Style for chubby girls. What should I get rid of in the coming year? Fashionable trousers and jeans for fat

Whatever figure a woman or girl possesses, this does not at all forbid her to dress stylishly fashionably and tastefully. Women's magazine Women's tricks wants to familiarize you with such a topic as making a basic wardrobe for women with a full figure.

What is the difference between a basic wardrobe and ordinary things?   - First of all, by the fact that all the selected things are in perfect harmony with each other, never go out of style, perfectly fit just for you and your type and, of course, give the image elegance and sophistication.

In other words, with a basic wardrobe, you can forget about the chiffonier stuffed with useless things and make up a lot of images, sets and bows from several well-chosen details.

  • “Taboo” - boring outfits, ignoring accessories, as well as such vulgar and tasteless details as bright pink sweaters, prints with kittens, an abundance of rhinestones, leopards, etc.
  • Ideally, you should have sets of clothes for all occasions - for home, for a walk, for work, for shopping, for the holidays. Moreover, these are all different and suitable for a particular place and time sets.
  •   It should fit perfectly and be your size, fit slightly, but at the same time not turn you into a shapeless mass.
  • “Perfect set” - it must be in every woman’s wardrobe. It consists of the most beloved comfortable and stylish things, putting them on, you instantly get a great mood in anticipation of a pleasant fun evening.
  • Jeans and trousers should visually make legs slimmer and longer; forget about embroideries, lace, a low waist and sparkles. Looks great classic straight cut models.

Jeans.  A direct classic, wide or narrower cut, depending on which model is best for you. should stretch and slimmer legs, reduce buttocks and sit perfectly. It is best to choose smooth jeans without any embroidery, rhinestone and other details, dark blue or black.

Cardigan. should be of smooth dense, but not too thick knitwear, up to the patella. It will be appropriate everywhere - at work, on a walk, on a trip and looks great with dresses, skirts and jeans. His main merit is a vertical elongated silhouette that flawlessly masks wide hips, protruding belly and sides.

Sheath dress.  should balance all proportions, smooth out wide places, slim the figure and emphasize the beauty of the legs. Choose a suitable model that will fit well on your figure, for this you can even contact a tailor. The colors should be chosen dark saturated and deep colors - wine, purple, blue, brown or black.

Black pants.  Straight not too wide cut.

Tunics, tops and knitwear blouses.  Good quality knitwear should form into a light drapery, but should not be too tight, emphasizing excess volumes. Elongated loose models with an open neck and ш sleeve look great.

Pencil skirt.  Semi-skirt made of dense smooth fabric of dark color below the kneecap.

Shoes boats and ballet shoes.  Black or flesh-colored shoes must be comfortable and not cause pain or discomfort while walking.

Women with magnificent forms are naturally endowed with beautiful volumes, so each style for a full girl or woman will become a little softer and more feminine. The silhouettes of full women themselves make such adjustments to the sets. It is necessary to take this feature into account when creating images so that they look harmonious.

Bold and outrageous bows spoil the natural beauty of the cakes with their attractive softness. The most suitable for such women will be styles that emphasize and present in the best possible way the femininity inherent in full ladies. Of course, you need to consider the environment for which you dress.

Office images for complete

The most obvious and appropriate option for the job is the classic. The curvaceous forms of a woman make minor adjustments to classic-style clothes. You can recommend that ladies do not wear tight skinny pants and choose not too dense suit fabrics for. Softer options for materials will look better on full women, will not make the image too strict or massive. If desired, you can replace c with sets of classic skirts and with and cardigans in neutral colors.

- a must have for office bow full woman. They are the best way to demonstrate a figure, moreover, they are ideally suited to women leaders and ordinary employees. It is best if your wardrobe contains several different styles of dresses.

Everyday looks for complete

A great option for women with curvaceous will be casual bows in style. Voluminous fabrics, along with the simplicity and comfort inherent in this style, are good for a full figure. Dresses and sundresses with a belt or a slightly high waistline (if you want to hide your tummy) are suitable for everyday outfits for any occasion and allow you to feel feminine. And the right one will make you slimmer.

A beautiful and bold decision for every day can be straight or narrowed in combination with an elongated wide or tunic. Look at the photo below: how well and brightly a set with narrow trousers and a jacket can look. A stylish option for a pie.

Bows for a date and evening out

Depending on what impression you want to make, you can choose one of the following styles for going out or dating: romantic, feminine, elegant or sexy. The names clearly characterize the essence of the images of styles, it remains only to see how beautiful women with magnificent forms look in each of them.

With his charming dresses and skirts of an A-shaped cut, lace and a touch of harmless coquetry in the images, it is perfect for a first date.

It looks more sophisticated and a bit more serious. Its soft and delicate palette, combined with draping and flowing fabrics, will perfectly suit the appearance of a woman with curvaceous forms.

