Private kindergarten: what to watch when choosing. How to choose the perfect kindergarten for your child? Classification of kindergartens in direction - what are they

Now for many of us becomes relevant choice theme kindergarten . Each wants for his baby only the best. But, a lot of kinders, and there is almost no information about them. How to choose kindergarten? And so, active Mom. One of our chats was born the idea - to collect reviews and opinions on kindergartens and caregivers.

Mommies who already water the kids to the kindergarten or definitely decided on the choice, shared their experiences. The survey was conducted anonymously, without specifying personal data of the survey participants. More than 200 moms took part in the survey.

Unfortunately, some mothers did not indicate the number of their kindergarten, so we could not turn on the rating of kindergartens. But do not worry, your opinion and recommendations were taken into account in the calculation of the main criteria for choosing a kindergarten, as well as included in the sections of the article: Tips for the preparation of the child to the kindergarten and the right choice of kindergarten.

And that's what we did:

Sections Articles:

  1. The main criteria for choosing kindergarten
  2. Tips on the right choice of kindergarten
  3. Rating of kindergartens
  4. Recommendations for the preparation of a child for kindergarten

In this article we will talk about the criteria for choosing a kindergarten and give advice to experienced mommies, to pay attention to.

Main selection criteria

The top 5 criteria for choosing kindergarten turned out to be the following (Mama proposed to celebrate 3 main criteria):

1st place: comfortable Location kindergarten is important for 82.9% of responding mothers

2 place: yes educatorwhich is like - noted 66.7% of moms

3 place: good impression 48.6% of respondents indicated from the establishment of the institution

4th place: in the building Good repair, playgrounds are equipped, on site order - These qualities noted as the most important 46.7% moms

5th place: Sadik advise familiar who drive there children: 42.9% mothers

Opinions of parents - how to find a good kindergarten

1 Council: The most important thing in the garden is an educator and his attitude towards children

The main thing is the educator. If he played with kids, he does carefully, it knows how to interest, distract in one situation or another, then the child will feel calmer and interested. "

"The main thing that the teacher finds the approach to the child and then everything will be fine"

"Good educators with pedagogical education that love children and work"

"Go not to the garden ... And to the educator"

"What kind of garden is not chosen, remember that educators and parents should be one team"

"The main thing is good educators who have found an approach to the child and from the parents on one wave"

"To establish a positive relationship with educators, because they raise your babies. Respect the work of the teacher and understand that it is not easy. And also to understand that for the comfort of your child, the state does not give money enough, so it will have to throw out for something. "

"At least one of the educators in your group should have higher education»

"First of all, the educators to which the child will fall. Everything else is secondary

"The most important thing is the educator who will spend with your child more time sometimes than you!"

"Padodzzez Svіmі Dzetkamі ў Sadok Padarka Pragulki, Glyazіtsa, Yak Stasyutsz Vyhavatsolі z jetsi."

"Collect information about educators, assistants of the educator"

"It is better not to give to the garden at all. There is an opportunity, let it be at home. Provide it with communications with peers, walks, attend various interesting places and events together - the best that parents can do. It is necessary to educate your child to parents, and not trust such an important question to someone else's aunt (even very good). If you still decided to give in children. Sad, when choosing a kindergarten, take a walk around, see what happens on walks, how children behave, caregivers behave. "

"Ask moms in the yard, as a kindergarten"

"Talk to Mama who leads children to the garden, they will tell everything."

"Communicate with moms picking up children in the evening"

"Razmayitsa Z Batziki, a piano zetak from the Sadok."

