Strange items found in the ass. Negro with a hand in his pants. Fish grabbed a member of the pissing boy.

Perhaps these are the fears that haunt you in life. You hide, run away from them, and they run after you. It can also be gloomy emotions and thoughts, for example, the desire for evil to someone or others. Another thing is if these negative emotions are directed at you from the outside. Maybe it’s the danger that lies in wait somewhere? Test your emotions and feelings, as well as your surroundings. Someone may wish you harm. Good luck

  Dream Interpretation - Chasing

Think about what pisses you off (from home) periodically. What kind of thoughts and feelings? What moments do they fire at? This is called the pursuit of malicious thoughtforms. Through its action, your energy leaks out - after certain, repeated thoughts, negative emotions arise: despondency, resentment, etc. You can solve the pursuers through careful observation of yourself.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

  Dream Interpretation - Swamp

Everything that it is constantly without (c) rests, everything that you want to give in the face, all this is in it itself ... Or some kind of envy, or indignation like: "he is so bad, but I’ve achieved it there, but I’m so good, but I can’t afford something there ... "In general, she needs to eradicate dark moments within herself, and he simply will not find her in Navi. Another Level, another Luminosity. And to step up a notch, only Living can.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Your dream indicates that fate is pursuing you. And it’s not at all a fact that something bad should happen to you. The persistence of a man only says that you can’t avoid this. Remember all the numbers well and look for them in real life - these are clues. Rise on the elevator - to travel.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

  Dream Interpretation - Night Pursuit

Your long dream says that you are a fascinating girl, love adventures, travels, revealing secrets, and you do not have enough of this, so you are waiting for what you will dream every night. It doesn’t really help you, dreams take energy from you. A man is your dreams, you can get away from him, showing that in real life you live more interesting than in a dream. Set yourself the task so that the dreams do not bother you, that they dream as little and shorter as possible, that you are above the problems that arise in your sleep, that you yourself can solve everything without contacting anyone.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Judging by the assurances of American doctors working for the ambulance, the removal of foreign objects from the anus is not such a rare event. Moreover, in addition to the "usual" bottles and dildos, completely wild things often fall there. How and why they get there, that's the most interesting! Today about ten very best.

If the right key is lost at home, and you can’t find it in any way, think maybe it’s in the ass?
“Honey, you don't know where I got my key?”
- Where, where, well, not in the ass stuck!

2. Vibrator and salad tongs

You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to unravel this complicated business. Yes, trouble happened and the vibrator "failed." But this was not enough to call an ambulance. The man decided to extract it on his own, using kitchen tongs for salad. The trouble is that they failed too ...

3. Ammunition

Creepy story! It happened during World War II, when one of the fighters in London was very tormented by hemorrhoids. To alleviate his suffering, he adapted himself with a small shell from an anti-aircraft gun to “tuck” his problem back into the ass. But once overdone and the shell disappeared inside the warriors. And then there was a tense operation to extract the ammunition, which the doctors did under the supervision of sappers ...

4. Jar of peanut butter

Wow! Empty?

5. Bottle of toilet water

The 39-year-old lawyer was taken to hospital, where a glass bottle of Impulse Body Spray toilet water was removed from his ass. The man admitted that he had repeatedly placed her there, but she was stuck for the first time. He tried to get it with a comb for his back, but could not. I had to call doctors. Note that it was a perfume bottle of his wife.

6. Ringing mobile phone

And again a lawyer. According to him, they were taking a shower when a cell phone rang. He slipped and unsuccessfully landed booty directly on the tube. During the extraction of the mobile from the patient, he called three times.

7. Beer glass

Clink glasses will not work.

8. Flashlight

Probably lost the keys and looked for them. Well, yes, it’s dark in the pope, so I decided to shine ...

9. Toy car

The same case from the movie “Dukes” where Ryan Dunn stuck a toy car in a condom in his anus to make fun of doctors. The joke was a success.

10. A piece of solid concrete

The wildest story of all. Two homosexuals during their entertainment decided to try something new. One of them lay on his stomach, and the second filled his butt through a funnel with cement slurry. Well, I wanted impressions. It is difficult to say what place they thought, but in the end, after a while the solution hardened and they could not get it. The result was a neat concrete plug that was removed surgically.

