid greasy or sugary foods a few hours before your date so you can eat something on your date and still look good.

    Meditate. Not sure how? Sit on a comfy couch, beanbag chair, floor, carpet ... in a comfortable position that doesn't look like you are sprawled or lazy (choose a place away from people, private and quiet, close your eyes, and think about something good). Don't think about the date, and don't analyze yourself or him. Think either of something relaxing or something that makes you feel good. It shouldn't be annoying, but on the contrary, it should be pleasant. Do it with classical or harmonious background music, and do it before you get dressed.

    If you paint your nails, paint them in a color that suits your style. Do something creative and wacky or simple and basic on them. When it comes to nails, you can hardly overdo it, and this is a good way to be expressive and assert yourself without judgment.

    Choose an outfit according to:

    • The occasion
    • Your style and personality
    • The weather
  1. Be self-critical. When choosing an outfit, know what makes you look fat and what makes you feel safer and more comfortable. Also depending on your age, if you are very young (12-13 years old), wear something modest, and try not to overdo it and not act provocative, because this is bad at any age, but at this age it is simply wrong. If you're older, showing a little skin isn't bad at all, it'll be sexy if you flaunt a little. If you have problem areas, cover them up a little, but pay more attention to one of your good features (for example: I hate my nose, so I make my hair very pretty and glamorous, I hate my butt, so I wear black pants. to look curvy and I wear V-neck sweatshirts to get all the attention on my beautiful chest).

    Think a bit about your lingerie choices - not as bad as it sounds, we all want to look good under clothes. Even if you are not going to undress (hopefully, since you are still a teenager), wear comfortable underwear that will not show through your clothes (panty lines!), Because it is both ugly and not for prying eyes. Wear something that is slim fit and your size. Wear a bra if you need to, ask a close friend or family member to tell you if you need one or not if you're not sure, and ask them to be honest. Wear a push-up bra only if you have a C-cup or less, otherwise it will look too obvious, of course, if this is not what you want.

    When choosing makeup, think about what the date will be like. Just going to the movies? Then don't overdo it. Are you under 14? Definitely don't overdo it. Attempts by 13-year-old girls to put on a lot of makeup, make you feel only pity for them.

    If you use makeup, apply it to highlight your good features, not cover up your bad ones. If you have beautiful eyes, put on some eyeliner and mascara, these basic eye makeup materials are always excellent. If you have big eyes, don't put too much makeup on them, because they usually grab people's attention even more and you will look ridiculous. Apply lip gloss and bronzer if you like when you're on your way out.

    • If you have pimples or problem areas of your skin, apply oil-free makeup on it. Take this pea-sized remedy and dab a little on the pimple and leave it alone. Uncovered freckles, boys even consider cute.
  2. Decide which hairstyle to go with. Most girls prefer to go on a date with their hair down, but we advise you to try tied ghouls or buns as well. They will make you look taller and longer, which makes you look slimmer, and this hairstyle will accentuate your eyes and make you look more mature. Otherwise, you don't always need to blow-dry your hair. Cute waves and curls are good too, and these days will be original, it will showcase your natural beauty. If you have curly hair, a ponytail looks great, and a pair of nice earrings is really cute.

    Choose good shoes. If you know you are going to walk very little, then choose shoes that match your outfit and are easy and comfortable to wear. Only wear high heels after age 14 or something, otherwise you will look stupid and make sure you know how to walk in them.

    Brush your teeth. Bad breath is very repulsive, and this is especially important if you want to kiss at the end of a date. Using a toothbrush and floss on a regular basis is all it takes. If you still feel uncomfortable, use a peppermint or sugar-free peppermint gum, but this is not a substitute for actually brushing your teeth. When you're done brushing your teeth, use a mouthwash.

    Perfume / Cologne. Use something appropriate for your age. Try Victoria Secrets perfume. Spray on one of the wrists, then rub both wrists with each other. You can also spray a little in the air and walk in that spray. But don't overdo it, it won't work well.

    Consider using deodorant. Perfume is not a substitute for deodorant. Deodorant is much more important than perfume. Put extra deodorant in your date purse and go to the bathroom once during your date to reapply it.