"Read reviews"

"Do not gradate and talk in the evening with parents who take their children from the garden. Best choose older children, because the likelihood that the tutor is from senior group in next year will dial the younger group. In Nursery, I do not recommend giving the children at all, because Adaptation twice occurs, because in nursery and in junior group Different educators work. And remember that adaptation in children takes no 2-3 weeks and not even a month, but half a year, or even the whole year. It is advisable to children to do on Wednesday weekend and leave at home. "

"I consider it important to find out from local mothers about the kindergarten"

"So that it was closer to the house, in the morning the child does not particularly want to get up early"

"Do not choose a kindergarten, which is far from home or place of work, because very sorry for children who have to get up very early, and even worse to go to public transportYes, even in the dark in winter

"First of all, my mother (parents) itself must be psychologically tune in and" let go of a child in the garden. Do not worry because children feel great and understand, they like sponges all absorb: and our mood, and our state, and our emotions "

"The ability of a child to morally prepare for the kindergarten, well, to keep the tail with a pistol. The child feels everything. "

"Mom's willingness to serve with the child"

"Decide and not give in doubt. Believe - everything is bad very quickly disappears from the memory! "

"The adequacy of the head and its deposits" is important "

"In my opinion, a lot depends on the head! Job to start with her. "

"Be sure to go personally, to look and talk to the head"

"The competent head of which children and its employees are in the first place, and not its position occupied!"

"Leadership skill to listen to parents and help in the right situation."

"The readiness of the child, teaching a diaper"

"It is also important to prepare a child in front of the garden, the Mine School helped us. The child already knew, saw and imagined what kind of garden. Still read fairy tales about the garden and played kindergarten with a child "

"To better understand whether a child is worth led to the alleged kindergarten, it is possible to spend it on the developing there, if there is such. Then the opinion will be easier and the child will be easier to adapt. "

"Availability of circles, pool"

"The presence of adaptation groups (school of mothers, etc.), satisfying" homework ", study of the Belarusian language"

"Learn whether there is a mumberry and physical education"

"Culture and meal"

"Also in the garden should not force there, if the child does not want and go out into any weather (except for the shower and -15)"

"Good feed"

"Number of children in groups, integrated groups with special children"

"There are no excessive charges of money"

"The feedback is important to the child. Communicate with baby. Talking child Always tell about the good and bad. "

Continued read in the following articles.

A child will go to kindergarten or not, this is a question that each parent has to solve individually. To answer him you need to think seriously, and what will it give to my child, will he benefit him and will not harm? To understand this, you need to learn about all the advantages and "pitfalls" of modern preschool education.

What gives a kindergarten child?

There is an opinion that if the child did not go to kindergarten, he will not be able to learn how to find mutual language With peers and in the future he will have problems with communication and communicability. In fact, if the child contacts the children during walks on the site or visiting sections, it already gives the necessary base and there should be no problems with communicability. The main thing is more often withdrawing the Karapuza "in the light", do not sit at home. And in kindergarten, despite all the possibilities of communication, the baby has a risk of running into aggression from the peers, which can negatively affect the gentle children's psyche and really create problems.

And you should not think that this peculiar "school of life" is completely harmless, well, if the child will cope with stress-lurky on him, and if not?

With permanent conflicts in the kindergarten, the child can be closed in himself. In this case, it is important that the caregiver allowed the problem to be created on time, otherwise the risk that the child will develop insecurity and fear of themselves. In addition, there are cases of gross incompetence of the educators themselves. If a child is systematically subjected to unfair reproaches from adult personnel, then he can form the concept that this is the norm behavior, and that force gives the right to humiliate people weaker than themselves.

Many parents believe that they will not be able to develop a child and prepare him for school, as they do in kindergarten. But no one can convey new information to the child as parents would have done, and he does not listen to anyone like his relatives. And most importantly, in the case of difficulties with the study of the material, the mother with dad will always help, and the crumb will not be afraid to know the new one, he will be confident in his abilities and strive forward. With the right approach of parents to upbringing and development, the baby can achieve much more success than in kindergarten. Read the education literature, interest learning techniques, and the result will not wait a long time.

Another argument in favor of kindergarten - If the child does not go to kindergarten, he will not learn discipline and self-organization. In fact, everything is not so unequivocal. After all, you can also, but in fact it is even necessary, introduce the routine of the day. Organize the kid's day, so that everything is convenient, diverse it with all sorts of classes and games, let's promote interesting tasks, let him be a little independent.

If your child visits a kindergarten, watch his behavior carefully. It should be alert if the baby began to closes in himself, he became indifferent to his loved ones earlier, crying before going to the kindergarten, nervously without visible reasons and periodically comes with bruises and scratches. Talk to the baby, discuss this issue with the educator if there is a problem, then it must be solved.

