Royal pink color in clothes. Other color combinations in a light pink interior. Pink color in clothes and pastel shades

Stunningly beautiful and sensual pink color is liked by young girls and romantically inclined women, and it suits everyone - both blondes and brunettes. The combination of pink with other tones looks different depending on its hue, saturation and degree of lightness.

The combination of pink in clothes (in the interior, handmade, etc.)

White, black and gray tones are neutral, therefore they form harmoniously combined colors with shades of pink almost always.

Pink and white

The combination of a bright pink tone with white is for courageous women: it looks catchy, spectacular, and major! White color has the ability to enhance the brightness of a nearby color. This combination is valid in a summer suit, clothing for the beach or sports.

A combination of light pink or ash pink with white makes a completely different impression: it looks soft and soft! Such a combination is appropriate in the ensemble of a suit for any purpose - evening, sports or everyday - much depends on the texture of the materials used.

Pink and gray

Pink colors in combination with shades of gray are always harmonious colors: this is a classic of fashion! This is a very beautiful, sophisticated combination of colors.

The combination of pale pink with a light gray tone looks delicate and soft, and bright pink - catchy and spectacular, especially if the gray will be with a silver tint. The hot pink color in combination with dark gray looks less contrast and aggressive than with black.

Pink and black

Various shades of pink in combination with black form bright, contrasting solutions: a soft pink tone gives the ensembles of a black suit romance, and bright pink - sexuality.

Combining colors: combinations of pink color - photo: 1 - pink with white, black and burgundy; 2 -  pinkwith gray

Pink color with chromatic tones

Pink color is complex and unpredictable, having many shades - both warm and cold. There is no clear answer to the question of which colors are combined with pink in accordance with the principle of harmony - it all depends on the shades and lightness of the combined colors.

Pink color is a brightened red tone with an admixture of a warm or cold hue.

Cool pink and lilac, pink and blue, pink and purple, pink and burgundy

With a cold pink color, in which there is a component of a blue tone, lilac, blue, burgundy, violet and blue tones will be harmoniously combined according to the nuance principle.

The combination of pale pink with a lilac tone looks gentle and romantic, and with shades of burgundy and purple - catchy and elegant.

This also includes shades of pink, fuchsia color:

Pink and shades of pink, fuchsia, purple (magenta)

Related combinations of pink with shades of their own tone look gentle, mysterious and very beautiful. You can safely combine pale pink and bright pink or dark saturated pink and look amazingly well-groomed and stylish. It is important to remember only that the shades should be similar. For example, if you combine cold pink with warm peach pink, it will be a dissonance. You can take light cold pink and bright. Or a muted pale gray pink and a more saturated, but muted color of a faded rose. Or bleached bright icy pink and combine it with rich purple.

Pink and blue

Light pink color will give freshness to the ensemble of the costume, made in dark blue tones, and bright pink will create a major combination with a rich blue color in a youth outfit.

Photo: 3 -  pinkwith lilac, blue, blue and fuchsia; 4 -  pinkwith purple

Photos: 5 -  pinkwith burgundy, blue, yellow and turquoise; 6 -  pinkwith blue

Warm Pink Combinations

With warm shades of pink, which include peach and salmon, harmony will be made according to the nuance principle of related colors such tones as orange, brick, red-brown, etc.

Pink and brown

A delightful combination of pink - with brown! Moreover, I mean not only warm pink, but also cold. But we must remember that cold pink shades are perfectly combined with brown shades in the cold palette - gray-brown, chocolate, pink-brown, etc.

Pink and yellow

If you take pink and cold pale yellow or lemon color, you get another harmonious combination of colors. Do not mix cold pink with warm bright yellow, such as corn, etc. The exception is the combination of bright pink with bright lemon or pure yellow, and then for special occasions and not for any color type. Such a bold combination will withstand only the rich and vibrant flavor of Winter. If your color type is Spring or Autumn, choose a combination of warm pink with warm yellow shades.

The combination of pink with green, turquoise, aqua, mint

According to the principle of contrast, the colors of the blue-green part of the spectrum - turquoise, the color of the sea wave, emerald green will be harmoniously combined with pink tones, and olive and yellow-brown with a saturated pink color close to the fuchsia shade.

Bright, contrasting combinations of pink tones with shades of blue-green colors are indispensable in summer clothing collections, in beach fashion, in prints. The combination of pink and mint green, for example, looks simply gorgeous.