Negro with a hand in his pants   - a meme on which a black man sits in front of a laptop and puts his hand in his pants in anticipation of a good masturbation.


The black guy in front of the computer is American actor Keith Leak. Specifically, this frame is taken from the popular YouTube series "Smosh" (Smosh). The episode entitled "Every crush ever" (Every crush ever) came out   February 14, 2017, in the Russian voice acting series appeared   on the RusSmosh channel on May 19.

Smosh is a typical sketch show. In this episode, the actors act out short scenes on the topic of teenage love. A black man with a laptop appears at the very end.

First he says: “I'm so glad I found you. I never thought that in life I would seek someone as long as I was looking for you. " In the next frame, he adds “I love you so much porn” and puts his hand in his pants. Thus, this episode seems to sum up the ironic message of the entire series and suggests that it is easier to masturbate than to establish a relationship with a girl.

There are 22 million subscribers on the Smosh channel, so it is not surprising that the bright frame has become a meme. At first it was used on English- and Hispanic imageboards as a reaction picture. Gradually, the meme acquired a stable structure: two pictures, one on top of the other, on the bottom depicting a “masturbator”, and on the top - something that could “inspire” him.

In May, the meme reached runet. At first it was used in the comments on the Picabu entertainment site as a macro, meaning something like “Thank you, masturbate”. Later, two-panel pictures began to spread on social networks. The peak of the meme's popularity occurred in July-August 2017.


Meme with a guy sticking his hand in his pants, means an approving reaction. The people know another meme "Thank you, masturbate." So, this is his visualization. That is, a meme can be used as a reaction picture when you saw an attractive girl who provokes erotic fantasies.

The meme does not always carry sexual overtones: sometimes someone else is substituted for Keith’s face, and then the upper picture characterizes something that gives pleasure to the given character. Of course, in most cases, the meme is ironic.


Judging by the assurances of American doctors working for the ambulance, the removal of foreign objects from the anus is not such a rare event. Moreover, in addition to the "usual" bottles and dildos, completely wild things often fall there. How and why they get there, that's the most interesting! Today about ten very best.

1 key

If the right key is lost at home, and you can’t find it in any way, think maybe it’s in the ass
“Honey, you don't know where I got my key?”
- Where, where, well, not in the ass stuck!

2. Vibrator and salad tongs

   You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to unravel this complicated business. Yes, trouble happened and the vibrator "failed." But this was not enough to call an ambulance. The man decided to extract it on his own, using kitchen tongs for salad. The trouble is that they failed too ...

   3. Ammunition

   Creepy story! It happened during World War II, when one of the fighters in London was very tormented by hemorrhoids. To alleviate his suffering, he adapted himself with a small shell from an anti-aircraft gun to “tuck” his problem back into the ass. But once overdone and the shell disappeared inside the warriors. And then there was a tense operation to extract the ammunition, which the doctors did under the supervision of sappers ...

   4. Jar of peanut butter

   Wow! Empty?

   5. Bottle of toilet water

The 39-year-old lawyer was taken to hospital, where a glass bottle of Impulse Body Spray toilet water was removed from his ass. The man admitted that he had repeatedly placed her there, but she was stuck for the first time. He tried to get it with a comb for his back, but could not. I had to call doctors. Note that it was a perfume bottle of his wife.

   6. Ringing mobile phone

   And again a lawyer. According to him, they were taking a shower when a cell phone rang. He slipped and unsuccessfully landed booty directly on the tube. During the removal of the mobile from the patient, he called three times

   7. Beer glass

   Clink glasses will not work.

   8. Flashlight

   Probably lost the keys and looked for them. Well, yes, it’s dark in the pope, so I decided to shine ...

   9. Toy car

   The wildest story of all. Two homosexuals during their entertainment decided to try something new. One of them lay on his stomach, and the second filled his butt through a funnel with cement slurry. Well, I wanted impressions. It is difficult to say what place they thought, but in the end, after a while the solution hardened and they could not get it. The result was a neat concrete plug that was removed surgically.

Carpenter cut off his household during cabinet assembly

A 54-year-old carpenter from Uontage, England, completely cut off his penis during the assembly of a large wooden cabinet. How could this happen is incomprehensible. Carpenters usually work in workwear, not naked.

The dog ate the masculine dignity of its owner

67-year-old Romanian Konstantin Mokanu could not fall asleep at night because of the chicken, which for some reason did not stop clucking. A man walked out into the yard in his underpants, jumped over the chicken coop fence, squatted down and supposedly cut the throat of a violent bird. After a second, it turned out that Konstantin actually cut off his cock. Immediately a dog ran up to the owner, who ate the dignity of a Romanian.

Jealous wife cut sleeping husband's eggs

A Chinese man named Huang made a connection with an 18-year-old girl, about which his missus Li found out. The wife asked for a divorce, but Huang refused to even talk about it. Two years passed, and diarrhea suddenly attacked the Chinese. Huang asked his wife to help him with the disease, which she gladly agreed. The woman poured a sleeping pill to her husband and cut off his eggs with a fruit knife while he was sleeping. When the police arrested Li, Huang asked her to be more condescending, because he realized the whole depth of his guilt before his wife.

A man lost his farm as a result of an incident with a grinder

Eduardo Tuset Echevarria worked for a soap company in Florida. Once the boss asked Eduardo to get a piece of soap stuck in the grinder. Despite the fact that the peasant did not understand anything in the construction of the unit, he really wanted to excel in front of the boss, but instead he lost his household. Now Eduardo is suing his boss. One aspect of moral damage is the “loss of the ability to enjoy life.” Very accurate wording.

The secretary bit off a member of the boss during oral sex

A businessman from Singapore persuaded his secretary to write him a personal oral report right in the company car during a business trip. But in the process of oral sex, a minibus crashed into the rear bumper of the car, and the girl's jaws closed, leaving the boss without a penis.

Worker tore his scrotum during sex with the machine

It’s just some kind of coma. Worker decided to relax a bit and put his farm in some kind of machine. Something went wrong, and a metal assembly tore his scrotum apart. The man did not despair, took a stapler and fastened the stained dignity with brackets. After a shift, he went to the hospital, where the doctors darned everything that was possible.

Woman threw her husband's penis in the bin

After the 48-year-old Catherine Kew Becker found out about her husband’s infidelity, she poured some nasty things into him, and after the man passed out, tied him to the bed, waited until he wakes up, and then cut off his penis with a kitchen knife and threw the household into the trash. Hard.

The patient died after a rat bit off his penis

Arun Sanduh, 53, who suffered from pneumonia, died of blood loss in a New Delhi state clinic. The reason is that the rat has bitten off the unfortunate penis. Not a single nurse was at that time, so no one could help Arun.

Fish grabbed a member of the pissing boy

A 14-year-old Indian boy was cleaning a tank of fish, when he suddenly had the urge to relieve himself. The boy decided not to go far and began to urinate directly into the tank. One of the fish did not like it, and she grabbed him by the cock. At least this is the version of the boy.

Doctors found a nail in a man’s penis

An Indian illegal was attacked by gang members who inflicted a number of injuries on him, but did not dare to turn to the hospital for help, as he was afraid of deportation. After three days of unbearable pain, he nevertheless came to see a doctor who, as a result of a full X-ray examination, found a nail in the urethra.

Dog bit off the owner's penis

One man decided to surprise his wife, put his device between two pieces of bread and carried his beloved original sandwich. All that his dog saw was food, so he jumped and grabbed a bigger piece. Plastic surgeons managed to attach the economy in place.

A man put a flower in the urethra for his beloved

One romantic decided to surprise his beloved girlfriend by inserting a geranium flower into his urethra. He was clearly not a florist, because he did not know that there were fibers on the stalk of geranium that damaged his penis from the inside. To extract the flower, the doctors had to do an operation.

Cocaine injection in the penis

The 34-year-old New Yorker decided to strengthen his erection and injected himself into the penis, resulting in blood clots. After 12 hours spent in the hospital, an unhealthy erection passed, but as a result of the developed gangrene, nine fingers, both legs and penis had to be amputated.