But you should not think that you cannot send a child in kindergarten in the kindergarten. Kindergarten rinn proper choice Educational institution, kindergarten can become a second home for a child and will make exclusively and joy. And if you decide to give your child to kindergarten, you need to approach the choice very responsibly.

In a good kindergarten, there should be free access to information about the work of the kindergarten, his staff, power, nutrition; The menu should take into account the specifics of a particular child; Small groups, not more than 12 people. Be sure to talk with the educator, let him tell you about his teaching methodology, you can press in one lesson. Talk to the parents of alogs, whether they are satisfied, whether their child goes into this kindergarten.

You can also consider not only state gardens, but also private, or home gardens, the latter are "as centers for child care." Choose the most suitable option to your child.

So, an example of North Carolina. I think it is clear that 1 star gets a kindergarten that meets the minimum requirements. On the one hand, it is not enough, but in fact it is already good - because some testing and evaluation. To get additional stars, you need to earn points in many components over the past year: staff education, the availability of paid leave or other additional payments they have the same process of learning children, applied standards and approaches, not to mention the required number of teachers, toys and free Square for games and recreation. Here are just some items that are taken into account when the so-called "environment" or atmosphere in kindergarten is admitted.

  • The ratio of the number of personnel and children in the institution;
  • Is there a large room for children and is safely organized safely;
  • Condition and availability of materials for games;
  • Performing rules for changing diapers / clothes, hand washing;
  • Relationship between educators and children, etc.
It is only a few requirements from a large list, so it is easy to imagine that in the 5-star kindergarten, the lists of waiting spaces can be stretching for years, although the price there is clearly very high. At the same time, 3 stars are already very good result. If you consider that the kindergarten must post his points for each item in a prominent place, it is very easy to figure out why in one institution is slightly smaller, and in the other more.

In my opinion, such an assessment is quite a reasonable solution - in any case, from the point of view of parents. They have the opportunity to immediately imagine what they pay. For example, in Canada, kindergartens are very expensive. Prices are very vary, ranging from 500 Canadian dollars, finishing (even I am afraid to assume) 1500 per month. Imagine when you need to give this amount for a month, then, at least, I want to be confident in this institution. Moreover, if we are talking about home garden, where Mom, having his children, takes more other kids and looks after them. Determine on the eye, why one kindergarten is twice as expensive than the other, it is not always possible, so the presence of an official stars system for specific and publicly available requirements has attracted me.

I do not know how good this system is in fact, but it is clear that it is not always from the number of stars the quality of care for children in kindergarten depends, so it is not possible to build only on points. And what are your thoughts about this?

Articles on the topic: Children

Lara Mama. 22.04 13:53

My sister with a cry went to children. Sad. All neighboring houses heard as an oral! He did not love, horror! Now it says that the nanny called her "trace element". Now she understands that it is not some kind of matyukny, but the confation of the fact. There is a small growth (now it is 30 and 1m49cm :)). Memories are bad. But his daughter gave to the garden. Only not at 1.5 years old, as they gave it, but almost three.
There are always "two sides of the coin". I think that you have to communicate with the educator. Assess your child, telling about his individual features. We have led the tribe to the educator and said: "For the child eye, yes, I need it. It can escape from the site. Be careful, please."
I believe that the kindergarten needs. In general, a positive effect is rendered. But much depends on the educators.
Good luck to all!!!