Photos: 7 -  pinkwith brown and beige; 8 -  pinkwith green

Combinations of pink with pastel colors: blue, delicate lilac, turquoise, beige

There is an opinion that all pastel colors are harmoniously combined with each other, regardless of the shade. It's hard to argue with that! For example, pastel pink color successfully combines with light beige, pale blue, having a grayish tint, with a delicate lilac, with a brightened turquoise tone, etc.

Combinations of pastel colors are actively used in everyday suits for the summer season, in beach fashion, in evening dresses, because with the help of light, translucent materials of a light palette it is not difficult to create a romantic, sometimes even unearthly image! An example is wedding dresses, in which combinations of pale pink with other pastel colors are often found.

Pink color is ambiguous. But certainly he does not leave anyone indifferent. He is loved and hated, but, nevertheless, he is back in fashion. And this means that the question of what color pink is combined with is again relevant. In fact, it is not so easy to find an answer to it. The fact is that pink has a very wide palette of shades - from pale, saturated coral to bright,. And it depends on the shade which color goes better with pink.

The most classic and true combination of pink with black. Black can be combined with delicate, pale pink and bright, saturated - everything will look stylish. Black gives pink solidity, nobility. Therefore, if it seems to you that this is a color for very young girls, then try to choose an outfit where pink is combined with black. You will see how well this ensemble is suitable for adult, mature women. For example, a pink dress with decorative black accents, black shoes and a bright handbag are a very elegant outfit. For ladies in age, a combination of black and pink is better, where black is the main, and pink complements it.

One of the right combinations of pink is with gray. Boring gray reveals surrounded by pink, becomes pastel, cozy. It is important, of course, to pay attention to the shades with which both are so rich. So, gray is better to take light, even, and pink - gentle, muted, not bright. Perfect for an office where there is no strict dress code, an outfit of a pink dress and a gray cardigan, a gray boot and bags. For everyday life, for walks and friendly meetings, you can wear a pink light sweater, gray trousers, a gray arafat scarf to be tied around your neck, complementing the look with a gray bag and bright ballet shoes - it’s convenient and attractive.

A combination of pink and beige is also common. Beige shades are warm, calm, so they harmonize so well with delicate, fawn pink. A pink dress, a beige jacket or jacket, a stylish beige bag and shoes are a great outfit for working in the office.

One of the classic combinations is pink and white. White can perfectly emphasize the brightness and saturation of pink, make the image more festive, elegant.
  For young girls, bright shades of pink in clothes combined perfectly with blue,. This color combination creates a fun, light, playful mood. So, for example, blue jeans, a bright pink top and ballet shoes, and of course something blue from the accessories.

But the combination of pink with purple or gives the image of mystery. Tranquility, therefore, more suitable for adults and serious girls.

Looks great pink with denim clothes. Leather black trousers, a blue denim shirt and a pink jacket with tucked up sleeves, and of course black high-heeled shoes and a stylish bag - a stylish casual look was created.

Having considered all the combinations of pink with other colors, you can still decide for yourself what color pink is combined with. Experiment, but rely on your color and sense of taste.

Pink color is one of the most beautiful and feminine of all the variety of the palette. Moreover, the richness of its shades is so great that this bewitching and ultra-stylish color can be combined with any other.

With a competent look at things, of course. So what is pink in itself? Firstly, a bunch of opportunities to create with it a great look that will emphasize your femininity and sense of style and which will meet the latest fashion trends and trends.

And secondly, it is fraught with such unique and incredibly beautiful shades as hot pink (or fuchsia), pale pink (pastel tone), pale pink (also almost pastel, but slightly more pronounced) and dark pink ( deep, solid, refined).

Since we have already considered the general aspect of the issue, we turn to a special case - the combination of pink with others in clothes.

As we already said, pink has many shades, and it may seem that it combines with everything. This is partly true, because it all depends on your taste, and on the case, and on a specific thing, but we will consider the most important aspects of the question, with what colors pink is combined in clothes.

Pink color and light shades

To create a gentle and feminine image, you can pink, namely it is not the brightest shades, seasoned with white or beige. Such a combination will not look too catchy and at the same time will attract the eye with the tenderness of the palette and the freshness of the image.

Such a combination, with a competent approach, can help young girls emphasize their youth and cleanliness, and older women look as stylish as possible and keep up with the times (contrary to the opinion that these are only futile attempts to stay young).

By the way, the combination of white and pale pink (plus some other shade in the outfit) can be suitable even for a business meeting or work, if the dress code is not quite strict. Here are some photo examples of a combination of pink and white:

As for the brighter and darker tones of pink, white in partnership with them will only enhance their brightness or depth. Here we are talking more about sexuality than about softness and tenderness.

Such a combination for business outfits is not suitable for sure, but for a date or publication this is the very thing. But the ensemble of deep pink and beige will not look very fresh and attractive, even dirty.

Pink color in clothes and pastel shades

In the spectrum of pink, you can find many pastel shades and now they are certainly combined with the rest: pale blue, light green, mint, lemon, pale lilac, etc.

And if we talk about the combination of fuchsia with pastel colors, then, for example, with a yellow, peach, light green, a successful image will not work.

At the same time, if bright pink is supplemented with pale blue, mint shades, then the combination will turn out to be very interesting and spectacular.

But the most harmonious option would be a pair of bright pink and pale lilac. It looks very stylish and gentle and less familiar than the combination of pink and white.

Pink clothes and other bright colors

In general, the combination of pink with other colors in clothes has many nuances and it is advisable to take them into account. Soft pink shades should be very carefully mixed with bright contrasting colors. It will not look ridiculous if it is such colors as dark blue, bright blue, purple, burgundy.

In such combinations, pink will emphasize the saturation of another color, and he, in turn, will indicate the tenderness and depth of a pale pink color.

The combination of bright pink tones with the no less bright above colors will look extremely impressive and alluring, so such an image should not be overloaded with accessories, you can add only one shade to such an ensemble and you need to take into account that this combination is not for work, study and not on every day.

But with such colors as green, red, orange, yellow, it is better not to combine pink. It is very difficult to choose such shades, for example, green and pink colors, so that together they look harmonious, not clumsy and not tasteless, so such combinations are best avoided.

This is not so scary, because the other options for ensembles with pink are the sea.

The combination of pink and black in clothes

Often this combination creates too sharp, unpleasant contrast, which we have already mentioned in several articles. Nevertheless, there are loopholes through which you can create a stylish look, designed in strict colors, but decorated with pink.

The ideal option when the bottom is black trousers or jeans, the handbag is small and also black, and the jacket is pale pink or fuchsia. In the first case, we get a stylish, restrained, elegant image, and in the second - a more catchy, flirty and frivolous.

Pink color and gray

Here is the number one color for creating medium brightness images with pink. With light pink, combine light gray both as accessories and other items of clothing.

With bright pink - dark gray. The combination of pink in clothes with gray shades is as gentle as pink and white, and as restrained as pink and black.

And finally, the last question:

What color goes best with pink in clothes?

Our answer is pink! In the article about the combination of colors in general, we already wrote that by combining different shades of the same color in the same image, you risk creating an ultra-stylish and unique image.

And if pink is your favorite color, or it suits you perfectly, then boldly combine soft pink with fuchsia or salmon or magenta.

designer, founder of the brands LO and JN

  Noisy streams of melted snow carry away winter depression, and the soul asks for something more life-affirming than gray and black. I’m sure that this season was not the only thing I felt dizzy with, seen on the catwalk, a silk Valentino dress made of three colors at once: pink, red and Marsala.


Meanwhile, it is not so easy to mix such bright and rich colors in one dress, because they themselves often inspire doubt: where to go in this? And what to wear? But is it not too bright against the background of the still gray shades of the world? Maybe wait with such flowers until the first green leaves or lush flowering of May gardens?

My answer is not to doubt or wait! Create a holiday for yourself when you want it, when it’s sad outside, but sad at heart, and neither vitamins nor your favorite films help to cheer you up.

If I had been told about ten seasons ago that pink and red shades would mix into one image, I would probably doubt it. And now the debate about the compatibility of red and pink has not ceased for several seasons.

It is believed that the first time this time dared to combine shades of red with pink in one image Zac Posen (Zac Posen). I suppose that flocks of pink flamingos in the south of Sardinia with their bright beautiful red-pink plumage inspired the designer for such a bold decision. As you know, nature is the best colorist in the world.

Cate Blanchett chose one of his red-pink images for one of the festivals. All the other Hollywood stars followed her. This new bicolor for catwalks was liked not only by actresses, and it is safe to say that street fashion picked up this combination precisely because it suits everyone: tender blondes and bright brunettes.

Passion and challenge, love and drama are read in red. In the tantric symbolism of color, red corresponds to the ritual of attraction.