    Bag / Clutch - Put everything you need in it before you leave the house. Mobile phone (do not text during the entire date), player (if it does not have awkward songs), keys, chewing gum, mints (one every hour), deodorant, tissues, money, lip gloss (apply every half hour , just not in front of a guy).

    Clean your ears with a cotton swab, blow your nose, wash your hands, go to the toilet before washing your hands, and make sure your makeup isn't smudged.

    Don't go overboard with jewelry, but still wear accessories. Bracelets and necklaces that match your outfit and show who you really are are always good, 1-3 rings are okay too, earrings are always good for dates (hoop earrings were popular a few years ago, although they are best studs and those that are pressed close to the ear, or drop earrings). Wear a cool belt or brooch that matches your outfit and makes it special, but these are some things to go overboard with. Don't be too vulgar, don't fall under the cliché, but don't stand out too much, especially if you're only going to the mall.

  3. Remember, the guy is probably very nervous too. Never say you're nervous, that sounds good, but it ends up looking weird. Good luck!

    • Use body language, smile when he says something cute, accidentally bump your knee or brush into each other ... but don't overdo it and make it feel almost casual and cute. Don't fuss around him, and don't look desperate.
    • Remain calm, but laugh when necessary and respond when he says something.
    • Be sure to tell yourself that he accepted the invitation / asked you out on a date. This means that he liked you for who you are, even before that date. Be proud of yourself, and it never hurts to show him who you are and what you are proud of.
    • Don't shake on the first date, don't be too scared, and don't try too hard on the date. I mean, he already invited you and you agreed, so you don't have to try too hard.
    • Avoid texting during a date, especially behind his back. If you know that you will start "sticking" to the phone during a date, then turn it off. It's not polite and it annoys the guy. If you have to make an emergency call, excuse yourself, go to the restroom, and call there. Try not to drag out the conversation for more than a few minutes, otherwise your boyfriend will be interested in what you were doing there.
    • Be yourself, it might be silly, but if you want a chance to be with him ...
    • Don't be afraid to eat in front of him. It shows self-confidence and laid-back qualities, something that most people see as an aphrodisiac. But don't get full of food, and don't order the biggest royal burger when he ordered a small salad from an organic bar.
    • Don't fool him if you're not interested in meeting him again, or even kissing him after a date. Behave like a friend, and if he says something embarrassing about love, you tell him politely and gently that the feeling is simply not mutual.
    • If he's a jerk, or you just think you're not a couple, just sit back and try to get through this date, and tell yourself that since you hate this date so much, there won't be another one.


    • Try to avoid food that smells or gets stuck in your teeth easily.
    • Make sure you don't look overly emotional or overjoyed. A smile and a laugh over a joke looks more natural than a full burst of laughter.
    • Laugh with him, but try not to offend him or overdo it with a joke.
    • Only kiss when you are really ready for it, you should never force yourself or do it out of courtesy, because this is cheating and if this is your first kiss, then you wasted it.

The long-awaited, exciting, unpredictable, making the heart beat faster - that is exactly what it is, the first date. You prepare for it long before the appointed day, you go over in your head the possible options for its implementation. The most interesting thing is that it is almost impossible to predict the course of a date, and it is impossible to act "on a piece of paper" in most cases. However, it will not hurt to get acquainted with some recommendations for the first date - what if something comes in handy?

Choosing a place and time for a date

For the first date, it is preferable to choose the standard options: dinner in a cafe, a walk in the park, a trip to the cinema, a picnic in nature. After all, you are not yet familiar enough to arrange some kind of extreme date or dinner at home. The time for the first date is not necessarily evening, although this is a classic version, because the evening is more conducive to romance and intimacy.

Tips for her

Usually a guy suggests a place for a date. The girl should consider only a few points. Do not agree to a first date in a suspicious place (at his house, in unfamiliar and uncrowded places) - after all, you cannot vouch for the decency of each new gentleman. If there is a choice (yes, it just has to be!), Give preference to the simplest option - and romance and extreme will wait until next dates.

Tips for him

When choosing a place for your first date, consider whether you can afford it. Indeed, even in the age of emancipation, it is considered good form if a guy pays for a girl in a restaurant. However, it is also not necessary to hit the object of sympathy with a wide pocket - you should not pamper her from the first date.

