Masks for bruising under the eyes. What is the secret of a collagen mask? Walnut Against Dark Circles

Homemade masks from bruises under the eyes are good helpers in the fight for the beauty and healthy radiance of the skin. But for starters, it is important to find out why darkening appears under the eyes, and to eliminate the root causes of this cosmetic problem. And only after that you can count on the effectiveness of natural masks against dark circles.

What affects the change in skin color under the eyes?

If you are familiar with such a nuisance as the appearance of blue sunken or dark circles under the eyes, then it may be the result:

  • lack of vitamins in the body, especially C, K and P (routine);
  • chronic fatigue, overwork;
  • lack of sleep and stress;
  • insufficient or improper skin care;
  • diseases of the kidneys, endocrine glands, cardiovascular system;
  • intoxication of the body, for example due to prolonged use of drugs;
  • bad habits.

From a physiological point of view, the formation of dark circles under the eyes is associated with poor circulation of the face or in the eyeball and under the skin around the eyes.

In order to forget about the blue or dark circles under the eyes, it would be nice to start with giving up bad habits and begin to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Be more outdoors, move, do not abuse salty, spicy and spicy foods, preferring greens, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, clean water.

Make it a rule to get enough sleep every day, otherwise chronic lack of sleep, fatigue, nervousness, and in addition, the appearance of bruises under your eyes is guaranteed. You need to sleep at least 6-7 hours a day in a room ventilated at night.

An even more important step will be an examination of the body for the presence of any chronic diseases, because they can be the main cause of the dark skin around the eyes. In daily care, include a light facial massage, which is done morning and evening after cleansing the skin with light tapping movements with your fingertips. Cool or contrasting compresses will also be a good complement to skin care procedures.

Masks against dark circles

Homemade masks for bruising and to brighten the skin around the eyes can be made from different products and cosmetic oils. The most popular are potatoes, parsley, lemon, dairy products, cucumber, medicinal herbs.


Most women use a mixture of grated raw potatoes with olive oil, applying this mixture to the eye area for 20 minutes. We suggest trying instead of potato gruel to use potato juice and olive oil, mixed in a ratio of 2: 1, respectively, for example, 2 tablespoons of juice 1 tablespoon of oil.

Soak two cotton pads in the product and apply them to the skin for half an hour, after which do not wash off the residues, but let them soak completely. This mask is useful for the whole face.

The lightening properties of raw potatoes can be used in a mixture of it with oatmeal and milk in approximately equal volumes. In this case, it is better to pass the potato through a meat grinder or grind it into a homogeneous pulp in a blender. The mask, which lasts 20-25 minutes, softens the skin, slightly whitens it and soothes, removing irritation.


Homemade masks around the eyes with fresh parsley effectively whiten and charge the skin with vitamins. Use its juice or carefully chopped greens in the following combinations:

  • parsley and almond oil 1: 1;
  • sour cream, juice of herbs and lemon for 1 tsp;
  • juice of parsley, lemon and cucumber 1: 1: 1.

Parsley is rich in vitamin C, which is especially useful for eliminating dark circles under the eyes.

Cottage cheese

Curd masks also have a light clarifying effect and nourish the skin. You can mix natural cottage cheese with milk and lemon juice - this is a good nourishing mask. In combination with green tea and lemon juice, cottage cheese can be used to prepare a tonic whitening mask.

After adding 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil 2 drops of orange to a teaspoon of cottage cheese, lubricate the area under the eyes with them for a day for 15 minutes, then wipe with pink or cool mineral water.

Other recipes

A mask against dark circles and bruises with walnuts is popular. Grind it into a fine powder, add butter and a little lemon juice and keep the product on the skin for about 20 minutes.

Effective regular wiping of the face and around the eyes with cold milk, as well as a mask of cucumber juice and sour cream. Once a week, do fortified compresses with the juice of orange and cucumber in equal proportions.

Herbal compresses

Medicinal herbs can be used for compresses or ice cubes that wipe the skin every morning. In this regard, useful properties against bruising and browning are:

  • dill;
  • chamomile;
  • knapweed;
  • parsley;
  • sage;
  • nettle.

Contrast compresses are effective (alternating cold infusion and warm for 30 seconds each). To do this, prepare an infusion of chamomile and parsley, cool half and half warm, and, wetting the cotton pads, take turns applying them to the skin. The tool is useful to use against bruises that appear due to lack of sleep and eye fatigue.

The most common cosmetic drawbacks in both women and men are bruises under the eyes, which spoil the entire appearance. Their appearance is most often associated with lack of sleep and frequent experiences, which makes our eyes tired and tired, so the question of how to remove bruises under the eyes excites many.

