I want a country children's club in the house of the Russian Federation. Country children's club “I'm in the House. Merman and grandmother

The children's club "I'm in the House" was built on Shlisselburg highway, 52, at the confluence of the Izhora River with the Neva, a 10-minute drive from the Ring Road. The total area of ​​the three-level building is 900 sq.m., a plot of about 10 acres is for rent. Essentially it's private kindergarten, designed for 50 children from 2 to 6 years old.

A hired manager was involved in the management - Daniil Petrov, who, together with other partners, launched a dozen kindergartens in St. Petersburg. According to him, the cost of staying in the new club is 50,000 rubles per month for a full day and about 30,000 rubles for a part-time day.

The inside of the house is unusual, where you can move freely from one workshop to another. But there are no doors, instead there are magical (and safe) labyrinths, including a huge tree with a secret passage between the second and first floors. For children there is a media library, a theater hall, creative workshops, a playroom, a “Vodyanoy room” for experiments with water, and a children’s room. culinary studio and much more. All the furniture is made to order: transformable tables in the workshops, shelves for toys, cozy “holes” right in the walls where children can hide and play, as well as individual elements in the amphitheater with a stage with a dressing room. The design project is made in Scandinavian style, environmentally friendly materials are used.

The “I’m in the House” team includes teachers in English language, mathematics, music, choreography, fine arts and ceramics, biology and zoology, as well as masters in carpentry, sewing, cooking and even a director. They plan to periodically invite famous writers, artists and musicians.

There are also seasonal thematic classes in the fresh air: in the fall to collect herbariums, in the winter - to study the properties of snow and ice, in the spring and summer the children themselves will plant plants in the garden and watch their growth in order to harvest their own small harvest in September.

On weekends and holidays there are events for the whole family - with master classes, walks and barbecues. For parents, on the ground floor of “I’m in the House” there is a small cafe where you can drink coffee and use Wi-Fi while waiting for classes to end.

“There are no private kindergartens in our area, and there are not enough places in the city ones. Therefore, I am sure that there will be people interested; we have already recruited a group of 10 children, despite the fact that we have just opened. They purposefully looked for a country location for the project; it is very beautiful - here the Izhora flows into the Neva. You can get to us by car in 40 minutes from anywhere in the city,” says Daniil Petrov.

According to his estimates, the investor expects to recoup his costs in 5-8 years.

On the picturesque bank of the Neva, in the place where the Izhora River flows into it, a country house opened its doors kids club"I'm in the Lodge."

Separate two-story building located 10 minutes drive from the Ring Road on the Shlisselburg Highway. There is a lot of light and space inside, because the main values ​​on which the club’s creators relied were the freedom and comfort of children. The design project was made in the Scandinavian style; exclusively environmentally friendly materials were used during construction, and the interior was designed taking into account the needs of children.

“Grandfather is the editor-in-chief of Yeralash, dad is a famous director, but no one has cast me in a movie.”

You can freely move around the building from one workshop to another; there are no doors, but magical (and, importantly, safe) labyrinths, including a huge tree with a secret passage between the second and first floors. All the furniture in the “Domik” is made to order - transformable tables in the workshops, shelves for toys and elements that are completely unusual for a children’s club - an amphitheater and a stage with a dressing room, as well as cozy “burrows” right in the walls where children can hide and play.

A media library, a theater hall, creative workshops, a games room, a “Vodyanoy room” for experiments with water, a children’s culinary studio and much more. The outdoor playground with a panoramic view of the Neva is reminiscent of sensory playgrounds in Sweden and Finland, with high-quality wooden swings and a gazebo, suitable for interactive games and active interaction with nature.

“I’m in the House” is designed for 50 children, for them there are several programs to choose from: full- and part-time groups, as well as additional classes V evening hours. For each child, the Domik team develops its own routine, taking into account his needs and hobbies. You can choose activities based on your interests, agree on a separate menu, discuss naps, and much more. Experienced teachers will support the child in all endeavors and highlight abilities that are worth developing.

There is no division into age groups in the club, all children become guests of a large house, where they are met by a kind Grandmother, with whom they can share secrets, and all classes are taught by masters of their craft.

The Domik team includes teachers in English, mathematics, music, choreography, fine arts and ceramics, biology and zoology, as well as masters in carpentry, sewing, cooking and even director. Guests often come to the “Domik” - famous writers, artists and musicians - they communicate with the children and share interesting observations. Learning is built on interest and learning, experimentation and creative self-expression.

Depending on the time of year, children will be given thematic activities in the fresh air: in the fall, collecting herbariums, in winter, studying the properties of snow and ice, in spring and summer, a real vegetable garden will be laid out, where children will plant plants on their own and watch their growth, so that in September collect your small harvest.

On weekends and holidays in “Domik” there are events for the whole family, with master classes, walks and a big barbecue.