But you can think of pleasant surprises. A few minutes of conversation with her friends - and the list of the girl's preferences is ready. Try to find out what she likes to eat and drink, and pre-order these dishes at the cafe. Or organize a picnic with the preparation of your own specialty kebabs (unless the girl is a vegetarian - such delicate moments also need to be "felt"). Or buy tickets to a movie premiere with her favorite actor.

Going on a date

When going on a date, pay attention to your appearance. It is not necessary to buy a special outfit for this occasion - just review your wardrobe in advance and choose clothes in which you will feel comfortable. And also - it must correspond to the place where the first date will take place. Ripped jeans for a meeting in a restaurant or an evening dress for a picnic will look ridiculous, ruin the impression of you - and it is so important on the first date!

Tips for her

Girls who are accustomed to paying a lot of attention to their appearance run the risk of "overdoing it" with it on the first date. A specially made "three-story" hairstyle in the salon can scare a guy away. New high-heeled shoes will rub your feet and make you think all evening about how to get home as soon as possible and take them off. Half a bottle of perfume, poured on itself, will stifle anyone within a radius of two meters with its scent.

Of course, you don't need to wear a tracksuit on your first date (unless you have a meeting at the gym, of course). Choose from some of your favorite “proven” clothes that show off your body (and, of course, hide its flaws) for an outfit. In it you will feel free, uninhibited, and you will not need to think about whether you look good ..

Style your hair as you normally would. Of course, there is no place for creepy ponytails, but the usual "home" styling with a hairdryer and hair foam is enough. A couple of drops of perfume in the right places (behind the ears, in the hollow between the collarbones, on the inner side of the wrists) - and you are ready to go on the first date!

Tips for him

If it is common for girls to exaggerate the importance of outfits on the first date, then guys have the opposite problem. They often do not pay due attention to their appearance, they may not notice the torn off buttons, or they will not iron the shirt once again. But girls love neat guys so much!

Therefore, do not forget that clothes must be clean and ironed, all buttons and cufflinks must be in place, shoes must be polished. The fact that it is worth taking a shower and shaving before a date (even if two days of stubble seems pretty to you), and needless to say.

And, of course, when you go on your first date, do not forget to take a bouquet of flowers with you.

How to behave on a first date

Naturally, at ease, trying to remain yourself and be self-confident. You are resting, are you not taking an exam? Relax, put all sorts of "what" and "how" out of your head, try to just have a good time, have fun. Perhaps this is not so easy to do, but at least you need to strive for this.

Don't pretend to be someone you really aren't. "Botanist" still does not make a macho out of himself, and "donkey" will not hide the fact that he loves to eat well without touching food. Better not to disguise the shortcomings, but to demonstrate the merits (only without fanaticism!)

Tips for her

If he told a joke, even if it didn't seem funny to you, smile. You don't need to giggle or roll in loud laughter (by the way, laughter is good and to rehearse before a date - and this is not a joke!)

Don't look at him with adoring eyes - you don't want to appear easily accessible to the guy? For the same purposes, behave modestly, try to give the impression of a serious, unapproachable girl (but not the Snow Queen, of course - this will completely scare the guy away). For a long relationship, a man, as you know, prefers to choose a girl more modest than the one who, after the first date, goes to bed with him.

However, if sex is your only goal in this meeting, you can not pretend to be hard to get. However, you don't need to show with all your appearance that you can't wait to be in bed with him. It is vulgar and disliked by the vast majority of men. Even if the first date ends with sex, the man should think that it was exclusively his initiative, and you could not resist the influence of his spell.

Tips for him

Do not be afraid of unauthorized touches: a kiss on the cheek, a light touch on the hand, the girl will not consider the waist as harassment. Tactile contact that does not cross the generally accepted boundaries can and should be.

Try to take a closer look at the girl and choose behavior tactics depending on her character. Some ladies like a little rude, arrogant men. Others love witches, people with a good sense of humor. Still others want to see confidence in a man, a strong character, perhaps a certain amount of despotism. Of course, you are not a psychologist, but a few leading questions (but not direct questions!) Can clarify the situation.

What you can and can't talk about on a first date

About what may be interesting to the interlocutor, arouse curiosity, intrigue. About his hobbies and the hobbies of the interlocutor. About their merits. About interesting cases from life. About "eternal" topics (just stay out of the jungle!)

Do not focus only on yourself, ask questions and listen carefully to the answers to them. After all, you want to know more about the subject of your sympathy? Don't interrupt, look straight in the eyes, smile and nod, try to call the interlocutor by name more often in conversation - in general, before the first date, resume the elementary rules of conversation in your memory.

What is not worth telling yourself and asking the interlocutor? About the financial situation, work, too intimate details of the biography, life problems, illnesses, former relationships. In no case do not focus on your shortcomings, fears and experiences - try to emphasize in the conversation only your positive qualities, achievements and successes.

In general, it is better to talk about what you like than about what causes negative emotions - otherwise you will get the impression of a bore, a person who is constantly dissatisfied with something.

Tips for her

Girls are characterized by increased talkativeness. Try to control yourself, even if a hundred and one questions are swarming in your head for a guy, and they are all ready to attack him at any moment. When asking questions, try to avoid those that demonstrate excessive interest in the guy - he should not realize that he is terribly interested in you.

If he talks about his achievements, praise him, men are just thrilled by this. Praise should be appropriate and natural, otherwise the guy will feel fake in your words.

Ask questions that may relate to your common interests - for sure he is not indifferent to the topic of sports and absolutely definitely hates Dom-2.

Tips for him

The guys' hobbyhorse is anecdotes, but you can't "go away" solely on funny stories, otherwise you will be known as a frivolous joker. Jokes should be "on topic", do not tire the girl with them.

Do not forget to give compliments - they also need to be appropriate and truthful. If a girl is a little plump, you shouldn't talk about her harmony - this will only offend, and the compliment will be perceived as a mockery.

When talking about your merits, do not brag. Some guys like to embellish their achievements, impress the girl with fictional stories from their own biography. This is just not worth doing - do not lie, otherwise you risk yourself getting entangled in your own lies, and the girl will simply lose all confidence in you.

And the last thing - try not to use foul language.

After the first date

If the person is sympathetic, and you have not yet run away from the date, then the relationship has a chance to develop further. The ideal option is if this sympathy is mutual. There are several options for the development of relationships in this case (setting a date for the next meeting, intimacy, in rare cases (I have been looking for you all my life!) - the decision to immediately live together), but all of them are possible only by mutual consent.

If you don't like the person, let him know. There is no need to rudely "blow off", even if he completely disappointed you. But it is not worth confusing with florid answers. For this case, there are "soft", but quite specific phrases (for example, "Thank you, it was nice to spend time with you, I hope we remain friends"). An adequate person should normally perceive these words. Well, if you are "lucky" to meet a slow-witted or annoying admirer (fan), then you can use more precise formulations.

Tips for her

Did you like him? Fine! Do not rush on his neck with the exclamation “You are the man of my dreams!”, Just try to show (with a look, smile, touch) your favor to him. In case of mutual sympathy, he will certainly take an interest in the next meeting. If you don't ask, you can take a chance and take the initiative, but in this case, be prepared for a refusal (at best, an evasive answer).

Tips for him

A woman's soul is vulnerable - but this does not mean at all that you need to continue dating a girl out of pity that you don't like. So reread the second paragraph of this chapter again - it applies to both genders.

If the girl is cute, do not hesitate and set a date for the next meeting. Still, this initiative must come from a man.

Whether the first date is the last or will lead to a continuation of the relationship, whether it ends with a passionate night or a light kiss goodbye, whether you like this person or choose never to date him again - in any case, the first date is a good life experience. Therefore, mentally - and not only - thank the person for this meeting.

Happy first date!

All day you live with only one thought: “God! First date with a guy, how to behave, what to wear, what to say? Immediately we advise you to calm down and recover. If today you are nervous until nightfall and sleep poorly, tomorrow you will have unsympathetic dark circles under the eyes, which certainly will not decorate you. So think about your appearance and pull yourself together. Today you should be surrounded by only a slight excitement about the upcoming event.

