Knitted poodle. Knitted toy poodle Knitting patterns for a dwarf poodle

For the finished poodle, you will need 7 balls and one tube: head, muzzle, hat, lower body, upper body, legs and ears. A poodle will need hook number 3 and thread (you can take any you like).

Seven balls of different sizes crocheted and stuffed with padding polyester are the head, the poodle's face, the lower body and legs. The muzzle is the smallest ball, but the head is the largest. The lower body is the middle ball and four legs. Thus, five medium sized balls will be required.

Knitting starts with the largest ball. The remaining balls are knitted in the same way. Nose, tongue are made of tissue. You can take a thin felt.

The nose is done like that. A small circle is cut out of black fabric and with the help of a thread with a needle it is gathered along the edge onto a thread and tightened - it turns out to be a little pip. If the pimp is small, then you can put a small piece of cotton wool inside, so that the pimp straightens and becomes more voluminous. The nose is ready.

To make the tongue, red soft felt is suitable. It is necessary to cut a semicircle with a diameter of 1 cm.

Poodle Head Knitting

Subsequent knitting starts with these four loops.

1 row - 8 st.b / n. A ring of 4 loops is tied with 8 b / n columns, the hook is held in the center of the ring. This is done as follows: 1 VP for lifting and then 7 b / n columns. A hook with a loop from the last column is held at the beginning of the row through an air loop. It turns out 2 loops. Which are knitted with a half-column b / n - the thread is intercepted and stretched through 3 loops on the hook. The result was the first closed row of a circle of 8 st. B / n.

2 row - 16 tbsp. non-cash In the first row, 2 st.b / n are knitted on each loop. First, one air loop is knitted for lifting and then 15 tbsp./n. The row ends with a semi-column b / n.

3 row - 24 tbsp. non-cash starts with one air loop for lifting. Then 2 st.b / n. Are knitted on the 2nd loop of the pre-order, on the third - one, on the fourth - two, etc. Thus, the columns alternate and knit 24 loops. It ends with a half-column b / n.

4-7 rows - 24 tbsp. non-cash The row begins with an air loop for lifting and then on each loop of the pre-row 1 tbsp / n. Close as in the previous ones.

8 row - 16 st.b./n. Loop reduction. Starts with an air loop. After this, the first loop of the pre-row is skipped. The next two loops are knitted according to st.b / n, then the loop is skipped again and again to 2 by st.b / n. etc. it turns out 16 st. b / n.

9 row - 8 st.b./n. One loop for lifting, then skipped, then st. B / n, then skipped and st. B / n. etc. to end. It turns out 8 st.b./n. closes with a half-column b / n.

The result is a bundled pouch. Which you need to fill with padding polyester and close 10 next.

10 row - 4 tbsp. b / n One air loop for lifting, 1 loop is skipped, st.b / n. etc. to end. Ends with a half-column b / n. The remaining loops (4 of them) are tightened with a thread and fixed. The head is ready.

Knitting the legs and body of a poodle

You need to tie 6 balls of medium size - 4 for the legs and 1 for the torso.

Knitting begins with 4 air. loops that close in the ring. Then it fits in the same way as the head.

1 row - 8 tbsp. b./n .;
  2 row - 16 tbsp. b./n .;
  3-6 rows - 16 st.b./n .;
  7 row - 8 tbsp. b / n

At the end, the balls are filled with filler and tightened.

Poodle face knitting

Start as usual. Then:
  1 row - 8 tbsp. b / n .;
  2-5 rows - 8 tbsp. b./n .;
  6 row - 4 tbsp. b / n

Knitting the upper torso

The beginning is similar to the previous ones.

1 row - 8 st.b / n.
  2 row - 16 st.b / n.
  3-12 rows - 16 st.b / n.
  13 row - long loops.
  14th row - 16 st.b / n.
  15 row - long loops.
  16th row - 16 st.b / n.
  17th row - long loops.
  18 row - 16 st.b / n.
  19 row - long loops.
  20 row - 16 st.b / n.
  21 row - long loops.
  22 row - 16 st.b / n.

After 22 rows, the bag is stuffed. For stability, a wire frame is inserted.

23 row - 8 st.b / n.
  24 row - 4 st.b / n.

Collect the 4 loops obtained on a thread, pull them together and fasten. The upper torso is ready.

Poodle hat

A chain of 4 air loops is knitted and connected to a ring.

