Interesting scenarios for celebrating the day of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Theatrical Scenario of the Pushkin Ball at the Lyceum. Alexander Pushkin in

8th grade students are initiated into lyceum students


First student
Second student

School music is playing.
Leading. Hello, dear friends!
Today at our school big celebration- Lyceum student's day!
And on this significant day, we are pleased to welcome its respected creators, its dear inhabitants, its always welcome guests within the walls of this beautiful temple of science.

But first of all, we extend greetings to you, students of physics and mathematics 8 “A” and humanitarian 8 “B”.
You, dear children, are now studying in unusual classes. When you entered here, you passed exams, and then within a month and a half you proved your right to study in a special program. And today a truly solemn day has come for you - the Day of Initiation into Lyceum Students!

A.S. Pushkin wrote about his lyceum years: “At the beginning of my life, I remember school...”. And how can we forget her, if here he spent six extraordinary years, here his poetic talent developed, here, at the Lyceum, he found great friendship, learned the joy of his first creative successes. The first Pushkin graduation was remembered by descendants as talented people, and the opening day of the lyceum - October 19 - became for many a day of trust, sincerity and understanding.

And we are so pleased now, having forgotten about the worries of our hectic life, to exclaim: “Happy holiday to you! Happy Open Hearts Day! Happy Lyceum Student’s Day!”

A choir of high school girls performs a song to the tune of “Moskau” by the group Genghis Khan

School. The summer ball is over.
Everyone knew about it
And I was ready.
School. Will greet you with a forest of hands,
Sound through the corridors
Our steps.
School. to say everything about you
Now my eyes can

Catch up if anyone is behind!


School, school is our life!


School! You were expecting us.
The cherished hour has struck to open the door.
School! Will stand shoulder to shoulder
Graduation and newbie and back on the road!

And back to class, like going into battle, and so on, year after year,
The cycle of events, life's round dance.
Again, there are too many worries and great things to do.
Catch up if anyone is behind!

School, school - everything that school values,
All the classrooms and floors are sparkling clean!
School, school is our life!
Stick through the school year, don’t live in vain!

School, school is our life!
Stick through the school year, then we’ll finish drinking!
School, school - everything else doesn’t count,
The countdown begins on the first of September!

First student.
Home school! You're not just a building
You are like home to us.
Early in the morning every day for a date
We are preparing carefully with you!

Forever young and beautiful,
You are waiting for your friends and children.
You don't grow old year after year,
You become more and more loved
To your people!

Our school is a temple of science,
Home of comfort, bright light,
Kind teacher hands,
And our cheerful, cheerful call!

Leading. The floor is given to the director of our school

Director's speech.

Leading. Dear friends! Despite the serious transformations that have taken place in our lives, history takes us back to the distant past, to the days of the birth of the holiday. Let's remember how it was. Decree of the Empress on the establishment of a lyceum!

Fanfare sounds. Empress Elizabeth comes out.

Elizabeth. By this decree, My Imperial Majesty deigned to order the opening of an educational institution of a special type in order to teach children literacy and science.
This institution will henceforth be called a lyceum, for it was created on the example of the old and glorious traditions of ancient Greek educational institutions, called lyceums. From now on and forever, the lyceum is an educational institution designed to:
Enrich the minds of lyceum students with knowledge;
To illuminate souls with the bright fire of love for the Fatherland;
So that the learned youths bring the light of knowledge to all corners of Great Rus';
So that the power of the Fatherland multiplies and strengthens, supported by learned people who have comprehended science.

According to the set of rules for lyceum students, I order:
To comprehend great sciences with diligence and hard work;
Study without sparing your belly, absorbing all the wisdom of world knowledge;
Learn and increase the glory of the lyceum;
So that the learned youths, who have comprehended the sciences, are no worse than those overseas;
Maintain your honor and dignity - behave decently, do not use foul language, do not paint yourself;
Forget about love affairs until you comprehend the Lyceum sciences!
Anyone who disobeys and does not fulfill this parting instruction will be beaten mercilessly! Don't feed! To heal and teach through righteous labor - to sweep away the market square!
I entrust the execution of the decree to your mentors. May God bless you, gentlemen!
For this, Empress Elizabeth!

The empress leaves to the sound of fanfare.

Second student.
A truly wonderful holiday has arrived,
Which we have been waiting for a long time.
Today is lyceum students' day,
And we gathered in this hall.

Smiles bloomed all around
And the autumn day became warmer,
The circle of friends has become wider
In our area is Tyoply Stan.

So let it come soon -
A holiday for your soul,
And let them be together today
Both adults and kids!

Leading. Dear friends! Our concert program opened by students in grades 3-4.

We have a holiday today,
Today is lyceum students' day,
And there are a lot of people in the hall
Teachers, guests.

We've just started
Your long school journey,
But we're not scared at all -
Not at all, not at all!

Oh, what lyceum students we have!
Is it possible not to love them?
Your sorrows and worries
We are used to sharing with them!

Today on this holiday
We cannot remain silent about you!
You are our comrades,
Our older friends!

We wish you creative success,
We wish you good health,
From all primary school you
Happy Lyceum Student Day!
Pupils of grades 3-4 perform the school anthem.

Leading. Attention school! The solemn moment comes.
Class 8 “A” presents its business card. Meet us!

Musical screensaver - 8th "A" grade goes out.

Look at us now!
We are your new lyceum class!

All guys are strong like Schwarzeneggers
The girls are all beautiful, stately...
They’re not very famous at school yet...
Only because everyone is modest!

Like the sword of Themis, they are fair,
Like ants, hardworking,
And most importantly, like a computer, they are smart -
That's who we are in a nutshell.

And we love you very, very much
Exact sciences!

Our younger generation
Nowadays he chooses only knowledge.
If things suddenly become difficult for us along the way,
We will do our best!
All roads are now open to us,
And someday in the 9th or 10th
They will say about us: “There are gods in science,”
They will say: “Well done to our guys!”

They perform a song to the tune of “What They Teach at School”

1. Write essays,
Foreign study,
Mathematics and physics, of course,
Multiply, divide, decline – 2 times
And learn the culture -
We will complete our tasks diligently.

And write reactions,
And distinguish acids,
Fantasize, play on the school stage,
And love history - 2 times
And be educated
Teach us, teach us quickly!


2. Choose a path on the map,
To distinguish the stars in the sky,
Sing, make friends, solve problems and examples,
Run, jump, don’t get bored – 2 times
And get straight A's -
We are lyceum students of a new, new era!

Let the bell ring
Inviting you to a lesson.
We love studying at our school!
I really want it now
Hurry up to class
And Andryushenki, and Lenochka, and Olya.

Leading. Now the students of the 8th “B” humanities class will present their business card to us! Please go on stage!

Musical screensaver

We ask on this day and hour
Reward our efforts.
We really want to come in
To the sparkling temple of knowledge!

Here we want to comprehend not only science,
To start learning about professions.
Here is beautiful, kind, eternal
We want to comprehend for ourselves!

And you will see soon
We promise at this hour,
What Dostoevsky or Pushkin
Perhaps they will be among us!

And we promise to love and respect
All our ace teachers,
Never fail in anything
Native school and family of lyceum classes!!!

They perform a song to the tune of “You Got It Cool”

Little children understood this a long time ago:
In our school in class
More interesting than in the movies.
I'm going home cheerful, there's a high score in the diary,
IN best class humanitarian you got it, and I got it.

For the lyceum program
Four years is enough for us,
And when we finish school, university awaits us.
For some reason I fell in love with studying in this class,
Mom told me: “Cool, very cool, you got it!”

Cool, we got everything to you,
This is for us
Every teacher here is a star,
And always

Foreign, physical education, MHC and life safety,
We have already fallen in love with Russian and literature,
Here is the history of Russia, computer science for us,
No matter what you take - all the items are top class!

We will be in class studying at 4 and 5,
We promise not to be lazy and develop our talents.
Play all kinds of sports and perform on stage,
Sing as a soloist or choir, and, of course, dance!

Cool, we got everything to you,
This is for us
Here they will help you find your talent!
Every teacher here is a star,
And always
These stars shine brightly for us!
You are a talent!

Leading. Attention school! The most exciting and solemn moment is coming - initiation into lyceum students!
Pupils of 8 "A" and 8 "B" classes!
Please stand up! Pull yourself up!
Everyone look at me!
Be ready to repeat
Eternal words of oath!

Let there be many different lessons -
They all don't like idle people,
They all dislike laziness.
I will overcome all subjects.
I will pass exams, tests, -
I'm not afraid of this kind of work
And I will be patient.
I swear to this!
- I swear!
I know this path is not easy,
And there are many temptations there.
But don't fool yourself
And study somehow
The lyceum student will be ashamed
Both funny and undignified.
I'm not afraid of difficulties
I swear to this!
- I swear!
Knowledge is the path to my luck,
And it cannot be otherwise.
I firmly decide this!
I say this proudly!
Away doubts and sadness!
I swear to be a lyceum student!
- I swear!!!

Leading. Dear friends! You have taken a solemn oath and from now on you will rightfully bear the title of lyceum student of school No. Whether this title will be high and honorable depends on you. And let the badge of a student of the Lyceum Physics and Mathematics and the Lyceum Humanities class become a symbol of the knowledge of each of you. Badges to the studio!

School music is playing.

Dear Guys! Today, at the very start of the difficult but interesting journey of mastering a complex school curriculum, we would like to wish you with all our hearts perseverance, patience and hard work.
Let no barriers of the first difficulties, which are sure to arise, upset you and force you to leave the race. And if you have perseverance in your character and your will is strong, then you will definitely reach your goal.
And your reward will be the deep knowledge you gain.

But knowledge is not only valued here. They are also evaluated by strict but fair teachers, for whom today’s holiday is a new start. We sincerely congratulate you, dear teachers, and wish you endurance and patience, vigor and strength, Have a good mood, diligent and inquisitive students. On behalf of the teaching staff, we congratulate you, our senior, highly experienced lyceum students, and wish you, with your head held high, to complete this difficult, but very interesting path of apprenticeship at your favorite school!

Our celebration today is coming to an end. Lyceum student's day - wonderful holiday in the new academic year. And this holiday is not the last. But much more everyday life awaits us. So let each of these everyday life become a real holiday for you, and let each day be the Day of Knowledge. And in memory of our meeting today, a song is performed by a choir of high school girls!

The final song to the tune of “Go west” gr. Pet Shop Boys. Performed by high school girls.

Loss – 2 times

Suddenly the summer heat died down,
And again the lyceum class is waiting,
Excitingly, like the last battle,
The teacher will meet you and me.

Today there is a sea of ​​kind eyes,
Today everything is for us and you,
Today is the joy of new meetings,
Today he is ready to entertain.

October - the bell rang,
October is a golden leaf,
October has made you dizzy
Today October has come to us.

Read thousands of wise books,
Find yourself a clean spring,
Count the stars in the darkness of heaven,
Come to us, you will find everything here.
There are many different schools in the world,
Believe me, I found mine
We don't waste words,
Believe me and you are ready to learn!

October - the bell rang,
October is a golden leaf,
October has made you dizzy
Today October has arrived!

October - the bell rang,
October is a golden leaf,
October has made you dizzy
Today October has come to us

Osipova G.Yu., teacher high school No. 865 Moscow

In contact with

1. The student performs an excerpt from a poem by A.S. Pushkin “October 19” 1825

My friends, our union is wonderful!
He, like the soul, is inseparable and eternal -
Unshakable, free and carefree,
He grew together under the shadow of friendly muses.
Wherever fate throws us
And happiness no matter where it leads,
We are still the same: the whole world is foreign to us;
Our Fatherland is Tsarskoye Selo.

2. Leader's word.

At the beginning of my life I remember school;
There were a lot of us, careless children;
An uneven and playful family...

These poetic lines will be written by the adult, wise A.S. Pushkin, recalling his years of study at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, the school that became his home.

At the beginning of my life I remember school...

Today, October 19, marks 198 years since the opening of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. For everyone who studied with A.S. Pushkin and in subsequent years, this day became one of the main holidays. And the poet spoke about October 19: “Lyceum’s cherished day.”

That’s what we called today’s holiday, which is also doubly a holiday, because October 19 is the opening day of the Pushkin School. And I even think that for all those gathered here, this is a triple celebration, because today students of several classes will rightfully be able to call themselves young Pushkin scholars. After all, today your dedication will take place in a solemn and festive atmosphere.

Fanfare sounds.
On the screen are slides with views of Tsarskoe Selo.

3. Leader's word

The location for the Lyceum was chosen in Tsarskoe Selo, a city of beautiful gardens and parks, not far from the capital, St. Petersburg.

Boys from noble families who passed the exam were admitted to the Lyceum. There are thirty of them - just one class. They are not the same age. The youngest is eleven years old, the oldest is fifteen. They are called “minors”. It's a shame? No! They really have not yet matured into government or military service and therefore must study.

And the best teachers will teach them! Educated and well-read, they were specially prepared to teach in new school! They are not called teachers, but professors or assistant professors. They dream that their students will become honest and noble people and bring benefit and glory to their Fatherland. And they look forward to the start of classes with the same impatience as the boys.

...So we were looking forward to this first big festive meeting with you, young Pushkin scholars, with impatience and excitement. From today you can call yourself students of the Pushkin School. And I think you would be very interested to know what the Pushkin School is and what the children raised here learn...

We will try to answer your questions. So…

4. Slide presentation

(A story about the history of the creation of the Pushkin School, its traditions, holidays, competitions, trips, the communications infrastructure...)

The first Pushkin school in Russia opened on the glorious land of Tula, in the city of chemists, where Pushkin, of course, never visited - a city hundreds of kilometers away from Pushkin museums and from the centers of Pushkin studies. Opened at the “Treasured Day Lyceum” in 1996.

You see a photograph of the teaching staff of the Pushkin School - “mentors who preserve youth.” Some of them have been working at the school since its foundation. We can't help but be proud of our wonderful teaching staff. The best literary scholars of Novomoskovsk and the Novomoskovsk region gathered under the shadow of the Pushkin School.

Our teachers are, first of all, spiritual people, full of creative passion. Capable of teaching and educating Pushkin, “without bothering with strict morality,” without lecturing. Capable, with the help of the “amazing Alexander Sergeevich,” to light a light in the souls of their students.

Our special pride was the library - the best Pushkin library in the Tula region. Today it contains more than four thousand books on Pushkin topics, a rich collection of magazine and newspaper publications about the life and work of A.S. Pushkin.

This collage helps us remember the diverse and amazing events of our history. Many of them took place here, in Pushkin’s living room. This is for example:

  • reading competitions,
  • various living rooms,
  • holiday-competition “Natalie”,
  • Pushkin readings.

In this photo you can see how family readings take place. By the way, parents are frequent guests at our school. It has become a good tradition for parents to perform together with their children.

One of the forms of work of the Pushkin School is excursions. What kind of Pushkin places have our students visited! We are happy that we were able to organize more than sixty trips for students to Pushkin’s places (and this, undoubtedly, is one of the most effective forms of instilling interest in the study of Pushkin!)

We are proud that students of our creative studios - theater, music, expressive reading studios - have performed with great success on the “highest” stages:

  • and in the famous RFK State Hall,
  • and in the Central House of Scientists;
  • and in the Central House of Artists,
  • on the famous poetic meadow (the main Pushkin stage in Russia!),
  • in living rooms, halls, at memorial objects of Pushkin museums in Moscow, Moscow, Pskov, Kaluga regions;
  • performed in the apartment of the descendants of A.S. Pushkin in Moscow - in the family of G.A. Galina,
  • on “People's Radio”.

We hope that the many traditions established over the past years will be supported by you.

5. Leader's word

Today is a special day. And on days like these, you get whatever you want. Oh, how I would like to be in Tsarskoe Selo on October 19, 1811 and see what they were like - lyceum students of Pushkin’s time. Let's listen, maybe we can hear their voices!?

6. A knock on the front door is heard. The voices of young lyceum students are heard from the corridor:

– It’s great that today, on the opening day of the Lyceum, it snowed!
- Ah-ah-ah! – a scream is heard, several cotton snowballs fly into the hall.
- No, you can’t hold off, Kyukhlya!
- Guys, let's catch up with him! Behind me! - They run through the living room to the library.

7. Leader's word

This is how this day, October 19, 1811, ended for the lyceum students of the first Pushkin graduating class. Yes, they became pupils of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, they had to prepare for public service... But let’s not blame them for their pranks, because today, October 19, 1811, they are still just children.

8. The heads of the lyceum students peek out from the library into the living room. Conversation:

- It is a holiday today!
– You feel: the professors are worried, even the director Vasily Fedorovich Malinovsky is worried!
- Friends, carriages are approaching the building. The parents have arrived!
– Look: chairs have already been arranged for the guests.
- Everyone is here?
- No! They are waiting for the king!

On the screen is the Great Hall of the Lyceum.

Lyceum students appear in the living room.
The presenter announces, addressing those present:

– Ladies and gentlemen, His Imperial Majesty Alexander Pavlovich!

Fanfare sounds.
The actor playing Alexander the First enters and takes pride of place.

On the screen are the Lyceum Charter.

9. Leader's word

On the opening day of the Lyceum, lyceum students saw the Charter for the first time - a large red book in an elegant binding. On the cover the letter “A” is the monogram of Emperor Alexander. The Charter contains all the duties of students and their rights. Let's give an example of them:

  • All pupils are equal, like children of the same father or family!
  • It is forbidden for pupils to shout at the servants or scold them, even if they were their serfs!
  • Corporal punishment is prohibited!

(With each new rule, the “lyceum students” whisper and comment on them.)

Pay attention to one of the teachers. How intently he looks at future students. This is Professor Alexander Petrovich Kunitsyn. Years will pass, and Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin will remember his favorite teacher and the solemn moment like this:

Do you remember when the Lyceum appeared,
How the king opened the palace of the Tsaritsyn for us.
And we came. And Kunitsyn met us
Greetings among the royal guests...

Fanfare sounds.

10. Leader's word

– Ladies and gentlemen, Alexander Petrovich Kunitsyn.

11. Kunitsyn comes out and addresses the lyceum students:

I am addressing you, young pets, future pillars of the Fatherland! From the embrace of your parents you now come under the roof of this sacred temple of sciences. Time will pass, and you will have influence for the benefit of the whole society... The paths of honor and glory are open to you. Always remember that there is no higher rank than the high rank of citizen. Love for glory and the Fatherland should always be your only guide!

12. Students perform an excerpt from a poem by A.S. Pushkin “October 19” 1825

Bless, jubilant muse,
Bless: long live the Lyceum!
To the mentors who guarded our youth,
To all honor, both dead and living,
Raising a grateful cup to my lips,
Without remembering evil, we will reward goodness.

13. An excellent student of public education, the founder of the Pushkin School, a teacher awarded a state award - the Pushkin Medal, N.Ya., addresses the young generation of students of the Pushkin School with a parting speech. Borodin.

Fanfare sounds.

14. Leader's word

October 19 became a special day for all lyceum students for the rest of their lives. “Lyceum’s cherished day” - that’s what A.S. called it. Pushkin, and after him his friends. This is what we and those who will live after us call it.

Years will pass, fate will scatter around the world those who studied with Pushkin, but every year on October 19, they, bound by bonds of friendship and lyceum brotherhood, will strive to meet in their narrow circle. Now we will name only six of them...

Scene: the names of the Pushkin lyceum students are heard, each of them approaches the emperor, bowing, and greets him. At the same time, accompanying each name, a brief historical background about the lyceum student is heard.

Ivan Ivanovich Pushchin is one of Pushkin’s closest friends. “My first friend, my priceless friend,” is what Pushkin called Pushchin. Became a judge of the Moscow Court, a Decembrist, sentenced to eternal hard labor. Author of “Notes about Pushkin” - one of the most reliable memoir sources about the young Pushkin.

Anton Antonovich Delvig is a baron, a wonderful poet, one of the three lyceum students who visited Pushkin in Mikhailovsky exile.

Konstantin Karlovich Danzas, a lyceum comrade who became a second in Pushkin’s last duel, rose to the rank of major general.

Wilhelm Karlovich Kuchelbecker is a friend from the Lyceum, to whom Pushkin dedicated the following lines: “my dear brother by muse, by destiny.” A remarkable poet, literary critic, almanac publisher, Decembrist, participant in the uprising on Senate Square, sentenced to 20 years of hard labor.

Volkhovsky Vladimir Dmitrievich - “suvorochka”, the best student of Pushkin’s graduating class, graduated from the Lyceum with a big gold medal, chose a military career, rose to the rank of major general, was involved in the Decembrist case.

– Ladies and gentlemen, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin!

The Emperor leaves.

15. Slide presentation(story - brief information about some graduates of the Pushkin School).

16. A gift from graduates of the Pushkin School to young Pushkin scholars: they perform poems by A.S. Pushkin.

17. Graduates of the Pushkin School present at the celebration give parting words to the young Pushkin scholars.

18. The solemn moment of dedication.

The name of each student in Pushkin's class is read out, the class is built in the center of the living room, and graduates present them with badges.

19. The Anthem of the Pushkin School is being performed.

20. All participants of the holiday are invited to Pushkinsky Square to the monument to the poet.

Poems are sung and flowers are laid.


literary evening,

dedicated to ______ anniversary of the founding

Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum

“Our Fatherland is Tsarskoe Selo...”

Target: help students feel the attractive power of A.S. Pushkin’s personality, the magical magic of his poems and prose, feel the true greatness of the school brotherhood and

spiritual closeness of teachers and students of the first lyceum graduating class.

(M. Glinka’s “Waltz-Fantasy” plays. A slide is shown: a monument to Pushkin the Lyceum student).

1st presenter: Dear ladies and gentlemen! We are pleased to welcome you to the celebration dedicated to the bicentennial anniversary of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum!

2nd presenter: Pushkin Lyceum! Pushkin issue! How many legends, how many myths surround this first issue! Each graduate, although to varying degrees, brought glory to the Lyceum, glory to Russia!

1st presenter: But that’s not the only reason we remember this episode. It is also important for us that Pushkin’s graduation proved to everyone that true school brotherhood is not an invention of teachers and writers, it actually exists and will exist as long as we are young and full of high aspirations and love for the Motherland.

2nd presenter: And each of us today dreams of such friendship, of the same spiritual closeness between teachers and students, of the same school brotherhood.

1st presenter: Maybe not right away, but it was Pushkin who became the central figure of this wonderful union, its singer, its spiritual center. Therefore, today we will take his portrait from the shelf and see him again young and cheerful.

(The same music sounds again. A slide is shown: a portrait of young Pushkin).

3rd presenter: We invite you, our contemporaries, just two hundred years ago, to the first decades of the 19th century. Here we see a fast boy with light brown curls, who, sitting in a carriage next to an important gentleman, his own uncle, is traveling from the second capital to the first.

4th presenter: The carriage leaves Moscow at dawn on a July day in order to arrive in the capital city of St. Petersburg in the evening on the third day. And then another twenty miles to the south, where the boy will see ancient palaces and galleries, marble “ghosts of heroes”, a girl who broke her bronze jug on a stone -

And a decrepit bunch of trees, and a bright valley,

And a familiar picture of the lush shores,

And in a quiet lake, among the shining swells,

A proud village of calm swans...

(The slide is shown again: a monument to Pushkin the Lyceum student).

3rd presenter: But the bronze youth who these days greets guests with his curly head propped up on his hand is not yet sitting on the bench of the small garden. This is the first time a young boy is going there, alive, cheerful, restless...

4th presenter: On October 19, 1811, in Tsarskoe Selo, thirty boys sat down at their desks and became classmates. However, they were called “the first year of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum,” so they could consider themselves both schoolchildren (they were on average twelve years old) and students (because after graduating from the Lyceum they no longer had to study at any other educational institution).

3rd presenter: More than a year ago, on August 12, 1810, Tsar Alexander 1 signed the project drawn up by the all-powerful Mikhail Speransky at that time.

(A slide is shown: a portrait of M. Speransky).

The old people called him a clerk, and he, having established himself in power, issued one decree after another. The first is about court ranks, the second is about civil ranks. People of high society spent their lives in idleness, from the cradle they received the rank of chamber cadet, and with it the rank of fifth class. According to the new decrees, the class of officials had to give up old habits and prepare for exams in natural law and mathematics. Everyone was scared of science. Studying science out of obligation is not a noble thing. The clerk created chaos and turned everything upside down.

(Sounds like “Sentimental Waltz” by Tchaikovsky).

1st presenter: (against the background of music) The minister’s day was over. He took Don Quixote from the shelf and, opening it at random, began to read. The friendship of the fat Pansa with the lean nobleman was the highest poetry he knew. The loneliness has disappeared. After reading for half an hour, he put the book aside and in his smooth, round handwriting wrote on a piece of paper: “About a special lyceum. All states."

2-presenter: Thus a project appeared about the creation of a special, closed educational institution twenty miles from the capital, where a small number of noble children should receive the best education in order to then best participate in the governance and education of Russia.

(The Polonaise by F. Chopin is played. A slide is shown: Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum).

1st reader: On October 19, 1825, the disgraced Pushkin will write his famous poem dedicated to the 14th anniversary of the opening of the Lyceum. It will contain the following lines:

Fuller, fuller! And my heart is on fire,

Drink every drop to the bottom again!

But for whom, oh friends, guess!

Hurray, our king! So let's drink to the king!

He is a man, he is ruled by the moment.

He is a slave to rumors, doubts and passions;

Let us forgive his wrongful persecution...

He took Paris, he founded the Lyceum!

(Slides are shown: portrait of Alexander, charter of the Lyceum).

1st presenter: Speransky drew up the plan for a special educational institution together with Malinovsky, who was to become its director. The new school was to bear the name of the ancient Lyceum - a suburban Athenian portico, where Aristotle taught and educated his students. A new breed of people had to arise in complete separation from their families. Young people were taken from noble families with varying incomes. They formed one society, without any difference in table and clothing, teaching had to be conducted in Russian; in the way of life and mutual treatment it was necessary to achieve complete equality.

3rd presenter: - Will there be corporal punishment?

4th presenter: Malinovsky asked carefully about this.

1st presenter: - No, Vasily Fedorovich.

2nd presenter: This was Speransky’s short answer.

1st presenter: And not for the sake of noble liberties, but because it is humiliating, offensive and will be remembered for the rest of your life.

3rd presenter: However, the main thing remained - the choice of teachers.

(A slide is shown: portrait of A. Kunitsyn).

1st reader: YOU remember: when the Lyceum arose,

How the king opened the palace of Tsaritsyn for us,

And we came, and Kunitsyn met us

Greetings among the royal guests...

(A fragment of A.S. Pushkin’s poem “It was time... our young holiday..." is heard)

3rd presenter: Professor Alexander Petrovich Kunitsyn taught natural law to lyceum students. Being a man of humanistic convictions, sharing educational views on the natural equality of people, Kunitsyn had a great influence on the worldview of his students, instilling in them hatred of despotism and respect for the human person. At the opening of the Lyceum he was asked

will give a speech.

(G. Handel’s “Passacaglia” sounds - first quietly, then louder, increasingly).

2nd reader: (from Kunitsyn’s diary): “On the opening day, carriages began to arrive in the morning. The uniforms truly blinded the eyes. The old empress arrived from Gatchina with the ladies of state and her daughter, the Grand Duchess, and, finally, the sovereign himself with his retinue. After serving a prayer service, the Lyceum was opened. Vasily Fedorovich Malinovsky made his speech. He was pale, stammered, and his voice was inaudible. We read the list of students and so on, and then it was my turn. I began to read my speech with an unpleasant feeling. I read loudly, because I was warned that the sovereign was deaf. Gradually my shyness disappeared. When I attacked the aristocracy, who were only proud of their ancestors, some guests frowned, not hiding their displeasure, but the sovereign, putting his palm to his ear, listened attentively. The next day, Malinovsky congratulated me on the order for my speech.

1st reader: (against the background of music)

Kunitsyn tribute to heart and wine!

He created us, he raised our flame,

They set the cornerstone,

BY THEM a pure lamp was lit...

(A portrait of young Pushkin is shown, the romance “Let’s Raise Our Glasses” is played).

2nd reader: My friends, our union is wonderful!

He, like the soul, is indivisible and eternal -

Unshakable, free and carefree,

He grew together under the shadow of friendly muses.

Wherever fate throws us,

And happiness wherever it leads,

We are still the same: the whole world is foreign to us;

Our Fatherland is Tsarskoye Selo.

1st presenter: Among the first students of the Lyceum, besides Pushkin, were: Korf Volkhovsky, Gorchakov, Yakovlev, Matyushkin, Malinovsky, Illichevsky, Pushchin, Delvig, Kuchelbecker, Danzas, Broglio and others.

3rd reader: Comrades! Today is our holiday,

Cherished deadline! Today there, far away,

To the feast of love, to the sweet supper

You flocked together at the clinking of peaceful bowls.

I, too, strive with my soul for the feast of love,

I see you, I hug you dear ones,

I establish the order of the holiday...

I'm inspired, oh listen friends...

So that thirty places await us again!

Sit down as you sat there,

When places are in the shadow of the holy roof

Difference dictated to us.

Capturing us with a Spartan soul,

Raised by the stern Minerva,

Let Volkhovsky sit down first again,

The last one is me, il Broglio, il Danzas.

4th presenter: Lyceum students loved to play with numbers and places (“first”, “last”) - all their lives they signed letters to each other with lyceum numbers: by room numbers. Pushkin is No. 14, and next to No. 13 is Ivan Pushchin. A light knock on the wall was their conventional sign.

(Slide shown: Rooms of Pushkin and Pushchin).

The friendship that began at the Lyceum lasted a lifetime and was sung in poetry

...The poet's house is disgraced

Oh my Pushchin, you were the first to visit;

You sweetened the sad day of exile,

You turned his lyceum into a day.

Pushchin was the first of his friends to visit Pushkin in Mikhailovskoye.

(A slide is shown: a meeting between Pushkin and Pushchin in Mikhailovsky. Sviridov’s “Pastoral” is played).

2nd presenter: (from notes about Pushkin) “The horse is carried among the snowdrifts, there is no danger... they won’t rush to the side, it’s all forest, and the snow is up to their belly - there’s no need to steer. We gallop up the mountain again, along a winding path; suddenly there was a sharp turn, and it was as if they suddenly burst into the closed gate with the thunder of a bell. There was no strength to stop the horses at the porch, they dragged them past and settled in the snow of the uncleaned yard... I look around... I see Pushkin on the porch barefoot, in only a shirt, with his hands raised up. There is no need to say what was happening in me then.”

3rd presenter: The conversations were frank. We said goodbye long after midnight. “We still clinked glasses, but we drank sadly6 as if we felt that we were drinking together for the last time and drinking into eternal separation... The horses rushed up the mountain. I heard: “Goodbye, friend!” The gate creaked behind me...”

4th presenter: Together with other Decembrists, Pushchin was sentenced to exile to Siberia. On the first day of his arrival in the Chita prison, he received a message from Pushkin, transmitted to him and the wife of the Decembrist Muravyov.

4th reader: My first friend, my priceless friend!

And I blessed fate

When my yard is secluded,

Your bell, covered with sad snow, rang out.

Gives the same consolation

May he illuminate the imprisonment

A ray of lyceum clear days!

(G. Sviridov’s “Waltz” sounds. A slide is shown: Delvig is a lyceum student).

Give me your hand, Delvig, why are you sleeping?

Wake up, sleepy sloth!

You are not sitting under the pulpit,

Put to sleep by Latin.

1st presenter: Pushkin loved Delviga. There was some kind of courage and audacity in Delvig's carelessness and laziness. He studied poorly, his own laziness gave him visible pleasure. Unprecedented, all-conquering and at the same time harmless, simple-minded laziness became the main theme of the Lyceum legends about Delvig. However, let us not forget that we are talking about a poet who, having passed away at the age of 32, left to his descendants about 200 works, not counting translations; published 2 almanacs, collaborated in many magazines and was an active participant in several literary societies.

2nd presenter: Pushkin wrote about Delvig: “The love for poetry awakened in him early. He knew almost by heart the “Collected Russian Poems published by Zhukovsky. He did not part with Derzhavin. Knew Latin and German poets.”

2nd reader: (poem by A. Delvig “To Friends”)

I rarely sang, but have fun, friends!

My soul flowed freely.

O Royal Garden, will I forget you?

I was enlivened by your magical beauty

My naughty fantasy

And the string echoed the string,

It merged into a consonant ringing under my hand, -

3rd presenter: “No one in the world was closer to me than Delvig,” Pushkin admitted, bitterly mourning the untimely death of his friend.

3rd reader: The more often the lyceum celebrates

Your holy anniversary

The more timid the old circle of friends

The family is embarrassed to be together,

The rarer it is; that's our holiday

In its joy it is darker;

The muffled is the ringing of health bowls,

And our songs are even sadder.

Six places that have been abolished are standing,

We will never see six friends again,

They are sleeping scattered -

Who is here, who is there: on the battlefield,

Some are at home, some are strangers in the land,

Who is ill, who is sad

Brought into the darkness of the damp earth,

And we cried over everyone.

And it seems like it’s my turn,

My dear Delvig is calling me,

A living comrade of youth,

Comrade of sad youth,

Companion of young songs,

Feasts and pure thoughts,

There, in the crowd of shadows of relatives,

A genius who has escaped us forever

(G. Sviridov’s “Troika” sounds. A slide is shown: Kuchelbecker-lyceum student).

4th presenter: It turned out that Wilhelm Kuchelbecker, who knew almost no Russian, also writes poetry. Everything about him aroused the desire to tease: his gait, his height, his deafness. He was hardworking, stubborn, vain, touchy. Having poor knowledge of the language, he read and wrote all day long, jumped up at night and wrote in the dark.

4th reader: From infancy the spirit of songs burned in us,

And we experienced wonderful excitement,

From infancy two muses flew to us,

And our destiny was sweet with their caress;

But I already loved applause,

You, proud one, sang for the muses and for the soul;

I spent my gift like life without attention,

You raised your genius in silence.

1st presenter: Wilhelm was loved. But that didn't stop him from laughing at him. And he was ready to kill the offender on the spot - he has a mad temper.

Once Kuchelbecker challenged Pushkin, who loved him dearly but never missed an opportunity to make fun of him, to a duel. Pushkin really didn’t want this stupid duel, but it was impossible to refuse. Delvig was Kuchelbecker's seconds and stood to his left.

When Kuchelbecker began to aim, Pushkin shouted: “Delvig, stand up.”

in my place, it’s safer here1” Kuchelbecker became enraged, his hand trembled, he made a half-turn and pierced the cap on Delvig’s head. “Listen, comrade,” said Pushkin, “without flattery you are worth friendship, without an epigram you are not worth gunpowder,” and threw the pistol.

(Sounds “Romance” by G. Sviridov)

1st reader (against the background of music):

The service of the muses does not tolerate fuss,

The beautiful must be majestic:

But youth advises us slyly,

And noisy dreams make us happy,

Let's come to our senses - but it's too late! And sadly

We look back, seeing no traces there.

Tell me, Wilhelm, was it really just a dream?

Is my brother related by muse, by destiny?

2nd presenter: In December 1825, Wilhelm Kuchelbecker on Senate Square among the Decembrists. Then arrest, prison wanderings, exile.

: FROM Pushkin’s diary: “Yesterday was a wonderful day for me... At the station I had barely begun to read Schiller, when suddenly four troikas with a courier arrived... One of the prisoners looked at me with liveliness. I involuntarily turned to him. We look at each other intently - I recognize Kuchelbecker. We rushed into each other's arms. The gendarmes separated us."

The wake of our youth - and me

I want to celebrate them. Memories!

In the rays of trembling quiet flicker

Resurrect. Present me, friends!

Let my soul contemplate you,

All of you, our Lyceum family!

I was once happy with you, young, -

You remove the fog and cold from your heart.

Whose features are drawn most sharply

Before my eyes? Like the Peruns

Siberian thunderstorms, its golden strings

They rumble: Pushkin, Pushkin! It's you! loved

(The “Romance” of G. Sviridov is played. A slide is shown: Pushkin on the exam).

3rd presenter: At first they called him French, because no one wrote or spoke French like him. He was also called Monkey. Misha Yakovlev said that it is not Pushkin who looks like a monkey, but a monkey who looks like Pushkin. That’s how he portrayed him: jumping lonely around the classroom, gnawing pens in thought, and suddenly, suddenly, seeing the professor at the lectern. He especially succeeded in Pushkin's laughter: sudden, short, jerky and so joyful that everyone laughed.

3rd reader: In those days when in the gardens of the Lyceum

I blossomed serenely

Readily read Apuleius, but did not read Cicero

In those days in the mysterious valleys,

In the spring, when the swan calls,

Near the waters shining in silence,

The muse began to appear to me.

My student cell

Suddenly it dawned on me: the muse is in her

Opened a feast of young ideas,

Sang children's joys,

And the glory of our antiquity,

And trembling dreams of hearts.

4th presenter: Many lyceum students not only wrote poetry, but became recognized poets. However, the first poet was always Pushkin. Pushchin recalls: “At the very beginning, he was our poet.” But…

4th reader: The years of imprisonment flew by,

Not long, dear friends,

We can see shelter of solitude

And Tsarskoye Selo fields.

Separation awaits us at the doorstep,

The distant noise is calling us,

And everyone looks at the road

With the excitement of proud, young thoughts.

(Solemn music sounds).

1st presenter: From Pushkin’s memoirs: “It was in 1815. At a public exam at the Lyceum. When we found out that Derzhavin would be coming to us, we were all excited.” Derzhavin was old. They sat him in a chair where he dozed off. Suddenly a loud voice was heard. And this voice said to him, and to no one else: “Memories in Tsarskoe Selo.”

He suddenly trembled, repeating these words with his drooping, rough, soldier lips, without sound, without voice. He peered at the student, and the student seemed to be looking at him and reading...

You are immortal forever, O Russian giants,

Brought up in battles in the midst of harsh weather!

About you, companions, friends of Catherine,

Word will spread from generation to generation.

Oh, loud age of military disputes,

Witness to the glory of the Russians.

Have you seen how Orlov, Rumyantsev and Suvorov,

Descendants of the formidable Slavs.

Perun Zeus stole the victory;

The world marveled at their brave exploits;

Derzhavin and Petrov rattled a song for the heroes

Strings of thunderous lyres.

2nd presenter: When Alexander finished, only a few looked at him; Most of them were looking at Derzhavin. The old man, bent over, kept straightening up and now, throwing his head back, stood; his face was delighted, tears flowed down his wrinkled cheeks. Suddenly, with unexpected ease, he pushed back his chair and ran out to hug the reader. But Alexander was no longer there. They looked for him, but did not find him. A few months later, Gabriel Romanovich will tell Aksakov, who came to him: “Soon the second Derzhavin will appear to the world: this is Pushkin, who outdid all the writers at the Lyceum.”

3rd Presenter: On October 19, 1811, in Tsarskoye Selo near St. Petersburg, thirty boys sat down at their desks and became classmates. In six years, twenty-nine young men will study and receive certificates. A class is like a class, boys are like boys, from whom poets and ministers, officers and “state criminals”, rural homebodies and restless travelers will emerge. In childhood and adolescence, they read stories and legends about Greek and Roman heroes, but they themselves become legends during their lifetime and soon after death...

It was time: our holiday is young

He shone, made noise and was crowned with roses,

And the clinking of glasses mixed with the songs,

And we sat together in a crowd.

Then, careless ignoramuses at heart,

We all lived easier and bolder,

We drank everything to the health of hope

And youth and all its undertakings.

4th presenter: Is it important when in what century were former classmates young and old? One hundred, two hundred, two thousand years ago? Does it matter whether they have light bulbs or candles in their classroom? Do they cross their country by train, plane or in a carriage, on post horses? OF COURSE, THE DIFFERENCE OF CENTURIES IS NOT INDIFFERENT TO US. But SO MUCH COMMON! Looking at ourselves and our friends as if from the outside, “through another century,” we suddenly notice something that was almost indistinguishable up close... And, rushing into the past, we seem to connect with a long chain our today and theirs far away. And if at the far end of the chain there turns out to be an extraordinary classmate, a young sorcerer, who can control everything - “And the trembling of the sky, and the heavenly flight of angels...” - then it’s very easy for him and his friends to come to us, for that nice boy, that cheerful a classmate easily and simply leads his friends into history, into the present, into the future...

4th reader: Hello, tribe

Young, unfamiliar! Not me

I will see your mighty late age.

When you outgrow my friends

And you will cover the old chapter from

From the eyes of a passerby. But let my grandson

Hears your welcoming noise when

Returning from a friendly conversation,

Full of cheerful and pleasant thoughts,

He will pass you by in the darkness of the night

And he will remember me.

(Background music plays)

Scenario of the festive event

For creating festive atmosphere special school design is required. Its large lobby turns into a “19th century street.” The walls are decorated to resemble the streets of St. Petersburg with their bridges, trees, and benches. “Portraits of that era” by contemporary school artists are hung along the school stairs. Sometimes these are copies of famous portraits of Tropinin and Kiprensky, more often they are independent portraits. (Sometimes you can read a humorous explanation under the portrait: “The work of an unknown artist of the 20th century.”)

Meeting of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club:

Teams of schoolchildren and teachers compete at the meeting.

1. Whose team will be able to quote lines from Pushkin’s poems the longest?

2. Whose team will name the largest number of names of those who studied at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum?

3. Write a letter on a given topic, containing ten words suggested by spectators from the audience.

4. Each team must choose an “artist”. In front of the audience, they will try to draw a portrait of Pushkin, guided by the epithets also suggested by the guys from the audience.

5. It is necessary to depict the famous “scene at the fountain” with facial expressions, without words.

After KVN there is an entertainment fair where competitions, games, fortune telling and, of course, dancing are held.

Competition ideas:

best hairstyle and a dress in the style of the 19th century;

☺ the best compliment;

☺ the most high heel(both female and male persons can participate in the competition. Guys, don’t break your legs!);

☺ the most aesthetic kiss with a pillar;

☺ the cutest curtsy.

To the visual materials it is worth adding those that would give schoolchildren useful knowledge about the history of the Lyceum, about individual graduates, and introduce examples of poetry from Pushkin’s fellow students. It is possible to prepare stands with the characteristics of lyceum students given to them by their contemporaries; this would have an important educational value and would allow today's children to think about their characters. Comic poems, epigrams, witticisms of lyceum students dedicated to each other, and, of course, all the thoughts that they expressed about their educational institution would not be out of place.

We offer you samples of such material.

Characteristics of lyceum students given to them by their contemporaries:

Decembrist poet K. F. Ryleev about Ivan Pushchin: “Whoever loves Pushchin is certainly a rare person himself.”

Director of the Lyceum I. Malinovsky about Anton Delvig: “His games and jokes reveal a certain ironic wit, which, after several satirical poems, made him a favorite of his comrades.”

A. S. Pushkin about Anton Delvig:“Delvig’s death makes me sad. In addition to excellent talent, he had a perfectly formed head and a soul of extraordinary temperament. He was the best of us."

Professor of Geography, General and Russian history Ivan Kaidanov about Fedor Matyushkin:“Very good talents and very diligent. He always listens to lessons with great attention and makes very good progress in everything.”

Director of the Lyceum E. A. Engelhardt about Mikhail Yakovlev: “Talented in everything, especially in rhetoric, facial expressions and music. He really likes to imitate others both in appearance and in scientific pursuits. Here he goes so far that he cannot hide his desire to imitate even from those whom he imitates or imitates... He has a penchant for satire, but incomparably less than Pushkin.”

Poems by A. S. Pushkin and his classmates dedicated to the Lyceum:

Six years flew by like a dream,

In the arms of sweet silence.

And the Fatherland’s calling

It thunders to us: march, sons!

Farewell, brothers! Hand in hand!

Let's hug one last time!

Fate for eternal separation,

Perhaps this is where we are related!

It’s not nice for me for a housewarming:

Here everything withered, there it bloomed;

One thing is my fun -

See Tsarskoe Selo.

A. A. Delvig (1798 – 1831)

Do you remember, my brother in the cup,

Like in a gratifying silence

We drowned our grief

In clean, foamy wine?

How, hiding silently

In our dark corner

They basked lazily with Bacchus,

School guards in the distance?

Do you remember your friends whispering

Around the glasses of punch,

A glass of menacing silence -

Flame of penny pipes?

Boiling, oh, how wonderful

Smoky currents flowed!..

Suddenly a pedant's terrible voice

We heard it in the distance...

And the bottles are instantly broken,

And all the glasses are out the window -

Spilled all over the floor

Punch and light wine.

A. S. Pushkin. Memories (To Pushchin). 1815.

Someday looking at this secret piece of paper,

Once written by me,

Fly away to the Lyceum corner for a while

An all-powerful, sweet dream.

Do you remember the quick minutes of the first days,

Peaceful bondage, six years of union,

Sorrows, joys, dreams of your soul,

The quarrels of friendship and the sweetness of reconciliation, -

What happened and will not happen again...

And with quiet tears of melancholy

Do you remember your first love?

My friend, she passed... but with her first friends

Your union was not concluded by a playful dream;

Before terrible times, before terrible destinies,

Oh, darling, he is eternal!

A. S. Pushkin. To the album Pushchin. 1817

For the last time, in the shadow of solitude,

Our penate listens to my poems.

Lyceum life dear brother,

I share my last moments with you,

The summers of connection have passed;

It is broken, our faithful circle.

Sorry! Protected by the sky

Don't be separated, dear friend,

With freedom and Phoebus!

Find out the love unknown to me,

Love of hopes, delights, rapture:

And your days are the flight of dreams

May they fly by in happy silence!

Sorry! Wherever I am: in the fire of a mortal battle,

Along the peaceful banks of the native stream,

I am faithful to the Holy Brotherhood.

And let (will fate hear my prayers?),

Let everyone be happy, all your friends!

A. S. Pushkin. Parting. 1817

The more often the Lyceum celebrates

Your holy anniversary

The more timid the old circle of friends

The family is embarrassed to be together,

The rarer it is; that's our holiday

In its joy it is darker;

The louder the ringing of health bowls

And our songs are even sadder.

And it seems like it’s my turn,

My dear Delvig is calling me,

A living comrade of youth,

Comrade of sad youth,

Companion of young songs,

Feasts and pure thoughts,

There, in the crowd of shadows of relatives

A genius that has escaped us forever.

A. S. Pushkin.« The more often the Lyceum celebrates... » , 1831

It was time: our holiday is young

He shone, made noise and was crowned with roses,

And the clinking of glasses mixed with the songs,

And we sat together in a crowd.

Then, careless ignoramuses at heart,

We all lived easier and bolder,

We drank everything to the health of hope

And youth, and all its undertakings.

Now it’s not like that: our riotous holiday

With the arrival of years, like us, I went crazy,

He calmed down, calmed down, settled down,

The ringing of his health bowls became muffled;

The speech between us does not flow so playfully,

More spacious, sadder we sit,

And less often laughter is heard among the songs,

And more often we sigh and remain silent.

A. S. Pushkin.« It was time: our holiday is young... » , 1836

“Ah, brother, if only you were as smart as you are stupid, a wiser person than you, brother, could not be found in the whole world.”

Don’t worry, dear Pushchin,

You will be allowed into the guard...

We are zeros, we are zeros,

Ay lyuli, lyuli, lyuli.

“The Empress Mother Maria Feodorovna decided to find out if the food was good. She went up to Kornilov, leaned on his shoulders from behind so that he wouldn’t get up, and asked him: “Karosh soup?” Kornilov, frightened or embarrassed, answered for some reason in French: “Yes, monsieur.” The Empress smiled and moved on, without making any more polite questions, and our Kornilov immediately got into trouble; The nickname Monsieur haunted him for a long time."

I overate at dinner

And Yakov locked the door by mistake -

So it was for me, my friends,

Both Kuchelbecker and sickening.

A. S. Pushkin. Epigram

I'm a young rake

Still at school;

I'm not stupid, I say without hesitation,

And without cutesy antics.

There's never been a chatterbox

Neither the Sorbonne doctor -

More annoying and louder

Than my own person.

My height is the same as the tallest ones

Cannot be equal;

I have fresh color faces, brown hair

And a curly head.

I love the light and its noise

I hate solitude;

I hate quarrels

and bickering,

And partly teaching.

I really like performances and balls,

And to be honest,

I would say that I still love...

If I hadn't been to the Lyceum.

A. S. Pushkin. My portrait. 1814. (Original - French)

Love, friendship and laziness

Sheltered from worries and troubles,

Live under their reliable canopy;

In solitude you are happy: you are a poet.

A. S. Pushkin. Delvig. 1817

Give me your hand, Delvig! what are you sleeping?

Wake up, sleepy sloth!

You are not sitting under the pulpit,

Put to sleep by Latin.

(About Delvig)

Dear wit, hands down!

Have a full glass of leisure!

And pour out a hundred epigrams

For foe and friend.

(About Illichevsky)

And you, who since childhood

You breathe only joy,

Funny, really, you're a poet,

Even if you write fables poorly...

(About Yakovlev)

A. S. Pushkin. Feasting students. 1814

Crossword puzzles, literary quizzes, and puzzles related to the life of the Lyceum and the work of A. S. Pushkin will also help.


1. Read, learn, play: a magazine-collection of scripts for libraries. – 2002, No. 6.

Scenario for the holiday of lyceum students “Lyceum Day”.

My friends, our union is wonderful!

He, like the soul, is inseparable and eternal -

Unwavering, free and carefree

A. S. Pushkin

Teacher : Good afternoon dear friends! Today we have a holiday that is celebrated by lyceum students throughout our vast Motherland - Lyceum Day.

Where do the origins of this holiday come from? What does the word "lyceum" mean?

We will talk about this today. And you will also show off your eloquence by declaring your love for the Lyceum in the competition “Lyceum, you are in my heart!” Introduce the lyceum brand by combining in a drawing the most important things that are inherent in our lyceum life.

1 Presenter:

Everyone would live like in those days -

Everyone would live easily and boldly,

Don't calculate the limit

For fearlessness and love,

And, like the lyceum students,

Gather by the fire

In October, purple-leaved

Nineteenth day

Presenter 1: Today we have Holiday - Day Lyceum!

What does the word "lyceum" mean? "Lyceum" is a type of secondary or higher educational institution. The name comes from a philosophical school. Once upon a time, on the outskirts of Athens, near the temple of Apollo Lyceum, there was a school founded by the great philosopher of the past, Aristotle. It was called the Lyceum or Lyceum. On October 19, 1811, an educational institution under the same name opened in Tsarskoe Selo, near St. Petersburg. And, probably, its creators hoped that the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum would in some way become the successor to the famous school of antiquity.
Presenter 2 . One of the main tasks of lyceum education was to develop the mental abilities of students and teach them to think independently. Its first-born sons brought real glory to the Lyceum. This issue went down in history.

Film about lyceum students

Fifth graders.

Can we have our say?We will not go into the history of the creation of this word, but will explain it from a phonetic point of view. What does it mean"L"?

1 . I believe that L - this is Love! Love for life, for knowledge, for science!

2: I am convinced: And - Intelligence!

3. I think C is purposefulness in life!

4.E – also respect for elders, father, mother, teachers!

5 I is an interest in everything new, intelligence.

6. I know for sure, C – the desire to be first, to be diligent.

7 . I'm sure T is a talent!

Presenter 1.

Guys! I think you will agree with what your fifth-grader friends said and will be worthy of this word. What distinguishes our lyceum, almost 200 years after the creation of the first Russian lyceum? Here are the answers the lyceum students gave during the survey.
Video interview:

Lessons for 30 minutes on holidays

Program and quality of training

The prestige of the lyceum, its reputation

The lessons are interesting, challenging, but the kids are smart


The lyceum is more beautiful than others, it has a good environment

Classes in one shift

The Lyceum hosts many events and Olympiads

Many victories

Lots of traditions

There is a museum in the lyceum


The food here is delicious

Wonderful teaching staff

Heroes of the Soviet Union studied at our lyceum.

When asked what the students achieved within the walls of the lyceum, we received a variety of answers:

took first place in the Olympics

achieved a culture of speech

became more persistent

gained respect

found friends

Favorite school day

Friday and Saturday, because after them comes Sunday - a day off. We also remembered New Year, Lyceum Day, September 1st, holidays and various events.

Least favorite day at school

Monday, because, as you know, Monday is a hard day, and oddly enough, many celebrated Thursday.
My least favorite day is when I have a test.

Favorite place in the Lyceum

your office,

buffet and dining room. computer science room

Labor office,

Assembly Hall,

gym, corridor,

Library, museum,

porch, last desk

Teacher: The current lyceum tradition was founded in the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, which is why the Lyceum Day is celebrated on October 19, the day the Pushkin Lyceum was founded.
Today, on the day of Russian lyceums and gymnasiums, I would like to remember that the created Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum determined civic aspirations as its goal. It is impossible not to note the atmosphere of friendship and camaraderie that was inherent in the Pushkin Lyceum... The working day of the lyceum students of the past was very busy (lessons, clubs, preparing homework, music lessons, drawing and much more), and they also knew how to appreciate their human dignity , respect other people. On our holiday, the day of the lyceum, we realize that we are not in everything like the lyceum students of the past, but we, like them, have a desire to be useful to our homeland, Russia, to serve its people faithfully. And by and large - to correspond to the high title of Citizen of Russia! Because the lyceum will remain in the hearts of each of you. Express in your speech the feelings that you have for our Lyceum No. 9 in Salsk. "Lyceum!" You're in my heart!" Eloquence competition homework. Each person is given no more than one and a half minutes to speak. The jury evaluates the content of the speech and oratory.

The jury sums up the results.

During the summing up, a song is played (to the tune of the song `Nadezhda`)

1.Why did everything freeze around?
Do you hear how quickly the speeches fell silent?
This is the temple of eternal sciences
We dedicate this evening.
The world is beautiful if we are together
We listen, decide and read,
Even if we cram until the morning,
And then we will not be at all discouraged.
The lyceum is ours! You live forever
And you always win hearts,
And again and again you lead,
You open the way to science for us.

2. Nowadays you won’t find schools in the area:
There is a lyceum, and there are already two lyceums!
Young people study and strive
To know everything and forget everything quickly.
Our lyceum is special, we have
The guys are learning what they need to learn!
You enter, as if into a temple, into any of our classrooms -
It is pleasing to the eye and a joy to the soul.
Our lyceum, bloom, prosper!
Well, we will get you glory!
You don’t know either grief or troubles
On a solemn day and on weekdays

Presenter 2: The director of the lyceum has the floor to congratulate and announce the results of the 1st competition.

Director : (Congratulations on the holiday)

I wish your friendship to grow stronger year by year,
And so that you remain faithful to her.
For the commonality of thoughts of the young lyceum people
Pushkin called them a family of friends.

In science the path is not simple and even difficult.
Go ahead, friends! May it inspire you
What are the best people in Russia?
Once upon a time we began to live like you do now!

Teacher: The second competition is the presentation of the Lyceum brand. This is, of course, a continuous and complex process that requires the intellectual investment of all participants in the educational process. In order to represent the brand and protect it, it is necessary to understand the modern requirements for education and deeply analyze the previous activities of the school.

Why does the lyceum need a brand? To gain your worthy place in the eyes of the public, to earn a positive reputation, to be competitive.

A strong lyceum brand should have the following characteristics and indicators:

innovats ion activity school (updating the goal and mission, content of education, choosing effective technologies and changing teaching and educational methods);

Effective organization of the educational process (self-government, cooperation of teachers, students and their parents in achieving the goals and objectives of training, education and development);

joint planning and organization of activities of teacher and student as equal partners;

high level of motivation of participants in the pedagogical process;

the right to choose the content, profile, forms and methods of education for students),efficiency of the educational process (comparison of the compliance of the final results with the planned ones (the degree of education and training of students, their erudition and deep knowledge of any field of science,

Attitude to study, work, nature, social norms and law, attitude towards oneself). So, let's begin introducing the brand and protecting it.

(During the summing up, a song about the lyceum sounds)

Presenter 1: The deputy director for educational affairs has the floor to sum up the results of the competition.

A group of students comes out:

1 . Souls are open to beauty,
Minds are open to knowledge,
So that the truths become beaten,
You have to get through to them first.
2. Biology with physics nearby,
And a linguist is a brother to a musician.
We win at the Olympics,
At least studying is not for the sake of awards.
3.In the world of dance, poetry, song
A whirlwind of wonderful years,
We don’t choose Pepsi at all,
We choose intelligence for life.

4.The doors of the higher school will open,
No matter how many of these doors there are,
The lyceum teaches fully,
And it can make the guys smarter.
5.And, leaving my home overnight,
The graduate will not go astray
Lyceum student high name
It will be carried through life with honor.

Presenter: Word to the head teachers.

1.We congratulate you on today's holiday! We wish you success in your studies and that you achieve a lot in our lyceum! Let our lyceum truly become Pushkin’s “holy brotherhood, a friendly family”2.

God help you, my friends!
And in storms and in everyday grief.
In a foreign land, in a deserted sea,
And in the dark abysses of the earth.

Presenter: Lyceum! To pronounce the oath, lyceum students stand still!

Lyceum students' oath:

The path of knowledge is thorny and difficult,
But wherever I end up,
Lyceum and lyceum student rank
Not to sully, I swear.

In work, in study - everywhere
Everything I can take on
I will do it honestly
And competently - I swear!

Let the years fly by quickly,
I will return to our Lyceum:
It has always been my home
And it will be - I swear!

And if it gets harder -
I'll look back
And into the life of the dream of the lyceum days
I swear I will implement it!!!

Students sing the lyceum anthem.


Thank you everyone for your active participation. All the best to you, friends!