Large families in dhow work with them. Working with incomplete families in kindergarten. Work plan with large families

Shilova Irina
Work plan with large families

No. Events Date Responsible


-"Punishing - think how?";

- « Moral education children in family» ;

- "On the Rights of the Child";

-"Tips large family»

during a year


2. Distribution of booklets, individual talks. during a year



-"Various loved ones" November Educators


Thematic book exhibition « Family together, and the soul is in place "


Exhibition of paintings "Form families through the eyes of an artist» April Educators


Family Communication Day May Educators


Making gifts for moms, cards for members families, to the Day of the Elderly, to the Day of the Russian Army, to the day "Love, family and loyalty»

Examining illustrations "About mom".


Name kindly relatives and friends;

Tell me how you can please mom (dad, grandfather, grandmother);

Whose assistant are you at home?


For me or for everyone;

We learn to yield to each other.

during a year

during a year

during a year




Work plan with large families

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Tatiana Khmarina


IN modern world it is believed that if a woman a lot of children, then she has no time for herself, for her hobbies. Many people believe, what large mothers spend time only in the kitchen and cleaning the house. And that it is unrealistic to meet a beautiful and well-groomed mother of many children.

Is the concept of beauty and grooming incompatible with status mother of many children? And when you start getting to know their life, you understand reverse: that their life is joyful and fulfilling, they have beautiful and clean houses, children are cheerful and sociable, and such a mother, it turns out, has many different hobbies... Beautiful and well-groomed mother of many children - it's real?

Seven mothers of large families will share with us their secrets that allow them farm successfully, with joy to communicate with husband and children and to remain ourselves.

Please introduce yourself and tell us about yourself.

(moms talk about the rules in their family) .

Song "Spring flowers" performed by Liana, Dasha, Vika, Masha.

Leading: Mothers with firstborns often complain: no time, i'm nothing i have time, sometimes even to eat properly or go to the shower there is no time, and what can we say about going out somewhere with my husband or doing what I have dreamed of for so long.

But what about those who have not one baby, not two, but three, four, five - how do they manage to find time for children, and for a husband, and for themselves? So that in the family was all full, are you satisfied, treated kindly, and you yourself were not ashamed to appear on the street? Are they doing it?

To mother of many children felt like a happy woman, not a slave families, they follow some rules. Tell us what rules exist in your family.

Leading. Yes, of course, the most important assistant is the daily routine. Children easily adapt to the measured rhythm of life families.

Leading. Most of our heroines with an increase in the number of children in family became more organized and purposeful, discovered a new source of strength, inspiration and creativity. Share your discoveries.


Each person has their own a familyclosest to you people: parents, sisters, brothers, grandparents.

I invite you guys to listen and guess the riddles.

Without what in this world

Can't adults survive and children?

Who will support you friends?

Your friend ... answers children: a family!

Who is the sweetest in the world?

Whom do children love very much?

I'll answer the question directly:

All our sweetest ... answers children: mum!

He will teach you how to drive a carnation

Will give the car to drive

And he will tell you how to be brave

Strong, agile and skillful?

All of you guys know -

This is our favorite ... answers children: dad!

Who does not get tired of love

For all family cake bakes

And delicious pancakes?

This is our ... children's answers: grandmother!

He is a man and he is gray

Daddy - daddy, to me he ... answers children: grandfather!

Well done! Everyone coped with the riddles!

Let's join hands together

And we will smile at each other.

We got a circle

Let's start playing!

The game is being played "Play and Dance".

(Mothers and children dance to the cheerful music)

Leading. Big mistake many mom - try to be in everything "Excellent student"... Remember how in the movie "White Sun of the Desert"? “Cooking, cleaning, looking after the children - and all alone? It's hard! " You don't have to try to take on everything yourself, striving to become a super mom. Exhaustion and frustration will come very quickly. It is important for the mother and the hostess to be able to delegate responsibilities (to the husband, children, parents, nanny, to be able to attract helpers and not be shy about using things that can make life easier. Who are your helpers?

