English men and their shortcomings - Secrets of the British. Men in England and Cupid affairs

The vast majority of foreigners consider Russian girls to be beautiful. As for other qualities and abilities, opinions differ here. Today we will tell you what the British think about us, honestly and without embellishment.

Personal care

Nature generously gifted Russian girls, and mothers, older sisters and friends taught how to take care of themselves. Slavic appearance - that is quoted always and everywhere, especially against the background of unpainted, and at times not combed English women. A girl from Russia does not forget about makeup and manicure even on a normal rainy day, and in order to do hair styling, she does not need a special occasion or holiday.

Sense of style

Russian girl carefully approaches the choice of wardrobe. She will never wear a pink miniskirt with sneakers and will not go to the club in winter in an orange top with a deep neckline and denim shorts. She has a lot of designer clothes, expensive dresses and branded bags in her closet. She knows what color scheme is now in trend, how to correctly emphasize her strengths and skillfully hide flaws, if she has any. And of course, the calling card of the Russian beauty is heels, and not just 10-centimeter ones.

Sexy Russian accent

Yes, yes, what you are so shy about and what you are trying diligently to get rid of is actually your advantage. The Russian accent in the society of British men is considered the very highlight that will help you stand out from the crowd.

Anyone who said that the British had the best sense of humor in the world clearly flattered them. The inhabitants of Misty Albion themselves do not think so. The Russians, according to the British, joke better than anyone in the world. A non-standard view of the world, slight sarcasm even in relation to one's own country and the ability to play with words distinguish a girl from Russia.

Love for coffee

A cup of tea with milk is what the Englishwoman will definitely ask for when she comes to visit, and then she will also be interested in the sort of tea that the guy offered her. Russians do not bother about this, especially since half of the brands that you know - Lipton, Pickwick or Indian tea "with an elephant" - do not exist in England at all. But the Russian girl with pleasure will go to the coffee house, and not to the usual Costa, but to a cozy place like those in St. Petersburg. To invite a Russian girl to Starbucks is to offend her feelings. So the British young man will have to go through the entire Tripadvisor to find something worthwhile.


If coffee, then in a beautiful cafe, if dinner, then in an expensive restaurant. No fast food or a cheap diner. Not to pay for it in a cafe means to look like a fool or a miser. It’s better not to come without flowers at all, and to give jewelry, perfumes and other surprises for the holiday. It doesn’t matter that March 8th is not celebrated in England - if a girl is from Russia, she should receive a gift that day.

Intelligence further enhances appeal. Thanks to school and university, as well as curiosity and a desire to learn new things, Russian people know much more than the British and other Europeans. A Russian girl can easily tell what the Tower is known for, what happened to Princess Diana and how many kingdoms are in Britain, which will confuse the Englishman.

The British know about what the USSR is only from BBC films and television programs. So any information about the Union, life behind the Iron Curtain and food on the cards, even if you only know this firsthand, from parents and grandparents, will be received with a bang and with your mouth open!

Avoiding many mistakes and smoothing out the difficulties of the adaptation period allows observing the basic principles of married life, which, of course, are the same for both mono-ethnic and international couples:

  • Agree “on the shore” about those aspects of family life that may cause conflicts: finances, parenting, distribution of the family budget, etc.
  • Recognize the contradictions in the relationship. Do not build illusions (in order not to be disappointed, you must not be charmed). Do not be surprised when your family life turns out to be completely different from how you imagined it. You must be prepared for major internal changes. Flexibility, tolerance for the opinions of others, values \u200b\u200bof others, respect for the culture of others and the willingness to change are the main keys to success in marriage with a foreigner.
  • Do not turn a blind eye to difficulties. Both spouses will have to put up with misunderstanding and communication difficulties, accept in another what seems strange quirks and even annoying flaws. The clash of two different cultures in a single family can lead to serious conflict and frustration. At the junction of two cultures, it is important to grow a third - a compromise family culture.
  • One should not be afraid of difficulties, because their joint overcoming is a great opportunity to quickly get to know each other.
  • Learning to understand each other, to learn the psychology of a partner, to find compromises. Understand and predict the wishes and needs of the partner.
  • Be tolerant and flexible, be able to apologize and accept apologies. You can not constantly remind your partner about mistakes that once violated the relationship in the family. Do not impose your requirements, respect the "I" of the partner.
  • Recognize the causes and consequences of infidelity.
  • Do not chop off your shoulder, but look for a way out. Do not scatter in different directions, faced with the first difficulties.
  • It is important to focus on what you have in common despite cultural differences and a language barrier. We need to learn not to avoid the problems associated with cultural differences, but to recognize the differences and anticipate possible stumbling blocks.

Why do people get divorced in mixed marriages? Reasons and motives for divorce  - these are different things. Motives  for a divorce may be:

lack of common views and interests, inconsistency of characters, marital infidelity, absence or loss of a feeling of love, love for another, frivolous attitude to marital duties, poor relations with parents, alcoholism or drug addiction of a spouse, lack of normal living conditions, sexual dissatisfaction.

Just like in conventional marriages for divorce, there are many reasons. How many families, so many reasons. Moreover, a single divorce may have several reasons.

Very often, such a reason is the discrepancy of our ideas about perfect partnerformed under the influence of the parental family, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe family in the home country, and a real partner. Modern families are guided by mutual conjugal love. And for a partner chosen by love, often make excessive demands. Differences in family patterns across cultures cannot be underestimated. Often these expectations remain unexpressed and even unconscious, and the items in the "list of expectations" often contradict each other and cannot coexist in one person. As in the joke about the wife: the wife should be the mistress in the kitchen, the courtesan in bed, the queen visiting.

Very often, the couple realize that they were getting married / married to a completely different person, they lament how the person has changed in marriage and that love has passed. But in fact, the illusions have disappeared and there is reason to get acquainted with the real spouse, as well as to see the real self.

A specific illusion in marriage with a foreigner - you can "Marry a country", and happiness in marriage with a man will follow. Another illusion when successful Russian ladies with higher education from the capital "Lower the bar"  and connect their lives with a trucker from a village in a western country. It quickly becomes clear that the spouses have nothing in common, exactly the same would happen in the case of the same misalliance in their native country.

In general, in the family life of spouses, one of whom moved to the country of residence of the other, there are several stages. First stage - addiction stage  (the moved spouse must undergo socialization in a new place and is completely dependent on the other spouse). The second stage - with tadia of alienation, attempts to defend their personal space and individuality. Moreover, the more ideal the partner seemed at the first stage, the deeper the disappointment in him at the second. Third stage - either   recoverypartner’s past attractiveness and understanding, or the gap.

According to theory acculturationdeveloped by   J. Berry  There are four forms of cultural (this fully applies to marriage immigration):   assimilation, separation, marginalization, integration. Depending on the extent to which the maintenance of cultural identity and inclusion in the new culture is recognized. An ideal option for an immigrant and for the family as a whole is integration  (identification with both new and native culture). Unlike integration, separation  involves isolating an immigrant from a new culture,   assimilation  - denial of native culture and identification with only a new culture, and marginalization- lack of stable psychological ties with either the native or the new culture.

What else can complicate the life of an international couple? Very often for both spouses it is a remarriage. Two types of re-marriages are most common: the marriage of a divorced middle-aged or elderly man to a younger, free and childless woman. If a woman grows out of the parental form of marriage and begins to bend her line, this leads to conflict. The second option is marriage to a divorced woman who has children. In most cases, both partners are divorced, and the age difference is usually small. Both were unsatisfied in their first marriage and entered into a new marriage with the hope that this time the married life would be better. Often, children from their first marriages become conflicts in a new family. To avoid this, stepfathers and stepmothers should try to take a place in the life of their children that is different from that of their father and mother. If they try to compete with the parents of the child, they will fail.

A Russian study of spouses in remarriage shows that about 40% of men and about 25% consider their wife / husband’s children from their first marriage as “a hindrance to married life.” And according to American psychologists, stepmothers face more problems in the new family than stepfathers, apparently due to the prevailing stereotype of the “evil stepmother”.

Very often, unresolved problems of first marriages turn into repeated ones. In uncertain people, with complexes and psychological problems, this is manifested in the choice of exactly the same partner as in the first marriage. So a woman, divorcing her despot husband, steps on the same rake in a second marriage. And a man, divorcing a dominant woman, chooses exactly the same as his new wife.

Adequate and adaptive people are able to draw conclusions from previous failures in relationships and make a meaningful and rational choice, making every effort to preserve a new marriage.

And now a little about the features of marriage with an English man.

Immediately make a reservation, we are talking about typical and adequate Englishman. We will not take moral freaks into account, freaks and freaks in Africa, this category does not know nationality.

In marriage with the British, the main word is partnership. For the British, equality in relations and the observance of rules and agreements are fundamental. And these rules imply decency in relation to a woman. The British are not famous for their temperament in love, they are boring to care for, romance can not be expected from them. But you can always expect that they will not leave in illness or in difficulties. If the wife is unable or unwilling to work, the Englishman is usually able to understand and accept this.

British men - good fathers. They rarely save on children, the father is obliged to provide the children with a happy healthy childhood. In the upbringing, everything natural is approved, adaptation to the cold, freedom, no violence.

Usually an Englishman chooses his wife thoughtfully, rarely the main criteria are sexuality, youth, beauty. At the same time, love recedes into the background in priorities, but remains in the foreground mutual respect and understanding.

Jealousy  in society is condemned and carefully hiding. The Englishman will not understand if the wife will track his mobile phone or personal correspondence, and does not humiliate himself by the same actions in relation to his wife.

But very often the British discuss difficulties in life, for example, in relationships with colleagues or other working problems.

One of the important features of a wife for an Englishman is the ability   save  - on utilities, transportation, food and clothing. Broad gestures from the Englishman can not be expected, but they are also not noticed in special stinginess. If sometimes the wife will allow herself big expenses, then this will not cause serious objections. Respect for good, expensive, natural things will always arouse the approval of her husband.

The English husband usually does not refuse to do housework, even in our view, completely female.

All English people are certainly distinguished by a love of nature, so one of the forms of leisure in the country is outing, barbecue. Love for nature is also manifested in the love of domestic animals, and in the care of wild animals.

English men rarely maintain close relationships with their parents. They usually come down to rare family dinners and exchanging holiday cards.

So, in the face of an English man you can find a reliable, faithful, albeit slightly predictable, sometimes boring, but well-mannered and polite husband, for whom respect and devotion are not an empty phrase. A mixed marriage is not as scary as it is painted!

Such a fallacy can be justified by objective reasons, and the myth of a certain exclusivity of the British is still more alive than all living things, and it is still considered very prestigious to marry an Englishman.

English men, like English women, are guided in life by the main British principle - moderation, which applies to all spheres of life.

In England, men are less likely to change. But not because the British are so moral, it’s just the principle of “fair play”, fair play, or “taking someone else’s bad.” Moreover, the British are inert and do not like to change the existing order of things, but having a lover is still very time-consuming and finances, as well as leaving the existing family is financially unprofitable. After the divorce, the British divide property and pay alimony in full. Again, the legislation you cannot escape from.

The British are not pretentious in terms of appearance. Often you can see a handsome man paired with a woman who completely forgot about her appearance. And not because there is no one to choose from, not at all, but because in Britain the cult of appearance is not very developed at all, plus inertia plays a role. Men in age do not pretend to have a relationship with the young, and mostly choose peers.

English men rarely become dependent and often work until they are very old, with the exception of professional "beneficiaries."

In terms of appearance, English men look after themselves, but without fanaticism, in the country there is no cult of a sporty, inflated body among men. But they try to run, which does not lead to a muscular body.

At the same time, in the lower social strata, the “beneficiaries” do not at all follow the diet and are gaining excess weight.

Many women in Russia believe in the myth that all Englishmen are gentlemen. But here you will find a paradox - among ordinary laborers from the working class there are more courteous and courteous men than among those who stand high on the social ladder.

The British of both sexes are generally very constrained people, the biggest nightmare for an Englishman is to be in an embarrassment situation, i.e. in a situation of awkwardness, confusion, embarrassment. Almost all communication codes are designed to avoid or prevent this situation from arising.

Here is a curious case that very well describes the courtesy of the British and the avoidance of any confrontation and awkwardness.

The journalist worked in the media and arranged an interview with one famous person in Britain. I did not agree with him directly, but through intermediary agents.

They agreed on everything, date, time, and she comes with a group to his house. The well-known Englishman greeted everyone, invited him to the lobby, though, however, took the journalist aside for a small-talk, and then invited everyone to the house. He gave an interview, everyone talked very well, talked for a long time, he gave a book with an autograph, they even discussed politics, and in the end he was so timidly asking:

  "Guys, who are you, where did you come from and for what purpose was the interview."

It turned out that no one contacted him at all, didn’t agree, he didn’t know anything and just let people into the house and gave an interview, and small-talk at first was kind of like an interview that a friend went through. And at the very beginning he was very embarrassed to ask people like that why they came to his house.

Dating problem

With the above features of communication, the problem of dating arises. Relationships usually start either at the workplace, or in the learning process, or through a circle of friends and acquaintances. Even on dating sites, the British rarely themselves are the first to write, they “wink”, like, but rarely openly write a message. Women who found a couple through the sites basically did the first step themselves.

The British drink and drink a lot, but they still less often fall into multi-day drinking bouts and the percentage of clinical alcoholics is less than in Russia.

Therefore, often acquaintances between completely strangers occur in a drunken state at parties. A man gets drunk to the loss of a pulse, and then he is emboldened to drive up to the woman he likes, if the woman does not mind, then they continue to get to know someone at home, and meet in the morning. Very romantic. Many girls met their constant boyfriends and even husbands just like that, and this is not the lowest social stratum, but educated young professionals from good families. If a man has not reached the condition, then he will be afraid to come up ... Feminism still plays a role. Women have already begun to take the dating process into their own hands and the first ones themselves are coming.

Candy-bouquet period? No, this is almost nonexistent.

Particularly famous parties of British youth abroad on vacation - in Spain, Thailand and so on.

It should be noted that the aggressive ideology of feminism, homosexuality and other iridescent freedoms had a very noticeable effect on the relationship between a man and a woman. It's unavoidable. Men are feminized, women are masculinized.

First date

If, nevertheless, a certain stage of courtship has begun, well, at least the first "official" invitation to date has been announced, then you should not expect something exciting. The invitation to the cinema is already something interesting. Theater is something out of the ordinary! A bunch of flowers - awesome, this is a joke!

Basically, this is an invitation to a glass of beer in a pub, for coffee, less often for dinner in a restaurant. Account can be divided in half. It does not depend on the wealth of the man. To pay for a woman is too straightforward and feminism again. And even without paying the bill, the man expects the woman to agree to sex already on the second "officially" declared date. Yes, English women themselves do not mind, it is normal to continue communication at the next level.

You should not expect any interesting compliments, well, if they say "you look gorgeous", which means "you look beautiful." They also resort to such a technique - to compliment not the woman’s appearance itself, but the objects of her wardrobe: a beautiful blouse, or this color suits you. Taking care is not openly accepted, even if the couple is already meeting officially.
  Do not escort home, even if they live close to each other. If escorted, it means a continuation ...

Most of the British are deprived of the idea that you need to achieve a woman, make some effort to make her yours.

Many in England and homosexual couples.   In the UK, gay marriage is legally permitted. Therefore, gays do not hesitate to express their feelings in public: here you can see men who openly hold hands or even kiss in public.

Many mixed marriages: white men with black women, white men with Asian women, and vice versa. As a result, there are a lot of children from mixed marriages, sometimes it is very difficult to guess what kind of nationality the child is, so much is mixed up.

This is not to say that the British are inclined to get married soon: most likely, they will have to wait a long time to legalize their relations - perhaps several years. The British marry women with children from previous marriages without any problems and take care of them as their own.

English men are usually good fathers. They do not consider it shameful to go for a walk with the children and take them to all kinds of children's events.

These are the stereotypes, sometimes intricate, misleading, or, conversely, attractive, you can observe the British.

  Who is an Englishman?
An Englishman is not only an affiliation to the English nation, but also a style, way of life and thought. “Watson, I don’t need much - just a clean collar and a pipe,” as Sherlock Holmes said. But you can add - a flaming fireplace in the evenings, beans and boiled carrots for dinner, and tea with milk - constantly. I like the British - they are specific, unlike any other nation in the world, they are insidious, cunning, smart, selfish, restrained and cynically terribly. But at the same time - sentimental, amorous, naive and childishly direct. Please note this if you came to our dating site with the English!
  The British are the smartest nation on earth. Take, for example, the fact that the whole world speaks English (at least its civilized part). While all other countries delved into their internal problems, the British gradually conquered the whole world. Even America, which the Spaniards discovered, even Australia, which the Dutch discovered, was then occupied by the British! Almost all inventions of technological progress were made by the British. No wonder their country is called Great Britain! Think that when you marry an Englishman, you will live in this truly great country!
   Every Englishman, wherever he lives, bears the seal of his nationality. A Frenchman cannot always be distinguished from an Italian or a Spaniard, but it is difficult to confuse an Englishman with anyone. Wherever he appears, he will everywhere introduce his customs, his manner of behavior, and will not change his habits anywhere, he is at home everywhere. This is an original, distinctive, highly integral character. His knowledge will come in handy if you are looking for serious acquaintances with the British. The first and most obvious feature of this nation is stability and constancy. They are less than others subject to the influence of time, transient modes. Curiosity allowed them to get acquainted with the best of what other nations possess, and yet they remained faithful to their traditions. Admiring the French cuisine, the Englishman will not imitate it at home. Being the embodiment of conformism, the British at the same time retain their individuality. We hope that this dating site for English people will allow you to meet just an interesting, intelligent, original person! In the future I will try to talk about many features of this amazing nation, I hope that this information will be useful to women who decide to find serious acquaintances with the British and marry an Englishman .
When it comes to the Englishman’s “stiff upper lip”, there are two concepts behind it - the ability to control oneself (the cult of self-control) and the ability to respond appropriately to life situations (the cult of prescribed behavior). Neither one nor the other was characteristic of the British until the beginning of the nineteenth century. Equanimity and self-control, restraint and courtesy were by no means English features for "merry old England", where the upper and lower classes of society were more likely to have a violent, quick-tempered temper, where there were no moral prohibitions for defiant behavior, and public executions and flogging with rods were a favorite sight , bear and cock fights, where even humor was implicated in cruelty.
.English gentleman - a brief description
  Often acquaintances with the British are sought by precisely those intelligent and well-mannered women who are tired of daily rudeness, wanting to meet a refined, tactful and well-mannered English gentleman. Let's try to understand what is meant today by this concept.
  The principles of "gentlemanly behavior" were elevated to cult under Queen Victoria. And they prevailed over the steep disposition of "old England."
  The Englishman now has to wage a constant struggle with himself, with the natural passions of his temperament, torn to the outside. And such tough self-control takes too much spiritual strength. This may partly explain the fact that the British are difficult to climb, tend to circumvent sharp corners, that they have a desire to be outside prying eyes, which generates a cult of private life.
  It is enough to watch the English crowd at a national holiday or at a football match to feel how the national temperament breaks from under the bridle of self-control. Now we understand that the English character is very controversial, and thus similar to Russian! Acquaintance with the English will force you to involuntarily make this comparison!
  The simple English are extremely friendly and helpful. The Englishman will take a foreigner who has asked a question by the shoulder and begin to show him the way with different visual tricks, repeating the same thing several times, and then he will look after him for a long time, not believing that the questioner could understand everything so soon.
There is no people in Europe whose custom is elevated to such an inviolable law. Once a custom exists, no matter how strange, funny or original, no well-educated Englishman dares to violate it. Although the Englishman is politically free, he is strictly subordinate to social discipline and deep-rooted customs.
  The Englishman feels a strong need for society, but no one knows better than him to retire among his many friends. Without violating decency, he is able to perfectly be himself with himself in the midst of a huge crowd, indulge in his thoughts, do whatever he wants, never restricting himself or anyone else.
  He works extremely hard, but always finds time and rest. During working hours, he works without flexing his back, straining all mental and physical forces, in his free time he willingly indulges in pleasures.
  Money is the idol of the British. No one enjoys such wealth. Whatever the social situation of the Englishman, be it a scientist, lawyer, politician or clergyman, he is primarily a businessman. In every field, he devotes a lot of time to making money. His first concern is always and everywhere - to make as much as possible. But at the same time, the Englishman is not stingy at all with unbridled greed and passion for profit: he loves to live in great comfort and on a grand scale. Many Russians, having married an Englishman, note that they are rather generous men who prefer to spend money more on family than on their own entertainment.
  The Englishman has a natural ability to seek adventure. Phlegmatic by nature, he is able to passionately get involved in all the great, new, original. If the life of an Englishman develops in such a way that he is deprived of the opportunity to wage a difficult struggle with everyday obstacles, then he begins to suffer from unbearable spleen, which Pushkin called the "English splin." Then from overwhelming boredom begins to seek entertainment in the strangest adventures.
  The ideal of the British is independence, education, dignity, honesty and disinterestedness, tact, grace of manners, refined courtesy, the ability to donate time and money for a good cause, the ability to lead and obey, perseverance in achieving the goal, lack of arrogance.
These, of course, valuable qualities of an English gentleman, a dandy, help us understand that meeting English people is always an interesting, new communication experience that helps to discover and evaluate a model of behavior that has been the standard for almost two centuries.
Men make houses, women make homes
  In a country overwhelmed by fierce winds, rains and fogs, conditions have been created in which a person is more than anywhere else, isolated in his home and removed from his neighbors. Acquaintances with the British will become your guide to the world of English family traditions, one of which is home comfort. This concept was included in other languages \u200b\u200bprecisely from English. The English house is a kind of peak of comfort and convenience. The situation, which includes many items, tables, ottomans, sofas and armchairs, all this in front of the fireplace, in which the wood crackles, a glass of whiskey in hand, what else is needed to meet old age! The British have a special, reverent attitude toward the house, they do not recognize apartments, preferring even a small one, even in installments at interest, but their own house with a front garden. It is no coincidence that almost all houses in England have names, this creates inconvenience for guests and postmen, but demonstrates a very personal, very reverent attitude of the British to their housing. Russian girls are happy to take care of home and family comfort. A woman who marries an Englishman should know that in the person of her husband she will find a connoisseur of home comfort and beauty of the interior.
A family
  The average English family: a married couple with two children, is still an icon of an ideal family in Britain, but many young people in modern England do not accept this position. For example, the traditional idea that the husband goes to work and the wife watches the house and brings up children is true in only 10% of English families. In Britain, only 40% of couples living a full-fledged family. A large number of people in Britain have re-marriages, and raise other people's children. Today, many Englishmen, disappointed in the way compatriots participate in raising children and keep a family hearth, are ready to come to the international dating site with the British and are looking for Russian women who would like to marry an Englishman.
In Britain, a huge number of women and men living together before marriage. For example, in 1961, only one percent of couples lived together before the wedding, while in 1976 the figure increased to 25%. In addition, more than 50% of them were already over 40. By 2000, more than 75% of young couples lived together before the wedding. Sadly, every pair in four in Britain does not create a family at all. From 1979 to 1991, the number of divorced women and widows increased from 11 to 23%. These are women from 18 to 49 years old. Britain has the largest number of divorces in Europe. 38% of couples get divorced. Of these, more than half - in the first couple of years of marriage.
  A similar crisis suggests that a woman is not determined to create a family, but to pursue a career. The age of marriages has also increased, if earlier the average age of those who marry was 24 years old. Now it’s 28 years old. If you want to marry an Englishman, know that he is tired of feminized women and will appreciate your desire to have a child, to be a girlfriend and beloved. Men from the UK are registered on our dating site with the British in order to find a wife from Russia!
Family relationships
  Acquaintances with the British will show you that in this country there is a slightly different, unusual for us model of family relations. Husband and wife here are less likely to interfere in each other's affairs than is usual for couples in other countries. Intrafamilial atmosphere distinguishes restraint as a kind of self-defense from excessive familiarity. But if open manifestations of sympathy are suppressed, then signs of irritation, resentment, anger are also suppressed. In English families there are almost no noisy scenes, and therefore, demonstrative reconciliations.
  In the view of the Japanese, Italians, and many other nations, a family is like a harbor, from where a person sets off on his own voyage, and where he returns again during the storms of life. The British, however, do not count on support from close relatives in case of any difficulties, but, on the other hand, do not feel a sense of duty or responsibility towards them. This, however, is more likely an English than a British trait, less characteristic of the multi-family Irish, as well as the Scots with their clans.
Changes affect the evolution of the roles of men and women in the family unit. Increasingly, a woman becomes the second or even the main financial earner, thereby paying less attention to children. As a result, in high-income families, housekeepers and nannies appear, who take on the responsibilities traditionally inherent in the keeper of the outbreak.
The Land of Little Harry Potters
  Children must be seen but not heard
Motherhislovemyisto spoilchild- A child may have too much of his mother "s blessing
  Acquaintance with the British and their traditions makes us involuntarily compare all aspects of our lives, as well as methods of raising children.
  English children do not expect that someone will cluck above them, indulge their whims, surround them with immoderate tenderness and affection. They understand that they live in the realm of adults, where they are supposed to know their place, and that this place is by no means in the lap of father or mother. Regardless of family income, dressing up children is very simple - the younger ones carry what was once acquired for the elders. And at eight o’clock not only kids but also schoolchildren are unconditionally and uncompromisingly sent to sleep so that they don’t interfere with their parents, who may have their own affairs and plans for the evening. Children under the age of five cannot be seated at a common table, even when there are no guests in the house. However, within the clearly marked boundaries of the forbidden, children are free from petty guardianship and outside interference, which accustoms them not only to independence, but also to responsibility for their actions
  For English children, childhood is a period that needs to be passed as soon as possible (so that, becoming an adult and looking back, you could brush off a sentimental unsolicited tear from your eyelashes). For a little Englishman, to become an adult means to reach great heights: adults have much less responsibilities and responsibilities than children. The English education system puts character and not intelligence at the forefront. Moreover, it is believed that society judges the character of a person by his actions, and not by his views. Hence the role that the English school attaches to the education of norms of behavior.
English and love
It is important to note that it is impossible to automatically project a model of behavior for Russian men and women when your relationship with an Englishman is just beginning! If you have already registered on our website and you have made interesting acquaintances with the British, you should know that the form of courtship will be different! An Englishman who likes a woman chooses to make fun of her using irony, especially in older men. We know that if a man constantly taunts and makes fun of us, this usually means that he likes us and that if we reciprocate with him, it is best to express his attitude in the form of similar banter and teasing. This does not mean that male English never make explicit compliments or invite women on a date. It also happens. But if it is possible to achieve the goal in a roundabout way, they will certainly take advantage of it.
  If we, Russians, fall in love from time to time, then the British with no less frequency fall in love. About this they declare: " Iamfallinginlove." - "I fall in love". Does that sound wonderful? In this case, as a rule, an Englishman falls in love not alone, but always with someone, therefore, for example, it is customary for them to say this: " Iamfallinginlovewithyou." - "I fall in love with you". Let acquaintances with the British on our website lead you to a meeting with a person who will once say these words to you!
  Considering the open, uninhibited manifestation of feelings as a sign of bad manners, the British sometimes judge the behavior of foreigners wrongly, just like foreigners often judge the British wrongly, taking the mask of equanimity for the face itself or not realizing why we need to hide our true state of mind under such a mask English dating site.
When an Englishman begins to look after a Russian young lady, looking at, for example, serious disagreements and misunderstandings sometimes appear, since the behaviors of courtship in modern English and Russian society are significantly different. In courtship, which often resembles a game or ritual, two - a man and a woman - rarely speak with each other openly and honestly from the start. That would be too primitive - a man says to a woman: “I love you!”, The woman replies: “I love you too,” and they become a couple. A woman tries to understand the feelings of a man from his behavior, from what he tells her. These two components must correspond to each other, then the feelings of men can be perceived as sincere. The English expression "Acts speak more than the loudest words" is the best match for this situation. As an example, we give a case that occurred in St. Petersburg. The girl wanted to marry an Englishman, registered on a dating site with the English, where she was found by a handsome young man, made an appointment, he arrived.
So, a young couple, an Englishman and a Russian young lady of twenty-three, went to drink coffee. They spoke in English, which the girl knew very well. They showed interest in each other, but had not yet discussed this issue, since they only knew each other for a month and a half - they were at an early stage of courtship. The Englishman behaved as he would in this situation in England (as described in the example above) - he opens the door to the cafe in front of the lady, but nothing more, and he does not offer to pay for it. Throughout the meeting in a cafe, they drink coffee, joke, discuss various topics, but do not touch on questions of an intimate or personal nature. The Englishman tries to show his interest in the girl - he smiles at her and looks at her for a long time, but does not concern her (since in English culture such a gesture is considered "impolite", especially after a brief acquaintance). As usual, a woman leaves the initiative in the hands of a man and does not take bold actions regarding her gentleman, as she does not want to seem intrusive. The date left the girl with a bitter impression that the young man was not interested in her as a woman. From the point of view of the Englishman, he did enough to show his feelings for her, but in reality this turned out to be wrong. In this episode there was a discrepancy between the intentions of the man expressed in his behavior and the way the woman interpreted them, because the courtship model in England does not coincide with the Russian. Young people had to explain themselves afterwards for a long time.
  Remember that each of us relies on the traditions in which he grew up and even if people really like each other, sometimes unforeseen situations are possible that we can interpret erroneously due to elementary ignorance of the norms of behavior.
  We hope that you will have interesting acquaintances with the British, and our tips will help you!

England is a mysterious country that has a vibrant history and unique culture. There are many legends about this country associated with the local people. As a rule, the characteristic features of local citizens are arrogance, composure, and stiffness.

It is likely that precisely because of this, many girls who plan to marry an Englishman are afraid of several difficulties in communicating with British citizens.

Note that when dealing with them, as a rule, there is no difficulty. All these are just fictitious stereotypes. In order for an Englishman to open his soul to a new acquaintance, you must try hard. The manifestation of violent emotions and feelings is unusual for local gentlemen. At first it can show that a polite attitude towards people nearby is arrogance and coldness, although, in fact, this is dictated only by good manners and, of course, education.

The behavior of men in the UK: key features and traits

As a rule, men in this country are courteous and restrained. If you get to know the British better, then understand that most of them are born diplomats who in various ways try to avoid disagreements, quarrels and conflict situations. The future English husband, of course, will not be an exception. In relation to the fair sex, British citizens are polite, and with impassivity.

This is easy to explain: the British recognize gender equality. That is why they provide women with complete freedom of action where they can independently cope with the problem. Often the initiator of the marriage is a girl. Of course, if necessary, a citizen of the country will always respond to the request of a woman and will certainly help if it is in his power.

Note the fact that for a whole evening in the company of a girl, a young man may never touch her. This is easy to explain. The sense of tact in local men is associated with a broad concept of intimate space.

The main conviction of UK citizens is “My home is my castle”

Local citizens really appreciate comfort and hearth. They reverently relate to the family, and at a subconscious level. At work, citizens of the country are impartial and cold-blooded, and in the family circle, men from the UK are completely different: he is gentle, caring and sympathetic. Their respect for the family is due to the fact that they respect their traditions and customs. Good parents are obtained from the citizens of this country; they are very happy in raising children. If the marriage breaks up, then the children in his house will always be welcome.

The English are characterized by vitality of nature. They tend to have a stable character. The British are less affected by fashion, time, and generally everything that happens.

The character of the men of this country

The main features of the British are their ability to control themselves (in other words, self-control), as well as the ability to respond appropriately to situations (that is, there is a certain cult of correct behavior).

In the period of old England, such features as restraint, equanimity, courtesy and self-control were not among the citizens of the country. Then all the men were quick-tempered, violent, regardless of whether the top of society or the bottom. Defiant behavior at that time was the rule, and the favorite shows were cockfights, executions and flogging with rods. At that time, humor was quite cruel.

Gentlemen's principles were instilled in British citizens during Queen Victoria. In the same period, they prevailed over the past temper of old England. British citizens believe that self-control is a fundamental virtue of a human nature. The motto of the nation is "Keep yourself in control." It is believed that the better a person controls himself, the more worthy he is. They believe that in trouble, joy, success and failure, you need to be unperturbed externally, and even better - internally. Children in this country are taught to calmly endure hunger, cold, fear, and also cope with disfavor and love.

British citizens believe that the manifestation of feelings is a real sign of bad manners. Because of this, they are wrong with foreign citizens.

The British are in constant struggle with themselves because of the natural passion, which is constantly torn out. As you know, such tough self-control takes a lot of mental strength. Citizens of the country give free rein to their feelings at holidays and football matches. It is there that you can understand their national temperament, which is so torn out. English guys talk passionately about football, often play it, and also never miss matches in stadiums in order to cheer on their favorite club. If you plan to marry an Englishman, then pay attention to his hobby. Better yet, be a cheerleader.

British citizens are temperate. As a rule, most of them are introverts. In the citizens of England there is nothing ostentatious. They live only for themselves. These people love order and comfort. They seek mental activity. They like good cars and books, as well as expensive costumes.

Commitment and Rationalism

The British always carry out communication. Most citizens of the country are rational, they are able to sensibly assess their capabilities and strengths. If a man promised, then he will certainly fulfill everything. By the way, since you plan to become the wife of an Englishman, you must also fulfill your communication.

“We are not so rich in order to acquire cheap things” ... This is a phrase originally from England. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that an English husband will gladly purchase an expensive, high-quality thing for you, but a British citizen will not approve spending on cheap consumer goods. In the eyes of the British - this is an irrational waste of money. Still citizens of the country are characterized by a certain tightness.

If we talk about the soul, then they are sensitive. The British crave warmth and attention. A man from this country will be happy to discuss problems with you over a cup of tea. But discussion is necessary in order to find a constructive solution or solution. If you want to cry, then know that for citizens with English education, such “crying” conversations are unusual for them.

UK family values \u200b\u200band traditions

Another distinctive feature of the British is their loyalty to traditions, deep respect for the queen, pride in a heroic ancestor. Statements in the direction of the pedigree are permissible only positive, and criticism or doubt are prohibited.

The English are good family people, they respect family values, they are very kind to their family. If problems arise in marriage, the English husband will make all possible compromises in order to save the family from divorce. Uncharacteristic for this state (especially in people), such phenomena as scenes of jealousy, violent showdown. For an Englishman, a house is his fortress!

And why do the British do not want to marry local women? Because they tend to strive to become a business woman, completely forgetting about the house and family. That is why men in this country go looking for wives in other countries.

How to marry a British citizen and become a real English lady?

To marry a foreign citizen is not as easy as it might seem. A foreign husband is work, and work on himself. If you are going to marry a British citizen, then the potential bride should consider the following nuances. First you need to learn English. It is considered one of the simplest foreign languages. You can learn it quickly and easily, especially when communication occurs with a native speaker. Immersion in an English-speaking society will allow you to hone your skills to perfection.

Then you need to study the British system of measurements. Remember that the British are conservative citizens, they still pay in pounds and measure everything in pints.

Need to buy a dress coat and dress (classic). If you recall the old English films, then there were English lords, dressed in tailcoats and top hats. Note that a similar etiquette rule remains to this day. At weddings there should be a strict classic, and at parties - this is an evening dress.

If you plan to marry a British citizen, then forget about diets. At five o'clock tea drinking takes place - this is a centuries-old tradition. Life stops, everyone starts drinking tea.

You need to learn how to cook what your future spouse loves. He will not eat dishes with spices, seasonings or borsch. UK citizens do not accept frills in food.

You have to get used to respecting things, as well as austerity. It should be noted that they don’t buy dozens of pairs of shoes or boots, don’t go shopping every week, they don’t buy furniture for home and household appliances very often. They believe that less is better, but better.

For them, the old is more expensive than the new. Citizens of the United Kingdom are severely saving on water, electricity (heating is turned off in the houses in winter, everyone wears a coat), food, and gasoline. There is a separate item in the family budget - charity. All local citizens do charity work: they help nurseries, hospitals, and shelters.

Before deciding to marry an Englishman, decide what you want: to marry the UK or a citizen of the country. Local people are very smart, so the chosen one will quickly feel the sincerity of your intentions, otherwise trust will be hopelessly lost.

If you really decide to marry a British citizen, then go for it!