  - The best choice for an evening solemn exit of a full girl or woman. It will allow you to look feminine and majestic, elegant and stylish. Although in everyday life can also be successfully used.

The concept of " style for fat girls"Is very real and it is necessary to create it if you want to look elegant, modern, fashionable. But when creating their own image, chubby girls need to be more attentive to details and treat their selection as responsibly as possible. Creating their own style of fashionable clothes, ladies with luxurious shapes should correctly place accents, not forgetting that beauty consists of trifles selected with taste and love.

Style for full girls - the basic principles of formation

You need to start with the selection of the right underwear, which determines how a dress, pullover or skirt will sit on you.

  • A large-sized bra, chosen exactly to the size, with a good supportive effect, as well as a tightening corset will not only help you feel comfortable, but also provide an excellent fit for clothes according to your figure.
  • Corrective panties, tightening tights will not allow stand out unaesthetic folds and will help to form a smooth beautiful silhouette.

With such underwear you can even afford tight-fitting dresses, skirts, pullovers, jeans. Of course, you should not wear such underwear all the time, and use it only in especially important cases.

When choosing a clothing style, chubby girls, first of all, should set the task to emphasize their merits, but it is equally important to mask the flaws of the figure, if any. When choosing it, you must adhere to several principles.

  • Use the technique of splitting volume into large parts. These can be large prints located on a plain background in an asymmetric order.
  • The hem of the dress or skirt should be flared, then the hips will seem narrower. Therefore, chubby girls are better off with narrow straight skirts.

  • Use a diagonal in a cut of clothes. Dresses and skirts from striped fabric, tailored “along the oblique”, will transform your figure, make the silhouette more slender and elegant and this is clearly visible in the photo.

  • Using the game of contrasts, you can distract attention from problem areas. Use dark color in areas where extra pounds have settled. Thus, a lighter tone, attracting attention, will not focus on the problem areas of the figure.

  • The use of original cut details has the same effect. For example, an interesting collar of an unusual shape or decorative trim will attract glances to oneself, and not to overly lush hips or waist.
  • Use vertical lines more actively. This can be not only the color of the fabric, but also the details of the clothes - a placket located vertically attracting attention with buttons, tucks, folds on the hem. But the lines should be strictly straight, only in this case they have the effect of shaping and lengthening the silhouette.

In the wardrobe of women with luxurious shapes, there must be dresses of large sizes. Among them, the most preferred should be very specific styles.

  • A dress in the shape of an elongated rectangle will not allow you to focus on the waist.
  • Models with a lowered waist and a small allowance will hide the excess volume in this area.
  • The trapezoid shape visually stretches the figure, allowing it to appear slimmer.
  • They sit perfectly on the full figures of a dress with a smell, as in the photo.

  • A win-win option is a dress with a high waist.

The length of the dresses should be chosen depending on their purpose. If this is a business style, then the length should be up to the middle of the knee. For evening dresses or summer sundresses, it can be maxi. In long dresses, chubby girls look slimmer and taller. The length to the widest place on the calves should be avoided so as not to emphasize the fullness of the legs and not to draw attention to them.

If you can not imagine your wardrobe without trousers, then give preference to styles with a straight cut, as in the photo.

Style for obese girls - color accents

Based on the property of dark tones to visually reduce volumes, give preference to dark shades of brown, purple, burgundy, gray. In combination with them, you can use lighter tones. Owners of magnificent forms in monophonic clothes will look more slender. If you choose outfits with an ornament, then the design should be of medium size - too large and too small ornaments make the silhouette more massive.

We offer photos of interesting models of clothes for stylish girls.

As you can see, to create a wardrobe of a full woman, there are a lot of possibilities, using which you can create your own unique style for the full.


  Reading time ≈ 8 minutes

A variety of styles and trends of clothes presented in the modern world of fashion leaves little chance to choose a suitable wardrobe capsule even for a standard figure. What can we say about non-standard sizes, when a woman considers herself overweight and trying to mask overweight under a variety of gray and black hoodies. This does not add naturalness and attractiveness. A fashionable wardrobe for overweight girls and women can be very attractive if you approach its formation armed with basic knowledge of style, proportions and expediency.

So, what should be the basic wardrobe and how to stylishly and correctly dress full women of different ages and girls - we will try to give practical recommendations on this subject in this article. In the meantime, look at the photo ideas - how to dress full girls in different situations:

Choosing a basic capsule wardrobe for the full is the basis

A unique combination of all the things that are at the girl’s disposal is the basis for the fact that for each case, you can easily create the desired image and complement it with relevant accessories. By the way, most of the accessories can very elegantly and effectively hide some of the shortcomings and emphasize the advantages. You can choose a wardrobe for full women yourself. But for this it is important to learn some common truths familiar to every stylist. First of all, it is worthwhile to realize that the basic wardrobe for a full girl should in no case include “growth” items, that is, smaller ones or which are supposed to be used sometime later, when the cancer on the mountain whistles. You should get rid of such an assortment as soon as possible. It is extremely difficult for the entire subsequent process. Moreover, the tight pants of the 44th size are constantly reminiscent of the former beauty and current imperfection of the body. Why unnecessary reasons for depression?