(Moms talk about their helpers).

Leading. A striking feature of most of the families of our heroines is that even the younger members families already actively helping elders and have their own responsibilities.

What responsibilities do your children have?

Song « Mom is my sun» performed by boys from large families.

Leading. Do you know your children? (Children tear off a petal from a flower with a task for mom).

1. What is the name of the best friend (girlfriend) your son (daughters)?

2. What is your child's favorite food?

3. What games does your son like to play the most? (daughter)?

4. Favorite cartoon of your child?

5. What is your child's favorite fairy tale?

6. What does your child like to do on the day off?

7. Who reads fairy tales to your child?


Who do you think guys are the prop familieswho holds the house on ?. children's answers

Of course it is mum! Happy is the one who has known mother's love, affection, care from childhood. And how happy mumwhen she is answered in kind.

Zina will read the poem about mom.

Leading. Guys, when you grow up, each of you will have your own friendly, strong, loving and beloved a family... After all, such a family - the main wealth in the life of every person. Undoubtedly, every person should have a home, not just a roof over his head, but a place where he is understood, loved and awaited, where a person is warm and comfortable.

I suggest you build your dream home. Now mothers and children will be a construction crew.

(They build a house from cubes).

Leading: We have children, they built a house. It remains to plant a tree. Each of you has hearts. Write on the heart a trait or quality that you would like to bestow on your child. We'll hang the hearts on a tree. It's magical. Let's hope it fulfills your wishes. (Moms write wishes for their children on hearts).

Musical number from a large family.

Leading. In memory of our meeting, we will create paintings "Multi-colored palms".(Idea with maam). Mom has many qualities... All these qualities remind rainbow: red - life, orange - health, yellow - sunlight, green - nature, blue - magic, blue - calmness / harmony, purple - fortitude / spirituality.

And the children's palm is yellow. After all, a child for a mother will always be her sun. (Moms and kids create pictures).

Leading: One child is a great happiness, and three or more are an inexhaustible source of love and energy. I want to wish you: let your faces get tired only from smiles! Let your home always shine with love and happiness. In moments when it is especially difficult for you, remember that you are the owner great happinessthat is always there. Look around around: even one sincere childish smile makes us move mountains. Strength to you, health and support of all members families!

Thanks from mothers with many children.

Today, in connection with the entry into force of the federal law "On education in Russian Federation»The relationship between the kindergarten and the family has changed qualitatively. This is due to the fact that parents (legal representatives) now have a priority right to the education and upbringing of children over all other persons. Therefore, preschool organizations, in this regard, have a need for interaction with the child's family in the positions of cooperation and trust. This is especially important to take into account when working with large families. This problem is especially relevant in connection with the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards preschool education (FSES DO), emphasizing the need to unite kindergarten and family for the implementation of high-quality training of graduates of the preschool education.

The sphere of communication when entering kindergarten goes beyond the family. In the aspect of the introduction of the FSES DO, the kindergarten plays a leading role in the organization of public education. For the successful coordination of the educational influence, the preschool educational institution must restructure its work, abandon the previous, largely formalized forms of work with parents and the public, and take the humanistic position of pedagogical education.

Thus, the preschool educational organization (preschool educational institution) is today considered as a social and educational system that can solve the problems of social and pedagogical compensation of conditions for the full development of the personality of each child, cooperation of different ages, social and pedagogical work with the family, the organization of family cultural leisure, medical education. , the provision of psychological assistance, pedagogical parental education.

The legal basis for the new content of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families was the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", which for the first time in many decades recognized the priority family education... IN all other social institutions are called upon to help, support, direct, supplement the educational activities of the family. It is impossible to move to new forms of relations between parents and teachers within the framework of a closed kindergarten: it must become open system. This means making the pedagogical process more free, flexible, differentiated, and humanizing relations between children, teachers, and parents. Create such conditions so that all participants in the educational process (children, teachers, parents, the public) have personal willingness to discover oneselfin some kind of activity.

A new philosophy of interaction between ECE and family, according to K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya demands new relations aimed at recognizing the priority of family education. The novelty of these relations is determined by the concepts of "cooperation" and "interaction".

The organization of interaction between the kindergarten and the family in the updated conditions of the educational strategy of preschool education is more effective. The result of interaction is certain relationships, which, being the internal personal basis of interaction, depend on the relationship of people, on the position of the interacting people. The solution to this problem can be based on the study of theoretical sources covering, on the one hand, the organization of methodological work with the teaching staff, on the other hand, the interaction of preschool teachers with the family.

The openness of the kindergarten involves the involvement of parentslarge families into the educational process of preschool education. In an open environment, working with parents is an important condition for the successful upbringing of a preschooler.To effectively attract large families into the interaction system, work is required to increase the educational potential of a large family.

Experimental - experimental work was carried out on the basis of MBOU "Edyayskaya secondary school - kindergarten" Chechir "MR" Khangalassky ulus ".

To carry out the ascertaining and control stages, interviews with children and a questionnaire of parents were conducted. In order to identify the style of family education and the characteristics of parenting, the methodology "Analysis of family education" (DIA) was carried out. Author - E. G. Eidemiller.

In carrying out the examination procedure, the help of a kindergarten psychologist was used. The DIA questionnaire allows you to diagnose the style of family education and the nature of its violations. A qualitative analysis of its results provides fairly reliable information about the explicit (or insufficient) severity of the corresponding side of upbringing, summarizing which, one can draw conclusions about the negative nature of the parental attitude, which causes certain characterological deviations in the child. To identify the level of cooperation from the perspective of preschoolers, the main approaches were used according to the method of T.V. Antonova.

At the ascertaining stage of the study, it was revealed that some children from large families have conflicts in the perception of family relationships, or there is a negative perception of the family. It was the parents of these children who, according to the results of the survey, showed an insufficient level of family education for the favorable development of the child. Based on the data obtained, at the ascertaining stage, we came to the conclusion that for the effective upbringing of children it is necessary to organize cooperation between preschool educational institutions and large families.

The purpose of the formative work: organization of cooperation between preschool educational institutions and large families in order to raise children.

The tasks of the formative stage of the experiment:

1. Introduce the developed system of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families.

2. Increasing the pedagogical potential of parents with many children by means of using non-traditional forms of interaction with ECE.

3. Joint work with parents on the successful upbringing of the child's personality in the family and ECE center.

How the preschool educational institution works with large families for raising a child preschool age: all-round development of the child in all types of activities in a psychological atmosphere of kindness and mutual understanding; harmonization of relations in the spheres "child - child", "child - adult", "kindergarten - family", "family - child - kindergarten") with the aim of children comprehending the ability to live among people; interaction of the kindergarten with the family based on the development of programs to help each child; concentration of children's attention on getting to know fiction, folklore and art of the Sakha people; organization role-playing games for the child to understand himself as a part of his family and his people.

Joint activities with large families in MBOU "Ediaiskaya secondary school - kindergarten" Chechir "is a natural process of objective reality, a form and method of public education. Among them, the authority of elders occupies a special place. It should be noted that the issues of interaction between parents and teachers in the use of methods of national education and folk traditions... The following most important traditions of the Sakha people are used here:

Respect for elders;

Living together with one family;


Education of industriousness;

Respectful attitude towards a woman (girl) and others.

Based on the selected theoretical provisions, the content of the ECE activities included such methods and forms of work with large families.

1. Formation of the child's ideas about himself as a unique, self-valuable, inimitable personality.

2. Development of ideas about other people on the basis of comparing oneself with them, highlighting similarities and differences.