Rinatka Akhmetova 22.04 13:54

I was like a kindergarten of about a year, and then I refused flatly. She said that I would sit at home alone, but I will not go there. And I sat! While the father comes from work (he worked on shifts) I sat alone at the table, but did not go to children! And what I did not like it, I do not remember ...
Of course, kindergartens are all different. I am one woman from Australia sent a description of their kindergarten and what children in the plan of education, getting skills give, so we read the whole family more than once. My Julia and part of Togo can not junior child Already knows how! I will ask permission and the passage can pass then. That's what I understand the kindergarten! The child does not want to leave him, imagine ...
And we have hungry educators, went there from no weight, those that are few of God all the same ...
Often they scream on children, make you sit on the pots on the hour, etc. Horror. Often, the children of educators are simply afraid, they press them psychologically, a chipping personality and all aligning one comb.
Of course there are a lot of good and most important communication and team. It is very necessary in life.
I, too, let's decide the problem how to give good development, love and at the same time a team of the child. While came to the thought of creating kindergarten
And you have a lot of gardens of commercial, elite, etc. in Moscow. Where is 5 people one educator who knows English and all the well-known techniques, etc ... Maybe something like this, such as a development center? Or is it insanely expensive?
We have one such kindergarten in Omsk. There is a day group and classes (they call themselves Montessori). There is a queue for a few years ahead and crazy payment.
No, well, what is not a business!? People are ready to pay for education, for good relationship To your child. There is a demand and no offer. Something is wrong ... the market does not allow this.
And I still restrains me from the garden that most Sadikovsky children have very frequent ORZ. Well, almost only discharge into the kindergarten, again to the hospital. I would not want to curse the health of the child. Although there is an opinion that the child should be in all sorts of infections, it trains the imune system. But my heart can not agree with this ...

Few of us can afford such a luxury as homemade child upbringing to school. As a rule, not after one and a half, then three years after the birth of Mom goes to work. The question remains to be resolved: who will take care of the child, bring up and develop it. Three options are usually considered: grandparents, nanny or kindergarten. And most of us, by the power of certain circumstances, choose exactly a kindergarten. Let's look at how to choose a good kindergarten for a child?

Advantages of kindergarten

Of course, the main advantage of kindergarten is that he gives the child the opportunity to communicate with peers. In games with children of their age, the foundations of interaction with people are laid, the ability to act together, understand other people. At the same time, no matter how good a kindergarten was, he will never be able to replace the child with a family. Sometimes parents give the baby to the kindergarten only to get free from concerns about him for a while. But the child will certainly feel soon or later and will understand it, and then the benefit of his stay in the kindergarten will be minimized. It is not worth sending a crumb into kindergarten only then so that he learns to wash it there, eat, dress and undress, etc. These skills he can get at home.

When should you give a child to kindergarten?

It is believed that until the achievement of a three-year-old age, the child does not experience the need for communicating with peers and is very tied to mom. Therefore, if the baby is to give to the manger before 3 years, it will sharpen to react to separation from the mother, cry and wander.
The period of life up to three years is called infancy. When it ends, most children are experiencing a crisis - a kind of transitional period. At this time, the baby is sharply needed by your warmth and attention so that it is possible to silently survive this difficult period. In addition, if in a group of all children for three years and in all age crisis, the situation there will be obvious conflict. In many countries of Western Europe, children begin to go to kindergarten (there it is considered part elementary school And it is necessary to visit it) from four years.

What period is not desirable to give a child to kindergarten

  • Immediately after the birth of the second child, otherwise the senior kid will take it as a betrayal, exile.
  • It is undesirable that the first trip to kindergarten coincides with serious changes in the life of the baby: moving to a new apartment, the divorce of the parents, and even the permutation of furniture and a new pet.
    It is important that the crumbs have a feeling of stability and security.

How to choose a kindergarten for a child

In general, preschool educational institutions can be divided into several groups:

  • Municipal.
  • Departmental.
  • Private (commercial).
  • Homemade (family).

Depending on the kind of kindergarten, the training program varies, the number of children in the group, nutrition and toys and even psychological atmosphere.

Municipal (district) kindergartens

This kindergarten is well familiar to this. It was in him that moms and dads took you in childhood. Very much depends on the head of the head.

What kind of district kindergarten does not go to your baby, program classes must necessarily include:

  • acquaintance with the outside world (with objects of the nearest environment, nature, phenomena of life);
  • games (plot-role, movable, didactic);
  • development of speech (replenishing the vocabulary stock, learning the correct pronunciation, coordination of syllables, oral story);
  • acquaintance S. artistic literature (retelling read, read, memorizing);
  • training basics of fine art (drawing, modeling, applique);
  • acquaintance with elementary mathematical concepts (quantity, quantity, geometric figures, orientation in space and time);
  • musical classes (listening to music, singing, musical and rhythmic movements);
  • physical classes.