No matter how simple it may seem, it is the capsule wardrobe for full women that allows you to create a suitable image and save its owner from daily painful thoughts about what to wear today. No, everything should just be as comfortable as possible for them. Look at the photo examples of images of full stylish girls - doesn’t it, it looks very attractive:

What is included in the basic wardrobe of a full woman after 40 years?

What should be included in the list of necessary things? Yes, do not be afraid, make up the basic wardrobe of a full woman after 40 years should first with a sheet of paper and a pencil in her hands. What is included in everyday familiar bows? What is missing for a complete picture? Let's try to make out all this, as they say, by bones.

Let's start with a list of places that are visited during the month at least once. There should be work (taking into account the dress code adopted there), places of rest, meetings with friends and relatives, outdoor activities, trips to the country and out of town, and home clothes. The table should be divided into seasons (spring-autumn, summer, winter). In each season, it is worth considering 1 set of clothes for visiting the places written above.

And now the magic begins. Here it’s worth turning on your head and thinking about every thing - where else can it be used in addition to its direct purpose. A striking example is turtlenecks, which successfully fit both under an office jacket and under. The main task is to reduce the list of things to the minimum possible.

Then there is work with colors for each season. Without exception, all things in the assembled capsule for the summer should be combined with each other in colors and styles. The same can be said about autumn, spring and winter. You should not buy a yellow down jacket if you don’t have orange boots and a suitable hat on it.

It is also worth choosing two comparable styles and trying to combine things from them for everyday use. We will talk about colors and styles further, but for now look at the photo examples of correctly selected images for full women after 40 years:

How beautifully to dress full girls - cut and color matter

Full use of their natural virtues and statics is possible only with the right choice of model and fabric from which it is made. How nice to dress full girls if you want to look much slimmer without exhausting yourself with diets and exercise? The basis is to put a successful combination of cut and color. If we talk about styles, then they should give preference to all vertical lines and minimize horizontal cuts. If you take a dress, the best choice would be a model that is not cut along the waistline with a flare to the bottom of the hem. The length of the dress and skirt should reach the middle of the lower leg or end in the middle of the knee. It is these proportions that visually draw the silhouette. Discard wide decor belts and belts. They focus on the waist line, emphasize the volume in the abdomen. A drop-down drapery with light knit folds is optimal. Look at the photo - cut and color really are of great importance when forming a wardrobe for a full girl:

Before moving on to the color scheme, we will dwell on the texture of the fabrics. Glossy and shiny (e.g. satin) can add extra volume. Boucle and other fleecy materials are fattening. Give preference to opaque, dense and knitted fabrics.

Colors may vary. Do not take a word to believe those who say that the eternal destiny of a magnificent lady is black and constant gloom. Refuse completely from this stereotype. Any colors and their shades can be used, but you should know how to combine them correctly. You should not make flashy and frankly defiant images. Use color matching tables.

An example of the image: jeans, tunic and cardigan

An example of a everyday look for spring and early summer consists of such basic things as jeans and a cardigan. How to pick them up? With respect to tunics, there is such a rule. It should be loose and made of easily draped soft fabric. Length to mid-thigh. Colors: blue, white, blue, gray, floral minor print or vertical strip. Cardigan can choose a lighter or darker shade than a blouse. Its length should reach the knee. The preferred style is with folds along the shelves. Properly selected high-rise jeans will support the belly line and help stay youthful. Do not buy flared models; choose simple classic pants. For cool weather, this kit can offer a white sweater. And for hot summer days, get capri pants with a knee-length and a white alcoholic T-shirt 2 sizes larger than yours.

Suitable styles of skirts, dresses and shirts (with photo)

It is very difficult to choose a suitable dress for the basic wardrobe of a full woman. There can be absolutely no decorative elements, shuttlecocks, patch pockets and other “charms”. We choose free styles in the style of oversize, made of lightweight practical knitwear. Pay attention to models in which decorative elements are located 10-15 cm below the waistline. It can be zippers, inside pockets, low belts, embroidery and many others. They are able to lengthen the silhouette and visually reduce volumes. Suitable styles of skirts, dresses and shirts for full ones are strict emphasized vertical lines and business style. Look at the examples in the photo:

If you return to the style of the skirt, then several things are important here:

  1. the length should be strictly up to the knee and not higher;
  2. size must be matched as accurately as possible;
  3. the color must be either plain or a large cell, narrow vertical strip or hem is allowed.