1 row - 8 st.b / n.
  2-5 rows - 8 tbsp. St. b / n in each row.
  6 row - long loops.
  7 row - 8 st.b / n.
  8 row - long loops.
  9 row - 8 st.b / n.
  10 row - long loops.
  11 row - 8 st.b / n.
  12 row - 4 st.b / n.

The loops assemble and tighten. The poodle hat is ready.

Knitting Poodle Ears

Ears fit in rows back and forth. Knitting starts with 5 stitches. Then like that.

1 row - 5 st.b / n;
  2 row - long loops;
  3 row - 5 st.b / n;
  4 row - long loops;
  5 row - 5 st.b / n;
  6 row - long loops;
  7 row - 5 st.b / n;
  8 row - long loops;
  9 row - 5 st.b / n;
  10 row - long loops;
  11 row - 5 st.b / n;
  12 row - long loops;
13 row - 5 st.b / n.

Poodle assembly

The upper and lower torso are stitched together. Paws are sewn to the body, a muzzle is sewn to the head. A tongue, nose, ears are sewn to the muzzle. Eyes are made from buttons. A cap is put on. Crochet Poodle Ready!

Knitted souvenir "Poodle Dog". Step by step workshop with photo

Master class with step by step photo knitted souvenir "Poodle Dog"

  Goncharova Alina 10 years, 4 “B” class MBOU Shelopuginsky secondary school Trans-Baikal Territory p. Shelopugino
The head of the children’s association “Magic Ball”:   Raitina Natalya Vyacheslavovna, teacher of continuing education MBOU Shelopuginsky secondary school Trans-Baikal Territory p. Shelopugino
Description:   This MK will be useful to all creative people, school-age children, teachers of additional education, technology teachers.
Appointment:Such a souvenir will be an excellent gift for any holiday, it will also be an original decoration of the interior.
Goal:   Creating a knitted souvenir "Poodle".
Tasks:   Continue knitting souvenirs
   Develop creativity, memory, thinking, imagination
   Develop hand motility
   To cultivate diligence, patience for the work performed, accuracy

We will need:
  1. Glass bottle of lemonade
  2. The yarn is black and red (you can take any other color instead of red)
  3. Hook
  4. Threads with a needle
  5. Scissors

Description of work
  We collect a chain of air loops with a red thread, the number of loops that is necessary to grip the bottle. We close the chain into a ring and tie with half crochets.

  All the time we try on the knitted part on the bottle so that this part fits snugly on the bottle and does not expand with weak knitting. Knitting without changes to the desired bottle height, i.e. to the end of the wide part.

We begin to reduce the loop, not forgetting to try on the knitted part on the bottle.

  We continue knitting and reducing loops to the very neck of the bottle. Loops we reduce "by eye" that is, randomly.

  Having knitted to the neck, we tighten the loops and finish knitting.

  We begin to manufacture pom-poms for the poodle, i.e. we need pom-poms for paws, ears, ponytails and heads. We make according to the scheme

   We need to make 8 such pompons.
  Getting to the knitting of the nose. We collect 5 red loops with a red thread, close in a ring and tie with crochets in a crochet. Next, we knit a crochet in each loop to the size we need.

We knit black eyes and the tip of the nose. To do this, we collect 5 air loops, close in a ring and knit a single crochet in each loop and end with a connecting column. Of these circles we need to tie 3 pieces.

  Now we tie one pompom to the top of the bottle (neck). To do this, take the thread with which the pompom was tied for the middle and hook it to the middle of the crown. We tie the thread and cut it at the level of the pompom threads, if it is long. In the same way, we tie one pompom on the side on both sides of the neck.

   Next, sew a black circle to the nose - this is the tip of the nose, stuff the nose with cotton and sew it around the middle of the neck. Now we sew the remaining 2 black circles - these are the eyes.

  Next, we tie the pompons on the sides in the form of front and hind legs.

  We fasten the pompom for the tail.

   These charming poodles were connected by students at the Magic Glomerulus children's association.

Hello everybody! Today I want to offer you an unusual topic, or rather, even this applies to my one of my favorite hobbies. Once upon a time I was fond of knitting and crocheting. With the birth of babies, I rarely began to knit, but now the moment came when the children grew up a bit and I had time to make souvenirs with my own hands.