Lack of sleep is one of the most common causes of bruising under the eyes.

Reasons for the appearance

Many factors can affect the appearance of bruises under the eyes. Most often, this, as mentioned above, is constant experience and lack of sleep. Also, dark circles under the eyes can provoke prolonged computer work sessions and improper nutrition, which leads to digestive disorders and a lack of useful trace elements in the body.

Also, bruises under the eyes can indicate poor circulation, chronic diseases of the heart, kidneys and endocrine system. In addition, their appearance can cause the use of cosmetics that are not suitable for you, including the soap that you wash daily.

You can get rid of this unpleasant problem only by completely eliminating the cause of its appearance. If the cause is a variety of chronic diseases, then you have a direct road to the doctor. Only he, having prescribed you the appropriate treatment, will help remove bruises under the eyes.

  Well, if the reason for their appearance is a banal lack of sleep or frequent experiences, then you can completely remove these dark circles yourself using improvised means.

Cucumber masks for the area around the eyes, of course, help remove bruises under the eyes, but there are still many ways to achieve a fresh look

How to get rid of bruises under the eyes?

The answer to the question of how to remove bruises under the eyes is given by traditional medicine, which has been successfully combating cosmetic skin imperfections for several centuries. Dark circles can be removed easily with special home-made masks. Here are a few of them.

Potato mask

A potato mask will help get rid of very noticeable bruises on the face after the first application. To prepare it you will need:

  • raw potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • black strong tea

So, in order to cook this miraculous mask already, you need to take the potato, peel it and grate it (no need to boil the potatoes!). Then take 2 teaspoons of the resulting potato gruel and mix with olive oil.

Bruises under the eyes should be lubricated with vegetable oil and only then apply a mask to them. It is aged for about 20 minutes, after which it is washed off not with water, but with warm strong tea without sugar.

Cucumber mask

Cucumber is a vegetable that in itself perfectly fights skin imperfections. In order to get rid of the dark circles under the eyes, it is enough just to cut a couple of slices from a whole cucumber and put them on problem areas for about 20-30 minutes. And you can cook a special medical mask, which consists of cucumber, sour cream and parsley.

Cucumber needs to be peeled and grated. Take a couple of teaspoons of cucumber gruel and mix them with 2 tsp. chopped parsley and with 1 tsp. oily sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the problem area for 15 minutes, after which it is necessary to wash your face with ordinary water at room temperature.

Honey mask

If you wish, but you do not have free time in the morning to make masks, make a honey mask in the evening before going to bed. In the morning, the dark circles will become lighter, and with daily use they will completely disappear. So, to prepare a remedy for bruises, you will need:

  • kefir.

The ingredients are mixed in equal amounts until a gel-like mass is formed, which is then distributed over the problem area, left for half an hour and washed off with warm water.

Curd mask

Bruises under the eyes will disappear forever if you apply a curd mask daily. It perfectly nourishes the skin and improves blood circulation, as a result of which dark circles disappear quickly and more often, as a rule, do not bother. So, in order to get rid of such a cosmetic flaw, it is enough just to put cottage cheese on the problem areas, lie with it for about 15 minutes, and then wipe the remaining mask from the face with a cotton swab dipped in black or green tea.

Walnut mask

Oddly enough, walnuts are also able to remove dark circles under the eyes very effectively. To prepare a nut mask, it is necessary to grind the peeled walnuts to a powder state (this can be done with a coffee grinder). Take 2 tsp. hazelnut powder and mix them with melted butter (1 tbsp. l.). Mix everything, add a few drops of lemon juice to the mixture and mix again. Then apply the mask to the problem area for literally 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

If you are wondering how to remove bruises under the eyes, then you should definitely know: in order to get rid of them, you need to take comprehensive measures, which in addition to masks include special exercises for the eyes and getting rid of bruises from the inside.

There are many types of exercises for the eyes, but you do not have to do all of them: just a few exercises that are performed regularly and daily


Gymnastics for the eyes improves blood circulation, due to which the dark circles quickly begin to lighten, and then disappear. Do exercises 3 times a day, that is, in the morning, at lunch and before bedtime. At the same time, it does not matter at all in what position you will do it - lying, sitting or standing, the main thing is that the head remains motionless. So, there are 4 exercises in total:

  • close your eyes and start turning them first clockwise, then after it, about 8 to 10 times;
  • further, with their eyes closed, first raise them up, then lower them down, so 8 to 10 times;
  • then sharply open your eyes and start blinking often for 30 seconds;
  • then try to draw a glance of the letter “V” (eyes open), repeat 8 to 10 times.

Unfortunately, no masks and compresses will save your face from wilting, and you from fatigue if you abuse fast food, excessively fatty, salty or sweet foods

Getting rid of bruises “from the inside”

The cause of bruising under the eyes most often becomes overwork and lack of sleep. In this case, you must try to normalize your daily routine - at least 8 hours should be allocated for sleep. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time.

You will also need to drink a course of vitamins. To strengthen the vessels and increase their elasticity, vitamin C and vitamin P are needed, as well as vitamins A and E.

In addition, you need to monitor what you eat. Minimize the consumption of fatty and fried foods, as well as fast food snacks, and you will see how your skin changes and the bruises under your eyes disappear once and for all!

In secret

  • You missed a meeting of classmates, because you are afraid to hear that you are old ...
  • And less and less catch the admiring glances of men ...
  • Promotional skin care products do not refresh the face like before ...
  • And the reflection in the mirror more and more often recalls age ...
  • You think you look older than your age ...
  • Or just want to "preserve" youth for many years ...
  • You desperately do not want to grow old and are ready to use any opportunity for this ...

Yesterday no one had a chance to regain youth without plastic surgery, but today he appeared!

Follow the link and find out how you managed to stop old age and return youth

Surprisingly, only a small number of women know the root cause of the appearance of bags and bruises. The majority simply assumes, focusing on the stories of acquaintances or unprofessional articles. The most common factors are:

  • Harmful habits (alcohol, smoking)
  • Kidney or Heart Disease
  • Hormonal disbalance
  • Excessive amount of spicy and salty foods in the diet
  • Inadequate or excessive water intake
  • Infections
  • Age changes
  • Lack of sleep and insomnia
  • Allergy
  • Depression, constant stress
  • Poor cosmetics and poor care
  • Environment
  • Lifestyle
  • Genetics

You can already change something yourself by studying these points. Moreover, most of them depend on you, and also adversely affects not only the circles and bags under the eyes, but also on health in general. However, many of the reasons require a detailed study of what we will definitely do.

Reasons for the appearance in children

Bruises under the eyes can cause injuries, lack of sleep, excessive physical and intellectual stress. Allergies, kidney problems, infectious diseases and genetics are considered more rare.

The modern world has completely mastered computers and gadgets. Children spend a lot of time there, which can affect their health. Try to make your child walk and move more. Water also needs to be drunk, albeit in a smaller amount in comparison with adults.

In any case, if you notice bags under the eyes of your baby, then the most effective way and method of treatment will be to see a doctor. Sometimes a disease can be missed, so this solution to the problem can be considered the only right one.

How to fix the problem

Types of edema vary, therefore, the solution to the problem should be individual. For example, many are concerned about the black bags under the eyes. The elimination of difficulty depends on the cause of this defect.

Most sufferers have a black tint, but the solution to the problem is quite simple. This color is due to the large amount of melanin in the epidermis. However, its increase is most affected not by genetics, but by ultraviolet rays. So try to sunbathe less or just use creams with high protection (+30 or more) for the area around the eyes.

Genetic bags under the eyes are much more complicated. They are inherited, so it is impossible to get rid of them with the help of folk remedies. However, proper treatment and care can significantly reduce them, as well as highlight bruises.

It is worth saying that genetic and age bags under the eyes can be removed only with the help of blepharoplasty. This is not the most expensive procedure, so it is quite affordable. However, it is better to resort to it only after using other methods. Still, the operation is an irreversible process.

As for the bags under the eyes after tears, poured or excess fluid before bedtime, then everything is simpler. With the help of massage, masks and lotions, you can quickly remove the bags under the eyes. Below you can learn a lot of methods. Through experimentation, you can decide which is more suitable specifically for you.

How to remove bruises under the eyes at home

There are many ways to quickly get rid of bruises under the eyes. Most of them have a temporary effect, but such a result cannot but rejoice. We have tried to find for you the most effective methods that will not take much time. Perhaps some method will help you, but it will not be effective for your girlfriend, and vice versa.

Remember that everything is individual, so do not be too lazy to learn each recipe. Almost all of them are capable in 5 minutes. Each of the following folk remedies is completely natural and insanely economical.


  •   Protein

Beat egg white and apply it to the area under the eyes. This can be done with a brush or fingers. You need to keep 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with cold water. Such a mask has not only decongestant, but also a tightening effect.

  • With aloe and cucumber

Take 1 tablespoon of aloe juice and 0.5 teaspoon of cucumber juice, mix. Gently apply to the lower eyelid. By the way, this mixture can be applied all night, because it will dry out. If you decide to make an instant mask, then keep it for about 30 minutes.

  • Coffee Protein

Mix 1 protein with 2 teaspoons of coffee waste. Apply to the area under the eyes. Rinse off after 10 minutes. Remember to apply a moisturizer.

  • With parsley

Finely chop the parsley leaves and mix them with 0.5 teaspoon cream. Put the pulp on your eyes. Cover the mask with half a cold cotton swab. It is best to do a similar method while lying on the bed. Hold for 15 minutes.

  • Strawberry

Take 2 strawberries and place in the freezer for half an hour. After that, mash them. Apply to bruises under the eyes. Hold the mask for 5 to 20 minutes.

  • With starch

Take 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of potato or corn starch and whisk it with two yolks. If the mixture is thick, you can add a little green tea to it. Apply mass to lower eyelids. Wash off after half an hour.

  • Age mask with potatoes

This is a great recipe for women over 40. You will need potatoes grated and 1 teaspoon of grape oil. After mixing, place fragments of a very thin cloth under your eyes. And only on it you can put a potato-oil mixture. Hold the mask for 20-25 minutes.

  • Honey

Add 1 teaspoon of liquid honey to 1 teaspoon of pollen. Apply under eyes. Hold for about 10 minutes. Rinse off very gently without stretching the skin. It is best to rinse with herbal decoction.

  • Pumpkin

Boil a few slices of pumpkin and mash them. Before applying, it is better to keep the pulp in the refrigerator. Keep on the lower eyelids for about 15 minutes.

  • With melissa

It will take 1 teaspoon of medicinal lemon balm juice and the crumb of a fresh white loaf. Bread should be soaked in juice and put in two small gauze. Keep under eyes for 30 minutes.

  • Oatmeal

Pour 2 teaspoons of oatmeal with hot milk. Wait until the oatmeal swells. Only then apply gruel on the eyelids. Rinse with warm water after 20-30 minutes.

  • Apple

You can grate an apple slice or take a couple of slices if there is no time. Put fruit under the eyes. Hold for about 15 minutes.

  • Potato

The most popular mask. You can make mashed potatoes, grate the potatoes or just take a couple of slices of vegetable. Keep the selected option under the eyes for 15 to 25 minutes.


  • With cabbage

Take 0.5 teaspoon of coconut oil and 1 teaspoon of sauerkraut juice, mix. Soak cotton pads with the resulting liquid and leave it under your eyes for 30 minutes.

  • Sea buckthorn

Take 15 ml. sea-buckthorn oil and moisten cotton swabs with it. Put compresses in the freezer for 15 minutes. Frozen rims for centuries can be kept for up to 30 minutes. Do not forget to wipe the area around the eyes with a cleansing or tonic tonic.

  • With tea

One of the most popular compresses. Many simply brew bags, and then apply them to the area under the eyes. However, it is much more effective to soak cotton pads in a decoction of good tea. By the way, a black drink helps a lot more than a fruit or green one. Keep compresses for about 15 minutes.

  • Herbal

Brew 1 teaspoon of chamomile, 1 teaspoon of linden and 1 teaspoon of oregano together. Cool the broth and dip two cotton swabs into it. Apply to lower eyelids. Hold for 20 minutes.

  • With milk

Soak a cotton pad in a couple teaspoons of cold milk or cream. Keep compresses for 15-20 minutes.

  • Sea buckthorn + green tea

Soak cotton swabs in 5 ml. sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil and green tea. Put them in the freezer for 20 minutes. Keep under your eyes no more than half an hour.

  • With potato juice

Squeeze the juice of the 1st potato and moisten the dense cotton cloth in it. Remove material for a quarter of an hour in the freezer. Apply to the lower eyelids for about 15 minutes.

  • Cucumber oil

Take the juice of one cucumber and a few drops of olive, burdock and almond oil. Dip a cotton pad in the liquid mixture. Keep on eyelids for about 20 minutes.


  • From birch leaves

Pour 10-15 fresh birch leaves with mineral water without gas. It is advisable to insist on a day, but if there is no time, then you can one night. It is also recommended to immediately put cotton pads there, and in the morning to get, cool and apply to the eyelids. Hold for about 20 minutes.

  • From birch buds

You will need 8-15 birch buds, which also need to be filled with a glass of mineral water. Wet cotton swabs and apply to eyes for 20 minutes.


  • Mint

Finely chop the mint or lemon balm and add mineral water. Or you can squeeze the juice if there is a lot of grass. Pour the liquid into an ice mold. Wipe the area around the eyes with cold cubes for about 1-5 minutes. Do not bring to severe pain.

  • Lactic

Pour milk or cream into an ice mold. For about 3 minutes, drive along the lower and upper eyelids with massage movements.

  • Herbal

Take several types of medicinal herbs and boil them. Chamomile, plantain, mint, oregano, sage and St. John's wort are best. Pour the cooled broth into the mold and put it in the freezer. It is best to wipe your eyelids in the morning. If you do not have a tendency to rosacea, then you can drive a cube all over your face or even your body. It very tones the epidermis.

  • From lotion

Your favorite facial toner can be even more effective. It is necessary to fill it in molds for ice. You can add coconut or almond oil to it (no more than 3 drops in the compartment). Wipe in the morning and evening for 1 minute.

  • Potato

Freeze potato juice. You can add pieces of grated vegetable there. Wipe the lower eyelids for 2-3 minutes. Such a recipe can easily get rid of morning bags and bruises under the eyes.

  • Freshly squeezed fruit juice

It is necessary to use natural, not purchased juice. In the second, a lot of sugar and various preservatives. From fruits, you can take an apple, mango, etc. Eliminate the use of citrus, as they are allergens. Drive frozen cubes along the massage line for a couple of minutes.

  • From juice of berries and vegetables

Strawberry, sea-buckthorn, cherry and blueberry juice are perfect. From vegetables, you can take potatoes, carrots, cucumber and zucchini. When frozen, useful properties are not lost, therefore, in addition to removing edema, such ice can even out the complexion. Contraindicated to persons suffering from rosacea.

  • Tea

Strongly brewed tea from good leaves is needed. You can take black, green, hibiscus or mate. Pour the broth into ice molds. Wipe the area under the eyes with cubes for 1 to 5 minutes.

Getting rid of bags and bruises with exercise

There is such a technique as Facebook building. It is a set of exercises that eliminate facial problems. It is necessary to perform daily. A greater effect will be if you begin to make the complex even 2-3 times a day. So you can not only remove bruises and swelling under the eyes, but also correct the oval, lips and even make cheekbones. Of course, each zone needs its own activities.

As for the area under the eyes, this technique will help here:

  1. You need to close your eyes very hard and open them as much. It is important to do this abruptly. Repeat 7-12 times;
  2. Move the pupils in different directions (up, down, right, left) for 1 minute;
  3. Blink for 10 seconds, and then close your eyes for the same amount. Repeat 2-4 times;
  4. Squint your eyes for 7 seconds, and then open and raise your eyes up without raising your head. Then repeat, but look into the distance. Do the exercise 4 times.


A lot of women recommend this technique:

  1. Spread eyelids with fat cream and patting finger movements to drive along the massage lines. It is very important to move on the upper eyelid from the inner corner to the outer. With the lower eyelid, you need to do the same thing, but in the opposite direction. Try not to stretch the skin, namely pat it. Do the exercise for about 5-15 minutes;
  2. Incredibly effective massage with spoons. It is necessary to remove two iron or silver spoons in advance in the freezer. Then they need to be applied for a moment to in the area around the eyes. After 10 seconds, you can begin to massage in a circular motion. After the spoons are warm, put them back in the refrigerator for 1 minute. So repeat 5-7 times;
  3. You need to close your eyes and make a massage with the patting movements of four fingers. Then alternately apply them to the area around the eyes and gently drive in circular motions for several seconds. Best if hands are cool.

By the way, instead of cream, you can use essential and vegetable oils. However, remember that the former are highly concentrated, so they need to be diluted with something. For massage with fingers and spoons, grape, almond oil and jojoba are perfect. From the essentials, you can take ginger oil or coffee.

Cosmetology and care

Of great importance is the cosmetics that you use. If you are very worried about the problem of bruising under the eyes, then do not be stingy with buying a special cream for this zone. There are both very expensive options, and quite democratic. In addition, such a product will allow you not to resort to Botox longer.

There are also rollers with serum. At the end of this roller there is a metal ball, which also cools the skin. Such a tandem has an excellent effect. In addition to this innovation, there are special one-time patches for the area around the eyes. They are usually sold in small round jars where patches float in a special liquid. The greater effect of this product will be if you leave it all night.

Remedies for bruises and bags under the eyes are very different from ordinary serums. If you do not understand cosmetics at all, then just look at the composition. At least one of these ingredients must be present in a good product:

  • Caffeine
  • Collagen
  • Vitamin E
  • Elastin
  • Seaweed
  • Vegetable oils (parsley, sea buckthorn, sage)

As for decorative cosmetics, you will need not only foundation, but also powder with concealer. First you must apply tone, then concealer. It is very important that they correct the entire bruise, given the inner corner of the eye (including a little nose), as well as the outer corner of the eye. By the way, the upper eyelid also has a reddish tint, so do not forget about it. The final touch will be powder. However, do not overdo it, because a large amount of funds can create a mask effect.

Of course, you cannot remove the bags themselves with the help of cosmetics. However, those who suffer from bags always have a blue. If you solve one problem, the second will become less noticeable.

By the way, girls who suffer from this problem make a big mistake. They stain the lower eyelashes, and also use makeup in the style of "Smokey Ice." The darkness in the lower lash area makes the problem even brighter, so keep that in mind. A more fresh look can be obtained using a highlighter, which must be applied to the inner corner of the eye and under the bend of the eyebrow.

Salon treatments

The following procedures will help to make bags and bruises under the eyes invisible:

  • Lymphatic drainage
  • Mesotherapy
  • Botox
  • Electroporation
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Blepharoplasty (using a laser or surgery)
  • Fillers
  • Botulinum therapy

As for surgical intervention, it is worth resorting to it only at a certain age. The main task of this operation is to remove bruises and wrinkles under the eyes. If you do not have severe defects, it is better to use the services of a cosmetologist.


You need to start small, so every tip is important. Firstly, you can never know exactly what will help you. Secondly, many rules are so simple that they will not cause discomfort. In addition, thanks to them, you can get rid of other health problems, as well as avoid surgical intervention.

  1. We need fresh air, so regularly ventilate the room. Especially before bedtime. If possible, take small walks in the evenings;
  2. Sport greatly affects our body as a whole. Do not avoid physical activity. If it’s hard for you, then you can at least charge;
  3. Of great importance is the regime of the day. Try to stay up until 24:00. Get up too late, because we have 8 hours of rest. Overcrowding can cause not only bags under the eyes, but also a broken condition;
  4. Do not drink a lot of liquid at night, because in the evening the kidneys work more slowly. Various teas and alcohol are especially harmful;
  5. Do not stint and get a good pillow. It should be low and necessarily flat. A good option is orthopedic models. There are even special products with a cooling effect;
  6. Try to lead a healthy lifestyle by eliminating addictions. A large number of spicy and salty foods affect not only the stomach, but also retain water;
  7. Take vitamins, because their deficiency can affect edema. Pay more attention to magnesium, zinc and vitamin B;
  8. Buy a good and high-quality night cream. It is best to purchase a separate tool for the area under the eyes. It will retain water less in the epidermis;
  9. See your GP. He can identify the cause of the dark circles by sending you for analysis or just by observing. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe the necessary medicines, cosmetics or prescribe something more serious;
  10. Try to worry less about trifles, because stress greatly affects your appearance;
  11. Buy a good and dense concealer, because it will help visually fix your problem.

5 best ways to get rid of bruises under the eyes about which we did not have time to tell.

It is often impossible to break away from watching your favorite movie even with the advent of night, and in fact in the morning to get up early for work. Lack of sleep in this case is unlikely to stop anyone, but the fright of self-reflection in the mirror after waking up is a very unpleasant sensation. The problem of bruising and swelling under the eyes is familiar to many. How can I get rid of her without resorting to the services of expensive cosmetologists? This article will focus on folk remedies.

Bags under the eyes: the main causes

The problem of the appearance of swollen areas under the eyes sometimes accompanies a person throughout life. Usually they appear from an elementary lack of sleep, prolonged sitting at the monitor, consuming excessive amounts of liquid (worst of all, if it's alcohol), an abundance of salty foods in the diet, and even from wearing uncomfortable lenses.

In this case, it is necessary to begin a stubborn struggle. In order for home treatment to give positive results (in particular, to get rid of bruises), an integrated approach is needed. We need to start going to bed on time, eating properly, not consuming large amounts of water at night, giving up alcohol, and actively doing fitness.

Doctors are convinced that in some cases the main cause of swelling under the eyes should be sought in the rhythm of life, lack of nutrients and vitamins.

Cyanotic okologlazny circles are often dictated by hereditary factors, and therefore they can appear even in childhood, to pursue a person in adulthood, to annoy in old age.

Important! In some cases, the occurrence of unpleasant circles in the eye area is only a symptom of the appearance of a chronic disease (thyroid, kidney, or heart).

How to deal with bags and bruises under the eyes at home?

If a person is convinced that the swelling is not associated with a particular disease, then it's time to start acting.

  1. Revision of the daily routine.

Even with the most intense rhythm of life, you need to leave time for a healthy sleep. Ideally, it should last 8 hours. It should be more often in the fresh air, less time at the computer, less often watching TV, do not forget about regular physical activity.

  1. Balanced diet.

Excessively salty, smoked, fried and spicy foods should be excluded. Do not drink plenty of water before going to bed. Edema will not appear if the diet is rich in vitamin B5, which is found in fermented milk and offal, meat and homemade eggs, legumes and cabbage, beets, sprouted wheat, mushrooms and nuts. Strongly brewed black tea and coffee is also better to exclude, replacing mineral water, herbal, ginger or.

  1. Proper face care.

It's time to get rid of overdue and inappropriate skin type cosmetics. It is not permissible to leave makeup on the face at night.

  1. UV protection.

Do not neglect sunglasses. Ultraviolet is contraindicated in the eyes. In addition, you can not stay without special glasses in the solarium.

  1. Decreased susceptibility to stressful situations.

Humor and a positive attitude will not only help in the fight against stress, but also protect the nervous system from unnecessary disorders.

  1. Refusal of any bad habits.

Tobacco and alcohol consumption contribute to the appearance of bags or circles under the eyes. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of them from the very beginning.

Incredibly, everything that is needed to get rid of circles under the eyes is at home for everyone. These are vegetables, herbs, medicinal plants, which can serve as the basis for masks, infusions, lotions and creams.

Time-tested recipes for bags under the eyes:

  • Contrast lotions from medicinal herbs.

From dry sage (or chamomile with dill) for 30 minutes make an infusion (1 small spoon of herb per 200 ml of boiling water). Divide it into two equal parts: one is subject to portion freezing, the other is heated. A cotton swab is lowered into a heated infusion and applied to the problem area. Then they take a piece of frozen infusion and rub this area with it. You need to do this 6 times at a fast pace.

  • Herbal compresses.

Take a set of herbs (chamomile, mint, dried linden flowers, horsetail and eyebright), brew boiling water. Why take a large spoonful of raw materials and a glass of boiling water. A mixture of tea and chamomile is perfect for these purposes. The cotton infusions are soaked with the prepared infusion and applied to the eyes for 18 minutes.

  • Lotions.

Apply cotton balls to the eyes for the same 18 minutes, after moistening them in freshly prepared infusion of parsley, cornflower blossoms, dried rosemary, wild chamomile or any tea (a large spoonful of herbal mixture in a glass of boiling water).

  • Herbal pieces of ice.

All of the above infusions of medicinal herbs can always be portionwise frozen and used in the morning and evening as an excellent tonic for problem areas.

  • Medicinal cream.

Take butter (a couple of teaspoons), mix with a small spoon of chopped dried parsley, bring to a homogeneous consistency. It is enough to apply this cream twice a day: in the morning and at night.

Note. If there is no time to make all kinds of medicinal compresses or creams, then you can do with elementary attachments to the eyes of thin circles of cucumber, raw potatoes, mashed cottage cheese.

  1. Potato mask with cosmetic cream.

First, grate raw potatoes forever. After 12 minutes, rinse it off, apply cream (which contains, E) to the problem areas. After 12 minutes, remove the excess with a cotton swab dipped in tea.

  1. Oatmeal mask with potatoes.

Take in equal proportions potatoes (you can raw or boiled, but certainly grated or mashed) and oatmeal, add cream, mix everything thoroughly. Put on swollen eyelids, rinse off after 12 minutes. a weak solution of green tea.

  1. Potato mask with vegetable oil.

Take 2 teaspoons of any natural vegetable oil, twice as much as grated raw potatoes. Put the mask on previously cleaned and oil-treated skin, leave for half an hour, remove with weak tea.

  1. Mask of cucumber and sour cream.

Grated cucumber, any greens and sour cream are mixed in equal proportions. Apply to swollen eyelids, wash off after 20 minutes with a little warm water.

  1. Mask of eggs, flour and honey.

Take a tablespoon of fresh honey, flour, add one protein. Apply for 12 minutes, remove with plain water or a weak tea solution.

  1. Milk-curd mask with parsley.

Take a couple of small spoons of cottage cheese, combine with a large spoon of chopped home-made parsley. Add a small spoonful of milk. Apply to the problem areas, leave for 25 minutes. Rinse with running cool water or tea solution.

  1. Creamy nut mask.

Mix 2 small tablespoons of chopped walnut kernels, a large spoon of melted butter, two drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the area under the eyes, after 12 minutes rinse with barely warm running water.

These masks can be used both for bruises and for edema.

In the case when the circles or swelling under the eyes is due to genetics or the presence of a serious ailment, folk remedies will only slightly improve the condition of the swollen areas. And only a doctor will help to finally get rid of the source of all problems.

Bruising under the eyes is a serious cosmetic flaw. The appearance of dark circles and swelling around the eyes indicates that not everything is in order with our health. Many are familiar with this problem. Every morning we want to look cute and fresh, but the treacherous blue adds age and spoils the mood. It is worth considering, because external manifestations have an underlying background. It is not a fact that magical and expensive products can easily eliminate bruises and bags under the eyes.

Causes of circles and swelling

The skin around the eyes is an indicator of the health of the body. Her poor condition signals a problem. It is necessary to understand what are the causes of the unpleasant phenomenon and try to eliminate them. So, consider the options.

  • Wrong lifestyle

You need to pay attention to the daily routine and proper nutrition. It is well known that alcohol and tobacco are opponents of female beauty. It is worth limiting the use of salty and spicy foods. To enjoy the reflection in the mirror, you need to get enough sleep and avoid stress.

  • Health status

The cause of edema under the eyes can be diseases of the internal organs. They often signal kidney and liver diseases, malfunctions of the heart. Malfunctions in the thyroid gland and allergies also provoke the appearance of bags or circles under the eyes. In this case, medication can solve the problem.

  • Other reasons

Genetic predisposition, excess weight can cause the appearance of bruises and swelling under the eyes. In these cases, an integrated approach to improving the appearance is necessary. Sometimes only plastic can save the situation, but here we will focus only on those methods that are available to us at home.

So, you have analyzed the causes of the appearance of circles and excluded serious diseases, it is worth starting to solve the problem.

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Masks from bruises and circles under the eyes

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Video recipe for making a mask of parsley

Parsley is the No. 1 remedy in the fight against edema. It contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. Thanks to this leafy vegetable perfectly tones, vitamins and brightens the delicate skin of the eyelids.

Parsley-based products should be in the arsenal of every girl. The unique composition of greenery makes it possible to use it both independently and in company with other useful ingredients.

Grind the parsley and apply this mass on the eyelids. Make a decoction and use as compresses. Ice cubes from parsley decoction are also an indispensable tool for combating swelling and bags under the eyes.

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Sour cream and parsley

Grind fresh parsley and combine with sour cream in equal quantities. Just take one teaspoon of the ingredients. For convenience, apply the mixture on gauze and put under the eyes. After 20 minutes rinse with warm water.

Instead of sour cream, you can use soft butter or cottage cheese.

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Video: how to get rid of bruises under the eyes

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Potato-based bruising masks

Potato is an affordable and familiar product from childhood. Masks for the eyes became indispensable due to the ability to tighten and whiten the skin. Here are a few variations of tuber masks.

  • With olive oil

Grate raw small potatoes, add a teaspoon of olive oil. Apply the mass for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with a cotton pad dampened with green tea.

  • With milk and oatmeal

Finely chop potatoes and oatmeal, mix in equal proportions. Add warm milk. Apply the mixture for 25 minutes, rinse with warm water or green tea.

  • With clay and sauerkraut

Grated raw potatoes in a small amount to combine with sauerkraut (for convenience, also chop). Add green or blue clay. Apply the mask to the skin under the eyes for 5 minutes. Rinse with cool water and massage with an ice cube for greater effectiveness.

With a lack of time, you can just put raw potato disks on your eyes, they can be cooled in the refrigerator. Boiled potatoes are also used in masks against edema and bruising under the eyes.

Herbs and flowers, as well as dairy products, are great for bruising and circles.

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Herb lotions

  • Flowers of cornflowers pour boiling water, insist and cool. You can use a decoction and flowers wrapped in gauze in the form of compresses.
  • Mallow inflorescences pour cold milk, insist and use in the form of masks and lotions.
  • Make infusion from sage herb. Divided into two parts: cool one part, warm the other. Moisten cotton pads in a warm solution, apply for 5 minutes. Then also do cold infusion and change compresses. Contrast procedures along with the healing properties of sage stimulate blood circulation and relieve bruises. By the same principle, you can use infusions of chamomile and dill.

Consider a few more mask recipes

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Cucumber Recipe

Grated fresh cucumber mixed with sour cream in equal amounts. Put the mass on the problem areas, rinse after 20 minutes with cool water or tea. If there is no sour cream - it does not matter. Cucumber can handle the problem on its own.

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Mask with walnuts and lemon

Grind walnuts until flour. Take a teaspoon of powder and mix with a tablespoon of butter. Add lemon juice (a few drops) to the mass. Apply the resulting mixture to the area around the eyes. After 20 minutes rinse with warm water.

A common method of combating puffiness and circles is eye massage, as well as gymnastics for the eyes. Beauty salons offer to relieve you of the problem of edema and bruising under the eyes, to prolong the youth of the skin. When choosing suitable products, whether traditional medicine or modern cosmetology, caution should be exercised, not forgetting the sense of proportion. The main thing is a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.