In many district kindergartens, in addition to compulsory classes, at the request of parents, additional paid, for example, are organized by foreign language, choreography, swimming. When you choose classes for your baby. Do not overdo it. Much is not always good. Any occupation should bring joy. Adequate evaluate the ability of your baby. And remember: you can refuse paid services, even if they are chosen all the parents.

Advantages of the municipal kindergarten

  • Small value, which is established by law. There are categories of beneficiaries, such as solo moms, large moms etc.
  • Proximity to home.

Disadvantages of the municipal kindergarten

  • Too much groups of groups (25-30 people) Low care and supervision quality, uniformity in classes.
  • Standard nutrition.

Departmental kindergartens

Such kindergartens are controlled directly by the Department of Education. Their programs and orders are determined by enterprises and organizations, in whose department is a kindergarten. These kindergartens are more expensive, but discounts are provided to children. Executive gardens are now a bit, and their number is reduced.

Advantages of a departmental kindergarten

  • Relatively small (compared to the municipal) number of children in the group.
  • The best conditions for staying children (compared to municipal gardens).
  • Thoughtful menu.

Disadvantages of the departmental kindergarten

  • Pretty high payment (up to several thousand).
  • Sometimes there are difficulties with the enrollment of children "from the side".

Private kindergartens

In the absence of financial difficulties in the family, this is the perfect option. Private gardens belong to one or several individuals. Accordingly, their level depends on the organizational features of those who belong to.
Some of the private gardens are based on state-owned, that is, they are with them in the same building, but with the greater range of services. Others occupy a separate building and are engaged in children by their program. There are such gardens, as a rule, up to eight or nine evenings or around the clock.
In private kindergartens a very intense and rich development program. They are well provided with games and toys, visual allowances.
Children for a walk can be taken to the nearest forest park area. Control over the work of non-state DOU is carried out by licensing, accreditation, certification of programs and certification of teachers.

Advantages of private kindergarten

  • A small number of children in the group - from 5 - 12 people.
  • Children are easier adapting to the garden.
  • A variety of delicious food (fruits, juices, salads).
  • Individual approach to children.
  • In each group, several educators.
  • For the development of children, speech therapists, psychologists, pediatricians, subject teachers are observed.
  • Parents have the right to influence the educational process - for example, through the Board of Trustees, they can inspect the kitchen, to require a report on financial activities, even attend classes.
  • Many private kindergartens work on the "Kindergarten - School" system.
  • There is a video surveillance in "Online" mode - the installed camcorders record not only the image, but also sound with the Internet connection. Such systems enable parents to observe real-time for the life of their child, the behavior of the teacher. In addition, such tracking increases the safety of the presence of a child in kindergarten.

Disadvantages of a private kindergarten

  • The lack of only one is its cost.

Home (Family) Kindergarten

Typically, the owners of such a kindergarten arrange him in their apartment or remove the room in which they are equipped with a bedroom and a playroom. They invite a teacher, nanny, cooks, and for older children - teachers foreign language, music and drawing.

Advantages of a home kindergarten

  • Maximum care and attention, lack of injury, conditions close to homemade.
  • A small number of children from 3 - 5 people in a group.
  • Individual approach.

Lack of home kindergarten

  • Very high payment.
  • Possible problems associated with disadvantages of equipment or premises.

Basic criteria for selecting kindergarten

  1. First, pay attention to where the kindergarten is located. A separate building is preferable than the first floor of a residential building. It is undesirable if the territory on which children walk, goes directly to the street, and not to the courtyard.
  2. Note, whether it is purely near the kindergarten whether he fenced with a fence with a closing gate, or in the territory they can safely move all the wishes, including "dog lovers".
  3. Pay attention to the presence in the kindergarten.
  4. Is it enough on the territory of the greenery, there are a swing, slides, ladders for climbing.
  5. Watch for the walking children: do not shout on them educators, do they organize games, do not limit motor activity Children.
  6. Pay attention to the presence of a separate bedroom, is there a gardens in the garden.
  7. Look, is it enough in the group of toys and whether they are a good quality, there is a modern educators at the disposal didactic materials and teaching aids.
  8. Get acquainted with the staff (doctor, tutor, nurse), look at the situation in which your child will be.