I suggest you today knit funny puppies, you can say little animals of dogs that will be made using the amigurumi technique. Moreover, the New Year is just around the corner, and the dog will be the symbol of the next year. I hope you enjoy my selection.

I will say right away that I took all the pictures and photos that I see here exclusively from the Internet, selected those that I liked most and those that are in the public domain for everyone.

I will start with the simplest and most simple job descriptions to help beginners figure out how to connect such wonderful creations, because they are only at the very beginning of the path of needlework.

Of course, I understand that many people like certain breeds of dogs and therefore you would probably want to associate the one you love most. Perhaps such a pet lives with you, but unfortunately, I can’t provide you with so many diagrams and step-by-step descriptions of all dog breeds.

1. I propose to knit you for a start the easiest dog in my opinion in the style of amigurumi.

Such a mischievous blue puppy that any child will be delighted with.

Stages of knitting work:

1. First, prepare all the tools and materials for work. Bind the legs and body first.

2. Then proceed to design and knit the head.

3. All other parts of the body fit together individually. Read the instructions and follow all instructions.

2. For the smallest, I want to offer to connect such a wonderful masterpiece, just charm, see for yourself:

3. The next option, generally ridiculous, such little cute cuties can live in your house. They are cute and very small in size. Yarn will leave absolutely nothing, you can impose such a whole bunch:

4. You can also crochet a keychain in the form of a dog.

Do not forget to stick the nose and eyes, ears and paws. Also embroider with a needle and thread the place where the nose, a vertical strip, you can make eyebrows. To make a ponytail, you can simply tie a regular lace of eyelets, and then sew it where the dog’s ass is))).

5. You can see a pretty simple version of the dog for beginners in this step-by-step photo guide:

  Knitted dogs crocheted amigurumi for the New Year with a description and patterns of work

I could not get past this topic, because the holidays are coming, and this is what I found:

All these four options just sunk into my soul, I share one of them on the pages of my website in more detail with all the descriptions of the work, you can associate such a pretty little dog from these pictures. If you have any questions write your comments, reviews.

Start the craft with the legs, tie two identical legs, and then connect them together.

Thus, they will not be sewn separately.

After you tie the body, tie the two legs and ears, and after the muzzle and the red cap, like Santa Claus or Santa Claus.

But the other three master classes, who need to write to me, I will send you your mail absolutely free, just leave a comment at the bottom of this article))). I will answer for sure.

And you know that the coolest thing, from a brown dog, or rather a template and patterns, you can make not only a puppy, but other animals, for example, a deer, koala, bear and lamb, see for yourself:

The body and head are one and the same, such a universal layout, just the design is different. Great and just super little idea!

  Master class toy dog \u200b\u200bamigurumi crochet. Footage

Since crocheting puppies this year is already relevant, the time has come when 2018 is just around the corner, so I offer you such detailed plots with such bright multi-colored dogs:

I also suggest that you tie an unusual dog or you can say a craft in the form of a ball on a Christmas tree:

And here is another video where it is shown in stages and in detail how to tie a little pug dog:

  Little white and yellow dog - a symbol of 2018 with his own hands

In fact, the symbol of the coming year will be a dog in light yellow colors, this information is taken from the eastern calendar. Although some sources say it is about a white dog. I think that in any case, making such a souvenir toy, or a talisman is within the power of each needlewoman.

Since there are different opinions, then I found two master classes in two different color schemes. One is pretty lightweight, the other is a little more complicated, choose the one you like best.

1. A white puppy so affectionate on its face named Bobik will decorate any Christmas tree or act as a decoration on the festive table.

2. Well, in the golden color of yellow shades, here is such a cool and super wondrous dog named Romashka who can live in your house:

That's all for me, and in conclusion, I want to offer you a bunch of pictures and photos with knitted dogs from young craftswomen. Do you want yourself the same ??? WOF WOF)))

Perhaps you didn’t like the options that I showed you before, so choose from these, but I can send you step-by-step instructions and descriptions with diagrams to your e-mail for free, just write a comment below to send master classes of animals in the form of dogs.

I got such a mischievous family, just super in my opinion!

The selection is large, but how diverse it is.

Here dogs of different breeds, almost all, well, or most))).

These are pugs, poodles, curs, a chihuahua, a bulldog, Dolmatians, dachshunds, husky dogs, dogs in the form of a tilda doll, and even the hero A friend from the cartoon about the Barboskin, Snoopy. And just for little babies there is a knitting pattern for rattles.

I don’t know about you, but I like it.

Look at these cute cuties, here are Bobiki and Balls, and even Barbosik with a smile.

DIY crocheted toys have always been appreciated and will be the most original gifts, and most importantly safe for children and adults.

I think that all fans of dogs will certainly be happy with such a selection. In addition, I got it for free, of course I had to go to different sites and collect, so I gladly share it with you and dear guests and readers of the blog. I hope someone comes in handy))).

By the way, you can send me your photographs of animals through feedback, just write a letter and I will gladly publish your work here on this site.

That's all for me, I got such a plush and soft selection of toys! See you all! Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

knitted poodle

toy height about 12 cm


white propylene filaments;

threads “Iris” of black color;

hook number 2.5;

a piece of pink satin ribbon;

foam rubber.

This toy consists of the main part, 2 front legs, muzzle, 2 ears and tail.

* The main part of the poodle is knitted, starting with the crown of the head (Fig. 27.1). Tie a chain of 4 air loops and lock it in a ring using a connecting post. Knit in a circle with long loops of 5-6 rows, gradually increasing the number of loops to 27 (for example, in the 1st row, knit 8 columns, in the 2nd row - 14, in the 3rd - 19, in the 4th - 23, in 5th - 27 columns). Continue to knit without crochet, without making additions, to a height of 3-4 cm - this is the neck of a poodle.

* To go to the breast, tie 2 rows with single crochet with an increase in the number of loops to 32 and start knitting the breast with long loops. Knit it not in a circle, but in short rows in the forward and reverse direction: knit long loops from point A to point A1, then turn the knitting back to you and also knit the next row, extending it by 1 loop (i.e., attach 1 loop the last row of the breast). Continue to knit, extending each row by 1 loop, until the loops converge, i.e., you will not get a circular row, and tie 2 more rows in a circle with long loops. Breast is ready.

* For the body of a poodle, knit 7 rows in a circle with single crochet, without changing the number of loops. Fill the connected part of the main part with foam rubber, because later it will be difficult to do this.

* Knit the back of the body in shortened rows according to the description of the breast, but not with long loops, but with single crochet: tie from point B to B1 and 4 more rows, capturing 1 more loop in each row. Then knit a row from point B to B1 and knit in rows in the forward and reverse direction, grabbing 1 loop in each row until the loops converge, i.e., you will not get a circular row.

* Mark the point Г in the middle of the back part, count an equal number of loops on both sides of it (in our case, 16 loops are obtained), the counting results should converge at point G1 (Fig. 27.2). Points G and G1 are interconnected by 9 air loops. The resulting holes are the basis for knitting the hind legs of the dog.

* Hind paw: knit in a circle of 6 rows, gradually reducing the number of loops to 13, then another 6 rows straight. After that, in the front of the paw, tie a half of the row and finally 1 circular row. Fill the back of the body and leg with pieces of foam, then close the remaining hole, knitting 2 rows with a decrease in the number of loops. Similarly, tie the second paw, taking 16 loops + 9 loops from the 1st leg as the basis, fill with foam and close.

* Front paw (Fig. 27.3): tie a chain of 16 air loops and lock it in a ring using a connecting post. Knit 4 cm crochet in a circle, then 2 rows with long loops and another 4-5 rows with crochet. After that, in the front of the paw, tie a half of the row and, finally, 1 circular row. Close the remaining hole, knitting 2 rows with a decrease in the number of loops, and fill with foam. Similarly, tie the second paw. Sew paws to the front of the body.

* Muzzle (Fig. 27.4): tie a chain of 19 air loops and lock it in a ring using a connecting post. Knit 7 rows in a circle with crochets, gradually reducing the number of loops until they come to naught. Fill the muzzle with foam and sew to the main body part.

* Tail (Fig. 27.5): tie a chain of 10 air loops and lock it in a ring using a connecting post. Knit in a circle with 3 cm crochet, then 1.5 cm long loops, gradually reducing the number of loops. Sew a tail to the back of the body.

* Ears (2 parts, Fig. 27.6): tie a chain of 6 air loops and complete 2 rows of long loops. Sew ears to your head at the base of the “cap” of long loops.

* The eyes and nose of the poodle are embroidered with black thread. Tie a ribbon around your neck in the shape of a bow. The tops of long loops cut and fluff.

Patterns for knitting a poodle: