Eight cool ideas for those who don’t yet know where and how to celebrate the New Year. Where to go for New Year in Russia? Where is the best place to spend the New Year?

They say that waiting is tedious and exciting. Especially when you are looking forward to the approach of the kindest holiday of the year - New Year. But if thoughts are clouded by a lack of funds, the approach of any event becomes torture. Leave the gloomy thoughts behind. After all, it is quite possible to celebrate the New Year inexpensively.

Where to celebrate the New Year cheaply: choosing a direction

After all, it is often a pretentious gala banquet in a prestigious restaurant in New Year's Eve turns out to be a boring dinner with rote toasts that you just want to escape from.

And a party with friends in the hostel on New Year's Eve leaves an indelible impression. Agree, good mood and the impressions do not depend at all on the high cost of the interior and the variety of snacks.

But everyone perceives the question of where to spend the New Year inexpensively in their own way, depending on the goals of the celebration and financial capabilities. Someone just wants to save money on a holiday and chooses where to relax for the New Year inexpensively abroad or on exotic islands. And you can find an unlimited number of such offers on the Internet.

But some people really have a limited budget, every penny counts, and the question of where to celebrate the New Year inexpensively is critical.

Don’t give up on the holiday because of a complete lack of finances or a limited budget.

Therefore, we suggest considering where to spend the New Year on a budget without any investment or with minimal spending.

Where to celebrate the New Year on a budget: the most low-budget ideas

Many, after celebrating the New Year in the warmth of a rich table, go to the city square to continue the celebration.

We suggest not to wait, but to dress warmly and go outside before midnight. Believe me, there will be plenty of people who want to celebrate the New Year in the open air. And the gathering place is designated - the city square.

You don't have to stock up on snacks and champagne. Moreover, it is better not to drink alcohol in the cold.

It will be enough to take a thermos with coffee or hot tea with you. Here you can find new friends and like-minded people.

Accept congratulations and congratulate strangers yourself. Folk festivals, dances, songs, fireworks - what else is needed for happy holiday.

If you don’t like noisy companies, choose uncrowded places. In the city there are any Beautiful places, where crowds do not gather on New Year's Eve.

For privacy, the shore of a lake or river, or a gazebo in a snow-covered park are suitable. To visit such places you don’t need money at all. What to take with you is up to you.

Even a few tangerines, chocolate and mulled wine will create a festive atmosphere.

But you can skip snacks altogether. Spend time playing snowballs, sliding down slides, throwing snowballs. Children will especially like this idea.

Family New Year in the nearest park will be remembered for a long time. Is there a park or forest nearby? Just go out into the yard. Even if there are no like-minded people here at midnight, immediately after the chimes there will be a lot of people wanting to have fun in the open air.

Where to celebrate the New Year on a budget and in an unusual way?

Do city New Year's festivities seem boring and ordinary? Are you looking for options where to celebrate the New Year inexpensively but unusually?

Climb to the roof of a multi-story building. Throwing a party on the roof is not a new idea, but few people decide to celebrate the New Year this way. But it’s so interesting to watch the festive city from above, when the whole world is right at your feet on New Year’s Eve.

Just don't forget about the safety rules. And you shouldn't climb onto the roof with small children.

It would be a good idea to take blankets and warm mulled wine in a thermos with you.

Or go underground, where you can spend the New Year cheaply right in a subway car. Right at midnight, those who are in a hurry and those who are late find themselves here.

And they will be happy to join your idea of ​​congratulating strangers on their holiday. unusual place. All costs for such a holiday will consist of the cost of tokens, champagne and disposable cups.

Where to inexpensively celebrate New Year with friends

The easiest way to organize an inexpensive holiday is to set the table by sharing. This prototype of a “student” style is popular not only among youth groups, but also among married couples.

Divide the costs of purchasing groceries and fireworks among all participants of the holiday.

You will have to first draw up, draw up a script and calculate the cost of everything necessary for the holiday. You can distribute not only monetary costs, but also responsibilities.

Let someone take charge of preparing and conducting the holiday program, another is responsible for decorating the tree and the room, and several people prepare the year and.

Another option for sharing costs is to invite everyone to bring something tasty or.

A youth group, for which the question of where to celebrate the New Year cheaply is more critical, can rent an apartment. But it’s better to find a suitable room and make an advance payment in advance.

Or go outdoors with the whole group. More expensive options - rent country house or a cottage, relax in a boarding house. But it’s better to just find a house in the village that is rented out by local residents, or a hunting lodge. It’s even better if someone in the company has their own country house.

Where to celebrate the New Year cheap and fun?

We suggest going to a small New Year's trip. But not by foreign countries, but by guests.

Put on a Santa Claus or Snow Maiden costume and go visit your family, acquaintances, and friends.

Believe me, on New Year's Eve any doors will open for you.

And for the funny and good congratulations and they will pour you a glass of champagne and feed you salad.

Just don’t forget that you came to visit to congratulate and cheer up the owners of the house, and not to eat to your heart’s content. In order not to look like an uninvited guest, do not stay long, but head to the next point of your New Year's trip.

Where and how to cheaply relax for the New Year?

It’s better to look for options where you can relax inexpensively on New Year’s Eve either long before the holiday, or in the last days of the year.

In the first case, you can save on the cost of the flight, the trip itself, by booking or prepaying.

Moreover, tour operators offer to break down payment for a vacation into several stages, which will not be so expensive for the family budget.

When buying trips at the last minute, you can find interesting options for “last minute trips” that allow you to relax on New Year’s Eve in interesting places for mere pennies.

But keep in mind that there is always a risk of not buying a ticket at all. Therefore, think about alternative options for where to relax on a budget for the New Year.

You can also save on paperwork for your trip. It is better to choose countries where a visa is not required or go on a tour of your home country.

If your priority is not celebrating the New Year abroad, but relaxing during the New Year holidays, choose tours with arrivals and departures that do not coincide with the celebration dates. Such trips will be much cheaper.

For lovers of European shopping, it is better to go on a trip in early January - this is when sales begin.

Plan your expenses, choose budget and interesting offers. Lack of money or a limited budget is not a reason to refuse to celebrate the New Year. You can always find options for an inexpensive holiday for the New Year that you will like.

Video: where to have a cheap holiday for the New Year without a visa

We invite you to get acquainted with the options for inexpensive holidays in the video.

Celebrating the New Year at home with your family can be a great opportunity to strengthen family bonds, have fun and engage in New Year together with loved ones. If you plan ahead for fun, food, drinks, games and entertainment, you'll have a great time.


Part 1

Drinks and food

    Prepare home-cooked meals. Considering that food delivery costs go up around New Year's Eve (as do other products around the holidays), it's a great idea to splurge a little and cook a family dinner. Choose dishes that will appeal to all family members and that you can’t afford every day - steak, barbecue or seafood. Such a family dinner can turn into a New Year's tradition.

    Make fun appetizers and desserts. Try making cookies, butterscotch, or other desserts that the whole family can enjoy during New Year's Eve. You can also add to the New Year's spirit and prepare special New Year's desserts. Many cultures have their own New Year's desserts, such as Vasilopita, a Greek New Year's cake in which a coin is hidden in the dough when baked. It is believed that the person who gets a piece of the coin will have good luck in the coming year.

    Prepare holiday drinks and mocktails. All children love hot cocoa, soft drinks and fruit juice. You can also make other smoothies with strawberries and kiwis, cranberries or peppermint. Be sure to use champagne glasses and other “grown-up” plastic utensils so the kids can celebrate with you. For adults, you can make cocktails or stick to classic version with champagne.

    Watch movies. Play movies you already have in your collection, or find new ones you've been wanting to watch for a long time. Make movies just one of many entertainment options or watch them non-stop. During movies, you can eat snacks and drink drinks that you all prepared together.

    Create a New Year's corner for photography. Organize a place in the room where you can take photos. Choose a wall or corner that can be used as a backdrop and decorate with ready-made or homemade ones. holiday decorations. You can also print some of the fancy dress parts to create your own photo props.

    Wear sophisticated outfits. Invite all family members to wear best clothes to feel like participants in the New Year's ball. You can turn on the music, dance and take pictures in irresistible costumes.

    Make timekeeping bags. Place a variety of goodies and sweets in small bags, opening one bag every hour until midnight. The number of bags depends on what time you start opening them. You can put the following in them:

    Make your own Christmas decorations. Use thick paper, thread and decorative embellishments to make party hats. Also try making homemade New Year's rattles by placing them in plastic bottles rice, confetti and glitter. Cover them with a lid and shake them loudly to noisily welcome the arrival of the New Year. Can also be mounted under the ceiling air balloons and release them when the clock strikes midnight:

Part 3

New Year's Eve

    Remember the past year and make plans for the coming year. Around midnight or any other time, gather together and remember what happened last year to each of you individually and to the whole family. After that, try to formulate plans for next year. You can create a plan for the whole family to hold each other accountable to.

    Celebrate the New Year in a different time zone. If there are small children in the family, it will be difficult for them to stay awake until midnight. Try celebrating the New Year in a different time zone. For example, depending on your country of residence, you can celebrate the New Year with the French or Japanese. Thanks to this, young children will be able to celebrate the New Year with you and go to bed earlier.

    Sing, toast and celebrate. At midnight, everyone should have a glass in their hands to toast, hug and wish each other a Happy New Year. After midnight you can sing your favorite New Year's songs. This is when you should use your homemade rattles and bang on the pots.

  • Avoid parties you don't want to go to and don't take on unnecessary responsibilities. It is better to leave more time for yourself and your loved ones.
  • If you decide to order food, then take care of it in advance, as the same thought will occur to many people!
  • Don't forget about those who are a little bored new Year's Eve in the family. Teenagers and young adults tend to feel that by staying home for New Year's, they miss out on all the fun. You can ask them about the pleasant moments of the past year and expectations for the next 12 months. This conversation will help you get closer.
  • Some people prefer to watch the time on TV with the sound off so everyone can see the hands on the clock. You can also use the radio.
  • You don't have to stay awake until midnight. Surely some family members won't want to party all night! If you're tired and want to go to bed earlier, that's completely normal. In the morning it will be the same New Year, the meeting of which can be shifted a little.
  • You can go outside and have fireworks if it is allowed in your locality. Remember that fireworks can only be set off by adults, and even they should remember to be safe!


  • If you spend the entire evening regretting that you stayed with your family and could have had a much more fun time, then it will be difficult for you to feel the moment and appreciate its importance. It will be much easier and more fun for you if you treat it as just another great way celebrate New Year. Think about what you managed to avoid - long waits for a taxi, drunken quarrels, crazy crowds of people who strive to hug everyone in honor of the New Year!
  • Drink alcohol in moderation.
  • Be mindful of your neighbors when you play music. Even on New Year's Day, people have small children and sick relatives.

If you haven't made plans for New Year's Eve yet, welcome to the collection of the most incredible ideas. Here you will find how unusual it is to celebrate the New Year 2017, the symbol of which is the Fire Rooster. This holiday rightfully deserves increased attention and requires careful preparation. If you show more courage, activity, freedom of thought and creativity, you can get a lot of unforgettable impressions and memories!

How to celebrate New Year alone

There are such sad cases when on such a special night a person is left without company. Although some people are happy with this arrangement. If this happened to you, but you don’t want to get bored on such a brilliant holiday, use the following ideas.

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Become the Snow Maiden or Father Frost

Don't sit at home! As soon as the evening of December 31st comes, dress up in the outfit of good old Father Frost (or Snow Maiden) and go outside. What is there to do? If you lack communication, go to the square, the park, or any other place where people usually gather to count the last seconds of the passing year.

Congratulate those celebrating, give them gifts (inexpensive, of course, if you are not a very wealthy person). These can be the simplest but sweetest cards. self made with congratulations and wishes. And people will be pleased, and you will not be bored. Perhaps you will find new friends!

The Snow Maiden will not be left alone

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Find yourself a partner

The scenario can be left the same, with only one change: Santa Claus must find himself a Snow Maiden (or vice versa). This is easy to do by posting an invitation in advance on any social network on the Internet. Write about how you would like to celebrate this New Year by wandering the streets as fairy tale character and give people smiles. Surely, you will find like-minded people. Perhaps even a whole company will gather.

Don’t worry, if you can’t find suitable costumes, use scrap materials, cotton wool, Christmas tree tinsel, paper. Even in half an hour you can create New Year's image to cheerfully celebrate the Year of the Rooster.

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New Year's Eve together

Usually plans for the New Year together are made quite traditionally: a romantic dinner at home or in a restaurant. But such traditions can and should be broken. The main thing is to come up with something fun and unforgettable.

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Build a house for the Rooster - the symbol of the year

Many people believe that the most interesting celebrations New Year's Eve remained in their childhood. And sometimes you really want to go back to the carefree past. Any couple with such nostalgic sentiments can occupy themselves on the eve of the year of the rooster by building a house for a chicken family. That is, a chicken coop.

To do this, prepare a children's construction set or some available materials (it all depends on your imagination!). When the “cottage” is built, you can put toy chickens there or take toys that grow in water - it will be even more interesting.

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A little more childhood - drawing competition

Romantic dinner- to the side. The real battle for first place in the drawing competition begins. Buy more colored pencils, markers, paints and paper. The topics can be very different, for example, “Plans for the New Year 2017”, “Planet of Roosters” or “Rooster Comics”.

The main thing is not the quality of the drawing, but its semantic content: it should be funny! The winner gets a prize, beautiful frame and a place of honor for the masterpiece above the bed in the bedroom, for the whole next year. It’s better to make the frames yourself, decorating them with glitter and New Year’s paraphernalia.

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On the theme of art - festive body art

You can stock up on body paints and spend the whole night creating unique designs on each other’s bodies. The game will turn out to be quite intimate, and is very suitable for young couples who want to spend New Year's Eve fun and romantic. Be sure to take a photo as a keepsake for your family (or future family) album.

Don't forget that next year is ruled by the Fire Rooster, so choose bright colors. If you arrange a “tattoo parlor” before the chimes, you will be able to celebrate the first minutes of the new year in all its glory!

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New Year's Eve in company

It would be too boring to celebrate the Year of the Rooster in the company of friends with a traditional glass of champagne and a piece of cake in front of the TV screen. This is how millions of other people will celebrate it. But this is not for you. Stock up on energy and an uncontrollably cheerful mood to go on the most unforgettable winter night of your life.

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Organize a New Year's flash mob

Agree with your friends to organize a flash mob in the city. This can be done using a special website or social network. Come up with tasks for the participants together. For example, the gathered people will need to crow 12 times during the chime and shine multi-colored lanterns into the sky - if there is snowfall, they will learn very beautifully (a strange task, but the goal of the flash mob is to surprise passers-by).

After the action, friends gather at a common table and share their impressions. Perhaps your company will be replenished with new acquaintances.

Flash mob on the city square

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A fun quest for a small company

In the room where your friends will gather to celebrate the New Year, arrange one or several rooms in which notes with tasks and various items for completing them will be hidden.

For example, the main task of the quest is to find a hen companion for the rooster king of the holiday. Naturally, the rooster (toy) should be in the most visible place, and his lost girlfriend should be somewhere in a secluded place, for example, in a safe, then the participants will need to find the key to it. Hints and tasks can be placed wherever and however you want (only in compliance with safety precautions - first of all).

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Chick beauty contest

Celebrating the New Year in such an unusual way will not be difficult if the company has several active girls(the bigger, the better). They must prepare, dress in a “chicken” style, brightly, magnificently, using feathers, improvised combs and earrings. To improve your mood, you can use competitions for the best dance, the best story on the topic “I am a chicken” (this word on such a night is in no way offensive!).

More more fun competition It will pass if guys decide to take part in it! Be sure to prepare small prizes. Playful and edible ones will do.

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Chicken themed masquerade ball

Classics of the genre. Such balls are quite popular when it comes to celebrating the New Year. Bright suits, hiding the real faces of the guests, sometimes making them completely unrecognizable. Therefore, finding out who exactly is the hen with whom you danced all night can sometimes be a really difficult task. It all depends on the skill of organizing the ball.

Naturally, you will have to prepare for such a masquerade in advance; you must notify all the guests and obtain their consent to the unusual party, leaving them time to prepare.

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New Year's Eve on the street

It doesn’t matter whether you live in the private sector or in a high-rise building (the main thing is not on a desert island!). Neighbors are everywhere, and you can throw a party for everyone. Put christmas tree right on the street, and if you have conifers growing along the road, try to decorate them.

As soon as it gets dark on the evening of December 31, dress warmly and go out to celebrate, invite your neighbors - surely many will agree to spend the first night of 2017 in a cheerful, soulful company. Children will especially like this option (unless, of course, they are put to bed). And if there is also a lot of snow, a fun time outside is clearly guaranteed!

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Come up with and act out a New Year's fairy tale

Celebrating on the street is also suitable for this option - there will be more spectators. Although you can show the performance at home, in family circle or for friends. You need to try hard on the script - it should be as cheerful and perky as possible. Prepare scenery and costumes, conduct rehearsals.

Thus, you are provided with exciting preparations for the holiday for at least a week, or even a month - everything will depend on the scale of your ideas. The memories will last even longer - even after ten years, such an unusual New Year's Eve will bring a smile.

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New Year in a makeshift chicken coop

New Year 2017 eastern calendar This is the year of the Fire Rooster. Why not invite the most important guest to the holiday? The scenario is as follows. The room should be decorated in the style of a chicken coop. You can place nest-baskets with decorated eggs (for example, under Faberge). Multi-colored chickens sit in baskets, on the backs of chairs, on cornices, on door handles; they are easy to make yourself from available materials (cardboard, felt, corrugated paper) or buy something similar in a store.

The rooster is a symbol of the coming year

The most important and difficult task is to choose a rooster. Yes, yes, a live rooster! So that he behaves quietly and does not spoil the holiday, take your choice seriously. The bird can be ordinary or purebred, but it must have a calm disposition; you should find out about this from the owners in advance. Before the holiday, the rooster should be prepared: wash its paws, put on a diaper for birds (such, for example, are sold for large parrots) - this will be cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing.

At a holiday, it is important to feed an important guest well with pre-prepared grain in order to appease the host of the coming year. You can hold competitions with his participation, for example, the winner is the one who is the first bird to approach and accept food from his hands.

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A little bit of madness - a pillow fight

To improve your mood at a New Year's party, it is very useful to do something unusual. Shouldn't we have a pillow fight? To make this event completely in keeping with the holiday theme, you need to take feather pillows, then by the end of the battle the room can be provided with a “chicken landscape” from bedding torn to shreds.

It’s just important to take care in advance that none of the participants in the “riots” suffer from an allergy to down and feathers, otherwise the holiday risks being ruined. If everything is in order, you can even organize a competition for the most intact pillow left after such a massive fight.

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Fire show for the New Year

Symbol of next year - Fire Rooster. Surely, you will appease him if you bring a little fire to the holiday. Of course, you don’t need to burn the Christmas tree, just order a fire show, they are very popular now. You will pleasantly surprise your guests and enjoy the sparkling fire show yourself.

You can come up with a presentation script yourself (with the advice of professionals, of course). The scale of the spectacle will depend on your imagination, the skill of the artists, and, of course, the cost of the show. But if the performance is of high quality, this New Year's Eve will be remembered forever.

If suitable ideas You still haven’t thought about an unusual New Year’s Eve meeting, you can ask professionals in this matter, animators, for help in organizing the holiday. It doesn't have to be traditional grandfather frost and Snow Maiden, fairy-tale heroes, characters from films and simply perky “hens” and “roosters” will make the party really fun.

How can you celebrate the New Year 2020 in Moscow? Which hotel and restaurant is better to choose? What to do with children? We also provide prices for accommodation, a festive banquet and tours to the capital.

In anticipation of the New Year, Moscow, shining with illumination, is transformed beyond recognition - you can feel the holiday approaching quickly. There are Christmas markets, the largest of which is organized at Manezhnaya Square. Ski slopes are laid in the parks, skating rinks are filled and ice towns are built, and concerts and theatrical performances are also held there. And, of course, the main decoration of the capital is the Christmas tree on Red Square. This is where thousands of Muscovites and guests of the capital flock on a festive night.

How to celebrate New Year 2020 in Moscow?

Each holiday is celebrated with colorful fireworks, which can be seen not only on Red Square, but also in many parks of the capital. Folk festivities pass on Poklonnaya Hill, in Gorky Park, at VDNKh and other places. On New Year's Eve, transport runs until 3 am, then there is a short break, and by 5 am most people have already left.

The most crowded celebrations take place on Red Square. Thousands of Muscovites and tourists come to meet their beloved folk holiday near the main Christmas tree of the country. The New Year 2020 program in Moscow is traditional: while the chimes and fireworks are going off, people make wishes, congratulate each other and admire the laser show. There is a fair and an ice skating rink.

If the weather does not allow you to celebrate the holiday outside, you can book a table in one of the restaurants or nightclubs in Moscow. The most popular are panoramic restaurants, which offer magnificent views of the city at night, incendiary retro parties and non-stop discos. The most romantic natures will be able to go to a small night cruise on the Moscow River and celebrate the New Year 2020 on board the ship.

During the day you can go to a park, attend one of the many holiday events or go on an excursion. In the parks you can go ice skating, skiing, snowmobiling and even take a dip in the ice hole. After January 1, it will be possible to visit the capital’s museums and historical estates, some of which will be open to visitors for free. The New Year holidays can be dedicated to...

Popular excursions in Moscow

Throughout the holidays there are performances, ice and music shows. Theatrical performances for children are held on Pushkinskaya Square and Tverskoy Boulevard: children compete in curling and ice hockey, learn artistic painting on icicles, and participate in competitions and prize lotteries. How else to celebrate the New Year 2020 in Moscow with children? You can go to the Christmas tree or show - you can get acquainted with the list of performances (you can also buy tickets there).

(Photo © katya_alagich / flickr.com / License CC BY 2.0)

Weather in Moscow for New Year - 2020

At the end of December, Moscow usually experiences a classic Russian winter with snow and slight frosts: −3...−5°C during the day, down to −10°C at night. Occasionally there are thaws, and then instead of snow there is a light drizzle, but for walks it is worth dressing warmly.

Prices on New Year's holidays

Celebrating the New Year 2020 in Moscow will be expensive if you don’t take care of booking a hotel and a table in a restaurant in advance. A day's stay in inexpensive hotels in Moscow during the New Year holidays costs from 3 to 15 thousand rubles for two, in a hostel - 400-600 rubles. for one. Festive night in a restaurant from 3 thousand rubles and above, on board a ship from 13 thousand. possible in fast food establishments, cafes or canteens in the capital, the average bill will be 500 rubles.

Entrance tickets to the skating rink from 300 rubles, ice shows - 400-600 rubles, to a nightclub - from 2 to 10 thousand rubles. Skate rental costs 150-300 rubles.

(Photo © -5Nap- / flickr.com / License CC BY 2.0)

Which hotels in Moscow are best to celebrate New Year 2020?

Most guests of the capital prefer to celebrate the New Year in a good hotel in Moscow. The range of hotels is wide: from low-budget hostels to five-star hotels located in the very center of the capital. Usually for a period New Year's holidays Hotels offer special rates for accommodation, and in most of them, New Year's celebrations are not limited to an ordinary banquet.

For example, the famous hotel traditionally hosts a New Year's grand ball with the participation of professional dancers and musicians. The New Year's Eve at the National Hotel takes place in rooms overlooking the Kremlin and Tverskaya, live music plays, artists perform, and after midnight a disco begins. Accommodation in hotels of this level will cost from 15 thousand rubles per day for two, and tickets for the holiday start from 25 thousand.

The Izmailovo hotel complex has received good reviews, offering comfortable accommodation for only 3 thousand rubles per day for two. So, the hotel in this Gamma-Delta complex offers a buffet dinner for the New Year 2020 and holiday program with fun competitions and giveaways. The cost of the banquet is from 7 thousand rubles.

For tourists who want to celebrate the New Year 2020 on the main square of Moscow, the Kitay-Gorod hotel is perfect. During the holidays, you can rent a room for two from 4.5 thousand rubles per night, get a delicious breakfast and a discount on spa services. Red Square can be reached in 10-15 minutes.

Prices for tours to Moscow for the New Year 2020

The price is indicated for two people and is valid at the time of publication of the article.

If you don’t want to waste time and effort organizing a holiday in Moscow for the New Year, we recommend purchasing a tour. Tours to Moscow from St. Petersburg for New Year's dates cost from 15 thousand rubles for two with accommodation in a 3* hotel (5 nights, without meals). Prices for tours to a 4* hotel - from 22 thousand, 5* - from 45 thousand rubles.

Tours from the regions are, of course, more expensive - for example, prices for tours from Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg are approximately 1.5-2 times higher. Before the New Year, prices jump, so it’s better to start choosing a tour in advance. You can purchase a trip online through the services and - this is where we find the most interesting offers from tour operators. If you don't know how to use them, read our detailed guide.

(Photo © lonesome:cycler / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

New Year's Eve 2020 in a Moscow restaurant

Attention: We will update information about New Year's programs in restaurants when it becomes known.

Restaurant Il Canto on Izmailovskoe Highway offers a festive show program with live music and show ballet, karaoke and disco. A ticket costs from 2.5 thousand rubles. Celebrating the New Year 2020 in Moscow will cost relatively inexpensively for restaurant visitors Tutta La Vita on Bolshaya Ordynka, which entertains guests with costume parties. Entrance ticket - from 3.5 thousand rubles.

An elite restaurant offers an original way to celebrate the New Year 2020 in Moscow. "Gusyatnikoff": luxurious interiors of a historical estate, dinner from the chef and the ceremonial removal of a bowl of Olivier. Guests will be entertained by cabaret theater artists. Ticket prices range from 15 to 27 thousand rubles.

The most vivid impressions will be received by those who are generous with the expensive offers of pretentious panoramic restaurants in Moscow. This Sky Lounge, Sixty, White Rabbit, "Clouds" and others. Luxurious furnishings, excellent cuisine, breathtaking views of Moscow and a music program with the participation of stars. Pretentious and very expensive: a New Year's banquet in such an establishment will cost from 30 to 50 thousand rubles per person.

(Photo © ermakov / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

It's time to think about how to make the most of your winter holidays

Photo: Sean Gallup / Staff / Pacific Press / Contributor / Kaveh Kazemi / Contributor / Andia / Contributor / Giorgio Cosulich / Contributor / Bloomberg / Contributor / Johannes Simon / Stringer / JTB Photo / Contributor / Wolfgang Kaehler / Contributor / Anadolu Agency / Contributo / gettyimages. com

It would seem that before New Year holidays plenty of time. In fact, autumn will fly by quickly, and very soon the most pressing question will be “Where to spend the holidays?” For those who prefer to plan their vacation in advance, we have collected the best holiday destinations for every taste and budget.

Up to 15 thousand rubles

Berlin, Germany

A gala ball in a medieval castle or non-stop bar-hopping, international folk festivals or a Michelin-starred dinner - in Berlin it is possible to combine several New Year's scenarios at once. Regardless of how you ultimately decide to spend your holiday, improvising in the German capital is possible and necessary. The same with the menu: baked carp, an endless variety of meat snacks, aromatic cheeses, as well as beer, punch, punch and a little champagne at the stroke of midnight - Berlin can be called the intersection of a wide variety of gastronomic tastes.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Berlin during the New Year holidays is from 14.3 thousand rubles.

2.2 thousand rubles. per night


If you want to celebrate the New Year in compliance with the main traditions, but in new scenery, go to Warsaw. In addition to the usual fun in the main square of the city and volleys of fireworks, a European fair, hot spicy wine and the Polish festive “pernik” will be added. A couple of hours before midnight, join the company of locals and tourists on Palace Square. Toss a couple of zlotys to the street musicians and take a seat closer to the tree, and when the clock strikes 12 times, try to shout “Szczęśliwego nowego roku” as loudly as possible. On the first day of the year, conquer a couple of slopes or go on excursions around Wroclaw and Krakow. In the latter, do not miss the opportunity to visit the restaurant of the Copernicus Hotel.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Warsaw during the New Year holidays is from 14 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel is from 1.3 thousand rubles.per night

Tbilisi, Georgia

To Tbilisi for festive mood One type of lace facades, carefully decorated with Soviet garlands, is enough. And the aromas of satsivi and khachapuri will finally drive away pre-New Year fatigue. You can spend the main night as your heart desires - if you are not afraid of the thunder of firecrackers and love reckless fun, go with the Tiflis youth to Rustaveli Avenue. And if you prefer to celebrate at the table, then choose any restaurant you like. True, the feast will only be formal at first - Georgians love and know how to have fun. You definitely can’t get away with one night in Tbilisi: feasting on spicy dishes, making long toasts and dancing is customary here from December 31 to January 2. So, if you have the strength to do so, you will be able to explore the treasures of Georgia only from the 3rd. Another day can be spent on thoughtful relaxation with a visit to the famous sulfur baths of Abanotubani.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Tbilisi during the New Year holidays is from 15 thousand rubles.

per night

Petrozavodsk, Russia

Karelia is an unobvious and very wintry destination for those who prefer to receive congratulations in their native language. Celebrate the holiday the way they did a couple of centuries ago on Kizhi Island or go for a walk around Petrozavodsk itself. Warm up in cozy restaurants and try hearty sweet pies, without which they cannot imagine the New Year in Karelia. On the first day of 2018, you can stroll along the embankment of Lake Onega, and if you come with children, then check out a couple of fabulous museums. For example, to the “Doll House” or the maritime museum of the “Polar Odyssey” club. The holiday program should also include a husky-drawn sleigh ride through the northern forests and a visit to Pakkaina, younger brother Santa Claus.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Petrozavodsk during the New Year holidays is from 8.2 thousand rubles.

per night

Almaty, Kazakhstan

It’s best to watch how the old capital of Kazakhstan opens up to the sound of the chimes from the top of Kok-Tyube. You can book a table at a local restaurant, or you can grab champagne and snacks and celebrate midnight under the starry sky. However, downstairs, in the center of Almaty, you won’t get bored either: there are parties in spacious bars, and young people dancing right on the street who are having fun for several more days. If you prefer to spend your holidays in a more relaxed mode, go skiing in Shymbulak or ice skating at the world's largest high-mountain skating rink, Medeu. And don’t forget to take time and admire the Big Almaty Lake - one of the most stunning man-made attractions in the country.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Almaty during the New Year holidays is from 9.3 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel is from 1 thousand rubles.per night

Up to 30 thousand rubles

Rome, Italy

In Rome, it is not customary to celebrate the New Year with volleys of fireworks and folk festivities. This is a bohemian party in Trastevere, prosecco and conversations with charming Italians. The main thing here is not to stay in one place for a long time. Accept compliments from friendly interlocutors with gratitude and do not count the establishments you go to. In the morning, take a walk along the Tiber embankment, flooded with the warm light of old lanterns. On January 1, not a single establishment will be open, and this day can be devoted to walking around the half-empty city, getting acquainted with architectural monuments and just relaxing. Starting from the second day of the year, you can safely immerse yourself in the cultural program. Don’t ignore advertisements for concerts and performances - in Rome they can be either very expensive or free, but they will definitely decorate the rest of your vacation.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Rome during the New Year holidays is from 17.3 thousand rubles.

Cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel - from 2.1 thousand rubles. per night

Tel Aviv, Israel

Tel Aviv is the city where you can both hide from the New Year and celebrate it the loudest. Folk festivities there is no party here on the streets on a festive night, but at the same time life is in full swing in bars and clubs, where noisy parties and colorful performances are held. In this regard, Tel Aviv offers a very wide choice - from an expensive dinner at the Azrieli Tower to dancing on the beach. By the way, the water in the sea will be warm enough to swim in the morning.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Tel Aviv during the New Year holidays is from 16.7 thousand rubles.

Cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel - from 2.6 thousand rubles. per night

Salzburg, Austria

New Year's Eve in Salzburg is a classic winter holiday. Shimmering braids of garlands, clusters Christmas decorations and pine wreaths have been decorating the city since the beginning of December, and in any of its alleys you can feel like you are in a medieval Austrian fairy tale. Domplatz and Residenzplatz squares host some of the best holiday markets in Europe. And it’s not only about the antique jewelry, fragrant pretzels and sweet mulled wine, but also about the feeling of privacy that appears among the high mountains. On New Year's Eve, buy sparklers in one of the fair houses and celebrate midnight with the city residents to the ringing of the Salzburg bells cathedral. Two next days there will be more than enough to go around the length and breadth of the historical center of the city, and after that you can go to one of the ski resorts nearby.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Salzburg during the New Year holidays is from 22.2 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel is from 4.3 thousand rubles.per night

Casablanca, Morocco

The center of nightlife in the city is the Corniche. This is where you should look for a suitable venue for a celebration and meet travelers from all over the world. Behind New Year's gifts go to the Habbous quarter - here you can find bright granny slippers, famous Moroccan lanterns, and colorful mountains of fragrant spices. Stroll the streets of the Medina, explore the Hassan Mosque, and then explore the capital Rabat and imperial Meknes.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Casablanca during the New Year holidays is from 21.7 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel is from 1.4 thousand rubles.per night

Athens, Greece

What’s unusual about a New Year’s trip to Athens is that in the Greek capital the holiday is called St. Basil’s Day. It differs from our usual holiday mainly in that the main character here is not Father Frost or Santa, but actually Saint Basil. Head to Syntagma Square and join the crowded Sirtaki round dance under colorful fireworks. When midnight comes, break a large pomegranate against a stone wall for luck, and in the morning hurry to the nearest bakery to try a lush vasilopita. If you're lucky, a good-natured neighbor will treat you to a traditional New Year's pie - in this case, chew the dessert more carefully: the Greeks like to put a coin in the dough (also for good luck).

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Athens during the New Year holidays is from 21.2 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel is from 1.7 thousand rubles.per night

Up to 50 thousand rubles.

Hong Kong, China

Hong Kong's New Year's fireworks display is one of the most spectacular in the world, so arrive early to Golden Bauhinia Square for the best seats. And if you don’t want to push other crowds of tourists with your elbows, then move to the embankment of the Tsim Sha Tsai district to watch performances of the Cantonese Opera, stroll along the local Walk of Fame and try the whole variety of Hong Kong street food. It is worth returning here in the following days - every day at 8 pm the famous “Symphony of Lights”, the largest permanent light show, takes place on the embankment.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Hong Kong during the New Year holidays is from 40.9 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel is from 2.6 thousand rubles.per night

Reykjavik, Iceland

Local residents believe: the louder you celebrate the holiday, the happier it will be. There is really a lot of noise here: music and songs do not subside until the morning. Every New Year, the main city square becomes the epicenter of general fun: a large bonfire is lit here, which acts both as a Christmas tree and as a powerful heater. After a few hours, the fireworks will stop, but the sky will not darken, but will only become more beautiful thanks to the magnificent northern lights - a sight that is worth the long journey to Reykjavik.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Reykjavik during the New Year holidays is from 29.1 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel is from 4.7 thousand rubles.per night

New York, USA

The city that never sleeps begins to prepare for winter holidays in about two months and by the end of December it is transformed beyond recognition, sparkling and shimmering with millions of light bulbs and garlands. If you don't want to crowd Times Square, head to the skating rink in Central Park or Gotham Hall (for those with children). However, it will be enough to just stroll along the noisy avenues.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to New York during the New Year holidays is from 34.1 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel is from 4.6 thousand rubles.per night

Goa, India

Early January marks the season for the perfect beach holiday in South Asia. Although the smallest state of India is a very popular destination at any time of the year, and this is more than deserved. For a noisy party, move to Anjuna - here they celebrate the New Year right on the seashore. After getting some sleep, on the first day of the year, rent a scooter and go on a New Year’s trip to the beautiful beaches nearby. Don't forget to check out the local historic flea market, Fleamarket, for gifts - look for tye-dye clothing and weird handmade souvenirs, and don't be shy about haggling!

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Goa during the New Year holidays is from 46.8 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel is from 5.2 thousand rubles.per night


On New Year's Eve, the Burj Khalifa tower becomes the epicenter of the fireworks display, which makes the entire city roar with celebration. If you don't want to crowd the square in front of the skyscraper, make reservations at nearby restaurants or buy a ticket to a party on a ship - both will need to be planned in advance. And for those who don’t want to spend a lot, there is always a free beach in the Jumeirah area. Stock up on food and drinks and get here early to grab a seat. good places. If all this is too trivial, then think about the New Year's camel safari. Afterwards, you can go on holiday shopping, which will delight you with big discounts.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Dubai during the New Year holidays is from 22.8 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel is from 3.5 thousand rubles.per night

The material was prepared in collaboration with the travel service Momondo and Irina Ryabovol, official representativeMomondo in Russia