Adaptation and childbirth to kindergarten

Getting used to kindergarten - a complex painful process, both for the baby and for his parents. Best patience and courage! Do not give in to the temptation to leave your favorite child at home on day or even a week. This will only delay the adaptation period and will not solve the problem. If the child cries, shouts, does not want to go to the group, you must be absolutely calm, no matter how difficult for you.

Child - good psychologist, so he should see your smile and think that nothing bad happens. Most often, the child is crying, because any changes in his life are "small stress", the new stage in his life the kid must pass and overcome independently. Parents during the adaptation of the child to the kindergarten should provide a happy and comfortable pastime of the kid at home, full-fledged food, mode, walking in the fresh air. Remember, kind and favorable atmosphere of the house, your attention, the key to the successful adaptation of the child. When you bring a child to kindergarten, be adamant and very soon you just do not recognize your baby. He will become more independent, judgment, "bring" new games and funny words from kindergarten, will acquire new friends and girlfriends.

If the baby in some kind of kindergarten did not immediately like it - draw conclusions. The child, in contrast to adults, often immediately feels the common mood of this or that team. But keep in mind, if the child has the original installation "I don't want to want" in a kindergarten - it will reject any kindergarten, even the best ...

One mother suited her daughter in the garden, and began, of course, from the institution, which was in the area of \u200b\u200bexemplary. There, they say, both active development, and swimming, and delicious food ... The head of the visitors met the visitors is not very friendly. Nothing seems to be amazing - the head of the kindergarten is usually busy. But the tone was not too hospitable ... And most importantly - walking waiting for the corridor, the girl looked into the group and saw such a picture: the kids sit gray on the chairs along the walls, putting her hands on her knees. It is in the most active period of the day! The child was frankly twisted, and when they were still invited to the office and began to hint that just so in this institution did not get, a three-year-old girl without excess diplomacy stated: "Mom, let's go to another garden!" And pulled mom to the door. (Please note - do not go home at all, and with another kindergarten!)

As a result, the girl "chose" an ordinary ordinary kindergarten, unremarkable, but when he was first visited by a mother and her daughter saw a different picture: the teacher carries a lunch into the group, and two children are proud of in white caps and aprons: one carries bread on a tray, And the other is napkins. And yet: while, as usual, I was waiting for the audience from the head (which as the most benevolent tone asked them a little bit), did not have a single educational voice from the group at any increased colors. The fact that children in this garden are educated quite actively, not suppressing their personalities, liked both mom and daughter. By the way, the kindergarten did not deceive their gardens in general.

Decide what is important to you

For other adults, a good kindergarten is the one where in addition to the general development will give a three-year-old baby a bunch of additional items, it turns it to the limit (for considerable money for parents), and as a result, it will sometimes it turn out that the child has a common development. Will be tired. And as a result, the kindergarten, and classes, and communication.

It seems to be the most attractive garden closer to the house. Many make a choice based on the external and internal "decoration" kindergarten - they say, are there carpets, a lot of toys, whether the repair is made ...

Well, your right to use any criteria. But remember: you won't walk in the garden, but a child. So it may be, proximity to the house is justified in something (if you do not have a car). After all little child It is difficult to do at first a long way on foot or in public transport. But in all other things, look at the general mood of the team, to the Spirit, which is in this garden.

Get acquainted with the head of the garden

A lot in the kindergarten depends on the head (more precisely from the head, since women are working in the overwhelming majority). Your child will be well in the kindergarten, which is managed by the head, combining in itself an equally quality of the teacher and administrator. Immediately warn you: a balanced combination of these qualities is quite rare, there is often a frank skew in one direction or another.