The first date is the most important, because it is this meeting that largely decides whether your relationship has a future, should you be together, or is your meeting a fatal mistake? Girls tend to slightly exaggerate their feelings: it seems to them that it is with this guy that they would like to start a family and live happily ever after. But with the guys, everything is much simpler, they hardly, when going on a date, think that you are the companion of his life. Therefore, you will have to try very hard not to fall face down in the mud in front of him.

You can talk for a long time about what to wear for the first date, what hairstyle to do, what to perfume. However, this is all a matter of taste, yours and the very guy you are going to. Much more important is the question: how to deal with your boyfriend on your very first date? How to make the right impression, prove to him that you are worthy of his attention, and that by choosing you, he will make a safe move?

Our first tip is to be confident in yourself and in what you say. You can be wrong in claiming something, but you need to look like a queen. Men feel feminine self-confidence, they will like such a girl much more than the one who, sitting opposite, is terribly shy. Perhaps someone likes such shy young ladies. Who just listen all the time and nervously crumple paper napkins in their hands. But much more chances to win the guy's attention is to show some kind of initiative, at least to pick up all the threads of the conversation.

Being an interesting conversationalist is the key to success. Of course, it is clear that not everyone is given natural sociability, not every girl will be able to captivate a guy with an interesting conversation. Also, a sense of humor is not even every other person's dignity. If you are shy and afraid that the conversation will not work, you should still try to start it. It's better than being silent and staring at the floor. It's good if your boyfriend is a sociable person who can throw up an interesting topic and keep the conversation going so that you find a place in it. Here again, try to look as confident as possible in your words. Let the man feel your inner core, but do not go too far - a man in a skirt is not interesting to anyone these days.

If you do not know what topic to start a conversation on, remember what your young man is fond of. If you are even a little "in the subject" - throw in some thesis that will be interesting to him. And if you do not understand at all what the guy is fond of, ask him thematic questions, as if you would like to learn as much as possible about this hobby. Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone at the same time. First, the conversation will go into an active channel, which will be extremely interesting to your interlocutor. In addition, you do not have to talk a lot, there will be time to get rid of shyness and feel "on the same plate" with him. And the second plus of this development of the conversation is that you will not only support the conversation, but also make him tell about himself, get to know him better. Well, just give a man free rein - he will talk for an infinitely long time about what he is fond of. In addition, he will have a pleasant impression of you - after all, you are seriously interested in his hobby and are ready to listen to his stories for hours! And this is undoubtedly a plus.

The next moment. What to look out for on a first date is the look. Every glance that you cast towards a young person should be filled with the feelings that you have for him. However, we will exclude direct views immediately - so you just let him know that he has already conquered you. But the girl should have a riddle! ... Look at him as if from under the eyelashes, firmly but tenderly, without holding your gaze on him for more than a couple of seconds. Keep him in suspense - let him torment himself, guessing whether you like him or not. I do not advertise my attitude too openly, you become an interesting prey for a man, in the process of chasing which he can even fall in love.

Pay close attention to your gestures, you do not need to wave your arms and legs too emotionally, telling some amazing story from your life. But we also do not recommend being a prim nun - there should be a golden mean in everything. If you are too emotional a person and simply cannot live without gestures, try to control yourself at least a little. Otherwise, the guy may think that you are a slightly unbalanced and nervous person, and who wants to mess with such?

Your speech is also very important. Not only should it be interesting in its semantic content, it is also necessary to monitor its purity. Even if the guy you came to on a date allows himself to use a rude word, this does not mean at all that you should answer him with topics and use obscene language in a conversation all the time. Believe me, many men don't like vulgar ladies who don't know how to put two words together. Light intelligence, subtle humor and endless charm - these are the trump cards of a woman on any date, one must not forget about this.

And it doesn't matter at all what you decide to wear and what to put on your graceful legs. The main thing is how you present yourself. You know, there is an opinion that people are also a kind of product, the price of which is set by the person himself by his manners and behavior. So let's look like a million, and then every man will consider it an honor to transfer the first date to the status of a permanent long relationship!

How to prepare for your first date? Rules of conduct on the first date. Secrets of a successful first date.

