Consultation for educators "how to draw up an abstract ood" consultation on the topic. Synopsis of the parent meeting “The game is not fun How to organize a corner of the child

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Parent meeting summary
"The game is not fun"

Goal:   raise the level of pedagogical culture of parents Preliminary work:1. Competition No. 1 “a game corner in the family” (Visiting other families to get acquainted with the game corners, photos of the game corners, a story about the game corner) 2. Competition No. 2 “Skillful hands” (Production of a game, toys with children) 3. Poems and puzzles about toys (Learning poems, puzzles with children, you can write together) 4. In the group, issue invitations for children with parents 5. Design posters “a game is a spark that kindles a spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity” 6. Exhibition of books, magazines on the theme of "gaming" 7. Tape recording with questions:
  Do you like to play?
  What games do you play at home?
  Do you have any favorite toys? What kind? How do you play with them?
  Do adults play with you? Who!
  How to protect toys?

The course of the meeting.
(The song “Where childhood goes” sounds by musicians A. Zatsepin, lyrics by L. Derbenev)

1. Introduction.For the childhood of our children to be happy, the main, main place in their life should be played by the game. In childhood, the child has a need for a game. And it must be satisfied not because the matter is time, the fun is the hour, but because when playing, the child learns and learns life. “The game permeates the whole life of the child. This is the norm even when the baby is doing a serious job. He has a passion, and it must be satisfied. Moreover, one should soak his whole life with this game. His whole life is a game. "
A. S. Makarenko Let's talk about the game today. 2. Discussion "Do I need to lead the games of children?"a. listening to tape b. questions to parents: Do you think it is necessary to lead the game of the child? c. Generalization by the educator: If you do not play, do not lead the baby’s game at an early age, then he will not have the ability to play both independently and with other children. At a young age, the game becomes a means of development and upbringing if it is built on meaningful communication with to adults. When playing with a daughter or son, remember that you can’t suppress the baby’s initiative. Play with him on an equal footing. When playing, watch your speech: the even, calm tone of an equal partner in the game instills in the child the confidence that he is understood, his thoughts are shared, they want to play with him. Therefore, you have to take it as a rule: several times a day to join the baby’s game, this encourages the child to new actions. 3. Work with memosa. The task:   underline the points that you have already completed b. Generalization by the educator “What is a good toy?” First of all, this toy is safe, appropriate for the age of the child. The more diverse the toys. All the more interesting is the game of kids. But diversity does not mean their abundance. Before making the next purchase, it’s nice to ask the baby how he will play with it. If a child accounts for 90% of the game and only a toy accounts for 10%, then this is a good toy. An empty cardboard box that you can climb into can become a great toy for the baby. It can be a ship, a fortress, or a rocket. Such a toy stimulates both imagination and imagination. It can be used as it is. And you can cut holes in it - portholes, paint. Homemade toys are of great educational value. 4. Stories of parents from the experience of family educationa. Family-in-Family Games b. "Leisure in the family" 5. Game taskI offer an unusual task: remember your family evenings and give them self-esteem. If you do as you say, then put up a red chip, not always yellow, never blue. 1. Every evening I spend time playing with children 2. I talk about my games in childhood 3. If the toy breaks down, I repair it with the child 4. Having bought a toy for a child, I explain how to play with it, showing different options for the game5. I listen to the child’s stories about games and toys in kindergarten6. I do not punish the child with a game, a toy, i.e. I do not deprive him for the duration of a game or toy 7. I often give my child a game, a toy Generalization:
If your table has more red chips, then the game is always present in your house. Play with your child on an equal footing. Your baby is active, inquisitive, likes to play with you, because the game is the most interesting thing in the life of a child. 6. Excursion to the game libraryThe teacher talks about their favorite games and toys for children, answers questions from parents 7. Parent meeting decision1. actively participate in the games of children 2. take an active part in the manufacture of games, toys, their repair 3. organize family tours for children 4. take an active part in kindergarten life
  1. Synopsis of the Parent Meeting "Family Traditions"


    The overwhelming majority of parents are not professional educators. They do not have special knowledge in the field of upbringing and education of children, and often experience difficulties in establishing contacts with children.

  2. Synopsis of the parent meeting "How to interact with the child in a conflict situation?"


    The WORD is the subtlest touch to the heart; it can become both a tender, fragrant flower, and living water, which returns faith in good, with a sharp knife, picking the delicate fabric of the soul, and with red-hot iron, and lumps of dirt with the Word

  3. Synopsis and introspection of one test session. Summary and introspection of leisure activities


    Outline plans for the organization of gaming activities (one group), labor activities (one), their analysis, as well as an outline plan for working with parents.

  4. Playing with the imagination. Desired transformation. Winning appearance. Unrealistic ideas about defects and virtues. Complex of appearance. “Fashion victims.” Ideals of female appeal. Illusory ideals.


    entertaining classifications and tests, philosophical parables and real life stories make this book not only useful in solving everyday problems, but also very interesting to read.

  5. Game of Association 15 Visual and Sound 23


    There are books that are born, like trees in a forest among countless others like themselves. Others can be likened to trees grown in the most unexpected places - among the plains, in a dry valley, on a rock.

  Irina Kobozeva
  Parent meeting "Home corner of a preschooler"

Preschooler's home corner.

Developing environment at home   - it is necessary for every child home play area. Up to two years, a child exists in close connection with adults, his independent studies are very short-lived, he always attracts adults to them. For the baby, the whole house is its developing environment, it is wide and non-concentrated. On the approaches to preschool   age, there is a need for the formation of focus on independent studies. The time comes when the child needs to be organized.

The development environment must separate from home environment in general, concentrate in a special space where nothing will prevent the child from doing his own thing, and he will not interfere with adults. First of all, for the gaming nook   You will need a children's table, simply with a flat surface. Two children's chairs are needed - for a child and an adult, who, if necessary, can join the child. The table must be placed so that it can be approached from either side. Also required by the gaming element the corner is a bookcase, in height accessible to the child’s hand, and several containers for game material. It is also necessary to provide free space on the floor, which is advisable to designate a rug. Here the child will be able to arrange the toys and leave it all for a while.

Decorated in this way a corner   It takes up little space and at the same time allows you to concentrate the material for children's activities. The child receives personal space and personal things, which he freely disposes of himself, which is important for the development of independence and personal maturity.

How to fill the game a corner? This is due to activities that a child from 2 to 6-7 years old can indulge in. "Play, create, explore" is the motto under which development takes place preschooler. It combines game, productive activity and research. For this, some core materials have been identified that provide several types of activities at once throughout the entire age range.

As a child grows up, his needs change. Toys that he outgrown should be removed. Mosaic, plasticine, paper and pencils do not lose their universal developmental value. Also, over time, materials for the development of written language and counting should appear.

If the child has his own room, you can complement the playroom a corner   materials and equipment for the development of motor activity: pins, skipping rope, balls of different sizes, etc.

The main thing to remember is that gaming a corner - the personal space of the child, which he owns completely. This is the space of his freedom, his self-realization. The ability to manage your things contributes to the formation of the child's strong-willed effort, independence and responsibility.

Parent meeting "We sit down for lessons" 2 cl.


    to reveal the idea of \u200b\u200bparents about the organization of educational work of children at home;

    introduce hygiene requirements for homework preparation.

Form of carrying out:   workshop

The participants:parents of 2nd grade students and class teacher /


I. The teacher studies the psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic of parental meeting and selects books and magazines for the exhibition.

II. Questioning of students who answer the questions of two profiles is conducted


    Who helps you prepare homework?

    What is this help?

    What do your parents ask you when you come from school?

    What do you do when you return from school? Please list your activities.

    Do you have a work area?

    How long have you been doing homework?

    What items do you handle easily?

    Parents help you in doing home. assignments?

The class teacher processes, analyzes and summarizes the results of student surveys

III. The teacher draws up memos for parents based on the publications studied and prepares album sheets with assignments for microgroups.

IV. Students in technology lessons make “books” for participants in the meeting (an album sheet folded in half with a question mark on the cover). Here, parents write down questions to the class teacher that arose before or during the parent meeting.

V. At the meeting of the parent committee, the assembly plan proposed by the class teacher is discussed, and a draft decision of the parent meeting is drawn up.

The teacher makes a slide presentation of memos, hygiene requirements, daily routine, and survey results.

Design, equipment and inventory:

a) an exhibition of books for parents;
b) equipment of the place for work;
c) "books" of the meeting participants;
d) reminders to parents: “Do you want your child to go to school with pleasure?”, “We sit down for lessons”, “How to teach your child to be independent in preparing lessons”,

Organizational phase

1. A meeting of parents (an exercise on uniting a group and creating a working atmosphere, a favorable psychological climate)

Exercise“Give a smile to a neighbor” Everything in a circle. Take a neighbor's hand, smile at him and say compliment. My smile returned to me, but it became even more, as your smiles joined her.

The game“Rope” Tie a rope so that it turns out a ring. Everyone stands in a circle and with both hands grasp the rope that is inside the circle. All close your eyes and build a triangle, square, circle.

Game "Engine"   Let's go clockwise, grab the waist in front of the next one, then grab the two.

Take a seat at the desks.

Let's say about the child himself 4 best qualities.

Then it is advisable to discuss with parents the question of whether it was easy to remember and talk about "the best." Why? During the discussion, the facilitator leads the participants to the conclusion that we often pay attention to the shortcomings and problems of the child than to his achievements. This sometimes prevents us from appreciating its positive qualities, which are the main basis for building confidence.


    How to organize the preparation of homework

    The results of educational work

    Organizational matters

2. A word is provided for reporting to cl. hands.

Diagnostic stage

(Annex 1 )

Game “Hat of questions” (parents are aware of their problems)

    Our child has a special place where he ...

    Our child is doing homework ...

    Cope independently ...

    Cooking with difficulty ...

    My help in preparing the d / z is ...

    When a child learns lessons, we ...

    If the child performed d / z carelessly, then ...

    We think that on Sunday ... ..

    The child begins to prepare d / s with ...

    When preparing d / z it is necessary ...

    In preparation for the Russian language, we ...

    If a child starts working immediately, then ...

    If a child starts to work slowly, then ...

Student Survey Results:

Questionnaire for students:

    Do you have a special place at home where you constantly do your homework (emphasize)?
    yes - 19
    no - 1

    How long have you been doing homework (underline)?
    1 hour; 10
    2 hours; 9
    3 hours or more. 1

    What items do you easily manage on your own (listed):
    Math - 14
    Russian language - 8
    Reading - 8
    Ohm - 8

    What items do you cook with difficulty (write):
    Mathematics - 6
    Russian language - 10
    Reading - 2
    Ohm - 7

    When it is difficult for you to do your homework, do your parents help you (emphasize)?
    yes - 13
    no - 7

    What do parents do when you come from school with a deuce?
    Scold - 3
    Shout - 1
    Warn - 1
    Butte - 4
    Punished - 4
    Nothing - 7

    Does it ever happen that you do not do your homework at all?
    Yes - 8
    No - 12

Studying at school, doing homework is a serious job. What is homework is known to everyone and everyone. Several generations of schoolchildren call homework “homework” . « Homework ”is what prevents poor children from breathing freely after graduation. Why do so many generations of teachers insist on doing homework, and why do so many generations of unhappy schoolchildren with the same consistency try to avoid this "bitter fate"?

In a modern school, children spend six hours a day, and sometimes more. Fortunately, the curriculum still includes subjects such as physical education, visual arts and music, as well as special subjects aimed at developing self-esteem. (“All colors except black”) It is assumed that the remaining three hours should be spent on teaching teachers reading, writing, mathematics and at least a little bit of natural sciences. Class teachers are not able to do everything. They need help.

As parents, you can make a tremendous contribution to your children's learning process. Reading to your baby, you automatically increase his vocabulary. Helping you with your homework every day, you show how important the training is.

Many parents are eager to help their children, but do not know how to do it. In addition to the constant lack of time, they often notice that their children simply do not want to engage with them. Children will be more willing to design a new machine than to do their homework. But even if the children watch a lot of TV or from time to time sit up at the computer, then they can not be clearly called lazy. After the children have done their homework, they don’t want to spend more time reading and are not interested in the opportunity to practice math.

One of the parents said that when it was time to do homework on reading, the child hid the book behind the battery. Doing homework turned into a battle, and joint activities became the cause of the tension between them, which was of no use to anyone. The parent lost his temper when he felt that his son was trying not at full strength, and homework usually ends with shouts at each other. Some parents do homework for their children to avoid problems.

It happens that parents themselves provoke children to a negative reaction associated with homework. Being tired and irritated from work, they sit down with their children with neglect and a sense of doom for lessons. Any mistake or miscalculation of a child instantly turns into a storm of emotional outbursts in the direction of the child. As a rule, children are very sensitive to the state of their parents, and your stress is transmitted to them. Before sitting down for lessons, try to calm down yourself and concentrate on the activity you are doing. Speak your demands to the child in a firm and confident voice, without raising the tone.

Researchers believe that parents are one of the most important sources of knowledge for their child. Parents have every opportunity to help their children succeed in school, but they do less than they could. The study found that mothers spend on average less than half an hour a day talking with children, explaining something, or reading to them. Fathers are even smaller - about 15 minutes. Therefore, before asking the child about the mark and successes at school, first ask yourself, but what did I do for this? What do you mark yourself for doing homework with a child?

The child’s self-esteem is fragile and needs to be cherished. If your child knows that there is a specially allotted time that you will spend with him, then you show him that he is very important to you and that you want to be him. Everyone knows that children love to play - recognize it and use it as an advantage. Then your children will like to spend time with you and the learning process will be something exciting for them.

Homework performs various functions.

One of the main is the function alignment of the knowledge and skills of the child, his skills,in the event that he was ill for a long time, or missed a lot, or did not learn some difficult topic.

The second function of homework is to stimulate the student’s cognitive interest, the desire to know as much as possible on the subject or topic.

The third function of homework is this is the development of the student’s independence, his perseverance and responsibility for the completed educational task.

Classroom teacher: If we think about how to organize educational work at home, we will notice that this is a twofold task.

    On the one hand, you need to help your child find correct mode of operation, highlight place to studydetermine the best   lesson preparation procedure.

    And on the other hand, to cultivate a persistent habit of sitting down for lessons   contrary to desire to play or take a walk, to form the ability to quickly get into work, lead her, without being distracted, and at a good pace. The slightest internal disorder of the child or some external inconvenience can be a serious obstacle.

Situation 1

“My Petya is sitting at lessons for 3-4 hours. So diligent, so hardworking. If he would have kept this effort until the tenth grade. ”But in the 2nd grade, you need to spend 1.5 hours on homework. Let's observe how Petya does his homework.

Petya took a job. Sitting at the table, then it works ... But no, it turns out. A pair of compasses and a pencil went somewhere, it was immediately discovered that there was no necessary entry in the diary, and we needed to find out from a friend what was asked in mathematics, and the textbook itself was not in place. And the minutes are running ....

But everything was found, specified, prepared, the boy went deeper into the work .... Suddenly he wanted to drink some water, and after another minute it turned out that he needed paper for a draft .... It took more than 20 minutes to build up, more than two hours spent preparing lessons. Petya during this time:

    twice got up from the table and went to the kitchen to drink water;

    once got up and turned on the TV to find out if the cartoon program had begun;

    twice, breaking away from work, he listened to the conversation of adults in the next room;

    once took out an album with stamps from the table and leafed through it.

But the work is done. Petya another 10 minutes aimlessly shifted textbooks and notebooks from place to place ...

So, it turned out that out of more than two hours spent by Petya, only 1 hour 27 minutes was used properly, as much as a pupil of grade 2 is supposed to.

Such a picture, as you see, is typical. Almost half of the schoolchildren spend more time preparing their homework than they should.

What can parents advise if their child cannot “sit down for lessons”?

Cl. hands: At first, games. Quiet board games and outdoor role-playing games.

Secondly. It is useful for the child to do some work with adults, to do it quickly, cheerfully, without swinging, without tiring pauses. You can do dirty dishes together: you wash, the child wipes; you can fix something together; you can read a book together: page you, page child.

You can develop a child’s habit of quickly switching from one thing to another. If his name is to eat, then he must immediately stop the game. It is unacceptable to let the child ignore parental instructions in any way. It is necessary to teach a child to separate his free time from time when he is busy with something serious, not to confuse the matter with the game. How many times had to see how during the meal the child plays with bread, washed his hands and played with fringe towels. Parents should not be passive observers of such scenes. Otherwise, the same thing will happen to the classes. Ensure that the child does everything necessary without an additional reminder, not being distracted by anything.

A major role in the organization of the student’s academic work is played by the daily routine.   Special studies conducted in the elementary grades showed that those who study well have a fixed time for preparing lessons, and they adhere to it firmly. The guys admitted that when the time for preparing lessons approaches, they lose their interest in games, I don’t want to walk anymore.

And, on the contrary, among weak students there are many who do not have time allotted for classes. This is no coincidence. The upbringing of the habit of systematic work begins with the establishment of a solid mode of employment, without this, academic success cannot be achieved. The mode of the day should not change depending on the number of lessons, on the fact that an interesting film is shown on TV or guests have arrived at the house.

Cl. hands. The child must sit down for lessons not only at the same time, but also at a permanent job. So that he could hold books and notebooks there. If the child is engaged at a common table, no one should interfere with him, distract from classes

Why should a child not only have a convenient place for classes, but also a permanent one?

Cl. hands: The fact is that each person, and the younger student in particular, the installation is being developed not only for a specific time, but also for a specific place of work. When such an attitude is formed in the child, then it is enough for him to sit down at the usual table, as the working mood comes by itself, there is a desire to start work.

Help your child strictly abide by this rule: before classes start, everything that has nothing to do with them should be removed from the table. All auxiliary things that you have to use (ruler, eraser, pencil), put to your left; textbooks, notebooks, diary - on the right. Everything that is no longer needed, immediately put in a portfolio or in another specific place.

It’s useful to write a memo with your child

"We sit down for lessons." (Appendix 2 )

    Sit down for lessons always at the same time.

    Ventilate the room before class.

    Turn off the radio, TV

    Wipe the dust off the table

    Light on the left side

    Check the lesson schedule for tomorrow

    Prepare stationery supplies

    Remove all unnecessary from the table

    Sit on a chair comfortably and open the textbook.

Having begun comparing his actions with memo items, after some time the student reaches the point that all these actions will become familiar to him.

CONCLUSION: To organize in each family a working corner of the child.To teach children to do their homework on their own, using the instruction “Sit down for lessons”,

In what order should lessons be learned?

Cl. Ruk: From the fulfillment, what tasks should be started? From oral or written, from difficult or easy, from interesting or boring?

It is best to teach the child to assess the difficulties of the work to be done by himself and by comparing the complexity of the tasks, try to answer the questions yourself: which of the subjects studied at school are easier and which are more difficult, which task is the first to be completed - difficult or easy.

From the very beginning, the child should be aware that in preparing lessons, there can and should be its own internal logic related to the content of the material. It happens that children do this: diligently perform written exercises, and then proceed to the oral and learn the rule, which was the task in the exercises.

When the child has accumulated his own experience in completing homework, it will be possible to advise him to establish the sequence of tasks on the basis of his observations. If the student knows that he starts working immediately, works with the lift right at the very beginning, and not at the end, it is advisable for him to do the most difficult lessons first and gradually move on to the lungs, requiring less mental stress. If the student is drawn into the work slowly, if the fatigue does not appear soon, then he should start with the lighter ones and gradually move on to the difficult ones. The most difficult, uninteresting work should be attributed to the middle, or to the second half of classes.

It is best to start homework 1 hour or 1.5 hours after returning from school in order to have time to take a break from classes. If the child is busy with any other affairs (for example, attends circles, sections), then you can sit down later. But in any case, you can not put it off until the evening.

The duration of the child’s homework preparation should be as follows:

    up to 1 hour - in the first grade;

    up to 1.5 hours - in the second;

    up to 2 hours - in the third and fourth grade.

It is these standards that are established by the Ministry of Education.

CONCLUSION: First, oral subjects are rules, and then written ones. Difficult, then easy

How to teach independence?

Cl. hands: Start with an object that is easier to give, and do not answer questions until the task is completed. Do not stand behind, do not anger him. Do your business, and let the child teach. You listen and can ask a question. Then check and do not make fun of children's mistakes. Add and multiply tables over the bed and learn. Get ahead of school. Learn the multiplication table. In Russian, perform aloud, but do not write in the textbook. When writing, the child once again remembers everything.

MEMORY "How to cook D / Z in Russian"

    Start work by working on bugs. Repeat the rules that you forgot.

    Learn or repeat the given rule. Come up with your own examples of this rule.

    Read exercise exercises.

    Read the entire exercise. Verbally complete tasks for him.

    Perform the exercise in writing.

    Check all the work

CONCLUSION:   Parents who almost immediately provide their children with the opportunity to show complete independence in the preparation of lessons are just as wrong as those who overly care for their child. Some adults say to the child: “Lessons are given to you, not to me, so you do.” Others affectionately ask: “Well, what are we asked today?” - and reveal textbooks and notebooks. In the first case, there is an insult to the indifference of relatives to such important school matters and the quality of the tasks performed suffers. In - the second - the irresponsibility of confidence is formed that everything will be done correctly without much effort.

Of course, parents should be interested in setting up the process of preparing d / z


    Check if the workplace is organized correctly

    Everything must be in place

    Sit with your child in the early stages of completing a d / z. His future school success depends on how calm his first steps will be.

    Form a habit of doing homework. Remind you of lessons without screaming, be patient.

    Design a beautiful workplace. Desk, lamp, schedule, elements wishes to the student, educational tables.

    Learn to do lessons only in this work area.

    In the workplace, order, if it is difficult for him to restore order, then help him.

    He reads the exercise assignment aloud. It calms the child, relieves anxiety

    If the child does something wrong, do not rush to scold him.

    If the child is distracted, then calmly remind him of the time allotted for the lesson.

    Written assignments to perform cleanly, without blots.

    Do not force to repeatedly rewrite d / z. This undermines interest in the school.

    Try to teach yourself how to do homework as soon as possible and contact you if necessary

Consolidation of acquired knowledge

(application 4 )


Situation 1

Your child said: “I will not go to school anymore. Take me out of her! ” What will you do in this situation?

Answer: do not talk bad about school, do not criticize teachers in the presence of children. Do not rush to blame the teacher for the lack of an individual approach. Remember how many times you sat with your child and watched his work. Do not discuss all the details of conflict situations with your child. Let the child see that you are interested in his assignments, books. Read for yourself, and do not sit at the TV. Take part in class life, the child is pleased.

Situation 2

She strictly punished: without us, lessons cannot be done. I come home from work at 18 o’clock, we have dinner and sit down for lessons. I sit next to me, prompting me or forcing me to redo it if necessary.

    Does the child have to wait for the parents to complete the d / z?

    Do you think that the execution of d / z should occur first in draft form, and then in a notebook?

Situation 3

My wife and I immediately agreed: let Svetlana study herself as best she can. And I don’t look in notebooks. The wife is sometimes interested. But we believe that once a student of Svetlana, then let herself solve her educational problems. What the children don’t understand, they’ll ask the teacher, and even a mark - what works, then they will receive it. He’ll get a deuce, so he won’t go for a walk, but how else?

    How do you rate parental behavior?

    Do I need to help my child with learning activities?

    If the child receives a deuce, what will be your actions?

Situation 4

When the son went to school, my husband and I took our next vacation - first my husband, and then me. We considered it necessary at least for the first time to visit the boy at home, teach him the new regime, and help him prepare lessons. Our son really needed this help. The letter was especially difficult for him. Very often there were tears.

- Mom, I tried so hard, but I did not succeed. I reassure the boy, I find on the page among the doodles one better written icon and show it to Yura.

- Look, son, you have written this letter well, you see how smooth it is, how correctly you connected it with the neighboring letter. That's how others can write beautifully.

    Was Yura’s mom right?

    How do you help your child cope with the difficulties of writing?

Parent testing

(application 5 )

Test "What kind of parent am I?"

Mark the phrases that you most often use in the family:

    How many times do you need to repeat?

    Advise me please

    I don’t know what I would do without you.

    And who are you (s) freaked out?

    What wonderful friends you have!

    Who do you look like?

    Here I am in your time!

    You are our support and helper!

    Well, what kind of friends do you have!

    What are you only thinking about?

    What clever you are!

    What do you think, son (daughter)?

    Everyone has children like children, and you!

    What a smart you are!

    2 points for answers No. 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13,

    1 point for all other answers.

7-8 points. Live soul to soul. The child loves and respects you.

9-10 points. You are inconsistent in communication. The child respects you, but not always frank.

11-12 points. It is necessary to be more attentive to the child. Authority is not a substitute for love.

13-14 points. Follow the wrong path. There is mistrust between you and the child. Give him more time, respect him, listen to his opinion.

Parent meeting decision

    To teach the child to do their homework independently and correctly evaluate the results of their activities.

    Use prepared memos for the most rational construction of children’s work on preparing lessons.

    To help children with serious difficulties in completing homework.

    Do not skimp on the praise. Always praise the performer, and criticize only the performance.

    Set realistic achievable learning goals with your child.

Memo -Appendix 6 .

Round table parent meeting

Prepared by:

Rusova Svetlana Evgenievnaeducator

trans-Volga, 2016

Abstract of the parent meeting in the form of a round table

  “Creating conditions for enhancing the gaming activities of children in the family”

(middle group)

Goal: to help increase the pedagogical competence of parents on the issue of activation of the game activity of younger preschool children in the family.


1. Promote the development of active interest of parents in the play activities of children.

2. To bring parents to the conclusion about the leading role of playing activities in preschool age.

3. Systematize the knowledge of parents about the organization of the gaming environment in the family.

Form of carrying out:round table

The participants: educators, parents

Preliminary work:diagnostics of game activities in conjunction with a kindergarten psychologist, uh tour for parents in a group (game centers),   parental survey(Annex 1) creating individual invitations(Appendix 2) making memo for parents(appendix 3) , informational message “Role-playing game in the family”   (Appendix 4)   lecture-conversation “Let's play with children” (Appendix 5), master-class for parents “Games with a child in the kitchen”(Appendix 6). An exhibition of books and magazines on the theme “Gaming Activities of Preschoolers”. The design of the stand “Children play”. Production of the newspaper "Role-playing games"   (Appendix 7).   Creating a computer presentation.   Room decoration, musical accompaniment.


Tables arranged in a circle; on the tables are blanks for business cards, felt-tip pens, "Memo for parents" on the topic;

Multimedia equipment;

Musical toy;

Toy exhibition;

Soft toy - the sun;

Record player;

Chips of red, yellow, blue for the game.

Event progress

1. Introductory part

- Good evening, dear parents! We are pleased to meet you at our round table. We bring to your attention the following topic for discussion: "Creating conditions for enhancing the gaming activities of children in the family."

In recent years, the game has ceased to be taken seriously, and as a result, children have poor playing skills. One of the reasons that children do not play is the underestimation of this activity by adults. The main argument of adults: the game is a useless activity that is not useful in the future (as opposed to writing and counting).

Leading domestic psychologists L.S. Vygotsky and D. B. Elkonin convince us that the game is necessary for the preschooler, since this is the type of activity in which the child is most prepared for school, as it develops mental processes that promote development cognitive processes and cognitive abilities.

Today we will discuss these pressing issues. We will talk about the results of the questionnaire, share with each other the experience of arranging a children's corner and filling it, and in the end you will find a “spicy dish”.

Psychological workout "Smile"

But first, I would like to know: are you in a good mood? How to give it to other people without words at a meeting? How to say without words about your good mood? Of course, a smile. A smile can warm you, show your friendliness and improve your mood. And so that we all want to smile now, I will introduce you to this cute bunny. (The bunny sings a cheerful couplet).

2. “We will be familiar”

Filling Business Cards

In order for our conversation to be sincere and frank, so that you get to know each other better, let's get to know each other. I suggest you fill out a business card on which write your name and draw a picture that matches your mood (sun, cloud, etc.)

3. Analysis of the results of micro-research(Annex 1). Discussion.

Rep: In preparation for our meeting, I conducted a survey of parents. And today I would like to invite you to discuss some issues in more detail. All questions are presented on the slide.

Let's start with the first question: “What are the conditions in the family for your child’s games?” (statements of parents, exchange of experience on arranging a game corner, place and time for games, a set of toys, matching their child's age)

Rep: How and what do our children play at home? What does it depend on? First of all, let's talk with you about the game corner. It is good when housing conditions permit and the baby has a separate room. But if there is no separate room, do you need a separate play area for the child?

(parent's answers)

A child of the first half of an early age from birth to 2 years old exists in close conjunction with a close adult, his independent studies are very short-lived, he constantly attracts an adult to them. At the same time, the expanding possibilities of walking and speech separate him from the adult and lead to the development of home space. What happens with this?

(parent's answers)

Yes, of course, it turns out that the child is everywhere, his toys move with the child to where the adult is, and you can observe such a picture - for example, in the living room the kid played - dropped, played the other - dropped, and the whole room is littered with toys, and an adult and a child bump into them and stumble over them. And after 2 years, the time comes when the child should have a play corner - a place where he can play or engage in any activity.

What, in your opinion, can or should be in the play area of \u200b\u200bthe child?

(parent's answers)

First of all, a children's table with a smooth surface without drawings measuring 50 by 70 cm, as well as a high chair. Is it possible to “give” a desk to a baby at this age?

(parent's answers)

Of course, this does not need to be done. The desk is high, it is impossible to approach it from different angles and do something, just standing behind it. At best, a desk becomes the equivalent of a shelf on which toys are stacked.

What else can be in the play area of \u200b\u200bthe child?

(parent's answers)

Mandatory elements of the game corner - an open low rack or bookcase of 2 -3 shelves, accessible by the height of the baby’s hand, several large plastic or cardboard containers (containers) for game material.

If the corner occupies part of the room, can you somehow indicate the boundaries of the site?

(parent's answers)

It is advisable to provide a 70 x 70 cm rug in this place, where the child will be able to arrange toy furniture, erect a building from cubes and leave it there for a while without interference to others.

In the course of the joint discussion, we determined what kind of children's corner should be. Thus, now you can bring the corner of your baby in proper form, because It is important for its full development. It is also equally important to create conditional situations for the development of gaming activities.

Let's move on to the second question:   “Who is in your family and how often does he buy toys?” What is the principle of choosing a toy? ”

(Exchange of family experience in choosing toys. Discussion of several points of view of parents).

Rep: So, the space of the game corner is indicated. How to fill it? Let's talk about toys. You have memos on the tables that describe different types of toys. For convenience, I numbered them. I propose to read in turn, and we will discuss all together.

1. Toys that reflect real life - dolls, animal figures, furniture, dishes, household items, strollers, etc.

Why does the child need these toys?

(parent's answers)

Of course, playing these toys, the baby displays the real world. Psychologists believe that a toy is an important component of any culture. Society transfers to the child in a special "convoluted form" - through a toy, as a cultural tool, the basic spiritual guidelines, the direction of movement of society.

2. Technical toys - various types of vehicles, designers.

Can we attribute these toys to the previous group as plot-display?

(parents' answers).

- Of course, especially transport. Nevertheless, I still divided them into different subgroups. Why?

(parents' answers).

- Absolutely, dolls, prams are played mainly by girls, vehicles and constructor are mainly boys. I said “mostly”, because you can watch how girls in the group can drive the car with pleasure, and the boys sometimes with enthusiasm play with the dishes - “eat” at the table, and also ride strollers with dolls sitting in them.

3. Toys - fun: funny figures of animals, animals,   little men.   For example: A bunny playing a drum, a galloping cockerel, a crawling and buzzing bug.

What is the purpose of these toys?

(parent's answers)

- That's right, to amuse the children, to cause laughter, empathy, joy, to instill a sense of humor.

4. Sports and motor toys: balls, skittles, ring throws, various wheelchairs, hoops, jump ropes, bicycles.

What do these toys develop?

(parent's answers)

These toys contribute to the development of motor activity of children, the development of coordination of movements, orientation in space.

5. Didactic toys - multi-colored inserts, cubes with slots, pyramids, nesting dolls, mosaics, puzzles, lotto, etc.

What do children learn by playing them?

(parent's answers)

- Children learn to distinguish color, shape, get acquainted with the size of objects, classes with these toys educate children in concentration, perseverance, determination, the ability to finish things to the end, and also contributes to the development of fine motor skills of hands.

6. Musical toys - rattles, bells, bells, pipes, metalophones, toys representing the piano, balalaikas and other musical instruments.

What can musical toys develop in a child?

Which toy is very important for young children? An important role among musical toys is given to the pipe, primarily because exercises with the pipe contribute to the development of speech breathing, which is very important for the development of speech of children at this age. Musical toys also contribute to the development of high-pitch hearing.

7. Theatrical toys - bi-bobo dolls, finger theater, table theater.

Do children need these toys?

(parent's answers)

Of course, these toys develop speech, imagination, teach a child to take on a role.

8. Military toys: swords, pistols, machine guns and others.

Tell us about your attitude to these toys.

(parent's answers)

All over the world there is no unequivocal attitude to these toys. Some see only a negative impact on children, others see proponents of positive influence. On the one hand, we want to raise defenders of the Motherland from boys, on the other hand, how to do it correctly so as not to raise overly aggressive members of society.

9 . Toys for the development of creative imagination and self-expression: pencils, paints, plasticine, various sets for manual labor, colored paper, glue, etc.

What should be guided by the parent when purchasing these toys for a child 3-4 years old?

(parent's answers)

Of course, first of all, according to age. Plasticine, pencils, gouache paints - a must! After 3 years - scissors with rounded ends, colored paper, pieces of fabric, needlework kits, etc.

What should parents be guided in choosing toys for the baby?

(parent's answers)

Any toy should be:

1. aesthetic;

2. safe (in terms of paint, material quality);

3. develop;

4. entertain the child.

Based on the analysis of your profiles, we can conclude that most often parents acquire plot - display toys and didactic ones. Now, after a joint discussion of the types of toys, you yourself can determine which toys you have a lot of and which are not at all, and diversify the composition of the toys that your child has.

Let's move on to the discussion of the following question: “Which of the family members and how often does he play with the child?”

65% of parents answered that at home mother plays with the child; 15% - dad, 20% - brother or sister.

After analyzing your answers to this question, we saw that you mostly play with children when you have free time. Some of you think that it takes a lot of time to play, it is better if the child sits at the TV, computer, listens to the tales in the recording, especially since in the game he can break, tear, stain, etc.

4. Game task

I offer an unusual task: remember your family evenings and give them self-esteem. If you act, as it is said, then put up a red chip, not always yellow, never blue.
-Every evening I spend time playing with children
-Tell about my games in childhood
-If the toy broke, I repair it with the child
-Buying a child a toy, explain how to play with it, show different options for the game
-I listen to the child’s stories about games and toys in kindergarten
-Do not punish the child with a game, a toy, i.e. I do not deprive him of a game or toy
-Often I give my child a game, a toy

If your table has more red chips, then the game is always present in your house. Play with your child on an equal footing. Your baby is active, inquisitive, likes to play with you, because the game is the most interesting thing in the life of a child.

Consider the last two questions of the questionnaire: "What games does the child most often play?" and “Does the child use household items in the game?”

The results of your answers are presented on the slide (slide 1). Further, I want to bring to your attention a presentation that talks about the different types of games, as well as about the substitute items (household items) that children use in their game, about their meaning.

Despite the variety of games, they can be divided into two large groups. Some games are created by the children themselves under the guidance of the educator - these are creative games; others are created in advance, have ready-made content and certain rules - these are games with rules. In turn, games with rules are divided into mobile and didactic games.

Pedagogy distinguishes between creative, mobile, didactic games. (slide 2)

  І. Creative games include games in which the child shows his invention, initiative, independence. The creative manifestations of children in games are diverse: from inventing the plot and content of the game, searching for ways to implement the plan, to reincarnation in the roles given by the literary work. Depending on the nature of children's creativity, on the game material used in games, creative games are divided into directorial, role-playing, theatrical, games with building material (slide 3).

It should be noted that in traditional pedagogy, directorial games did not stand out as a special kind of game activity, but were considered in the mainstream of role-playing games. In recent years, there has been a tendency to isolate directorial games due to the fact that studies have emerged that characterize them as an independent variety of role-playing games. The main difference between directorial games is that they are mostly individual games, in them the child controls the imaginary situation as a whole, and acts simultaneously for all participants.

II. Outdoor games are classified according to the degree of mobility (games of small, medium, high mobility), according to the prevailing movements (games with jumps, with dashes, etc.), by the objects that are used in the game (games with a ball, with ribbons, with hoops, etc. .) - slide 4

ІІІ. Traditionally, all didactic games can be divided into three main types: games with objects (toys, natural material), desktop-printed and word games. (slide 5)

Games with items. In games with objects, toys and real objects are used. Playing with them, children learn to compare, establish the similarity and difference of objects. The value of these games is that with their help children get acquainted with the properties of objects: color, size, shape, quality. In games, problems for comparison, classification, and establishing a sequence in solving problems are solved. (slide 6)

Board and print games are an interesting activity for children. They are diverse in type: paired pictures, lotto, dominoes. Various and developing tasks that are solved when using them. (slide 7)

Word games are built on the words and actions of the players. In such games, children learn, relying on existing ideas about objects, to deepen knowledge about them, since in these games it is required to use previously acquired knowledge in new connections, in new circumstances. Children independently solve different mental tasks; Describe objects, highlighting characteristic features; guess according to the description; find signs of similarity and difference; group objects according to various signs, properties, find algorithms in judgments, etc. (slide 8)

The most important condition for the formation of a creative game is the introduction of substitute objects into the game. The more indefinite the function of an object, the freer the child ascribes to it one or another meaning. These are objects - substitutes stimulate the creative imagination of children, it is with them that a large number of original actions are performed. The basic requirement for the subject is the deputy: convenience in performing game actions,proportionality with other game material.(slide 9)

(Parents' statements on this issue, optional - additions, generalization of answers)

5. "Spicy dish"

And now we’ll play a little more. I ask everyone to take part. For you, we have prepared a “spicy dish”, i.e. hot question from pepperbox. (In the list of papers with pedagogical situations.)

If you get a pepper shaker with a question, this does not mean that you must answer it. If you do not know the answer or do not want to speak out, then you can transfer the pepperbox further in a circle. Those who wish can supplement the answer. (Music sounds, the pepper shaker moves in a circle. The music stops, the one in whose hands the pepper shaker was in charge answers.)

Pedagogical situations:

Situation 1:

My daughter plays all the time, she constantly talks to herself, made a cash register, cut paper money, transfers them from place to place. Does this help her development?

Vos-l: And what, in your opinion, is the role of the game in the development of the child?

Situation 2:

On the site is a children's hubbub. A new boy, who first got into kindergarten, is curiously examining a child who is playing: some bring sand, others load it into a car, and others build a sand city.

Do you also probably want to play along with them? - the teacher addresses the child.

He looks at the teacher in surprise and answers indifferently:

Not ... I’ll shoot them now!

He deftly throws up a toy gun brought from home and aiming towards the players.

Why do you want to shoot them? - the teacher again turns to the boy.

And so, not at all, I'm a robber.

He would only have to shoot and play war, ”the mother complains to the educator in the evening, he bought him a new saber again.

For such games, he seems to have no shortcomings in toys, the teacher asks.

Yes, of course, mother agrees. He demands to have to buy.

Have you tried to switch it to other games, more calm?

Why? ”The woman wonders. Let him play what he wants.


  • “What significance do you think the roles that the child takes in the moral formation of the individual?”,
  • “What do you think is the educational value of games?”
  • "How would you behave in this situation?"

(Saying, at will - addition, generalization of answers)

Situation 3:

  "Does the child not play at all?"

(Saying, at will - addition, generalization of answers)

Carer: If your child is not playing, try to create the conditions necessary for him at home. Give him the opportunity to play. To do this, create conditions for him to get vivid impressions about the available phenomena of life around him, read to him, observe others around him, ask questions, and choose the appropriate toys. Intervene in the child’s game not intrusively, encourage him to act on a certain plot, pay attention to what he is doing. We recommend using a number of tricks: play along with the child, his toys, playing a series of actions, and then name the role. For example, "I am a doctor." If you play together, then by all means the child will develop game activity.

We often hear from parents that a child has so many toys, and he does not play with them.

6. The final part.

The meeting is drawing to a close. I would like to thank you for participating, for taking the time to come to our round table meeting.

Let us play together with our children as often as possible. Remember, the game is an excellent source of strengthening the child’s physical, spiritual and emotional well-being. The joint play of a child with an adult is not only the main means of developing a small person, but also a tool that promotes mutual understanding between different generations. Discover the world with your child!

And now I invite everyone to a tea party in the group.

Practical significance:   recommendations forsystematization of parents' knowledge about the organization of the gaming environment in a family setting. This work contributed to increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the problem of activation of the game activity of younger preschool children in the family; the development of an active interest of parents in the play activities of children. Parents came to the conclusion that the game has a leading role in preschool age.

Used Books:

1. Zvereva O. L., Krotova T. V. Parent meetings in the DOE. - M .: Iris Press, 2006.

2. Chirkova S.V. Parent meetings in kindergarten. - M .: VAKO, 2011.

3.Kasatkina E.I. Game in the life of a preschooler / E.I. Kasatkina. - Bustard, 2010.

4. Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012

5. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On Approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education” No. 1155 of 11/17/2013.

6. T.N. Zenin. M. 2008. Parent meetings in kindergarten. / Teaching aid. Issue 2.

Annex 1.

Questionnaire for parents

1. What conditions are created in the family for the child’s games? (availability of a game corner, place and time for games, a set of toys, matching their child's age) __________________________________________________________________

2. Who and how often buys toys? What is the principle of choosing a toy? ___________________________________________________


3. Which family members most often play with the child? What causes difficulties?



4. What games does the child play most often?

  • I do not know, I do not pay attention _________________
  • Playing with toys (dolls, cars, etc.) _______________
  • Playing board games ____________________
  • Own option ________________________________________________


5. Does the child use household items in the game? (boxes, sticks, rags, lids, pans, etc.) How do you feel about this? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Appendix 2

Meeting invitation.

Dear Moms and Dads!

we invite you to a parent meeting

to be held in the form

The Round Table.

We invite, we invite,

Let's play together with you,

We learn a lot.

About games and toys,

Boys and girls!

Looking forward to the meeting!


Appendix 4.


"The role-playing game in the family"

The role-playing game is an obligatory program of any kindergarten and an important stage in the development of a preschooler. The positive impact of role-playing games on personality formation has long been proven. After all, many children are brought up at home, outside the garden. In such cases, it is the parents who must make up for the problems of upbringing - to organize the role-playing game in the family. Otherwise, the child will not receive much that matters to him.

With the help of role-playing games, the child learns the world of human relations and how he knows them depends on the parents. And a special role is played by the father, who knows how to convey everyday experience and to cultivate morality in a simple form. Both mom and grandmother should not be left out.

In the development of role-playing games, there is nothing complicated. The child should play as much as he needs.

In order to properly organize the game, you must remember three rules:

1) The game is a creative process, you should not drive a child into some kind of framework.

2) The game should not be based on coercion, it is a free manifestation of the will of the child.

3) The game should change and have its own development.

Do not be afraid of repetitions: if the child “has become a cook”, the second day he fry pancakes - it’s not scary, he just remembers and trains the acquired skill. Encourage him.

If the game becomes cruel and evil, intervene in such a situation,

need to be careful. Remember how well you explained to him the concepts of good and evil, good and bad? Take a closer look, maybe this is just a "monster", and it is not evil at all. If the child consciously plays an evil game, let him talk out, maybe this is aggression and she needs a way out. Try to interest the child in a new game.

Love your children! Play with them!

Indeed, in a preschool age, a child has only one opportunity to be an adult - in a plot-role-playing game.

Appendix 5

Talk lecture

“Let's play with the children”

The game is the leading activity of a younger preschooler, in which his personality is formed. The child’s game reflects the various events that he received in kindergarten or in the family when communicating with different people. The game allows the baby to get acquainted with many properties and qualities of the objects surrounding him; to imitate adult family members in actions, speech, facial expressions, gestures and labor activities. When playing, the kid, as it were, puts himself in the position of that adult whom he imitates. In the role of an adult, he tries to carry out his activity behavior. Repeating many times the same simple story (for example, feeding a doll), the child fixes the forms of behavior and relations between relatives, acquires the first labor skills. In the playing role, he imitates not only actions, but also the relationships, feelings, experiences of adults. Without such an experience, it is impossible to form moral concepts.

All this happens if the game of the younger preschooler is under the supervision of an adult. If you do not manage the baby’s game from an early age, then the four-year-old child will lack the ability to play both independently and with a partner. Games of such children often come down to aimlessly rolling a car or rocking a doll. Finding no other use for toys, children quickly quit the game, demanding new toys. In the younger preschool age, the game becomes in that case a means of development and education if it is built on the meaningful communication of adults (parents, grandmothers, etc.) with the child. In games with loved ones, and then in the child’s independent play, his moral experience gained in kindergarten and family is realized.

When playing with your daughter or son, remember that you cannot suppress the baby’s initiative, play on equal terms with him, carefully guide the course of the game.

An important pedagogical condition contributing to the moral education of children is the selection of toys. The toy pushes the baby on the topic of the game, gives rise to gaming connections, life situations, raises questions, thoughts. Sometimes a simple shoe box is more important for a child than an expensive car. You can act with it in different ways: carry building material (for example, cubes); turn a bear into a bed for a sick person or a stroller for his walk, use it as a suitcase for doll clothes, etc. There should be different toys in the game farm without dividing them into “boys” and “girls”.

Important and figurative, and motor, and didactic (educational) toys. The more varied the types of toys a baby has, the more varied his play. But a variety of toys does not mean their abundance. It is enough to have 2 to 3 toys of the same kind. When the baby has a lot of the same toys (dolls that differ only in size, cars of different brands),

When it comes to toys, adults usually complain about the lack of space. But observations show that even with a separate children's room, children do not have a play area. Toys are usually randomly stored in boxes, boxes, knots. If the toys of the younger preschooler are not in his field of vision, he cannot start the game, create a game situation, since he still cannot plan the game. Having a permanent place to store toys does not mean that the baby can only play here. He seeks to play where the older family members are. Needing constant help, support, encouragement, a place to play, he chooses his grandmother’s room in which to play, the kitchen if his mother is there, etc. Changing the playing environment in children causes new play associations, affects the choice of themes, enriches gaming and moral experience.

Do not limit the playing space of the child, do not forbid to transfer because, after playing enough, your child refuses to clean them. The more time adults give their baby, the better the relationship between them.

Appendix 6

Master class for parents “Games with a child in the kitchen”

The whole family spends a lot of time in the kitchen, especially women. Do you think it is possible for a child to find something to do there? What can a child do with the following materials?

1. "Egg shell"

Crush the shell into pieces that the child can easily take with his fingers. Put a thin layer of plasticine on the cardboard - this is the background, and then invite the child to lay out a pattern or drawing from the shell.

2. “Dough”

Sculpt anything you want.

3. "Pasta"

Spread fancy patterns on a table or sheet of paper, while studying shapes and colors.

4. "Semolina and beans"

Mix a certain amount, suggest choosing beans from semolina.

5. "Peas"

Pour peas from one cup to another.

6. Hercules

Pour the cereal into a bowl and bury small toys in it. Let him find.

7. "Various small cereals"

Invite the child to draw a large picture. For very young people, pour cereal from a bowl into a bowl with a spoon.

8. "Whisk for whipping"

Pour in a bowl of water, a little shampoo and put in the sink. Put the child on a chair to the sink and let him whip the soap suds.Slide 2

A.S. Makarenko emphasized that "the game is important in human life, it is a preparation for work and should be gradually replaced by labor"

Role-playing games for children 4-45 years old 7. "Mail" Roles: postman, cameraman, mail visitor 1. "Home, family" Roles: mom, dad, children, grandmother, grandfather. 2. "Kindergarten" Roles: educator, junior educator, speech therapist, manager, cook, music director, physical education manager, nurse, doctor, children, parents. 3. “Hospital” Roles: doctor, nurse, receptionist, nurse, patients. 4. “Shop” Roles: sellers, cashier, buyers, driver, cleaner. 5. “Hairdressing salon” Roles: hairdressers - a hairdresser, a male foreman, a cashier, a cleaner, clients. 6. "Builder" Roles: builder, bricklayer, driver, loader.

Tips for parents: what literature to read to children: K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit" S.V. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa" S.Ya. Marshak "The Ball" I. Sun "Let's play builders" K.D. Ushinsky “Know how to wait” Ya. Scored “Yasochka caught a cold” E. Uspensky “Played in the hospital” V. Mayakovsky “Who should I be? "B. Voronko" The Tale of Unusual Purchases "by S. Zhupanin" I am a Librarian "S. Marshak" Circus "

Mysteries He is driving all the time, Carries all that is needed, he, Who is it? Tell me Maybe ... (driver). Bricks, concrete, sand, The house will be built on time. He is in an orange helmet, It’s dangerous at a construction site! (builder) Sells any product, Vegetables and fruits, various products. At the checkout, the numbers are typed. The check does not forget to give! (seller) Bravely fights with fire, Any difficulty in no way. A hose, water will help him, Save buildings from fire. (fireman) To be beautiful, neat, Keep your hair in order, Hair cuts, hairstyles, Master of scissors and combs! (hairdresser) Letters, telegrams, Newspapers and magazines. He knows the city, every home, These are children ... (postman) Heals, prescribes medicine, Will you always be healthy! So that they do not torment the disease, Do not forget about ... (doctors)

The child has a passion for the game, and it must be satisfied. A.S. Makarenko



Types of toys.

1. Toys that reflect real life - dolls, animal figures, furniture, household items, strollers, etc.

2. Technical toys - various modes of transport, various types of constructor.

3. Toys are fun. Funny figures of animals, animals, men. For example, a bunny playing a drum, or a galloping cockerel.

4. Sports and motor toys: balls, skittles, ring throws, various wheelchairs, hoops, jump ropes, bicycles.

5. Didactic toys - multi-colored inserts, cubes with slots, pyramids, nesting dolls, mosaics, puzzles, lotto, etc.

6. Musical toys - rattles, bells, bells, pipes, representing the piano, balalaika and other musical instruments.

7. Theater toys - bi - ba - bo dolls, finger theater, table theater.

8. Military toys: swords, pistols, machine guns, etc.

9. Toys for the development of creative imagination and self-expression: pencils, paints, plasticine, various sets for manual labor, threads, colored paper, glue, etc.

What does the child learn in the game?

1. Emotionally get used to, grow into the complex social world of adults.

2. Relive the life situations of other people as their own.

3. Realize your real place among other people.

4. Make a discovery for yourself: the desires and aspirations of other people do not always coincide with mine.

5. Respect yourself and believe in yourself.

6. Hope in your own strength when faced with problems.

7. Freely express your feelings.

8. Talk to yourself, intuitively know yourself.

9. Relive your anger, envy, anxiety and anxiety.

10. Make a choice.

Advice for adults

1. Practice is important for the game. Play with children as often as possible!

2. Salute the manifestation of any feelings, but not any behavior.

4. Pay special attention to non-playing children.

5. Playing with a child will teach us:

  • To speak with the child in his language;
  • To overcome a sense of superiority over the child, his authoritarian position (and therefore self-centeredness);
  • Revive in yourself children's traits: spontaneity, sincerity, freshness of emotions;
  • Discover the way of learning through imitation of patterns, through emotional feeling, experience.



Appendix 3

Parent Club


Why does a child need a game?

In the first younger group of kindergarten, the child learns the world of social relations in which he grows. The baby lays the norms and foundations of interpersonal skills, speech is developing at a rapid pace. There is a difficult process of adaptation to kindergarten. Competently arranged work with the parent community allows the teacher to get to know their wards better, get feedback from mothers and fathers and, in general, organize the educational process in the younger group of preschool institutions more effectively.

Important aspects of the theory

The main features of children attending the first youngest group (aged 1.5–3 years) are increased sensitivity to separation from their mother and fear of a new one. Often, the adaptation of babies to DOW is painful, both children and parents experience stress. In addition, parents often lack quality information about the life of the preschool, the optimal conditions for the development of the kids.

Goals and objectives of working with parents in the first junior group

The main goal of working with parents of children under 3 years old is to combine the efforts of the family and kindergarten for the successful adaptation of preschool children to preschool children, their education and development.

In the first younger group, work with parents is aimed at providing the child with education and the most comfortable living conditions in kindergarten.

To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve a number of problems:

  • to increase the pedagogical competence of parents through the dissemination of relevant information;
  • provide practical assistance in the upbringing and development of children;
  • to foster parental trust in the group's educators: take into account the recommendations of specialists, be open to dialogue.

Parenting activities for the first younger group of kindergarten have their own characteristics, but in general are similar to meetings in any group of kindergarten. The goal of a specific event for parents can be any, but in general it will lead to the achievement of the main goal. An increase in the number of goals leads to an automatic increase in the number of tasks by which goals will be achieved. To avoid negativity and wasted time and effort, it should be remembered that the goal is one, and there are several tasks that realize it (it is advisable not to set more than 10 tasks).

The following factors influence the setting of goals and objectives:

  • The time when the event is held (before the school year, the beginning of the school year, mid or end).
  • The actual situation in the group (successes and achievements of children, difficulties encountered).
  • The needs of parents for information on the characteristics of the age of children and the process of adapting the child to the Kindergarten (booth design, storytelling with examples, issuing leaflets and memos, etc.)

At the beginning of the school year, the following goals will be relevant:

  • Ensuring the successful adaptation of children and parents to DOE.
  • Establishing psychological contact with the family.

In the middle of the year:

  • The development of speech abilities of a young child in the family and in the DOE.
  • Building a system for raising a healthy child.
  • The consolidation and development of new skills of the child.

The trust and active interaction of the parents of the child and the kindergarten form a morally and mentally healthy person

At the end of the year:

  • Focusing on the achievements of children in the school year, give recommendations for the summer for further development.
  • Using the joint experience gained over the past year, to help parents prepare and prepare the baby for the next year of study (it is important to focus on the psychological crisis of a 3-year-old child).

Forms of work

All forms of work with parents in the first junior group can be divided into 3 groups:

Separately, one should consider such a form of work as leisure with parents. It may consist of a holiday in kindergarten or a joint walk in the forest. It is important to remember that this form of work with the parent community requires long and competent planning, as well as painstaking preparation. Indeed, for children, such events are not a rest at all, but a non-standard form of training, an opportunity to learn new knowledge and emotions. Therefore, it is better to discuss all possible details and nuances with the parents even at the stage of preparation for the event.

Table: topics and forms of activities for parents in the first younger group

DatesParent meeting topicFormExplanations
SeptemberLet's get acquainted!Conversation, questioningAcquaintance with parents, informing about the norms and rules adopted by the DOE.
OctoberChildren's emotionsConversation
  • Adaptation of children to DOW.
  • Establishment of the psychological situation in the group.
DecemberGood healthMobile physical activity with parentsA clear demonstration of the right beneficial exercises to enhance the health of babies.
FebruaryI myself!Tea partyLaying the foundations of self-service and fostering independence.
MarchLearning numbersRound tableThe formation of elementary mathematical representations.
AprilTransport is a friend! Transport is the enemy!Business gameBefore the summer holidays, you need to give children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules of the road.
May JuneGoodbye, younger group!Conversation, didactic game, tea partyPresentation of the results of work in a group for the year, recommendations on the development of the child’s abilities and on preparation for the next school year.

Parent meeting in the first junior group

Parent meetings for children in the first junior group are the beginning of the interaction between parents and an educational institution. Even if the child is far from the first in the family, his path in kindergarten will be different from what his brothers and sisters did. Therefore, for the baby’s parents, not everything will happen again, something will be the first time. It is important that the very first year of stay in kindergarten is successful, joyful and informative for the child. For this, both parents and caregiver will have to make a lot of effort. A parent meeting is a key moment when it is checked how effective the interaction is and tasks are set for the near future. At least 3 meetings are held throughout the year - at the beginning of the school year, mid and end.

Establishing contact with the family

When working with parents, it is important to consider the individual characteristics of each individual family taken. Therefore, the educator needs to establish friendly and trusting relationships with the parent community. To achieve such cooperation, you must adhere to the following plan:

  1. Conduct a preliminary survey of parents to identify their needs and needs.
  2. Based on the data obtained during the survey, select the topic and form of the upcoming parent meeting. Create an abstract for yourself in which to outline the main points of the meeting.

    It is important. Be sure to check with your parents for contact information.

  3. Promptly inform parents about the characteristics of the child’s behavior and his achievements. This will allow moms and dads to form the most complete image of the child.
  4. Conduct correct individual interviews with parents in order to understand the situation in the family. Find out the difficulties and problems in raising a child.

Unconventional forms of work help establish contact with parents.

The information received is necessary for the educator to find an individual approach to each child and to plan the orientation of group exercises.

Parent Meeting Requirements

The theme of the parent meeting is the totality of the needs of the parents and the goal set by the teacher. Therefore, the theme for the most part is selected by the educator, taking into account the characteristics of the parental community. The form of the parent meeting should most fully disclose the topic, and should also take into account the principles and ways adopted in the families of pupils.

The teacher has a great responsibility in preparing the parent meeting. It is better to start preparing for the event in advance and adhere to the basic rules:

  1. Everything that is planned should be aimed at implementing a specific goal and correspond to the chosen topic.
  2. The issues that should be considered at the meeting (agenda) are specified in detail. To do this, check with the parent committee whether they need to give the floor how long it will take. It happens that parents propose to consider an issue that is already in the topic of the meeting. Then you need to discuss which part, how and who will report.
  3. They regulate the agenda and the general time of the meeting in advance. Parents are people whose time is limited, and they hope to spend it as efficiently as possible. If the meeting drags on and begins to exceed 1.5 hours, then you can forget about the positive mood.
  4. Questions are put on the agenda according to their importance and presentation. So, for a tea party, you can submit a video report on the celebration, but you should not organize the tea party before the announcement of official information or the resolution of topical issues of the parent committee.
  5. Carefully check whether the form of presentation of information corresponds to the selected material. It is a big mistake to communicate official information on the internal routine of the DOW in the form of a conversation.
  6. In the total time allotted for the parent meeting, they discuss only those issues that relate to the whole group. You should not discuss one specific child at all. For these purposes, plan the time of individual consultations.
  7. The meeting plan must include an item - a message about achievements or important events in the group. You should not make a detailed report on this topic. Here you can use other forms: create a short video clip with photos or arrange a stand with works, or use other forms.
  8. Each parent meeting is an event that should be remembered. There is a place for creativity and creativity. The main thing is to remember the rule of the Golden Mean. A balance must be struck between the formal and informal parts, the quantity and the real need for diversity and additional material. For example, if a didactic game is planned, then the role-playing game is no longer held.
  9. It is important to complete the accompanying documentation on time. Filling out the documents, the teacher not only prescribes all the above points, but also helps himself in further activities. The better the meeting agenda is thought out, the more successful it will be. In addition, six months later, it is difficult to remember what really happened at the parent meeting. This is where the developments, agenda, protocol, additional materials come in handy. It is advisable to add personal notes about the meeting to the total number of documents.
  10. Specialists - speech therapist, psychologist, music or physical education teacher, swimming coach - assistants. They are invited as necessary. The performance of the specialist should be organically entered into the parent meeting or taken out of its limits in individual consultations.

When preparing a parent meeting, it is important to adhere to a clear outline.

How to hold the first parent meeting in the younger group

The purpose of the first parent meeting in the younger group is to establish contact with the parents of the pupils, joint creation of plans for the upcoming school year.

  • Conduct a brief survey of the parental community in order to find out contact details and main family priorities.
  • Tell parents about the educational institution in which their children will study. On the rules and requirements adopted in the DOE.
  • To outline the prospects for further joint work on the education and upbringing of children.

Work with parents should be built, adhering to the following steps:

Tips for parents help them build trust with their child

Table: An example of a meeting summary in a junior group

AuthorGerasimova Ya.E., tutor MBDOU TsRR No. 25, pos. Sibirtsevo, Primorsky Territory
Title"Let's get acquainted"
  • Get to know parents, introduce parents to each other.
  • Parent committee selection.
  • Tell parents about the adaptation of children in kindergarten.
Meeting progressW .: Good evening. We are glad to see you at our first meeting. Today we have our first parent meeting, at which we will meet, get to know each other better, I will tell you about what our children have already learned during the period of adaptation to kindergarten and what they still have to learn.
Here are pens and notes, you can write down questions that arose during the meeting.
I want to start our meeting today with the comic poem “Take Butus to the Garden”. (The teacher reads a poem.)
So, you brought your children to kindergarten and we have one common goal, to make their stay here comfortable, safe, interesting, exciting, informative, etc.
During the child’s stay in kindergarten, we (children, teachers, parents) make up a triangle. At the head of the triangle, of course, is the child. What do you think will happen with a three-legged stool if one leg breaks? (Falls) That's right, fall! Remember Krylov’s fable “Swan, Cancer and Pike” which says: “When there is no agreement in the comrades, their work will not work out, it will not work out for him, only flour!” Therefore, you and I need to join forces so that the children are interested and comfortable in the kindergarten, and here it is very important to have mutual understanding and support. We will live together, I hope, as a friendly family. But first you need to get to know each other better.
Children are very fond of playing the Magic Wand. We will now try to plunge into childhood and also play. Rules of the game: The one with the magic wand calls himself as he would like to be called by others.
My name is Yana Evgenievna. I am a teacher of the first younger group.
(Each parent represents himself.)
So we met. Thanks!
Now I will tell you what we have already learned. And we learned a lot. Our group has 10 lessons per week. This is drawing, modeling, musical, physical education, familiarization with the outside world, artistic reading, the development of speech - in this area we see especially striking achievements. All classes are held in a playful way. Every day, 2 classes of 10 minutes are held. During the day, various outdoor games are held, finger games and nurseries are learned, individual conversations with children are held.
During adaptation, children:
  • become more sociable;
  • begin to learn to play together, share toys;
  • all children know where their locker, towel, pot, crib;
  • learned some rules of behavior in a group;
  • know that after washing your hands, you need to squeeze a little water and only then go to your towel;
  • almost all children eat on their own, with a little help from adults;
  • undress;
  • learn to dress;
  • learned to carry out elementary errands, clean up toys.

As you can see, we have learned a lot, but we still have to learn more and most importantly - to teach children self-care. And in this process you should take the most active part. It often happens that a child in the kindergarten eats, undresses and partially dresses on his own, but after some time at home he comes to kindergarten and again we teach him to eat, dress, etc. And when communicating with your parents it turns out that you did everything at home for him, because it’s faster, more convenient, more accurate, etc.
Give children the opportunity to be independent, of course, according to their age.
The result of the meeting.
In conclusion, I want to say that together we will lay the foundation for friendly relations in kindergarten and in parent groups. It is necessary to make sure that the child in the kindergarten has fun, well, it is interesting that he happily goes to kindergarten, makes friends with children and returns home happy.
We did a good job.
Choose a parent committee consisting of:

Chairman of the parent committee:
Thanks! See you soon!

Meeting minutes

A protocol is a written document that details the progress of the meeting.   It is necessary for fixing all the decisions made, which then should be implemented in practice. The protocol of parental meetings should be accompanied by texts of speeches, consultations of the group educators and other specialists who spoke at the event. Unfortunately, not all teachers consider the maintenance, execution and storage of such documentation mandatory.

It is important. The protocol is a kind of educator insurance, confirming the legitimacy of his actions and the administration of the preschool institution, if there are troubles or contentious issues.

Correct and timely completion of the protocol helps in resolving disputes and preparing for the next parent meeting

Most often, the minutes of parental meetings are internal documents, therefore, when they are created, they do not use the form and do not indicate the full name of the institution. It is important to draw up protocols in a timely manner, within 3 business days. The sample below shows the most commonly used protocol form (shortened).

Protocol No. ____

Parent Meeting Group No. ______ Topic: _______________________________________________________

from "" _____________ 201 _______ years.
Present: ______ people.
Missing: _______ people.

Each group of participants in an open lesson has different goals.

Do not violate the requirements for outdoor classes in kindergarten:

It is important. The duration of a continuous GCD in the first younger group does not exceed 10 minutes.

Usually open classes are held without rehearsal, so they require a long and painstaking preparation. There can be a rehearsal of only certain elements, such as poems, songs, that is, what children need to learn (prepare) in advance. But this is possible with children of the middle group. In the younger group, only psychological, moral preparation of children for the event is possible.

The theoretical part of preparing for an open lesson

The teacher must clearly state the purpose of the open lesson, as well as the skills and knowledge of the children, which it will have to consolidate. Once the goal is determined, you can formulate a topic. It is important to ensure that the open lesson fits into the curriculum and has a connection with subsequent classes. When you already have a goal and a topic, you need to make a list of tasks implemented in an open lesson.

Then you can proceed to the selection of literature, which should most quickly and easily solve the tasks. It is necessary to select tasks for children (best of all from the selected literature), which will be:

Using the standard scheme, the teacher draws up an open lesson plan

After the tasks are picked up, a clear lesson plan should be made. To do this, you need to develop a sequence of actions and think through the moments of activity and calm. Young children can not sit in one place for a long time, they definitely need to switch from one type of activity to another.

If some new technique or technology is used, then it is advisable to try it out in other classes. And the last thing that needs to be considered is the control and safety of children's activities.

The practical part of preparing for an open lesson

Any event is initially prescribed in the calendar planning of the entire institution, as it requires the involvement of other employees (for example, a psychologist, speech therapist, etc.). Then an order is prepared throughout the institution. You will need a list of all the visual aids and devices that will be needed to conduct an open lesson. If you need to do some visual aids with your own hands, then you need to prepare everything in advance. Each item should be prepared and checked, preferably more than once.

Not less than 2 weeks, and preferably a month, you must invite your parents. Parents are warned that they are only observers, so you should not prompt or help the child. You can not interfere in the lesson, prompt, pop up with a camera or camera. It is very important to convey to each guest the fact that, no matter what happens, one should not interfere. In children aged 1.5–3 years, the concentration of attention is very low, and they quickly respond to changes in the situation and are distracted.

Parent behavior in an open class will help children

Working with parents in kindergarten is of great importance for the formation of a healthy personality for each child. Each event with the parent community requires preparation and phased planning. Activities with parents of babies of the first youngest group are designed to facilitate the process of adaptation of children to an educational institution and contribute to successful socialization.