3. Communication of knowledge about the world around in accordance with the ideas about your family.

4. Formation of an active life position based on:

A child's awareness of his needs (physical, spiritual), the development of the ability to satisfy them - not to the detriment of others;

Awareness of their capabilities, the formation of the ability to act in accordance with them, the desire for their development;

Realization of their strengths and weaknesses;

Awareness of their rights and obligations to themselves, family and other people;

Formation of the ability to defend their rights and reckon with the rights of others;

Shows of tolerance, respect for the characteristics of other people;

Developing the ability to assess your own actions and the actions of others, the ability to make your choice and make a decision; listen to the opinions of others; solve emerging problems without conflicts;

Games and exercises to understand the significance and value of the life of each person, the development of interest in the life of other people.

When organizing a formative experiment, the traditions of national education were taken into account:

1) the opportunity for each child to develop their inclinations and abilities without forcing him;

2) controllability of the process of personality formation in tuelbe;

3) each family has its own face - the specifics of the way of life, perception of the world;

4) the development of a creative personality is carried out when the integration of all the educational forces of the preschool educational institution and the family creates controllability of the influence of organized environmental factors.

To identify the conditions for increasing pedagogical competence from parents with many children, the question was raised of building an integral system of work of preschool educational institutions and families, determining the range of interests of each family and taking into account the possibilities of children.

Many large families expressed their desire and readiness to continue their children's education at home. In this case, it became necessary to develop various activities and programs for parents in order to help them in matters preschool education fully develop their children, understand the uniqueness preschool period childhood. For this purpose, a comprehensive work was developed to improve the pedagogical competence of parents.

As part of improving the quality of work with large families, various traditions of interaction are spread and operate: Gifts of nature; Contests "Bayanay ylyga", "Tuyaariskay aa5yylara", "Miss" Chechir "; Joint concert of MBDOU employees and parents Day of honorable families; Open Day; Action "My relatives"; Conference for fathers.

When holding events, the cooperation of teachers and parents, preschool educational institutions with large families is aimed at:

Creation of positive cognitive motivation for children; organizing their attention;

Enhancing the speech experience of preschoolers;

Formation of ways to assess the child's own activities.

During the experiment, the following forms of joint work of children, teachers and parents of large families were also used: folk tales - joint creativity of children, educators and parents of pupils; study of folk games, folk songs and traditions different nations, acquaintance with the folklore of different peoples, etc.

In the communication of adults with a child, the principle of positivity is important, then the child develops a high level of patriotic qualities of the personality of children - trust in an adult, self-esteem as the spiritual basis of a positive level of child development.

So, work with large families has confirmed our hypothesis about the importance of close emotional contact of a child with relatives in the family for the formation of his positive self-esteem.

At the control stage, according to the parents of the experimental group, the general level of education of children was 100%, in the control group - 66.7%. This confirms that in the experimental group there was an increase in the level of education by 54.5%. Whereas in the control group its indicators changed less (by 11.2%).

Indicators of the effectiveness of the ECE work with large families in MBOU ESOSH - DS "Chechir"

The analysis of the diagnostic data of the control stage proves the effectiveness of the formative experiment in organizing the forms of work of the preschool educational institution with large families.

Thus, as a result of the formative work carried out in the children of the experimental group, there were qualitative changes in the indicators of upbringing and position in the family.

Thus, when determining the content of the forms and methods of work of a preschool educational institution with large families, it is important to proceed not only from the tasks of upbringing common for a kindergarten and a family, but also to take into account the peculiarities of upbringing in each family. At the same time, it is important to find methods to establish close contacts with the family in order to ensure unity in education. In working with parents, search methods of teaching, cognitive situations associated with posing problems and joint search for solutions in communication with children are more acceptable.

With parents of children at risk.

One of the necessary areas of work of a teacher with children of the "risk group" isclose contact with parents... In such activities, it is necessary to show maximum tolerance for the child's family lifestyle and educational costs. The educator should provide constructive assistance, not oppose and criticize. He should take for granted the role relationships and boundaries between generations that have developed in this family. It seems very productive and desirableinvolvement in the process of joint activities and rehabilitation of the child of the entire family in its most expanded composition, including grandparents, as well as other relatives in contact with the child and his family.