1. How to dress

On the first date, you need to build on your initial success. You don't have to look provocative and be heavily made up. The boys do not like either one or the other. They are frightened off by outright attempts to attract attention to themselves.

Therefore, give up the very short miniskirt, black nail polish and purple eyeshadow.

Everything that you will be wearing should be comfortable for you. It is foolish to spoil your evening with shoes rubbing your heels. They are, of course, new, beautiful and all that, but ... Better soft moccasins than bloody legs.

2. What time to arrive

Previously, it was believed that a woman should be a little late for a date with a man. Punctuality is increasingly appreciated. Plus or minus a minute or two is normal. But twenty minutes will hardly wait for you. Or they will wait, but once. There won't be a second date.

3. Where to go

On the first date, they go to the cinema, to a cafe or walk in the park during the day.

Meeting in the afternoon is safe and easy. You don't know your new acquaintance, what if he has something bad on his mind?

Do not drag out the first date, time will fly by, you will have to come home late, it may be unsafe. Don't let yourself be escorted home. If the gentleman turns out to be "with greetings", it is better if he does not know where you live, besides the entrance and the elevator can become a trap for you, do not agree to visit him. Don't call him to yourself. Alone with him at home, or, even more so, with him, you are very vulnerable.

❢ "How many restrictions!" - you will say. Not. This is an elementary precaution. And remember: appearances can be deceiving.

4. Immediately mark the boundaries of what is permitted

At first, boys like to introduce themselves as heroes, brag about their exploits. They still have few feats. Who beat whom where and who drank how much.

These are not topics of conversation, do not support them. Show right away that you are not interested in drinking and fighting. That you will not allow you to swear in your presence or speak impartially about anyone.

About whether to kiss you in public, whether to let him hug you in public, thereby demonstrating his right to you - at your discretion. If you like it, if it pleases you, let whatever you want.

Of course, it's best not to. The guy should respect and appreciate you.

5. First date

On the first date, you meet, have a nice conversation. You can let him take your hand. But not more. For now, you only get to know each other.

Take your time, take a closer look at him, think. Do you really want to start a relationship with him?

6. Second date

Yeah, somehow you still liked each other, since we agreed to meet again.

The second date is the hardest. There is already some impression, now the main thing is not to destroy it. Now you can let me kiss you on the cheek, hug you.

7. Third date

Is everything really going as well as possible? The guy is clearly interested in you. And you are not bored with him either. You can allow him more. How far it will go depends on your wishes, my advice is not to rush. Don't let him all at once. What does a boy of fifteen or sixteen want? Either find yourself a playmate, or satisfy your sexual interest. Some are more reserved, others less.

What do you want? To be loved, to take care of you. Sex now can interest you only theoretically - and what it is, and how it is. Do you want this yourself? Hardly. So there is no need to rush. Wait when you're ready for this. In the meantime, instead of pleasure, you will get a lot of problems. Be especially careful with guys older than you. By the age of seventeen, boys enter a period of hypersexuality.

By the way, hugs and kisses also refer to sexual relations. Why not study this first?

8. Expensive gift

A boy gives a girl a gift - this is normal. He likes her, he wants to please her. As long as you don't make money yourself, gifts should be simple or handmade. No gold earrings or platinum rings.

Firstly, expensive gifts are simply not accepted. There is always a price to pay for such offerings. Moreover, it is not known where your beloved got such money, did dad give? Well, so at the expense of the Pope and will be interrupted all his life?

Secondly, the gifts that you give to each other should be in approximately the same price range - postcards, soft toys, trinkets, trinkets. Then you will be comfortable with each other. If one of you starts to "throw" money, then the second will feel somewhat flawed.

9. Think about the consequences

The task is difficult. Especially when you don't know what to fear. Knowledge usually comes with experience, but there are times when it is better to use someone else's experience than to make mistakes yourself.

Women are famous for their ability to calculate the situation several moves ahead, men usually do not look far. But in the matter of personal relationships, they change places. The girl can not even come close to what is going on in the guy's head. And often not the best thoughts are walking there.

If you nevertheless agreed to come to visit the guy, then he will probably persuade you to have sex. Did you really hope to the last that you were really invited to drink tea and listen to music? The most common misconception. If you are not ready for sex or you are not sure that your refusal will be perceived normally, do not agree to visit. Only in the afternoon and only for tea, and so that the parents were at home. You stand on the threshold, you see that you have deceived, there are no parents - goodbye! Turned around and left. This is a clear sign that he was deceiving you for a reason, but for a specific purpose, and your goals clearly do not coincide.

If you nevertheless decide to set off on a voyage through adulthood, although fourteen years is not the age, always use protection! Why do you need extra problems? And they will appear in you immediately - venereal diseases and pregnancy. Let your boyfriend assure you that he is clean, healthy, the certificate is not glued to his forehead.

And protect yourself with condoms. It is unlikely that your growing body will adequately accept strong "adult" pills.

And do not hope that it will "carry", will not carry, will catch. Not now, then later. It will be too late to groan.

10. Trust but verify

A young man can be as sweet as you like, but still it would not hurt to make inquiries about him.

If you go to school together, then it is clear - all your own. If he is a couple of years older than you, ask his classmates what he is like. you can find out many unexpected things.

If you met a guy at a party, then ask his friends what he usually does, what kind of relationship he has with friends. The information will be clearly useful. You can find out something from the guy himself, although sometimes it is inconvenient to be interested - he will still think that he is being interrogated. Boys are sometimes terribly suspicious.

11. Keep everything under control

The long-awaited event has come true - you have been invited on a date. You fly on the wings of love, get ready, buy new shoes, come up with a hairstyle, rent a stylish watch from a friend.

Warn your parents or girlfriend where and with whom you are going, tell his name and surname, where you met and where he lives or studies. In a word, lay out all the information about him.

What for? You never know what. There are different situations in life. What if you need to find you urgently or you won't come home by the promised hour? I don’t want to scare you, but such a precaution is useful. She saved the girls' lives more than once.

12. Don't hide your emotions

Many girls think that if she sits on a date like an ice statue, it will give her a mystery.

Maybe. But if a guy on the run is confronted with isolation and constriction, it can scare him away. So don't be afraid to show your emotions.

Did you enjoy walking with him in the park? Say so. Don't you want to sit on the bench anymore? Tell me about that. Only then will you have a normal relationship, you will understand and hear each other. The boys are slow-witted, they cannot read thoughts. He hugs and kisses you, deciding that it is pleasant for you too, and you sit and think when it will finally end. What pleasure is it?

Tell him! Talk about everything! Gradually, you will understand what is not worth talking about, and what must be laid out without fail. In the meantime, do not be shy.

13. Don't be smart

What you should definitely not do is show your education. Guys don't like that. They prefer to be smart themselves. Therefore, evaluate the mental abilities of your boyfriend and play a girl a little dumber than him.

Quotes from Nietzsche, Kant and Hegel are not welcome! reciting chapters from "Eugene Onegin" is better left for another company.

On a date, you should be smiling, good-natured, funny. Flirt. Make your eyes, smile, be direct, a little flattery, a little capricious. In general - be a woman!

14. Friends and girlfriends

When your relationship is just starting and you go crazy with love and happiness, then you want to tell the whole world about your joy. You go to your girlfriends, to your mother, to your relatives. You are eager to introduce him to everyone around you.

This has both a good side and a bad side.

It's good when your boyfriend is appreciated by others and, if anything, they take off your rose-colored glasses. Indeed, in the early days of relationships with guys, we really don't notice a lot.

The bad news is that the guy himself may not like that he is being shown to everyone. And it is dangerous to introduce an attractive young man to his girlfriends.

And it's not that they are your girlfriends and will never commit meanness towards you. Simply by telling them about your feelings, about how wonderful, handsome, smart, kind he is, you will convince your friends of his exclusivity, "infect" them with your love. Therefore, they will look at your chosen one with your "loving" eyes, seek and find all those good qualities that you saw.

It can all end sadly, some of the girlfriends will really fall in love with him. Therefore, if you are one hundred percent not sure about the normal outcome of such an acquaintance, it is better not to devote your friends to love affairs. Or limit yourself to oral stories only. Everyone will live more calmly.