Pink color slightly softens the impression with its sensuality, sends us to childhood memories and pink dresses of beloved Barbie. Pink color symbolizes romance, kindness. Around this color flutters a halo of purity and innocence. In psychology, pink is the most passive color; there is no aggression in it; it is always tenderness, lightness, inspiration, and self-love.

And in pink there is a shade of purple or violet-red, which means that girls choosing such colors do not recognize any slavery and pressure on themselves. For them, freedom is the most important thing in life. Pink color calms even the most irritable person. It is interesting that often the walls of the locker rooms of football teams are painted exactly in pink to reduce the degree of aggressiveness of the team during the match.

Do not think that pink is the privilege of only the female half of humanity. And along with red - this is an amazing combination of provocation and defenselessness.

So, let's move on to practice. The combination of red trousers and a fuchsia men's shirt is an effective solution for fashionable girls. But it is worth swapping these two colors - to wear pink straight trousers and a romantic red blouse with ruffles, like Sarah Jessica Parker, and the meaning of the image changes instantly - it becomes more daring and aggressive.
  In fashion, it all depends on the nuances.

Dresses from monophonic taffeta of different densities look amazing, in which a fluffy skirt of bright scarlet color is made of denser and heavier taffeta, and the bodice of the dress is made of thinner and lighter, delicate pink shades.

Organza is back in fashion this season. A pink organza blouse with beautiful red lingerie, a satin red godet skirt will make you the star of any party.

By the way, in the Pantone system there are more than 100 shades of pink - from pale purple, violet and light cherry to fuchsia, magenta and heliotrope. Try to figure out this variety! No season
so that one of them is not in trend. If you are not so brave enough to try them all, just add a pink scarf to the red coat in the spring - let this be the first step to understanding
  such a bold combination.

The pink color is a symbol of romance, kindness, passion and dreaminess. He is considered a "female" color, which is to some extent characterized as frivolity.

Blue is a "heavenly color", it conveys calmness, harmony, depth.

In tandem, these colors complement each other without losing their “properties”. We can often find their combination in nature: dawn by the noisy sea, pink glow of sunset on a bright blue sky. In clothes, these colors add lightness, tenderness and brightness to your look. It all depends on how correctly selected shades.

There are different shades of these colors - lighter, brighter, warmer or colder. How to combine them, consider examples.

Cold light shades of blue and pink create a light and flying image, but if you take only gentle pastel colors, the overall picture will turn out to be boring and faded. You can always complete this image with accessories in a warmer palette. Feel free to add turquoise or coral elements, yellow, red and brown colors will give a special highlight.

A gentle combination of light turquoise and coral shades gives a feeling of warmth and sunny mood. An image of serenity and frivolity, because in life there is always a place for moments when you want to walk around the city, sit in a cafe, admire the beautiful weather and think only about good. Modern fashionistas will gladly replenish their wardrobe with such cute little things.

An example of a combination of warm shades of blue and pink:

You can impress a confident and purposeful person through a combination of saturated colors. Well-chosen accessories will help to add a more rigorous look to the image, and bright shades of coral will always distinguish you from the crowd, emphasizing creativity, and give the image a melody.

The combination of pink and blue is now in trend, so girls who prefer the classic style can also diversify their wardrobe with such “bold colors”. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, and strict accessories will help maintain the style.

You can use several shades of pink and blue: thanks to the addition of achromatic shades, this will not look excessive. Gray, white, black will help not to oversaturate the image, but to complete it.

Dresses of pink and blue colors look very feminine and gentle. Manufacturers of different brands offer "their vision" of this combination - floral prints, ethno style, doll image. Choosing accessories for them, you will set a certain mood.

In order not to overdo it with experiments, you need to remember some rules:

Do not oversaturate the image with bright things. If you have bright clothes, it is better to choose more restrained tones in accessories, and vice versa.

Many details in clothes, such as ruffles, rhinestones, sequins, will make the image puppet and frivolous.

If your clothes are in lighter shades, accessories that are darker or brighter colors will make the image more interesting.

Pay attention not only to the color of the fabric, but also to the texture. Color may be heavier due to rough texture.

If you are lost with what it is better to combine these colors, the color wheel will be a very useful assistant. The color wheel on the left illustrates a combination of 3 shades located at the same distance from one another. You can choose one dominant shade, and the other two emphasize the main one.

In the color wheel on the right, the combination of 4 shades consists of two pairs, in each of which there is an opposite shade and an analog shade that corresponds to it. Agree that this option is bolder and more creative, although more difficult to balance.