The study of the family can be successful if the teacher shows high tact, respectful, attentive and sensitive attitude towards parents.

First stage "Search for contacts", where a meeting with parents takes place. But at this stage, it is recommended that the teacher show high tact, sincere respect for parents, delicacy and restraint, and most importantly, try not to alienate them from themselves and from the problem.

Stage two "Search for a common topic." At this stage, the teacher finds out the conditions of family education, what is the expression of parental care for the child, etc. His task at this stage is to prepare the ground formutual understanding , to reveal the relationship of parents with each other and with the child. At this stage, positive emotions arise from common interest and friendly communication.

Third stage "Establishing general requirements for the upbringing of a child." The teacher must competently tell parents about his views on education, identify the views of parents on this issue and offer reasonable methods of influencing the child.

Fourth stage « Strengthening cooperation in achieving a common goal ”. At this stage, it is very important for the teacher that the parents understand their mistakes in upbringing and its shortcomings. It is very important at this stage to clarify each other's educational capabilities, to develop common goals and objectives of educational impact on the child.

Fifth stage "Implementation individual approach». At this stage, based on what was previously suggested by the parents, he proposes specific measures of pedagogical influence on the child. The teacher should focus the attention of parents on the positive aspects of raising a child and in a tactful manner inform about the shortcomings of the educational process.

Sixth stage "Improving pedagogical cooperation"... At the stage, it is necessary to deepen and expand pedagogical cooperation, a period of distribution of accepted and agreed roles, the implementation of uniform pedagogical influences on the child.

Organization of work in a preschool educational institution with dysfunctional families.

Early detection of socially disadvantaged families is one of the most important forms of primary prevention of child neglect and delinquency.

The presence of the following factors of social risk in the family allows determining family trouble:

* socio-economic (low material standard of living, irregular income, poor housing conditions, super-high incomes are also a risk factor);

* medical and social (disability or chronic diseases of family members, harmful working conditions of parents - especially mothers, neglect of sanitary and hygienic standards);

* socio-demographic (single-parent, large family, families with repeated marriages and stepchildren, families with minors and elderly parents);

* socio-psychological (families with emotionally conflicting relationships of spouses, parents and children, deformed value orientations);

* psychological and pedagogical (families with a low general educational level, pedagogically incompetent parents;

* criminal (alcoholism, drug addiction, immoral lifestyle, domestic violence, the presence of convicted family members who share the traditions and norms of the criminal subculture).

The presence of this or that social risk factor does not necessarily mean the occurrence of social distress, but indicates a high degree of its likelihood, which increases as the number of family social risk factors increases (for example, a single-parent family, large families, low-income families.

A mechanism for identifying dysfunctional families.

The identification of trouble in the families of preschool educational institutions is associated with the identification of social risk factors. Annually at the beginning school year a database of children attending preschool educational institutions is being created. In the interaction of the preschool educational institution (head, educators, teachers and teacher-psychologist) cards of pupils are filled in, a social passport of the preschool educational institution is drawn up. The social and living conditions of families and pupils, the composition of the family, the educational level of the parents, their age and profession are revealed. This data allows us to predict the strategy of interaction with the family. With families of pupils, such forms are used as observation, conversation, questioning, psychological and social diagnostics, visiting families in order to identify family problems. The basic information is possessed by the educator in the group, who daily works with children on the child's appearance and on his behavior reveals signs of trouble.

The characteristic features of the appearance and behavior of a child brought up in a situation of neglect by parents of their responsibilities include:

  • tired, sleepy look;
  • sanitary and hygienic neglect;
  • tendency to fainting, dizziness due to constant malnutrition;
  • excessive appetite;
  • growth retardation, lag in speech, motor development;
  • attracting attention in any way;
  • excessive need for affection;
  • manifestation of aggression and impulsivity, which is replaced by apathy and depressed state;
  • problems in relationships with peers;
  • learning difficulties.