For parents on the ground floor of “I’m in the House” there is a small cafe where you can wait for classes to end, drink aromatic coffee and use wi-fi.

It opens its doors on the picturesque bank of the Neva, where the Izhora River flows into it, a 10-minute drive from the Ring Road on the Shlisselburg Highway.

The two-story house, spacious and bright, in Scandinavian style, is built from environmentally friendly materials. The interior takes into account, first of all, the need for children to move. You can move freely around the building from one workshop to another. There are no doors, there are magical but safe labyrinths. A huge mysterious tree with a secret passage connects the first and second floors. There are cozy “holes” dug in the walls in which you can hide during the game. There are elements unusual for a children's club - a stage, an amphitheater, and dressing rooms. The furniture of the “Domik” is also unusual, in the same style as the interior. There is a media library, a theater hall, creative workshops, a games room, a Vodyanoy room for experiments with water, a children's culinary studio and much more. The open-air playground has a panoramic view of the Neva and is very similar to sensory playgrounds in Sweden and Finland.

The "I'm in the House" club is designed for fifty children. The club is not divided into age groups, but several programs are provided: full- and part-time groups, additional classes in the evenings. A personal daily routine is developed for each child, which will allow you to choose activities based on interests, agree on a separate menu, discuss naps and much more. Experienced teachers will support the child in all endeavors and highlight abilities that are worth developing. Learning is built on interest and learning, experimentation and creative self-expression. The head of the club, Daria Paute, a young teacher with fifteen years of international experience, considers the method of informal (democratic) pedagogy to be the main method of teaching and raising children.

The club staff consists of teachers in English, mathematics, music, choreography, fine arts and ceramics, biology and zoology, as well as masters in carpentry, sewing, cooking and one director. Adult guests – famous writers, artists and musicians – are often invited to the “Domik”. They communicate with the guys and share interesting observations.

Every season, children will have thematic activities in the fresh air: collecting a herbarium, studying the properties of snow and ice, setting up a vegetable garden, observing plant growth, and harvesting.

On weekends and holidays, you can come to the “Domik” with the whole family and attend master classes together, take a walk in nature and enjoy a big barbecue. The schedule of these events can be viewed on the website in the “Weekend Club” section. For parents waiting for their children, there is a small cafe in the Domik.

The children's club is located a 10-minute drive from the Ring Road, on the Shlisselburg Highway in a separate two-story building. The project was invested by the company "" (helicopter center) and LLC "Forum" (customs representative), and the club is headed by a specialist in the management of social infrastructure facilities Danila Petrov and children's teacher Daria Paute. Investments amounted to 50 million rubles. The building area is 750 m2 and can accommodate 50 children.

Merman and grandmother

The club is a cross between an entertainment and educational children's center; as the entrepreneurs themselves explain, it will work on the principles of informal pedagogy. “A year ago, we thought about creating a children’s center that combines modern pedagogy and play space,” say the club’s founders. They plan to recoup the project in 7–8 years, and after achieving the planned indicators, in 2018, open the second “House” on Krestovsky Island. About 70% of investments out of 50 million were spent on construction and installation work, 15% on the purchase of materials, 10% on paying for the work of specialists, less than 5% were spent on marketing and advertising. Now approximately 70% of business costs are personnel, 20% are building maintenance, 10% are other expenses, and the company earns mainly from subscriptions.

The center currently employs 15 employees, including teachers and child psychologists. Teachers have their own “names-functions” - these are “mentors”, “friends”, “grandmother”, “masters”. Instead of doors, the building has labyrinths, for example, in the center there is a tree with a secret passage between the second and first floors. All the furniture in the “House” is made to order - transformable tables, shelves for toys, as well as an amphitheater and a stage with a dressing room, “minks” in the walls where children can hide and play. In addition, the center has a media library, creative workshops, a “Vodyanoy room” for experiments with water, and a children’s culinary studio.

Country perspective

General Director of KidBurg Maximilian Pivovarov believes that the project outside the Ring Road may be of interest only in the short term - until residents of the surrounding areas visit the center 1-2 times. “This area does not boast a high standard of living, and in the medium and long term, transport accessibility is very important - people will not often travel to places where they are inconvenient. In addition, the figures are very strange: 750 m is a very small area, enormous costs, It seems to me that for payback they should be three times lower,” says Pivovarov.

However, if we consider the company exactly as educational project, the main task, according to market participants, is to attract regular customers, and not necessarily from your area.

For example, Maria Yudaeva, owner of the Gnome House center (located near the Chernyshevskaya metro station), says that among her visitors there are people from various areas, even from Kronstadt: “Although, of course, it’s more comfortable to go to child Center or a garden in the neighborhood, but if, for example, a child has health problems, then not all districts have an alternative." Maria Yudaeva notes that during the crisis, the demand for services has decreased slightly: children's centers have not yet achieved the expected growth this year .

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