A fluffy, flared skirt or pleated model is appropriate in only a few cases. They can be used by overweight women with a pear-shaped figure. They have wide hips and a narrow waist. It is in this version that the bell skirt will help to hide the excess fullness of the hips line. For everyone else, stylists recommend a classic cut in pencil skirts, a light year or straight knit styles.

When choosing a shirt, T-shirt, T-shirt or blouse, make sure that it is not sleeveless. Usually in overweight women, the forearm is the problem area. Therefore, it is important to hide it with a sleeve, at least to the elbow. The cut is offered simple. Better to choose 1 size larger than it actually is. Due to the free landing, the impression of fragility of the upper body will be created.

There are certain subtleties and nuances that tell about how stylish and fashionable to dress full girls and women. First of all, pay attention to the shoes that you wear in everyday life. Avoid bulky square heels and powerful toes. They only add to the image of heaviness. Beige pumps with medium heels and sandals in the form of gladiator sandals are the optimal summer shoes for any full girl. Autumn and winter should choose the right boots. Optimum shaft length - only to the knee. Do not wear anything below; the fullness of calves is emphasized.

The ideal version for the full one is a correctly selected pantsuit, complemented by a pencil skirt. Choose dense costume fabrics with a rich natural shade. Green, red, blue and gray trouser suits combined with a white tunic or blouse can visually reduce the perception of the girl by 4-5 sizes.

Wear capes, coats, vests and tank tops over any outfit. Layering combined with an oversize style gives the impression of lightness and grace.

A business woman should always look impeccable, regardless of her mood and her complexion. Successful ladies with curvaceous forms have to make some efforts to look good, since you still need to hide the flaws of the figure with the right clothes.

In fact, business style is almost the best option for clothes for obese girls, because things of such a plan make it possible to demonstrate all the advantages. When compiling a suitable wardrobe, you just need to follow a few rules that will make it easy to make perfect sets of clothes.

Dresses - choose the right model

Business dresses for ladies descended from Rubens' paintings should be sewn from fabrics with a neatly printed pattern on a dark background. Moreover, it is desirable that the figure was large enough, this will correlate it with the proportions of the woman herself. In this case, a sheath dress is perfect, but not too tight-fitting.

An unspoken rule for the full should be the absence of tight things in the wardrobe, since they will only emphasize the extra centimeters of the figure.

To add variety to a strict sheath dress, you can choose models with different cutouts and sleeves of different lengths. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the V-shaped neckline, which visually lengthens the neck and draws attention to the luxurious neckline.

If the girl has an excessively large breast, it is better to give preference to a more rounded neckline. At the same time, a boat cutout must be abandoned in any case, this model expands the shoulders, which is undesirable with extra pounds.

Pants and trouser suits

Or it is recommended to choose trousers separately. An ironed arrow looks very successful in this regard, which, due to its vertical line, makes the legs slimmer and visually lengthens the growth. In addition, classic pants with arrows are always relevant and elegant.

By the way, vertical lines or thin stripes on trousers look beneficial for chubby ones in any cases, was no exception.

Chubby girls should not wear tight-fitting models, but they should also abandon shapeless harem pants. Such a style will likely fill up, adding extra volumes. Women with voluminous hips need to choose models that are flared from the hip. Girls with moderate fullness and a figure resembling an hourglass can wear tight trousers. In any case, classic pants will look elegant exclusively with. In addition, such shoes slim and outwardly lengthens the silhouette.

The most suitable office shoes are classic 3-5 cm heeled boats. Stable heels need to be chosen, so a thin stiletto heel or wedge will not work. The latter looks heavy, and does not fit well into the business style, and the hairpin on large women often looks awkward.

Costume selection

For a business style, for lush beauties it is better to choose a blouse - a shirt. It can be straight or slightly fitted. Blouses with a rounded bottom and a stand-up collar look good. You can choose blouses with a round collar and a small drapery on the neck, only the shoulders should not be decorated with a pattern or decor.

Suitable as a thin top shirt type. It can be fitted at the waist and is usually made of subtle matter that gently flows through the body.

And it should be straight or slightly fitted. Avoid models that fasten with one button. Preference should be given to models with buttons, but you should not fasten everything. The slightly elongated model of the jacket will hide the excess volume on the hips, and beautifully emphasize the bends of the body.

The most suitable office style of a skirt for any girl, and for a full one, is of medium length. Such a skirt perfectly hides the fullness, gently fitting the figure and tightening the stomach and hips. In addition, she looks very elegant with almost any top.

Business suit color

Dark shades are slimmer, while light shades add volume. In this case, must absolutely comply with this unspoken rule. In addition, he does not allow bright colors and catchy patterns.