Here is one option: at the head of the garden - lovely teacher , loves children, respects educators. But at the same time she completely lacks any administrator skills. And so it is difficult for her to control the set of frames and the quality of their work on the ground. In one of these kindergartens, the head conquered at first sight: a young, friendly, second education - child psychologistThe kids love and what is called, feels ... But with a closer acquaintance with the kindergarten, parents discovered that in the group of their child - frankly an edging teacher and nurse-alcoholic. No matter how sad it was, the garden had to part.

Second Option: Head - born administrator (This is exactly the most indicative institution about which we talked above). Personnel traded, personnel selection hard, supply and provision of kindergarten - at the highest level (and this also need to be able to organize ...) But at the same time, a rather cool attitude of both children and to educators. That is why the educators themselves often broke down in children (and so that there were no complaints in work, they just forced the kids to sit on the chairs - do not want you to point to mistakes, it is better to do anything ...) As a result, communication with the kids during exemplary - A good support was quite formal, which was clearly for children not benefit. And the kindergarten actually attracted parents, and then until time.

Third option - happy combination Administrator and teacher. This is the kindergarten that a three-year-old girl chose, which mom "attached" in children's institution. Yes, the head of the head most likely did not seek to withdraw his garden into exemplary, but most likely because he understood - children and the staff will benefit. But it is possible to avoid unnecessary checks and allow teachers to not formalize work with children, but on the contrary, to make it active and approximate to children themselves. On the other hand, the organization of work in the kindergarten did not suffer: there were no nurse-drunks, nor educators, wearing children; In the garden periodically came children's theaters, organized during the year various holidays, in New Year - An indispensable Christmas tree ... this was not through the edge, but it was felt - work in the kindergarten is organized primarily with love for children.

What to do if you are actively asking for a kind of bribe when entering the kindergarten

It is often drawn up by the words: "Well, what can you help our kindergarten?" It is usually proposed a list of expensive purchases that need to make parents to enter their descendant to the garden. Many parents go to it - they say, nothing to do ... And others ask - pay or not to pay? The answer is one - do not pay if you are comfortable in an ordinary municipal garden, which you are simply obliged to take for free if, besides, your queue is still suitable for this.

Remember the well-known "law of bribes" - where money was extorted once, there will be extorted and twice and three times, why not? You paid once, and then prove that it was your perennial accumulation and no more such money for you!

In general, in any case, when you are offered to pay, ask - for what? If you hope that after your bribe to the child in the kindergarten will be better to treat - so most likely, there all the children entered the garden on the same grounds, and your child will not be an exception ...

Of course, it's about again about the usual kindergarten. If you ourselves decided to arrange a child in a private or specialized paid garden - there are contributions from arrivals initially. But this is no longer a bribe, but the cost of the place. There, this board is completely different, and you make a decision about this board yourself. At least you know what they pay for, and at the same time you receive and the right to demand the provision of paid services. And in the case of unauthorized "kindergarten" from pocket of parents - what can you demand?

It is clear that our municipal gardens are in a very deplorable state, and sometimes are forced to go for such measures. But the kindergarten may well be not only financial!

In many kindergartens, the parents themselves glue and wash the windows, bring flowers from home, bird food and fish as far as possible; Pope are engaged in the repair of lockers and children's furniture. And one mom was frankly once to glue the windows, but having a computer at home and printer, she gained and printed the documentation necessary for the kindergarten (since there was no such "luxury" in the kindergarten) ... Here such a help is quite natural, especially if it Do not force with threats to recoup the child.

Get acquainted with educators

So, if you chose a kindergarten at the level of the head, get acquainted with those who work in a group that your child will attend.

Yes, at the level of the salary level, which the conventional kindergarten worker receives is now, somehow also does not turn to demand a special zeal in work - although it must be said to honor caregivers that most of them are in good fanatics of their business. Although there are also frank psychological sadists who are willing to work almost for free, but in the quality of compensation to be able to suppress the subordinates to them people - even if small.

Getting acquainted with educators, not only appreciate their character and desire to work with children, but also try not to cause their tension. After all, the key to a successful visit to the child of the garden is the contact of parents and educators, the ability and desire to cooperate mutually.

Naritsyn Nikolai Nikolaevich, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst