How to make shoes bigger. How to stretch sneakers or gym shoes at home. The nuances of choosing shoes

Often new shoes shake a little, rub calluses and deliver a lot of discomfort. Of course, you can wait - to stumble for a while, wait until the corns burst and bloody corns heal, but why condemn yourself to such suffering when there are several ways to quickly wear shoes at home? We will tell you how to do it yourself and share the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Before we get to the bottom of the matter, we want to emphasize that it is better not to experiment with stretching fabric slippers and oilcloth clogs, because the chance is high that the shoes will be torn apart or torn. The same rule applies to cheap Chinese models - choose the right size shoes, and better with a margin and rejoice that such a "consumer goods" will last at least one season.

Genuine Leather

If you are a happy owner or owner of a pair of leather shoes, then you probably know that this pleasure is not cheap. High-quality shoes made of genuine leather are equipped with instructions for use (look carefully at the box and look for icons on it). If the manufacturer wrote that the model must be protected from moisture, then do not stretch it with boiling water or soapy water.

Another warning: if you choose the method of wearing using special chemicals, then test them on a small area of \u200b\u200bshoes, otherwise you risk hopelessly spoiling an expensive new thing - strange stains or stains may appear.

Excessively stretched shoes cannot be restored to their former “fit” in any way, so do not overdo it! It is also impossible to make 40 out of size 37! The maximum that you can hope for is to stretch only by 0.5-1 size!

And now we turn directly to several methods of stretching leather shoes.

Specialized tools

In many stores you can find special shoe stretchers - liquids, foams or aerosols. If you follow the instructions, this is the easiest and safest method. It is enough to treat the “problem place” abundantly and walk in shoes for about half an hour. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.


  • simplicity;
  • rapidity;
  • security.


  • high cost;
  • non-universality - leather products are contraindicated in suede, and for leather substitutes are useless.


  1. Make a kind of foot pattern - to do this, simply outline the foot outline on paper and in problem areas (usually a thumb or little finger, heel, valgus, i.e. a bump on the foot near the big toe), add a couple of millimeters.
  2. Find a shoe of the appropriate size in the shoe shop or store. It can be both plastic and wooden - it does not play a role.
  3. Begin to stretch the areas of discomfort with rubber pads (fasten with adhesive tape or glue), leather masks.


  • relative cheapness;
  • security.


  • dreary method;
  • long in time.

The "drunk" method

  1. Such a ridiculous name can be explained by the fact that it is based on the use of alcohol or vodka diluted in water. If there is neither one nor the other (or beliefs do not allow touching “fiery water”), then you can replace the glass cleaner.
  2. Moisten cotton wool in alcohol and wipe the shoes liberally from the inside in problem areas or around the perimeter. Do this as soon as possible, as alcohol evaporates quickly.
  3. Put the shoes on the block and leave for several hours, if they are not there, and you have remarkable patience, then put on your feet in socks and walk as long as you have the strength and capabilities.

By the way, if you dance, the posting process will be faster and more successful! It's not a joke! Just in the dance steps, the foot takes a variety of positions - it bends, stretches, and, therefore, the shoes will stretch at different angles.


It is not suitable for expensive products or for samples where special substances are used during tanning, which, under the influence of alcohol, can lose their elasticity, structure and strength, and their appearance can also be affected.

Wet or soapy business

  1. Dampen wool or terry socks in warm, and best of all, soapy water.
  2. Put them on your foot and leather shoes on top.
  3. Dance for about an hour or use the services of a pad at night.
  4. Try again if necessary.


  • unpleasant process (if there is no block);
  • the method is contraindicated for suede shoes;
  • useless for leatherette.

Hair dryer therapy

  1. Lubricate the shoes with cream - to protect against overdrying.
  2. Put on your shoes.
  3. Direct a hot stream of air to the areas you want to stretch.


  • long process;
  • not suitable for varnish shoes and boots.

Cereal method

This method of stretching with cereals is great for light summer or spring samples, which are made of thin and stretching skin.

So, prepare the shoes, pour the cereal into it, which absorbs moisture well and swells, for example, it can be rice or buckwheat, and pour water. The cereal will gradually absorb water and expand, and thereby gently and gradually stretch the skin.

Ice challenge

This method is similar to the use of cereals - basically a slow and neat way to stretch the shoes, only you need only water and a few whole bags.

Insert the bags inside the shoe, gently straighten them all over and fill with water. Packages must be intact. Put your shoes overnight in the freezer: water turning into ice expands in volume and, therefore, will stretch the skin.

Tip: before sending to the freezer, be sure to fasten all the locks or lace up the shoes so that they do not deform. Ice can be removed only when it melts a little and resembles snow - this is again done for reasons of preserving the integrity of the leather product.

There are also quite laborious, costly, and most importantly, unsafe methods of stretching leather shoes with glycerol or castor oil. The essence of these methods is as follows: a leather product is abundantly lubricated with oil or glycerin, and sometimes it is done 3-4 times, and then it is steamed in a water bath (it must be kept above the steam), or it is covered with a rag soaked in boiling water. After that, the skin becomes soft and supple so that it can be stretched by putting it on the foot. A significant drawback of such methods is that many leather products do not withstand such executions and become stained.

Expensive model products

Let's imagine that you became the happy owner of leather shoes related to model products, i.e. This is a piece and very expensive product. One bad luck - the new thing shakes and rubs a little, is it really necessary to earn blood corns and a couple of times to peel the skin from the legs, so that later you feel comfortable? But no, even such shoes can be stretched if you act carefully and keep some secrets.

Method for stretching model shoes

  1. Take a toothbrush and moisten problem areas with water both inside and outside the leather product.
  2. Insert the split block across.
  3. Drive in a spacer that will also stretch the product.
  4. Dry your shoes at room temperature for 2-3 days. Make sure that the shoes do not dry out, so you can periodically slightly moisten the problem areas. This is done so that the skin does not lose its characteristics - elasticity and rigidity of the form.

This method of stretching is best entrusted to a specialist, as only he has the necessary set of suitable pads and struts. In this way, shoes can be expanded a little, as well as if the product is tight due to high lifting.

Long stretch

Be prepared for the fact that the shoes can only be lengthened by half the size, and this will be done by “selecting” the desired millimeters from the width.

In this case, you can try to apply the above “drunk”, “phenic therapy” and castor method, but with the mandatory use of pads. At the same time, it should completely repeat the shape of the toe, and for branded leather shoes should have a rounding; It is also good to use a configuration that mimics the big toe.

Patent leather shoes

If you purchased patent leather shoes, and they turned out to be small for you, it is best to exchange them for a larger size or sell them. If this is not possible or you do not want to part with a shiny new thing, then get ready for a fairly long stretch: put on wet cotton socks and put on your varnished miracle. Walk like this for several hours, periodically wetting your socks, be prepared to do it for 2-3 days. All other methods for patent shoes are not suitable, because it is very capricious: the varnish will probably crack under the influence of cold temperature, and because of the high temperature it will bubble up and peel off. Chemicals also adversely affect the varnished coating - it will not only lose its signature shine and mirror finish, but may also become stained.

Velor, suede or nubuck

These are also quite capricious materials that require delicate handling, especially for natural samples, so decide whether you are looking at natural or artificial material. How to do it? Take a closer look at the product.

Faux suede. If it is of good quality, it will look even better than natural material. Faux suede has a perfectly smooth fabric, for example, you will never find an unusually smooth natural suede - there will certainly be some small scratches and pores. In artificial material, villi lie in one direction, and in natural - in different directions.

Natural suede is a moody material, afraid of excess moisture. But it is easy to wear, so you don’t even have to do anything special - just put on thick wet socks and walk around for several evenings in a row.

By the way, be sure to read about how to properly and suede shoes.


This is material made from treated goat or pig skin; in appearance it very much resembles velvet. In no case can it be wetted with water, so velor shoes are not suitable for rainy weather. If you want to stretch them, then lubricate the product from the inside with some alcohol-containing liquid (cologne, perfume, vodka, diluted alcohol and even beer), put it on your feet in socks, or insert pads and leave it overnight.


This is a specially processed cow skin; very similar to suede, but less elastic, but stronger. He also does not like moisture, but such shoes can be stretched a little, clogging it with wet and crumpled newspapers, and then wait until the paper is completely dry.

All these are rather delicate materials, so proceed very carefully, you can use stretchers specially designed for them, but not various chemicals or methods using water, ice or steam.

Faux leather and other pseudo leather materials

It should be understood that not every similar material can be stretched, especially for those made on the basis of fabric, but there will be no problems with dermatin on the contrary.

Method number 1

Pull the shoes on the shoe and walk carefully through the problem areas with a jet of hot air from the hair dryer. At the same time, we recommend covering the leather substitute with such a procedure with a damp cotton cloth (or any natural, but not synthetic), so as not to overdry the product. After the procedure, be sure to lubricate the shoes with a special cream.

Method number 2

Fill the shoes with a wet and clean potato peel all the way, put the product in a cool place away from sources of heat and light, and let it dry naturally. In a couple of days, the model will “grow up”, and also get rid of the unpleasant smell of rubber and other “aromas”.

Method number 3

Heat the paraffin and walk it inside the product, under the influence of temperature the leatherette will increase slightly, and the frozen paraffin will fix the result. The next morning, you will appreciate this method of posting new shoes.

Also remember the following tips:

  • if you constantly rub your fingers, then wipe the problem area with vinegar from the inside;
  • if problems arise with the heel - constantly calluses, then grease the backdrop with paraffin or laundry soap.

We hope all these tips come in handy and you can stretch out a little small shoes to fully enjoy the new thing.

Probably every person in his life was uncomfortable with uncomfortable shoes. Often women can not resist buying beautiful patent leather shoes, even if there is no suitable size for sale. The euphoria from the purchase passes with the advent of the first corns, and there is a desire to return the shoes to the store. And even if everything was wonderful at the fitting in the store, then after a few hours beautiful new shoes can rub and crush. The thing is that our legs sometimes swell. And the more load we give them, the more they swell. What to do with expensive shoes that presses? It can be given to the shoemaker, who with the help of "magic" will fix everything. And you can stretch the shoes at home.

There are many ways to stretch shoes. They are all good, but on different shoes the effect also turns out different. For example, nubuck shoes are very sensitive and delicate, and patent leather may crack due to temperature changes.

How to stretch leather or suede shoes

As you know, suede and leather are natural materials. Due to this, shoes sewn from these materials can be easily adjusted. And even stretching shoes to size is not a problem if the shoes are made of suede. Below are a few ways to do this.

  1. Leather shoes can be adjusted to fit your feet with boiling water. It sounds, of course, scary, but in fact, everything goes smoothly. You just need to pour boiling water into the boots, and then immediately pour it. As soon as the shoe cools down a bit, put it on its feet and walk until it dries. However, if your shoes are made of artificial leather or leatherette, you should not carry out a trick with boiling water, since only the skin is able to withstand high temperatures.
  2. The second way to stretch shoes is also based on the laws of physics. You will need a regular tight bag or a balloon. Put it in the shoe and fill it with water. Send everything to the freezer overnight. Water turning into ice will expand and increase the volume of your favorite shoe.
  3. A very common way how to carry tight shoes quickly is through alcohol. Even vodka or the good old, known since Soviet times, “Triple Cologne” will do. It is enough just to process the shoes with it inside and out, put it on a thick toe and walk for two hours. Better, of course, around the house. On the street in this form they will not understand you. Alcohol should properly handle the heel of the shoe. So it will become softer and stop rubbing.
  4. Wear socks, pantyhose or stockings and wear new shoes for several days at home. This is enough to slightly adjust the shape. For best results, wet socks should be worn.
  5. You can purchase a stretch spray at a shoe store. Just before buying, make sure it is suede-friendly. At home, shoes should be treated from the inside and allowed to dry.

Bad purchase

I am sure that each person was faced with the fact that the acquired pair of shoes that fit so perfectly in the store, as a result, shakes a little. I don’t really want to return the already beloved new thing, but there is no particular desire to rub my legs. Therefore, you need to know a few tricks on how to stretch shoes at home. Having learned some rules, you can correct some flaws of the purchased couple and wear it with great pleasure. Just stretching the shoe in length should not in any way spoil it somehow.

How to stretch shoes at home, method number 1

This method is quite simple and very common among our population. In general, you need the shoes that you are going to stretch, lubricate the inside with alcohol, or, if there is no alcohol, vodka can easily replace it. The next thing to do is put it on your legs and moisten it again with the same intoxicating liquid. And in this “soaked” state, you need to go a few hours. And what’s important is not to lie or sit. Thus, in addition to stretching your shoes, you will greatly soften them.

How to stretch shoes at home, method number 2

The most primitive way, which is surely known even to children. You need to carry shoes with a wet toe. Only woolen socks are suitable for this, as they are thick.

They need to be wetted in warm water and put on your foot, after putting on the shoes you want to stretch, and walk like this for several hours. The result will not keep you waiting; the more acquired pair will not rub your feet.

How to stretch shoes at home, method number 3

This method can only be used on leather shoes. The essence of this method is to pour boiling water over a couple. Next, it is necessary to drain the water, and as soon as the shoes have cooled, they must be put on and worn until they are completely dry. It is better not to experiment with other materials, as they simply cannot withstand this stress. In the best case, they will be stained, in the worst, they will be unusable.

More options

There is also a special extension for shoes, which you can buy in the shoe store or in special departments of the supermarket. Most often, it is available in the form of a spray or foam. But in this case, you need a special stretcher that looks like a wooden leg.

In general, you need to put the purchased product on the shoes and put it on the stretcher, or in extreme cases, carry it yourself. You can also use wet newsprint, which is pushed firmly inward and left to dry completely. Another option: take a towel soaked in hot water, wrap a pair of shoes in it and leave it for a while.

If you bought a pair of shoes while walking began to cause inconvenience, you do not need to panic and rush to the store to return the purchase. Use the methods described above, and you can carry your purchase without problems. But remember that if the shoes are made of artificial materials, it is better not to use methods that use boiling water or any other aggressive liquid.


The shape of the legs is not the same for people. Experts say that even with the same person, the left leg is slightly different from the right. Therefore, there is no block on which it will be possible to make a shoe pair that ideally sits on each person’s foot.

In this regard, almost every one of us from time to time is faced with the fact that new shoes or boots press and shake, causing serious inconvenience.

Constant fatigue, corns and corns accompany the toe of an uncomfortable pair of shoes. However, is it worth it to endure pain and discomfort if the shoes can be stretched? Professional and folk methods will help you with this.

The easiest and most reliable way to give the shoe pair the most comfortable shape is to stretch it in the shoe atelier.

Many workshops today have equipment that allows you to stretch the shoes wide in the foot or in the boot, including locally, which is required if a person has bulging sections on the foot. Moreover, even an uncomfortable climb can be adjusted.

The only thing that will not be taken up in the workshop is the stretching of the shoes in length, since in this case the size is determined by fastening seams. You can only increase the width of the shoes or stretch the backdrop.

The master for stretching shoes uses special equipment, including a set of pads that are adjustable in width with screws and that can be attached to them with small nozzles that simulate bulges in a particular section of the foot. For this reason, the result lives up to expectations, and the shoes themselves do not deteriorate, even if made of thin leather.

If for any reason you do not have the opportunity to return the shoes to correct its size to the workshop, then you can try to make it more comfortable on your own.

So, via the Internet, you can order pads similar to those used in workshops, and purchase sprays or foams from the shoe store that are specifically designed to fit shoes on the foot.

  • BAMA (Germany).

The spray can be used to stretch any materials, including synthetic ones. A 75 ml bottle costs around 500 rubles.

  • Oke is a stretcher for shoes of the French brand SAPFIR.

Gives elasticity to all types of skin, makes them soft, thereby facilitating the posting of shoes and fitting it on the foot. The price depends on the volume of the bottle. A 150-milliliter will cost more, since it costs more than a 50-milliliter just one and a half times. This is approximately 650 rubles.

  • Stretch from COLLONIL (Germany).

The aerosol is designed to stretch leather shoes. The manufacturer promises the absence of such negative ones at 550 rubles.

  • Shoe Stretch from SOLITAIRE (Germany).

A 50 ml bottle costs from 450 rubles. Only suitable for genuine leather products. It acts softly, so it does not spoil even model shoes.

  • Stretch NIKI LINE (Germany).

Quality goods at a relatively low price - 450 rubles per 100 ml. Suitable for any type of skin, after its application there are no spots and stains. True, it is not always available in the domestic trading network.


The spray softens the skin, supports its ability to stretch under the influence of heat coming from the foot. Available in the form of a spray. A 75 ml bottle costs about 600 rubles.

  • Duke Stretch (Germany).

Foam is suitable for stretching ordinary leather shoes, as well as suede and patent leather. The bottle contains instructions on how to use the product in each case, so as not to spoil the shoes or boots. For a bottle with a capacity of 100 ml will have to give relatively little - about 400 rubles.

  • SHOE STRETCH SALAMANDER Professional (Germany).

One of the cheapest stretching agents in the domestic shoe market: a 125-ml bottle costs no more than 400 rubles, you can even find it cheaper. With its help, you can easily stretch shoe products from any kind of leather.

  • TARRSGO Shoe Stretch (Spain).

Suitable for different types of skin, but when stretching patent leather shoes requires special precautions, the use of additional funds to soften the varnish layer. It is cheaper than other imported stretchers: an aerosol bottle with a capacity of 100 ml can be purchased for 250-300 rubles.

  • COMPLEX COMFORT SALTON Professional (Russia).

The manufacturer warns of the risk of discoloration of the skin, damage to the varnish coating. However, the price of the product is attractive: 250 rubles for a 100-ml bottle.

  • Foam stretcher TWIST Fashion (Russia).

Not suitable for varnished products, for other types of leather it can be used without risk of damaging shoes. The cheapest stretcher: a bottle of 100 ml costs about 230 rubles.

When using any tool from the list, it is not necessary to use a special block. They are designed not only for stretching, but also for softer and more comfortable posting of tight shoes.

Folk methods of stretching shoes at home

If you do not want to spend money on the purchase of special professional tools or the services of a master in a shoe atelier, you can try to stretch the shoes at home using folk remedies that have been tested by more than one generation.

Frozen water

All that is needed is tight bags, water and a working freezer. Pour water into bags without filling them completely. Then they should be tightly tied so that the water does not spill out. After that, bags of water are put into the shoes, take their shape. It remains to put the shoe pair overnight in the freezer.

Ice takes up more space than water, and it will put pressure on the shoes from the inside. After taking out the shoes from the freezer, you should wait until the ice has thawed slightly, and then remove the bags.

For fragile shoes made of thin leather, this method should not be used - ice can break it. Lacquered slippers crack from frost, so this method is definitely not for them.

Socks will help increase the width of the shoe

There are two options for wearing shoes with socks. One of them is called the army, because it is quite painful and suitable only for those who are strong in spirit: he offers to shoe boots or shoes on wet socks until the shoes are carried.

The second method is more gentle, but also harsh. He suggests wearing tight-pressed woolen socks at home. But the shoes when worn suffers minimally, and the chances that she sits exactly on the foot are quite high.

Hot Way: Hair Dryer

Uncomfortable shoes are worn on toes, bent them strongly in the sole and blown with hot air from the hair dryer, after which it is recommended to walk a bit without taking off your shoes. If necessary, the procedure is repeated many times, increasing the thickness of the socks.

Skin oils

Castor oil and petroleum jelly act in much the same way as professional stretchers - soften the skin. If they lubricate the shoes from the inside (or even outside, if the material allows it to be done), and then try to distribute it - the result will be obvious.

Instead of castor oil, you can use any other, although it is believed that it softens the skin better than others. But not everyone likes the smell of castor oil, this should also be taken into account.

Alcohol and vinegar to increase size

Processing the boots from the inside with cologne often gives the same effect as using professional aerosols. You can also apply alcohol to a cotton pad and moisten problem areas.

Vinegar should also be applied locally and more carefully, as it is a more aggressive agent. You can achieve even greater results if you wear shoes on socks moistened with alcohol.


They rub precisely those areas where shoes press most. If you do this every time before shod uncomfortable shoes, the result is not long in coming.

Boiling water

Leather and a number of other materials soften and become elastic under the influence of high temperatures. In order for the shoes to sit exactly on the foot, fill it with boiling water, wait 5-10 minutes, pour boiling water, put on a pair of boiled water and put your feet in cold water.

If you do without contrasting “bathtubs”, the shoes can stretch too much.

Potatoes to help

First, pick up a potato, the length of which corresponds to the width of your foot in the place where the shoes are narrow, or slightly exceeds it. Peel the potatoes and put them in shoes instead of spacers. By morning, the shoes should be much freer in the right place.

Newspapers will save you from a tight pair

Crumpled newspapers are moistened with water and stuffed with shoes as tightly as possible. Leave for the night. In the morning, newspapers should be removed, remove excess moisture and try on shoes. If it is stretched too little, the procedure should be damaged. For model shoes, this method is not suitable, since its main negative side effect is that the shoes are slightly deformed.


This method is called cowboy, because, according to legend, cowboys used it to stretch their boots. In order to stretch the shoes in this way, you should pour grain into it, and then pour water on it. Over night, the grains swell and stretch the skin. For non-leather products, the method is considered ineffective.

Each method has supporters and opponents. Considering that folk remedies for stretching shoes are more than economical, you can try several options if the first of the selected methods did not help to achieve the intended goal.

It must be understood that shoes made of artificial leather and fabric are almost impossible to stretch, since these materials do not have sufficient elasticity. It will not be possible to stretch the shoes even in length, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to adjust the width more than half the size at home.

How to stretch patent, suede, rubber shoes: an individual approach

The choice of the method of stretching shoes at home should depend on the material from which the shoe pair is made.

  • Model shoes at home can only be worn.

It is permissible to do this with socks, alcohol or petroleum jelly, which will facilitate the process. It’s even better to use professional sprays to fit shoes on the foot or give stretch shoes to the shoe workshop.

  • Patent shoes also require a gentle approach.

Even if you use professional stretch marks, treat the varnish with emollients to prevent it from cracking.

It’s usually difficult to carry varnished shoes; you should not rely on the fact that without the help of a wizard you can increase their size by more than a millimeter. Yes, and the shoemaker is unlikely to take up work if patent leather shoes are very narrow for you.

If it is possible to exchange or return to the store a new varnished shoe pair that does not fit your size, it is better to stay with this option.

  • Shoes made of velor, suede and nubuck will be easy to carry.

This material, like skin, stretches well when exposed to heat. The main thing is not to apply oils, alcohol and other stretching agents on top, so as not to spoil the appearance of the shoe. The methods of wearing and stretching associated with the use of water are also better not to apply.

  • Shoes made of kazakham and other artificial materials “under the skin” are amenable to correction worse than genuine leather, as they do not have such elasticity.

For leg fitting, use fairly rigid mechanical stretching methods using wet newspapers, ice, hot water, warm air. You can try processing the material in problem areas with alcohol or laundry soap, as well as professional tools for stretching leather shoes.

  • Sports shoes are often deliberately acquired a little smaller than comfortable.

It is assumed that it quickly spreads and sits on the leg, and if you get it loose, then it can begin to hang out, creating inconvenience. However, in reality it often turns out that sneakers could not be carried. In this case, the shoes have to stretch. The choice of method will depend on whether you have leather sports shoes or not.

In the first case, you can try to stretch it with the help of alcohol, petroleum jelly or castor oil, special professional means, carry it, shoeing on thick socks and blowing it with hot air.

If sports shoes are made of artificial materials, then you can try to influence them mechanically: with ice, potatoes, newspapers soaked with water, swollen cereals.

Keep in mind that athletic shoes can be made from synthetic materials that are not stretchable at all. So it’s still better to immediately buy her a suitable size.

  • Rubber shoes, if it is made of rubber, cannot be stretched: it will take its original shape.

However, today rubber boots are often made of PVC, which softens already at 70 degrees. Such "rubber" boots can be easily stretched with boiling water.

Choosing the right way to stretch the shoes, you not only increase the chances of a successful completion of the operation, but also reduce the risk of shortening the life of a shoe pair by improper actions.

If you choose shoes by size, the question of how to stretch them will not arise before you. However, from cases when new shoes presses, squeezes, sits badly on the foot and is uncomfortable, no one is safe. Fortunately, there are many methods to stretch shoes. The most reliable are professional methods, but not everyone can use them.

At home, stretching shoes is also possible, although you should not set out to increase it by more than half the size. Of great importance is the choice of means and method of stretching a shoe pair. If you make the right choice, the shoes will become more comfortable and will not be spoiled.

How to stretch shoes at home? Stretch shoes is necessary for each of us.

This happens due to the non-conformity of shoe sizes in different countries and the standards applied in these countries or continents. In a word, increasing the size of your shoes is often necessary.

But how to do this, using improvised means or special devices? Follow the suggested tips.

The material decides a lot when choosing a method of stretching shoes to a larger,   from which this shoe is made. For example, you can not apply thermal methods of exposure to natural skin.

That is, if you have shoes or shoes made of this material, then you can’t do manipulations of this kind with them, that is, heat or cool them, especially by doing so abruptly. But there are other methods that we will discuss in more detail later.

First of all, in order to stretch the shoes to the desired state, you need buy special pads in a shoe workshop. These pads have a shape and appearance that resembles the appearance of your foot, so they are especially suitable for stretching shoes.

The main thing is to choose the pads exactly your size and suitable for the anatomical features of your foot. For greater certainty, you can make them to order by measuring the specific dimensions of your feet.

When measuring, two points should be taken into account - they should be carried out when the leg has already gained in volume due to constant tension during the working day, that is, it is slightly swollen.

The second important factor is a reminder that the human feet are not the same. The right one differs from the left in overall dimensions and appearance.

If ordering an individual shoe is materially difficult for you, you can use handy tools to stretch your shoes. In particular, do the following:

1. Wet shoes inside fifty percent alcohol and water   and then, wearing cotton socks, try to divert it.

2. You can also moisten the shoes from the outside with the same solution using a spray bottle, and then place inside any materials that have a fabric base or newspapers. This is done tightly in order to maintain the shape of the shoe.

3. If you have castor oil or any vegetable oil at home, you can also use it to stretch your shoes. It is enough just to lubricate the inner surface of your slippers with these means - this will soften them and make them more flexible.

4. You can use the most common   boiling water. Just pour hot it inside the shoe and after some cooling, put it on your foot and walk around.

5. Inside the shoe, you can leave a cotton fabric dipped in   castor oile. It is clear that the amount of fabric should provide a dense filling of the internal space of the shoe.

6. Inside the shoes need to be doused with a three percent solution   vinegar, which will also soften her.

7. If we are not talking about the natural materials from which the shoes are made, then it is perfect for stretching them   wet paper,   which stuff shoes inside and leave to dry completely.

8. By the way, in this case, drying shoes is necessary exclusively in the natural environment. That is, it is not necessary to give in to its influence of heat sources, such as radiator batteries or other "heaters" or the rays of the sun.

9. Many people use paraffin, which candles are rich in for stretching shoes. It is necessary to drip it inward and leave it overnight. After that, in the morning you can moisten places that seem uncomfortable with castor oil. But first, of course, you need to remove the paraffin itself.

10. Some "craftsmen" use kerosene to stretch their shoes, which "polish" the effect of water on the shoes. But you need to understand that this can affect the smell that your shoes emit later.

11. Stretching shoes with frost is also a common method in the case of non-natural shoe materials. You need to fill the plastic bags with water, close them tightly and fill the interior of the shoe. Putting all this in the freezer, we get a tensile effect due to the fact that the ice during freezing increases in volume.

12. It is undesirable to use this method in the case of genuine leather or other natural materials, as this is fraught with damage to the appearance of products for walking.

13. The opposite in essence, but no less effective way to stretch shoes, is considered to be the effect of a source of targeted heat. For instance, a hairdryer can be used.

14. In the case of using this method for leather products, you need to bend the leg in the fingers as much as possible, bending them under you. At the same time, a hairdryer will act on the bend, which will gradually heat the surface. Continue stretching in this way until you can tolerate the heat on your legs.

15. To improve the effect obtained in this way, you can   lubricate shoes with a special tool - a stretcher.

Leave in this position for the night, as a result of which the shoes will stretch due to the increase in wet grain in volume. In the morning, it is worth removing all the remaining grain and thoroughly rinsing the inside of the shoe, then immediately wear it on your foot.

17. Those people who have their own household can be advised to use potatoes to stretch their shoes. In this case, you need to choose the right size for your shoe and peel it beforehand.

18. Returning to the stretchers, which can be ordered in the shoe workshop, it is worth noting that it is best to use made from cedar or maple.

19. In the shoe workshops, by the way, there are also special devices with which shoe makers stretch your shoes. True, in this case, contact an experienced specialist who will be able to choose the necessary load, which will prevent the possible damage to your property.

20. In order to make the shoes stretch better, you can lubricate problem areas while wearing vaseline on the front side.

21. Also, for faster shoe stretching, a solution of cologne, alcohol and water in the same proportion is used.

Good luck applying the advice you received in practice!