Signs of physical violence in the family are manifested:

  • in a child's fearfulness;
  • in pronounced fear of adults;
  • in the manifestation of anxiety in the form of tics, thumb sucking,
  • swinging;
  • in fear of going home;
  • cruelty to animals;
  • in an effort to hide the cause of injuries.

In order to prevent and correct the social disadvantage of families, educators and a preschool educational psychologist are working to improve the pedagogical literacy of parents, including them in activities of preschool educational institutions... Involving parents in creating a developing environment in a group, participating in children's parties, sports events, exhibitions joint work parents and children helps to establish psychological contact.

Working in cooperation with specialists of the system of prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors, the social teacher of the preschool educational institution forms and implements a system of providing comprehensive assistance to the family in optimizing social disadvantage.

P signs of family trouble

  1. The child is not well-groomed, unkempt, no spare underwear, not dressed for the season or the weather, problems in clothes and shoes: torn, dirty, without buttons, not in size. Parents do not react to the comments of educators about their appearance.
  2. Parents abuse alcohol, come to kindergarten drunk.

3. The child comes from home with traces of beatings, and the parents cannot explain the origin of the bruises and abrasions.

  1. Parents have repeatedly "forgotten" to pick up the child from kindergarten.
  1. Parents do not work anywhere, are not registered for unemployment and have no permanent source of income.
  1. The child constantly lives with his grandmother, the parents are in kindergarten do not appear.
  1. When visiting a family, it turns out that the child's living conditions do not meet sanitary standards, the child does not have toys and materials for classes.
  1. The nature of family relationships harms the child's mental health: scandals, fights, drunken companies, parents' immoral lifestyle.

If signs of trouble are identified, educators write a memo addressed to the head with a request to register the family with an indication of the reasons for the trouble.

Algorithm for working with a dysfunctional family

First step : studying the family and understanding the problems existing in it,

study of requests from families for help, study of complaints of residents (neighbors).

Second phase : initial survey of dysfunctional living conditions

(problem) family.

Stage three : meeting family members and their environment, talking with children,

assessment of their living conditions.

Fourth stage: joint pedagogical councils by definition

ways of joint action.

Fifth stage : study of the causes of the family's unhappiness, its characteristics, its goals, value orientations.

Sixth stage: studying the personal characteristics of family members.

Seventh stage : making a family map.

Eighth stage : coordination activities with all interested organizations ( educational institutions, preschool institutions, the Center for Social Rehabilitation of Children and Adolescents, the Center for the Protection of the Family, orphanages, orphanages, the inspection for minors, the commission, etc.)

Ninth stage: drawing up a program of work with a dysfunctional family.

Tenth stage : current and control family visits.

Eleventh stage: conclusions about the results of working with a dysfunctional family.

The teacher should not take on the functions of upbringing, caring for children, replacing parents, as this generates a passive dependent position of parents and other family members.

The educator working with the at-risk family needs to focus on clear, specific goals. Discuss and develop specific measures for the parents to make a decision to return the child to the family.

Social and pedagogical work with different types families

1. Families with foster children:

  • identification in the microdistrict of orphans left without care
    parents, creation of a data bank;
  • participation in the examination of the conditions of the slurry and the upbringing of children;
  • control over the health and recovery of children;
  • support of the family of guardians (pedagogical, educational, etc.);
  • work with educators to establish an individual approach to foster children;
  • protection of the interests of the ward;
  • legislative education;
  • practical activities for the family.

2. Large families:

  • helping parents improve the quality of their performance
    educational functions;
  • organization of charitable aid;
  • recommendations for organizing family leisure;
  • vocational guidance work;
  • legislative education;
  • joint activities for children.

3. Single-parent families:

  • providing the necessary assistance in obtaining benefits;
  • psychological and pedagogical counseling;
  • prevention of asocial and immoral behavior;
  • organizational and practical assistance to parents in fulfilling their
    educational functions (GPA, charitable assistance, etc.);
  • legislative education.

Problem families:

  • studying the dynamics of the development of the family problem;
  • general psychological and pedagogical assistance to a problem family;
  • legislative education.